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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Development of a Detailed Geomorphological Mapping System and GIS Geodatabase in Sweden

Gustavsson, Marcus January 2006 (has links)
<p>This thesis presents a method for detailed landscape presentation. The method incorporates both fieldwork-based comprehensive geomorphological description and digital data handling and thus contributes in filling the gap between traditional geomorphological mapping and modern geomorphological studies performed in Geographic Information Systems (GIS).</p><p>The main part of the thesis relates to development of a new detailed geomorphological mapping system, constructed to be easy to use and yet present a large amount of geomorphological information. The legend of the mapping system has successfully been applied to various types of landscapes, mapped at various scales between 1:5,000 and 1:50,000 without any modifications needed. The information presented in the map is based on simple descriptive criteria and thus the subjectivity is kept low, which enables a broad field of usage. In parallel with the mapping system a GIS-based geomorphological database has been developed. The structure and data presentation of the new mapping system allows for easy transformation of the data to form part of this database. The selected format of the GIS database is the ESRI ArcGIS<sup>®</sup>, Personal geodatabase.</p><p>In the development of the geomorphological mapping system four field areas have been mapped in central (Bonäs, Risa and Liden) and northern Sweden (Tarfala). In addition the new legend has been adapted to a field area situated in Vorarlberg, Austria (Upper Gamperdona valley).</p><p>In relation to the Tarfala field area an added issue of the project has been to give insights in the effects of physical and chemical weathering on various rock types to see if this can be detected in materials and landforms. The results from this study point at that resistance towards weathering vary among rocks even though they are of same rock type.</p>

Development of a Detailed Geomorphological Mapping System and GIS Geodatabase in Sweden

Gustavsson, Marcus January 2006 (has links)
This thesis presents a method for detailed landscape presentation. The method incorporates both fieldwork-based comprehensive geomorphological description and digital data handling and thus contributes in filling the gap between traditional geomorphological mapping and modern geomorphological studies performed in Geographic Information Systems (GIS). The main part of the thesis relates to development of a new detailed geomorphological mapping system, constructed to be easy to use and yet present a large amount of geomorphological information. The legend of the mapping system has successfully been applied to various types of landscapes, mapped at various scales between 1:5,000 and 1:50,000 without any modifications needed. The information presented in the map is based on simple descriptive criteria and thus the subjectivity is kept low, which enables a broad field of usage. In parallel with the mapping system a GIS-based geomorphological database has been developed. The structure and data presentation of the new mapping system allows for easy transformation of the data to form part of this database. The selected format of the GIS database is the ESRI ArcGIS®, Personal geodatabase. In the development of the geomorphological mapping system four field areas have been mapped in central (Bonäs, Risa and Liden) and northern Sweden (Tarfala). In addition the new legend has been adapted to a field area situated in Vorarlberg, Austria (Upper Gamperdona valley). In relation to the Tarfala field area an added issue of the project has been to give insights in the effects of physical and chemical weathering on various rock types to see if this can be detected in materials and landforms. The results from this study point at that resistance towards weathering vary among rocks even though they are of same rock type.

Kusterosion på sydvästra Gotland : En undersökning i GIS och berggrundsgeologi / Coastal Erosion on Southwestern Gotland : A Survey in GIS and Bedrock Geology

Andersson, Colin, Hoset, Andreas January 2021 (has links)
Southwestern Gotland has a relatively diverse bedrock where both sandstone, limestone and marl areexposed. The purpose of the survey has been to investigate differences in coastal erosion regarding thecontent of the bedrock. This was done by taking samples from 9 different locations which were laterexamined in point load tests and a slake durability test. A GIS-analysis was also done where the coastalarea in old aerial images and modern orthophotos were compared. The results showed that the sandstoneand marl samples were approximately equally prone to break and that limestone was less prone. Theslake durability test showed that sandstone from one site had the least resistance to abrasion, sandstonefrom the marl areas had greater resistance and that the limestone area had marginally greater resistancethan the marl areas. The GIS analysis indicated that the sandstone and marl areas had a relatively highsensitivity to coastal erosion and that the limestone area was not particularly exposed to coastal erosion. / Sydvästra Gotland har en relativt mångfaldig berggrund där både sandsten, kalksten och märgelstenexponeras. Arbetets syfte har varit att undersöka skillnader i kusterosion med avseende på berggrundensinnehåll. Detta utfördes genom att ta prov från 9 olika lokaler som senare undersöktes i punktlasttestoch nötningstest. En GIS-analys utfördes även där kustområdet i äldre flygfoton och modernaortofotona jämfördes. Resultatet indikerade att sandstens- och märgelstensproverna hade ungefärligenlika stor benägenhet att brytas och att kalksten har mindre benägenhet. Nötningstester visade attsandsten från en lokal hade minst motståndskraft mot nötning, att sandsten från märgelstensområdenahade större motståndskraft och att kalkstensområdet hade marginellt större än märgelstensområdena.Enligt GIS-analysen hade sandstens- och märgelstensområdena en relativt stor känslighet förkusterosion och att kalkstensområdet inte var särskilt utsatt för kusterosion.

