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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Förtroende för fastighetsmäklare : En studie om hur konsumenters förtroende för säljare påverkas av säljarens egenskaper, med prissättningsstrategier som en integrerad del av dessa / Trust in Real Estate Agents : A study on how consumer’s trust in sellers is affected by the seller’s characteristics, with pricing strategies as an integrated part of these

Morin, Isabell, Sollert, Emma January 2017 (has links)
Syfte: Syftet med denna uppsats är att beskriva och förstå hur konsumenters förtroende för säljare påverkas av säljarens egenskaper, med prissättningsstrategier som en integrerad del av dessa. Metod: Insamling av empiriskt material har skett via en kvantitativ undersökning genom ett frågeformulär som har delats in i fyra teman. I den klusteranalys som utfördes uppkom sju kluster, varav tre har analyserats. Det har även utförts en korrelationsanalys som har diskuterats utifrån de teman som togs fram i frågeformuläret, och en faktoranalys som bidrog till sex faktorer som har diskuterats. Resultat och slutsats: Resultatet av studien är att konsumenters förtroende för säljare påverkas av flertalet egenskaper hos säljaren, där förmåga, expertis, välvilja, pålitlighet, engagemang, rykte, ärlighet och integritet är framträdande. Studien visar att säljarens prissättningsstrategier är en integrerad del av de förtroendeskapande egenskaper säljaren uppvisar. Slutsatsen av studien är att konsumenter anser att det finns en relativt låg risk med att anlita fastighetsmäklare och att de därmed är benägna att anlita en fastighetsmäklare när de ska sälja sin bostad. Uppsatsens bidrag till ämnet: Resultatet av uppsatsen bidrar till en ökad förståelse kring vilka faktorer som påverkar konsumenters förtroende för säljare. Vidare bidrar studien till en förståelse för hur fastighetsmäklare bör arbeta med prissättningsstrategier för att förtjäna sina kunders förtroende, samt förståelse för att prissättning är en integrerad del av fastighetsmäklarens förtroendeingivande egenskaper. Förslag till fortsatt forskning: Förslag till vidare forskning är att undersöka prissättningsstrategier och budgivningar i fastighetsmäklarbranschen ytterligare, att studera endast ett tema i taget, att undersöka förtroende utifrån fastighetsmäklares perspektiv samt att jämföra det aktuella ämnet utifrån olika demografiska faktorer. / Aim: The purpose of this study is to describe and understand how consumer’s trust in sellers is affected by the seller’s characteristics, with pricing strategies as an integrated part of these. Method: The collection of empirical material has been done through a quantitative survey through a questionnaire that has been divided into four themes. The cluster analysis contributed with seven clusters, three of which were analyzed. A correlation analysis has also been performed, which has been discussed based on the themes presented in the questionnaire, and the factor analysis contributed to six factors which have been discussed. Result and conclusion: This study shows that consumer’s trust in sellers is influenced by several characteristics of the seller, where ability, expertise, goodwill, trustworthiness, dedication, reputation, honesty and integrity are prominent. The study shows that the seller’s pricing strategies are an integrated part of the seller’s trust-building characteristics. The conclusion is that consumers consider hiring a real estate agent to be a relatively low risk, and they are therefore willing to hire a real estate agent when selling their property. Contribution of the thesis: The result contributes to an increased understanding of the factors affecting consumer’s trust in sellers. Furthermore, the study contributes to an understanding of how real estate agents should use pricing strategies to gain their customer’s trust, and an understanding that pricing is an integrated part of a real estate agent’s trust-building characteristics. Suggestions for further research: Suggestions for future research are to further investigate pricing strategies and bidding in the real estate industry, to study only one theme at the time, to investigate trust from a real estate agent’s perspective, and to compare the current subject based on different demographic factors.

