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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.


ROBERTA SOUZA COSTA OLIVIERI 22 June 2020 (has links)
[pt] Este artigo estuda as respostas de emigração da população semiárida brasileira após choques de seca. Migração age como uma estratégia de mitigação em locais pobres e rurais, pois os choques climáticos exacerbam a disponibilidade limitada de crédito e liquidez. Para encontrar evidências desses mecanismos, calculamos as taxas de migração ao nível do município entre 1975 e 2010 usando dados oficiais do Censo. Os resultados mostram que as taxas de migração do semiárido aumentam após uma seca, especialmente nas décadas de 70 e 80. Além disso, investigamos se as respostas de mobilidade são menos pronunciadas nos municípios onde: (i) uma parcela maior de seus cidadãos é elegível para receber benefícios rurais de seguridade social, (ii) possui uma rede mais extensa de agências bancárias ou (iii) constrói mais projetos de infraestrutura que visam mitigar o impacto da seca. / [en] This article studies out-migration responses from Brazilian semiarid population following drought shocks. Migration acts as a coping strategy in poor and rural places as weather shocks exacerbate limited credit and liquidity availability. To find evidence of those mechanisms we compute migration rates at the municipality level starting in 1975 until 2010 using official Census data. Results show that migration rates from the semiarid rise following a drought, especially in the 70s and 80s. Furthermore, we investigate if mobility responses are less pronounced in municipalities where: (i) a larger share of its citizens is eligible to receive rural social security benefits, (ii) have an extended network of bank branches or (iii) built more drought mitigation infrastructure projects.

Modélisation hydrogéologique de dépôts hétérogènes : l'alluvium de la Komadougou Yobé (bassin du lac Tchad, sud-est nigérien) / Hydrogeological modeling of heterogeneous deposits : the Komadugu Yobe alluvium (Lake Chad basin, southeastern Niger)

Le Coz, Mathieu 06 December 2010 (has links)
La vallée de la Komadougou Yobé constitue un site privilégié de recharge de l'aquifère quaternaire du bassin du lac Tchad. Depuis les années 1980, le développement des cultures de rente (p. ex. poivron) a conduit à un doublement des surfaces irriguées (1995-2005) dans sa partie aval. Afin de quantifier la recharge supplémentaire induite, une modélisation des flux hydriques verticaux dans la zone non-saturée (0-8 m) a été engagée. La première étape, objet de ce travail de thèse, consiste à décrire l'organisation spatiale et les propriétés hydrodynamiques des corps sédimentaires constitutifs de l'alluvium.Des forages à travers les formations superficielles mettent en évidence des alternances sable-sable argileux dans la totalité de la zone non-saturée, conséquence des migrations du lit mineur de la Komadougou Yobé. Le calcul de la corrélation entre les forages indique une forte analogie avec les hétérogénéités identifiées en surface à partir de données de télédétection (Landsat 7 binarisée). Ces données sont donc utilisées pour l'apprentissage de statistiques multipoints représentatives des hétérogénéités et un modèle géologique 3D de l'alluvium est généré via l'algorithme snesim.Des suivis neutroniques de l'humidité le long de plusieurs profils caractéristiques des différentes unités sédimentaires associées à ce modèle sont réalisés pour des conditions de flux contrôlées en surface. A partir de simulations numériques 1D, des jeux de paramètres hydrodynamiques permettant de reproduire les humidités mesurées sont déterminés par une approche de type Monte-Carlo. Des densités de probabilité intégrant l'incertitude sur les mesures sont obtenues pour les paramètres de Mualem - van Genuchten décrivant les courbes de rétention et de conductivité hydraulique des sédiments.Une procédure 1D-distribuée est utilisée pour simuler les écoulements non-saturés verticaux au sein de plusieurs réalisations du modèle géologique et pour différents jeux de paramètres hydrodynamiques probables. La recharge diffuse calculée se montre particulièrement sensible au paramètre de pression d'entrée d'air attribué aux dépôts superficiels, siège des principales interactions sol-plante-atmosphère, ainsi qu'aux contrastes verticaux de conductivité hydraulique. / The downstream part of the Komadugu Yobe River is an important recharge area for the Lake Chad Quaternary aquifer. Since the 1980s, cash crop development (e.g. sweet pepper) has led to the doubling (1995-2005) of irrigated surfaces in the vicinity of the river. A modeling approach of vertical water fluxes through the vadose zone (0-8 m) was designed to quantify the related increase in groundwater recharge. The first step, which is the main topic of this PhD thesis, consisted in describing both spatial arrangement and hydrodynamic properties of the sedimentary bodies that make up the alluvium.Boreholes in surficial deposits highlighted sandy to clayey alternations within the whole unsaturated zone; this was interpreted as the result of frequent migrations of the River channel. Spatial correlation between bore logs showed strong similarities with heterogeneities depicted on ground by means of remote sensing data (binarized Landsat 7 image). This data were therefore used to train multiple-point statistics representative of heterogeneities, and a 3D geological model was generated through the snesim algorithm.For each representative sedimentary unit, soil moisture under controlled hydraulic surface conditions was monitored by vertical neutron probe soundings. Using 1D numerical simulations, different data sets of hydrodynamic properties that reproduced moisture measurements were determined by a Monte-Carlo approach. Probability density functions including measurement uncertainties were deduced for the Mualem - van Genuchten parameters which describe both retention and hydraulic conductivity curves.A 1D-distributed procedure was applied for modeling vertical flows in the unsaturated zone within several geological model realizations with different probable sets of hydrodynamics parameters. The simulated diffuse recharge was shown to be particularly sensitive to two main parameters: air-entry pressure linked to superficial deposits, where soil-plant-atmosphere interactions do occur, and vertical hydraulic conductivity contrasts within the alluvium.

