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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Datový sklad pro analýzu územněsprávních celků / Applying Business Intelligence tools for the Financial and Property Analysis of Municipalities

Horký, Martin January 2008 (has links)
This master thesis deals with the software support of one Financial and Property Analysis of Municipalities (FAMA). The co-author of this method is Doctor Petr Toth from the Institute of Public Administration and Regional Development at University of Economics in Prague. The method is supported by Microsoft Access database application and two C++ applications ArisDestiller and Prognoza at present time. The aim of this thesis is to evaluate the present software support of Financial and Property Analysis and implement an alternative solution based on Business Intelligence tools. Chosen part of analysis is implemented in the pilot project using Microsoft SQL Server 2005 environment. The thesis focuses mainly on using integration tools for XML data. The contribution of the thesis is to implement data warehouse, which uses the municipalities'annual bills in XML format from the database of Ministry of Finance of the Czech Republic. The Financial and Property Analysis method and the current software support are discussed in the first half of this thesis. The other half of the work is dedicated to the Business Intelligence pilot project. Both means of software support are reviewed and compared from various perspectives in the conclusion.

Návrh metodiky testování BI řešení / Design of methodology for BI solutions testing

Jakubičková, Nela January 2011 (has links)
This thesis deals with Business Intelligence and its testing. It seeks to highlight the differences from the classical software testing and finally design a methodology for BI solutions testing that could be used in practice on real projects of BI companies. The aim of thesis is to design a methodology for BI solutions testing based on theoretical knowledge of Business Intelligence and software testing with an emphasis on the specific BI characteristics and requirements and also in accordance with Clever Decision's requirements and test it in practice on a real project in this company. The paper is written up on the basis of studying literature in the field of Business Intelligence and software testing from Czech and foreign sources as well as on the recommendations and experience of Clever Decision's employees. It is one of the few if not the first sources dealing with methodology for BI solutions testing in the Czech language. This work could also serve as a basis for more comprehensive methodologies of BI solutions testing. The thesis can be divided into theoretical and practical part. The theoretical part tries to explain the purpose of Business Intelligence use in enterprises. It elucidates particular components of the BI solution, then the actual software testing, various types of tests, with emphasis on the differences and specificities of Business Intelligence. The theoretical part is followed by designed methodology for BI solutions using a generic model for the BI/DW solution testing. The practical part's highlight is the description of real BI project testing in Clever Decision according to the designed methodology.

A study and implementation of an electronic commerce website using active server pages

Boutkhil, Soumaya 01 January 2001 (has links)
The purpose of this project is to design an electronic commerce site for MarocMart company. MarocMart.com is an one-stop shopping company for a number of high quality products: carpets, jewelry, pottery, wood, leather, metals, and fashion items, etc... Each article is unique, hand-made by Moroccan craftsmen.

A Performance Comparison of Auto-Generated GraphQL Server Implementations / En jämförelse av automatiskt genererade GraphQL server implementationer

Larsson, Markus, Ångström, David January 2020 (has links)
As databases and traffic over the internet is becoming larger by the day, the performance of sending information has become a target of great importance. In past years, other software architectural styles such as REST have been used as it is a reliable framework and works really well when one has a dependable internet connection. In 2015, the querying language GraphQL was released by Facebook to the public as an alternative to REST. GraphQL made improvements in fetching data by for example removing the possibility of under- and overfitting. This means that a client only gets the data which they have requested, nothing more, nothing less. To create a GraphQL schema and server implementation requires time, effort and knowledge. This is however a requirement to run GraphQL over your current legacy database. For this reason multiple server implementation tools have been created by vendors to reduce development time and instead auto-generates a GraphQL schema and server implementation using an already existing database. This bachelor thesis will pick, run and compare the benchmarks of the two different server implementation tools Hasura and PostGraphile. This is done using a benchmark methodology based on technical difficulties (choke points). The result of our benchmark suggests that the throughput is larger for Hasura compared to PostGraphile whilst the query execution time as well as query response time is similar. PostGraphile is better at paging without offset as well as ordering, but on all other cases Hasura outperforms PostGraphile or shows similar results. / Linköping GraphQL Benchmark (LinGBM)