Spatial Variation of Dissolved Organic Carbon along Streams in Swedish Boreal Catchments

Temnerud, Johan January 2005 (has links)
<p>Denna avhandling behandlar den småskaliga rumsliga variationen av löst organiskt kol (DOC, engelsk term: dissolved organic carbon), dess koncentration, masstransport och karaktär, i bäckar inom två barrskogsbeklädda avrinningsområden (delavrinningsområden 0,01-78 km²). Provtagningen gjordes uppströms och nedströms varje bäckförgrening under sommarbasflöde. Koncentrationen av DOC varierade inom en tiopotens (4-66 mg/l), liksom flera andra kemiska parametrar. Vid riksinventeringen av vattendrag för 2000 i norra Sverige noterades en snarlik spännvidd. Enligt Naturvårdverkets bedömningsgrunder för sjöar och vattendrag återfanns alla tillståndsklasser för DOC och pH, samt mänsklig påverkansgrad till försurningen inom de två studerade områdena. Den specifika avrinningen (flöde per areaenhet) varierade kraftigt i källflödena och inverkade på deras bidrag till kemin nedströms. Vattenkemin och specifika avrinningen var stabila i delavrinningsområden större än 15 km². Det kan vara nödvändigt att provta så stora områden om generella värden för landskapet önskas, men källflödenas kemi kommer då inte att kunna karakteriseras, ehuru källflödena utgör den största delen av bäcksträckan och det akvatiska ekosystemet.</p><p>Nedströms är DOC-koncentrationen, och många andra kemiska parametrar, lika med summan av bidragen från källflödena och nedströms utspädning av inflödande vatten. Tillkommer gör processer inom bäcken och vattnets utbyte med botten/grundvatten (den hyporheiska zonen), men även DOC-förluster/transformationer vid vissa bäckförgreningar och sjöar. Ovanstående resonemang förklarade bäckvattenkemins minskande variation och vanligen lägre DOC-koncentrationer nedströms i ett landskapsperspektiv. Längs bäcksträckorna observerades ingen generell minskning av DOC-koncentration eller ändring av dess karaktär. Skillnaden i DOC-koncentration och relaterade parametrar mellan källflöden och nedströms styrdes i hög grad av vilka landskapselement (myrar, sjöar och skogsmark) som vattnet hade passerat innan det hamnade i bäckarna, samt samspelseffekter med den specifik avrinningen och platserna med DOC-förlust. Prognoser med multivariata modeller baserade på kartinformation testades men kunde inte förutsäga det rumsliga mönstret eller DOC-koncentrationen med erforderlig precision.</p><p>Lämpliga rutiner inom miljöövervakningen för att övervaka den rumsliga variationen av kemin i ytvatten saknas alltjämt. Vid planering av terrestra och akvatiska skötselåtgärder bör man beakta bäckvattnets naturliga kemiska variation.</p> / <p>This thesis quantifies the small-scale spatial variation of dissolved organic carbon (DOC) concentrations, fluxes and character in two boreal catchments (subcatchments 0.01-78 km²) using ”snapshots” of summer base flow where samples were taken upstream and downstream from every node in the stream network. An order of magnitude variation was found in DOC-concentrations, and many other chemical parameters. The range was similar to that found in all of northern Sweden by the national stream survey in 2000. According to the official assessment tools used in Sweden, the entire range of environmental status for DOC, pH and human acidification influence existed within these two study catchments. A large variability in specific discharge had a major impact on the contribution of headwaters to downstream chemistry. The water chemistry parameters were relatively stable at catchment areas greater than 15 km². Sampling at that scale may be adequate if generalised values for the landscape are desired. However the chemistry of headwaters, where much of the stream length and aquatic ecosystem is found would not be characterized.</p><p>Downstream DOC-concentrations, as well as many other chemical parameters, are the sum of headwater inputs, in combination with progressive downstream dilution by inflowing water with its own DOC-concentration and character. Superimposed upon this are in-stream and hyporheic processes, as well as discrete loci of DOC loss/transformation at lakes and stream junctions. At the landscape scale, this results in a decreased downstream variation in stream water chemistry and often, but not necessarily, lower average DOC-concentrations. Along stream reaches there was not a loss of DOC-concentration or a consistent change in character. While the importance of in-stream/hyporheic processes that consistently alter DOC-concentrations along the channel network cannot be ruled out, the differences between headwater and downstream DOC-concentrations and related parameters depend largely on the mosaic of landscape elements (mires, lakes and forest soil) contributing water to the channel network, combined with patterns of specific discharge and discrete loci of DOC loss. Assessment would be facilitated by map information that could predict spatial patterns. Multivariate models using maps, however, did not give satisfactory predictions.</p><p>Appropriate procedures for dealing with spatial variation in the environmental assessment of surface waters are not yet established. An awareness of stream water chemistry’s natural spatial variability should be considered when planning aquatic and terrestrial management.</p>

