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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Feasibility And Characterization Of Leak-Tight Single-Track Thin Walls Produced By Laser Powder Bed Fusion In 316L Stainless Steel

Archibald, Peyton J 01 June 2024 (has links) (PDF)
This thesis explores the optimization of process parameters for producing single-track thin walls using Laser Powder Bed Fusion (LPBF) additive manufacturing. Using two different coupon designs, the study assesses the feasibility of creating the thinnest possible leak-tight structures within LPBF and evaluating their mechanical properties, including burst pressure and modulus of elasticity under pressure loads. A series of experimental iterations were conducted, varying laser power and laser speed to identify optimal conditions. The findings indicate that a narrow range of process parameters can produce consistently leak-tight thin walls. The results contribute to understanding how to achieve high quality, reliable thin wall structures in the LPBF process, with implications for industrial applications requiring thin, precise, leak tight, and durable walls.

Experimental and Theoretical Investigation of Selective Laser Melted Uddeholm Dievar ®

Pepić, Sanjin, Ridemar, Otto January 2019 (has links)
The main problem encountered in this thesis is the lack of research and knowledge of selective laser melted-printing with Uddeholm Dievar®. This absence of information could cause issues regarding quality and properties of the alloy as well as uncertainty regarding an appropriate heat treatment cycle. This thesis mainly focuses on observing the changes that occur in the microstructure when Uddeholm Dievar® is manufactured through the additive manufacturing (AM) method known as selective laser melting (SLM). The SLM- method consists of a high-power laser that melts together thin layers of powder, one layer at a time, until a three-dimensional product is created according to selected drawings. The methodology on which this thesis is based on is the execution of a theoretical study, scientific experiments and thermodynamic calculations. Analysis of the microstructure is performed using a scanning electron microscope with techniques such as Energy-dispersive X-ray spectroscopy (EDS) and Electron backscatter diffraction (EBSD). The purpose of the methods are to map the constituent elements of the alloy and observe the orientation of the crystallographic phases in the atomic lattice respectively. The results show that the powder, both before and after printing, mainly consists of martensite with a low amount of residual austenite. The amount of primary carbides is relatively low and has been classified as MC (V-rich) and/or M6C (Mo- rich) type. The remaining residual austenite could be explained by the segregation of constituent alloying elements, where the carbon content is a dominant factor to why the MS -temperature lowers significantly causing the presence of retained austenite even though SLM has a cooling rate that varies between 103 and 108 [K/s]. / Det huvudsakliga problemet som denna avhandling behandlar är bristen på forskning och kunskap inom selective laser melting (SLM) 3D-printing med Uddeholm Dievar®. Avsaknaden kan leda till sämre kvalité och produktegenskaper hos legeringen. Det kan även leda till ovisshet gällande val av lämplig värmebehandling. Arbetet fokuserar på att dokumentera utformningen av stålets mikrostruktur när Uddeholm Dievar® tillverkas med den additiva tillverkningsmetoden SLM. Tillverkningsprocessen består av en högeffektslaser som detaljerat smälter samman tunna lager pulver, ett lager i taget, tills att en tredimensionell produkt skapats utefter valda ritningar. Använda metoder är; utförandet av en teoretisk studie, vetenskapliga experiment och thermodynamiska beräkningar. Analys av mikrostrukturen genomförs med hjälp av svepelektronmikroskåp där teknikerna Energy-dispersive X-ray spectroscopy (EDS) och Electron backscatter diffraction (EBSD) används. Syftet med EDS är att kartlägga de ingående elementen i legeringen, syftet med EBSD är att se orientering av de kristallografiska faserna i atomgittret. Resultaten visar på att legeringen, både före och efter printing, till största del består av martensit med en låg mängd restaustenit. Mängden primärkarbider är relativt låg och har klassifiserats som typen MC (V-rik) och/eller M6C (Mo- rik). Den kvarstående restausteniten kan möjligen förklaras av segringen av ingående legeringsämnen där kolhalten är en dominerande faktor som sänker MS-temperaturen. Detta gör att restaustenit förekommer trots den höga kylhastigheten som varierar mellan 103 och 108 [K/s] i SLM.

