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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Design estratégico e Scrum: suas relações para processos de projeto de websites em agências de comunicação

Carapeto, João Luiz Xavier 04 May 2012 (has links)
Submitted by William Justo Figueiro (williamjf) on 2015-08-05T19:06:07Z No. of bitstreams: 1 38d.pdf: 4689186 bytes, checksum: 3f1d209933c4d400e3c2c809cee6eb21 (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2015-08-05T19:06:07Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 38d.pdf: 4689186 bytes, checksum: 3f1d209933c4d400e3c2c809cee6eb21 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2012 / Nenhuma / O presente trabalho apresenta a pesquisa que teve por objetivo avaliar as potencialidades de articulação entre o Design Estratégico e o Scrum para a criação e desenvolvimento de Websites em agências de comunicação. Para tanto, percorreu-se um caminho em que se buscou apresentar definições sobre: o conceito de Design Estratégico e as características da etapa Metaprojetual e da metodologia Scrum, traçando-se pontos de contato entre eles. Além disso, definições complementares sobre Websites foram também apresentadas. A investigação delineou-se através de uma pesquisa qualitativa de natureza exploratória, composta por dois estudos de caso separados. O primeiro deu-se em um ambiente de Workshop e teve e intuito de observar como conceitos oriundos do Design Estratégico poderiam influenciar na criação de novos produtos para agências de comunicação. O segundo estudo de caso ocorreu dentro da agência de comunicação 3YZ, no desenvolvimento de um Hotsite e teve o intuito de observar as dinâmicas que ocorreriam com a aplicação de conceitos e técnicas do Scrum. A pesquisa demontrou que a aplicação de conceitos e técnicas do Design Estratégico e do Scrum podem influenciar a criação e o desenvolvimento de Websites por agências de comunicação, principalmente em relação à aplicação de uma etapa metaprojetual que aumente não apenas o número de participantes na criação de ideias e no aumento do sentimento de relevância para o projeto dos funcionários; e com limitações em relação à criação de sistemas-produtos e na impossibilidade da realização de entregas cíclicas de partes do produto em funcionamento, abrindo, portanto, indicativos – apresentados também em forma de uma versão preliminar preliminar para desenvolvimento de projeto Web – para a continuação desta pesquisa para exploração das potencialidades e superação das limitações. / This work presents a research whose objective consisted in evaluating the link possibilities between the Strategic Design and Scrum for creation and development of websites by communication agencies. In order to do so, a path was taken that presented definitions regarding the concept of Strategic Design and characteristics of the Metaproject phase and Scrum methodology and establishing points of contact between them. Furthermore, additional definitions about websites were also presented. The research was outlined by a qualitative exploratory study, composed of two separate case studies. The first took place in a workshop environment and had the intention to observe how the concepts from Strategic Design could influence the creation of new products for communications agencies. The second case study took place inside the 3YZ communication agency, while developing a Hotsite and had the intention to observe the dynamics that occur with the application of concepts and techniques of Scrum. The research shows that the application of concepts and techniques of Strategic Design and Scrum can influence the creation and development of websites for communication agencies especially with the use of the metaprojectual phase in order not only to increase the number of participants in the creation of ideas but also the sense of relevance from the staff towards the project, and with limitations on the creation of systemproducts and in the impossibility of conducting cyclical deliveries of functional product parts, opening, therefore, possibilities – also presented as an initial version for a web development project – to continue this research and explore its potentials and overcome its limitations.


Devarapalli, Surendra January 2013 (has links)
Today we are in an age of Information. The systems that effectively use the vast amount of data available all over the world and provide meaningful insight (i.e. BI systems) for the people who need it are of critical importance. The development of such systems has always been a challenge as the development is outweighed by change. The methodologies that are devised for coping with the constant change during the system development are agile methodologies. So practitioners and researchers are showing keen interest to use agile strategies for the BI projects development.The research aims to find out how well the agile strategies suit for the development of BI projects. The research considers a case study in a very big organization as BI is organization centric. There by assessing the empirical results that are collected from interviews the author is trying to generalize the results. The results for the research will give an insight of the best practices that can be considered while considering agile strategies and also the practical problems that we may encounter on the journey. The findings have implications for both business and technical managers who want to consider agile strategies for the BI/DW development projects. / Program: Masterutbildning i Informatik

Hur väl fungerar agila metoder i praktiken? : En studie av metoden Scrum / How effective are agile methods in practice? : A study of the method Scrum

