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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

WS&i*-RGPS: uma abordagem de engenharia de requisitos orientada a serviços Web baseada nos metamodelos RGPS / WS&i*-RGPS: an approach in service oriented requeriments engineering based in RGPS metamodels

Keith Seixas de Souza 09 December 2014 (has links)
Recentemente, por conta do dinamismo existente no ambiente de negócio no qual as organizações devem adequar-se mais rapidamente às mudanças, os Sistemas de Informação (SIs) precisam também adequar-se para continuar agregando valor. Diante desse cenário e do uso de serviços eletrônicos distribuídos na rede para o desenvolvimento de sistemas, faz-se necessário o surgimento de novas abordagens em engenharia de sistemas. Sendo assim, surge a disciplina de Engenharia de Requisitos Orientada a Serviços (EROS) que trata da definição de processos e metodologias para captar os requisitos de serviços tanto do ponto de vista de consumidores de serviço quanto de fornecedores de serviço. No contexto de EROS, este trabalho explora alternativas às descrições sugeridas para os metamodelos RGPS (do inglês: Role, Goal, Process and Service) uma abordagem em EROS propondo uma nova definição que visa, principalmente, incorporar à RGPS as vantagens de outros modelos já estabelecidos na literatura. Sendo assim, a nova abordagem aqui proposta, chamada de WS&i*-RGPS, para a descrição das camadas Papel e Meta, propõe o uso do framework i*. E, para a descrição das camadas Processo e Serviço, a nova abordagem propõe o uso de WS-BPEL/WSDL. Esse trabalho apresenta também uma comparação sistemática entre a abordagem WS&i*-RGPS e outras abordagens semelhantes identificadas na literatura EROS. A comparação sistemática entre as abordagens em EROS, incluindo a nova abordagem aqui proposta, considera três parâmetros comparativos e identifica que a abordagem WS&i*-RGPS cobre mais parâmetros que as abordagens em EROS que se baseiam nos metamodelos RGPS, indicando que WS&i*-RGPS é uma alternativa melhor às soluções inicialmente propostas pelos autores dos metamodelos RGPS. / Due to the recent business environment dynamism in which organizations must quickly adapt to the changes, Information Systems also need to adapt to these changes in order to keep adding value. Taking into account this scenario and the use of electronic services distributed on the network to develop systems, the advent of new approaches in Systems Engineering is necessary. Therefore, a new discipline, Service-Oriented Requirements Engineering (SORE), was proposed, which deals with the definition of processes and methodologies in order to capture services requirements beneath two different perspectives: service consumers and service providers. In SORE context, this work aims at exploring some alternatives for those descriptions proposed by the Role, Goal, Process and Service (RGPS) meta-models, proposing a new approach called WS&i*-RGPS in order to incorporate to RGPS the advantages of other models well established in the literature. Accordingly, in order to describe the Role and Goal layers, this new approach proposes the use of the i* framework. Additionally, in order to describe the Process and Service layers, this new approach proposes the use of WS-BPEL/WSDL languages. This work also presents a systematic comparison among SORE approaches, including WS&i*-RGPS. This comparison considers three comparative parameters and identifies that WS&i*-RGPS covers more parameters than other approaches in SORE that uses RGPS metamodels. These results indicates WS&i*-RGPS as a better alternative comparing it to other RGPS approaches.

Arquitetura de sistemas orientada a serviços para análise de experimentos ambientais em Weblabs de abelhas. / System architecture service oriented for analisys with experiments at bee Weblabs.