Methoden und Herausforderungen bei der numerischen Simulation des selektiven Laserschmelzens (SLM)

Lüder, Stephan, Graf, Marcel, Awiszus, Birgit, Taufek, Thoufeili, Manurung, Yupiter HP 05 July 2019 (has links)
Additive Fertigungsverfahren stellen in den letzten Jahren einen Megatrend dar, da sich mit diesen Verfahren endkonturnahe Werkstücke mit hohem Materialausnutzungsgrad herstellen lassen. Die auch als 3D-Druck bekannt gewordenen additiven Fertigungsverfahren sind jedoch nicht auf die Prototypenfertigung aus Kunststoffen begrenzt. Beim selektiven Laserschmelzen werden metallische Werkstoffe im Pulverbettverfahren mittels Laserstrahl aufgeschmolzen und somit schichtweise aufgebaut. Das Verfahren findet bereits in der Luft- und Raumfahrt, der Medizintechnik, aber auch in der Automobilindustrie und im Maschinenbau Anwendung für Prototypen, Einzelanfertigungen oder Kleinstserien. Des Weiteren ermöglicht es auch die Herstellung von Werkstücken mit besonders hoher Komplexität, die mit spanenden Verfahren nicht herstellbar sind, und bietet dadurch neue Gestaltungsmöglichkeiten bei der Konstruktion. Innerhalb des Vortrags werden nach der Vorstellung des Verfahrens verschiedene Methoden zur numerischen Simulation des selektiven Laserschmelzens von Edelstahl (1.4404) am Beispiel der kommerziellen Software Simufact Additive erläutert. Dazu werden der mechanische und thermo-mechanische Lösungsansatz betrachtet sowie die Methode zur Kalibrierung der Simulationen erläutert. Die Erläuterung eines voll transienten thermo-mechanischen Ansatzes erfolgt unter Verwendung der Software MSC Marc. Des Weiteren wird der Einfluss der Orientierung des Werkstücks im Herstellungsprozess auf resultierende Spannungen, Verzug sowie mechanische Eigenschaften analysiert und mit experimentellen Untersuchungen untersetzt.

Additive manufacturing and radio frequency filters : A case study on 3D-printing processes, postprocessing and silver coating methods

García-Verdugo Zuil, Ana, Herrero Martín, Amanda January 2020 (has links)
Additive manufacturing (AM) is an attractive way to shorten development time, reduce product weight and allow the manufacturing of more complex products than by conventional manufacturing processes. The problem arises when the previous traditional manufacturing requirements need to be fulfilled by AM as well as the volume production capability. This investigation is done together with Ericsson to evaluate the possibilities of the different AM technologies, post-processing methods and silver coating processes to guarantee the specifications of radiofrequency (RF) filters. Here, minimal RF signal insertion losses are targeted. Since insertion losses are dependent on surface roughness, surface smoothness is sought as well. Ericsson simulation software uses correction factors to account for surface roughness, however there are some inconsistencies between the simulated and actual surface roughness that is allowed in the parts. In AM parts, surface roughness is not easy to control since it depends on parameters related to feedstock, process and machine properties. Commonly, most AM components do not comply with requirements of lower surface roughness values. Therefore, parts need to be smoothened before silver plated; this step is necessary to ensure the electrical conductivity in this specific application. These finishing processes add costs to the final product and increase time to market. Firstly, a comprehensive study was carried out to better understand the landscape of AM technologies, postprocessing and silver coating methods. Secondly, the different processes are assessed with the help of selection matrices, considering the products requirements. The components to print are two RF filters with different shapes and dimensions but similar requirements. The CAD design is modified depending on each AM process and directly affects the results. Afterwards, the design of an experimental plan is carried out; the number of samples of each part comparing AM technologies, feedstock, different suppliers (3D printing and post-processing) is obtained. Due to budget and time restrictions, the parts were printed using Multi Jet Fusion and Selective Laser Melting processes. After printing, tolerances and surface roughness were measured. This thesis results in the selection of suitable AM technologies and post-processing methods for RF filters. For MJF printed cavities at 0˚, 30˚ and 90˚ orientation, the best results for this application are obtained at 30˚ providing a good balance between sharp detail and smooth surfaces. In the case of SLM, waveguides are printed at 0˚ and 30˚. 30˚ waveguides present lower surface roughness values than the 0˚ ones as inner support material is needed at 0˚ orientation. SLM cavities were printed at 30˚ in seek of asymmetry between faces, resulting in higher surface roughness in the downfacing face.