Johansson, Emelie, Lagerstedt, Anna-Mia, Nilsson, Joanna January 2009 (has links)
Vi lever i en föränderlig värld, där det är av största vikt för företag att ständigt förnya sig föratt uppfylla kundernas behov. Det fungerar därför inte att skapa ett system som ett år senareimplementeras på företaget, eftersom kunders behov med största sannolikhet har förändrats.Agila metoder är en effekt av den förändliga värld vi nu lever i, då de har skapats som enreaktion mot de traditionella metoderna med en statisk plan. Agila metoder är iterativa medständiga och effektiva anpassningar till förändringar under arbetsprocessen. Genom attkontinuerligt anpassa sig under arbetsprocessen och ha en flexibel plan, skapar det störreförutsättningar för att uppfylla kundernas behov. Scrum är en form av agil metod, vilkengrundades av Jeff Sutherland och Ken Schwaber, efter att de båda förstått behovet av attarbeta utefter en metod som klarar av snabba förändringar. Scrum arbetar efter timeboxing,vilket menas att hela projektet delas in i mindre delar och att det vid varje avslutad period skanågot vara klart att realisera till kund. Då kunden får delleveranser istället för hela systemet påen gång, kan de tidigt i processen se vad som behövs ändras med produkten, om de upptäckeratt den inte passar deras behov. Scrum har inga direkta regler för hur utvecklingsarbete ska gåtillväga, men den innehåller viktiga agila kärnprinciper, såsom hög personlig kommunikation,hög motivation av alla medverkande och minimal dokumentation. Att frekvent levereraresultat för att på så vis få en nöjd och involverad kund är t.ex. betydligt viktigare än att skapanoggrann dokumentation. Agila metoder är väldigt aktuella just nu och det som finns skrivetom dem är i det närmaste enbart positivt. Stefan Cronholm skriver även i sin artikel ”Usingagile methods? – expected effects” (2008) att agila metoder bör ifrågasättas och kritiseras påsamma sätt som de traditionella metoderna, vilket vi ansåg intressant att bygga vidare på. Viställde oss frågande till den höga motivation, höga personliga kommunikation och minimaladokumentation som agila metoder innebär och de blev därför en central del i vårproblemställning. Målet med vår studie var att bringa klarhet i hur väl agila metoder fungerari praktiken med fokus på de tre kärnbegreppen. För att få svar på frågan valde vi att först läsain oss på teori inom området och därefter införskaffa empiri i form av observationer påföretaget Logica som arbetar utifrån Scrum. Efter analys av empirin identifierade vi de trekärnbegreppen som vitala för arbetssättet inom agila metoder. Vi fann även ett nytt begreppunder forskningsprocessen som vi anser är lika relevant för att skapa ett bra utvecklingsarbetemed agila metoder, vilket är gruppdynamik. Vi har analyserat relationerna dem emellan ochskapat en modell för att visa hur dessa begrepp hänger samman. Vi kan efter genomfördstudie säga att agila metoder fungerar väl i praktiken, förutsatt att de tre agila begreppenmotivation, dokumentation och kommunikation samspelar väl ihop och används på rätt sätt.Om de gör det, skapas stark gruppdynamik och därigenom underlättas utvecklingsarbetet ioch med att teamet samarbetar bra. Vi finner att vår studie kan vara av intresse för samtligasom vill öka sin förståelse om det agila konceptet.

En hermeneutisk analys av systemutveckling : – Ostrukturerat kontra Metoddrivet utvecklingsarbete / A hermeneutic analysis of system development : – Unstructured vs. Method driven development

Jakupovic, Dennis, Vennberg, Robert January 2011 (has links)
I takt med att IT växer i samhället driver detta också fram efterfrågan på IT-system och mjukvaror för att effektivisera organisationer och verksamheter. För att bedriva systemutvecklingsarbete behövs människor som utvecklar IT-system. I bästa fall motsvarar dessa system kundens förväntningar och önskemål, men i värsta fall kan systemutvecklingsarbetet utmynna i system som inte är till nytta för kunden och slutanvändarna. För att skapa hållbara och kvalitativa IT-system är det viktigt att kunden och slutanvändaren sätts i fokus genom att människorna som håller i system-utvecklingsarbetet förstår "varför" något skall skapas och kan sätta det i realitet till den miljö som IT-systemet skall fungera i. Systemutveckling måste bedrivas utifrån flera viktiga principer och faktorer som i sin tur påverkar val av utvecklingsmetod och vilken typ av utvecklingsmetod och filosofi som passar ställs i relation till hur den rådande situationen ser ut. Systemutveckling kan bedrivas ostrukturerat eller via metoddriven utveckling. Val av respektive arbetssätt och tillämpning av utvecklingsmetod innebär fördelar och nackdelar. En verklighet är dock att alla utvecklingsorganisationer agerar på en global konkurrerande marknad varpå alla utvecklingsprojekt måste förhålla sig till tid, kostnader och resurser. Detta påverkar också indirekt systemutvecklingsarbetet.Denna studie undersöker fördelar och nackdelar med att arbeta utefter ett ostrukturerat arbetssätt vid systemutvecklingsarbetet mot att arbeta strukturerat och metoddrivet med en agil utvecklingsmetod vid systemutvecklingsarbetet. Genom den teoretiska och empiriska undersökningen kommer slutsatser dras utifrån fördelar och nackdelar mellan respektive inriktning vid utvecklingsarbetet. / Program: Kandidatutbildning i informatik

