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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

「家庭版」沿革及女性角色轉變—以《中國時報》為例(1959-2004) / Analysing the Evolvement of Family Section and Changing Roles of Women:a study of Chinatimes, 1959-2004

劉佩詩, Liu,pei-shih Unknown Date (has links)
本研究以《中時》「家庭版」為例,從1956年11月25日起至2004年12月31日逐日翻閱歷時五十年的該版面。作者以「形式與內容」為經緯,檢視「家庭版」變化,將歷史沿革分為五個時期:始自週刊、繼而日日出刊、刊名的改變—各類軟性題材齊聚、報禁解除:「家庭版」重生、周末報時期版面倍增。筆者歸納影響的因素,發現早期因報禁限張政策,使得非藝文、體育和影藝的其餘軟性題材,全都置於「家庭版」中,報禁解除後,家庭類的版面激增,設立與內容轉而受商業力量左右。 「家庭版」與其他版面最不同之處,就是強調讀者參與。讀者參與空間漸增,從限時限定主題的刊登,到每日至少刊登1~3篇讀者投書。近五十年當中,讀者除踴躍參與「家庭版」徵稿外,從讀者筆戰交鋒中更可發現,其對家庭價值捍衛有時更勝於編輯。 「家庭版」中的女性角色,從主內持家轉為家庭與事業兩者兼顧的形象,女性新角色承擔了雙重壓力。家庭不是封閉體系,亦受到外在政治、經濟與社會影響。歷經1980年代經濟起飛、政治開放,女性從事政治、社會運動與社會志工的社會角色漸漸增多,女性角色更顯得多元且豐富。 / This thesis focuses upon the Family section of the Chinatimes and examines its presentations of female roles during the past fifty years on a daily basis, ranging from November 25, 1956 to December 31, 2004. The author discerns that historical evolvements of the Family section into five periods: it came initially as a weekly, followed by a daily format, with the change of its title, the Family section took in more and more various soft subjects. The latest is the arrival of Taiwan’s newspaper deregulation and consequently the revival of Family section and the multiplication of weekend edition. As a conclusion, we should say that the Family section was deeply conditioned by the government’s newspaper policy of limiting the competition of the media. The press landscape has seen a sea-change since the late 1980s though, when topics used to be covered in the Family section gradually expanded into other pages. Commercial forces has by this time overridden political effect. The reader participation is the most important and distinguished characteristic in Family section. Family section is considered to defend our social value. From the reader’s argument, it is found that readers make more efforts than the editors. The female roles are represented in Family section.The changes from housewife image that helps the husband and teaches the children, to the professional women image that looks after both work and family. However, even when economically independent, women have never been released; instead, they take much more stress than before. After 1980s, raise of economic and openness of politics ,the social roles of women have seemed to be more abundant.

Design of body assemblies with distributed tasks under the support of parametric associative design (PAD)

Tecklenburg, Gerhard January 2011 (has links)
This investigation identifies how CAD models of typical automotive body assemblies could be defined to allow a continuous optimisation of the number of iterations required for the final design and the number of variants on the basis of Parametric Associative Design (PAD) and how methodologies for the development of surfaces, parts and assemblies of the automotive body can be represented and structured for a multiple re-use in a collaborative environment of concept phase of a Product Evolution (Formation) Process (PEP). The standardisation of optimised processes and methodologies and the enhanced interaction between all parties involved in product development could lead to improve product quality and reduce development time and hence expenses. The fundamental principles of PAD, the particular methodologies used in automotive body design and the principles of methodical development and design in general are investigated. The role which automotive body engineers play throughout the activities of the PEP is also investigated. The distribution of design work in concept teams of automotive body development and important methodologies for the design of prismatic profile areas is critically analysed. To address the role and distribution of work, 25 group work projects were carried out in cooperation with the automotive industry. Large assemblies of the automotive bodies were developed. The requirements for distributed design work have been identified and improved. The results of the investigation point towards a file based, well structured administration of a concept design, with a zone based approach. The investigation was extended to the process chain of sections, which are used for development of surfaces, parts and assemblies. Important methods were developed, optimised and validated with regard to an update safe re-use of 3D zone based CAD models instead of 2D sections. The thesis presents a thorough description of the research undertaken, details the experimental results and provides a comprehensive analysis of them. Finally it proposes a unique methodology to a zone based approach with a clearly defined process chain of sections for an update-safe re-use of design models.