Quaternary paleoceanography of the Arctic Ocean : A study of sediment stratigraphy and physical properties

Sellén, Emma January 2009 (has links)
A Quaternary perspective on the paleoceanographic evolution of the central Arctic Ocean has been obtained in this PhD thesis by studying sediment cores from all of the Arctic’s major submarine ridges and plateaus. The included cores were mainly recovered during the Healy-Oden Trans-Arctic expedition in 2005 and the Lomonosov Ridge off Greenland expedition in 2007. One of the main thesis objectives is to establish whether different sediment depositional regimes prevailed in different parts of the central Arctic Ocean during the Quaternary and, if so, establish general sedimentation rates for these regimes. This was approached by dating key cores using the decay of the cosmogenic isotopes 10Be and 14C, and through stratigraphic core-to-core correlation using sediment physical properties. However, the Arctic Ocean sea ice complicated the use of 10Be for dating because a solid sea ice cover prevents the 10Be isotopes from reaching the seafloor, resulting in too old ages. Dating using 14C is also complicated due to uncertain marine reservoir age corrections in the central Arctic Ocean. The core-to-core correlations show five areas with different depositional regimes; the northern Mendeleev Ridge and Alpha Ridge, southern Mendeleev Ridge, Morris Jesup Rise, Lomonosov Ridge and Yermak Plateau, listed in the order of increasing sedimentation rates from ~0.5cm/ka to ~4.8 cm/ka. A detailed study of the relationship between sediment bulk density and grain sizes suggests a strong link between variations in clay abundance and bulk density. Grain size analysis of a Lomonosov Ridge core show that fine silt and clay dominates the interglacials, possibly due to increased suspension freezing of these size fractions into sea ice and/or nepheloid transport. Sediments younger than the marine isotope stage (MIS) 7 generally contain more coarse silt, attributed to a regime shift during the Quaternary with increased iceberg transport into the central Arctic Ocean from MIS 6 and onwards. / At the time of the doctoral defense, the following papers were unpublished and had a status as follows: Paper 3: In progress. Paper 4: In progress. Paper 5: In progress. Paper 6: In progress.

Spatial variation of dissolved organic carbon along streams in Swedish boreal catchments

