Spelling suggestions: "subject:"schoolbased"" "subject:"school.based""
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Untersuchung zur Evaluation eines Schulimpfprojektes zur Verbesserung der HPV-Impfrate bei 9- bis 14-Jährigen in SachsenRodemerk, Heinrich 05 January 2024 (has links)
Infektionen mit Humanen Papillomviren (HPV) sind eine weltweit häufig auftretende Erkrankung. In den meisten Fällen heilt diese folgenlos aus, in rund 10% der Fälle kommt es aber zu einer verlängerten Persistenz des Virus im Gewebe. Eine maligne Transformation ist möglich und gilt als ätiologische Bedingung für die Entstehung des Zervixkarzinoms. HPV sind ebenfalls an der Pathogenese andere anogenitaler Krebserkrankungen (Vaginal-, Vulva-, Anal-, Peniskarzinom) und an der Entstehung eines Anteils von Oropharynxkarzinomen beteiligt. Auch Genitalwarzen werden durch eine Infektion mit HPV ausgelöst. Weltweit sind jährlich knapp 700.000 Krebsneuerkrankungen auf eine Infektion mit HPV zurückzuführen. In Deutschland sind pro Jahr ca. 7.500 neu aufgetretene Krebserkrankungen HPV-attributabel. Eine HPV-Infektion ist nicht kausal therapierbar.
Seit einigen Jahren sind Schutzimpfungen gegen HPV verfügbar. Die drei in der EU zugelassenen Impfstoffe decken allesamt die epidemiologisch dominanten Hochrisikotypen 16 und 18 ab, zwei der Impfstoffe ebenfalls auch die Niedrigrisikotypen 6 und 11 als Schutz vor Genitalwarzen. Internationale Studien belegen eine deutliche Abnahme der Inzidenz des Zervixkarzinoms bei geimpften Populationen. Die bei Studiendurchführung aktuelle Impfempfehlung der Ständigen Impfkommission (STIKO) des Robert Koch-Instituts (RKI) umfasst alle Personen im Alter von 9 bis 14 Jahren, Nachholimpfungen sollen bis zum 17. Lebensjahr erfolgen. Trotz eines guten Sicherheitsprofils der Impfstoffe sind die Impfquoten in Deutschland bisher niedrig, vor allem im jüngeren Altersbereich. Gründe für die niedrige Impfbereitschaft liegen beispielsweise in einer geringen Risikoperzeption auf Elternseite, der Angst vor Nebenwirkungen der Impfung oder fehlendem Vertrauen in medizinische Versorgungsstrukturen. Zielgerichtete Beratung und Aufklärung der Eltern haben sich als wichtige Antwort auf diese Bedenken erwiesen. Erfahrungen aus anderen Ländern legen nahe, dass insbesondere auch Schulimpfprogramme ein niederschwelliger Ansatz zur Erhöhung der Impfquoten sein können.
Basierend auf diesen Erfahrungen wurde 2018 das HPV-Schulimpfprojekt in Sachsen gegründet. Es hat zum Ziel, die Impfrate bei 9- bis 14-Jährigen durch ein niederschwelliges Impfangebot in der Schule zu erhöhen. Dazu werden an ausgewählten Schulen Informationselternabende und Impftermine vor Ort angeboten.
Ziel der vorliegenden Arbeit war es, den Erfolg des HPV-Schulimpfprojektes im Zeitraum des Schuljahres 2020/21 zu evaluieren. Dazu wurden die Impfquoten nach Projektende erhoben und mit den Impfsurveillancedaten des RKI verglichen. Weiterhin erfolgten eine Befragung der Eltern mittels Fragebogen und eine statistische Analyse zur Detektion von Unterschieden zwischen einzelnen demografischen Gruppen. Am Modell des begleiteten HPV-Schulimpfprojektes wurden Erkenntnisse und Handlungsempfehlungen abgeleitet.
