Spelling suggestions: "subject:"2chool educationization"" "subject:"2chool education.action""
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Využívání cloudových služeb z pohledu informačního systému školy a agendy učitele / The use of cloud services from the perspective of the school information system and teacher's agendaSTANĚK, Václav January 2015 (has links)
Subject of my thesis are possibilities of using cloud services instead of typical ways of school information systems and teacher's work. Main topics are teaching, schools and teacher's agenda and collaboration. I researched the typical activities of teacher and information flows of school. I conducted a research about usage of cloud services at schools. I used these findings to suggest cloud alternatives and combined them into complex information system of model school.
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Interculturalidade e políticas públicas : desafios da educação escolar na Terra Indígena Raposa Serra do SolHolanda, Fábio Campelo Conrado de January 2015 (has links)
O problema central da tese consiste na verificação de quais são os desafios da educação escolar na Terra Indígena Raposa Serra do Sol, impondo-se para o desenvolvimento da pesquisa, além do estudo preliminar de alguns conceitos afetos à Ciência Política e outras áreas do conhecimento, a análise do conflito fundiário em Roraima com enfoque no referido espaço geográfico. A compreensão do Estado no contexto da pluralidade cultural impôs o enfrentamento das noções de cultura, identidade sincrética e interculturalidade, bem como das políticas públicas que lhes são reflexas na área da educação. A investigação das relações de poder por via do histórico da legislação indigenista no Brasil também foi uma das premissas desenvolvidas no trabalho, demonstrando gradual preocupação com os ideais de etnodesenvolvimento. O objetivo geral da tese foi analisar a relação entre a evolução local da educação escolar indígena e o conflito fundiário envolvendo suas etnias, influenciando os processos de escolarização. O objetivo específico foi identificar quais seriam os desafios desta modalidade educacional no âmbito da TIRSS após a histórica resistência do Governo Estadual ao empoderamento dos povos indígenas ali inseridos. A justificativa para o recorte espacial proposto decorreu das particularidades que esta terra indígena tem em relação às demais em Roraima, caracterizando-se pela reunião de variadas etnias em uma região sabidamente multiétnica e marcada por intensas fissuras políticas, tendo sido erigida recentemente como paradigma para as políticas públicas de demarcação de terras capitaneadas pela União. Quanto às três hipóteses debatidas ao longo da tese, a primeira foi a circunstância política das organizações indígenas locais terem envidado todos os esforços nas últimas décadas para a garantia da posse da TIRSS, retardando o amadurecimento dos processos de escolarização baseados em uma lógica intercultural. A segunda hipótese foi a de que as políticas públicas voltadas à escola e tendentes ao etnodesenvolvimento da TIRSS reclamam o aperfeiçoamento do atual projeto político-pedagógico (ministrado, inclusive, aos não índios), indo além da finalidade profissionalizante e visando à formação de interlocutores capazes de promover um diálogo intercultural e hábil à constituição de identidades sincréticas. A terceira hipótese foi a de que a particularidade da existência de múltiplas etnias no espaço físico da TIRSS traduz-se num incremento ao desafio de promoção de uma educação escolar diferenciada, dadas as assimetrias políticas e o cenário multicultural que lhes são peculiares. Amparado pelas referências bibliográficas, análise de documentos das organizações indígenas e entrevistas abertas com outros agentes sociais relacionados com o tema da educação escolar em Roraima, foi possível arrolar um decálogo de desafios para a constituição dos processos de escolarização intercultural, concluindo-se que a escola indígena não responde às expectativas das comunidades, apenas reproduzindo os sistemas, procedimentos e conteúdos da escola oficial, com a ajuda, por vezes, dos próprios indígenas. Conquanto se constate o início de sua estruturação em Roraima, o modelo proposto atualmente está aquém do necessário para a realização do impositivo diálogo intercultural envolvendo os povos indígenas e a chamada sociedade nacional, existindo ainda preconceitos e discriminações que impregnam as relações sociais em seu caráter difuso, com reflexos nas práticas escolares. / The main problem of the thesis is to verify what are the challenges regarding school education in the indigenous Land of Raposa Serra do Sol, for which it is mandatory the analysis of land conflict in Roraima with focus on the related geographic area; besides the preliminary study on some changing concepts regarding Political Science and other fields of knowledge. The understanding of the State within the context of a cultural plurality imposed confrontation of cultural notions, syncretic identity and interculturality, as well as of public policies which are reflected in the educational field. The investigation of power relations through the indigenous legislation timeline in Brazil was also one of the premises developed in the academic paper showing gradual concern with the ideals of ethnodevelopment. The overall objective of the thesis was to analyze the relation between the local evolution of the indigenous school education and the land conflict involving its ethnicities, influencing the education processes. Its specific objective was to identify what would be the challenges of this education system concerning TIRSS, after the historical resistance of the State Government to the empowerment of the indigenous people included in it. The justification for the proposed spatial cutout was due to the peculiarities that this indigenous land has in relation to the other ones in Roraima which is characterized by the combination of various ethnicities at a region