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The relationship between the proposed International Criminal Law Section of the African Court and the International Criminal Court / Jacobus Hendrik VisserVisser, Jacobus Hendrik January 2014 (has links)
This dissertation presents an analytical literature study regarding the relationship between the International Criminal Court and the proposed International Criminal Law Section of the African Court. The realisation of the International Criminal Law Section of the African Court will place itself and the International Criminal Court within the same jurisdictional sphere with regard to the adjudication of international customary law crimes with respect to its African member states. It is noteworthy to point out that this complexity is fraught with political turmoil regarding Africa, the International Criminal Court and the United Nations Security Council. This complex issue has been acutely recognised by numerous academics and law experts. Neither the Rome Statute nor the Protocol makes any reference towards each other, leaving its respective African member states with the daunting and ambiguous task of navigating through this complexity in isolation. This dissertation aims to investigate, analyse and ultimately offer a plausible solution to this immediate concern. In order to accomplish the aforementioned, this study will firstly investigate and evaluate both constitutional treaties of both international courts, respectively. The issue pertaining to the endowment of immunity will also be separately evaluated, considering the conflicting approaches followed by both judicial institutions. Ultimately, all previous sections will be analysed in order to recommend amendments to the Protocol to align itself with international law and settled international practice. A complementarity scheme will be introduced on the basis of the progressive interpretation of positive complementarity to harmonise both courts within the same jurisdictional sphere. Lastly, this dissertation will be concluded by remarks recapitalising the main findings. / LLM, North-West University, Potchefstroom Campus, 2015
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The creation of a general duty to bargain in view of the SANDF judgements / Louis Lodewyk KrügerKrüger, Louis Lodewyk January 2014 (has links)
Section 23(5) of the Constitution entrenches trade unions, employer's organisations and employers' right to engage in collective bargaining. For employees, collective bargaining is the key which opens the door to better wages, improved working conditions and an overall better standard of living to name but a few. The Labour Relations Act was promulgated to give effect to section 23 of the Constitution. However, in section 2 of the Labour Relations Act, members of the South African National Defence Force were excluded from the ambit of the Labour Relations Act (LRA). After the Constitutional Court regarded members of the South African National Defence Force (SANDF) to be "workers", they also had the right to engage in collective bargaining. However, because of the special duty that the members of the SANDF have to fulfil namely to ensure the safety of the republic and its citizens, they are not awarded the right to strike. The question therefor is: How do the members of the SANDF compel the SANDF to bargain with them?
The aim of this study is to establish if a duty to bargain was implemented by Chapter XX of the General Regulations of the South African National Defence Force and the Reserve. Firstly, the new dispensation of voluntarism under the new LRA is examined to understand how collective bargaining would work in a normal situation and not that of the members of the SANDF. Freedom of association is also discussed. The reason for this was because members of the SANDF also have to right to associate with a trade union of their choice by sections 18 and 23(2) of the Constitution. Under the new LRA, organisational rights also play a major role in the bargaining process and afford trade unions more bargaining power.
The voluntarist approach followed by the new LRA effectively removed the duty to bargain from collective bargaining. As explained above, the special situation applicable to the SANDF and its members are not governed by the LRA and therefor a duty to bargain might still exist in this specific system of collective bargaining managed by the regulations. The duty to bargain is based on representativeness and good faith which are also examined in this study.
To establish if a duty to bargain was created by the courts, an examination of the judgements of the High Court, the Supreme Court of Appeal and the Constitutional Court. The Constitutional Court reiterated that there is no legally enforceable duty to bargain between the SANDF and the South African National Defence Union (SANDU).
