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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Oro på arbetsplatsen : En kvantitativ studie om ordningsvakters upplevda oro över att utsättas för hot om våld samt överfall eller misshandel. / Anxiety in the workplace : A quantitative study about security guards and their perceived anxiety of being victimized in there profession.

Nilsson, Linda, Holmlund, Maria January 2016 (has links)
Föreliggande studie har undersökt oro över att utsättas för hot om våld samt överfall eller misshandel hos yrkesgruppen ordningsvakter, genom den kriminologiska teorin om rutinaktivitet. Syftet med studien var att undersöka om det finns samband mellan respondenternas upplevda oro över att utsättas för hot om våld samt överfall/misshandel och grad av exponering, attraktivitet som lämpligt offer samt avsaknad av kapabla väktare. Studiens underlag bestod av en webbenkät som distribuerats genom sociala medier till yrkesgruppen ordningsvakter. 378 verksamma ordningsvakter ingick i det slutgiltiga urvalet. Underlaget analyserades genom logistisk regressionsanalys samt bivariata analyser. Resultaten visade att hög exponering samt avsaknad av kapabla väktare är starka prediktorer för oro över att utsättas för hot om våld samt överfall/misshandel. Dock förkastades hypotesen att attraktivitet som lämpligt offer är en prediktor för upplevd oro. Tidigare utsatthet för brott i arbetet utgjorde tillsammans med exponering och avsaknad av kapabla väktare en lämplig förklaringsmodell för upplevd oro bland ordningsvakterna. Slutsatsen blev att det finns en utbredd oro bland ordningsvakter att utsättas för hot om våld samt överfall/misshandel, dock kan rutinaktivitetsteorin som enskild modell inte förklara den upplevda oron. / This study examines the feeling of anxiety about becoming a victim of threat of physical violence or assault in the workplace. The study focuses on people working as security guards. The purpose of the study was to examine if there is a connection between the feeling of anxiety and the elements of the routine activity theory. The samples of participants were collected by social media, where web-based surveys were published. The final sample consisted of 378 participants. The analysis consisted of a binary logistic regression and bivariate analysis. The results of the study showed that exposure and the absence of capable guards are strong predictors of the feeling of anxiety. By the results of the analysis there was no strong evidence that the feeling of anxiety and attractiveness have a connection. The study showed that earlier victimization in the workplace can be a possible predictor of anxiety. In conclusion there is a widespread feeling of anxiety amongst security guards, however the routin activity theory can not explain the whole spectra of this problem.

"Rollen på Scenen" : En studie om vakters uppfattningar av den främre och bakre regionen

Alacabek, Alan, Sahin, Erdal January 2011 (has links)
Studien syftar till att erhålla en djupare förståelse om hur ordningsvakters uppfattningar om hur deras yrkes– och privatroll ser ut. Vidare är syftet att ta reda på hur våld och hot hindrar utförandet av en framgångsrik vaktroll. Metoden vi har använt oss av var semistrukturerade kvalitativa intervjuer med åtta ordningsvakter. Studiens resultat tyder på att yrkes– och privatlivet utgör två separata sfärer. Förekomsten av hot och våld formar en yrkesroll där det interna samarbetet är det centrala. / The study aims to obtain a deeper understanding of how the opinions of security guards differ between their professional and the private roles that they occupy. Furthermore the purpose is to find out how violence and threats prevent the performance of a successful guard role. The method we have used was qualitative semi-structured interviews with eight security guards. The result of the study suggests that the professional life and the personal life may form two separate spheres. The presence of threats and violence shapes a professional role where the internal cooperation is the main key.