known as multiethnic and marked by intense political fissures; it has been recently established as a paradigm for the public policies of land demarcation commanded by the Union. Regarding the three hypothesis discussed through this thesis, the first one was the political circumstance of the local indigenous organizations which put all their efforts to guarantee the ownership of TIRSS in the last decades, delaying the maturing of education processes based in an intercultural logic. The second hypothesis was that all public policies aimed at education and with a tendency to the TIRSS ethnodevelopment, demand the improvement of the current political-pedagogic project ( ministered to non-Indians as well), going beyond the professional purpose and aiming at the training of interlocutors capable of promoting intercultural and skillful dialogue for the establishment of syncretic identities. The third hypothesis was that the peculiarity of the existence of multiple ethnicities within the physical space of TIRSS is translated into an enhancement in the challenge of promoting a differentiated school education due to the political asymmetries and the multicultural scenario which are peculiar to them. Supported by the bibliographic references, analysis of documentation from the indigenous organizations and open interviews with other social agents relating to the theme of school education in Roraima, it was possible to list a decalogue of challenges for the establishment of intercultural education, then concluding that the indigenous school does not meet the expectations of the communities, only reproducing the systems, procedures and contents from the official school, many times with the help of the natives themselves. While one be certified on the starting of its structuring in Roraima, the current proposed model falls short of what is needed for the official intercultural dialogue to take place involving the indigenous people and the so-called national society; prejudice and discrimination still exist which impregnated the social relations due to their nuclear basis, reflecting in the school practices.
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The appointment process of education managers and its consequences for schoolsDehaloo, Gunram 11 1900 (has links)
Dissertation / The aim of the study was to investigate the appointment process of education managers and the consequences of this for schools. A literature study was conducted on these two aspects. This was followed by a survey involving 67 educators from three geographically divergent secondary schools in Kwa-Zulu Natal, namely an urban, rural and peri-urban school. The respondents’ views indicate flaws in the current system related to: the minimum requirements for principalship, the shortlisting and interview processes and the role of bias in the selection of candidates. Respondents also believed that insufficient attention was paid to induction and mentorship programmes. The before mentioned impacted negatively on the school’s functionality regarding quality assurance, inter-personal relations, decision-making, parental involvement and learner discipline. These relate to low educator morale. The findings of the study indicate that the current system of educator promotions needs to revised so as to improve best practice in the profession.
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Black Market Teaching| Fusing Art Integration and a Culturally Relevant Pedagogy in an 8th Grade ELA Urban ClassroomGoss, Jenevieve 19 October 2018 (has links)
<p> The purpose of this ethnographic case study was to examine how a white male teacher creates a culturally relevant pedagogy infuses arts integration to create an authentic learning environment for his students. This study traced student engagement, perceptions of, and performance in their English language arts class. This study concentrated on 21 Latino students and 3 black students in a middle school ELA classroom in an underperforming urban school. The questions that guided this study were, 1. How does this White male teacher integrate art within English language arts framed by the Common Core? 2. How does art integration and public display of art shape students’ perceptions of school and English language arts? 3. How does a white male teacher create a Culturally responsive pedagogy while navigating the required modules and common core standards. Data included field notes during class as well as audio, and visual recordings, interviews with the teacher and students, and student artifacts to trace the ongoing learning and teaching in the class. Findings show that giving students a platform to publish their work in a more public sphere outside of the classroom can be a crucial element in a culturally responsive pedagogy. This teacher helps his students get their ideas and questions out of the classroom into the school environment. The students embrace this more creative way of learning and thinking and it fuels their learning.</p><p>
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Purposeful Planned Movement| Exploring How Middle School Teachers Use Embodied CognitionAskew, Mitchell 27 September 2018 (has links)
<p> Emerging research indicates human cognition can derive from interactions within their environment and “soon few will believe human thinking is computer-like. Instead, as with all animals, our thoughts are based on bodily experiences” (Glenberg, 2015, p. 165). </p><p> This study explored how classroom teachers plan and implement purposeful planned movement (PPM) for embodied cognition. There are different types of movement with some movement activities not necessarily serving the purpose of enhancing cognition for academic content. Purposeful planned movement is movement designed to enhance cognition of academic content (Lyding et al., 2014). Insights from teachers effectively planning and implementing PPM in academic classrooms to teach could explain how to utilize this type of instruction (Lyding, 2012; McGregor et al., 2015). </p><p> Findings emerged from a multiple site and multiple case study of four middle grades social studies and English/Language Arts teachers. A cross-case analysis, synthesis of the findings, and thematic interpretations were conducted to explore why and how teachers use PPM for embodied cognition. Interpretations of the literature connected the teacher’s use of movement to forms of embodied cognition. The connections help explain positive empirical results from using movement to increase learning within the literature. The findings bridge gaps in the literature on teachers’ perspectives, planning, experiences, and examples of implementing PPM for embodied cognition.</p><p>
