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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Simulation Of Monsoon Precipitation And Its Variation By Atmospheric General Circulation Models

Surendran, Sajani 07 1900 (has links) (PDF)
No description available.

Investigation of the structural response of pavements in cold region using instrumented test site data

Saliko, Denis January 2021 (has links)
The structural behaviour of pavement structures is known to be affected by the traffic-related loading and by the ambient factors to which the structure is subjected. A new mechanistic-empirical (M-E) pavement design method is under development in Sweden with the main purpose to adequately predict pavement structural response and performance. An M-E design method for a flexible pavement means application of the principles of engineering mechanics to evaluate the response of pavement structure to traffic loading and much improved design methods to carry out distress prediction or how performance changes with time. This would ensure a fundamental understanding of how the pavement structure responds to a certain action or loading conditions.  The mechanistic-empirical approach is more flexible as it is able to adapt to new situations such as new pavement materials and loading situations. It is important to take into account the real loading and climatic conditions and predict the resulting changes in material properties and structural behaviour at the time of loading as well as in the long-term. New models are therefore required for the further development of pavement design method, and it needs to be validated through reliable data obtained through realistic measurements. In this licentiate thesis, the effects of the environmental factors and loading by heavy vehicles in pavements are investigated. The results of the study are based on environmental data from multiple locations in Sweden and on measurements from two instrumented road sections located near the village of Långträsk in the northern part of Sweden. Both roads consist of thin flexible pavements, the behaviour of which is highly dependent on the variation of the temperature of the asphalt layer, the moisture content in the unbound granular layers, and frost depth conditions. The licentiate report consists of three scientific publications.  Paper 1 presents a country-specific case study in which the frost penetration depth in various Swedish roads is predicted by a statistically derived empirical model that uses the air freezing index calculated from the air temperature as an input. The model correlation is based on meteorological data from 44 meteorological stations and pavement cross-sectional temperature distribution data from 49 road weather information system (RWIS) stations over all five climatic zones throughout all of Sweden. Paper 2 focuses on the response of an instrumented test section subjected to loading by falling weight deflectometer (FWD) and heavy vehicles. The mechanical response instrumentation consisted of asphalt strain gauges (ASG), strain measuring units (εMU), and soil pressure cells (SPC) installed at different locations in the structure. The layer stiffness values were obtained via backcalculation based on the FWD surface deflections bowls. The recorded values of the mechanical response were compared against calculated values by multilayer elastic theory (MLET) based software. Three different heavy vehicles weighing from ~64 tons to ~74 tons were compared in terms of damage caused to the pavement structure. It was found that if the number of axles was increased and dual tyres were used, longer heavier vehicles were not more destructive to the pavement structure than shorter vehicles with fewer axles and higher axial load and tyre pressure. In paper 3, the effect of the seasonal variation of the environmental factors on the behaviour of an instrumented road test section was investigated. The same loading configuration described in paper 2 was used on four different measurement campaigns in