Im besagten Impfjahr wurden acht Schulen vom HPV-Schulimpfprojekt besucht. Die Anzahl der geimpften Kinder wurde durch das ärztliche Personal auf einem Prüfbogen dokumentiert. Die Impfquoten wurden berechnet und tabellarisch und grafisch aufbereitet. Danach erfolgte zunächst die deskriptive statistische Auswertung des Fragebogens. Um eine genauere Beantwortung einzelner Forschungsfragen in fünf Themenblöcken zu ermöglichen, führten wir anschließend Vergleiche zwischen dichotom gruppierten Teilen des Studienkollektivs durch. Alle Ergebnisse aus der Berechnung der Impfquoten, sowie der Auswertung des Studienfragebogens sind in der Arbeit ausführlich dargestellt.
In der anschließenden statistischen Analyse wurde untersucht, ob Unterschiede im Antwortverhalten zwischen dichotomen demografischen Gruppen bestehen. Als statistisch signifikant stellte sich unter anderem heraus, dass die Eltern von Kindern aus Klassenstufe 4 die Möglichkeit der Impfung in der Schule besser bewerteten als die Eltern von Fünftklässler:innen, ebenfalls wurde diese von Eltern mit akademischem Hintergrund und Eltern, deren Kinder eine Schule innerhalb Leipzigs besuchen, befürwortet. Eltern ohne Impfwunsch hatten einen geringeren Bedarf an Informationen zu Impfungen im Schulkontext. Die Eltern von Jungen änderten ihre Einstellung zur HPV-Impfung häufiger als die Eltern von Mädchen. Diese und weitere Erkenntnisse können dabei helfen, Gruppen zu identifizieren, die von einer gezielten Ansprache profitieren, und Handlungsbereiche zu definieren, die bei zukünftiger Projektdurchführung optimiert werden können.
Im Rahmen des HPV-Schulimpfprojektes konnten die Impfquoten im Altersbereich zwischen 9 und 11 Jahren gegenüber den in der RKI-Impfsurveillance ermittelten Daten gesteigert werden. Ebenfalls konnten bei Jungen und Mädchen nahezu gleich hohe Impfraten erreicht werden.
Schulbasiertes Impfen bietet insbesondere für Eltern jüngerer Kinder ein niederschwelliges Angebot, welches laufende Präventionsstrategien ergänzen kann. Um eine flächendeckende Erhöhung der Impfquote zu erhalten, müssen Schulimpfprojekte langfristig etabliert und in der öffentlichen Gesundheitsfürsorge verankert werden. Aus der begleitenden Fragebogenstudie wurde ersichtlich, dass ein Teil der Elternschaft die Möglichkeit des schulbasierten Impfens begrüßt und der Wunsch nach mehr Informationen und Angeboten zum Thema Impfungen besteht. Insbesondere für die Eltern von Jungen zeigte sich, dass der Informationselternabend einen Einfluss auf die Impfentscheidung hatte. Schulbasiertes Impfen bietet einen Ansatz, Versorgungslücken in der Präventionsmedizin zu schließen. Gezielte Strategien zur Ansprache von Eltern mit Bedenken müssen in Folgestudien weiter exploriert werden. Die Beobachtungen der Studie können modellhaft für die Planung weiterer Schulimpfprojekte in Betracht gezogen werden. Zur weiteren Optimierung wurden Erkenntnisse und Handlungsvorschläge entwickelt, welche die gezeigten Erfolgschancen schulbasierten Impfens weiter erhöhen sollen. Langfristiges Ziel bleibt die wissenschaftlich begleitete flächendeckende Etablierung und Implementierung von Schulimpfprogrammen zur Erhöhung der HPV-Impfraten. Dies kann zukünftig die Krankheitslast durch HPV-assoziierte Krebserkrankungen, Vorläuferläsionen und Genitalwarzen deutlich verringern.:Tabellenverzeichnis 1