Qualitative and quantitative petrography of meta-mafic rocks at Ölme, in the Eastern Segment of the Sveconorwegian orogen

Carlsson, Diana January 2015 (has links)
Meta-mafic intrusions with an intrusion age of 1.6-0.9 Ga are found along a north-south trend in theTransitional section of the Eastern Segment in Sweden. These intrusions are garnet-bearing and thus anexception to other meta-mafic intrusions found in Sweden. Meta-mafic intrusions that are garnet-bearingare usually found in the Caledonides to the northeast and in the south west of Sweden where the pressureshave been naturally high due to orogenic events or subduction.The study was conducted on these intrusions around the community of Ölme, to understand themetamorphic and metasomatic history of the area. The focus lies on the transition from magmaticgabbroic intrusions to metamorphosed metagabbros and highly foliated garnet-amphibolites. AveragePT estimates was calculated using THERMOCALC and classical geothermobarometry, so that acomparison between the qualitative and quantitative data could be made.The study indicates metamorphism at amphibolite to upper amphibolite facies conditionsfor the metagabbros and the garnet-amphibolites.Average PT-estimates for the garnet-amphibolites gives metamorphic peak temperatures of 680°-730° Cwith pressures of 9.0-11.0 kbar at the Träfors locality, and metamorphic peak temperatures of 660°-770° Cwith pressures of 9.5-11.0 kbar at the Skråkvik locality. These results are comparable to research donefurther to the south on similar intrusions, with temperatures of 700° C and pressures of 10 kbar.It is concluded that the meta-mafic intrusions at the Skråkvik locality have been metamorphosed in adry system, in contrast to the Träfors locality which seems to have been affected by more pervasiveretrograde metamorphism and fluid-rock interaction. It is also concluded that mafic intrusionscan preserve their magmatic textures even under high pressure conditions.

Σύμμικτες πλάκες οπλισμένου σκυροδέματος και ινοπλεγμάτων σε ανόργανες μήτρες καμπτόμενες κατά μια διεύθυνση : πειραματική διερεύνηση και ανάλυση