different seasons over the span of 1 year. The environmental variables were monitored throughout the year by asphalt thermocouples, a frost rod, and time-domain reflectometer (TDR) probes. The mechanical response sensors and the environmental sensors were found to be a reliable data collection method throughout the entire year. By comparing the recorded response values to the MLET calculated values, it was shown that it is possible to model the mechanical behaviour of pavement structures using linear-elastic MLET if the temperature variations in the asphalt layer and the moisture variations in the granular layers are taken into account. / Utvecklingen av det strukturella tillståndet av vägbyggnader är beroende av trafikmängd samt vägkonstruktionens omgivningsfaktorer. En mekanistisk-empiriskdimensioneringsmetod för vägkonstruktioner är under utveckling i Sverige med huvudsyftet att på realistiskt sätt kunna förutsäga vägens respons och tillståndsutveckling. En M-E dimensionering betyder att man applicerar mekanistiska grundprinciper för att bestämma vägkonstruktionens respons under trafikbelastning och tillämpar sedan överföringsfunktioner för att förutsäga nedbrytningsförloppet. Att använda en mekanistiskt baserad metod innebär att man får en grundläggande förståelse av hur vägkonstruktionen svarar på en specifik påverkan eller belastning. Detta mera realistiska tillvägagångsätt ger dessutom ökad flexibilitet och gör att metoden kan appliceras vid nya belastningsfall eller under nya klimatförhållanden. Det blir därför möjligt att ta hänsyn till det riktiga belastningsfallet under de rätta klimatförhållandena. Detta gör att nyamodeller för vägkonstruktionens respons behövs och att dessa måste valideras för realistiska trafikbelastningsfall. I denna licentiatavhandling undersöks hur omgivningsvariabler och trafikbelastning från tunga lastbilar påverkar vägkonstruktioner. Resultat från denna studie bygger på omgivningsdata från ett stort antal mätstationer i Sverige och från mätningar från två instrumenterade vägsträckor nära byn Långträski Norrland. Båda vägkonstruktionerna består av tunna vägöverbyggnader och därför är responsen starkt beroende av beläggningstemperaturen och fuktinnehållet i vägbyggnadens obundna lager samt frostdjupet.Rapporten bygger på tre publikationer.Första artikeln presenterar hur frostdjup i svenska vägar kan förutsägas utifrån en statistisk modell som använder ett frostindex beräknat från lufttemperaturen. Modellen bygger på en anpassning av data från 44 meteorologiska väderstationer och 49 av Trafikverkets väderinformationsstationer distribuerade över alla fem klimatzoner i Sverige. Den andra artikeln fokuserar på responsmätningar från en instrumenterad vägtestplats där både fallvikt samt tunga lastbilar har använts för lastgenerering. Den vägtekniska instrumenteringen bestod av asfalttöjningsgivare (ASG), trycktöjningsgivare (MU), och jordtyckceller (SPC) installerade på olika djup. Styvhet av de olika lagren bakberäknades baserat på data från fallviktsmätningarna. De registrerade värdena från de vägtekniska givarna jämfördes med desom beräknades med hjälp av beräkningsverktyget ERAPave. Tre lastbilar med den totala tyngden mellan ~64 –~74 ton användes sedan för att jämföra deras relativa nedbrytningseffekt. Slutsatsen är att om antal axlar ökas med ökad tyngdoch om parmonterade däck användes är nedbrytningseffekten från 74 ton lastbil inte större än från en lättare lastbil med färre axlar. I artikel tre fokuseras det på effekten av hur klimatfaktorer påverkar vägkonstruktionens respons. Samma lastbilar som iden andra artikeln användes under fyra mätkampanjer vid olika tidpunkter på året. Omgivningsparametrarna registrerades i form av beläggningstemperatur och fukt i de obundna lagren samt frostdjupet. Vägens mekaniska respons beräknades genom att uppdatera styvhetsmodulerna utifrån beläggningens temperatur och de obundna lagrens med fuktkvoter och jämföra med de uppmätta responsvärdena. Beräkningsmetodiken visar sig ge bra överensstämmelse med det om uppmättes.