Impacts des changements d'usage des sols sur les ressources en eau souterraine au Sahel nigérien / Impacts of land use changes on groundwater resources in Niger, Sahel

Ibrahim, Maimouna 28 March 2013 (has links)
La forte croissance démographique (~3%.an-1) observée au cours des dernières décennies en Afrique subsaharienne a engendré la conversion de grandes étendues de savane arborée en cultures pluviales ou irriguées et la diminution de la durée des jachères. Afin de déterminer l'impact de tels changements d'usage du sol sur la recharge des nappes phréatiques, la zone non saturée a été investiguée pendant trois ans (2009-2011) pour deux régions du Niger (sud-ouest et sud-est) aux conditions climatiques et géomorphologiques différentes.Une approche expérimentale in-situ a tout d'abord permis de caractériser qualitativement les propriétés de la zone non saturée et les flux hydriques associés (profondeur 0-10 m) pour les principaux usages du sol : savane naturelle ; jachère ; culture pluviale de mil ; et culture irriguée de poivron. Des profils granulométriques et de résistivité électrique apparente ont été réalisés et des suivis temporels de la teneur en eau et du potentiel matriciel du sol ont été mis en place. A partir des résultats et de la synthèse des données ainsi recueillies, deux analyses détaillées ont été proposées.Afin de quantifier le différentiel de recharge diffuse entre une jachère à Guiera senegalensis et une culture pluviale de mil (Pennisetum sp.) au sud-ouest Niger, une modélisation à base physique via le code Hydrus-1D a été appliquée. Dans un premier temps, une inversion basée sur la méthode GLUE a permis d'établir les densités de probabilité pour les paramètres hydrodynamiques de la zone non saturée ; dans un second temps, des simulations pluriannuelles (2 × 100 ans) du drainage profond (0-10 m) lors d'une transition jachère-mil ont été réalisées. Il a ainsi été montré que l'expansion des surfaces cultivées en mil pourrait se traduire par une augmentation du drainage profond, de 20 à 25 mm.an-1 après un délai de 35 à 60 ans.Afin d'étudier les conséquences des mises en culture pluviales et irriguées sur le potentiel de salinisation des sols et des eaux souterraines au sud-est Niger, les concentrations en ions majeurs dissous dans l'eau des pores de la zone non saturée ont été mesurées, puis comparées à la composition géochimique des apports d'eau associés (pluie, eau d'irrigation). Il a été ainsi mis en évidence que la mise en culture pluviale a un effet négligeable sur la qualité des eaux interstitielles et souterraines tandis que l'irrigation est associée à un enrichissement de l'eau de la zone non saturée en solutés qui pourrait induire, à terme, une salinisation de la nappe par lessivage des sols devenus salins/sodiques. / In semiarid sub-Saharan Africa, the rapid population growth (~3%.yr-1) during the past few decades has resulted in land clearing and large-scale conversion from savannah and fallow to rainfed or irrigation crop fields. The traditional duration of fallow has been also shortened. In order to estimate the impact of these land use changes on groundwater recharge, the vadose zone was investigated during three years (2009-2011) for two regions located in Niger (south-west and south-east).A qualitative analysis was first carried out for identifying vadose zone properties and for characterizing the corresponding water fluxes (0-10 m depth) for the main land use types: natural savannah; fallow; rainfed millet crop; and irrigated sweet pepper crop. Grain size and electrical resistivity profiles were established and soil water content and matric potential were monitored. Based on the results of this analysis, two more detailed investigations were performed.In southwestern Niger, in order to estimate changes in diffuse recharge from a fallow with Guiera senegalensis to a rainfed millet crop (Pennisetum sp.), a physically-based modeling with Hydrus-1D code was completed. Probability density functions were first built for the soil hydraulic parameters based on the GLUE approach; then, deep drainage (0-10 m depth) was simulated for a 2 × 100 year time-period including a fallow-millet conversion. It was shown that the increase in millet crop areas could result in an increase in deep drainage from 20 to 25 mm.yr-1 after a delay of 35 to 60 years.In southeastern Niger, in order to assess the impact of rainfed and irrigated cropping development on soil and groundwater salinization, major ion concentrations in pore water of the vadose zone were measured and compared with the geochemical composition of water inputs (rainfall, irrigation). It was shown that rainfed cropping does not affect soil water and groundwater quality whereas irrigation results in an increase of solutes concentrations in soil pore water, which could lead to a groundwater salinization at mid-term through soil leaching.

A transposição do Rio São Francisco como potencial medida de adaptação às mudanças climáticas / Integration Project of the São Francisco River as a potential measure of adaptation to climate change