The effects of work values on work attitudes--The study of private security guards in the southern part of Taiwan

Kuo, Hsin-Mei 29 June 2003 (has links)
Abstract The history of Private Security Industry in Taiwan has been twenty-five years till now. Private security guards are not only the major support to governmental police force but also the labor market in demand now in spite of the work force surplus in other industries caused by economic depression. The development of private security industry is still at developing stage so that some organizations¡¦ policies and systems are not complete and sound enough. In addition, the demographics of employees in this industry are different from those in others. Majority of them are low-level educational or unemployed older workers. They chose this low entry-barrier occupation in order to solve economic plight but find no aspiration for or don¡¦t adapt to this position after working for a while. The issues discussed above have been affected private security guards¡¦ job satisfaction and organizational commitment. Few of the foreign and domestic studies on private security industry focused on behavioral issue and were conducted quantitatively. The purposes of this study were to measure work values, job satisfaction and organizational commitment of private security guards and to examine the effect of work values on those two work attitudes. Due to most of private security guards are older workers, in this study age has divided into four categories with the reference of the Bureau of Accounting & Statistics as following: young aged¡]below 25¡^, middle aged¡]26-45¡^, senior aged¡]46-65¡^, and old aged¡]above 66¡^. Data collected from a questionnaire survey of 967 private security guards in southern part of Taiwan was analyzed using the statistical techniques of crosstab, descriptive statistics analysis, T-test, one-way ANOVA, and hierarchical regression. The results indicates: 1.Most of private security guards are reemployed; most of their previous positions are at non-managerial levels; previous tenure are mainly below 15 years; most of them engaged in service industry; the main reason of last separation for all of them was voluntary separation, but for the senior aged it was factory or business shut down; the first reason of present employment is basically to support family economy. 2.Private security guards emphasize most on the work value of ¡§the orientation of organizational security and economy¡¨ but least on ¡§the orientation of stability and free from anxiety ¡¨; they have greatest ¡§intrinsic job satisfaction¡¨ but least ¡§extrinsic job satisfaction¡¨; they have highest ¡§affective commitment¡¨ but lowest ¡§continuous commitment¡¨. 3.The occupation of a private security guard should possesses the work values of higher ¡§orientation of social interaction¡¨ and lower ¡§orientation of stability and free from anxiety¡¨. Employers might take the work values orientation into consideration in the process of recruiting and selecting. 4.Senior aged private security guards have higher affective commitment and normative commitment than the young and middle aged. 5.Among work values, ¡§the orientation of self-realization, the orientation of esteem, and the orientation of stability and free from anxiety¡¨ had significant positive effect on job satisfaction¡F ¡§the orientation of organizational security and economy¡¨ had significant negative effect on job satisfaction; ¡§the orientation of esteem¡¨ has significant positive effect on organizational commitment; ¡§the orientation of social interaction¡¨ had significant positive effect on affective commitment; ¡§the orientation of stability and free from anxiety¡¨ had significant negative effect on affective commitment, but significant positive effect on continuous commitment. Private security company employers might regard these findings as the direction of modifying organization policies to improve employee¡¦s work attitudes. Key words: Private Security guard, work values, job attitude, job satisfaction, organizational commitment

Bevakningsbranschen, en bransch för alla? -En kvalitativ studie om väktare och ordningsvakters upplevelser och förståelse av kön i en mansdominerad bransch