Investigation of the structural response of pavements in cold region using instrumented test site data

Saliko, Denis January 2021 (has links)
The structural behaviour of pavement structures is known to be affected by the traffic-related loading and by the ambient factors to which the structure is subjected. A new mechanistic-empirical (M-E) pavement design method is under development in Sweden with the main purpose to adequately predict pavement structural response and performance. An M-E design method for a flexible pavement means application of the principles of engineering mechanics to evaluate the response of pavement structure to traffic loading and much improved design methods to carry out distress prediction or how performance changes with time. This would ensure a fundamental understanding of how the pavement structure responds to a certain action or loading conditions.  The mechanistic-empirical approach is more flexible as it is able to adapt to new situations such as new pavement materials and loading situations. It is important to take into account the real loading and climatic conditions and predict the resulting changes in material properties and structural behaviour at the time of loading as well as in the long-term. New models are therefore required for the further development of pavement design method, and it needs to be validated through reliable data obtained through realistic measurements. In this licentiate thesis, the effects of the environmental factors and loading by heavy vehicles in pavements are investigated. The results of the study are based on environmental data from multiple locations in Sweden and on measurements from two instrumented road sections located near the village of Långträsk in the northern part of Sweden. Both roads consist of thin flexible pavements, the behaviour of which is highly dependent on the variation of the temperature of the asphalt layer, the moisture content in the unbound granular layers, and frost depth conditions. The licentiate report consists of three scientific publications.  Paper 1 presents a country-specific case study in which the frost penetration depth in various Swedish roads is predicted by a statistically derived empirical model that uses the air freezing index calculated from the air temperature as an input. The model correlation is based on meteorological data from 44 meteorological stations and pavement cross-sectional temperature distribution data from 49 road weather information system (RWIS) stations over all five climatic zones throughout all of Sweden. Paper 2 focuses on the response of an instrumented test section subjected to loading by falling weight deflectometer (FWD) and heavy vehicles. The mechanical response instrumentation consisted of asphalt strain gauges (ASG), strain measuring units (εMU), and soil pressure cells (SPC) installed at different locations in the structure. The layer stiffness values were obtained via backcalculation based on the FWD surface deflections bowls. The recorded values of the mechanical response were compared against calculated values by multilayer elastic theory (MLET) based software. Three different heavy vehicles weighing from ~64 tons to ~74 tons were compared in terms of damage caused to the pavement structure. It was found that if the number of axles was increased and dual tyres were used, longer heavier vehicles were not more destructive to the pavement structure than shorter vehicles with fewer axles and higher axial load and tyre pressure. In paper 3, the effect of the seasonal variation of the environmental factors on the behaviour of an instrumented road test section was investigated. The same loading configuration described in paper 2 was used on four different measurement campaigns in different seasons over the span of 1 year. The environmental variables were monitored throughout the year by asphalt thermocouples, a frost rod, and time-domain reflectometer (TDR) probes. The mechanical response sensors and the environmental sensors were found to be a reliable data collection method throughout the entire year. By comparing the recorded response values to the MLET calculated values, it was shown that it is possible to model the mechanical behaviour of pavement structures using linear-elastic MLET if the temperature variations in the asphalt layer and the moisture variations in the granular layers are taken into account. / Utvecklingen av det strukturella tillståndet av vägbyggnader är beroende av trafikmängd samt vägkonstruktionens omgivningsfaktorer. En mekanistisk-empiriskdimensioneringsmetod för vägkonstruktioner är under utveckling i Sverige med huvudsyftet att på realistiskt sätt kunna förutsäga vägens respons och tillståndsutveckling. En M-E dimensionering betyder att man applicerar mekanistiska grundprinciper för att bestämma vägkonstruktionens respons under trafikbelastning och tillämpar sedan överföringsfunktioner för att förutsäga nedbrytningsförloppet. Att använda en mekanistiskt baserad metod innebär att man får en grundläggande förståelse av hur vägkonstruktionen svarar på en specifik påverkan eller belastning. Detta mera realistiska tillvägagångsätt ger dessutom ökad flexibilitet och gör att metoden kan appliceras vid nya belastningsfall eller under nya klimatförhållanden. Det blir därför möjligt att ta hänsyn till det riktiga belastningsfallet under de rätta klimatförhållandena. Detta gör att nyamodeller för vägkonstruktionens respons behövs och att dessa måste valideras för realistiska trafikbelastningsfall. I denna licentiatavhandling undersöks hur omgivningsvariabler och trafikbelastning från tunga lastbilar påverkar vägkonstruktioner. Resultat från denna studie bygger på omgivningsdata från ett stort antal mätstationer i Sverige och från mätningar från två instrumenterade vägsträckor nära byn Långträski Norrland. Båda vägkonstruktionerna består av tunna vägöverbyggnader och därför är responsen starkt beroende av beläggningstemperaturen och fuktinnehållet i vägbyggnadens obundna lager samt frostdjupet.Rapporten bygger på tre publikationer.Första artikeln presenterar hur frostdjup i svenska vägar kan förutsägas utifrån en statistisk modell som använder ett frostindex beräknat från lufttemperaturen. Modellen bygger på en anpassning av data från 44 meteorologiska väderstationer och 49 av Trafikverkets väderinformationsstationer distribuerade över alla fem klimatzoner i Sverige. Den andra artikeln fokuserar på responsmätningar från en instrumenterad vägtestplats där både fallvikt samt tunga lastbilar har använts för lastgenerering. Den vägtekniska instrumenteringen bestod av asfalttöjningsgivare (ASG), trycktöjningsgivare (MU), och jordtyckceller (SPC) installerade på olika djup. Styvhet av de olika lagren bakberäknades baserat på data från fallviktsmätningarna. De registrerade värdena från de vägtekniska givarna jämfördes med desom beräknades med hjälp av beräkningsverktyget ERAPave. Tre lastbilar med den totala tyngden mellan ~64 –~74 ton användes sedan för att jämföra deras relativa nedbrytningseffekt. Slutsatsen är att om antal axlar ökas med ökad tyngdoch om parmonterade däck användes är nedbrytningseffekten från 74 ton lastbil inte större än från en lättare lastbil med färre axlar. I artikel tre fokuseras det på effekten av hur klimatfaktorer påverkar vägkonstruktionens respons. Samma lastbilar som iden andra artikeln användes under fyra mätkampanjer vid olika tidpunkter på året. Omgivningsparametrarna registrerades i form av beläggningstemperatur och fukt i de obundna lagren samt frostdjupet. Vägens mekaniska respons beräknades genom att uppdatera styvhetsmodulerna utifrån beläggningens temperatur och de obundna lagrens med fuktkvoter och jämföra med de uppmätta responsvärdena. Beräkningsmetodiken visar sig ge bra överensstämmelse med det om uppmättes. / <p>QC 210303</p>

Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons In Urban Soils From West Yorkshire, UK. Investigation into Abundances, Sources and Determining Factors

Hamed, Heiam A.M. January 2018 (has links)
This study aims to determine the concentration of 16 Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons (PAHs) in urban soils from West Yorkshire in order to determine what the factors are controlling their distribution and abundances. Although PAHs have been reported before from soils and sediments, the majority of these studies have come from China, sometimes with contrasting results, which emphasises the need to obtain equivalent data from other areas. Therefore this work provides the first measurements of their type from the area studied. Soil samples were collected from one hundred sites across an area from Bradford to Leeds on two occasions, one in autumn and one in the following summer. The soil samples were analyzed by X-ray diffraction and all found to have similar mineralogical composition, which was mainly silica and calcite. Trials using iodine as a marker for PAHs showed there were notable interactions between the minerals and PAHs, with calcium carbonate absorbing PAHs much more than silica. There is a negative correlation between the soil organic content (determined by loss on ignition) and PAHs, which confirms the PAH-mineral interaction. Gas chromatography with mass spectrometry (GC-MS) using targeted selected ion monitoring was used to determine and quantify PAHs in the one hundred soil samples with the aid of PAH external standards. The results showed highest concentrations of total PAHs in the same sample from Leeds from the autumn (1,525 ng/g) and in the summer (1,768 ng/g). In Bradford there was only moderate pollution of PAHs, the maximum being 122 ng/g. However the majority of data from Bradford showed lower levels of pollution in both summer and autumn. On the basis of prior published information, the ratio of these compounds has been used to help in identifying sources. In the samples collected from Bradford in both seasons and Leeds in autumn the PAH pollution originated from pyrogenic, biomass and petroleum combustion, however in the summer the source appeared more to be from a petrogenic source. These ratios in the samples which were collected from the area between Bradford and Leeds implied pyrogenic, biomass source of pollution in the autumn, but in the summer another source of organic compounds was indicated namely petroleum combustion. When the locations were resampled nine months later, after taking into account within-site variability, there was a strong indication that the PAH concentrations were higher. This might have been due to a seasonal effect, but when a further (third) subsample was taken at a later date it showed a further increase in PAH level which suggests the effect is accumulative rather than seasonal. The results were analysed using Principal Component Analysis (PCA) to determine whether the type of road had an effect on the concentration of the 16 PAHs compounds, but it was concluded that there was no such effect. However, the distance from the soil sample to the nearest road did have an effect on the concentration of the 16 PAH compounds, especially in soil samples having the shortest distance to the road. Traffic volume was also tested and found to influence the PAH concentrations. It is notable that, comparing the groupings from autumn with those from summer by cluster analyses, they largely had the same compounds grouping together in both cases; only two compounds differed at all in where they occurred in the clusters, with consistent patterns of grouping found for the other compounds. These analyses indicate that PAH compounds behave in a consistent way amongst groups of PAH compounds. The grouping of PAHs appears linked to their sources rather than number of rings or molecular weight. / Libyan Government and Embassy

Effect of Rivers on Groundwater Temperature in Heterogeneous Buried-Valley Aquifers: Extent, Attenuation, and Phase Lag of Seasonal Variation

Young, Nathan Lee 20 June 2014 (has links)
No description available.