« Pleines de chair et de sang » : poétique d’un « genre à succès », l’histoire tragique [1559-1644] / « Pleines de chair et de sang » : poetic of a best seller genre, the « histoire tragique » [1559-1644]

Cremona, Nicolas 04 November 2009 (has links)
Maintes fois rééditées de 1559 au dix-huitième siècle, les histoires tragiques peuvent êtres lues comme un genre à succès, bien que non théorisé par les doctes à l’époque. Reposant sur une reprise de topoï romanesques, jouant avec différents modèles de récits et plusieurs genres à la mode de l’époque [roman sentimental, histoire prodigieuse, récit historique, fait divers, discours bigarré], allant jusqu’à des phénomènes d’hybridité générique, ces textes qui reprennent le même titre et s’écrivent et se lisent en série cherchent à étonner et à horrifier les lecteurs, en racontant des cas extraordinaires et sanglants, à la limite du vraisemblable, dans une visée proclamée d’exemplarité morale et d’édification. Proposant une vision paroxystique des vices humains et de leurs dramatiques conséquences, ces nouvelles spectaculaires exhibent une référence au tragique, tout en dépassant la tragédie en vers et en s’affranchissant de ses codes. Fruit d’une interaction entre les goûts macabres du public et des auteurs polygraphes vivant de leur plume, l’histoire tragique préfigure dans une certaine mesure les récits d’horreur, proposant un modèle de récit à sensation de l’âge baroque, qui plairait plus par sa démesure que par son exemplarité affichée. / Often republished from 1559 to the eighteenth century, « histoires tragiques » may be read as a fashionable genre, but not theorized at the time. These texts repeat the same topoi, playing with different narrative models and fashionable genres like romances, historical stories, prodigious stories, essays, and mixing them together. Constantly repeating the same title, all these stories telling gruesome bloody and sometimes unbelievable events, try to frighten and astonish the readers, even though they proclaim exemplarity and moralisation as purpose. Representing a paroxystic vision of crimes and passions, tragical stories obviously refer to the genre of tragedy, but they go beyond the theatrical form and become more like spectacular stories or « pictures ». The commercial success of this genre can be explained by the interaction between the reader’s bloodthristy tastes and the authors, who need to write for their living. « Histoires t! ragiques » can be considered as the ancestors of horror novels and short stories, because they invented a model of sensational story, more popular because of their excessive dimension than because of their exemplarity or moralisation.

Exploring the underlying dynamics of buyer-seller interaction in project afterlife