Abbildungsverzeichnis 2
Abkürzungsverzeichnis 3
1. Einführung 5
1.1. Humane Papillomviren und assoziierte Erkrankungen 5
1.1.1. Entdeckung, Struktur, HPV-Typen 5
1.1.2. HPV-assoziierte Erkrankungen, Pathogenese 7 Neoplasien und Vorstufen (Zervix, Anogenitalregion, Kopf-Hals) 7 Genitalwarzen (Condylomata acuminata) 10
1.1.3. Epidemiologie (Deutschland, weltweit) 10 HPV-Infektionen 10 HPV-attributable Karzinome und Vorstufen 11 Genitalwarzen 13
1.1.4. Diagnostik und Risikofaktoren 13
1.1.5. Therapie 14
1.2. Schutzimpfung 15
1.2.1. Zugelassene Impfstoffe, Funktionsweise 15
1.2.2. Aktuelle Impfempfehlung für Deutschland 17
1.2.3. Impfquoten der RKI-Impfsurveillance in Deutschland 18
1.2.4. Verträglichkeit der Impfung, Nebenwirkungen 21
1.2.5. Gründe für geringe Impfquoten, Lösungsansätze 21
1.2.6. Strukturierte Impfprogramme 24
1.3. HPV-Schulimpfprojekt 26
1.4. SARS-CoV-2-Pandemie, aktuelle Herausforderungen 27
2. Aufgabenstellung 29
3. Materialien und Methoden 30
3.1. Studienkollektiv, Projektablauf 30
3.2. Studiendokumente 31
3.3. Statistische Auswertung 33
3.3.1. Erster Studienteil: Impfquoten 33
3.3.2. Zweiter Studienteil: Befragung der Eltern 35
3.3.3. Analysen zum Gruppenvergleich 35
4. Ergebnisse 38
4.1. Charakterisierung der Grundgesamtheit 38
4.2. Erster Studienteil: Impfquoten 39
4.3. Zweiter Studienteil: Befragung der Eltern 45
4.3.1. Studienablauf und -beteiligung 45
4.3.2. Charakterisierung des Studienkollektivs 46
4.3.3. Deskriptive Auswertung des Studienfragebogens 48 Impfentscheidung 48 Item 4 - Einstellung zur Schulimpfung 51 Item 5 - Einstellung zur HPV-Impfung nach Elternabend 51 Item 6 - Impfmotivation ohne Schulimpfprojekt 53 Item 7 - Informationsmenge 54 Items 8 und 9 - Vorwissen zur Erkrankung und Impfung 54 Item 10 - Risikoskala 56 Items 11 bis 14 - generelle Einstellung zum Impfen 57 Item 15 - Auswirkung der SARS-CoV-2-Pandemie 60
4.3.4. Analyse von Zusammenhängen zwischen Merkmalen, Gruppenvergleiche 61 Themenblock 1: Projektteilnahme und Impfwunsch 61 Themenblock 2: Einstellung zu Impfangeboten im schulischen Kontext 62 Themenblock 3: Einfluss des Projektes auf die Impfentscheidung 64 Themenblock 4: Vorwissen zu HPV 66 Themenblock 5: Einstellung zu impfrelevanten Fragestellungen 67
5. Diskussion 70
5.1. Impfquoten und Teilnahmemotivation 70
5.1.1. Ergebnisinterpretation von Impfquoten verschiedener Teilgruppen 70
5.1.2. Impfmotivation, Datengrundlage, Erreichen des Projektziels 74
5.1.3. Vergleich zum Ausland, Einfluss der strukturellen Gegebenheiten 75
5.1.4. Unsicherheiten und Limitationen bei der Ergebnisinterpretation 76
5.2. Ergebnisinterpretation zweiter Studienteil 78
5.2.1. Interpretation der deskriptiven Auswertung 79
5.2.2. Interpretation der statistischen Analyse, Gruppenvergleiche 82
5.2.3. Unsicherheiten und Limitationen 86
5.3. Evaluationserkenntnisse, Gesamteinschätzung 86
5.3.1. Abgeleitete Erkenntnisse und Handlungsempfehlungen 86
5.3.2. Einschätzung zum Untersuchungsziel, Hürden und kritische Reflexion 88
5.3.3. Pandemiesituation 89
5.3.4. Ausblick und zukünftige Herausforderungen 90
5.4. Fazit 91
6. Zusammenfassung der Arbeit 93
7. Literaturverzeichnis 98
8. Anlagen 107
Einwilligungserklärung zur Teilnahme an der Begleitstudie I
Studienfragebogen II
Prüfbogen für Impfärztinnen III
Selbstständigkeitserklärung IV
Lebenslauf V