If Chapter XX of the regulations is scrutinised, it can however be seen that there is an initial duty on the SANDF to bargain with a registered military trade union over matter set out in regulation 36 which include most if not all matters of mutual interest. Therefor it would seem that a duty to bargain is created by Chapter XX. / LLM (Labour Law), North-West University, Potchefstroom Campus, 2014
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The relationship between the proposed International Criminal Law Section of the African Court and the International Criminal Court / Jacobus Hendrik VisserVisser, Jacobus Hendrik January 2014 (has links)
This dissertation presents an analytical literature study regarding the relationship between the International Criminal Court and the proposed International Criminal Law Section of the African Court. The realisation of the International Criminal Law Section of the African Court will place itself and the International Criminal Court within the same jurisdictional sphere with regard to the adjudication of international customary law crimes with respect to its African member states. It is noteworthy to point out that this complexity is fraught with political turmoil regarding Africa, the International Criminal Court and the United Nations Security Council. This complex issue has been acutely recognised by numerous academics and law experts. Neither the Rome Statute nor the Protocol makes any reference towards each other, leaving its respective African member states with the daunting and ambiguous task of navigating through this complexity in isolation. This dissertation aims to investigate, analyse and ultimately offer a plausible solution to this immediate concern. In order to accomplish the aforementioned, this study will firstly investigate and evaluate both constitutional treaties of both international courts, respectively. The issue pertaining to the endowment of immunity will also be separately evaluated, considering the conflicting approaches followed by both judicial institutions. Ultimately, all previous sections will be analysed in order to recommend amendments to the Protocol to align itself with international law and settled international practice. A complementarity scheme will be introduced on the basis of the progressive interpretation of positive complementarity to harmonise both courts within the same jurisdictional sphere. Lastly, this dissertation will be concluded by remarks recapitalising the main findings. / LLM, North-West University, Potchefstroom Campus, 2015
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The creation of a general duty to bargain in view of the SANDF judgements / Louis Lodewyk KrügerKrüger, Louis Lodewyk January 2014 (has links)
Section 23(5) of the Constitution entrenches trade unions, employer's organisations and employers' right to engage in collective bargaining. For employees, collective bargaining is the key which opens the door to better wages, improved working conditions and an overall better standard of living to name but a few. The Labour Relations Act was promulgated to give effect to section 23 of the Constitution. However, in section 2 of the Labour Relations Act, members of the South African National Defence Force were excluded from the ambit of the Labour Relations Act (LRA). After the Constitutional Court regarded members of the South African National Defence Force (SANDF) to be "workers", they also had the right to engage in collective bargaining. However, because of the special duty that the members of the SANDF have to fulfil namely to ensure the safety of the republic and its citizens, they are not awarded the right to strike. The question therefor is: How do the members of the SANDF compel the SANDF to bargain with them?
The aim of this study is to establish if a duty to bargain was implemented by Chapter XX of the General Regulations of the South African National Defence Force and the Reserve. Firstly, the new dispensation of voluntarism under the new LRA is examined to understand how collective bargaining would work in a normal situation and not that of the members of the SANDF. Freedom of association is also discussed. The reason for this was because members of the SANDF also have to right to associate with a trade union of their choice by sections 18 and 23(2) of the Constitution. Under the new LRA, organisational rights also play a major role in the bargaining process and afford trade unions more bargaining power.
The voluntarist approach followed by the new LRA effectively removed the duty to bargain from collective bargaining. As explained above, the special situation applicable to the SANDF and its members are not governed by the LRA and therefor a duty to bargain might still exist in this specific system of collective bargaining managed by the regulations. The duty to bargain is based on representativeness and good faith which are also examined in this study.
To establish if a duty to bargain was created by the courts, an examination of the judgements of the High Court, the Supreme Court of Appeal and the Constitutional Court. The Constitutional Court reiterated that there is no legally enforceable duty to bargain between the SANDF and the South African National Defence Union (SANDU).