Ojansivu, I. (Ilkka) 21 October 2014 (has links)
Abstract The marketing view of a business relationship that follows the handover of a project reflects an era before services became common in the industry. At that time, business relationships were assumed to end after project handover, especially in commercial terms. Since then, services have become an integral part of project business, enabling the emergence of a post-project business relationship. It can be validly argued that the literature has not sufficiently recognized the changing practices of project-based companies. Obviously, a business exchange can outlive a project handover, but the consequences for buyer-seller interaction remain unexplored. This study describes and explains the underlying dynamics of buyer-seller interaction in project afterlife. Interaction is considered to be an inherently dynamic process that is dependent on a continuous yet variable exchange of services. The theoretical foundation of this study builds on the literature on interaction and networks as well as the literature on project marketing and management. The empirical part of the study is conducted as a combination of single and multiple qualitative case studies in five different project contexts: content management systems, windmills, mining, engineered wood solutions, and paper machines. Eighty-two personal interviews provide the primary data. This study comprises an overview and four individual papers that contribute to a process-based understanding of post-project interaction. The study primarily contributes to the project marketing research. First, the results indicate that buyer-seller interaction varies between three extreme orientations, making the development of a post-project business relationship inherently dynamic and challenging to manage. Second, the study expands theory regarding post-project interaction by describing four typical relationships in service-intensive projects. Third, the study extends the theoretical lens of project marketing and provides analytical tools to examine post-project interaction. Fourth, the study clarifies the role of key individuals in mediating change in post-project nets. Fifth, the study identifies several intergroup tensions that restrain interaction and proposes methods to overcome these tensions. / Tiivistelmä Markkinoinnin näkemys projektitoimituksen jälkeisestä liikesuhteesta perustuu pääosin aikaan ennen teollisuusyritysten palveluliiketoiminnan yleistymistä, jolloin liikesuhteen uskottiin päättyvän varsinkin taloudellisessa mielessä. Palveluliiketoiminta on kehittynyt osaksi projektiyritysten liiketoimintaa, mikä mahdollistaa liikesuhteen jatkumisen projektitoimituksen jälkeen. Voi perustellusti väittää, että alan kirjallisuus ei ole riittävästi tunnistanut yritysten muuttuneita käytäntöjä. Tästä syystä tarvitaan lisää tutkimusta palveluintensiivisten projektiyritysten liikesuhteista projektien jälkeisissä vaiheissa. Yritysten liikesuhteet muuttuvat dynaamisesti ja vaikka palveluvaihdanta on jatkuvaa, sen sisältö vaihtelee ajan kuluessa. Tämän tutkimuksen lähtökohta on kuvata ja selittää erilaisten yhteistoimintojen ja sidosten jatkumista yritysten välillä. Tutkimuksen teoreettinen tausta koostuu projektimarkkinoinnin ja projektijohtamisen kirjallisuudesta, joiden taustat ovat pääosin teollisten liikesuhteiden tutkimuksessa. Laadullisen tapaustutkimuksen empiirinen osio on toteutettu viidessä eri projektikontekstissa, joita ovat tuulivoima, kaivosala, paperikone, sisällönhallintajärjestelmä ja jalostettu puuteollisuus. Pääaineisto koostuu 82 haastattelusta. Tämä tutkimus koostuu johdanto-osiosta ja neljästä tutkimuspaperista, joiden tuloksena on prosessipohjainen viitekehys liikesuhteen kehityksestä. Tulokset ovat merkittäviä erityisesti projektimarkkinoinnin näkökulmasta, sillä ne osoittavat asiakkaan ja myyjän välisen vuorovaikutuksen vaihtelevan kolmen äärityypin välillä tehden liikesuhteen kehityksestä dynaamisen ja vaikeasti johdettavan. Tutkimus laajentaa näkemystä projektitoimituksen jälkeisestä vaihdannasta tunnistamalla neljä palveluvaihdantaan pohjautuvaa suhdetyyppiä. Lisäksi tutkimus kehittää työkaluja projektitoimitusten jälkeisten liikesuhteiden analyysiin ja laajentaa projektimarkkinoinnin teoreettista pohjaa. Tutkimus selventää myös avainhenkilöiden toimintaa projektitoimituksen jälkeisissä lähiverkoissa ja tunnistaa keinoja, joilla liikesuhdetta rasittavia henkilöiden välisiä jännitteitä voidaan välttää.

Rekrytering av säljare : Vad är det som efterfrågas hos en säljare? / Recruitment of Sellers : What is the demand for a seller?