Publikationsübersicht VI
Danksagung VII
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Effekten av preventionsprogram inom skolhälsovården mot ångest och depression hos barn och ungdomar i riskgruppen. : – En litteraturöversiktOsman Fares, Karvan, Tabesh, Yasamin January 2023 (has links)
Background: The prevalence of mental illness, especially anxiety and depression, has increased among children and adolescents, causes suffering. Anxiety and depression can also have serious consequences, including an increased risk of early death among this age group. It is, however, important to point out that these risks can be prevented. School health care plays an essential role when it comes to preventing mental illness among students. Aim: To demonstrate whether the preventive work in schools has any effect on reducing symptoms of anxiety and depression among adolescents in the risk group. Method: A literature review with a quantitative approach was chosen to answer the aim of the study. The study is based on 19 studies where the participants in the sample are in the age group 11 to 18 years. Result: Several different prevention programs were used to prevent mental illness in students in the risk group. The majority of included studies failed to demonstrate a significant effect on reducing symptoms of anxiety and depression among adolescents. The result did however show that some prevention programs such as cognitive behavioural therapy and mindfulness had reduced anxiety and depressive symptoms. Conclusion: The included studies indicate that there are several prevention programs used to relieve anxiety and depression among adolescents at risk. This study aims to emphasize the importance of preventive efforts in school healthcare, even though the results may not fully confirm the effectiveness of all included prevention programs. / Bakgrund: Förekomsten av psykisk ohälsa, särskilt ångest och depression, har ökat bland barn och ungdomar och orsakar lidande. Ångest och depression kan även ha allvarliga konsekvenser, inklusive en ökad risk för tidig död bland denna åldersgrupp. Det är dock viktigt att påpeka att dessa risker kan förebyggas. Skolhälsovården spelar en väsentlig roll när det kommer till att förebygga och adressera psykisk ohälsa bland elever. Syfte: Att påvisa om det preventiva arbetet i skolor har någon effekt på att reducera symtom på ångest och depression bland ungdomar i riskgruppen. Metod: En litteraturöversikt med kvantitativ ansats valdes för att besvara arbetets syfte. Arbetet bygger på 19 studier där deltagarna i urvalet är i åldersgruppen 11 till 18 år. Resultat: Flera olika preventionsprogram användes för att förebygga psykisk ohälsa hos elever i riskgruppen. Majoriteten av inkluderade studier kunde inte påvisa signifikant effekt på att minska symtom på ångest och depression bland ungdomar. Resultatet visade dock att vissa förebyggande program såsom kognitiv beteendeterapi och mindfulness hade minskat ångest och depressiva symtom. Slutsats: Inkluderade studier visar att det finns flera preventionsprogram som används för att förebygga ångest och depression hos ungdomar i riskgruppen. Detta arbete vill betona betydelsen av förebyggande insatser inom skolhälsovården, även om resultaten inte helt kan bekräfta effektiviteten av samtliga inkluderade preventionsprogram.