Pontes, Nadia Costa 17 August 2018 (has links)
A região Nordeste, primeira a ser ocupada após a chegada dos portugueses no Brasil no século XVI, possui 53% do seu território sob regime do clima semiárido. Nesse espaço, onde vivem 12 milhões de pessoas, as crises causadas por escassez de água, apontadas como barreiras ao desenvolvimento, são conhecidas há mais de um século, causaram perdas agrícolas, migrações e mortes. A região, de conhecida variabilidade climática, é ainda uma das mais vulneráveis do globo às mudanças climáticas. Até o fim desse século, previsões indicam que a temperatura pode subir 4 C em relação à era pré-industrial, com forte impacto sobre os recursos hídricos e desertificação. Diante desse cenário, medidas que oferecem às populações locais condições de se adaptarem se fazem urgentes. Proposto há mais de um século como solução dos problemas trazidos pela escassez de água no semiárido, a transposição do rio São Francisco passou a ser implantada a partir de 2007 sob nome oficial de Projeto de Integração do rio São Francisco com as Bacias Hidrográficas do Nordeste Setentrional (PISF). Trata-se da maior obra de infraestrutura hídrica do país, projetada para transferir 26,4 m3/s por dois eixos principais, Norte e Leste, o volume transportado pelos canais é destinado principalmente ao consumo humano e dessedentação animal. Esta dissertação tem o objetivo de analisar o Eixo Leste do PISF como potencial medida de adaptação às mudanças climáticas. A estratégia de investigação aplicada nesse trabalho interdisciplinar se enquadra na pesquisa qualitativa, apoia-se em documentos, imagens, entrevistas não estruturadas e visitas de campo. A pesquisa conclui que a distribuição de água feita pelo Eixo Leste do PISF não contribui para que as populações mais vulneráveis do semiárido se adaptem às mudanças climáticas, mas que o projeto tem potencial para se converter em tal medida. / The Brazilian Northeast region, the first to be occupied after the arrival of the Portuguese in the 16th century, has 53% of its territory under a semi-arid climate regime. This space is home to 12 million people, it has been hit by crises caused by water shortages, which are understood as barriers to development. Known by its climatic variability, the semiarid portion of the Northeast is one of the world\'s most vulnerable region to climate change. By the end of this century, predictions indicate that temperature could rise by 4 C as compared to the pre- industrial time, with a strong impact on water resources and desertification. Given this scenario, it is urgent to discuss measures that offer the local population conditions to adapt. Proposed more than a century ago as a solution to the problems brought about by the water scarcity in the semiarid, the project to divert Brazil\'s Sao Francisco river began to be implemented in 2007 under the official name of the São Francisco River Integration Project with the Northern Northeast Hydro Basins (PISF). It is the largest water infrastructure project in the country, designed to transfer 26.4 m3/s through two main axes, Northern and Eastern. The volume transported by the channels is mainly intended for human and animal consumption. This dissertation aims to analyze the Eastern Axis of the PISF of the Northeast of Brazil as a potential adaptation to climate change measure. The research strategy applied in this interdisciplinary work fits the qualitative research, relies on documents, images, unstructured interviews and field visits. The research concludes that the distribution of water by the Eastern Axis of the PISF does not contribute to the adaptation of most vulnerable populations in the semiarid region, but that PISF has the potential to convert to that such measure.

Avalia??o da qualidade da ?gua no Territ?rio de Identidade do Sisal: um estudo de caso nos principais a?udes p?blicos do munic?pio de Teofil?ndia-BA

