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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Reconstruções da maternidade por mães na transição dos filhos para a vida adulta

Silva, Sandra de Cassia Meneses January 2012 (has links)
Submitted by Oliveira Santos Dilzaná (dilznana@yahoo.com.br) on 2016-04-18T17:41:55Z No. of bitstreams: 1 Dissertação de Sandra de Cassia Meneses Silva.pdf: 1214706 bytes, checksum: ba15e0c5991a97f44685e7872452e554 (MD5) / Approved for entry into archive by Ana Portela (anapoli@ufba.br) on 2016-05-02T12:36:02Z (GMT) No. of bitstreams: 1 Dissertação de Sandra de Cassia Meneses Silva.pdf: 1214706 bytes, checksum: ba15e0c5991a97f44685e7872452e554 (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2016-05-02T12:36:02Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Dissertação de Sandra de Cassia Meneses Silva.pdf: 1214706 bytes, checksum: ba15e0c5991a97f44685e7872452e554 (MD5) / No contexto contemporâneo de novas mudanças socioculturais, as famílias se encontram num constante confronto entre a cultura familiar e a cultura social mais ampla. Ao lidar com a tensão entre permanência e mudança, os membros da família vivenciam reconfigurações na dinâmica da família e nas relações interpessoais que podem envolver rupturas e transições desenvolvimentais. Visando compreender a trajetória de desenvolvimento das mães quando da transição dos filhos para a vida adulta, este estudo busca investigar o processo de desenvolvimento do Self materno, marcado por continuidades e rupturas que envolvem mudanças nos significados de maternidade, nas práticas socioculturais e no sentido de Self. Com base na Psicologia Cultural de orientação semiótica e abordagens narrativas, partimos da ideia de que as experiências e histórias de vida são intrinsecamente interligadas numa contínua produção de significados e sentidos que, ao longo do curso de vida, culmina numa síntese: o Self. Ao considerar também que as narrativas evidenciam os diálogos entre o indivíduo e a cultura, privilegiamos o encadeamento narrativo na busca de conexões entre a dinâmica intrasubjetiva de auto-organização semiótica do Self (nível microgenético) e o desenvolvimento ao longo da trajetória de vida (nível ontogenético). Para tanto, nos apoiamos em conceitos como ruptura, transição, ambivalência e Self dialógico para compreender como os processos semióticos e dialógicos possibilitam reconstruções no Self das mães (posicionamentos e significados de maternidade). Neste estudo de casos, com base nas narrativas das mães, percebemos como o processo de desenvolvimento da mãe, nessa fase de grandes mudanças na família, está entrelaçado com o desenvolvimento dos filhos. As construções dos filhos (maior autonomia, independência, saída de casa, construção de nova família etc.) geram tensões no Self das mães, que envolvem ambivalências entre o conhecido e o novo, entre o passado e o futuro, provocadoras de rupturas e mudanças. Nessa fase de transição da família, as tensões se localizam mais na esfera das relações interpessoais e práticas da família, exigindo das mães reconfigurações no Self para adaptar-se às mudanças no contexto familiar em que a função materna já não é mais tão necessária como outrora. Destacam-se, ainda, outros resultados: as mães apresentam significados múltiplos de maternidade em função da diversidade e singularidade das experiências vividas, embora com a presença de alguns signos que se aproximam de padrões canônicos; reconfigurações nas Posições-de-Eu foram percebidas, com certa dominância da Posição-de-Eu-mulher em relação à Posição-de-Eu-mãe; há indícios de que os processos reflexivos, diante das tensões e ambivalências vivenciadas nessa fase de transição, podem favorecer ressignificações e práticas mais vinculadas às experiências singulares de vida e menos enquadradas nos modelos dominantes da cultura. Discutimos a existência de forças entre as posições dos Selves envolvidos nos processos dialógicos do Self, sugerindo a existência de uma hierarquia de Posições-de-Eu que precisa ser mais investigada. In the contemporary context of new socio-cultural changes, families deal with the constant confrontation between the family culture and the broader social culture. When dealing with the tension between permanence and change, family members experience reconfigurations in family dynamics and interpersonal relationships that may involve disruption and developmental transitions. To understand the developmental trajectory of mothers when their children transits to adulthood, this study aims to investigate the development process of mother Self, marked by continuities and ruptures that involve changes in the meanings of motherhood, sociocultural practices and self. Based on the Cultural Psychology of semiotics orientation and narrative approaches, we start from the idea that the experiences and life stories are inextricably linked in a continuous production of meanings and senses that, over the course of life, culminate in a synthesis: the Self . When you also consider that the narratives reveal the dialogues between the individual and culture, privilege the narrative thread in search of connections between the intrasubjetiva dynamic self-organizing semiotics of Self (microgenetic level) and development along the path of life (ontogenetic level). For this, we rely also on concepts such as rupture, transition, ambivalence and Dialogical Self (DS) to understand how semiotic and dialogic processes enable the Self reconstructions of mothers in their positions, meanings of motherhood and social practices. In this case study, based on the narratives of mothers, we see how the development process of the mother at this stage of major transitions in the cycle of family is intertwined with the development of children. The constructions of children (greater autonomy, independence, leaving home, building new family etc) generate tensions in mothers Self, involving ambivalence between the familiar and the new, between past and future, provocative disruptions and changes. In this transition phase the family tensions are more located in the realm of interpersonal relationships and family practices, requiring mothers Self reconfigurations to adapt to changes in the family context in which the maternal role is no longer as necessary as it has once. Remarkable, also, other results: mothers have multiple meanings of motherhood because of the diversity and uniqueness of experiences, although the presence of some signs approaching canonical patterns; reconfigurations in I-positions were perceived, position of dominance with I-position-woman in relation to the I-position-mother; there are indications that the reflective processes, given the tensions and ambivalences experienced during this transition phase, can foster new meanings and practices linked to more experiences natural life and less framed in dominant models of culture. We discuss the existence of forces between the positions of Selves involved in dialogic processes of Self, suggesting the existence of a hierarchy of Ipositions that needs to be further investigated.

