Spelling suggestions: "subject:"selfchecking"" "subject:"elchecking""
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A type-safe apparatus executing higher order functions in conjunction with hardware error toleranceKimmitt, Jonathan R. R. January 2015 (has links)
The increasing commoditization of computers in modern society has exceeded the pace of associated developments in reliability. Although theoretical computer science has advanced greatly in the last thirty years, many of the best techniques have yet to find their way into embedded computers, and their failure can have a great potential for disrupting society. This dissertation presents some approaches to improve computer reliability using software and hardware techniques, and makes the following claims for novelty: innovative development of a toolchain and libraries to support extraction from dependent type checking in a theorem prover; conceptual design and deployment in reconfigurable hardware; an extension of static type-safety to hardware description language and FPGA level; elimination of legacy C code from the target and toolchain; a novel hardware error detection scheme is described and compared with conventional triple modular redundancy. The elimination of any user control of memory management promotes robustness against buffer overruns, and consequently prevents vulnerability to common Trojan techniques. The methodology identifies type punning as a key weakness of commonly encountered embedded languages such as C, in particular the extreme difficulty of determining if an array access is in bounds, or if dynamic memory has been properly allocated and released. A method of eliminating dependence on type-unsafe libraries is presented, in conjunction with code that has optionally been proved correct according to user-defined criteria. An appropriately defined subset of OCaml is chosen with support for the Coq theorem prover in mind, and then evaluated with a custom backend that supports behavioural Verilog, as well as a fixed execution unit and associated control store. Results are presented for this alternative platform for reliable embedded systems development that may be used in future industrial flows. To provide assurance of correct operation, the proven software needs to be executed in an environment where errors are checked and corrected in conjunction with appropriate exception processing in the event of an uncorrectable error. Therefore, the present author’s previously published error detection scheme based on dual-rail logic and self-checking checkers is further developed and compared with traditional N-modular redundancy.
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Σχεδιασμός και υλοποίηση σε υλικό κρυπτογραφικών μηχανισμών με δυνατότητα ανίχνευσης σφαλμάτωνΚοτσιώλης, Απόστολος 21 March 2011 (has links)
Σκοπός της διπλωματικής εργασίας είναι ο σχεδιασμός και η υλοποίηση σε υλικό κρυπτογραφικών μηχανισμών με τέτοιο τρόπο έτσι ώστε να αποκτήσουν ιδιότητες αυτό-ελέγχου χρησιμοποιώντας μηχανισμούς ανίχνευσης σφαλμάτων. Για το σκοπό αυτό θα προσπαθήσουμε να επιλέξουμε μέσα από γνωστούς μηχανισμούς ανίχνευσης λαθών που είναι διαθέσιμοι στη βιβλιογραφία, αυτούς που θα μας βοηθήσουν να εισάγουμε στο σύστημά μας τις επιθυμητές ιδιότητες αυτό-ελέγχου λαμβάνοντας παράλληλα φροντίδα για την διατήρηση των ιδιαίτερων χαρακτηριστικών του.
Λόγω της κρισιμότητας που έχει η διαδικασία κρυπτογράφησης είναι πολύ σημαντικό να πραγματοποιείται χωρίς σφάλματα. Πιθανά σφάλματα θα μπορούσε να τα εκμεταλλευτεί κάποιος εισβολέας ώστε να διαβάσει το περιεχόμενο του μηνύματος κατά τη διάρκεια μιας μετάδοσης ή θα μπορούσαν να προκαλέσουν λάθη στο ίδιο το μήνυμα και την hash value που του αντιστοιχεί. Για αυτούς τους λόγους θα προσπαθήσουμε να εισάγουμε στην υλοποίηση του αλγόριθμου κρυπτογράφησης μηχανισμούς ανίχνευσης σφαλμάτων ώστε να διασφαλιστεί η απροβλημάτιστη λειτουργία του. Παράλληλα λόγω των ιδιαίτερων απαιτήσεων που υπάρχουν για ένα σύστημα κρυπτογράφησης που έχουν να κάνουν με ταχύτητα επεξεργασίας και την όσο το δυνατόν μικρότερη επιφάνεια ολοκλήρωσης θα λάβουμε ιδιαίτερη φροντίδα ώστε το σύστημα μας να διατηρήσει αυτά τα επιθυμητά χαρακτηριστικά. / The purpose of this thesis is the design and implementation in hardware of cryptographic mechanisms in order to gain self-checking properties using error detection techniques. In order to do so we will try to pick through known error detection mechanisms, those who will help us apply the desired self-checking characteristics to our system while taking care to maintain its characteristics.