Θανόπουλος, Χαράλαμπος 04 November 2014 (has links)
Στόχος της παρούσας διατριβής είναι η διερεύνηση της αποτελεσματικότητας παραμενόντων τύπων (καλούπια) από ινοπλέγματα σε ανόργανη μήτρα, ως εφελκυόμενος οπλισμός στην κατασκευή σύμμικτων πλακών. Τα ινοπλέγματα δύο διευθύνσεων ως νέα σύνθετα υλικά αποτελούν πρόκληση στον τομέα των κατασκευών και η βαθύτερη γνώση τους, εφαλτήριο στην προσπάθεια κατάκτησης νέων τεχνικών και τεχνολογιών. Για το λόγο αυτό, κατασκευάστηκαν έξι παραμένοντες τύποι από ινοπλέγματα σε ανόργανες μήτρες (IAM) πιο γνωστά στη διεθνή ορολογία με τον όρο Textile Reinforced Concrete, που στη συνέχεια σκυροδετήθηκαν σε σύμμικτα στοιχεία. Παράλληλα, δημιουργήθηκε πρόγραμμα ανάλυσης διατομής των σύμμικτων αυτών στοιχείων, με σκοπό την επαλήθευση πειραματικών και αναλυτικών τιμών. Στο πρώτο κεφάλαιο της πτυχιακής εργασίας γίνεται μια εισαγωγή στον τομέα των σύνθετων υλικών, όπου παρουσιάζονται τα ινοπλέγματα ανόργανης μήτρας, πιο γνωστά στη διεθνή ορολογία με τον όρο TRC. Αναλύονται επίσης τα χαρακτηριστικά των επιμέρους υλικών των TRC, δηλαδή τα πλέγματα ινών και το κονίαμα που τα περιβάλλει, γνωστό με τον όρο ανόργανη μήτρα. Τέλος, προβάλλονται μια πληθώρα εφαρμογών των ΙΑΜ (Ινοπλέγματα Ανόργανης Μήτρας) με χρήση φωτογραφικού υλικού. Στο δεύτερο κεφάλαιο περιγράφεται όλη η πορεία κατασκευής των σύμμικτων στοιχείων μέσα από σχέδια και φωτογραφικό υλικό. Στην παρούσα εργασία κατασκευάστηκαν τελικά 6 σύμμικτες πλακολωρίδες διαστάσεων 330mm x 150mm , 1 σύμμικτη πλακολωρίδα διαστάσεων 330mm x100mm και 1 σύμμικτη πλάκα διατομής 1000mm x160mm. Στο τρίτο κεφάλαιο γίνεται η παρουσίαση της πειραματικής διάταξης στο εργαστήριο Μηχανικής και Τεχνολογίας Υλικών, για κάμψη τεσσάρων σημείων, μίας διεύθυνσης, όπου τα δοκίμια τοποθετήθηκαν στην υδραυλική πρέσα, ενώ χρήση αισθητήρων θα υπολόγιζε σχετική ολίσθηση μεταξύ τσιμεντότυπων και σκυροδέματος πλήρωσης. Τέλος εφαρμόστηκαν και αισθητήρες μεταβλητής αντίστασης για τον υπολογισμό του βέλους κάμψης των σύμμικτων στοιχείων. Ακολουθεί το τέταρτο κεφάλαιο όπου παρουσιάζεται το θεωρητικό υπόβαθρο της ανάλυσης διατομής των σύμμικτων στοιχείων, με την εξαγωγή εξισώσεων ισορροπίας και τελικά την κατασκευή του προγράμματος CSS (=Cross Section Solver). Κατόπιν, παρουσιάζεται το CSS στον αναγνώστη, ενώ με τη χρήση γραφικού περιβάλλοντος (GUI) καθίσταται εύχρηστο στον χρήστη. Στο επόμενο και πέμπτο κεφάλαιο γίνεται η ανάλυση των σύμμικτων στοιχείων με χρήση του προγράμματος CSS, παρουσιάζονται οι καμπύλες φορτίου-μετατόπισης (βύθισης) και τέλος αναλύονται τα προκύπτοντα αποτελέσματα. Στο έκτο και τελευταίο κεφάλαιο γίνονται παραμετρικές αναλύσεις ξανά με χρήση του προγράμματος CSS, με σκοπό τη βαθύτερη κατανόηση για το πώς πιθανώς επηρεάζουν διάφοροι παράμετροι την συμπεριφορά των δοκιμίων. Γενικά, η νέα τεχνική χρήσης ινοπλεγμάτων σε ανόργανες μήτρες ως παραμένοντες τύποι σε σύμμικτες πλάκες είναι ιδιαίτερα αποτελεσματική, μας προσφέρει ικανοποιητικό φορτίο αστοχίας, ενώ παράλληλα εξασφαλίζει υψηλότερες ταχύτητες δόμησης άρα και οικονομικά οφέλη, ενώ δεν απαιτούνται χρόνος και εργατικό δυναμικό για τη συναρμογή των παραδοσιακών ξυλότυπων ή μεταλλότυπων. / --

Z →ττ Cross Section Measurement and ττ Mass Reconstruction with the ATLAS Detector at the LHC / Z→ττ Produktionswirkungsquerschnitte Messung und ττ Massenrekonstruktionsmethoden mit der ATLAS Detektor des LHC

Evangelakou, Despoina 18 July 2012 (has links)
No description available.