Silva, Janderson Oliveira 31 March 2017 (has links)
Submitted by Ricardo Cedraz Duque Moliterno (ricardo.moliterno@uefs.br) on 2017-10-17T21:25:07Z No. of bitstreams: 1 Disserta??o_Janderson_Versao_Final.pdf: 7521820 bytes, checksum: 18fa39470356e8c8276a28e568152e4c (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2017-10-17T21:25:07Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Disserta??o_Janderson_Versao_Final.pdf: 7521820 bytes, checksum: 18fa39470356e8c8276a28e568152e4c (MD5) Previous issue date: 2017-03-31 / Water is essential for the maintenance of life, however, environmental pollution has been causing the loss of the quality of water resources, affecting not only the life of living beings. The reservoirs represent the main source of water to supply the demands of the Brazilian Northeast. However, the quality of stored water has suffered from the effects of anthropic activities makes it compromised for human consumption, animal and for irrigation. In this context, the present work aimed to elaborate a case study on water quality in semi-arid regions, not for human consumption, specifically in the Sisal Identity Territory, having as main study area the main public dams in the municipality of Teofil?ndia-BA. In order to meet the proposed objective, a mapping of the main water bodies of the municipality of Teofil?ndia-BA was carried out, using images from Landsat 8 satellite, OLI sensor of 2014, orbit 216/68 by supervised classification. Subsequently, fieldwork was carried out consisting of three (3) campaigns for the collection of surface water, occurring in the period of May (pre-rain), June (post-rain) and November (dry). The physico-chemical parameters and metals analyzed were: Temperature, Salinity, Chloride, pH, OD, BOD, COD, Turbidity, Temotolerant Coliforms, Cadmium, Lead, Copper, Chromium, Manganese, Nickel and were compared with the standards established by Resolution N? 357 / 2005 of the National Environmental Council - CONAMA. In the evaluation of the results of the Land Use Use map, it was verified that the agricultural culture class predominates in the region with about 44,46%, permanent agriculture (agave) covers 10,72%. The area used with the vegetation (caatinga) is representative, totaling 17,15%. The exposed soil class represents 6,64% and 8,82% of the shade classes. The identifiable water bodies in the satellite image represent 0,16% and 12,05% of urban area. The accuracy of the mapping for the water bodies, provided by the Tau index, was 0,70. Regarding the results of the water quality evaluation of the three public dams located near the urban perimeter in the municipality of Teofil?ndia-BA during the three campaigns, it was possible to observe that the concentrations of Chloride, Electrical Conductivity, OD, BOD, COD and Thermotolerant Coliforms presented Variations that exceeded the limits established by current legislation. As for the evaluated metals, only Cd was not detected at any point and sampled period. There were no, in their greatest majority, correlation between the variable studies. In the pre-rain period the trend of contamination in the water followed the decreasing order: Ni> Pb> Mn> Cr, in the post-rain: Ni> Pb> Mn> Zn and not dry: Ni> Pb> Cu> Zn. From the data presented, it can be inferred that the main source of pollution of the waters of the dams is derived from anthropogenic origin, mainly by agricultural activities and insufficient sewage network. / A ?gua ? essencial para a manuten??o da vida, entretanto, a polui??o ambiental vem causando a perda da qualidade dos recursos h?dricos, afetando n?o apenas a vida dos seres vivos. Os a?udes representam a principal fonte de ?gua para suprir as demandas no semi?rido do nordeste brasileiro. No entanto, a qualidade da ?gua armazenada tem sofrido os efeitos provenientes das atividades antr?picas tornando-a comprometida para o consumo humano, animal e para irriga??o. Nesse contexto, o presente trabalho elaborou um estudo de caso sobre a qualidade da ?gua, n?o para suprimento humano, em regi?es semi?ridas, especificamente no Territ?rio de Identidade do Sisal, tendo como ?rea de estudo os principais a?udes p?blicos no munic?pio de Teofil?ndia-BA. Para atender o objetivo proposto foi realizado um mapeamento dos principais corpos de ?gua do munic?pio de Teofil?ndia-BA, utilizando imagens do sat?lite Landsat 8, sensor OLI do ano de 2014, ?rbita 216/68 por meio da classifica??o supervisionada. Posteriormente foram realizados trabalhos de campo constando de 3 (tr?s) campanhas de coleta de ?guas superficiais, ocorridas no per?odo de maio (pr?-chuva), junho (p?s-chuva) e novembro (seco). Os par?metros f?sico-qu?micos e metais analisados foram: Temperatura, Salinidade, Cloreto, pH, OD, DBO, DQO, Turbidez, Coliformes Termotolerantes, cadmio, chumbo, cromo, cobre, mangan?s, n?quel e zinco foram comparados com os padr?es estabelecidos pela Resolu??o N? 357/2005 do Conselho Nacional de Meio Ambiente ? CONAMA. Na avalia??o dos resultados do mapa de Uso Ocupa??o do Solo verificou-se que a classe da cultura agropecu?ria predomina na regi?o com cerca de 44,46%, a agricultura permanente (agave) abrange, 10,72%. A ?rea utilizada com a vegeta??o (caatinga) ? representativa totalizando 17,15%. A classe solo exposto representa, 6,64% e 8,82% das classes sombras. Os corpos d??gua identific?veis na imagem de sat?lite representam 0,16% e 12,05% de ?rea urbana. A acur?cia do mapeamento para os corpos d??gua, fornecida pelo ?ndice Tau, foi de 0,70. Com rela??o ao resultado da avalia??o da qualidade da ?gua dos tr?s a?udes p?blicos localizados pr?ximo ao per?metro urbano no munic?pio de Teofil?ndia-BA durante as tr?s campanhas, foi poss?vel observar que as concentra??es de Cloreto, Condutividade El?trica, OD, DBO, DQO e Coliformes Termotolerantes apresentaram varia??es de valores que excederam os limites estabelecidos pela legisla??o vigente. Quanto aos metais avaliados somente o Cd n?o foi detectado em nenhum dos pontos e per?odos amostrados. N?o houve, em sua grande maioria, correla??o entre as vari?veis estudadas. No per?odo pr?-chuva a tend?ncia de contamina??o na ?gua seguiu a ordem decrescente: Ni>Pb>Mn>Cr, no p?s-chuva: Ni>Pb>Mn>Zn e no seco: Ni>Pb>Cu>Zn. A partir dos dados apresentados, pode-se inferir que a principal fonte poluidora das ?guas dos a?udes ? proveniente de origem antropog?nica, principalmente por atividades agropecu?rias e insufici?ncia de uma rede de esgotamento sanit?rio.

Avalia??o da qualidade da ?gua no Territ?rio de Identidade do Sisal: um estudo de caso nos principais a?udes p?blicos do munic?pio de Teofil?ndia-BA