Axelsson, Lina, Eriksson, Malin January 2021 (has links)
The purpose of this essay is to investigate the importance of gender in the security guard occupation and also to investigate what gender-marked notions about the security industry that exist among the respondents. Furthermore, the purpose is to investigate the respondents' experience of the impact that gender has on the working group. Previous research on police officers shows that within the police force there are perceptions of how one should be and act that are related to notions of the biological sex. Furthermore, research shows that the ideal of masculinity is central to the profession, as there are preconceived notions that a police officer needs to have certain masculine qualities. Through six qualitative semi-structured interviews, we examined the respondents' experience of the importance of gender in their work as security guards as well as for the working group. We also examined the respondents' perceptions of the industry. The results show that all respondents have a positive image of the profession, where they are treated with respect regardless of gender. Some respondents describe that each gender has certain characteristics that distinguish them, but that it does not affect how well they can perform their work. Furthermore, it appears that all respondents' see the profession of security guards as a masculine industry. On the other hand, it is not masculine qualities that are described that are necessary in the profession. Rather softer qualities such as empathy are described as necessary. / Syftet med denna uppsats är att undersöka vilken betydelse som väktare och ordningsvakter upplever att kön har i deras arbete och hur det påverkar arbetsgruppen, samt undersöka vilka genusmärkta föreställningar som finns bland respondenterna om branschen i sin helhet. Tidigare forskning om poliser visar att det inom poliskåren finns uppfattningar om hur man bör vara och agera som är kopplade till föreställningar om det biologiska könet. Vidare visar forskningen att maskulinitetsideal är centralt inom yrket, då det finns förutfattade meningar om att en polis behöver ha vissa maskulina egenskaper. Genom sex kvalitativa semistrukturerade intervjuer har vi undersökt respondenternas upplevelse av betydelsen av kön i arbetet som ordningsvakt och väktare, liksom köns inverkan på arbetsgruppen samt undersöka respondenternas föreställningar om branschen. Resultatet visar att samtliga respondenter har en positiv bild av yrket, där man behandlas med respekt oavsett kön. Vissa respondenter beskriver att respektive kön har vissa egenskaper som utmärker dem, men att det inte är något som påverkar hur väl de kan utföra sitt arbete. Vidare framkommer det också att samtliga respondenter sett branschen som maskulint förknippad, men när respondenterna beskriver de egenskaperna som anses som nödvändiga och fördelaktiga i yrket är det snarare mjukare egenskaper som beskrivs exempelvis inkännande och empati som nämns.

Security of NFC applications

Pham, Thi Van Anh January 2013 (has links)
Near Field Communication (NFC) refers to a communication technology that enables an effortless connection and data transfers between two devices by putting them in a close proximity. Besides contactless payment and ticketing applications, which were the original key drivers of this technology, a large number of novel use cases can benefit from this rapidly developing technology, as has been illustrated in various NFC-enabled application proposals and pilot trials. Typical NFC-enabled systems combine NFC tags, NFC-enabled mobile phones, and online servers. This thesis explores the trust relationships, security requirements, and security protocol design in these complex systems. We study how to apply the security features of different types of NFC tags to secure NFC applications. We first examine potential weaknesses and problems in some novel use cases where NFC can be employed. Thereafter, we analyze the requirements and propose our system design to secure each use case. In addition, we developed proof-of-concept implementations for two of our proposed protocols: an NFCenabled security-guard monitoring system and an NFC-enabled restaurant menu. For the former use case, we also formally verified our proposed security protocol.  Our analysis shows that among the discussed tags, the NFC tags based on secure memory cards have the least capability and flexibility. Their built-in three-pass mutual authentication can be used to prove the freshness of the event when the tag is tapped. The programmable contactless smart cards are more flexible because they can be programmed to implement new security protocols. In addition, they are able to keep track of a sequence number and can be used in systems that do not require application-specific software on the mobile phone. The sequence number enforces the order of events, thus providing a certain level of replay prevention. The most powerful type of tag is the emulated card since it provides a clock, greater computational capacity, and possibly its own Internet connection, naturally at higher cost of deployment. / Near Field Communication (NFC) hänvisar till en kommunikationsteknik som möjliggör en enkel anslutning och dataöverföring mellan två enheter genom att sätta dem i en närhet. Förutom kontaktlös betalning och biljetthantering ansökningar, vilket var den ursprungliga viktiga drivkrafter för denna teknik, kan ett stort antal nya användningsfall dra nytta av denna snabbt växande teknik, som har visats i olika NFC-aktiverade program förslag och pilotförsök. Typiska NFC-applikationer kombinerar NFC-taggar, NFC-kompatibla mobiltelefoner och online-servrar. Denna avhandling utforskar förtroenderelationer, säkerhetskrav och säkerhetsprotokoll utformning i dessa komplexa system. Vi studerar hur man kan tillämpa de säkerhetsfunktioner för olika typer av NFC-taggar för att säkra NFC-applikationer. Vi undersöker först potentiella svagheter och problem i vissa nya användningsfall där NFC kan användas.  Därefter analyserar vi de krav och föreslå vårt system design för att säkra varje användningsfall. Dessutom utvecklade vi proof-of-concept implementationer för två av våra föreslagna protokoll: en NFC-aktiverad säkerhet-guard övervakningssystem och en NFC-aktiverad restaurang meny. Dessutom, för fd bruk fallet, kontrollerade vi formellt vår föreslagna säkerhetsprotokoll. Vår analys visar att bland de diskuterade taggar, NFC taggar som baseras på säkra minneskort har minst kapacitet och dlexibilitet. Deras inbyggda trepass ömsesidig autentisering kan användas för att bevisa färskhet av händelsen när taggen tappas. De programmerbara beröringsfria smarta kort är mer flexibla eftersom de kan programmeras för att genomföra nya säkerhetsprotokoll.  Dessutom kan de hålla reda på ett löpnummer och kan användas i system som inte kräver ansökan-specik mjukvara på mobiltelefonen. Sekvensnumret framtvingar ordning av händelser, vilket ger en viss nivå av replay förebyggande. Den mest kraftfulla typen av taggen är den emulerade kortet eftersom det ger en klocka, större beräkningskapacitet, och möjligen sin egen Internet-anslutning, naturligtvis till högre kostnad för utplacering.