It is critical for the encryption process to be error-free. Possible errors could be exploited by an attacker to read the contents of the message during a broadcast or could cause errors in the message itself and the hash value that corresponds. For these reasons, we try to apply error detection mechanisms to the hardware implementation of the hash algorithms in order to ensure trouble free operation. At the same time, due to the special requirements of an encryption system about high processing speed and the smallest integration area possible we will take care so as our system to maintain these desired characteristics.
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[pt] Este trabalho descreve a concepção e realização de um
microcomputador para aplicações onde há necessidade de um
elevado grau de segurança.
A transmissão incorreta de dados pode ser evitada:
- com a utilização de circuitos auto-testáveis
- pelo bloqueio do seu funcionamento no caso de deteção de
O microcomputador é baseado no microprocessador 8080 da
Intel e apresenta as seguintes características:
-toda a parte em funcionamento do sistema é testada
- o diagnóstico é feito no nível de placas, sendo a placa
defeituosa indicada no painel após o bloqueio do computador
- deteção nas unidades memória através de bits de paridade
8 portas de entrada/saída
uma avaliação do número de circuitos utilizados é
apresentada em função do tamanho de memória. / [en] The design and realization of a microcomputer for high
security level applications is described.
Erroneous data transmission may be prevented by:
-self - checking circuits
-blocking the computer upon detection of a failure.
The microcomputer is built around the Intel 8080
microprocessor and has the followinf characteristics:
- All the working circuits are tested.
- a card level dragnosis is provided with indication by
panel of the faulty unit, atter computer stop.
- memory detection by parity bits
- 8 I/0 ports.
An evaluation of the number of the envisaged memory is
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Granskningsprocessen avbygghandlingar / The checking process of construction documentsGäfvert, Felix, Hollbeck, Simon January 2017 (has links)
Granskning av bygghandlingar och beräkningar är en väsentlig del av projekteringen. På grund av dagens stressiga och tidspressade arbetsmiljö negligeras ibland granskningen. Vanliga konsekvenser på grund av undermålig granskning är en ökning av tid och kostnader. I denna rapport har det undersökts hur granskningen går till på olika konstruktionsföretag i Sverige. Detta har gjort genom kvantitativa och kvalitativa metoder. Detta för att kartlägga eventuella brister och ge förslag på hur granskningsprocessen kan förbättras. Resultaten från enkät och intervjuer visar tydligt att tidsbrist är den största orsaken till att granskning inte utförs enligt de fastställda riktlinjerna. Det har också framkommit att trots att majoriteten av konstruktörerna som deltagit i studien påpekat vikten av ett väl utfört granskningsarbete, förbises den i många fall. För att upprätthålla en tillfredsställande kvalitet på bygghandlingar är stickprovskontroller från myndigheter en tillämpbar lösning. Konstruktionsföretagen skulle då tvingas producera handlingar av högre kvalitet. Vid undermålig handling ges företaget ett vite. Det bör också ställas krav på företagen att avsätta tid för granskning. För att förbättra granskningsprocessen inom företaget bör slutmöten vara obligatoriska på alla projekt då återkoppling är grundläggande för utveckling. / Checking of construction documents and calculations is an essential part of the design. Due to today's stressful and time-consuming work environment, the audit of construction documents is often neglected. Common consequences due to inadequate checking are an increase of time and costs. In this report, quantitative and qualitative methods have examined how the audit is conducted at various engineering companies in Sweden. This is to identify possible shortcomings and provide suggestions for how the checking process can be improved. The results from surveys and interviews clearly show that lack of time is the main reason for checking not being conducted according to the established guidelines. It has also been found that, despite the fact that the majority of designers who participated in the study pointed out the importance of a well-conducted audit work, it is overlooked in many cases. In order to maintain a satisfactory quality of construction documents, random checks from authorities are an applicable solution. Engineering companies would then be forced to produce higher quality documents. In case of malpractice, the company is given a fine. It should also be imposed on companies to set aside the time for checking. To improve the checking process within the company, final meetings should be compulsory on all projects as feedback is fundamental to development.