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School districts are charged with the task of providing America’s youth with the most well-rounded education so that they can grow into the most productive adult citizens. However, school funding cuts and the unending demand to make AYP often push students out of the center of that focus. As a result, matters like school-based Body Mass Index notifications have been moved to the backburner and are often simplified to only what the law requires. Although researchers have sought the best practice to address this cause, it still remains that those not directly involved in the process are designing and implementing regulations. The perceptions of parents and school personnel are not being addressed. As a result, this exploratory, single-case, qualitative study, researched the best school-based body mass index notification practice according to the perspective of eleven total parents and school personnel. These participants were from a school in Southeastern Pennsylvania, whose process is mandated by the state. Based on the findings, it is recommended that schools collaborate with parents to establish the most informative notification letter that meets their needs, rather than simply address the requirements of the state’s mandate. This collaboration must be inviting and easy to enter into and the findings need to be implemented, instead of just gathered and recorded. Prior notification must also be improved and supplemental materials need to be included in the mailing. / Educational Leadership
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Regression Among Students with Autism Spectrum Disorders: An Examination of Extended School Year ProgrammingCross, Emily R January 2013 (has links)
The effects of long school breaks, such as summer vacation, on students' achievement has been an area of interest among educators and researchers for many years (e.g. Austin, Rogers & Walbesser, 1972; Ballinger, 1987, 1988; Borman, Benson & Overman, 2005; White, 1906). Research specific to children and youth with disabilities and the level of regression over summer months, however, is sparse. On the whole, both researchers and special educators have agreed that students with more severe disabilities tend to regress more than students with mild disabilities (Cornelius & Semmel, 1982; Edgar, Spence & Kenowitz, 1977; Shaw, 1982). These challenges can make extended breaks from school particularly detrimental for these children. A group of students that may be especially affected by a long break in schooling are children with autism spectrum disorders (ASD). These children often have slower rates of skill acquisition and more difficulties with maintenance/generalization of skills across time (Arnold- Saritepe, 2009). The current study explored the extent to which students with ASD maintained cognitive, behavioral and social skills over the summer vacation months with differing levels of summer programming. Additionally, this study examined whether students of varying functioning levels differed in their maintenance of skills during the summer. A pre-post quasi-experimental design was utilized in which the May assessments were treated as baseline data and September assessments for the following academic year were treated as outcome data. Participants included 139 students aged 5-9 years with an ASD diagnosis given by their school district. Three different groups of Extended School Year support were compared, including students who received no ESY support, students who received standard ESY support from their school district, and students who received ESY support along with individualized programming. Overall, students maintained skills from pre- to post-test in most key areas. When group comparisons were made between children who attended ESY (ESY group and ESY with individualized support group) and those who did not receive ESY programming few differences were found. While students who received the most intensive level of ESY support were found to decrease significantly in the presentation of hyperactivity and noncompliance, ESY was generally effective in maintaining skills over the summer break. / School Psychology
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Benefits of School-To-Work Program Participation: Perceptions of Students and Comparison of Pre and Post Grades and AttendanceJohnson, Esther R. 04 December 1997 (has links)
There has been limited evaluation to show the perceptions of student participants in school-to-work programs about the impact of school-to-work program participation as being beneficial to their postsecondary educational and career plans, and no research to determine whether perceptions differ significantly across race and gender. In addition, the minimal research conducted to date did not study student participants' perceptions about the impact of the program on their understanding of the relevance of the academics to the worksite and their overall academic success. Nor did the research address the actual change in grades and school attendance of students in school-to-work programs.
Students are a major stakeholder group in the school-to-work initiative, and therefore, consulting with them about their perceptions about the impact of school-to-work program participation is an important aspect in school-to-work evaluation. Students have not been consulted in educational program evaluation and have not had a significant voice in the school-to-work arena (Hollenbeck, 1996). It is important to assess the opinions and perceptions of students who are currently participating in school-to-work programs, because they are the major focus of the school-to-work initiative and information that they provide can be used by program administrators and policymakers in making future decisions about school-to-work programs. Such assessment should seek to determine their perceptions about the impact of the program on their overall academic success and future postsecondary education and career choices. It is also important to assess the impact of the program on students' academic success and school attendance.