Ordningsvakter på Möllevångstorget : En studie om ordningsvakter som förebyggande åtgärd / Security guards on Möllevångstorget : A study on security guards as prevention

Johnsson, Caroline, Ado, Kriv January 2021 (has links)
Studien har ett tvådelat syfte. Först ämnar studien undersöka utifrån vilka förutsättningar det tagits beslut om att implementera kommunala ordningsvakter att patrullera på och kring Möllevångstorget i Malmö, vidare att undersöka vilka mål och förväntningar involverade aktörer har på insatsen. Syftet är också att undersöka upplevelsen av ordningsstörningar och trygghet och slutligen uppfattning om ordningsvakter bland personer som besöker Möllevångstorget. För att uppnå studiens första syfte genomfördes semistrukturerade intervjuer med nyckelinformanter, urvalet bestod av sju personer. För att uppnå det andra syftet genomfördes i första hand strukturerade intervjuer med personer som vistades på platsen, i andra hand erbjöds de en webbenkät. 42 personer deltog på en strukturerad intervju och 18 personer besvarade webbenkäten. Det framkom genom de semistrukturerade intervjuerna att narkotikaförsäljning och otrygghet är ett stort problem i området. Målet är framför allt att tryggheten ska öka i samband med LOV§3-insatsen. Det önskades också att det finns en väl fungerande samverkan mellan aktörer som kan bidra till att brottsligheten och otryggheten minskar, att inte enbart förlita sig på att ordningsvakter löser alla problem. Resultatet från de strukturerade intervjuerna/webbenkäten visar att klotter och öppen drogförsäljning är de ordningsstörningar som upplevs förekomma mest frekvent. Tryggheten på platsen förefaller vara relativt hög med viss variation vad gäller tidpunkt, då oro att utsättas för brott är högre under kvällstid. Slutligen visar studien att förtroende kan vara av betydelse för hur effektiva ordningsvakter uppfattas vara. / The study has a twofold purpose, the first is to investigate the conditions on which decisions have been made to implement municipal security guards to patrol around and on Möllevångstorget in Malmö. Furthermore, the study aims to investigate goals and expectations the involved actors have on the current operation. The purpose of the study is also to investigate the experience of disorder and fear of crime and lastly the perception regarding security guards, among people who visits Möllevångstorget. To achieve the first purpose of the study, semi-structured interviews were conducted with key informants, the sample consisted of seven people. To achieve the second purpose of the study, primarily structured interviews were conducted and secondly a web survey was offered. 42 people participated in a structured interview and 18 people answered the web survey. What emerged from the semi-structured interviews indicates that drug sales and fear of crime is a common issue in the area. Furthermore, the main goal is for the security to increase in connection with the LOV§3 operation. It was also desired that there is a well-functioning collaboration between actors that can contribute to reducing crime and fear of crime, and not to rely solely on security guards solving all problems. The results from the structured interviews/ web survey indicate that graffiti and open drug sales are disorders that are perceived to occur most frequently. The fear of crime in the area appears to be relatively low with certain variations in terms of time, as fear about being exposed to crime is higher in the evening. Finally, the study shows that trust can be important for how effective security guards are perceived to be.