Nonlinear dynamics of flexible structures using corotational beam elements

Le, Thanh-Nam January 2013 (has links)
The purpose of this thesis is to develop corotational beam elements for the nonlinear dynamic analyse of flexible beam structures. Whereas corotational beam elements in statics are well documented, the derivation of a corotational dynamic formulation is still an issue. In the first journal paper, an efficient dynamic corotational beam formulation is proposed for 2D analysis. The idea is to adopt the same corotational kinematic description in static and dynamic parts. The main novelty is to use cubic interpolations to derive both inertia terms and internal terms in order to capture correctly all inertia effects. This new formulation is compared with two classic formulations using constant Timoshenko and constant lumped mass matrices. In the second journal paper, several choices of parametrization and several time stepping methods are compared. To do so, four dynamic formulations are investigated. The corotational method is used to develop expressions of the internal terms, while the dynamic terms are formulated into a total Lagrangian context. Theoretical derivations as well as practical implementations are given in detail. Their numerical accuracy and computational efficiency are then compared. Moreover, four predictors and various possibilities to simplify the tangent inertia matrix are tested. In the third journal paper, a new consistent beam formulation is developed for 3D analysis. The novelty of the formulation lies in the use of the corotational framework to derive not only the internal force vector and the tangent stiffness matrix but also the inertia force vector and the tangent dynamic matrix. Cubic interpolations are adopted to formulate both inertia and internal local terms. In the derivation of the dynamic terms, an approximation for the local rotations is introduced and a concise expression for the global inertia force vector is obtained. Four numerical examples are considered to assess the performance of the new formulation against two other ones based on linear interpolations. Finally, in the fourth journal paper, the previous 3D corotational beam element is extended for the nonlinear dynamics of structures with thin-walled cross-section by introducing the warping deformations and the eccentricity of the shear center. This leads to additional terms in the expressions of the inertia force vector and the tangent dynamic matrix. The element has seven degrees of freedom at each node and cubic shape functions are used to interpolate local transversal displacements and axial rotations. The performance of the formulation is assessed through five examples and comparisons with Abaqus 3D-solid analyses. / <p>QC 20131017</p>


Butcher, Nancy J. 16 August 2010 (has links)
Sensory information is processed and encoded by neural networks. In order to understand how the nervous system is able to rapidly integrate and store sensory information, knowledge of the connections and properties of the neurons in these circuits is required. The fruit fly Drosophila melanogaster provides a particularly powerful species to investigate the neural circuits of the olfactory system because in addition to possessing a simple olfactory system amenable to circuit analysis, a host of genetic reagents are available, including the GAL4-UAS system for targeted gene expression. The mushroom bodies, paired structures historically implicated in olfactory learning and memory, receive olfactory information at the mushroom body calyx from second-order olfactory projection neurons (PNs). Within the calyx, individual PN axonal boutons are surrounded by dendritic arborizations from intrinsic Kenyon cells (KCs) and each tiny cluster constitutes a single microglomerulus. Cells that connect the calyx with other areas of the brain, extrinsic neurons (ENs), also contribute to microglomeruli. Most of these contain the neurotransmitter, GABA, and are presumed to be inhibitory. In this study, the synaptic characteristics, neural circuits, and plasticity of calycal cells have been investigated using a combination of serial section electron and confocal microscopy. The findings reveal several new features of the circuits in the calyx: 1) The calyx contains three ultrastructurally distinct types of PN boutons that are heterogeneous in shape and exhibit subtle differences in synaptic densities. 2) All PN boutons form both ribbon and non-ribbon synapses, and from their smaller size and fewer postsynaptic partners, non-ribbon synapses may possibly become converted to ribbon synapses after activity; the olfactory signal may then be transmitted more strongly and efficiently at ribbon synapses. 3) PN boutons with an electron-dense cytoplasm have the most ribbon synapses per unit area of membrane as well as the highest ratio of ribbon to non-ribbon synapses, and thus may be more active and efficient than other boutons. 4) KC neurites are not exclusively postsynaptic in the calyx and can form occasional ribbon synapses, the functional interpretation of which awaits identification of their postsynaptic partners and vesicle contents. 5) Each PN bouton may contribute input to a single dendritic KC claw at about three presynaptic sites. For the postsynaptic side, a single claw receives input from individual presynaptic sites that must be highly redundant. 6) There may be important processing of the olfactory signal by local circuits formed by ENs in the calyx; ENs form synaptic connections with PNs, KCs, and other ENs. 7) Extensive serial synapses link EN terminals into a network, presumed to be GABAergic and inhibitory, that extends between microglomeruli and may be autaptic. 8) The structure and synaptic connectivity of microglomeruli may undergo changes after adult emergence. 9) vGAT and GAD1-GAL4 lines drive ectopic expression of marker genes in KCs and are not reliable reporters of GABA-positive cells. 10) Previously identified calycal ENs (MB-C1, MB-C2/C3, MB-CP1) are not immunopositive for GAD1, a marker of GABA-containing cells. 11) A network of ENs expressing a GABA phenotype differently innervates anatomically and functionally discrete areas of the honeybee calyx, and in addition the density of innervation may change with alterations in age and/or experience.