Etude sur fusion laser sélective de matériau céramique Zircone Yttriée / Study on Selective Laser Melting of ceramic material Yttria Stabilized Zirconia

Liu, Qi 05 November 2013 (has links)
La fusion sélective par laser est un procédé de la technologie de fabrication rapide de plus en plus utilisé dans l’industrie automobile, aéronautique, médicale, etc. Selon le principe de la fabrication rapide, la pièce est fabriquée couche par couche en fusionnant et soudant les particules fines par laser. Actuellement, les principaux matériaux utilisés sont les métaux métalliques ou les polymères. Le faible ou modeste point de fusion de ces matériaux conduit à une mise en œuvre par laser relativement facile. Cependant, en raison de leur point de fusion élevé, de la forte résistance à haute température et de la faible conductivité thermique, l’utilisation de matériaux céramiques est limitée dans la technologie de fusion laser sélective. Cette étude explore la fusion laser sélective de zircone stabilisée par yttrine avec un laser à fibre de longueur d’onde d’environ 1 µm. L’influence de différentes puissances de laser et de différentes vitesses de balayage sur la microstructure et la déformation de l’échantillon a été étudiée, et la densité relative et la microdureté ont été mesurées. Notamment, l’effet de différentes températures de préchauffage sur la microstructure sera étudié. En même temps, la structure cristalline céramique et la transformation des phases pendant le procédé de prototypage rapide ont été analysées. Les résultats expérimentaux montrent qu’il est possible de fondre complètement de la poudre YSZ avec un laser à fibre NIR, et avec l’optimisation des paramètres de fabrication, la densité relative de l’échantillon peut atteindre 91 %. Il est inévitable de voir se former des fissures et des pores dans les pièces fabriquées du fait de l’hétérogénéité de la distribution de l’énergie du laser. Cette distribution de l’énergie peut être améliorée grâce à l’optimisation des paramètres ; les longueurs de fissure peuvent être contrôlées et maîtrisées par un préchauffage du lit de poudre. Notamment, à haute température (1500°C, 2000°C et 2500°C) de préchauffage, la fissure verticale continue devient désordonnée et courte. Une transformation de la structure monoclinique et cubique en structure tétragonale s’est produite pendant le processus de fabrication. / Selective laser melting is a rapid manufacturing process coming from the rapid prototyping technology, which is widely used in the automotive, aeronautical, medical industry etc. According to the principle of rapid manufacturing, the piece is manufactured layer by layer through the laser sintering or melting the fine powder. Currently, the main powder materials used are metal or polymer materials. The low melting point of these materials facilitates the melting process. However, duo to the high melting point, strong strength at high temperature and low thermal conductivity the application of ceramic materials is limited in the technology of selective laser melting. In this study, selective laser melting of the ceramic yttria stabilized zirconia by a 1μm wavelength fiber laser was explored. The influence of different laser powers and different scanning velocities on the microstructure and the deformation were analyzed, then the micro-hardness and relative density were measured. In particular, the effect of different preheat temperatures on microstructure was investigated. At the same time, the crystal structure and phase transformation during the fabrication were analyzed. Experimental results show that YSZ powder can be completely melted by the near IR fiber laser. With the optimization of the manufacturing parameters, the relative density of sample could reach 91 %. The forming of cracks and pores in the manufactured parts is rarely avoid due to the heterogeneity of distribution of energy. The energy distribution could be improved by optimizing the parameters and the crack lengths can be controlled by preheating the powder bed. In particular, the high temperature (1500 ℃, 2000 ℃ and 2500 ℃) lead the continuous vertical crack becomes messy and short. The transformation of monoclinic and cubic crystal to tetragonal crystal can be observed during the fabrication.

