Spelling suggestions: "subject:"delft determination theory ."" "subject:"delfi determination theory .""
901 |
Application d’un modèle motivationnel à l’école primaire en milieu défavorisé : effets différentiels selon les caractéristiques des élèvesKurdi, Vanessa 08 1900 (has links)
No description available.
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Effects of international relocation on expatriate partners' subjective well-beingVan Renen, Athena Elizabeth 02 1900 (has links)
The purpose of this research was to investigate the relationship between the cross-cultural adjustment of the expatriate spouse and their level of subjective well-being. Demographic factors were considered to identify life domains that may affect cross-cultural adjustment and subjective well-being respectively. The Spousal Adjustment Scale, Scale of Positive and Negative Experience, Satisfaction with life scale, and Flourishing scale were used in the study. A quantitative, cross-sectional survey design was used, and a purposive sample which consisted of expatriate spouses currently residing in Germany was approached (N=156). Descriptive and inferential statistical analyses were applied.
The results yielded a statistically significant correlation between cross-cultural adjustment and subjective well-being of expatriate spouses and indicated statistically significant differences between demographic groups including language proficiency, dependents, time spent in host country, nationality, career sacrifice, and support network.
It was concluded that there is a positive relationship between the cross-cultural adjustment of the expatriate spouse and their well-being and that various demographic factors can influence both constructs. / Industrial and Organisational Psychology / M.Comm. (Industrial and Organisational Psychology)
903 |
Relations entre performances académiques, motivation, sentiment d’efficacité personnelle et buts d’accomplissement : une étude menée auprès d’étudiants de classes préparatoires aux grandes écoles scientifiques / Links between self-efficacy, achievement goals, motivation and academic achievement : a study led among French science students enrolled in CPGE*(*Classes Préparatoires aux Grandes Ecoles)Desit-Ricard, Isabelle 18 September 2015 (has links)
Cette recherche a été menée auprès d'étudiants de Classes Préparatoires aux Grandes Ecoles Scientifiques. Un de ses objectifs est d'analyser l'influence des variables motivationnelles sur la performance académique. L’auto-efficacité académique, l’orientation des buts et la motivation autodéterminée sont souvent citées pour leur rôle majeur dans la réussite universitaire. Ces variables sont issues de cadres théoriques distincts et nous souhaitons étudier comment elles s'influencent mutuellement. Des outils psychométriques, dont une échelle d’auto-efficacité académique, ont été créés et validés. Des analyses en pistes causales ont été effectuées afin de proposer un modèle traduisant les influences qui existent entre variables motivationnelles et performances académiques.Nos résultats montrent que :- l’auto-efficacité est la seule variable motivationnelle à avoir une influence directe sur les performances académiques ;- le but d’approche de la maîtrise est sous influence de l’auto-efficacité et une orientation vers ce type de but influence positivement la motivation intrinsèque et négativement l’amotivation ;- le but d’approche de la performance a une influence positive sur les différentes formes de motivation extrinsèque et, parmi ces dernières, la motivation extrinsèque à régulation identifiée influence positivement l’auto-efficacité tandis que la motivation extrinsèque à régulation externe l’influence négativement ;- l’amotivation influence négativement l’auto-efficacité académique ;- l’impact de l’amotivation sur les performances académiques est totalement médiatisée par l’auto-efficacité.Des prolongements de cette étude et certaines applications sont proposés. / This research has been carried out among French science students enrolled in CPGE (Classes Préparatoires aux Grandes Ecoles). One of its objectives is to study how motivational variables influence academic achievement. Academic self-efficacy, achievement goals or self-determined motivation are reported to play an important part in academic achievement. By relating self-efficacy, goal orientations and motivation, as conceptualized in self-determination theory, to both preceding and subsequent academic achievement, it is possible to further investigate the structural relation between these variables. Therefore, we aim at analysing the mutual influences which exist among them.Psychometric tools, among which an academic self-efficacy scale, were created and validated. Path analysis were performed in order to produce a multivariate model including motivational variables, previous academic performance and subsequent academic achievement. Our results showed that:- self-efficacy is the only motivational variable that directly influences academic achievement; - mastery approach goal, which is influenced by self-efficacy, enhances intrinsic motivation but is negatively related to amotivation;- performance approach goal enhances extrinsic motivation and identified regulated extrinsic motivation is positively related to self-efficacy while externally regulated extrinsic motivation is negatively related to it;- amotivation is negatively related to self-efficacy;- Self-efficacy beliefs are mediators between amotivation and subsequent academic achievement.Future research could build on these findings. Suggestions of applications are provided.