DeMichele, Matthew 01 January 2010 (has links)
This dissertation offers an explanation of cross national incarceration rate variation for 17 industrialized countries for the second half of the 20th century. Both historical case studies and time-series cross-section analyses are used to provide an institutional explanation of incarceration rate differences. Borrowing from Weber’s Sociology of Law and comparative legal scholarship, it is suggested that three types of legal thinking exist among western democracies—Common, Romano-Germanic, and Nordic law. A regime approach commonly applied in political economic explanations of welfare state development is used to quantify the legal and criminal justice institutional differences between 1960 and 2002 to assert that there are ‘three worlds of western punishment’ in the post-War period. The countries used in this analysis are similar in numerous ways, but historically embedded legal differences have resulted in different trial structures, judge-attorney relationships, rules of criminal evidence, and lay participation that influence the amount of incarceration in each country. The historical case studies demonstrate how important events set countries on particular developmental paths such as the power of defense attorneys in common law, despite their original exclusion from trials; the choice of scientific legal principles as a basis for an objective law blending Roman and Germanic legal principles; and the Nordic’s amalgamation of common and Romano-Germanic legal principles. These legal institutions are complimented by political economic variables that suggest that the presence of more left leaning political parties, centralization of wage bargaining, and labor organization provide a further break on the drive to incarcerate. The quantitative findings support the legal regime approach as well as political economic variables while controlling for crime and homicide rates.


Webb, Grant D 01 January 2014 (has links)
Polarized deep inelastic scattering experiments play a vital role in the exploration of the spin structure of the proton. The polarized proton-proton collider at RHIC provides direct access to the gluon spin distribution through longitudinal double spin asymmetry measurements of inclusive jets, pions, and dijets. This thesis presents the measurement of the dijet double differential cross-section in proton-proton collisions at center of mass energies of √s = 500 GeV. The data represent an integrated luminosity of 8.7 pb-1 recorded by the STAR detector during the 2009 RHIC run. A comprehensive jet analysis was performed to determine the ideal jet algorithm and jet parameters used in √s = 500 GeV collisions at the STAR detector. The cross-section is measured as a function of the dijet invariant mass (30 ≤ Mij ≤ 152 GeV) in the mid rapidity region with a maximum rapidity range of |ymax| ≤ 0.8. This result shows agreement with theoretical next-to-leading order pQCD calculations, motivating the use of dijet asymmetries at STAR to further constrain the shape of Δg(x).