Temnerud, Johan January 2005 (has links)
Denna avhandling behandlar den småskaliga rumsliga variationen av löst organiskt kol (DOC, engelsk term: dissolved organic carbon), dess koncentration, masstransport och karaktär, i bäckar inom två barrskogsbeklädda avrinningsområden (delavrinningsområden 0,01-78 km²). Provtagningen gjordes uppströms och nedströms varje bäckförgrening under sommarbasflöde. Koncentrationen av DOC varierade inom en tiopotens (4-66 mg/l), liksom flera andra kemiska parametrar. Vid riksinventeringen av vattendrag för 2000 i norra Sverige noterades en snarlik spännvidd. Enligt Naturvårdverkets bedömningsgrunder för sjöar och vattendrag återfanns alla tillståndsklasser för DOC och pH, samt mänsklig påverkansgrad till försurningen inom de två studerade områdena. Den specifika avrinningen (flöde per areaenhet) varierade kraftigt i källflödena och inverkade på deras bidrag till kemin nedströms. Vattenkemin och specifika avrinningen var stabila i delavrinningsområden större än 15 km². Det kan vara nödvändigt att provta så stora områden om generella värden för landskapet önskas, men källflödenas kemi kommer då inte att kunna karakteriseras, ehuru källflödena utgör den största delen av bäcksträckan och det akvatiska ekosystemet. Nedströms är DOC-koncentrationen, och många andra kemiska parametrar, lika med summan av bidragen från källflödena och nedströms utspädning av inflödande vatten. Tillkommer gör processer inom bäcken och vattnets utbyte med botten/grundvatten (den hyporheiska zonen), men även DOC-förluster/transformationer vid vissa bäckförgreningar och sjöar. Ovanstående resonemang förklarade bäckvattenkemins minskande variation och vanligen lägre DOC-koncentrationer nedströms i ett landskapsperspektiv. Längs bäcksträckorna observerades ingen generell minskning av DOC-koncentration eller ändring av dess karaktär. Skillnaden i DOC-koncentration och relaterade parametrar mellan källflöden och nedströms styrdes i hög grad av vilka landskapselement (myrar, sjöar och skogsmark) som vattnet hade passerat innan det hamnade i bäckarna, samt samspelseffekter med den specifik avrinningen och platserna med DOC-förlust. Prognoser med multivariata modeller baserade på kartinformation testades men kunde inte förutsäga det rumsliga mönstret eller DOC-koncentrationen med erforderlig precision. Lämpliga rutiner inom miljöövervakningen för att övervaka den rumsliga variationen av kemin i ytvatten saknas alltjämt. Vid planering av terrestra och akvatiska skötselåtgärder bör man beakta bäckvattnets naturliga kemiska variation. / This thesis quantifies the small-scale spatial variation of dissolved organic carbon (DOC) concentrations, fluxes and character in two boreal catchments (subcatchments 0.01-78 km²) using ”snapshots” of summer base flow where samples were taken upstream and downstream from every node in the stream network. An order of magnitude variation was found in DOC-concentrations, and many other chemical parameters. The range was similar to that found in all of northern Sweden by the national stream survey in 2000. According to the official assessment tools used in Sweden, the entire range of environmental status for DOC, pH and human acidification influence existed within these two study catchments. A large variability in specific discharge had a major impact on the contribution of headwaters to downstream chemistry. The water chemistry parameters were relatively stable at catchment areas greater than 15 km². Sampling at that scale may be adequate if generalised values for the landscape are desired. However the chemistry of headwaters, where much of the stream length and aquatic ecosystem is found would not be characterized. Downstream DOC-concentrations, as well as many other chemical parameters, are the sum of headwater inputs, in combination with progressive downstream dilution by inflowing water with its own DOC-concentration and character. Superimposed upon this are in-stream and hyporheic processes, as well as discrete loci of DOC loss/transformation at lakes and stream junctions. At the landscape scale, this results in a decreased downstream variation in stream water chemistry and often, but not necessarily, lower average DOC-concentrations. Along stream reaches there was not a loss of DOC-concentration or a consistent change in character. While the importance of in-stream/hyporheic processes that consistently alter DOC-concentrations along the channel network cannot be ruled out, the differences between headwater and downstream DOC-concentrations and related parameters depend largely on the mosaic of landscape elements (mires, lakes and forest soil) contributing water to the channel network, combined with patterns of specific discharge and discrete loci of DOC loss. Assessment would be facilitated by map information that could predict spatial patterns. Multivariate models using maps, however, did not give satisfactory predictions. Appropriate procedures for dealing with spatial variation in the environmental assessment of surface waters are not yet established. An awareness of stream water chemistry’s natural spatial variability should be considered when planning aquatic and terrestrial management.