Marcelo de Queiroz Leite 04 August 2011 (has links)
O processo de elaboração, execução, coleta e análise de dados de experimentos ambientais com abelhas utilizando meios computacionais como suporte a pesquisa, é uma atividade complexa por exigir do pesquisador conhecimentos específicos aos quais ele não foi preparado para atuar. Laboratórios virtuais conhecidos como Weblabs são ferramentas de apoio a pesquisa, pois permitem a realização de experimentos sem a necessidade da presença física da equipe de pesquisadores. O modelo matemático utilizado junto com a sua interpretação são partes do experimento, porém não são tratados dessa maneira atualmente nos Weblabs. Este trabalho propõe a especificação de uma arquitetura de referência a ser empregada como modelo para permitir o desenvolvimento de componentes que disponibilizem serviços com a capacidade de efetuar a integração de dados coletados por meio de experimentos científicos executados com o auxílio dos Weblabs com ferramentas especialistas voltadas a experimentos ambientais e de biodiversidade. A especificação é baseada no paradigma de arquitetura orientada a serviços, permitindo o gerenciamento de análise de experimentos utilizando Weblabs e disponibilizando os serviços especificados para funcionamento em ambientes distribuídos. Este modelo é a base para um estudo de caso com a elaboração de uma prova de conceito, por meio do desenvolvimento de um componente que publique, disponibilize e integre os dados coletados em um Weblab com uma ferramenta especialista em análises ambientais. / The preparation, execution, collection and closing of an experiment using computational means to support the research, is a complex activity because it requires specific knowledge of the researcher to whom he was not prepared to act. WebLabs are known support tools to researchers, because they allow performing experiments without the physical presence of the research team. Among the activities undertaken by the researcher, after collecting data, performs the analysis of data, in which mathematical and statistical models are applied to interpret the data. In a Weblab experiments are performed through web in remote laboratories, and also needed to analyze the data obtained with the data collection. The mathematical model used along with their interpretation are events that are part of the experiment, but are not treated that way today in Weblabs. This paper proposes the specification of reference architecture to be used as a template to allow the development of components that provide services with the ability to make the integration of data collected through scientific experiments carried out with the help of weblabs with tools aimed at environmental and biodiversity experiments. The specification is based on the paradigm of service oriented architecture, allowing management analysis using Weblab experiments and providing the services specified for operation in distributed environments. This model is the basis for a case study with the development of a proof of concept, through development of a component that publishes and distributes and integrates the data collected in a Weblab with a special tool in environmental analysis.

MAPOS: método de análise e projeto orientado a serviços. / Service-oriented analysis and design method.

Henrique Shoiti Fugita 23 June 2009 (has links)
Com a crescente adoção do conceito de Arquitetura Orientada a Serviços (SOA) pelas organizações, torna-se necessário solucionar um dos principais desafios trazidos por este estilo arquitetural, que é a análise e projeto de serviços. Alguns métodos de análise e projeto de soluções orientadas a serviços vêm sendo propostos, mas ainda estão longe de convergir em direção a uma padronização. Este trabalho realiza uma avaliação crítica dos métodos existentes e levanta um conjunto de requisitos de análise e projeto orientado a serviços. Baseado nesta análise, é proposto um método para unificar as boas práticas dos métodos existentes e atender aos requisitos levantados. Para verificar a aplicabilidade do método, dois estudos de caso foram conduzidos em projetos reais. / With the growing adoption of Service-Oriented Architeture (SOA) by the organizations, it becomes necessary to address one of the main challenges imposed by this architetural style, which is services analysis and design. Some service-oriented applications analysis and design methods have been proposed, but have not yet converged towards standardization. This work performs a critical assessment of existing methods and describes a set of requirements of service-oriented analysis and design. Based on that study, a new method is proposed to unify the best practices of existing methods and satisfy the gathered requirements. In order to verify the applicability of the method, two case studies were conducted in real projects.

Uma arquitetura orientada a serviço para aplicações com restrições temporais. / A service oriented architecture for time constraint applications.

Marcelo da Mota Lopes 04 April 2011 (has links)
Este trabalho apresenta uma proposta de Arquitetura Orientada a Serviço para desenvolvimento de aplicações com restrições temporais, isto é, aplicações em que o tempo de resposta a uma requisição deve respeitar limites máximos. No desenvolvimento da arquitetura proposta foram considerados os modelos de filas com um único servidor e com múltiplos servidores, por meio da utilização de serviços redundantes e do escalonamento de requisições para melhoria do determinismo no tempo de resposta das requisições efetuadas. Para avaliação da arquitetura proposta foi construído um sistema de testes de forma a ser observado o comportamento do tempo de resposta das requisições em função do número de servidores disponíveis e sua respectiva taxa de utilização. Os resultados obtidos indicam que é possível obter um aumento no determinismo do tempo de resposta das requisições efetuadas (diminuição da dispersão de valores), tendo sido obtidos resultados semelhantes para os dois algoritmos de escalonamento utilizados: por ordem de chegada das requisições e SRPT (Shortest Remaining Processing Time). / This thesis presents a proposal for a Service Oriented Architecture applied to development of time constrained systems, where the timeliness of the results is a major requirement. The development is based on the queuing theory (models using one and multiple servers) and requests scheduling to improve response time determinism. In order to verify the proposal, a test system had been developed to observe the dynamic behavior of the requests response time dispersion according to the number of servers available and associated processing rate. The results obtained show an improvement over the request response time determinism and almost similar performance for the two scheduling algorithms used: request arrival order and SRPT (Shortest Remaining Processing Time).