Funcionalidade e sazonalidade sobre cerrano e sobre ecótono floresta-cerrado: uma investigação com dados micrometeorológicos de energia e CO2. / Functionality and seasonality on Cerrado and ecotone Forest-Cerrado: an inquiry with micrometeorological data of energy and CO2.

Tannus, Rafael Nóra 22 December 2004 (has links)
Este trabalho discute a variabilidade dos fluxos de energia à superfície e de CO2 sobre uma área de Cerrado Sensu stricto no interior de São Paulo, e de uma área de ecótono Floresta-Cerrado (sazonalmente alagável) no Estado do Tocantins. Foram utilizadas medidas micrometeorológicas médias de 30 min, do clima (temperatura e umidade do ar, precipitação, velocidade do vento), dos fluxos de radiação (solar, PAR, saldo de radiação) e fluxos turbulentos de calor sensível, latente e CO2, coletadas no Cerrado durante o período de 2001 a 2003, e no ecótono durante Outubro de 2003 a Setembro de 2004. O ecótono e o Cerrado estão sob solos arenosos, homogêneos, com alta capacidade de infiltração e baixa de armazenamento. O Cerrado s.s. mostrou-se um ecossistema com forte sazonalidade da capacidade fotossintética, do Albedo-PAR e dos fluxos atmosféricos de CO2. Há uma fase de sumidouro e outra de fonte de CO2, corroborando os dados da literatura. Na escala da variabilidade interanual, as variações dos estados funcionais do Cerrado, como sumidouro ou fonte de CO2, foram fortemente dependentes das variações da precipitação e da temperatura mínima. No ecótono Floresta-Cerrado, a fase de inundação induz à uma diminuição gradual da respiração do sistema e da produtividade primária. A diminuição na produtividade ocorre com um atraso de ~45 dias, que poderia ser um tempo de assimilação e tolerância do sistema ao estresse induzido por anóxia. A redução da respiração do ecossistema ocorre ao passo que no regime alagado as perdas de CO2 ocorrem por evasão da superfície de água livre, um processo que aparentemente tem uma fonte de emissão menor que os processos de respiração do solo em condições secas. Durante a maior parte da inundação o ecótono continua a manter-se como um sumidouro de CO2 atmosférico durante, ao menos, 3 meses. O parâmetro RUE do ecótono foi cerca de 5 vezes maior do que o do Cerrado. A diferença de eficiência se deve possivelmente ao maior índice de área foliar das formações florestais da transição Floresta-Cerrado. A funcionalidade é controlada por fatores ambientais de maior escala que as locais. No caso do Cerrado s.s. há uma forte dependência do regime de chuvas e da temperatura mínima. No caso do ecótono Floresta-Cerrado, a suscetibilidade parece ser uma função do tempo de inundação. / This work discusses the energy and CO2 flux variability over a Cerrado Sensu stricto, in São Paulo state, Brazil, and over a seasonally inundated Forest-Cerrado ecotone in Tocantins state, Brazil. Micrometeorological measurements (30 minute average) of weather (temperature, relative humidity, precipitation and wind speed), radiation fluxes (solar radiation, PAR and net radiation), and CO2, latent and sensible heat turbulent fluxes were made for the Cerrado from 2001 to 2003. Measurements for the ecotone were made from October 2003 to September 2004. Both environments have sandy, homogeneous soils, with high infiltration capacity and low water storage. Cerrado s.s. showed strong seasonality for photosynthetic capacity, Albedo-PAR and CO2 atmospheric fluxes. As seen in other works, the Cerrado has both a CO2 sink and a CO2 source phase. These are strongly dependent on the precipitation and minimal temperature. Inundation of the Forest-Cerrado ecotone results in a gradual decrease in the system’s respiration and primary productivity. A lag of approximately 45 days is seen in the primary productivity reduction. This could represent the system’s resistance and tolerance due to anoxia stress. Ecosystem respiration in the inundated period is lower than in the dry period, apparently due to the lower CO2 outflux from the free water surface, in comparison with the CO2 flux from the soil. During most of the inundation period, the ecotone acts as a sink for CO2, for at least 3 months. The RUE for the ecotone was proximately 5 times higher than the Cerrado. This is probably due to the higher leaf area index of the forest area in the ecotone. The functionality of both biomes is controlled by larger scale environmental factors, as opposed to local factors. The Cerrado s.s. has a strong dependence precipitation and minimal temperature. The Forest-Cerrado ecotone shows a high dependence on the length of the inundated period.