A questionnaire was developed by the researcher and distributed to site coordinators in three school-to-work sites. Site coordinators worked with school staff to administer the questionnaire instrument. One-hundred twenty-four twelfth grade student participants in school-to-work programs, in these three sites, were asked to participate; 62% responded to the survey.
Based on the findings of this study, the following conclusions were made.
• The findings on students' perceptions that school-to-work program participation improved their overall academic performance, increased their acceptance of responsibility, increased their self-confidence and motivation can be an indicator of the success of the school-to-work program.
• The positive attitudes of students regarding the school-to-work program as being beneficial to their future education and career plans is important in promoting the concept of "life-long" learning.
• The use of measures to determine students' perceptions about understanding the relevance of school-to-work, improvement in academic performance, and overall satisfaction with the school-to-work program can be used as measures to evaluate the success of a school-to-work program.
• School-to-work program participation can be instrumental in influencing students to continue their education beyond high school.
• School-to-work program participation does not appear to negatively impact any group (gender or race). / Ed. D.
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A descriptive study of the status of school-based management in the public elementary schools of VirginiaBartlett, Betty Justice 02 October 2007 (has links)
The thrust for institutional reform and desire for accountability has caused important changes in school districts across the nation. In many schools, authority is shifting from the central office to the school, and both parents and teachers are assuming more responsibility for making decisions about school matters that are important to them. This process, often called school-based management, has potential for creating an environment that will allow reform and accountability to occur in districts seeking options to top down management.
The purpose of this study was to acquire information about professional responsibility and involvement of building-level educators, parents, and community leaders in this reform movement and to provide a picture of school-based management in the public elementary schools of Virginia. The research describes a range of decision making that exists at different administrative levels in Virginia's schools systems and the parameters established for site-based decision making in Virginia's elementary schools. / Ed. D.
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Third-grade Choctaw students’ perceptions of an in-school Choctaw language and culture programPauls, Amy L. 13 August 2024 (has links) (PDF)
In the United States, Indigenous language loss is the result of colonization and deliberate eradication by government policies. Many tribal communities engage in activities to curb language shift, including language reclamation or revitalization to restore the vitality of Indigenous languages. Schools for Indigenous children, once the setting for the destruction of their Indigenous identity and language, have increasingly become the medium for language reclamation. Numerous school-based programs have effectively renewed language use, including those in the Hawaiian, Yup’ik, and Navajo language communities (Holm & Holm, 1995; Wilson & Kamanā, 2011; Wyman et al., 2010). Though school-based programs may increase students’ vocabulary knowledge, many more factors affect their decisions to speak the language and bring it into use. This study investigated students’ experiences in a school-based Choctaw language restoration program and the factors that affected their decisions to speak Choctaw. This qualitative case study examined 21 third-grade students’ experiences through focus group interviews and further explored the data through classroom observations and teacher interviews. Two-cycle coding was used to identify patterns and themes. The data revealed characteristics of the language program based on student experiences. These characteristics were discussed through a conceptual framework of the commonalities of strong language reclamation programs. Additional findings included student descriptions of the factors affecting their decisions to speak Choctaw, both in and outside the school program. These findings echo the characteristics of strong language reclamation programs outlined in the conceptual framework. Specifically, those programs are characterized by the following: (a) acknowledgment of the important position of the language, (b) alignment with community values and goals, (c) dedicated time to immersing learners in the language, (d) attention to verbal and written literacy in the Native language, and (e) a focus on culture and pride in identifying with Native heritage. Additionally, student descriptions of their language choices revealed conditions that promoted or deterred their choices to speak the language. Further research is needed to better understand students’ motivation to speak the Indigenous language. This knowledge can inform school-based programs, allowing them to influence conditions for positive language choices.