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The effects of preschool experience on some aspects of child development in BahrainHadeed, Julie Anne January 1994 (has links)
Recent research evidence, primarily from the Western hemisphere, supports the belief that high quality preschool experience has long-lasting effects on the development of children's later lives (Ball, RSA Start Right Report, 1994; Bruner, 1980; Schweinhart, Barnes & Weikart, 1993; Sylva, 1993). The important questions posed for this investigation in Bahrain were: 1. Is attendance at preschool centres (educationally and care orientated) associated with higher scores on measures of child development when compared to a control group of children who remained at home? 2. Is attendance at educationally-orientated preschool associated with higher scores on developmental measures than attendance at care-orientated preschool? 3. Are educationally-orientated pre-schools providing 'a more favourable' environment when compared with care-orientated p re-schools? The method was a quasi-experimental design utilising pre and post measures over one academic school year period, 1992-1993 (approximately nine months). A total of eight preschool institutions were randomly (stratified sample) selected (four educationally-orientated centres and four care-orientated centres) from four catchment areas covering the entire island of Bahrain. Each area was represented by a sample of 35 children (matched on several background variables) from the two types of preschool orientations and the home group (N=140; 48 in educational group; 48 in care group; 44 in home group). A Family Background Questionnaire (FBQ) was applied on the total sample to measure differences between groups on several family characteristics, such as, parent's education, occupations, household structure, number of children in household, provisions for play and learning at home, parent childrearing attitudes and mother's expectations regarding the child's competence and behaviour. 111 Assessments were made of children's cognitive, social and emotional development: the Stanford-Binet: LIM Form (Terman & Merrill, 1960); the Arithmetic and Block Design Subtests from Wechsler Preschool and Primary Scale of Intelligence: (Wechsler, 1963); the Draw-A-Person: (Harris, 1963); The Pictorial Scale of Perceived Competence and Social Acceptance for Young Children: (Harter, 1983) and The Preschool Behaviour Checklist: (Richman & McGuire, 1982). All instruments were translated into Arabic, back-translated (Brislin, Lonner, Thomdike, 1973) and pilot tested for cultural acceptability. For the main study (N=140), the 96 preschool attenders were tested soon after school entry (October, 1992) and then again at school year end in June, 1993, while the 44 children serving as the control group were tested in their homes. All testing was carried out in the children's home language. Additionally, two assessments procedures were used for studying the preschool environments: the Early Childhood Environment Rating Scale (Harms & Clifford, 1980); and the Target Child Observation Instrument (Sylva, Roy & Painter, 1980). The results indicated that attendance at preschool centres (care and educationally-orientated) was associated with higher performance on most aspects of development when compared with children who stayed at home. There were significant gains on measures of cognitive development (Stanford- Binet; WPPSI; Draw-A-Person); social competence measures, Perceived Competence; and behavioural/emotional stability for preschool attenders when compared to home children. Multiple regression analyses showed that children in centre-based programmes made significant improvement over the year interval between pre-and post testing: A further within-groups regression analysis revealed that no particular preschool within either group was accounting for the higher/lower scores. Children attending educationally-orientated pre-schools significantly outperformed children at care-orientated pre-schools and at home on all the measures of development and they made significant improvement over the tested time period (Stanford-Binet: p<.001; WPPSI Subtests, Arithmetic and Block Design: p<.001; Draw-A-Person: p<.001; Preschool Behaviour Checklist: p<.001; Harters Perceived Competence (Cognitive and Physical Competence) and Acceptance Scale (Peer and Maternal Acceptance): p<.00l. When comparing preschool environments (care and educational) it was found that the educationally-orientated settings offered a greater degree of attention to iv personal care, language/reasoning experiences and the opportunity for creative and social development when compared with the care orientated pre-schools (ECERS, p<.O1). Teachers at the educational centres were more inclined to support, question and have dialogue with the children when compared to teachers at the care centres. Children at care centres engaged more in adultdirected activities, spent less time in challenging tasks for shorter periods of time (concentration bouts) and had more dialogue with other children when compared with children at educationally-orientated preschools (Target Child Time Sampling). Implications of this research for preschool educators in Bahrain are discussed as well as varying definitions of 'quality.'