Silva, Janderson Oliveira 31 March 2017 (has links)
Submitted by Ricardo Cedraz Duque Moliterno (ricardo.moliterno@uefs.br) on 2018-04-10T23:17:52Z No. of bitstreams: 1 Disserta??o_Janderson_Versao_Final.pdf: 7521820 bytes, checksum: 18fa39470356e8c8276a28e568152e4c (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2018-04-10T23:17:52Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Disserta??o_Janderson_Versao_Final.pdf: 7521820 bytes, checksum: 18fa39470356e8c8276a28e568152e4c (MD5) Previous issue date: 2017-03-31 / Water is essential for the maintenance of life, however, environmental pollution has been causing the loss of the quality of water resources, affecting not only the life of living beings. The reservoirs represent the main source of water to supply the demands of the Brazilian Northeast. However, the quality of stored water has suffered from the effects of anthropic activities makes it compromised for human consumption, animal and for irrigation. In this context, the present work aimed to elaborate a case study on water quality in semi-arid regions, not for human consumption, specifically in the Sisal Identity Territory, having as main study area the main public dams in the municipality of Teofil?ndia-BA. In order to meet the proposed objective, a mapping of the main water bodies of the municipality of Teofil?ndia-BA was carried out, using images from Landsat 8 satellite, OLI sensor of 2014, orbit 216/68 by supervised classification. Subsequently, fieldwork was carried out consisting of three (3) campaigns for the collection of surface water, occurring in the period of May (pre-rain), June (post-rain) and November (dry). The physico-chemical parameters and metals analyzed were: Temperature, Salinity, Chloride, pH, OD, BOD, COD, Turbidity, Temotolerant Coliforms, Cadmium, Lead, Copper, Chromium, Manganese, Nickel and were compared with the standards established by Resolution N? 357 / 2005 of the National Environmental Council - CONAMA. In the evaluation of the results of the Land Use Use map, it was verified that the agricultural culture class predominates in the region with about 44,46%, permanent agriculture (agave) covers 10,72%. The area used with the vegetation (caatinga) is representative, totaling 17,15%. The exposed soil class represents 6,64% and 8,82% of the shade classes. The identifiable water bodies in the satellite image represent 0,16% and 12,05% of urban area. The accuracy of the mapping for the water bodies, provided by the Tau index, was 0,70. Regarding the results of the water quality evaluation of the three public dams located near the urban perimeter in the municipality of Teofil?ndia-BA during the three campaigns, it was possible to observe that the concentrations of Chloride, Electrical Conductivity, OD, BOD, COD and Thermotolerant Coliforms presented Variations that exceeded the limits established by current legislation. As for the evaluated metals, only Cd was not detected at any point and sampled period. There were no, in their greatest majority, correlation between the variable studies. In the pre-rain period the trend of contamination in the water followed the decreasing order: Ni> Pb> Mn> Cr, in the post-rain: Ni> Pb> Mn> Zn and not dry: Ni> Pb> Cu> Zn. From the data presented, it can be inferred that the main source of pollution of the waters of the dams is derived from anthropogenic origin, mainly by agricultural activities and insufficient sewage network. / A ?gua ? essencial para a manuten??o da vida, entretanto, a polui??o ambiental vem causando a perda da qualidade dos recursos h?dricos, afetando n?o apenas a vida dos seres vivos. Os a?udes representam a principal fonte de ?gua para suprir as demandas no semi?rido do nordeste brasileiro. No entanto, a qualidade da ?gua armazenada tem sofrido os efeitos provenientes das atividades antr?picas tornando-a comprometida para o consumo humano, animal e para irriga??o. Nesse contexto, o presente trabalho elaborou um estudo de caso sobre a qualidade da ?gua, n?o para suprimento humano, em regi?es semi?ridas, especificamente no Territ?rio de Identidade do Sisal, tendo como ?rea de estudo os principais a?udes p?blicos no munic?pio de Teofil?ndia-BA. Para atender o objetivo proposto foi realizado um mapeamento dos principais corpos de ?gua do munic?pio de Teofil?ndia-BA, utilizando imagens do sat?lite Landsat 8, sensor OLI do ano de 2014, ?rbita 216/68 por meio da classifica??o supervisionada. Posteriormente foram realizados trabalhos de campo constando de 3 (tr?s) campanhas de coleta de ?guas superficiais, ocorridas no per?odo de maio (pr?-chuva), junho (p?s-chuva) e novembro (seco). Os par?metros f?sico-qu?micos e metais analisados foram: Temperatura, Salinidade, Cloreto, pH, OD, DBO, DQO, Turbidez, Coliformes Termotolerantes, cadmio, chumbo, cromo, cobre, mangan?s, n?quel e zinco foram comparados com os padr?es estabelecidos pela Resolu??o N? 357/2005 do Conselho Nacional de Meio Ambiente ? CONAMA. Na avalia??o dos resultados do mapa de Uso Ocupa??o do Solo verificou-se que a classe da cultura agropecu?ria predomina na regi?o com cerca de 44,46%, a agricultura permanente (agave) abrange, 10,72%. A ?rea utilizada com a vegeta??o (caatinga) ? representativa totalizando 17,15%. A classe solo exposto representa, 6,64% e 8,82% das classes sombras. Os corpos d??gua identific?veis na imagem de sat?lite representam 0,16% e 12,05% de ?rea urbana. A acur?cia do mapeamento para os corpos d??gua, fornecida pelo ?ndice Tau, foi de 0,70. Com rela??o ao resultado da avalia??o da qualidade da ?gua dos tr?s a?udes p?blicos localizados pr?ximo ao per?metro urbano no munic?pio de Teofil?ndia-BA durante as tr?s campanhas, foi poss?vel observar que as concentra??es de Cloreto, Condutividade El?trica, OD, DBO, DQO e Coliformes Termotolerantes apresentaram varia??es de valores que excederam os limites estabelecidos pela legisla??o vigente. Quanto aos metais avaliados somente o Cd n?o foi detectado em nenhum dos pontos e per?odos amostrados. N?o houve, em sua grande maioria, correla??o entre as vari?veis estudadas. No per?odo pr?-chuva a tend?ncia de contamina??o na ?gua seguiu a ordem decrescente: Ni>Pb>Mn>Cr, no p?s-chuva: Ni>Pb>Mn>Zn e no seco: Ni>Pb>Cu>Zn. A partir dos dados apresentados, pode-se inferir que a principal fonte poluidora das ?guas dos a?udes ? proveniente de origem antropog?nica, principalmente por atividades agropecu?rias e insufici?ncia de uma rede de esgotamento sanit?rio.

Bioprospecção de biomoléculas isoladas de fungos endofíticos de Combretum leprosum do bioma Caatinga / Bioprospection of biomolecule isolated from endophytic fungal of Combretum leprosum from Caatinga biome