If Chapter XX of the regulations is scrutinised, it can however be seen that there is an initial duty on the SANDF to bargain with a registered military trade union over matter set out in regulation 36 which include most if not all matters of mutual interest. Therefor it would seem that a duty to bargain is created by Chapter XX. / LLM (Labour Law), North-West University, Potchefstroom Campus, 2014
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Ionisation et dissociation par impact électronique d'ions moléculaires d'intérêt atmosphérique et thermonucléaireLecointre, Julien 23 November 2007 (has links)
Dans les milieux ionisés existe un grand nombre d’espèces chimiques. Beaucoup sont en quantité minoritaire mais jouent pourtant, par leur grande réactivité, un rôle essentiel dans les processus de transformation chimique. Cette étude s’intéresse à la structure et à la dynamique des ions moléculaires, ainsi qu’aux collisions réactives pour des systèmes intervenant dans les atmosphères planétaires et dans le milieu interstellaire, comme les réactions mettant en jeu le monoxyde de carbone. Des modélisations numériques sont nécessaires à la préparation des expériences de fusion thermonucléaire. Enrichis par les résultats expérimentaux, concernant les ions d’hydrocarbures tels que le méthane, ils fournissent une aide pour l'interprétation des phénomènes observés dans les tokamaks. L’identification des réactions physiques à l’origine de la présence de particules dans le plasma est une étape importante afin de comprendre les environnements ionisés. Les systèmes examinés à Louvain-la-Neuve sont donc choisis pour leur intérêt immédiat en astrophysique ou en physique des plasmas. Alors que la connaissance des processus d'ionisation par impact d'électrons d’espèces atomiques ou ioniques simples est bien établie, ce n’est pas encore le cas lorsque la cible primaire est un ion moléculaire. L'existence d'au moins un degré de liberté supplémentaire rend possible la dissociation de l'ion moléculaire initial en plusieurs fragments, une partie de l’énergie potentielle est alors transférée sous forme d’énergie cinétique aux produits. En conséquence, ceux-ci sont généralement distribués dans de larges gammes angulaire et énergétique. L’analyse fine des distributions permet d’étudier les détails de la collision électronique. L’expérience a pour thématique majeure la mesure des sections efficaces absolues en fonction de l’énergie des électrons projectiles incidents, pour des réactions impliquant des espèces ioniques polyatomiques. L’observation des seuils de réaction et de l’énergie cinétique des fragments permet de déterminer la zone de Franck-Condon accessible et les états moléculaires impliqués dans les processus considérés. Les travaux réalisés au laboratoire ont démontré que l'appareillage existant est bien approprié à ce type d’étude. A un niveau plus fondamental, l’examen comparatif minutieux des présentes mesures, des résultats issus d’autres expériences et des prédictions des formalismes semi-empiriques, permet d’améliorer la connaissance des phénomènes collisionnels.
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Etude préliminaire de la mesure du rapport alpha, rapport de la section efficace moyenne de capture sur celle de fission de l'233U, sur la plateforme PEREN - Développement et étude du dispositif expérimental -Cognet, Marie-Anne 20 December 2007 (has links) (PDF)
Cette thèse consiste en une étude préparatoire de la mesure du rapport alpha de l'233U entre 1eV et 10keV, facteur nécessaire pour calculer le pouvoir de régénération de réacteurs basés sur le cycle 232Th/233U. Cette mesure peut être effectuée au LPSC, sur la plateforme PEREN qui est composée d'un spectromètre à temps de ralentissement au plomb couplé à un GEnérateur de NEutrons Pulsé Intense (GENEPI). Les taux de capture et de fission sont mesurés grâce à 8 scintillateurs YAP utilisés en coïncidence et entourant une chambre à fission. Des mesures préliminaires sur l'235U ont présenté un rapport signal sur bruit très faible malgré les améliorations successives apportées. Les contributions du bruit de fond ont été comprises et quantifiées expérimentalement et via des simulations (MCNP et GEANT4). Il est cependant indispensable d'améliorer le rapport signal sur bruit d'au moins un ordre de grandeur pour obtenir la capture d'un élément fissile sur un tel dispositif expérimental.
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Elipsinio tuščiavidurio skerspjūvio ekscentriškųjų elementų skaičiavimas ir projektavimas / Calculation and design of elliptical hollow cross section eccentric elementsNeščiokas, Martynas 20 June 2014 (has links)
Baigiamajame magistro darbe nagrinėjamas ekscentriškai gniuždomas elipsinis tuščiaviduris skerspjūvis (angl. EHS) bei sudaromas šio skerspjūvio projektavimo algoritmas. Darbą sudaro penki skyriai, išvados ir priedai. Pirmajame skyriuje pateiktas bendras EHS apibūdinimas, nurodyti šio skerspjūvio privalumai bei panaudojimo sritys. Antrajame skyriuje pateikta atliktų EHS tyrimų apžvalga, aptariami galimi metodai skerspjūvio klasei nustatyti. Trečiajame skyriuje sudaromas ekscentriškai gniuždomo EHS elemento projektavimo algoritmas, programiniu paketu Mathcad sukuriama šio skerspjūvio skaičiavimo programa bei atliekami analitiniai skaičiavimai. Ketvirtajame skyriuje pateiktas baigtinių elementų modelio sudarymas naudojant programinį paketą SolidWorks Simulation 2012, atliekama baigtinių elementų (BE) analizė, atkartojanti analitinius skaičiavimus. Penktajame skyriuje palyginami analitinių skaičiavimų ir BE analizės rezultatai. Darbo gale pateiktas rezultatų apibendrinimas, suformuluojamos darbo išvados. / The final postgraduate work consists of analysis of elliptical hollow section (EHS) under eccentric compression. Design algorithm is developed. There are five chapters, conclusions and appendixes presented. First chapter gives a background to EHS including applications and advantages. Second chapter gives a literature review of EHS related work, investigates methods for the cross-section class determination. Third chapter includes developing of the design algorithm of EHS. Analytical calculations are made using the software package Mathcad. In the fourth chapter the finite element model is generated using the software package SolidWorks Simulation 2012. The analytical calculations are replicated with the finite element analysis. The results are compared in the fifth chapter. In the end of the final paper the results are summarized and the final conclusions are made.