Avaliação da variação sazonal e atividade biológica dos óleos voláteis em duas espécies de Annonaceae / Evaluation of the seasonal variation and biological activity of volatile oils from two Annonaceae species

Ito, Rosilene Kinue 02 October 2008 (has links)
Nesse estudo, foram avaliados os óleos voláteis de Porcelia macrocarpa (Warm) R. E. Fries e Rollinia sericea (R. E. Fries) R. E. Fries com relação a sua composição ao longo das estações anuais e sua atividade antimicrobiana e anticolinesterase. Entre os componentes majoritários foram identificados apenas sesquiterpenos em ambas as espécies, bicicloelemeno (7%), biciclogermacreno (10%), germacreno-D (15%) e espatulenol (15%) para a P. macrocarpa e, &#945;-muurolol (5%), Z-nerolidol (6%), bicicloelemeno (7%), germacreno-D (10%), biciclogermacreno (10%), &#946;-cariofileno (11 %) e &#946;-elemeno (12%) para R. sericea, não apresentando variação sazonal significativa. Os testes antimicrobianos foram realizados com bactérias Gram--positivas e negativas e com fungos filamentosos e leveduriformes. Os resultados indicaram que os óleos testados apresentam um melhor potencial antifúngico do que antibacteriano quando testado na dose de 3,125 &#181;L/mL e não apresentaram potencial para o desenvolvimento de novos fármacos para o tratamento da doença de Alzheimer. / In this study, the volatile oils from Porcelia macrocarpa(Warm) R.E.Fr. and Rollinia sericea (R.E.Fr.) R.E.Fr. were analyzed for the seasonal variation in their chemical composition and their antimicrobial and anticholinesterase activity. The major components consisted only of sesquiterpenes in both species, bicycloelemene (7%), bicyclogermacrene (10%), germacrene-D (15%) and sphatulenol (15%) to P. macrocarpa and, &#945;-muurolol (5%), Z-nerolidol (6%), bicycloelemene (7%), germacrene-D (10%), bicyclogermacrene (10%), &#946;-caryophyllene (11 %) e &#946;-elemene (12%) to R. sericea and no significant seasonal variation could be detected. The antimicrobial assays were performed with Gram-positive and negative bacteria, filamentous fungi and yeasts. The results indicated that the tested oils presented a better antifungal potential than antibacterial, when done test in the dose of 3,125 &#181;L/mL. These oils could also not be considered as potential targets for the development of new drugs for the Alzheimer\'s treatment.