Regulation of carbon dioxide emission from Swedish boreal lakes and the Gulf of Bothnia

Algesten, Grete January 2005 (has links)
<p>The global carbon cycle is subject to intense research, where sources and sinks for greenhouse gases, carbon dioxide in particular, are estimated for various systems and biomes. Lakes have previously been neglected in carbon balance estimations, but have recently been recognized to be significant net sources of CO2.</p><p>This thesis estimates emission of carbon dioxide (CO2) from boreal lakes and factors regulating the CO2 saturation from field measurements of CO2 concentration along with a number of chemical, biological and physical parameters. Concentration of dissolved organic carbon (DOC) was found to be the most important factor for CO2 saturation in lake water, whereas climatic parameters such as precipitation, temperature and global radiation were less influential. All lakes were supersaturated with and, thus, sources of CO2. Sediment incubation experiments indicated that in-lake mineralization processes during summer stratification mainly occurred in the pelagial. Approximately 10% of the CO2 emitted from the lake surface was produced in epilimnetic sediments. </p><p>The mineralization of DOC and emission of CO2 from freshwaters was calculated on a catchment basis for almost 80,000 lakes and 21 major catchments in Sweden, together with rates of sedimentation in lakes and export of organic carbon to the sea. The total export of terrestrial organic carbon to freshwaters could thereby be estimated and consequently also the importance of lakes for the withdrawal of organic carbon export from terrestrial sources to the sea. Lakes removed 30-80% of imported terrestrial organic carbon, and mineralization and CO2 emission were much more important than sedimentation of carbon. The carbon loss was closely related to water retention time, where catchments with short residence times (<1 year) had low carbon retentions, whereas in catchments with long residence times (>3 years) a majority of the imported TOC was removed in the lake systems. </p><p>The Gulf of Bothnia was also studied in this thesis and found to be a net heterotrophic system, emitting large amounts of CO2 to the atmosphere on an annual basis. The rate of CO2 emission was depending on the balance between primary production and bacterial respiration, and the system was oscillating between being a source and a sink of CO2.</p>

Regulation of carbon dioxide emission from Swedish boreal lakes and the Gulf of Bothnia

Algesten, Grete January 2005 (has links)
The global carbon cycle is subject to intense research, where sources and sinks for greenhouse gases, carbon dioxide in particular, are estimated for various systems and biomes. Lakes have previously been neglected in carbon balance estimations, but have recently been recognized to be significant net sources of CO2. This thesis estimates emission of carbon dioxide (CO2) from boreal lakes and factors regulating the CO2 saturation from field measurements of CO2 concentration along with a number of chemical, biological and physical parameters. Concentration of dissolved organic carbon (DOC) was found to be the most important factor for CO2 saturation in lake water, whereas climatic parameters such as precipitation, temperature and global radiation were less influential. All lakes were supersaturated with and, thus, sources of CO2. Sediment incubation experiments indicated that in-lake mineralization processes during summer stratification mainly occurred in the pelagial. Approximately 10% of the CO2 emitted from the lake surface was produced in epilimnetic sediments. The mineralization of DOC and emission of CO2 from freshwaters was calculated on a catchment basis for almost 80,000 lakes and 21 major catchments in Sweden, together with rates of sedimentation in lakes and export of organic carbon to the sea. The total export of terrestrial organic carbon to freshwaters could thereby be estimated and consequently also the importance of lakes for the withdrawal of organic carbon export from terrestrial sources to the sea. Lakes removed 30-80% of imported terrestrial organic carbon, and mineralization and CO2 emission were much more important than sedimentation of carbon. The carbon loss was closely related to water retention time, where catchments with short residence times (&lt;1 year) had low carbon retentions, whereas in catchments with long residence times (&gt;3 years) a majority of the imported TOC was removed in the lake systems. The Gulf of Bothnia was also studied in this thesis and found to be a net heterotrophic system, emitting large amounts of CO2 to the atmosphere on an annual basis. The rate of CO2 emission was depending on the balance between primary production and bacterial respiration, and the system was oscillating between being a source and a sink of CO2.