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Optimierung von Fehlererkennungsschaltungen auf der Grundlage von komplementären Ergänzungen für 1-aus-3 und Berger Codes / Optimisation of Error-Detection Circuits by Complementary Circuits for 1-out-of-3 and Berger CodesMorozov, Alexei January 2005 (has links)
Die Dissertation stellt eine neue Herangehensweise an die Lösung der Aufgabe der funktionalen Diagnostik digitaler Systeme vor. In dieser Arbeit wird eine neue Methode für die Fehlererkennung vorgeschlagen, basierend auf der Logischen Ergänzung und der Verwendung von Berger-Codes und dem 1-aus-3 Code. Die neue Fehlererkennungsmethode der Logischen Ergänzung gestattet einen hohen Optimierungsgrad der benötigten Realisationsfläche der konstruierten Fehlererkennungsschaltungen. Außerdem ist eins der wichtigen in dieser Dissertation gelösten Probleme die Synthese vollständig selbstprüfender Schaltungen. / In this dissertation concurrent checking by use of a complementary circuit for an 1-out-of-n Codes and Berger-Code is investigated. For an arbitrarily given combinational circuit necessary and sufficient conditions for the existence of a totally self-checking checker are derived for the first time.
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Efeitos da radiação em dispositivos analógicos programáveis (FPAAs) e técnicas de proteçãoBalen, Tiago Roberto January 2010 (has links)
Este trabalho estuda os efeitos da radiação em dispositivos analógicos programáveis (FPAAs, do inglês, Field Programmable Analog Arrays) e técnicas de proteção que podem ser aplicadas para mitigar tais efeitos. Circuitos operando no espaço ou em altitudes elevadas, como, por exemplo, em satélites e aeronaves, recebem doses de radiação e impacto de íons e outras partículas que, dependendo da altitude e de características do próprio circuito, podem afetar o seu correto funcionamento. Os FPAAs proporcionam características interessantes aos sistemas analógicos e de sinal misto, como a prototipação rápida e a possibilidade de reconfiguração dinâmica (permitindo a implementação de sistemas de instrumentação e controle adaptativos). Assim, os FPAAs podem ser atrativos aos projetistas de sistemas de aplicação espacial, uma vez que a utilização de componentes comerciais, (COTS - do inglês, Commercial Off-The-Shelf), é uma alternativa para redução de custos do sistema final. Por isso, é necessário classificar estes dispositivos segundo o nível de tolerância à radiação e desenvolver técnicas de proteção contra seus efeitos. Essencialmente, é possível dividir os efeitos da radiação em dois principais grupos: efeitos de dose total ionizante ou TID (do inglês, Total Ionizing Dose) e os eventos singulares (Single Event Effects ou SEEs). Os dois principais eventos singulares que podem perturbar os FPAAs são investigados: os SETs (Single Event Transients) e os SEUs (Single Event Upsets). Os SETs podem gerar pulsos transientes em determinados nós do circuito, e, quando atingem o inversor de controle das portas de transmissão dos bancos de capacitores do dispositivo, podem ocasionar uma redistribuição de carga entre os capacitores do banco, afetando temporariamente o sinal que trafega pelo FPAA. Tais efeitos foram investigados através de simulações spice. Já os SEUs podem afetar os FPAAs que são baseados em memória do tipo SRAM. Para investigar tais efeitos foram realizados experimentos de injeção de falhas do tipo bit-flip (inversão de bit) no bitstream de programação de um FPAA baseado neste tipo de memória. Os experimentos mostraram que a inversão de um único bit pode ser catastrófica para o funcionamento do sistema. Posteriormente, um esquema self-checking (autoverificável) baseado em redundância foi proposto. Tal esquema foi construído com os recursos programáveis do FPAA e é capaz de recuperar os dados originais de programação do dispositivo se um erro for detectado. A capacidade do esquema proposto de detectar desvios funcionais no bloco sob teste e sua confiabilidade quando os seus próprios blocos são afetados por inversão de bits de memória, foram investigadas. Finalmente, os efeitos de dose total sobre dispositivos programáveis foram investigados através de um experimento prático, no qual um FPAA comercial foi bombardeado por radiação gama proveniente de uma fonte de Cobalto-60. Os resultados experimentais mostraramm que as chaves analógicas, que proporcionam a programabilidade do dispositivo, e seus circuitos de controle são os principais responsáveis por degradar o sinal processado pelo FPAA quando determinados níveis de dose total acumulada são atingidos. / In this work the radiation effects on Field Programmable Analog Arrays (FPAAs) are studied and mitigation techniques are proposed. The main effects induced by radiation sources in electronic circuits operating in space and at high altitudes are SEU (Single Event Upset), SET (Single Event Transient) and TID (Total Ionizing Dose). FPAAs are programmable analog circuits that provide design flexibility and some interesting features for applications such as adaptive control and instrumentation and evolvable analog hardware. These features can be very useful in avionics and space applications, where the system environmental