Aldjamali, Amir January 2017 (has links)
Mobilkommunikationsbranschen växer, flera företag lanserar nya mobiler, och antalet mobilåterförsäljare ökar. Konkurrensen inom branschen för mobilåterförsäljare är tuff, där servicen hamnar i fokus. Servicen som mobilåterförsäljare erbjuder gör så att säljarna hamnar i fokus, där de agerar som företagets ansikten utåt. Att hitta duktiga säljare blir därför en viktig del för mobilåterförsäljarna. Syftet med denna studie är att undersöka vilka egenskaper och kärnkompetenser som en rekryterare bör efterfråga hos en säljare, som arbetar inom mobilåterförsäljning i butik, samt även undersöka vilka rekryteringsmetoder som är lämpliga att använda i samband med rekryteringsprocessen. Studien strävar efter att bidra till att nya företag inom försäljningsbranschen ökar sin chans till att kunna etablera sig, genom at trekrytera rätt säljare. Sex kvalitativa intervjuer har genomförts med totalt nio respondenter, för att samla in empiri som både har sammanställts och analyserats med stöd av en teoretisk referensram bestående av bland annat relevant tidigare forskning. Egenskaper och kärnkompetenser som bör efterfrågas vid rekrytering, är framförallt kommunikationsförmågan, men även motivation och lojalitet. Företag behöver vara tydliga i sitt behov, framförallt bland företag med begränsade ekonomiska resurser. Under rekryteringsprocessen spelar kommunikation mellan rekryterare och kandidat en viktig roll, därför bör rekryteraren genomföra rekryteringsmetoder där hen får möjlighet till att observera kandidatens kommunikationsförmåga. Både kommunikation och utbildning spelar en viktig roll i rekryteringsprocessen. / The mobile communications industry is growing, several companies are launching new mobiles, and the number of mobile resellers is increasing. The competition in the mobile reseller industry is tough, where service is in focus. In the service that mobile resellers offer their customers, the sellers are in the spotlight, the frontface of the company. Finding good sellers is therefore an important part for mobile resellers. The purpose of this study is to investigate the characteristics and core competencies that a recruiter needs from a sales person who works in mobile resale at the store, as well as investigate which recruitment methods are suitable for use in connection with recruitment. The study strives to help new companies in the sales industry increase their chances of being established by recruiting the right sellers. Through six qualitative interviews with in total nine respondants, I have collected empirical evidence that has been compiled and analyzed on the basis of a theoretical reference framework, which includes relevant previous research. Qualifications and core competencies to be sought when recruiting are mainly communication skills, but also motivation and loyalty. Companies need to be clear in their needs, especially among companies with limited financial resources. During the recruitment process, communication between recruiters and candidates plays an important role, and the recruiter should implement recruitment methods in which the recruiter will be able to observe the candidate's communication skills. Both communication and education play an important role in a recruitment process.

Rizika při obchodování s nemovitostmi / Risks in the Real Estate Business

Holub, Aladár Unknown Date (has links)
This master thesis is concerned with the risks associated with the process of selling and buying real estate. Lists of potential risks followed by a critical analysis which describes not only the risks but also will solve their minimization or complete removal. Risks will be monitored in terms owners and buyers of the properties.

The influence of the Consumer Protection Act 68 of 2008 on the common law obligations of the seller vis-à-vis risk and duty to take care, eviction, and defects

Kruger, Heila Levina Helena Catharina 25 July 2013 (has links)
This dissertation considers the possible influence of the Consumer Protection Act 68 of 2008 on the common law obligations of the seller vis-à-vis: 1) risk and duty to take care, 2) eviction and 3) defects. Before one can have a look at the influence of new legislation on the common law, it is necessary to first go backward to look at where it all started in order to understand any possible influence. In the first chapter there is therefore a historical overview of the common law in general as well as the law of contract. Reference is also made to the Roman law perspective as well as the Roman concept of contract; the Roman-Dutch law perspective as well as the Roman-Dutch concept of contract; and the South African law perspective as well as the South African concept of contract. In chapter 2 the common law and the law of contract is discussed in general with reference to concepts such as ownership, law of obligation, and the emptio venditio. Chapter 3 deals with the essence of this dissertation as we look at the common law obligations of the seller and in specific the risk and duty of the seller to take care of the thing sold until it is handed over to the buyer (factors that influence the duty to take care, passing of risk, and passing of risk in sales by way of consignment); the seller‟s warranty against eviction (including the obligations of the buyer when there is a threat of possible eviction); and the seller‟s warranty against latent defects (ex lege warranties, ex contractu warranties, the actio empti and the aedilitian actions). In chapter 4 there is a very short discussion on the influence of the Constitution of South Africa, 1996 in general as well as specifically on the law of contract. Chapter 5 deals with the influence of the Consumer Protection Act 68 of 2008 in general, specifically on the law of contract (why an Act to protect the interests of consumers?) and then the influence on risk and the seller‟s duty to take care of the thing sold (the consumer‟s right to return goods; the supplier‟s obligation to draw potential risk of an unusual character or that the consumer could not reasonably be expected to be aware of or that could result in serious injury or death to the attention of the consumer), the influence on the seller‟s warranty against eviction (the consumer‟s right to assume that the supplier is entitled to sell the goods; sections 44 and 51) and the influence on the seller‟s warranty against latent defects (disclosure of reconditioned or grey market goods; quality of goods). The conclusion follows in chapter 6. / Dissertation (LLM)--University of Pretoria, 2012. / Mercantile Law / unrestricted