Personal Property

Lindsay, Carolyn M. 03 September 2013 (has links)
No description available.

Developing a measure of coping in high stress security occupations: a stress management model approach / Ontwikkeling van 'n maatstaf vir streshantering in stresvolle sekuriteitsberoepe: 'n stresbestuursmodel benadering / Ukwenza isu lokubhekana nesimo sengcindezi ephezulu kwimisebenzi yezokuphepha: indlela yemodeli yokubhekana nokuphatha ingcindezi

Schoeman, Petrus Gerhardus 03 1900 (has links)
Summaries in English, Afrikaans and Zulu / Orientation: Security personnel work in a high risk and consequently high stress environment. This may negatively affect their wellbeing. Owing to the high crime rate in South Africa, one of the continuous stressors security personnel experience might be fearing for their lives. If security personnel fail to use effective coping strategies they will remain stressed, and this may have a negative impact on them, and their organisation or community. Challenges such as work stress in the South African security industry have not been comprehensively researched or documented (Sibanyoni, 2014). Consequently, no South African questionnaire measuring coping with stress or a stress management model for dealing with stress in a security environment, could be found. Research purpose: The general aim of the research was to develop a valid and reliable coping questionnaire and stress management model for high stress security occupations. Research methodology: A questionnaire development process, as suggested by scientific literature, was followed. The process entailed (1) determining coping strategies by means of a literature review, (2) developing the coping questionnaire, (3) administering the questionnaire to the target population, and (4) statistical analysis. The stress management model was developed by combining the results of the confirmatory factor analysis (CFA) and canonical correlation analysis (CCA). The development of the questionnaire was based on a sample of 381 active duty security personnel working in a high stress security environment in South Africa. Main findings: The study resulted in the development of a psychometrically sound 39-item questionnaire. The following 12 empirically validated healthy and unhealthy coping strategies were identified: (1) social support, (2) group cohesion, (3) physical exercise, (4) relaxation, (5) social media addiction, (6) healthy sleeping habits, (7) healthy diet, (8) training, (9) humour, (10) religion, (11) avoidance, and (12) denial. CFA confirmed both the construct and content validity, and composite reliability. The questionnaire was found to be invariant, and could thus be applied to different groups in high stress security occupations. A stress management model indicating the interrelationship between personality and coping was also developed. Contribution/value-add: The main contribution of this study was the development of a valid coping questionnaire and stress management model. By identifying the specific coping strategies, targeted stress management interventions could be developed. This could contribute to the overall wellness of security personnel working in high stress occupations, resulting in a healthy organisation and sound relationships with the community. Security organisations could also use the model during assessments to identify