variables can vary significantly in few minutes, being necessary to re-calibrate the sensor conditioning circuits to correct errors or improve system performance, for example. Since the use of commercial off-the-shelf (COTS) components may reduce systems costs in such critical applications, it is very important to develop system-level mitigation techniques (to radiation effects), aiming the increasing of the reliability of commercial available devices (including FPAAs). Some FPAA models are based on SRAM memory cells, which make this kind of device vulnerable to SEU when employed in applications susceptible to radiation incidence. An SEU can affect the programming memory of the FPAA and change the device configuration, modifying the analog circuit behavior. In this work, fault injection experiments were performed in order to investigate the effects of SEU in a commercial FPAA by injecting bit-flips in the FPAA programming bitstream. Then, a self-checking scheme was proposed. This scheme, which is built with the FPAA available programming resources, is able to restore the original programming data if an error is detected. Fault injection was also performed to investigate the reliability of the checker when the bitstream section which controls its own blocks is corrupted due to an SEU. Results indicated a very low aliasing probability due to single faults in the checker (0.24%). Effects of SET were also studied, considering the disturbance of the switches (transmission gates) of the FPAA programmable capacitor banks. Spice simulations showed that transient pulses in the control circuit of the switches may lead to charge redistribution between the capacitors of the bank, affecting the voltage and current of the involved nodes. Finally, total ionizing dose (TID) effects were investigated by means of an irradiation experiment. In such experiment the FPAA was exposed to Cobalt-60 gamma radiation. The experimental results showed that the analog switches of the device as well as their control circuits are the main responsible for degradating the processed signal when certain radiation levels were achieved.
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Efeitos da radiação em dispositivos analógicos programáveis (FPAAs) e técnicas de proteçãoBalen, Tiago Roberto January 2010 (has links)
Este trabalho estuda os efeitos da radiação em dispositivos analógicos programáveis (FPAAs, do inglês, Field Programmable Analog Arrays) e técnicas de proteção que podem ser aplicadas para mitigar tais efeitos. Circuitos operando no espaço ou em altitudes elevadas, como, por exemplo, em satélites e aeronaves, recebem doses de radiação e impacto de íons e outras partículas que, dependendo da altitude e de características do próprio circuito, podem afetar o seu correto funcionamento. Os FPAAs proporcionam características interessantes aos sistemas analógicos e de sinal misto, como a prototipação rápida e a possibilidade de reconfiguração dinâmica (permitindo a implementação de sistemas de instrumentação e controle adaptativos). Assim, os FPAAs podem ser atrativos aos projetistas de sistemas de aplicação espacial, uma vez que a utilização de componentes comerciais, (COTS - do inglês, Commercial Off-The-Shelf), é uma alternativa para redução de custos do sistema final. Por isso, é necessário classificar estes dispositivos segundo o nível de tolerância à radiação e desenvolver técnicas de proteção contra seus efeitos. Essencialmente, é possível dividir os efeitos da radiação em dois principais grupos: efeitos de dose total ionizante ou TID (do inglês, Total Ionizing Dose) e os eventos singulares (Single Event Effects ou SEEs). Os dois principais eventos singulares que podem perturbar os FPAAs são investigados: os SETs (Single Event Transients) e os SEUs (Single Event Upsets). Os SETs podem gerar pulsos transientes em determinados nós do circuito, e, quando atingem o inversor de controle das portas de transmissão dos bancos de capacitores do dispositivo, podem ocasionar uma redistribuição de carga entre os capacitores do banco, afetando temporariamente o sinal que trafega pelo FPAA. Tais efeitos foram investigados através de simulações spice. Já os SEUs podem afetar os FPAAs que são baseados em memória do tipo SRAM. Para investigar tais efeitos foram realizados experimentos de injeção de falhas do tipo bit-flip (inversão de bit) no bitstream de programação de um FPAA baseado neste tipo de memória. Os experimentos mostraram que a inversão de um único bit pode ser catastrófica para o funcionamento do sistema. Posteriormente, um esquema self-checking (autoverificável) baseado em redundância foi proposto. Tal esquema foi construído com os recursos programáveis do FPAA e é capaz de recuperar os dados originais de programação do dispositivo se um erro for detectado. A capacidade do esquema proposto de detectar desvios funcionais no bloco sob teste e sua confiabilidade quando os seus próprios blocos são afetados por inversão de bits de memória, foram investigadas. Finalmente, os efeitos de dose total sobre dispositivos programáveis foram investigados através de um experimento prático, no qual um FPAA comercial foi bombardeado por radiação gama proveniente de uma fonte de Cobalto-60. Os