Water Table and Nutrient Dynamics in Neotropical Savannas and Wetland Ecosystems

Villalobos-Vega, Randol 07 May 2010 (has links)
The Tropical savannas of central Brazil (cerrado) and the Everglades wetland (Florida) ecosystems are ideal systems to study landscape spatial mosaics and their interactions. Both ecosystems show a variety of plant physiognomies distributed within small spatial scales and elevation gradients. Such variety of plant physiognomies provide an opportunity to investigate the roles of climate, topography, nutrient availability and water table dynamics as determinants of plant physiognomic distributions, and their role in shaping regional systems. South Florida Wetlands and the tropical savannas of central Brazil are examples of hydrologically-controlled ecosystems. In hydrologically-controlled ecosystems water sources, the availability of nutrients, and the patterns of water movement play important roles in determining vegetation structure and function. The main objective of this study was to understand ecosystem level processes that shape different physiognomies in two hydrologically-controlled ecosystems. I conducted field work at the IBGE ecological reserve, a field experimental station located in Brasilia, Brazil. I also worked at the Everglades National Park in an area located near the south entrance of the Park in Homestead, Florida. I carried out three interconnected studies investigating water and nutrient dynamics: (1) In a Brazilian savanna I manipulated levels of litter input and measured changes to soil properties, organic matter decomposition and tree growth. I found that changes in litter input affect soil physicochemical properties and soil biochemical processes. I also found that litter dynamics influence tree growth through their effects on soil physicochemical properties. (2) I also studied the effect of water table depth and its temporal variation on spatial patterns of vegetation distribution in the cerrado landscape. I monitored diurnal and seasonal changes in water table depth along two tree-density and topographic gradients. In addition, I measured woody species composition, growth rates of four tree species, litter production, soil nutrients, and nutrient resorption efficiency along those two gradients. I found that water table depth has an important role in determining the spatial distribution of cerrado physiognomies; it also affects tree growth, species composition and nutrient resorption efficiency. (3) In the Everglades I studied patterns of underground water uptake by two vegetation types. I monitored seasonal and diurnal changes in water table depth in a Hammock forest, in a stand dominated by the invasive woody species Schinus terebinthifolius, as well as the water level in an adjacent lake. I estimated stand level transpiration using two different approaches: with sap flow measurements and diurnal oscillations in water table levels. Then, I calculated the total quantity of groundwater withdrawn by evapotranspiration for the wet and dry seasons in the Hammocks and in the exotic invaded site and then compared the results. I found that water uptake by Everglades trees is well coupled to diurnal changes in water table depth and that the amount of water withdrawn from the groundwater was larger during the wet season than during the dry season. Finally, I detected hydrological feedbacks between different vegetation types and nearby bodies of water. Results of this study contributes to the current knowledge of ecosystem level processes in tropical and subtropical ecosystems where water circulation and water availability play a dominant role in shaping vegetation structure and function.

Moisture Influence on Structural Behaviour of Pavements : Field and Laboratory Investigations