candidates with personality traits that would lead to healthier coping strategies, thereby selecting personnel that could better adapt to a security environment. / Oriëntasie: Sekuriteitspersoneel werk in ’n hoë risiko en gevolglik ’n stresvolle omgewing. Dit kan hulle welstand negatief beïnvloed. As gevolg van die hoë misdaadsyfer in Suid-Afrika kan een van die deurlopende stressors wat sekuriteitspersoneel ervaar ’n vrees vir hulle lewens wees. Indien sekuriteitspersoneel nie effektiewe streshantering strategieë gebruik nie, kan hulle voortdurend stres ervaar en dit kan ’n negatiewe impak op hulleself, hulle organisasie of gemeenskap hê. Uitdagings soos beroepstres in die Suid-Afrikaanse sekuriteitsindustrie is nog nie deeglik nagevors of gedokumenteer nie (Sibanyoni, 2014). Gevolglik kon daar vir die sekuriteitsomgewing geen Suid-Afrikaanse vraelys wat streshantering meet of ’n stresbestuursmodel gevind word nie. Doel van die navorsing: Die algemene doel van die navorsing was om vir stresvolle sekuriteitsberoepe ’n geldige en betroubare streshanteringsvraelys en stresbestuursmodel te ontwikkel. Navorsingsmetodologie: ’n Vraelys ontwikkelingsproses, soos deur wetenskaplike literatuur voorgestel, is gevolg. Die proses het die volgende behels: (1) die vasstel van die streshantering strategieë deur middel van ’n literatuuroorsig, (2) die ontwikkeling van die streshanteringsvraelys, (3) administrasie van die vraelys aan die teiken populasie en (4) statistiese analise. Die stresbestuursmodel is ontwikkel deur die resultate van die bevestigende faktoranalise (BFA) en die kanoniese korrelasie analise te kombineer. Die ontwikkeling van die vraelys is gebaseer op ’n steekproef van 381 aktiewe diens sekuriteitspersoneel wat in Suid-Afrika in ’n stresvolle sekuriteitsomgewing werk. Hoofbevindinge: Die studie het tot ’n psigometries betroubare 39-item vraelys gelei. Twaalf empiries gestaafde gesonde en ongesonde streshantering strategieë is geïdentifiseer naamlik: (1) sosiale ondersteuning, (2) groep kohesie, (3) fisiese oefening, (4) ontspanning, (5) sosiale media verslawing, (6) gesonde slaapgewoontes, (7) gesonde dieet, (8) opleiding, (9) humor, (10) godsdiens, (11) vermyding en (12) ontkenning. BFA het die konstruk- en inhoudsgeldigheid so wel as die saamgestelde betroubaarheid bevestig. Die vraelys is invariant en kan dus op verskillende groepe in hoë stres sekuriteitsberoepe toegepas word. ’n Stresbestuursmodel wat die verwantskap tussen persoonlikheid en streshantering aandui is ook ontwikkel. Bydrae/waardetoevoeging: Die belangrikste bydrae van hierdie studie was die ontwikkeling van ’n geldige streshanteringsvraelys en stresbestuursmodel. Deur die spesifieke streshantering strategieë te identifiseer kan gefokusde streshantering intervensies ontwikkel word. Dit kan tot die algehele welstand van sekuriteitspersoneel wat in stresvolle beroepe werk bydra en derhalwe ’n gesonde organisasie en goeie verhoudings met die gemeenskap. Sekuriteitsorganisasies kan ook tydens keurings die model gebruik om kandidate met persoonlikheidstrekke, wat tot gesonder streshantering strategieë sal lei, te identifiseer en dus personeel kies wat beter by ’n sekuriteitsomgewing sal aanpas. / Isimo somqondo: Abasebenzi bezokuphepha basebenza ezindaweni ezinobungozi obuphakeme nengcindezi ephakeme. Lokhu kungaba nomthelela omubi esimeni sabo sempilo. Ngenxa