resultados experimentais mostraramm que as chaves analógicas, que proporcionam a programabilidade do dispositivo, e seus circuitos de controle são os principais responsáveis por degradar o sinal processado pelo FPAA quando determinados níveis de dose total acumulada são atingidos. / In this work the radiation effects on Field Programmable Analog Arrays (FPAAs) are studied and mitigation techniques are proposed. The main effects induced by radiation sources in electronic circuits operating in space and at high altitudes are SEU (Single Event Upset), SET (Single Event Transient) and TID (Total Ionizing Dose). FPAAs are programmable analog circuits that provide design flexibility and some interesting features for applications such as adaptive control and instrumentation and evolvable analog hardware. These features can be very useful in avionics and space applications, where the system environmental variables can vary significantly in few minutes, being necessary to re-calibrate the sensor conditioning circuits to correct errors or improve system performance, for example. Since the use of commercial off-the-shelf (COTS) components may reduce systems costs in such critical applications, it is very important to develop system-level mitigation techniques (to radiation effects), aiming the increasing of the reliability of commercial available devices (including FPAAs). Some FPAA models are based on SRAM memory cells, which make this kind of device vulnerable to SEU when employed in applications susceptible to radiation incidence. An SEU can affect the programming memory of the FPAA and change the device configuration, modifying the analog circuit behavior. In this work, fault injection experiments were performed in order to investigate the effects of SEU in a commercial FPAA by injecting bit-flips in the FPAA programming bitstream. Then, a self-checking scheme was proposed. This scheme, which is built with the FPAA available programming resources, is able to restore the original programming data if an error is detected. Fault injection was also performed to investigate the reliability of the checker when the bitstream section which controls its own blocks is corrupted due to an SEU. Results indicated a very low aliasing probability due to single faults in the checker (0.24%). Effects of SET were also studied, considering the disturbance of the switches (transmission gates) of the FPAA programmable capacitor banks. Spice simulations showed that transient pulses in the control circuit of the switches may lead to charge redistribution between the capacitors of the bank, affecting the voltage and current of the involved nodes. Finally, total ionizing dose (TID) effects were investigated by means of an irradiation experiment. In such experiment the FPAA was exposed to Cobalt-60 gamma radiation. The experimental results showed that the analog switches of the device as well as their control circuits are the main responsible for degradating the processed signal when certain radiation levels were achieved.
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Efeitos da radiação em dispositivos analógicos programáveis (FPAAs) e técnicas de proteçãoBalen, Tiago Roberto January 2010 (has links)
Este trabalho estuda os efeitos da radiação em dispositivos analógicos programáveis (FPAAs, do inglês, Field Programmable Analog Arrays) e técnicas de proteção que podem ser aplicadas para mitigar tais efeitos. Circuitos operando no espaço ou em altitudes elevadas, como, por exemplo, em satélites e aeronaves, recebem doses de radiação e impacto de íons e outras partículas que, dependendo da altitude e de características do próprio circuito, podem afetar o seu correto funcionamento. Os FPAAs proporcionam características interessantes aos sistemas analógicos e de sinal misto, como a prototipação rápida e a possibilidade de reconfiguração dinâmica (permitindo a implementação de sistemas de instrumentação e controle adaptativos). Assim, os FPAAs podem ser atrativos aos projetistas de sistemas de aplicação espacial, uma vez que a utilização de componentes comerciais, (COTS - do inglês, Commercial Off-The-Shelf), é uma alternativa para redução de custos do sistema final. Por isso, é necessário classificar estes dispositivos segundo o nível de tolerância à radiação e desenvolver técnicas de proteção contra seus efeitos. Essencialmente, é possível dividir os efeitos da radiação em dois principais grupos: efeitos de dose total ionizante ou TID (do inglês, Total Ionizing Dose) e os eventos singulares (Single Event Effects ou SEEs). Os dois principais eventos singulares que podem perturbar os FPAAs são investigados: os SETs (Single Event Transients) e os SEUs (Single Event Upsets). Os SETs podem gerar pulsos transientes em determinados nós do circuito, e, quando atingem o inversor de controle das portas de transmissão dos bancos de capacitores do dispositivo, podem ocasionar uma redistribuição de carga entre os capacitores do banco, afetando temporariamente o sinal que trafega pelo FPAA. Tais efeitos foram investigados através de simulações spice. Já os SEUs podem afetar os FPAAs que são baseados em memória do tipo SRAM. Para investigar tais efeitos foram realizados experimentos de injeção