Salour, Farhad January 2015 (has links)
The structural behaviour of pavements in cold regions can considerably be affected by seasonal variation in environmental factors such as temperature and moisture content. Along with the destructive effect of heavy traffic loads, climatic and environmental factors can considerably contribute to pavement deterioration. These factors can influence the structural and functional capacity of the pavement structures which, as a result, can trigger and accelerate pavement deterioration mechanisms. Studies on the influence of variation of the environmental factors on the response and behaviour of pavement materials have shown that proper consideration to these factors must be given in realistic pavement design and analysis. In flexible pavement structures, particularly with a thin hot mix asphalt (HMA) layer, unbound materials and subgrade soil largely contribute to the overall structural behaviour of the pavement system. In unbound materials, moisture content and its variation can significantly affect pavement layer stiffness and permanent deformation characteristics. Therefore, the moisture condition of pavements and its influence on the mechanical behaviour of pavement materials has been of interest among the pavement research community. A proper understanding of moisture transformation in pavement systems and its effects on pavement performance are important for mechanistic pavement design. The present summary of this doctoral thesis is based on four main parts. The first part of the thesis covers field measurements and findings from a test section along county road 126 in southern Sweden and consists of two journal papers (paper I and II) tackling different aspects of the research topic. This test section is located in a relatively wet ground condition and consists of a thin flexible pavement structure with a deep drainage system. It is instrumented with subsurface temperature, volumetric moisture content and groundwater probes. The mechanical response of the pavement structure was investigated using Falling Weight Deflectometer (FWD) measurements. The second part of the thesis (paper III and IV) are based on laboratory experiments and investigates different recent approaches that have been proposed to apply principles of unsaturated soil mechanics for incorporating seasonal variation of moisture content into the resilient modulus models using matric suction. The third part of the thesis (paper V) builds a bridge that spans between the laboratory and field investigations with an attempt to evaluate one of the predictive models presented in Paper III. The fourth part of the thesis (paper VI) mainly focuses on the laboratory-based investigation of the permanent deformation characteristic of subgrade soils. In this part, the permanent deformation characteristics of two different silty sand subgrade soils were investigated and modelled using the data obtained from repeated load traxial tests. Paper I mainly focuses on the spring-thaw weakening of the pavement structure. The environmental data collected using different sensors and the FWD tests were used to investigate variations in moisture content with thaw penetration and its influence on the stiffness of unbound layers and the pavement’s overall bearing capacity. Using the backcalculated layer stiffness and corresponding in situ moisture measurements in the unbound layers, a degree of saturation-based moisture-stiffness model was developed for the granular material and the subgrade. In Paper II, the drainage system of the structure was manually clogged during a three month period in summer to raise the groundwater level and increase the moisture content of the layers. Along with the subsurface groundwater level and moisture content monitoring, the structural response of the pavement was studied. In this research work, the FWD tests were conducted at three different load levels. The stress dependent behaviour of the unbound granular layer and the subgrade soil were further studied using the multilevel loads FWD test data. Additionally, parameters of a nonlinear stress-dependent stiffness model were backcalculated and their sensitivity to in situ moisture content was studied. In Paper III and IV, series of suction-controlled repeated load triaxial (RLT) tests were conducted on two silty sand (SM) subgrade materials. Several resilient modulus prediction models that account for seasonal moisture content variation through matric suction were summarized and after optimizing the model parameters, the capability of the prediction models in capturing the material response were evaluated. In Paper V, an attempt was made to evaluate the proficiency of one of the suction-resilient modulus models using the field moisture content and FWD measurements from the Torpsbruk test site. The backcalculated subgrade stiffness dataset at different moisture contents were compared with resilient modulus models obtained from the suction-resilient modulus predictive model. Paper VI presents an evaluation of several permanent deformation models for unbound pavement materials that incorporate the time-hardening concept using a series of multistage repeated load triaxial (RLT) tests conducted on silty sand subgrade materials. The permanent deformation tests were conducted at four different moisture contents with pore suctions measurement throughout the test. The effect of moisture content (matric suction) on the permanent deformation characteristics of the materials and the predictive model parameters were further investigated. / <p>QC 20150324</p>

"Summer Shift": A Potential Effect of Sunshine on the Time Onset of ST‐Elevation Acute Myocardial Infarction

Cannistraci, Carlo Vittorio, Nieminen, Tuomo, Nishi, Masahiro, Khachigian, Levon M., Viikilä, Juho, Laine, Mika, Cianflone, Domenico, Maseri, Attilio, Yeo, Khung Keong, Bhindi, Ravinay, Ammirati, Enrico 11 June 2018 (has links) (PDF)
Background: ST-elevation acute myocardial infarction (STEMI) represents one of the leading causes of death. The time of STEMI onset has a circadian rhythm with a peak during diurnal hours, and the occurrence of STEMI follows a seasonal pattern with a salient peak of cases in the winter months and a marked reduction of cases in the summer months. Scholars investigated the reason behind the winter peak, suggesting that environmental and climatic factors concur in STEMI pathogenesis, but no studies have investigated whether the circadian rhythm is modified with the seasonal pattern, in particular during the summer reduction in STEMI occurrence. Methods and Results: Here, we provide a multiethnic and multination epidemiological study (from both hemispheres at different latitudes, n=2270 cases) that investigates whether the circadian variation of STEMI onset is altered in the summer season. The main finding is that the difference between numbers of diurnal (6:00 to 18:00) and nocturnal (18:00 to 6:00) STEMI is markedly decreased in the summer season, and this is a prodrome of a complex mechanism according to which the circadian rhythm of STEMI time onset seems season dependent. Conclusions: The “summer shift” of STEMI to the nocturnal interval is consistent across different populations, and the sunshine duration (a measure related to cloudiness and solar irradiance) underpins this season-dependent circadian perturbation. Vitamin D, which in our results seems correlated with this summer shift, is also primarily regulated by the sunshine duration, and future studies should investigate their joint role in the mechanisms of STEMI etiogenesis.

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