904 |
Étude des types de compliments et leurs liens avec l’estime de soi et les processus motivationnels d’enfants de 8 à 12 ansGrenier, Fanny 04 1900 (has links)
Différents courants de recherches se sont intéressés à identifier les compliments à éviter afin de ne pas nuire au développement de l’estime de soi et des processus motivationnels optimaux chez les enfants (p.ex. Kamins et Dweck, 1999 ; Kast et Konnor, 1988). Pourtant, aucune étude n’avait tenté d’identifier les compliments potentiellement optimaux pour favoriser ces développements. À travers 3 études, cette thèse exploratoire visait ainsi à comparer différents types de compliments recensés comme positifs dans la documentation à l’aide d’un échantillon de dyades mères-enfants (N = 65 ; Âge moyen des enfants = 10,20 ans).
La première étude de la thèse a examiné les relations entre les différents types de compliments, d’une part, et l’estime de soi et les processus motivationnels des enfants, d’autre part, tout en contrôlant pour les variables démographiques de sexe et d’âge des enfants. Étant donné que les différents types de compliments étaient hautement susceptibles de coexister, mais qu’ils n’avaient jamais été comparés au sein d’une même étude, leurs relations avec les variables dépendantes ont été examinées en considérant également leurs interrelations à l’aide de régressions multiples. La deuxième étude de cette thèse visait à mettre en lumière les liens entre la perception des enfants des pratiques parentales typiques de leur mère et les compliments recensés comme positifs dans la documentation grâce à des questionnaires complétés par les enfants et leur mère. La troisième étude, de nature expérimentale, a examiné les impacts situationnels des compliments comparatifs, orientés vers le résultat et descriptifs sur la compétence perçue (ou l’estime de soi situationnelle) et les processus motivationnels des enfants en s’intéressant aux impacts potentiels de trois modérateurs susceptibles d’accentuer ou de diminuer l’impact de la manipulation expérimentale, soit le sexe, l’âge et l’estime de soi globale des enfants.
Les principaux résultats révèlent qu’il est possible de dresser un portrait des compliments rapportés comme positifs dans la documentation en distinguant quatre types : les compliments comparatifs, orientés vers le résultat, orientés vers l’effort et descriptifs. Deux de ces compliments, les compliments orientés vers le résultat et les compliments orientés vers l’effort, semblent être les plus utilisés. La thèse révèle également que seul le compliment descriptif semble lié positivement à l’estime de soi des enfants (globale et situationnelle), en particulier chez les filles et chez les enfants ayant une estime de soi plus faible que la moyenne. À travers ces trois objectifs, cette thèse contribue à l’avancement des connaissances sur les compliments, à la théorie de l’autodétermination (TAD) et permet d’identifier des pistes d’interventions qui permettront aux parents d’intervenir et de communiquer de façon optimale auprès de leurs enfants. / Different lines of research have focused on compliments that parents should avoid in order not to jeopardize the development of children’s self-esteem and optimal motivational processes (e.g. Kamins and Dweck, 1999; Kast and Konnor, 1988). However, no study had yet attempted to identify potentially optimal compliments to favor these developments. Through three studies, this exploratory thesis thus aimed at comparing different compliments conceptualized as positive in the literature using a sample of mother-child dyads (N = 65, mean age of the children = 10.20 years).
The first study examined the relations between different types of compliments, on one hand, and children's self-esteem and motivational processes on the other, while controlling for demographic variables of children’s sex and age. Given that the different types of compliments were likely to coexist but were never compared in a single study, their relations with the dependent variables were examined while also controlling for their interrelations using multiple regressions. The second study aimed at highlighting the links between children's perception of their mother typical parenting practices and the different types of compliments conceptualized as positive in the literature. To investigate these relations, we relied on questionnaires filled out by two different respondents (children and their mothers). The third study relied on an experimental design to investigate the situational impacts of comparative, result-oriented and descriptive compliments on children's perceived competence (or their situational self-esteem) and motivational processes, with a focus on the potential impacts of three moderators likely to accentuate, or reduce, the effect of the experimental manipulation (i.e. sex, age and children's global self-esteem).