Selective laser melting of Al-12Si

Prashanth, Konda Gokuldoss 17 July 2014 (has links) (PDF)
Selective laser melting (SLM) is a powder-based additive manufacturing technique consisting of the exact reproduction of a three dimensional computer model (generally a computer-aided design CAD file or a computer tomography CT scan) through an additive layer-by-layer strategy. Because of the high degree of freedom offered by the additive manufacturing, parts having almost any possible geometry can be produced by SLM. More specifically, with this process it is possible to build parts with extremely complex shapes and geometries that would otherwise be difficult or impossible to produce using conventional subtractive manufacturing processes. Another major advantage of SLM compared to conventional techniques is the fast cooling rate during the process. This permits the production of bulk materials with very fine microstructures and improved mechanical properties or even bulk metallic glasses. In addition, this technology gives the opportunity to produce ready-to-use parts with minimized need for post-processing (only surface polishing might be required). Recently, significant research activity has been focused on SLM processing of different metallic materials, including steels, Ti-, Ni- and Al-based alloys. However, most of the research is devoted to the parameters optimization or to feasibility studies on the production of complex structures with no detailed investigations of the structure-property correlation. Accordingly, this thesis focuses on the production and structure-property correlation of Al-12Si samples produced by SLM from gas atomized powders. The microstructure of the as-prepared SLM samples consists of supersaturated primary Al with an extremely fine cellular structure along with the residual free Si situated at the cellular boundaries. This microstructure leads to a remarkable mechanical behavior: the yield and tensile strengths of the SLM samples are respectively four and two times higher than their cast counterparts. However, the ductility is significantly reduced compared with the cast samples. The effect of annealing at different temperatures on the microstructure and resulting mechanical properties of the SLM parts has been systematically studied by analyzing the size, morphology and distribution of the phases. In addition, the mechanical properties of the SLM samples have been modeled using micro- structural features, such as the crystallite and matrix ligament sizes. The results demonstrate that the mechanical behavior of the Al-12Si SLM samples can be tuned within a wide range of strength and ductility through the use of the proper annealing treatment. The Al-Si alloys are generally used as pistons or cylinder liners in automotive applications. This requires good wear resistance and sufficient strength at the operating temperature, which ranges between 373 – 473 K. Accordingly, the tensile properties of the SLM samples were also tested at these temperatures. Changing the hatch style during SLM processing vary the texture in the material. Hence, samples with different hatch styles were produced and the effect of texture on their mechanical behavior was evaluated. The results show that the hatch style strongly influences both the mechanical properties and the texture of the samples; however no direct correlation was observed between texture and mechanical properties. The wear properties of the Al-12Si material was evaluated using pin-on-disc and fretting wear experiments. These experiments show that the as-prepared SLM samples exhibit better wear resistance than their cast counterparts and the SLM heat-treated samples. Finally, the corrosion investigations reveal that the SLM samples have similar corrosion behavior as the cast specimens under acidic conditions. A major drawback for the wide application of SLM as an industrial processing route is the limited size of the products. This is a direct consequence of the limited dimensions of the available building chambers, which allow for the production of samples with volumes of about 0.02 m3. A possible way to overcome this problem would be the use of the welding processes to join the small SLM objects to form parts with no dimensional limitations. In order to verify this possibility, friction welding was employed to join Al-12Si SLM parts. The results indicate that friction welding not only successfully permits the join materials manufactured by SLM, but also helps to significantly improve their ductility. This work clearly demonstrates that SLM can be successfully used for the production of Al-12Si parts with an overall superior performance of the mechanical and physical properties with respect to the conventional cast samples. Moreover, the mechanical properties of the SLM samples can be widely tuned in-situ by employing suitable hatch styles or ex-situ by the proper heat treatment. This might help the development of SLM for the production of innovative high-performance Al-based materials and structures with controlled properties for automotive and aerospace applications.

Independent Project in Chemical Engineering and Materials Engineering : A literature study of powder-based additive manufacturing

Feldt, Daniel, Hedberg, Petra, Jarlöv, Asker, Persson, Elsa, Svensson, Mikael, Vennberg, Filippa, You, Therese January 2018 (has links)
The focus of this literary study was additive manufacturing (AM) and the purpose was to find general trends for selected materials that have been additively manufactured and compare them to results from other reviews. The raw materials studied were stainless steels 316L, 17-4 PH, 15-5 PH and 420, as well as tool steel H13 and nickel alloys 625, 718 and Hastelloy X.The AM techniques studied were selective laser melting (SLM), electron beam melting (EBM) and binder jetting (BJG).  A total of 69 articles have been studied to fulfill the purpose above. The articles were used to write a summary of the techniques, compare them to each other and to conventional methods. They were also used to create a database to compile information on mechanical properties, microstructure and process parameters. Based on the database mechanical properties for SLM tend to be higher compared to EBM. This however varied somewhat depending on the processed material. Furthermore the yield and tensile strength obtained from the database for SLM seemed to be higher compared to the values in review articles for almost all materials. Unfortunately not enough values were found for BJG to compare it to SLM and EBM.AM seems to produce weaker, equal and superior products compared to conventional methods. However due to the limited nature of the project and the research found no conclusions can be drawn about any trends, how to achieve the different results or how parameters affect the finished product. To be able to say anything with more certainty more research has to be done. Not only in general concerning the AM techniques, but more studying of existing articles is needed. Finally a standardization on how to reference properties and process parameters is necessary. Currently it is very difficult to compare results or draw conclusions due to different designations, units and a lot of missing essential information.