yezinga lobugebengu eliphezulu eNingizimu Afrika, okukodwa okudala ingcindezi ngokuqhubekayo kubasebenzi bezokuphepha ukwesabela izimpilo zabo. Uma abasebenzi bezokuphepha bengasebenzisi amasu aphumelelayo okubhekana nalezi zimo, bazohlala benengcindezi futhi lokhu kungaba nomphumela omubi kubona, enhlanganweni yabo noma emphakathini wabo. Ucwaningo ngezinselelo ezinjengokucindezeleka emsebenzini ezimbonini zokuphepha lapha eNingizimu Afrika alwenziwanga futhi akubhaliwe kabanzi ngakho (Sibanyoni, 2014). Kanjalo, alutholakalanga uhlu lwemibuzo lwaseNingizimu Afrika olungalinganisa ukuthi abasebenzi bezokuphepha babhekana kanjani nengcindezi kanye nomlinganiso olawula ingcindezi ukubhekana nengcindezi ezindaweni zezokuphepha. Inhloso yocwaningo: Inhloso enkulu yocwaningo kwakuwukuqamba uhlu lwemibuzo oluqinisekile noluthembekile ukubhekana nengcindezi nomlinganiso wokulawula ingcindezi emisebenzini yezokuphepha enengcindezi ephakeme. Indlela yokwenza ucwaningo: Isenzo sokuqamba uhlu lwemibuzo njengoba kuhlongozwa yimibhalo yezesayensi silandelwe kulolu cwaningo. Lesi senzo sibe (1) nokuthola amasu okubhekana nengcindezi ngokubhekisa emibhalweni ehloliwe, (2) nokuqamba uhlu lwemibuzo ephathelene nokubhekana nengcindezi, (3) nokunikeza uhlu lwemibuzo kubantu abathintekayo, kanye (4) nokwenza uhlaziyo lwezibalo. Umlinganiso wokulawula ingcindezi wenziwe ngokuhlanganisa imiphumela yeConfirmatory Factor Analysis (CFA) neyeCanonical Correlation Analysis (CCA). Ukuqanjwa kohlu lwemibuzo kweyeme esampuleni labasebenzi bezokuphepha abangama-381 abamatasa emsebenzini abasebenza ezindaweni ezinengcindezi ephakeme eNingizimu Afrika. Okukhulu okutholakele ocwaningweni: Ucwaningo lube nomphumela ekuqanjweni kohlu lwemibuzo oluqinisekile ngokwesayikhomethri olunemibuzo angama-39. Kukhonjwe amasu okubhekana nengcindezi ayishumi nambili aqinisekiswe ngokubukisiswa asesimeni esiphilile nesingaphilile sempilo, okubalwa kuwo, (1) uxhaso lomphakathi, (2) ukuba ndawonye kweqembu, (3) ukuzivocavoca umzimba, (4) ukuziphumuza, (5) ukuba yisigqili semithombo yomphakathi, (6) imikhuba emihle yokulala, (7) uqeqesho, (8) amahlaya, (10) inkolo, (11) ukuxwaya, kanye (12) nokwala. ICFA iqinisekise ukuba neqiniso kombono nokuqukethwe, kanye nokwethembeka okuxubile. Kutholakele ukuthi uhlu lwemibuzo aluguquki futhi lungasetshenziswa emaqenjini ehlukene emisebenzini yezokuphepha anengcindezi ephakeme. Kuthuthukiswe nomlinganiso olawula ingcindezi okhombisa ubudlelwano phakathi komuntu isibili nokubhekana nengcindezi. Umnikelo: Umnikelo omkhulu walolu cwaningo kube ukuqamba uhlu lwemibuzo oluqinisekile ukubhekana nengcindezi kanye nomlinganiso wokulawula ingcindezi. Ngokukhomba amasu aqondene nokubhekana nengcindezi, kungathuthukiswa izindlela ezihlosiwe zokulawula ingcindezi. Lokhu kunganikela esimeni esihle sempilo yabasebenzi bezokuphepha abasebenza imisebenzi enengcindezi ephakeme, okuzoholela enhlanganweni esesimeni esihle nasebudlelwaneni obuhle nomphakathi. Izinhlangano zezokuphepha nazo zingawusebenzisa lomlinganiso ngesikhathi sokuhlola ukubona abafundi abanezici ezinomthelela omuhle, kumasu abhekana nengcindezi asesimeni esihle, ezizobenza bakhethe abasebenzi abazongena kahle ezindaweni zokuphepha. / Industrial and Organisational Psychology / D. Phil. (Industrial and Organisational Psychology)

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