The main results show that it is possible to provide a comprehensive portrait of the compliments conceptualized as positive in the literature by distinguishing four types: comparative, result-oriented, process-oriented and descriptive compliments. Two of these compliments, namely result-oriented compliments and process-oriented compliments, seem to be the most used. The thesis also reveals that only descriptive compliments seem positively related to children's self-esteem (global and situational), especially for girls and children reporting lower than average self-esteem. Through the pursuit of these three objectives, this thesis contributes to the advancement of knowledge on compliments, to self-determination theory (SDT) and helps identify intervention avenues that will allow parents to intervene and communicate optimally with their children.
905 |
Évaluation d'une clinique de transition et de jeunes adultes en transplantation rénaleMichaud, Vanessa 06 1900 (has links)
La transition du milieu de soins pédiatrique au milieu adulte est un processus exigeant pour les jeunes atteints de maladies chroniques, puisqu’elle a lieu durant une période de leur vie où beaucoup de changements se produisent simultanément. N’étant pas encore tout à fait autonomes, les jeunes doivent apprendre à prendre soin d’eux-mêmes alors qu’ils se retrouvent parachutés dans un nouvel environnement, au sein d’une nouvelle équipe médicale. La diminution de l’encadrement peut en mener certains à prendre leur médication de manière erratique ou à manquer des rendez-vous. En transplantation rénale, une baisse de l’observance thérapeutique peut avoir pour conséquences des épisodes de rejet qui conduisent parfois à la perte du greffon. Pour pallier ces problèmes, deux néphrologues du CHU Sainte-Justine et une néphrologue du Centre hospitalier de l’Université de Montréal (CHUM) se sont consultées afin de mettre en place une clinique de jeunes adultes greffés du rein. Cette clinique s’adresse spécifiquement aux jeunes adultes, tant ceux ayant vécu la transition que ceux greffés à l’âge adulte. L’objectif de cette thèse est de mener l’évaluation des processus ainsi que l’évaluation des effets médicaux et psychosociaux de la clinique des jeunes (CDJ), en comparant le groupe de patients qui y sont suivis aux jeunes patients suivis à la clinique adulte régulière (CAR).
Dans le premier article, qui présente l’évaluation des processus, des entrevues semi-structurées sont réalisées auprès de 10 patients de la CDJ, afin de décrire leur expérience de la clinique et d’identifier les composantes contribuant à son succès ainsi que des pistes d’amélioration du service. L’analyse thématique propose six thèmes caractérisant l’expérience des patients: (a) le soutien à l’autonomie versus la surprotection, (b) les garanties de sécurité à travers l’incertitude, (c) l’identification et le sentiment d’appartenance, (d) la complémentarité des approches entre les milieux de soins pédiatrique et adulte, (e) un environnement s’harmonisant avec le mode de vie des jeunes adultes et (f) les raisons de non-adhérence au traitement.
Dans le deuxième article, qui présente l’évaluation des effets, une méthodologie mixte quantitative et qualitative est utilisée afin de mettre en contraste l’expérience de 17 patients de la CDJ avec celle de 16 patients de la CAR, de vérifier l’efficacité de la CDJ et de vérifier l’utilité de la théorie de l’auto-détermination (TAD) dans notre contexte. Les analyses quantitatives comparatives révèlent que la CDJ semble efficace surtout dans la période critique post-transition ou post-greffe en milieu adulte. Le fait d’être suivi à la CDJ semble minimiser l’incidence des complications médicales, améliorer l’adhérence au traitement et la qualité de vie physique des patients. Les analyses corrélationnelles établissent des liens entre les variables de la TAD (perception de soutien à l’autonomie, motivation autonome ou contrôlée, sentiment de compétence), l’adhérence au traitement et la qualité de vie. L’analyse thématique met en lumière quatre thèmes: (a) la résilience, (b) les besoins relationnels et l’alliance thérapeutique, (c) la quête d’équilibre et (d) la quête de normalité. Sur la base des résultats présentés dans les deux articles, des recommandations sont formulées afin d’améliorer le service à la CDJ et de servir de lignes directrices pour le développement d’initiatives similaires en transition. / Transition from pediatric to adult care is a demanding process for chronically ill young patients, because it takes place during a period of their life when many changes happen simultaneously. Because they are not entirely autonomous yet, youths must learn to take care of themselves while they are being parachuted in a new environment, within a new medical team. The lack of guidance can lead some to take their medicines erratically or to miss appointments. In kidney transplantation, decreased treatment adherence rates can have consequences such as rejection episodes, which sometimes lead to graft loss. To mitigate these problems, two nephrologists from the CHU Sainte-Justine and one nephrologist from the Centre hospitalier de l’Université de Montréal (CHUM) consulted one another to set up a young adult clinic for kidney transplant recipients. This clinic is specifically destined to young adults, those who transitioned as well as those transplanted as adults. This thesis aims to conduct the process evaluation as well as the evaluation of the clinical and psychosocial outcomes of the young adult clinic (YAC), by comparing its group of patients to the young patients who are attending the regular adult clinic (RAC).