Les processus psychosociaux à l'œuvre dans le développement de l'identité des écrivains migrants africains / Psychosocial processes involved in the identity development of African migrants writers

Essono Tsimi, Eric 13 November 2017 (has links)
La question de l’existence de la littérature africaine n’emporte pas le sens et la valeur de cette recherche mais en constitue un enjeu essentiel. Car c’est en fonction de leurs positionnements par rapport à cette question que les travaux d’Alain Mabanckou, Léonora Miano et d’autres “enfants de la postcolonie” seront analysés comme voie d’accès à leurs identités multiples. Cette thèse est menée sous le signe de Bakhtine et du principe dialogique. Elle s’intéresse aux écrivains migrants africains et à leurs œuvres. L’approche est interdisciplinaire: elle articule recherche littéraire et psychologie sociale et culturelle. La méthodologie s’appuie sur le paradigme interprétatif, et consiste en deux corps de corpus: l’analyse littéraire d’œuvres choisies -et l’étude du fait littéraire de la migritude; et des analyses des verbatim des entretiens approfondis menés en Europe et aux Etats-Unis. En nous appuyant donc sur un corpus d'œuvres marquantes et des entretiens avec des écrivains importants, tous contemporains, nous appréhendons le Soi (self) des écrivains migrants africains comme une arène du Moi et un récit polyphonique (Bakhtine, [1987] 2013; Valsiner, 2000; Hermans et Kempen, 2010) ou comme un répertoire de Moi: les Moi-positions, lesquelles regroupent une infinité de voix narratives. Chaque voix possède un lien unique de rattachement au lieu d’accueil, une mémoire particulière de l’origine, des croyances et des poétiques propres, des convictions personnelles. Nos résultats enrichissent les débats constants au sujet de l’existence d’une littérature africaine et au sujet des positionnements identitaires des écrivains d’origine africaine. La contribution essentielle de cette thèse est la proposition d’un modèle dialogique qui reprend les étapes de la construction identitaire des écrivains migrants. Nos travaux contribuent également à la recherche sur la relation entre les œuvres et les expériences des écrivains africains en Occident. / Does African literature exist? The answer to this complex issue has been addressed in different ways. Along this research, focused on how African migrants writers negotiate and manage their muliple and often-conflicting roots in their writing worlds. In which way do they articulate different « voices » when they both live and write in countries such as France, Switzerland and the United States ? Alain Mabanckou and Leonora Miano's works for example provide contrasted narratives in terms of positionings. This dissertation goes along with the growing field of African Studies which emphasizes on identity dynamics, postcolonial and cultural matters in litterature. Drawing on a dialogical and sociocultural perspective in psychology, our findings will contribute to a better understanding of identity dynamics for people facing multiple cultural references in contexts shaped by issues of art, power, and history. This research, conducted within the framework of Bakhtin’s dialogical principle, addresses the issues of African migrant writers and their works. Its interdisciplinary approach merges literary research with social psychology. The methodology is based upon the interpretative paradigm, and consists of the literary analysis of selected works, the study of the literary fact of migritude, and an analysis of the extensive verbatim accounts recorded in Western countries.Based on a corpus of important works and of interviews with major writers, it analyzes the Dialogical Self of African migrant writers either as an “I arena” or as a “polyphonic narrative” (Bakhtine, [1987] Valsiner, 2000 ; Hermans and Kempen, 2010). The self of migrant writers is apprehended as a repertoire of “I” : I-positions that bring together an infinity of narrative voices. Each voice has a unique bond to the host country, a particular memory of origin, beliefs and poetics, personal convictions. Our results enrich the constant debates about both the existence of an African literature and the identity positions of writers of African origin living in the West. Our essential contribution is the design of a model which takes into consideration the stages of their identity construction. This work also contributes to the research on the relationship between their works and the experiences of authors, within their place of transit or establishment.

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