Santos, Suikinai Nobre 03 September 2012 (has links)
Os micro-organismos que habitam o interior das plantas (endofíticos ou endófitos) tornaram-se foco de interesse por estarem envolvidos na produção de compostos químicos como enzimas, alcalóides, antibióticos, anticancerígenas e diferentes metabólitos. Os ecossistemas de regiões tropicais tem sido alvo de busca de compostos naturais por causa da riqueza de espécies e nichos ecológicos presentes nestas comunidades. O objetivo deste trabalho o isolamento, identificação e a bioprospecção de fungos endofíticos obtidos de Combretum leprosum e a detecção nos extratos de planta e micro-organismos da presença do composto combretastatin (CA4). Folhas, galhos, frutos e raízes de C. leprosum foram coletados de cinco estados dentro da zona de semiárido brasileiro: Bahia, Piauí, Ceará, Paraíba, Rio Grande do Norte. Partes das amostras foram triturados e submetidos à maceração primeiramente em diclorometano, seguidos de tetrahidrofurano e acetona de acordo com Pettit et al.(1987) para possível extração da CA4. Além disso, para avaliação in vitro da atividade citotóxica e antimicrobiana foram realizadas extrações em acetato de etila, clorofórmio e metanol. Foram detectados a possível presença da CA4 em todos os órgãos das plantas extraídos com tetrahidrofurano e as maiores concentrações foram observadas nas folhas. A atividade antitumoral dos extratos vegetais apresentaram as maiores inibições contra carcinoma (ovário IC50 10µg/mL-1, rim IC50 8,7µg/mL-1 e mama IC50 14,1µg/mL-1) e glioma.IC50 13,5µg/mL-1. A outra parte das amostras (folhas, caules e raízes) foram desinfetadas, fragmentadas e colocadas em meios de cultivo (Martin, BDA, Agar água) por 60 dias, 28°C. Foram isolados 405 fungos endofíticos e 159 apresentaram atividade contra fitopatogênicos, 72% para Rhizoctonia solani e 28% para Pythium aphanidermatum. As vinte e três linhagens que apresentaram as melhores atividades antifitopatogênicas foram submetidas a crescimento em Czapec em cultura estacionaria, por 30 dias, a 28°C, os respectivos metabólitos foram obtidos em múltiplo (3.0 e 11.0) e avaliados a atividade antimicrobiana contra bactérias patogênicas e fungos. Quatro linhagens foram selecionadas, identificadas pelo sequenciamento da região 18S, CFE177 como Fusarium oxysporum, CFE03 como Hypocrea koningii, linhagem CFE108 como Aspesgillus oryzae e CFE391 como Fusarium solani e avaliadas in vitro pelos testes biológicos: atividade antitumoral, antioxidante e antimicobactéria. Os compostos produzidos por A. oryzae CFE108 apresentaram potencial para bioprospecção, e de acordo com as atividade citotóxicas as maiores ações foram contra as linhagens linfoma histiocística (J744), mieloma murino (B16F10) e baixa citotóxidade para carcinoma de bexiga (ECV304) e leucemia eritroblástica humana (k562) na concentração de 1mg/mL-1. Foram isolados dois compostos: SS-XL-32-01 identificado como bis-(2-etilhexil) ftalato (DEHP) e SS-XL-20-1 identificado como fenol, 2.2 metilenobis[6-(1,1-dimetiletil)-4- etil], ambos com atividade anticâncer para células HeLa com percentual de ate 98% e 71%, de morte, respectivamente. Alem disso, a modificação através da reação de metilação do composto SS-XL-32-1 resultou na quebra do anel aromático, formação de 4 subprodutos e perda da atividade, sendo um indicativo do sitio ativo da molécula responsável pela atividade observada. Portanto, fungos endofíticos de 18 plantas do semiárido brasileiro podem ser considerados fonte de bioprospecção para novas moléculas bioativas com atividade antitumoral. / The micro-organisms that reside in the aerial tissues and roots of plants (endophytic or endophyte) became the focus of interest for being involved in the chemical production such as enzymes, alkaloids, antibiotics, anticancer and different metabolites. The ecosystems of tropical region have been targeted search of natural compounds because of the richness of species and ecological niches present in these communities. The aim of this work was the isolation, identification and bioprospection for endophytic fungi from Combretum leprosum and detection in extracts of the plant and micro-organisms for the presence of the combretastatin (CA4). Leaves, stems, fruits and roots of C. leprosum were collected from five states within the semi-arid zone of Brazil: Bahia, Piaui, Ceara, Paraiba, Rio Grande do Norte. Part of the samples were crushed and subjected to maceration in dichloromethane, followed by tetrahydrofuran and acetone according to Pettit et al. (1987) for extracting the possible CA4. Moreover, for in vitro evaluation of the cytotoxic and antimicrobial activity extractions were carried out in ethyl acetate, chloroform and methanol. Were detected the possible presence of CA4 all plant organs extracted with tetrahydrofuran and the highest concentrations were observed on the leaves. The antitumor activity of plant extracts showed the highest inhibition against carcinoma (ovary IC50 10µg/mL-1, kidney IC50 8.7 µg/mL-1 and breast IC50 14.1 µg/mL-1) glioma IC50 and 13.5 mg-/mL-1. The other part of the samples (leaves, stems and roots) were disinfected, fragmented and placed in culture media (Martin, PDA, water agar) for 60 days, 28°C. 405 Endophytic fungi were isolated and 159 showed activity against phytopathogenic, 72% for Rhizoctonia solani and 28% for Pythium aphanidermatum. Twenty-three strains that showed good activities antiphytopathogenic, were grow on medium Czapec in static culture, for 30 days at 28°C, the respective metabolites were obtained in multiples pH (3.0 and 11.0) and evaluated the antimicrobial activity against pathogenic bacteria and fungi. Four strains were selected, identified by sequencing the 18S region, CFE177 as Fusarium oxysporum, CFE03 as Hypocrea koningii, strain CFE108 as Aspesgillus oryzae and CFE391 Fusarium solani, and evaluated by in vitro biological tests: antitumor, antioxidant and antimicobactérium activity. The compounds produced by A. oryzae CFE108 had biological potential and in accordance with the cytotoxic activity, showed the highest activities against lymphoma lines (J744), murine myeloma (B16F10) and low cytotoxicity for carcinoma of the bladder (ECV304) and leukemia erythroblastic human (K562) in 1mg/mL-1 concentration. Two compounds were isolated: SS-XL-32- 01 identified as bis-(2-ethylhexyl)phthalate (DEHP), and SS-XL-20-1 as phenol 2.2methylenobis [6-(1,1-dimethylethyl) - 4-ethyl], both with anticancer activity for HeLa cells with a percentage of up to 98% and 71%, of death, respectively. In addition, modified by methylation reaction of the compound SS-XL-32-1 resulted in the breaking of the aromatic ring and result in formation of four product and loss of activity being indicative of the active site of the molecule can be the aromatic ring. Therefore, endophytic fungi in semiarid Brazil plant can be considered a source of bioprospection for new bioactive molecules with anticancer activity.