In the first article, which presents the process evaluation, semi-structured interviews are conducted with 10 YAC patients, to describe their experience of the clinic and identify its key components as well as possible areas of improvement. Thematic analysis highlights six themes that characterize patients’ experience: (a) autonomy support versus overprotection, (b) stability anchors through uncertainty, (c) identification and belongingness, (d) complementarity of approaches between pediatric and adult care settings, (e) an environment matching young adults’ lifestyles and (f) reasons for non-adherence.
In the second article, which presents the outcome evaluation, a quantitative and qualitative mixed methodology is used to contrast the experience of 17 YAC patients with the experience of 16 RAC patients, to verify the YAC’s efficiency and to check if self-determination theory (SDT) is relevant in our context. Comparative quantitative analyses reveal that the YAC seems efficient especially during the critical period post-transition or post-transplant in adult setting. Attending the YAC seems to minimize the incidence of medical complications, to improve treatment adherence and patients’ physical quality of life. Correlational analyses establish relationships between SDT variables (perceived autonomy support, autonomous or controlled motivation, perceived competence), treatment adherence and quality of life. Thematic analysis highlights four themes: (a) resilience, (b) relational needs and the therapeutic alliance, (c) quest for balance and (d) quest for normalcy. On the basis of the findings presented in the two articles, recommendations are formulated in order to improve the YAC services and to serve as guidelines for the development of similar transition initiatives.
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Assessing information security compliant behaviour using the self-determination theoryGangire, Yotamu 02 1900 (has links)
Information security research shows that employees are a source of some of the security incidents in the organisation. This often results from failure to comply with the Information Security Policies (ISPs). The question is, therefore, how to improve information security behaviour of employees so that it complies with the ISPs. This study aims to contribute to the understanding of information security behaviour, especially how it can be improved, from an intrinsic motivation perspective.
A review of the literature suggested that research in information security behaviour is still predominantly based on the extrinsic perspective, while the intrinsic perspective has not received as much attention. This resulted in the study being carried out from the perspective of the self-determination theory (SDT) since this theory has also not received as much attention in the study of information security behaviour. The study then proposed an information security compliant behaviour conceptual model based on the self-determination theory, (ISCBMSDT).
Based on this model, a questionnaire, the ISCBMSDT questionnaire, was developed using the Human Aspects of Information Security Questionnaire and SDT. Using this questionnaire, a survey (n = 263) was carried out at a South African university and responses were received from the academic, administrative and operational staff. The following statistical analysis of the data was carried out: exploratory factor analysis, reliability analysis, analysis of variance (ANOVA), independent samples test (t-tests) and Pearson correlation analysis. The responses to the survey questions suggest that autonomy questions received positive perception followed by competence questions and relatedness questions. The correlation analysis results show the existence of a statistically significant relationship between competence and autonomy factors. Also, a partial significant relationship between autonomy and relatedness factors as well as between competence and relatedness factors was observed.
The exploratory factor analysis that was performed on the questionnaire produced 11 factors.
Cronbach alpha was then computed for the eleven factors and all were found to be above 0.7, thus suggesting that the questionnaire is valid and reliable. The results of the research study also suggest that competence and autonomy could be more important than relatedness in directing information security behaviour among employees. / School of Computing / M. Tech. (Information Technology)
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A model for effective use of human resource information systems in South African State Owned AgenciesMabaso, Thembi Merlyn 12 1900 (has links)
The relevance of this thesis is in addressing information systems business leadership HRIS use issues.The thesis explains acceptance and use issues central to Human Resource Information Systems (HRIS) within South African State Owned Agencies (SOAs). Organisations typically deploy HRIS with a view to automate Human Resource (HR) service delivery and administrative functions. Among other values, HRIS produces useful data and information which optimises HR operations and improves decision-making. However, the use of HRIS, notably within SOAs, is poorly understood owing to inadequate literature and contextualised studies. Despite the tremendous amount of investment into such systems, SOAs continuously identify emerging challenges and issues pertinent to HR operations and administration. For instance, despite HRIS automation, job applications and recruitment are still manually processed, which means that the costly implemented HRIS is not effectively used, and is thus underutilised.