Three Essays On Sellers’ Behavior In The Housing Market

Alexandrova, Svetoslava N. 06 April 2017 (has links)
No description available.

Three Essays on the Role of Information and Monitoring Intermediaries in Capital Markets

Brendel, Janja 18 June 2021 (has links)
Diese Dissertation umfasst drei Aufsätze über die Rolle von Informationsintermediären und Intermediäre mit Aufsichtsfunktionen in Kapitalmärkten. Der erste Aufsatz untersucht, ob sich verschiedene Leerverkäufer bei ihrer Auswahl von Zielunternehmen anhand von sichtbaren Merkmalen unterscheiden. Die Ergebnisse zeigen, dass Hedgefonds und Investmentmanager im Durchschnitt größere und jüngere Unternehmen bevorzugen, während sich Banken auf Unternehmen mit weniger Restatements der Finanzdaten und einem höheren Verschuldungsgrad konzentrieren. Der zweite Aufsatz beschreibt, wie Unternehmen auf aktivistische Leerverkäuferberichte reagieren. Es wird festgestellt, dass die Antwortrate erheblich steigt, wenn der Bericht von deutlich negativen abnormalen Renditen begleitet wird und wenn die Leerverkäufer neue Beweise vorlegen. Dies stimmt mit der Vorstellung überein, dass Leerverkäufer als Informationsintermediäre fungieren können. Eine Nichtbeantwortung ist außerdem ist mit einer weniger negativen Aktienkursreaktion bei Veröffentlichung und mit weniger nachteiligen Ergebnissen verbunden. Die dritte Aufsatz fokusiert sich auf so-genannte Monitoring Trustees. Sie sind bei der Überwachung von Banken behilflich, die in der Europäischen Union während der letzten Finanzkrise staatliche Beihilfen erhalten haben. In einer von Hand gesammelten Stichprobe werden die Merkmale und Aufgaben dieser neu implementierten Aufseher und ihre Rolle im Zusammenhang mit dem Berichtsverhalten der Banken untersucht. Die Ergebnisse deuten darauf hin, dass diese zusätzlichen Aufseher die Transparenz und das Berichtsverhalten der Banken bei der Finanzberichterstattung beeinflussen können, insbesondere wenn die Berichterstattung über Kreditverluste und Anpassungen der Geschäftsberichte berücksichtigt werden. Der zweite Aufsatz wurde im Journal of Accounting Research (https://doi.org/10.1111/1475-679X.12356) publiziert. / This dissertation comprises three essays on the role of information and monitoring intermediaries in capital markets. The first essay investigates whether different short sellers vary in their selection of target firms using observable firm characteristics. Results show that hedge funds and investment managers on average prefer larger and younger firms, whereas banks focus on firms with fewer restatements and a higher leverage. The second essay provides descriptive evidence on how firms respond to activist short seller reports and how these responses are associated with outcomes for the targeted firms. It finds that the response rate increases substantially when the report is accompanied by significantly negative abnormal returns and when the short sellers provide new evidence which is consistent with the idea of short sellers acting as information intermediaries. Not responding is associated with a less negative stock price response when the report is released and fewer adverse outcomes. The third essay shifts the attention to Monitoring Trustees who assist in the supervision of banks that have received state aid in the European Union during the last financial crisis. It explores in a hand-collected sample the characteristics and duties of these newly implemented monitors and it studies the role of these supranational monitors and the banks’ reporting behavior. Results suggest that these additional supervisors can influence the banks financial reporting transparency and reporting behavior when mainly loan loss reporting and restatements are accounted for. The second essay has been published in the Journal of Accounting Research (https://doi.org/10.1111/1475-679X.12356).