Proposta de um sistema de informação orientado a serviços sobre a biodiversidade de abelhas. / Proposal for an service-oriented information system on the biodiversity of bees.

Etienne Américo Cartolano Júnior 28 August 2009 (has links)
Os polinizadores prestam um importante serviço no resultado das colheitas e na conservação de ecossistemas. Estima-se que os valores gerados pelos seus serviços somem 200 bilhões de dólares ao ano. Entretanto, a FAO, braço das Nações Unidas para a Agricultura, indica um declínio significativo dos polinizadores, apontando para uma crise de polinização. As ações para a conservação e o uso sustentável dos polinizadores em resposta a esta crise, demandam um significativo suporte das Tecnologias da Informação em várias das suas atividades. Em particular, na integração de diferentes fontes e tipos de dados, que é decorrência da complexidade dos processos biológicos que se pretende entender e manejar, e da velocidade com que essas áreas evoluem. Devido às ações de resposta ao declínio dos polinizadores, a comunidade científica brasileira e internacional, que necessitam de mais acesso aos dados sobre biodiversidade, demandam um novo papel da Webbee, um sistema de informação sobre a biodiversidade brasileira em abelhas nativas. Ela deve incorporar os dados regionais e se integrar às redes de dados globais sobre biodiversidade como referência em informações sobre espécies e espécimes de abelhas nativas brasileiras, e de polinização por estas abelhas. Visando proporcionar uma fundamentação para o desenvolvimento de ferramentas que atendam esses requisitos de integração e de interoperabilidade para a Webbee, é proposta uma arquitetura orientada a serviços que adota as ferramentas de padronização e de comunicação de dados sobre biodiversidade utilizados e mantidos por entidades internacionais, tais como GBIF, IABIN-PTN e TDWG. Dada a importância da interação para o processo de polinização, e devido à ausência de um padrão específico para a troca deste tipo de dado, um esquema conceitual de dados de interação entre espécimes foi desenvolvido em um processo iterativo com a participação da comunidade científica via TDWG. Este esquema é a base de um estudo de caso proposto para a realização de provas de conceito, sob a forma de uma ferramenta de digitalização, catalogação e publicação de dados sobre espécimes e interação entre eles. / Pollinators provide an important service in agriculture and the conservation of ecosystems. It is estimated that the values generated by their services reach 200 billion dollars a year. However, the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations indicates a significant decline of pollinators, pointing to a \"crisis of pollination. The actions for the conservation and sustainable use of pollinators in response to this crisis demand significant support from Information Technology. Particularly, in the integration of diverse sources and type of data, that is a consequence of the complexity of the biological processes that one strives to understand and manage, and of the high speed at which area evolves. As a response to the pollinators decline, the international and Brazilian scientific communities, that need greater access to biodiversity data, demand a new role to Webbee, an information systems about the Brazilian biodiversity on native bees. It should incorporate regional data and integrate to global biodiversity data networks as a reference for information on species and specimens of Brazilian native bees, and pollination by those bees. Aiming to provide a foundation for the development of tools that meet these requirements of integration and interoperability of Webbee, it is proposed a service-oriented architecture based on tools and services for standardization and communication of biodiversity data used by international entities such as GBIF, IABIN-PTN and TDWG. Given the importance of interaction in the pollination process, and due to the absence of specific standards for the exchange of such data, a conceptual data schema about interaction between specimens was developed in an iterative process involving the scientific community via TDWG. This schema is the base of a case study proposed to conduct a proof of concept, in the form of a tool for digitization, cataloging and publishing data on specimens and interactions between them.

MISLP: Método de Identificação de Serviços baseado em Linguagem de Padrões. / PLMSI: Pattern Language-based Method for Services Identification.