The burning questions for business leadership remain - why is HRIS not optimally utilised given significant organisational investment on such systems, and the mixed return-on-investments? The other question relates to what the level of acceptance is and actual use of these HR systems. There is also a need to determine to what extent do these systems enable or improve the delivery of human resource services and administration. Moreover, what influences the use of HRIS? Previous literature and organisational practice inadequately addresses these questions. This thesis, therefore, addresses these key issues to bridge these preceding knowledge gaps.
In order to explain the use and subsequent effective use of HRIS, the study triangulated three theories as theoretical lenses. These theories are the Unified Theory of Acceptance and Use of Technology (UTAUT), Self Determination Theory (SDT), and the Representation Theory (RT). These theories are employed to explore and explain the individual use, and subsequent effective use of HRIS. In this respect, the ontological stance for this thesis is that reality is objective. Thus, the study followed a positivist research paradigm, whilst the research the approach was deductive. A survey research strategy was employed during the study to obtain primary data. Survey participants included executives and individuals from speciality units e.g. HR, Finance, Supply Chain, Support departments (including IT and Help Desks) as well as other HRIS users. Participants were drawn from various South African SOAs.
Structural equation modelling and hypothesis testing show that there are myriad of determinants influencing use and effective use of HRIS. The results further show that certain constructs are inconsistent with the existing literature. Nevertheless, this inconsistency speaks to the unique South African SOA contexts. The outcome of the study is a model which theoretically and practically explains those factors which must be considered to effectively use and utilise HRIS. That is, the theoretical, practical, methodological, and contextual contributions of the thesis is in explaining the determinants which are significant for effective use of HRIS. / Centre for Business Manangement / D.B.L.
908 |
Two Sides of the Same Coin? Insights on Motivational Information Systems and Goal Achievement From a User and Firm PerspectiveWolf, Tobias 27 November 2020 (has links)
No description available.
909 |
Playing mind gamification : Theoretical evidence of addictive nature of gamification and identification of addictive game elements used in mobile application designAbbasi, Bushra Qazi, Awais, Samrah January 2022 (has links)
Gamification is a modern concept that makes physical and digital activities engaging and enjoyable just like games. Game elements are added to mobile applications for user retention and engagement. One of the dark sides of gamification i.e., addiction is explored in this novel study in the context of mobile application design. It uses a mixed-method approach to lay the foundation of the relation between gamification and Smartphone Addiction, which is critically explained in a limited literature review using existing theories and studies on gamification. Interviews with behavioral experts confirm the psychological aspects of the research. The study also identifies game elements that contribute to smartphone addiction by a survey analysis of 269 participants. Results reveal Scrolling and Tapping as most addictive game elements. Some elements also show a statistically significant relationship with daily smartphone usage in hours. There are many effective applications of gamification, and in the context of mobile application design, it indeed helps to increase user engagement, however, there is an ethical need to reflect on what the exaggerated form of this engagement can lead to. As future research, a longitudinal study and experiments are suggested to find out this relationship with the use of empirical data.