Avaliação do reúso agrícola de águas oleosas da indústria de petróleo tratadas por eletrofloculação e osmose inversa: efeitos na germinação, no desenvolvimento de plântulas de girassol e em atributos do solo / Evaluation of agricultural reuse of oily waters from oil industry treated by electroflocculation and reverse osmosis: effects on germination, development of sunflower seedlings and soil properties

Paulo Sérgio Alves de Souza 15 July 2015 (has links)
A presente tese de doutorado teve como objetivo estabelecer parâmetros para avaliar a viabilidade do reúso agrícola de águas oleosas da indústria de petróleo, como as águas de produção (AP) de campos de exploração onshore do semiárido nordestino, na irrigação de culturas de girassol destinadas à produção de biodiesel. A AP foi produzida sinteticamente e tratada utilizando-se as técnicas de eletrofloculação (EF) e de osmose inversa (OI). Foram analisados os efeitos da AP não tratada, tratada por EF e por EF combinada com osmose inversa (EF+OI) na germinação, desenvolvimento e produção de biomassa de plântulas de girassol e também nos atributos de um solo característico do semiárido nordestino. Na melhor condição operacional do tratamento da AP por EF (28,6 A m-2 durante 4 min.) foram obtidas eficiências de remoção de óleos e graxas (O&G), demanda química de oxigênio (DQO), cor e turbidez superiores a 95%. O tratamento EF+OI promoveu a remoção do excesso de salinidade e de ferro oriundo da etapa de EF, enquadrando-se esses parâmetros dentro de níveis de referência recomendados para água de irrigação. Níveis de O&G e DQO superiores, respectivamente, a 337 mg L-1 e 1.321 mg O2 L-1 na AP bruta produziram efeitos tóxicos, reduzindo-se o índice de velocidade de germinação (IVG) e o percentual de plântulas normais do girassol. Por outro lado, os efluentes tratados por EF e EF+OI produziram efeitos similares no percentual de sementes germinadas, no IVG, no percentual de plântulas normais e na produção de biomassa do girassol. O uso da AP tratada por EF, com ou sem diluição, contribuiu significativamente para o aumento da salinidade e dos teores de sódio do solo, diferentemente da tratada por EF+OI, que produziu efeitos similares ao do controle (água destilada) / This doctoral thesis aimed to provide subsidies to assess the viability of the agricultural reuse of oily water from oil industry, such as oilfield produced water (AP) from onshore exploration fields of northeast brazilian semi-arid, in inedible irrigation such as sunflower crops intended for biodiesel production. AP was produced synthetically and treated using the electroflocculation (EF) and reverse osmosis (OI) techniques. The effects of untreated AP, AP treated by EF and AP treated by EF combined with reverse osmosis (EF+OI) in germination, growth and biomass production of sunflower seedlings and also in the attributes of a characteristic soil of the northeastern brazilian semiarid were analyzed. In the best EF treatment operating condition (28.6 A m-2 during 4 min.) Oil and grease (O&G), chemical oxygen demand (COD), color and turbidity removal efficiencies obtained were higher than 95%. EF+OI treatment promoted the removal of salinity in excess and iron derived from EF step, fitting these parameters within the recommended reference levels for irrigation water. O&G and COD levels higher than, respectively, 337 mg L-1 and 1,321 mgO2 L-1 in raw AP produced toxic effects, reducing the germination speed index (IVG) and the percentage of normal sunflower seedlings. On the other hand, the use of EF+OI and EF treated effluent has produced similar effects on the percentage of germinated seeds, IVG, percentage of normal seedlings and biomass production of sunflower. The use of AP treated by EF, with or without dilution, contributed significantly to the increase in soil salinity and sodium contents. On the other hand, AP treated by EF+OI, has produced similar effects to the control (distilled water)