Voyage au coeur de la prédation entre vendeurs et acheteurs une nouvelle théorie en vente et marketing

Mesly, Olivier January 2010 (has links)
There is an inherent tension between a seller and a buyer as their relationship progresses towards closing the deal.The salesperson fears that the buyer wastes his time, which he could otherwise spend towards real potential buyers.The buyer questions the sincerity of the salesperson. Both evaluate the amount of trust and cooperation they should invest in the relationship. It is possible, after all, that the salesperson wants to take advantage of every weakness he detects in the buyer in order to guarantee the sale, and it is equally possible that the buyer tries to fool the salesperson, with false credit information for example. This thesis examines tensions that exist between salespeople and buyers by using an extended version of grounded theory, by which date is collected and analysed both qualitatively and quantitatively. It demonstrates that perceived predation reduces considerably the quality of the relationship.The thesis suggests that the phenomenon of predation exists in every sphere of human activity, including in the legal system.The PARDU Model ( pr edator-pr ey) initially developed to discuss the phenomenon of predation evolves, as the research progresses, towards the OPERA Model and the MESLYª grid, which offer pratical tools to better manage informational predation.

Voyage au coeur de la prédation entre vendeurs et acheteurs : une nouvelle théorie en vente et marketing

Mesly, Olivier January 2010 (has links)
Résumé : II existe une tension inhérente au sein de la relation en cours de développement entre un vendeur et un acheteur. Le vendeur craint que l'acheteur lui fasse perdre son temps et l'acheteur, lui, doute de l'honnêteté du vendeur. Tous deux s'interrogent sur le niveau de confiance et de coopération à accorder à l'autre. Il est possible, après tout, que le vendeur soit à l'affût de la moindre faiblesse de l'acheteur pour profiter de la situation et s'enrichir à ses dépens, ou, vice-versa, que l'acheteur cherche à profiter du vendeur. La présente thèse examine les tensions entre vendeurs et acheteurs en ayant recours à la théorie enracinée élargie, qui comprend une série de boucles investigatrices formées de revues des écrits scientifiques et de cueillettes de données qualitatives et quantitatives. Elle cherche à démontrer que la prédation perçue (l'impression que l'autre abuse de nous de manière coordonnée) affecte négativement la bonne entente entre les parties prenantes de la transaction. La thèse suggère aussi que le phénomène de prédation existe dans toutes les sphères d'activités humaines, y compris dans le domaine juridique. Le modèle PARDU (prédateur-proie) initialement développé pour discuter du phénomène de prédation débouche, au fil de la recherche, sur le modèle OPERA et la grille MESLY®, qui offrent des applications pratiques pour mieux gérer la prédation informationnelle.||Abstract : There is an inherent tension between a seller and a buyer as their relationship progresses towards closing the deal. The salesperson fears that the buyer wastes his time, which he could otherwise spend towards real potential buyers. The buyer questions the sincerity of the salesperson. Both evaluate the amount of trust and coopération they should invest in the relationship. It is possible, after ail, that the salesperson wants to take advantage of every weakness he detects in the buyer in order to guarantee the sale, and it is equally possible that the buyer tries to fool the salesperson, with false credit information for example. This thesis examines tensions that exist between salespeople and buyers by using an extended version of grounded theory, by which date is collected and analysed both qualitatively and quantitatively. It demonstrates that perceived prédation reduces considerably the quality of the relationship. The thesis suggests that the phenomenon of prédation exists in every sphere of human activity, including in the légal system. The PARDU Model (predator-prey) initially developed to discuss the phenomenon of predation evolves, as the research progresses, towards the OPERA Model and the MESLY® grid, which offer pratical tools to better manage informational predation.

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