Independent Project in Chemical Engineering and Materials Engineering : A literature study of powder-based additive manufacturing

Feldt, Daniel, Hedberg, Petra, Jarlöv, Asker, Persson, Elsa, Svensson, Mikael, Vennberg, Filippa, You, Therese January 2018 (has links)
The focus of this literary study was additive manufacturing (AM) and the purpose was to find general trends for selected materials that have been additively manufactured and compare them to results from other reviews. The raw materials studied were stainless steels 316L, 17-4 PH, 15-5 PH and 420, as well as tool steel H13 and nickel alloys 625, 718 and Hastelloy X. The AM techniques studied were selective laser melting (SLM), electron beam melting (EBM) and binder jetting (BJG).  A total of 69 articles have been studied to fulfill the purpose above. The articles were used to write a summary of the techniques, compare them to each other and to conventional methods. They were also used to create a database to compile information on mechanical properties, microstructure and process parameters. Based on the database mechanical properties for SLM tend to be higher compared to EBM. This however varied somewhat depending on the processed material. Furthermore the yield and tensile strength obtained from the database for SLM seemed to be higher compared to the values in review articles for almost all materials. Unfortunately not enough values were found for BJG to compare it to SLM and EBM.AM seems to produce weaker, equal and superior products compared to conventional methods. However due to the limited nature of the project and the research found no conclusions can be drawn about any trends, how to achieve the different results or how parameters affect the finished product. To be able to say anything with more certainty more research has to be done. Not only in general concerning the AM techniques, but more studying of existing articles is needed. Finally a standardization on how to reference properties and process parameters is necessary. Currently it is very difficult to compare results or draw conclusions due to different designations, units and a lot of missing essential information.

Mechanical properties of trabecular structures produced by SLM, as a function of the trabecular morphology

Johansson, Frida, Klarin, Johanna January 2017 (has links)
Eurocoating, Italy, is a company that works in the biomedical sector. They have for a long time created prostheses from CAD files achieved from customers, and now they want to build their own expertise about the design. The thesis work was a part of a three year long collaborative research project between Eurocoating and University of Trento that was aiming to investigate the prostheses with open-porous surface and trabecular structure, created by Selective Laser Melting. The purpose of the thesis was to investigate and characterize 30 different trabecular structures of Ti-6Al-4V, fabricated by Selective Laser Melting. That includes investigation the effect on the morphology and porosity fraction caused by the manufacturing and the effect on mechanical and physical properties due to the different characterizations of the structures. The thesis work had its foundation in literature studies to receive deep knowledge about the subject. Practical tests were performed to investigate mechanical behaviour under compressive and tensile loading, static friction and wear resistance. The findings from these tests were compared to the porosity fraction and the morphological characterizations. The result stated that the porosity fraction was lower than the designed porosity, and that is was strongly influenced by size of the voids and struts. The strut thickness was higher than the design values, especially on the lateral surface, while the voids size were approximately as designed. Result from the compression test showed a trend of decreasing stiffness and strength with increasing porosity fraction. Also structures with same porosity fraction could have a wide range in mechanical properties which indicates high dependence on the morphological geometry i.e. pore size and shape, strut size and pore distribution. Comparisons between tensile and compression behaviour stated that the structures had a lower strength but a significant higher stiffness in tensile load. All structures from the wear test showed a good resistance while the results from the friction test needs further investigation to be fully understood. The physical and mechanical properties of the trabecular structures was found to be close to those of cortical and trabecular bone in porosity, stiffness and strength. There is a range of variations leading to possibilities to adopt the application depending on customer. Thus, these can be considered as promising structures used biomedical application to optimize osseointegration and secondary long term fixation.

Modifikace povrchu materiálu vytvořeného technikou SLM / The use of surface modification for enhancing mechanical properties of SLM bulk materials

Barinka, Michal January 2021 (has links)
This diploma thesis deals with the surface modification of 3D printed metallic materials. The research part presents the most used methods of additive manufacturing and their process parameters influencing the quality of printed components. Defects arising during these processes and the techniques used to eliminate them are also described. In the experimental part of the work, the optimization of electrochemical polishing parameters was performed. The aim was to modify the rough surface of the components and thus prevent the formation of defects on the surface. The mechanical properties were investigated by means of three-point bending under static and dynamic loading. Fractographic analysis was performed on the quarry surfaces.

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