Felipe Pinto da Silva 08 February 2017 (has links)
Esta dissertaÃÃo busca analisar as diferenÃas tecnolÃgicas da produÃÃo agropecuÃria entre os municÃpios situados nas grandes regiÃes brasileiras, com enfoque especial para o Nordeste brasileiro. Como aporte metodolÃgico, utilizou-se o modelo de meta-fronteira tecnolÃgica proposta por Battese, Rao e OâDonnell (2004) e OâDonnell, Rao e Battese (2008), para responder atà que ponto essas diferenÃas regionais influenciam na eficiÃncia da produÃÃo e qual os seus impactos nos municÃpios. A anÃlise foi dividida em dois modelos. No Modelo 1 propÃs-se analisar e identificar as diferenÃas tecnolÃgicas da produÃÃo agropecuÃria entre os municÃpios situados nas grandes regiÃes brasileiras, exceto pela regiÃo Norte, por questÃes metodolÃgicas. Jà o Modelo 2 voltou-se à diferenciaÃÃo tecnolÃgica da produÃÃo agropecuÃria existente no semiÃrido e no nÃo-semiÃrido do Nordeste. A hipÃtese assumida nesta pesquisa à a existÃncia de um processo de heterogeneizaÃÃo tecnolÃgica do meio rural brasileiro e que esta diferenciaÃÃo impacta no nÃvel de eficiÃncia tÃcnica da produÃÃo agropecuÃria nas diferentes regiÃes do Brasil e mesmo dentro de uma mesma regiÃo. Detectou-se que esta hipÃtese se mostrou verdadeira para os dois Modelos. O Modelo 1 indicou que a tecnologia de produÃÃo agropecuÃria praticadas nos municÃpios situados nas regiÃes Sul e Centro-Oeste sÃo mais avanÃadas. Jà em relaÃÃo ao Modelo 2, os resultados indicaram que, quando comparadas as duas regiÃes, o nÃo-semiÃrido possui a maior eficiÃncia tÃcnica mÃdia em referÃncia à meta-fronteira. / This thesis analyzes the technological differences in agricultural production between municipalities located in the great Brazilian regions, with a special attention on the Brazilian Northeast. As methodological support was utilized the meta-frontier model, proposed by Battese, Rao and OâDonnell (2004) and OâDonnell, Rao and Battese (2008) to answer how these regional differences influence the efficiency of production and like this spatial heterogeneity impacts on municipalitiesâ technical efficiency (TE). The analysis was divided into two models. The first one proposes to analyze and identify the technological differences in agricultural production between the municipalities located in the Brazilian regions, except in the North region, for methodological reasons. On the other hand, the second one searches for the technological differentiation of agricultural production in the semi-arid and non-semiarid regions of the Northeast. For present thesis, the hypothesisis is the existence of a process of technological heterogenization of the Brazilian rural production and that this differentiation affects the level of TE of agricultural production between different regions of Brazil and within the same region as well. It was found that this hypothesis proved to be true for both models. The Model 1 revealed that the production technology practiced in the municipalities located in the South and Center-West regions are more advanced. Regarding the Model 2 indicated that the non-semiarid has the highest average TE with reference to the meta-frontier, when compared to the semiarid region.

AvaliaÃÃo das Tecnologias Sociais como Alternativa de ConvivÃncia com o SemiÃrido Cearense: O Projeto de Cisternas. / Evaluation of Social Technologies as an Alternative to Coexistence with the Semi-arid Cearense: The Cistern Project.

CÃcero Lima De Albuquerque 13 August 2010 (has links)
Universidade Federal do Cearà / Esta pesquisa faz uma avaliaÃÃo do projeto selecionado no Edital 02/2008 do BNB/ETENE â Novas Tecnologias Sociais (TS) de ConvivÃncia com o SemiÃrido. Essas tecnologias tÃm como objetivo promover uma melhor convivÃncia com o semiÃrido, com o aumento das exploraÃÃes agropecuÃrias, a geraÃÃo de renda e a participaÃÃo comunitÃria. A tecnologia deveria ser utilizada como exemplo de reaplicabilidade no semiÃrido brasileiro. Optamos por uma avaliaÃÃo ex post, que à realizada ao longo da execuÃÃo ou apÃs a conclusÃo do projeto. AtravÃs de metodologias qualitativas e quantitativas, procuramos verificar a implantaÃÃo da TS cisterna calÃadÃo em trÃs comunidades dos municÃpios de Santana do Acaraà e Morrinhos, no CearÃ. A pesquisa de campo foi desenvolvida com a aplicaÃÃo de questionÃrios com os representantes das famÃlias, e entrevistas com a coordenadora e os lÃderes comunitÃrios. Observamos a dependÃncia das famÃlias quanto à ajuda do Governo e da sociedade civil organizada, a baixa escolaridade da maioria dos pais, a pouca quantidade de terra utilizada para a produÃÃo e o cultivo tradicional do feijÃo, do milho e da mandioca. Apresentamos a caracterizaÃÃo do SemiÃrido Brasileiro (SAB), o bioma, a convivÃncia do homem com esse ambiente, as tecnologias adaptadas à sua realidade, bem como os principais programas desenvolvidos pela sociedade civil. Os agricultores, tradicionalmente, realizam seus plantios durante o inverno, recebendo pouca ou nenhuma assistÃncia tÃcnica dos ÃrgÃos municipal e estadual. A tecnologia social implementada pelo projeto requer maior tempo de utilizaÃÃo para a satisfatÃria geraÃÃo de renda Ãs famÃlias. A Ãgua à um bem precioso para essas comunidades, entretanto, verificou-se que à fundamental a disponibilidade de infraestrutura, como melhores estradas, escolas e postos de saÃde para o desenvolvimento local e a melhor convivÃncia com o semiÃrido. / This study assesses the project selected in Proclamation 02/2008 of the BNB / ETENE - New Social Technologies (ST) Living with the Semi-Arid.These technologies are intended to promote better coexistence with the semiarid, with the increase of farming systems, income generation and community participation. Technology should be used as an example to reapply in the Brazilian semiarid. We opted for an ex post evaluation, which is held throughout the execution or after completion of the project. Through qualitative and quantitative methodologies, we seek to verify the implementation of TS cistern in three communities of the cities of Santana and Acaraà Morrinhos, CearÃ. The field was developed with the use of questionnaires with representatives of the families, and interviews with the coordinator and community leaders. We observed the dependency of families on the help of government and civil society, low educational levels of most parents, the small amount of land used for cultivation and production of traditional beans, maize and cassava. We present the characterization of Brazilian Semiarid (SAB), the biome, the coexistence of man with that environment, the technologies adapted to their reality, as well as key programs developed by civil society. Farmers traditionally hold their crops during the winter, receiving little or no technical assistance from municipal and state agencies. The social technology implemented by the project requires more time for use to generate satisfactory income families. Water is a precious asset for these communities, however, it is essential that the availability of infrastructure such as better roads, schools and health posts to local development and improved coexistence with the semiarid.

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