Luiz Paulo Rocha Yanai 26 August 2010 (has links)
Os principais trabalhos existentes de identificação de serviços na Arquitetura Orientada a Serviços (Service Oriented Architecture - SOA) deixam claro a importância de alinhar os serviços com os processos de negócios e também a necessidade de torná-los mais reusáveis possível. Contudo, na prática, foi observado que os métodos existentes são complexos ou detalham pouco os passos para se alcançar tais objetivos. Neste contexto, o Método de Identificação de Serviços baseado em Linguagem de Padrões (MISLP) buscou identificar os serviços através de atividades padrão de processos de negócio de um determinado domínio. Estas atividades padrão foram detalhadas seguindo-se os princípios de SOA e utilizando-se os Padrões de Projeto SOA, os quais estabelecem os critérios para obtenção de serviços reusáveis. Foram definidos critérios para avaliar os serviços resultantes da aplicação do método, com os serviços definidos de forma ad-hoc no desenvolvimento de três sistemas reais. / The main existing works about services identification make clear the importance of aligning services with business processes and also the need to make them more reusable as possible. However, in practice, the existing methods are either complex or they provide low details about the steps to achieve these goals. In this context, the Pattern Language-based Method for Service Identification (PLMSI) sought to identify services through standard activities from business processes of a given domain. These standard activities were detailed according to the principles of Service Oriented Architecture (Service Oriented Architecture - SOA) and using SOA Design Patterns, which establish the criteria for obtaining reusable services. Criteria were defined to evaluate output services from the method, comparing with services defined on an ad-hoc development of three real systems.

Estabelecimento de uma arquitetura de referência orientada a serviços para ferramentas de teste de software / Estabilishment of a service-oriented reference architecture for the software testing tools

Oliveira, Lucas Bueno Ruas de 11 January 2011 (has links)
O teste de software é reconhecido como uma importante atividade na garantia da qualidade de sistemas de software. Com o objetivo de dar apoio a essa atividade, uma diversidade de ferramentas de teste têm sido desenvolvida. Entretanto, grande parte dessas ferramentas é construída de forma isolada, possuindo arquiteturas e estruturas próprias, o que tem impactado negativamente a capacidade de integração e o reúso dessas ferramentas. Nesse contexto, esforços têm sido dedicados à disponibilização de ferramentas de teste orientadas a serviço, ou seja, ferramentas que são baseadas na SOA (Service Oriented Architecture). Em uma outra perspectiva, arquiteturas de referência têm desempenhado um importante papel no desenvolvimento de sistemas de software, uma vez que contém informações sobre como desenvolver sistemas para um determinado domínio de aplicação, buscando contribuir para o sucesso de sistemas desse domínio. Assim, o principal objetivo deste trabalho é o estabelecimento de uma arquitetura de referência orientada a serviço, denominada RefTEST-SOA (Reference Architecture for Software Testing Tools based on SOA), que agrega o conhecimento e a experiência de como organizar ferramentas de teste orientadas a serviço, visando também à integração, à escalabilidade e o reúso providos pela SOA. Para o estabelecimento dessa arquitetura, foi utilizado o ProSA-RA, um processo que sistematiza o projeto, representação e avaliação de arquiteturas de referência. Resultados alcançados no estudo de caso conduzido evidenciam que a RefTEST-SOA é uma arquitetura viável e reusável para o desenvolvimento de ferramentas de teste orientadas a serviço / Software testing is considered as an important activity to ensure the quality of software systems. To support such activity, a diversity of testing tools have been developed. However, most of them have been separately built and have usually their particular structures and architectures, which has hindered the integration and reuse of these tools. In this context, efforts have been employed in order to provide service-oriented testing tools, i.e., tools that are based on SOA (Service Oriented Architecture). In another perspective, reference architectures have played an important role in the development of software systems, since they contain information about how to develop systems for a particular application domain, contributing to the success of systems in that domain. Thereby, our main objective is to establish a service-oriented reference architecture, named RefTEST-SOA (Reference Architecture for Software Testing Tools based on SOA), which aggregates the knowledge and experience about how to organize service-oriented testing tools, also aiming at integration, scalability and reuse provided by SOA. To establish this architecture, we have used ProSA-RA, a process that provides guidelines to the design, representation and evaluation of reference architectures. Results achieved by a conducted case study indicate that RefTEST-SOA is a viable and reusable architecture for developing service-oriented testing tools

Service distribution and service discovery through a public web services platform