de falhas do tipo bit-flip (inversão de bit) no bitstream de programação de um FPAA baseado neste tipo de memória. Os experimentos mostraram que a inversão de um único bit pode ser catastrófica para o funcionamento do sistema. Posteriormente, um esquema self-checking (autoverificável) baseado em redundância foi proposto. Tal esquema foi construído com os recursos programáveis do FPAA e é capaz de recuperar os dados originais de programação do dispositivo se um erro for detectado. A capacidade do esquema proposto de detectar desvios funcionais no bloco sob teste e sua confiabilidade quando os seus próprios blocos são afetados por inversão de bits de memória, foram investigadas. Finalmente, os efeitos de dose total sobre dispositivos programáveis foram investigados através de um experimento prático, no qual um FPAA comercial foi bombardeado por radiação gama proveniente de uma fonte de Cobalto-60. Os resultados experimentais mostraramm que as chaves analógicas, que proporcionam a programabilidade do dispositivo, e seus circuitos de controle são os principais responsáveis por degradar o sinal processado pelo FPAA quando determinados níveis de dose total acumulada são atingidos. / In this work the radiation effects on Field Programmable Analog Arrays (FPAAs) are studied and mitigation techniques are proposed. The main effects induced by radiation sources in electronic circuits operating in space and at high altitudes are SEU (Single Event Upset), SET (Single Event Transient) and TID (Total Ionizing Dose). FPAAs are programmable analog circuits that provide design flexibility and some interesting features for applications such as adaptive control and instrumentation and evolvable analog hardware. These features can be very useful in avionics and space applications, where the system environmental variables can vary significantly in few minutes, being necessary to re-calibrate the sensor conditioning circuits to correct errors or improve system performance, for example. Since the use of commercial off-the-shelf (COTS) components may reduce systems costs in such critical applications, it is very important to develop system-level mitigation techniques (to radiation effects), aiming the increasing of the reliability of commercial available devices (including FPAAs). Some FPAA models are based on SRAM memory cells, which make this kind of device vulnerable to SEU when employed in applications susceptible to radiation incidence. An SEU can affect the programming memory of the FPAA and change the device configuration, modifying the analog circuit behavior. In this work, fault injection experiments were performed in order to investigate the effects of SEU in a commercial FPAA by injecting bit-flips in the FPAA programming bitstream. Then, a self-checking scheme was proposed. This scheme, which is built with the FPAA available programming resources, is able to restore the original programming data if an error is detected. Fault injection was also performed to investigate the reliability of the checker when the bitstream section which controls its own blocks is corrupted due to an SEU. Results indicated a very low aliasing probability due to single faults in the checker (0.24%). Effects of SET were also studied, considering the disturbance of the switches (transmission gates) of the FPAA programmable capacitor banks. Spice simulations showed that transient pulses in the control circuit of the switches may lead to charge redistribution between the capacitors of the bank, affecting the voltage and current of the involved nodes. Finally, total ionizing dose (TID) effects were investigated by means of an irradiation experiment. In such experiment the FPAA was exposed to Cobalt-60 gamma radiation. The experimental results showed that the analog switches of the device as well as their control circuits are the main responsible for degradating the processed signal when certain radiation levels were achieved.
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No description available.
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Polymorfní samočinně testovatelné obvody / Polymorphic Self-Checking CircuitsMazuch, Martin January 2008 (has links)
This Master's thesis deals with question of the development of self-checking polymorphic circuits. It deals with a traditional way of creating reliable and self-checking circuits, presenting basic principles and methods. Also a method of Cartesian Genetic Programming for development of combinational circuits is explained. This thesis describes concepts of polymorphic gates and circuits and their benefits in practical use. Some existing self-checking polymorphic circuits are presented and their self-checking capabilities are analyzed. A proposal of realization of a design system for self-checking polymorphic circuits is given. A design system has been built based on presented specification and an application allowing simulations and analysis of system-proposed solutions has been created. Variety of experiments have been performed at created system and several interesting solutions have been acquired. At the end, conclusion is given and benefits of MSc. project are discussed.
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