Comportement en compression de colonnes en béton renforcées d'armatures en PRF

Tobbi, Hany January 2012 (has links)
La corrosion des armatures internes en acier dans les structures en béton armé constitue une cause importante de dégradation, ce qui pourrait réduire significativement leur durée de vie, engendrer des coûts de maintenance élevés et mettre en danger la sécurité des usagers. Les basses températures en Amérique du Nord et l'utilisation des sels de déglaçage sont des facteurs accélérant l'apparition et le développement de la corrosion des armatures en acier. D'importants travaux de recherche ont été réalisés pour inhiber ou retarder ce type de dégradation. L'utilisation des Polymères Renforcés de Fibres (PRF) comme armature interne dans le béton est une solution très prometteuse. Les PRF ont d'excellentes propriétés mécaniques, un faible poids et ont l'avantage d'être non corrodables. L'utilisation de ces matériaux composites est maintenant élargie aux éléments structuraux et non structuraux soumis à des efforts de flexion et/ou de cisaillement et encadrée par les règlements canadiens de conception des bâtiments et des ponts. Cependant, l'utilisation des PRF dans les éléments structuraux soumis à des efforts de compression tels que les colonnes en béton n'est pas bien documentée et les performances structurales qu'engendre ce type d'association sont encore méconnues. Le travail présenté dans cette thèse a pour objectif, à travers une étude expérimentale, d'observer le comportement en compression de colonnes en béton comprenant des armatures longitudinale et transversale en PRF et faisant intervenir plusieurs paramètres. Le choix de paramètres pertinents permet de comprendre les mécanismes de résistance et de rupture de ce nouveau type d'éléments, et de faciliter la modélisation de leur comportement à travers des modèles analytiques simples, pouvant être utilisés par les ingénieurs-concepteurs. Le programme expérimental comprend 24 colonnes en béton avec des dimensions de 350x350x1400 mm, représentatives des colonnes d'usage dans le bâtiment. Parmi ces colonnes, une n'avait aucune armature, deux étaient entièrement renforcées avec de l'acier et les 21 colonnes restantes étaient confinées avec des armatures transversales en PRF, tandis que leur armature longitudinale était en PRF ou en acier. Plusieurs paramètres ont été étudiés, ces derniers sont liés majoritairement aux armatures transversales et à leur capacité à confiner le béton afin d'augmenter sa résistance en compression et sa déformabilité axiale (ductilité). Ainsi, deux types de cadres ont été utilisés, le premier dit "ouvert", était fait d'assemblage de parties en "C" et l'autre "fermé" découpé dans une spirale continue de forme carrée ou rectangulaire. Les armatures transversales avaient trois configurations plus ou moins complexes et qui dépendent du nombre de barres longitudinales qu'elles retiennent, leur matériau était en PRF de verre ou de carbone et différents espacements ont été utilisés. Les paramètres liés à l'armature longitudinale étaient le taux dans la section de béton ainsi que le type de matériau : des barres en PRF de verre, de carbone et en acier ont été utilisées. Les résultats des essais expérimentaux ont montré que le béton confiné avec des armatures transversales en PRF pouvait atteindre des gains significatifs en termes de résistance à la compression et en déformabilité axiale. Ces gains sont liés à la configuration et à l'espacement des armatures transversales, en effet plus ces dernières sont complexes (cadres multiples) et rapprochées, plus le gain est important. Dans certains cas, l'utilisation des PRF de carbone permet d'atteindre une plus grande résistance que dans les cas du verre. L'utilisation des cadres fermés assure aux colonnes un mode de rupture moins fragile que celui observé pour celles ayant des cadres ouverts. L'utilisation des armatures longitudinales en acier procure aux colonnes une plus grande ductilité comparativement aux barres en PRF. En ce qui concerne la modélisation et la prédiction des performances de ce nouveau type de colonnes, un modèle de confinement a été développé pour calculer la résistance à la compression du noyau de béton des colonnes confinées avec des PRF, une équation empirique permettant d'estimer la contribution des armatures longitudinales en PRF a été développée. De plus, d'autres équations ont aussi été proposées pour calculer la capacité portante des colonnes à des fins de conception, la contribution des barres longitudinales en PRF n'étant pas négligeable comme suggéré par le CSA S806.

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