Lean Software Development and Agile Methodologies for a small Software development organization

Moratilla Temprado, Enrique, Ruz Bendito, Enrique January 2010 (has links)
Lean Software Development is a new approach to provide a quality philosophy in software development companies. Lean offers a set of principles that helps companies to identify inefficient processes and waste. Therefore, by applying these principles, we can reduce costs, by shorting development time, incrementing productivity.In this study a software company with seven employees is analyzed. The company develops software and wants to increase its maturity and the quality of its processes. Currently, it has few documented processes. Furthermore, the company want a common way of working for every project. The challenge relies in adapting the set of principles provided by Lean to this particular case of study.We seek to analyze the current situation of the company to find out about the problems and limitations of the current way of working. After that we will state recommendations about the use of Lean combined with Agile practices such as Scrum and XP.As a result we present a proposal for implementation adapted from these philosophies to the needs and characteristics of the company.We have found that there are several ways in which the company can benefit from the implementation of Lean practices in combination with Scrum and XP. The result is a new framework that can be applied for other small software development companies in a similar situation.

Proposta e avaliação de um procedimento de planejamento de tempo combinado ágil e tradicional / Proposal and evaluation of a combined agile and traditional time planning procedure

Silva, Felipe Barreto 29 June 2015 (has links)
As abordagens Tradicional e Ágil de gerenciamento de projetos são tidas como antagônicas, porém, há autores defendendo a combinação de práticas oriundas das duas abordagens. Por meio de uma Revisão Bibliográfica Sistemática, foram identificadas definições, benefícios esperados, fatores críticos e propostas de combinação, na forma de métodos e frameworks. Conclui-se que até o momento não há um termo comum, as definições são amplas e não auxiliam o desenvolvimento de métodos combinados. Analisou-se qualitativamente dez propostas utilizando os critérios de diferenciação identificadas em Eder et al. (2014). O resultado da análise indicou que as propostas não se diferenciavam da gestão Ágil ou não apresentavam informações para debater a combinação adotada. Identificou-se ainda duas estratégias de combinação: top-down e a bottom-up. Entre essas questões, optou-se por contribuir em duas áreas: a proposição de uma definição de abordagem híbrida ou combinada, e a recomendação de práticas para o uso dessa abordagem. O objetivo da pesquisa foi desenvolver um procedimento de planejamento de tempo combinado, baseado em uma definição nova de combinação. A concepção do procedimento utilizou a estratégia top-down e a proposta final é apresentada na forma de fluxo de atividades em um modelo de processos de negócio. Adotou-se o Estudo de Caso como método de investigação. O caso consiste em uma simulação de projeto com alunos da graduação do curso de Gestão de Projetos. Os dados foram coletados em duas dimensões, a primeira consiste na combinação de práticas, baseada nos seis critérios de Eder et al. (2014), e a segunda refere-se a usabilidade do procedimento. O resultado indicou que é viável combinar práticas. A usabilidade do procedimento pode ser considerada satisfatória para o contexto da aplicação, em termos de facilidade de uso e aprendizado. Recomenda-se como trabalhos futuros investigar a integração de outros processos de planejamento, como recursos e stakeholders, e desenvolver um procedimento considerando a estratégia bottom up. / The Traditional and Agile project management approaches are seen as polar opposites. However, the combination of agile and traditional practices could be preferable to the isolated use of either. Through a Systematic Literature Review (RBS), definitions, expected benefits, critical factors and combination proposals, among models, methods and frameworks, were summarized. The conclusion indicates the definitions present wide meaning and do not support the development of combined proposals. A qualitative analysis of ten combination proposals uses the criteria of differentiation of agile and traditional approaches identified in Eder et al. (2014). The result of the analysis indicated the proposals do not differ from Agile or lack of information to discuss the combination adopted. In addition, the analysis identifies two combination strategies: top-down and bottom-up. This dissertation contributes in two main areas: to propose a definition of hybrid or combined approach, and recommended practices for using this approach. The objective of the research was to develop a combined time planning procedure, based on a new definition of combination. The procedure used to design top-down strategy and the final proposal is presented as flow of activities in a business processes model. The research method adopts the case study. The case consists of a project simulation with under-graduate students of project management course. Two dimensions of analysis are used to assess the data, the first is the combination of practices, based on the six criteria of Eder et al. (2014), and the second relates to the procedure usability. The result indicated that it is viable to combine practices, the procedure usability can be considered satisfactory for the application context, in terms of use and learning facility. It is recommended as future work to investigate the integration of other planning processes, as resources and stakeholders, and develop a procedure considering the bottom-up strategy.