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Escola cidadã: questão acerca da educação escolar em tempos de crise estrutural do capitalFerracioli, Marcelo Ubiali [UNESP] 04 July 2008 (has links) (PDF)
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ferracioli_mu_me_arafcl.pdf: 377937 bytes, checksum: e558de2d3ffac8933d561d2538217e98 (MD5) / A presente pesquisa objetiva identificar e analisar criticamente a concepção de educação escolar da Escola Cidadã, um importante movimento político-pedagógico contemporâneo. É utilizada como fonte de pesquisa a coleção Guia da Escola Cidadã, onde se encontra sintetizada sua teoria educacional. No primeiro capítulo apresenta-se a história da Escola Cidadã, desde os anos de 1960 com a pedagogia da libertação de Paulo Freire, até o início do século XXI, quando já se consolidara como expressão significativa dos movimentos pela educação popular. No segundo capítulo sintetiza-se o ideário do movimento em questão e caracteriza-se sua concepção de educação escolar: não é um ato de transmissão e assimilação de conhecimento, mas uma mediação no sentido da formação global dos alunos, visando com que aprendam a aprender e melhor se qualifiquem para intervenções pessoais e coletivas, rumo à cidadania plena e planetária. Explicita-se assim a seguinte contradição: como entender a postura afirmativa da Escola Cidadã em prol do acesso ao conhecimento em relação à defesa que faz do “aprender a aprender” como essência do ato educativo? No terceiro capítulo, com base na filosofia marxista, na Psicologia Sócio-Histórica e na Pedagogia Histórico-Crítica, analisa-se esta contradição e aponta-se alguns limites intrínsecos a esta formulação da Escola Cidadã, em especial o esvaziamento dos conteúdos humano-genéricos e o conseqüente papel avesso à formação e emancipação humana no âmbito da educação escolar. Os resultados de pesquisa indicam que tal contradição interna à concepção analisada não pode ser superada sem a necessária negação da tentativa de conciliação entre a centralidade do “aprender a aprender” e a natureza do ensino escolar. Dessa forma, pode-se dizer que este é o equívoco teórico... / The present research aims to identify and to analyze with criticism the educational conception of Escola Cidadã, an important contemporary political-pedagogic movement. It is used as research source the collection Guia da Escola Cidadã, where is synthesized your educational theory. In the first chapter, the history of Escola Cidadã is presented, starting from the years of 1960 with the Paulo Freire's liberation pedagogy, until the beginning of the century XXI, when it had already consolidated as significant expression of the movements for popular education. In the second chapter, the ideal of the movement is synthesized through its ideas and the conception of school education is characterized: it is not a transmission act and knowledge assimilation, but a mediation in the sense of the students' global formation, which objective is to seek the learn to learn and better qualification for personal and collective interventions, heading for the full and planetary citizenship. Explicit the following contradiction: how to understand Escola Cidadã's affirmative posture on behalf of the access to the knowledge in relation to the defense that does of the “to learn to learn” like essence of the educational act? In the third chapter, based on the Marxist philosophy, on the Partnerhistorical Psychology and on the Historical Cultural Pedagogy, this contradiction is analyzed and it is pointed some intrinsic limits about the formulation of the Escola Cidadã, especially the emptiness of the human-related generic contents and its consequent position contrary to the human formation and emancipation in the ambit of the school education. The research results indicate that such a contradiction interns to the analyzed conception it cannot be overcome without the necessary denial of the conciliation attempt among the principal of the “to learn to learn” and the nature... (Complete abstract click electronic access below)
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O desenvolvimento da atenção na educação do pré-escolar: uma análise a partir da psicologia histórico-cultural e da pedagogia histórico-crítica / The development of the Attention in Preschool Education: an analysis from the historical-cultural psychology and the historical-critical pedagogyRabatini, Vanessa Gertrudes [UNESP] 11 March 2016 (has links)