Wu, Chen January 2008 (has links)
Service-Oriented Architecture (SOA) represents an emerging architectural approach that is able to tackle challenges in the contemporary service-based economy, in which the global market revenues are shifting from the manufacture of traditional off-the-shelf products to the provision of diversified services that suffice for customers’ needs. In such a service-based economy, one can envisage an entirely “service-oriented” world, where a massive number of distributed services with different natures and capabilities are provided by various professionals around the world. Problems arise when business applications demand desirable services through different sources and providers that are appropriate for their own benefits and preferences. Therefore, it can be very challenging to design an SOA infrastructure that enables users to exploit this great level of service heterogeneity and quantity. One of the key issues in service-oriented architecture is to achieve efficient service discovery and loosely-coupled service distribution while maintaining a satisfactory degree of scalability, usability, and Web consistency. This thesis deals with SOA infrastructure-level design and implementation issues. It approaches this SOA infrastructure within the scope of Web services, which capture an important, and perhaps the best, ‘realisation’ of SOA. It investigates and formulates how public Web services distributed across the World Wide Web can be augmented by a software platform that enables scalable, user-centred,semantic-enabled, and integration-oriented service retrieval, selection, and matching. The primary goal of this thesis is thus to propose a conceptual framework of an enhanced SOA infrastructure with regard to service distribution and discovery. / It also aims to design and implement a platform (PWSP), by means of which a large number of public Web services on the Web can be distributed based on service demands, retrieved based on service descriptions, selected based on service qualities, and matched based on service messages in a user-centred, scalable, and Web-consistent manner without augmenting existing Web services standards.

Trust negotiation policy management for service-oriented applications

Skogsrud, Halvard, Computer Science & Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, UNSW January 2006 (has links)
Service-oriented architectures (SOA), and in particular Web services, have quickly become a popular technology to connect applications both within and across enterprise boundaries. However, as services are increasingly used to implement critical functionality, security has become an important concern impeding the widespread adoption of SOA. Trust negotiation is an approach to access control that may be applied in scenarios where service requesters are often unknown in advance, such as for services available via the public Internet. Rather than relying on requesters' identities, trust negotiation makes access decisions based on the level of trust established between the requester and the provider in a negotiation, during which the parties exchange credentials, which are signed assertions that describe some attributes of the owner. However, managing the evolution of trust negotiation policies is a difficult problem that has not been sufficiently addressed to date. Access control policies have a lifecycle, and they are revised based on applicable business policies. Additionally, because a trust relationship established in a trust negotiation may be long lasting, their evolution must also be managed. Simply allowing a negotiation to continue according to an old policy may be undesirable, especially if new important constraints have been added. In this thesis, we introduce a model-driven trust negotiation framework for service-oriented applications. The framework employs a model for trust negotiation, based on state machines, that allows automated generation of the control structures necessary to enforce trust negotiation policies from the visual model of the policy. Our policy model also supports lifecycle management. We provide sets of operations to modify policies and to manage ongoing negotiations, and operators for identifying and managing impacts of changes to trust negotiation policies on ongoing trust negotiations. The framework presented in the thesis has been implemented in the Trust-Serv prototype, which leverages industry specifications such as WS-Security and WS-Trust to offer a container-centric mechanism for deploying trust negotiation that is transparent to the services being protected.

Composite web services provisioning in dynamic environments

Sheng, Quanzheng, Computer Science & Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, UNSW January 2006 (has links)
Web services composition is emerging as a promising technology for the effective automation of application-to-application collaborations. The application integration problems have been subject of much research in the past years. However, with growth in importance of business process automation and highly dynamic nature of the Internet, this research has taken on a new significance and importance. Adequate solutions to this problem will be very important to make enterprise systems more flexible, robust and usable in the future. In this dissertation, we present a novel approach for the declarative definition and scalable orchestration of composite Web services in large, autonomous, heterogeneous, and dynamic environments. We first propose a composition model for composing Web services in a personalized and adaptive manner. We model composite Web services based on statecharts. To cater for large amounts of dynamic Web services, we use the concept of service community that groups services together and is responsible for the runtime selection of services against user's preferences. We use the concept of process schema that specific users can adjust with their personal preferences. A set of exception handling policies can be specified to proactively react to runtime exceptions. We then propose a tuple space based service orchestration model for distributed, self-managed composite services execution. We introduce the concept of execution controller that is associated with a service and is responsible for monitoring and controlling service executions. The knowledge required by a controller is statically extracted from the specification of personalized composite services. We also present techniques for robust Web services provisioning. The techniques presented in this dissertation are implemented in Self-Serv, a prototype that provides a set of tools for Web service composition and execution. Finally, we conduct an extensive usability and performance study of the proposed techniques. The experimental results reveal that our system i) provides an efficient support for specifying, deploying, and accessing composite services; ii) is more scalable and outperforms the centralized approach when the exchanged messages become bigger; and iii) is more robust and adaptive in highly dynamic environments.

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