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The Cost of Caring: An Analysis of Professional Quality of Life with School Based Mental Health DesigneesGriffin, Meredith L, Griffin, Meredith 01 January 2024 (has links) (PDF)
The purpose of this study is twofold: (1) to examine the prevalence of compassion fatigue and secondary traumatic stress within school-based mental health designees and (2) to examine certain demographic factors of mental health designees with relation to secondary traumatic stress, compassion fatigue, and burnout. This non-experimental, quantitative, and descriptive study with a correlational survey design will be conducted through the electronic administration of the Professional Quality of Life (ProQOL) survey and additional demographic questions. This scientifically research-based instrument includes subscales to measure these variables and an additional, optional open-ended question to provide information on the positive and negative impacts of working in the helping profession on a school campus (ProQOL, 2019). The findings indicate moderate levels of compassion satisfaction, burnout, and secondary traumatic stress found in school-based mental health professionals and no significant differences between school levels, certificate types, and years of experience. Improving the recognition of compassion fatigue and secondary traumatic stress amongst mental health designees may prevent burnout and improve the retention of highly qualified professionals.
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Teachers' Perspectives on the Acceptability and Feasibility of Wearable Technology to Inform School-Based Physical Activity PracticesWort, G.K., Wiltshire, G., Peacock, O., Sebire, S., Daly-Smith, Andy, Thompson, D. 20 December 2021 (has links)
Yes / Many children are not engaging in sufficient physical activity and there are substantial between-children physical activity inequalities. In addition to their primary role as educators, teachers are often regarded as being well-placed to make vital contributions to inclusive visions of physical activity promotion. With the dramatic increase in popularity of wearable technologies for physical activity promotion in recent years, there is a need to better understand teachers' perspectives about using such devices, and the data they produce, to support physical activity promotion in schools. Method: Semi-structured interviews were conducted with 26 UK-based primary school teachers, exploring their responses to children's physical activity data and their views about using wearable technologies during the school day. Interview discussions were facilitated by an elicitation technique whereby participants were presented with graphs illustrating children's in-school physical activity obtained from secondary wearable technology data. Interview transcripts were thematically analyzed. Results: Most teachers spoke positively about the use of wearable technologies specifically designed for school use, highlighting potential benefits and considerations. Many teachers were able to understand and critically interpret data showing unequal physical activity patterns both within-and between-schools. Being presented with the data prompted teachers to provide explanations about observable patterns, emotional reactions-particularly about inequalities-and express motivations to change the current situations in schools. Conclusion: These findings suggest that primary school teachers in the UK are open to integrating wearable technology for measuring children's physical activity into their practices and can interpret the data produced by such devices. Visual representations of physical activity elicited strong responses and thus could be used when working with teachers as an effective trigger to inform school practices and policies seeking to address in-school physical inactivity and inequalities.
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Unpacking physically active learning in education: a movement didaktikk approach in teaching?Mandelid, M.B., Resaland, G.K., Lerum, O., Teslo, S., Chalkley, Anna, Singh, A., Bartholomew, J., Daly-Smith, Andy, Thurston, M., Tjomsland, H.E., 30 November 2022 (has links)
Yes / This paper explores teachers’ educational values and how they shape their judgements about physically active learning (PAL). Twenty one teachers from four primary schools in Norway participated in focus groups. By conceptualising PAL as a didaktikk approach, the findings indicated that teachers engaged with PAL in a way that reflected their professional identity and previous experiences with the curriculum. Teachers valued PAL as a way of getting to know pupils in educational situations that were different from those when sedentary. These insights illustrate how PAL, as a didaktikk approach to teaching, can shift teachers’ perceptions of pupils’ knowledge, learning, and identity formation in ways that reflect the wider purposes of education. The paper gives support to a classroom discourse that moves beyond the traditional, sedentary one-way transfer of knowledge towards a more collaborative effort for pupils’ development. / This work was supported by Norwegian Directorate for Higher Education and Skills: [Grant Number 2019-1-NO01-KA203-060324]. The authors of this manuscript were supported and funded by the European Union ERASMUS+Strategic Partnership Fund as part of the Activating Classroom Teachers (ACTivate) project.
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