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Previous issue date: 2016-03-11 / A presente pesquisa teve como objetivo analisar, à luz da psicologia histórico-cultural e da pedagogia histórico-crítica, o desenvolvimento da atenção do pré-escolar e as suas relações com a organização do ensino. Trata-se de um aprofundamento teórico-conceitual a respeito dos processos psíquicos a partir dos quais se desenvolve a atenção humana e sobre como se dá a interferência da educação escolar nesses processos. Para tanto, partimos de uma investigação empírica, de modo que a obtenção dos dados se deu por meio de observação e registro, sob a forma de filmagens e diário de campo, das atividades desenvolvidas por duas professoras que trabalharam com a mesma turma de alunos ao longo de um semestre cada uma. Para sistematizar os dados, transcrevemos o conteúdo total das filmagens e atribuímos o nome fictício de Rosa à professora cujas atividades foram observadas no segundo semestre de 2013, momento em que os alunos estavam com quatro anos de idade; e o nome fictício de Célia à professora cuja atuação foi observada no primeiro semestre de 2014, período em que os alunos tinham cinco anos completos. Para a análise, tomando como fundamento metodológico o materialismo-dialético e sua expressão na tríade conteúdo-forma-destinatário, que instrumentaliza a análise de processos pedagógicos, baseamo-nos em três categorias centrais: natureza da atividade, qualidade da mediação do professor e tempo de concentração e dispersão da turma durante a realização das atividades dirigidas pelo professor. De modo geral, a análise constata que o tempo de concentração da turma de alunos aos quatro anos de idade, durante as atividades dirigidas pela professora Rosa, foi superior ao tempo de concentração da mesma turma com cinco anos completos quando observados durante as atividades dirigidas pela professora Célia. Nessa direção, corroboramos a seguinte hipótese: a organização do ensino pelo professor – uma vez garantida a qualidade da mediação que se estabelece entre ele, conhecimento e aluno – pode promover a complexificação do processo de desenvolvimento da atenção. Tal constatação permite-nos reafirmar a necessidade de que a educação escolar se fundamente no ensino sistematizado e dirigido pelo professor, desde que ele recorra a instrumentos físicos e simbólicos de mediação que levem em consideração as características típicas da faixa etária dos alunos no desenvolvimento das bases para o domínio atencional desde a mais tenra idade. / The present research had as objective to analyze, in light of historical-cultural psychology and historical-critical pedagogy, the development of the pre-scholar’s attention and its relations with teaching organization. It is a theoretical-conceptual deepening concerning psychical processes whereof the human attention proceeds and about how school education intervention happens in these processes, in view of an empirical investigation in which the data acquisition occurred through observation and record, in the form of filming and field diary of the activities that were developed by two teachers who worked with the same students class throughout a semester each one. In order to systematize the data, we transcribed the filming total content and we assigned the fictitious name of Rosa for the teacher whose activities were observed in the second semester of 2013, when the students were four years old; and the fictitious name of Célia for the teacher whose performance was observed in the first semester of 2014, the period which the students were full five years. For the analysis, taking as methodological basis the dialectical-materialism and its expression in the triad content-form-addressee which instrumentalizes the analysis of pedagogical processes, we have based in three central categories: activity nature, quality of the teacher’s mediation and time of class concentration and dispersion during the achievement of the activities directed by the teacher. Generally speaking, the analysis reveals that the time of concentration of four-year-old students’ class during the activities directed by teacher Rosa was superior to the time of concentration of the same class with full five years, when observed during the activities achievement directed by teacher Célia. In this direction, we corroborate our assumption that the teaching organization by the teacher, once assured the quality of the mediation that is established between him/her, knowledge and student, can promote the complexity of the attention development process. Such observation leads us to reaffirm the necessity that School Education is based on the teaching systematized and directed by the teacher, on the condition that this resorts to physical and symbolical tools of mediation that take into account the typical characteristics of students’ age group for the bases development to the attentional mastery from a very early age.