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Examining the provisions of section 87 of the Indian Act as a means to promote economic participation and treaty implementationTait, Myra J 10 April 2017 (has links)
Canadian courts, despite recognition in the Canadian Constitution, 1982 that treaties are to govern the Crown-Aboriginal relationship, continue to develop principles of interpretation that narrow Aboriginal and treaty rights, including the taxation provisions of the Indian Act. In Robertson, the Federal Court of Appeal, building on Mitchell v Peguis, articulated a “historic and purposive” analysis, by reliance on a distinctive culture test and an ascribed protection rationale, thereby abrogating the fundamental treaty relationship. As a means to fuller implementation of the spirit and intent of Treaties, taxation provisions must be interpreted in a treaty-compliant manner. The potential for economic participation through a proposed “urban reserve” on the Kapyong Barracks in Winnipeg, Manitoba, as part of a Treaty 1 settlement, is discussed as a case study, and compared with similar developments in New Zealand, under a Waitangi Tribunal settlement, as an example of treaty compliance in economic development. / May 2017
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Teplitz-Schönauer Anzeiger ve 20. a 30. letech / Teplitz-Schönauer Anzeiger in the 1920s and 1930sJindrová, Eva January 2014 (has links)
The Diploma Thesis "Teplitz-Schönauer Anzeiger in the 1920s and 1930s" explores the German-written journal which was published in Teplice-Šanov from 1861 to 1945. Firstly the years 1918 and 1938 are briefly described as they were crucial for history of the first independent Czechoslovak state; conditions for press printing during the period of the First Czechoslovak Republic are also depicted. Subsequently the modern history of the town of Teplice-Šanov is introduced, as well as cultural environment of the place. Last but not least the media landscape which the journal entered in 1861 is described. The main part of the Thesis aims at historical development of both journal and C.Weigend Printing Company from the beginning until its transfer under national control and subsequent end of publication in 1948. Each publisher of the newspaper is introduced: first of all the founder of the journal August Copek. Then the attention is paid to four generations of publishers from Weigend family. A sample of articles from years 1918, 1928 and 1938 serves as a source which shows the structure of the journal. Following reflection of the topic of 28th October (i.e. the Independence Day of the Czechoslovakia) in the newspaper explores a position of Teplitz- Schönauer Anzeiger taken in relation to the establishment...
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Využití půdní mikrostruktury pro sledování sukcesních změn v bioturbační činnosti půdní fauny na výsypkách po těžbě uhlí / Using of soil microstructure in study of soil fauna bioturbation in post mining sitesSuchá, Linda January 2014 (has links)
The paper follows up on previous analyses of changes in soil microstructure in the process of soil development on dumps around Sokolov, Czech Republic, using the soil thin section method. The distribution of structures in the topsoil of the profile was studied in two chronosequences, one overgrown with spontaneous vegetation and one reclaimed by alder planting. A comparison with historical data obtained at these locations 10 years ago was used, and, therefore, the same methods were also applied (Frouz et al., 2007b). The most distinct trend in the process of soil development over time, as observed through both a comparison of soil thin sections from various areas of chronosequence and changes in particular sites over time, is a gradual reduction of purely mineral structures and their replacement by organic matter - litter and its fragments, faecal pellets of arthropods, earthworms coprolites, and roots. This is illustrative of a high share of biogenic structures and a fundamental contribution of organisms to forming topsoil, a fact also pointed out by other authors. Keywords: Soil macrofauna; Soil microstructure; Soil thin section; Reclamation; Post-mining sites; Soil development; Earthworms
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