LAURO EDUARDO KOZOVITS 29 March 2004 (has links)
[pt] A tecnologia de jogos multi-jogador é uma especialização dentro da área de ambientes virtuais distribuídos. Com a crescente popularidade de jogos pela Internet, torna-se interessante analisar os seus principais problemas e encontrar soluções de arquiteturas destes ambientes, a fim de adaptá-las para as necessidades específicas destes jogos. Uma arquitetura híbrida usando as abordagens cliente- servidor e peer-to-peer é proposta e implementada neste trabalho, visando atender uma certa classe de jogos multi- jogador. Com o objetivo de permitir uma eficiente transmissão de objetos criados entre os jogadores durante uma sessão, é proposta uma alteração em sua forma de representação geométrica. É mostrado que técnicas de modelagem de mais alto nível como CSG ou Metaball podem ser usadas para permitir esta transmissão eficiente sob certas circunstâncias. É também proposta uma técnica eficiente de representação e transmissão de coordenadas do ambiente virtual usando campos de bits. / [en] Multiplayer game technology is a specialized field in networked virtual environments (Net-VE). With the increasing popularity of Internet games, the analysis of their main problems and the search for an architecture for these environments has become interesting in order to adapt them to the specific needs of these games. A hybrid architecture using both client-server and peer-to-peer approach is proposed and implemented in this work for a certain class of multiplayer games. In order to provide an efficient transmission of user created objects among players during a session, a change in its geometrical representation is proposed. It is showed that the use of higher level object representation such as CSG or Metaball modeling techniques can be used to provide this efficient transmission under certain circumstances. It is also proposed the use of bitfields as a efficient way to both represent and transmit coordinates of the virtual world.

Simulace výrobní linky pro kompletaci světlometu automobilu v systému Tecnomatix Process Simulate / The robotic cell for car headlight assembly simulation

Hampl, Lukáš January 2018 (has links)
This master´s thesis describes the design and realization of the simulation in program Tecnomatix Process Simulate. The thesis deals with the creation of a simulated assembly line of gluing a protective glass to the headlight. For this operation is using four stationary robotic arms. Created simulation behaves like a real robotic assembly line. In simulation is implemented several input sensors, robotic operations and conveyer structure. The control is done with PLC programmed, designed in TIA portal 14. Thesis includes a detailed description of the design whole simulation, together with the Tecnomatix Process Simulate environment. This software offer a many external commissioning and three bigger were tested, two kinds of OPC servers and PLCSIM Advanced. The conclusion of the diploma thesis describes the way of simulation control with visualization of whole process cell.

Softwarové řešení pro tržní komparativní oceňování v realitní praxi / Software Solutions for Comparative Market Valuation in the Real Estate Practice

Skovajsa, Štěpán January 2018 (has links)
This diploma thesis is about real estate market comparative appraisement, statistical approach and how to use software for data gathering and processing in its practical part. Practical part also includes draft of appraising algorithm. In the end of practical part, there are check of application's output and comparison of computed prices to both real traded prices and advertisement prices.

Automatická konfigurace virtuální infrastruktury / Automatic configuration of virtual infrastructure

Kadlíček, Jan January 2020 (has links)
This master thesis focuses on the issue of automation of virtual infrastructure and available tools such as Ansible, Terraform and Puppet. The individual tools are compared here in sequence for installations or configuration creation. The result of this semester thesis is the selection of a suitable tool for automation of virtual infrastructure.

Příjem a posílání SMS zpráv pomocí aplikace určené pro platformu JavaME / SMS Application for JavaME Platform

Růčka, Lukáš January 2008 (has links)
The aim of this diploma thesis is to study the potential of Java ME platform for receiving and sending of SMS and to utilize obtained information subsequently in implementation of an application for this platform. The first part of the diploma thesis aims at explaining general terms of the Java language and its basic features. The next part deals with specific properties of the Java ME platform and properties of devices that support this platform. A design of the Java ME application based on theoretical knowledge is created then. This application has to be able to receive, process, store and send SMS and communicate with the server application based on the Java SE platform. The created Java ME application serves as an automated SMS voting server, which can be used in mobile devices that support the Java ME platform and can be remote-controlled via Internet from the Java SE platform application. The final chapter presents the results and conclusions of testing of the created application on real mobile devices.

Komplexní systém řízení výroby stroje plnící linky lahví / The complex control system of production of bottle filling line machine

Karola, Ladislav January 2012 (has links)
The Master’s Thesis is focused to introduction MES systems and factory information systems. Describes main advantages of applying MES systems and describes concept of Six Big Losses, which characterise main losses in production. For quantification of losses are used indicators like OEE. Next part is simulation data of Filler Machine and producing via OPC Server. Main application made in software SIMATIC IT by Siemens is collecting, processing and archiving data to PPA database due to rules and setups. Presentation of data is powered by Data Report which provides overview of efficiency and main losses in production.

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