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Investigating Word Learning at the Intersection of Spontaneous and Scientific ConceptsHeron, Mary Lou 31 May 2018 (has links)
<p> This study incorporated an intervention that combined discussion and sentence writing to promote vocabulary development. Fourth grade students were assigned to either an intervention or control condition. Teachers in the intervention classrooms used a word learning protocol that was designed to provide students with student-friendly definitions and a minimum of 15 exposures to each target word through both receptive and expressive tasks. These tasks called upon students to begin to make connections between spontaneous and scientific concepts to support their word learning. Teachers in control classrooms followed instructional routines as specified in their school’s reading series. Multiple choice assessments from the district adopted reading series for vocabulary and comprehension along with a researcher-developed sentence writing task were used to measure growth in word knowledge. On the multiple choice vocabulary assessment, the intervention group outperformed the control group on one of the three weekly assessments from the reading series. There were no differences in comprehension scores on weekly reading tests across groups. On the sentence writing task, results indicated that the intervention group outperformed the control group with the intervention group showing a statistically significant difference in the rate at which they learned words.</p><p>
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A concepção de cultura em Bruner e Vigotski : implicações para a educação escolar /Rabatini, Vanessa Gertrudes. January 2010 (has links)
Orientador: Lígia Márcia Martins / Banca: Patricia Laura Torriglia / Banca: José Luis Vieira / Resumo: A presente pesquisa de mestrado teve como objetivo analisar a concepção de cultura em obras selecionadas do psicólogo norte-americano Jerome Bruner e do psicólogo soviético Lev Semenovich Vigotski e as suas implicações para a Educação Escolar. Este trabalho é fruto de uma pesquisa de iniciação científica, que analisou as concepções de escola em autores contemporâneos sob a perspectiva da Teoria da Atividade, comparando-as com as ideias pedagógicas contidas nos trabalhos de Vigotski, Leontiev e Luria. No decorrer dessa pesquisa constatou-se que muitas dessas concepções sobre a escola eram perpassadas pela questão da cultura. Portanto, com o objetivo de um estudo aprofundado, selecionamos autores como Bruner e Vigotski porque ambos desenvolveram uma concepção de cultura que traz várias implicações para a Educação Escolar na atualidade. Para analisar a cultura nas obras de Bruner e Vigotski, procedemos inicialmente a uma primeira leitura exploratória por meio da qual apreendemos de suas obras núcleos teóricos conceituais, sejam eles: universo simbólico, narrativa e comunidade cultural, para o primeiro autor; e natureza social do psiquismo, signos ou instrumentos culturais e função psíquica superior, para o segundo autor. Feito isso, realizamos uma análise comparativa dessa concepção e constatamos que Bruner transita em um veio fenomenológico hermenêutico, afirmando premissas da pós-modernidade e do multiculturalismo; enquanto Vigotski em uma vertente materialista histórico-dialética sustenta a ontologia do ser ligado à sua historicidade e às relações sociais. No que tange a análise dialética singular-particular-universal, concluímos que a concepção de cultura entre os dois autores se distancia. Para Bruner essa concepção é focada na particularidade aparente, já Vigotski, entende que a prática humana, na qual se inclui a produção da cultura, ... (Resumo completo, clicar acesso eletrônico abaixo) / Abstract: The objective of this master's research was to analyze the concept of culture in selected works of the North American psychologist, Jerome Bruner, and of the Soviet psychologist, Lev Semenovich Vigotski, and the implications for school education. This work is the result of scientific initiation research and is an analysis of the concept of school in the writings of contemporary authors, from the perspective of the activity theory, comparing these concepts with the pedagogical ideas in the work of Vigotski, Leontiev and Luria. During the research, it was found that many of these concepts of school are imbued with the issue of culture. In order to carry out an in-depth study, we selected authors like Bruner and Vigotski, as both developed a concept of culture that has various implications for school education today. To analyze the concept of culture in the work of Bruner and Vigotski, we began with an initial exploratory reading through which we grasped the existence in their work of a theoreticalconceptual unity, as follows: symbolic universe, cultural narrative and community in the case of the first author, and the social nature of psychism, signs or cultural instruments, and superior psychic function, in the case of the second author. That done, we carried out a comparative analysis of this conception and found that Bruner follows a hermeneutic phenomenological vein, affirming the premises of postmodernism and multiculturalism, while Vigotski, from a materialistic, historical-dialectic angle, supports the ontology of being linked to his historicity and social relations. With regard to the singular-particular-universal dialectic analysis, we concluded that the conception of culture is distant when comparing these two authors. For Bruner, the conception is focused on particularity, while for Vigotski, it is human practice, including the production of culture, which always contains the ... (Complete abstract click electronic access below) / Mestre
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