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Identification des facteurs sociocognitifs liés à l’adhésion au traitement des jeunes atteints d’hémophilie : une étude pour guider l’intervention en milieu hospitalierBérubé, Sarah 08 1900 (has links)
L’hémophilie est une maladie héréditaire incurable qui ralentit la coagulation sanguine. Le plan de traitement vise à prévenir les saignements pouvant se produire dans les articulations, puisque ceux-ci peuvent causer des dommages à long terme dans les structures internes. Le traitement consiste en l’administration régulière et continue d’injections de concentré de facteur de coagulation. Le plan de traitement inclut aussi des indications sur les activités physiques sécuritaires et celles à éviter pour les patients atteints de la maladie. Peu de recherches psychosociales ont été conduites en hémophilie à ce jour. L’objectif de cette thèse, composée de 5 articles, était de déterminer les facteurs sociocognitifs susceptibles d’influencer l’adhésion aux recommandations chez les enfants et les adolescents atteints d’hémophilie et de proposer des pistes d’intervention. Pour ce faire, nous nous sommes appuyés sur trois modèles théoriques qui apportent, en complémentarité, un éclairage sur des aspects centraux de l’adhésion. Dans le premier article, nous avons traduit en français un instrument de mesure de l’adhésion au traitement par injection et nous avons fourni les données psychométriques préliminaires de l’instrument. Les données ont appuyé son utilisation auprès des jeunes patients, ce qui nous a permis de l’utiliser dans la thèse. Dans le deuxième article, nous avons utilisé la théorie du comportement planifié pour comprendre comment les jeunes se positionnent face aux recommandations de l’équipe médicale en ce qui a trait au traitement par injection et à l’activité physique. Pour cela, nous avons mesuré leur attitude, leur perception de contrôle comportemental, la norme sociale subjective et le comportement passé. Nous avons évalué si ces facteurs étaient liés à l’intention de suivre les recommandations. Les résultats ont indiqué que ces facteurs expliquaient une grande proportion de la variance de l’intention de suivre les recommandations sur l’activité physique, surtout pour celles dites « à risque ». Ayant constaté une bonne adhésion au traitement par injection chez les participants et une adhésion plus faible en ce qui a trait à l’activité physique, nous avons décidé de nous concentrer sur l’activité physique pour la suite. Dans le troisième article, nous avons utilisé le modèle du sens commun pour comprendre comment les patients se représentent leur maladie et si ces représentations pouvaient avoir un impact sur leur pratique d’activé physique. Les perceptions étaient plus négatives pour les domaines suivants : les conséquences de la maladie, le nombre de symptômes et l’impact émotionnel. Lorsque nous avons classé les participants selon leur profil d’activité physique, le sous-groupe « adhésion faible », c’est-à-dire celui qui suivait moins et avait moins l’intention de suivre les recommandations, avait significativement plus de préoccupations par rapport à la maladie et percevait plus de symptômes en moyenne. Le quatrième article souligne l’intérêt du modèle du soutien à l’autonomie de la théorie de l’autodétermination dans l’intervention en hémophilie et consiste en une adaptation pratique de ce modèle aux enjeux spécifiques de la maladie. Le cinquième article porte sur un livret d’information que nous avons développé utilisant la théorie de l’autodétermination. Nous avons utilisé des méthodes quantitatives et qualitatives pour évaluer la réception du livret chez les parents et pour apporter des modifications à celui-ci. / Hemophilia is an incurable bleeding disorder that slows the blood clotting process. The treatment plan aims to prevent bleeding episodes that occur in the joints, since repeated bleeding episodes can cause long-term damage to internal structures. The treatment plan consists of regular infusions of the missing clotting factor and specific recommendations as to which physical activities are safe and which are to be avoided.
The objective of this thesis, composed of 5 articles, was to determine the socio-cognitive factors likely to influence the adherence of children and adolescents to the recommendations of the treatment plan, and to suggest avenues for intervention. To do this, we relied on three theoretical models which, together, shed light on the central aspects of adherence: the perspective of young patients on the medical recommendations, their perceptions of the illness and, finally, avenues of intervention to promote better adherence in those young patients in the long-term.
In the first article, we translated to French an instrument that measured adherence to the infusion therapy, and we provided the preliminary psychometric data of the instrument. The data supported the use of the instrument with young patients, which allowed us to use it in the thesis.
In the second article, we used the theory of planned behavior to understand how young people perceive the recommendations concerning infusion treatment and physical activity. For this, we measured their attitude towards the behavior, their perception of behavioral control, the subjective social norm and past behavior. We assessed whether these factors were related to the intention to follow the recommendations. The results indicated that these factors explain a large proportion of the variance in intention to follow physical activity recommendations, especially for those at risk of causing bleeding. As adherence to injection therapy was high in our sample while adherence to physical activity recommendations was lower and more variable among participants, we decided to focus on the latter for the next articles.
In the third article, we wanted to understand how patients view their illness and whether illness perceptions could have an impact on their physical activity practice. For this we used the common-sense model. Perceptions were more negative for the following areas: the consequences of hemophilia, the number of symptoms and the emotional impact. When we ranked participants according to their physical activity profile, the subgroup that followed the recommendations less
closely and had a lower intention of following the recommendations had significantly more concerns and perceived more symptoms.
The fourth article highlights the interest of the autonomy support model in hemophilia intervention and consists of a practical adaptation of this model to the specific challenges of the illness.
The fifth article is about the development of an information booklet that we created using the concepts of this theory. We used quantitative and qualitative methods to assess the parents’ acceptability of the booklet and modified the booklet according to their suggestions.
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