Regulation of carbon dioxide emission from Swedish boreal lakes and the Gulf of Bothnia

Algesten, Grete January 2005 (has links)
The global carbon cycle is subject to intense research, where sources and sinks for greenhouse gases, carbon dioxide in particular, are estimated for various systems and biomes. Lakes have previously been neglected in carbon balance estimations, but have recently been recognized to be significant net sources of CO2. This thesis estimates emission of carbon dioxide (CO2) from boreal lakes and factors regulating the CO2 saturation from field measurements of CO2 concentration along with a number of chemical, biological and physical parameters. Concentration of dissolved organic carbon (DOC) was found to be the most important factor for CO2 saturation in lake water, whereas climatic parameters such as precipitation, temperature and global radiation were less influential. All lakes were supersaturated with and, thus, sources of CO2. Sediment incubation experiments indicated that in-lake mineralization processes during summer stratification mainly occurred in the pelagial. Approximately 10% of the CO2 emitted from the lake surface was produced in epilimnetic sediments. The mineralization of DOC and emission of CO2 from freshwaters was calculated on a catchment basis for almost 80,000 lakes and 21 major catchments in Sweden, together with rates of sedimentation in lakes and export of organic carbon to the sea. The total export of terrestrial organic carbon to freshwaters could thereby be estimated and consequently also the importance of lakes for the withdrawal of organic carbon export from terrestrial sources to the sea. Lakes removed 30-80% of imported terrestrial organic carbon, and mineralization and CO2 emission were much more important than sedimentation of carbon. The carbon loss was closely related to water retention time, where catchments with short residence times (&lt;1 year) had low carbon retentions, whereas in catchments with long residence times (&gt;3 years) a majority of the imported TOC was removed in the lake systems. The Gulf of Bothnia was also studied in this thesis and found to be a net heterotrophic system, emitting large amounts of CO2 to the atmosphere on an annual basis. The rate of CO2 emission was depending on the balance between primary production and bacterial respiration, and the system was oscillating between being a source and a sink of CO2.

Diatoms as indicators of Holocene climate and environmental change in northern Sweden

Bigler, Christian January 2001 (has links)
<p>The objective of the thesis was to explore the potential of diatoms (<i>Bacillariophyceae</i>) as indicators of Holocene climate and environmental change in northern Sweden (Abisko region, 68°21'N, 18°49'E). A modern surface-sediment calibration set including 100 lakes was developed and lake-water pH, sedimentary organic content (assessed by loss-on-ignition) and temperature were identified as most powerful environmental variables explaining the variance within the diatom assemblages. Transfer functions based on unimodal species response models (WA-PLS) were developed for lake-water pH and mean July air temperature (July T), yielding coefficients of determination of 0.77 and 0.70, and prediction errors based on leave-one-out cross-validation of 0.19 pH units and 0.96 °C for lake-water pH and July T, respectively. The transfer functions were validated with monitoring data covering two open-water seasons (lake-water pH) and meteorological records covering the 20th century (July T). The good agreement between diatom-based inferences and measured monitoring data confirmed the prediction ability of the developed transfer functions. </p><p>Analysing a Holocene sediment core from a lake nearby Abisko (Vuoskkujávri), diatoms infer a linearly decreasing July T trend (1.5 °C) since 6,000 cal. BP, which compares well with inferences based on chironomids and pollen from the same sediment core. The lake-water pH inference shows a pattern of moderate natural acidification (c. 0.5 pH units) since the early Holocene, reaching present-day pH values at c. 5,000 cal. BP. By fitting fossil diatom samples to the modern calibration set by means of residual distance assessment within canonical correspondence analysis (CCA), the early Holocene (between 10,600 and 6,000 cal. BP) was identified as a problematic time-period for diatom-based inferences and, consequently, reconstructions during this period are tentative. Pollen-based inferences also show 'poor' fit between 10,600 and 7,500 cal. BP and chironomids probably provide the most reliable July T reconstruction at Vuoskkujávri, with 'poor' fit only during the initial part of the Holocene (between 10,600 and 10,250 cal. BP). </p><p>Possible factors confounding diatom-based July T inferences were investigated. Using detrended CCA (DCCA), Holocene sediment sequences from five lakes indicate that during the early Holocene, mainly physical factors such as high minerogenic erosion rates, high temperature and low light availability may have regulated diatom assemblages, favouring <i>Fragilaria</i> species. In all five lakes, diatom assemblages developed in a directional manner, but timing and scale of development differed substantially between lakes. The differences are attributed primarily to the geological properties of the lake catchments (with strong effects on lake-water pH), but other factors such as climatic change, vegetation, hydrologic setting and in-lake processes appear to regulate diatom communities in each lake differently. The influence of long-term natural acidification on diatom assemblages progressively declined during the Holocene with corresponding increase of the influence of climatic factors.</p>

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