Um estudo emp?rico sobre a ger?ncia de d?vida t?cnica em projetos de desenvolvimento de software que utilizam Scrum / An empirical study about techbical debt management in software development projects using Scrum

Santos, Ciro Goulart dos 17 March 2016 (has links)
Submitted by Setor de Tratamento da Informa??o - BC/PUCRS (tede2@pucrs.br) on 2016-06-06T18:15:50Z No. of bitstreams: 1 DIS_CIRO_GOULART_DOS_SANTOS_COMPLETO.pdf: 2021210 bytes, checksum: f6e1e6281df46d1447ae3a3040ddeb36 (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2016-06-06T18:15:50Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 DIS_CIRO_GOULART_DOS_SANTOS_COMPLETO.pdf: 2021210 bytes, checksum: f6e1e6281df46d1447ae3a3040ddeb36 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2016-03-17 / In a world of limited resources where prioritization and trade-offs are constantly needed it?s inevitable that the software development process is somehow impacted, thus increasing costs over time, phenomenon which Ward Cunningham called ?technical debt? as a metaphor to financial debt. Cunningham states, "Shipping first time code is like going into debt. A little debt speeds development so long as it is paid back promptly with a rewrite?. The goal of this dissertation is to deepen and understand the limits of this metaphor as well as to propose a way to integrate the technical debt management into a software development project. For such, we have used both secondary (literature review) and primary (field study) research methods. This research contributes in a way that it proposes a preliminary approach to technical debt management in software development projects that use Scrum. / Em um mundo de recursos finitos onde prioriza??o e escolhas s?o constantemente necess?rias, ? inevit?vel que de alguma maneira o processo de desenvolvimento de software seja comprometido gerando custos ao longo do tempo, fen?meno que Ward Cunningham chamou de ?d?vida t?cnica? em alus?o ? d?vida financeira. Cunningham afirma que ?entregar c?digo imaturo ? como entrar em d?vida. Um pouco de d?vida agiliza o desenvolvimento contanto que ela seja paga de volta prontamente com reescrita?. Esta pesquisa de mestrado tem como objetivo aprofundar e entender os limites dessa met?fora bem como propor uma forma de integrar o gerenciamento dessa d?vida em um projeto de desenvolvimento de software. Para tanto, conduziu- se um estudo utilizando m?todos secund?rios (revis?o de literatura) e prim?rios (estudo de campo) de pesquisa. O estudo contribui no sentido de propor uma abordagem preliminar para gerenciamento da d?vida t?cnica em projetos de desenvolvimento de software que utilizam Scrum.

Proposta e avaliação de um procedimento de planejamento de tempo combinado ágil e tradicional / Proposal and evaluation of a combined agile and traditional time planning procedure

Felipe Barreto Silva 29 June 2015 (has links)
As abordagens Tradicional e Ágil de gerenciamento de projetos são tidas como antagônicas, porém, há autores defendendo a combinação de práticas oriundas das duas abordagens. Por meio de uma Revisão Bibliográfica Sistemática, foram identificadas definições, benefícios esperados, fatores críticos e propostas de combinação, na forma de métodos e frameworks. Conclui-se que até o momento não há um termo comum, as definições são amplas e não auxiliam o desenvolvimento de métodos combinados. Analisou-se qualitativamente dez propostas utilizando os critérios de diferenciação identificadas em Eder et al. (2014). O resultado da análise indicou que as propostas não se diferenciavam da gestão Ágil ou não apresentavam informações para debater a combinação adotada. Identificou-se ainda duas estratégias de combinação: top-down e a bottom-up. Entre essas questões, optou-se por contribuir em duas áreas: a proposição de uma definição de abordagem híbrida ou combinada, e a recomendação de práticas para o uso dessa abordagem. O objetivo da pesquisa foi desenvolver um procedimento de planejamento de tempo combinado, baseado em uma definição nova de combinação. A concepção do procedimento utilizou a estratégia top-down e a proposta final é apresentada na forma de fluxo de atividades em um modelo de processos de negócio. Adotou-se o Estudo de Caso como método de investigação. O caso consiste em uma simulação de projeto com alunos da graduação do curso de Gestão de Projetos. Os dados foram coletados em duas dimensões, a primeira consiste na combinação de práticas, baseada nos seis critérios de Eder et al. (2014), e a segunda refere-se a usabilidade do procedimento. O resultado indicou que é viável combinar práticas. A usabilidade do procedimento pode ser considerada satisfatória para o contexto da aplicação, em termos de facilidade de uso e aprendizado. Recomenda-se como trabalhos futuros investigar a integração de outros processos de planejamento, como recursos e stakeholders, e desenvolver um procedimento considerando a estratégia bottom up. / The Traditional and Agile project management approaches are seen as polar opposites. However, the combination of agile and traditional practices could be preferable to the isolated use of either. Through a Systematic Literature Review (RBS), definitions, expected benefits, critical factors and combination proposals, among models, methods and frameworks, were summarized. The conclusion indicates the definitions present wide meaning and do not support the development of combined proposals. A qualitative analysis of ten combination proposals uses the criteria of differentiation of agile and traditional approaches identified in Eder et al. (2014). The result of the analysis indicated the proposals do not differ from Agile or lack of information to discuss the combination adopted. In addition, the analysis identifies two combination strategies: top-down and bottom-up. This dissertation contributes in two main areas: to propose a definition of hybrid or combined approach, and recommended practices for using this approach. The objective of the research was to develop a combined time planning procedure, based on a new definition of combination. The procedure used to design top-down strategy and the final proposal is presented as flow of activities in a business processes model. The research method adopts the case study. The case consists of a project simulation with under-graduate students of project management course. Two dimensions of analysis are used to assess the data, the first is the combination of practices, based on the six criteria of Eder et al. (2014), and the second relates to the procedure usability. The result indicated that it is viable to combine practices, the procedure usability can be considered satisfactory for the application context, in terms of use and learning facility. It is recommended as future work to investigate the integration of other planning processes, as resources and stakeholders, and develop a procedure considering the bottom-up strategy.

Návrh a vývoj elektronického obchodu / Design and Development of E-commerce

Kočár, Radek January 2016 (has links)
This thesis focuses on design and development of an e-commerce platform with a nonstandard functionality. The theoretical part describes classification of e-commerce and the tools used in electronic business. The thesis continues with customer requests analysis, solution design, e-commerce platform creation and an evaluation of the implemented project. The result of this thesis is a functional application meeting all demands appointed by a sponsoring company.

<em>Project Suitability for Agile methodologies</em>

Spasibenko, Nikolay, Alite, Besiana January 2009 (has links)
<p>Software projects are known for their failure rate, where many are being delivered late, over budget or being canceled while in development. The reason to it is changing requirements and intangibility of the software. Being so abstract it is difficult to imaging all the aspects of the software at the requirements stage. Also technology is playing a major role since processing power, storage space, and data transfer speeds are improving from year to year.</p><p>Agile methodologies are addressing projects with unclear requirements making process of implementing new specifications along the project much easier and less costly. However the success rate of the software projects did not improve much since the introduction of Agile methodologies. This thesis is looking at what type of projects fit different methodologies and what are factors which practitioners should take into account when selecting methodology for a particular project,</p><p>The thesis opens up with introduction which sets the research question and provides a brief background to the research topic. In subsequent chapter literature review is conducted to find out what does literature and other researchers have said on the same topic. Third chapter discusses underlying research philosophy and discusses the data collection tools. Next chapter discusses the findings of the research. Interviews has been conducted with project management professionals from Sweden, US, UK and Canada. It was identified through the analysis of patters that Agile methodologies are not well suited for projects involving databases, embedded development and computationally complex projects. Through the analysis of the questionnaire several project characteristics were identified which suit Agile methodologies better than traditional ones: unclear requirements, high risk of failure etc… In the last chapter the thesis concludes the findings and its theoretical and practical implications.</p>

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