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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Garrison temporality and geologic temporality in Canadian poetry

Rae, Ian 11 1900 (has links)
This essay examines the interstices between geography and history in English Canadian poetry by analyzing the production of space through poetic imagery. It introduces two terms, "garrison temporality" and "geologic temporality," to demonstrate how poets created divisions in the Canadian landscape temporally, demarcating these divisions according to their understanding of the perceived spaces' historicity. In early Canadian poetry, poets tended to distinguish colonized spaces from uncolonized spaces by designating them as either historical or ahistorical. This was achieved, more specifically, by appropriating civil, or garrison, spaces into a narrative of English expansion which traced its historical lineage back to European antiquity. The space outside the garrison's perimeter was deemed to exist out of time, providing yet another justification for further colonization. Later generations of Canadian poets contested the ahistorical designations created by this narrative, as well as the division they draw between urban and non-urban spaces, by appealing to geologic time. Geologic temporality functions not so much as a viable explanatory model for the narration of history as it does a poetic device for contesting the centrality of Europe and of urban centers in assessing contemporary Canada's place in time. This essay traces the shift in attitudes towards time and space from Charles G.D. Roberts' "Tantramar Revisited" (1886) to Dale Zieroth's "Baptism" (1981). / Arts, Faculty of / English, Department of / Graduate

'n Evaluering van die doelwitbestuursbenadering soos by Technikon Suider-Afrika toegepas

Botha, Eben 10 February 2014 (has links)
M.Com. (Business Management) / This dissertation is a study of the theoretical basis of management by objectives compared with a modified system used by Technikon Southern Africa, an academic institution. According to management by objectives theory, certain elements should be present in any MBO system if the organization wishes to implement it successfully. The research was based on the hypothesis that the system (MBO) used by Technikon SA, although modified, would still lead to the effective and efficient management of the institution. The first part of this study describes the organizational climate of Technikon SA from its establishment to 1993. In particular, the discussion focuses on the need for an effective managerial system to manage the Technikon as an open system. The second part of the dissertation provides a theoretical framework, based on literature from many sources, which describes the underlyning philosophy of management by objectives. This discussion also comprises the elements of a management by objectives programme, as well as the possible benefits and pitfalls of such a system. The third part of the study refers to the implementation successes of management by objectives in tertiary institutions. This section essentially consists of a comparison of the management by objectives system used by the Technikon and the theoretical basis as it has developed since Drucker first introduced the concept. In the final chapter conclusions based on the comparison are made. The most important conclusion is the rejection of the hypothesis that the system used by the Technikon is effective. In the final analysis suggestions are made to improve the system used by the Technikon, the most important being the following: management must change from an autocratic management style to one of participation and self-control; academics must be seen as professionals who can be trusted to achieve their objectives by way of their own planning and actions; objectives must be determined from key performance areas; goal-setting must be a participative process; all objectives must meet certain criteria; action plans should be implemented; management must be competent to motivate, coach and persuade; continuous feedback should be given by management; and the most important of all, management by obj ectives should be implemented as an integrating system with the emphasis on its use for performance appraisal. Further research is suggested to determine an effective system for Technikon SA. Once again it was found that management by objectives, although an old concept, is effective, but only if management adheres to its basic principles

A retrospective analysis and priority setting exercise of investments in agricultural research in Zambia

Haankuku, Choolwe 17 August 2010 (has links)
In 2003 national heads of African states, including Zambia, met in Maputo and pledged to increase financial resources to the agriculture sector, up to 10 % of their national budgets, in order to meet growth targets. Given the need to increase investments in agriculture, it follows that impact assessment studies have become handy as funding agencies demand better accountability and empirical justification for further investment. However, experts have reasoned that the quantity of resources is as important as the quality of spending in that, if resources are allocated efficiently, more could be achieved with the same level of resources. The lack of an effective strategy and basis upon which investments in agriculture crop research ought to be prioritised in order to improve agricultural productivity is the main concern in Zambia. This study sought to illustrate the use of the Dynamic Research Evaluation for Management (DREAM) model to assess the economic returns of investing in agriculture technologies and to set priorities for crop-based research activities in Zambia. The study hypothesised that the financial outlay allocated to agricultural crop research is not efficiently allocated so as to achieve the nation’s agricultural production potential, and that agricultural crop research investment influences the distribution of welfare effects on producers and consumers. The DREAM model is conceptually based on the economic surplus theory and is designed for research priority setting and ex ante evaluations. It computes the net present value (NPV) of benefits for both producers and consumers as a result of investing in agriculture technology. The findings from this study reveal that investment in agriculture crop research in Zambia is worthwhile as positive net present values were obtained for all crops under consideration in this study. Maize research gives the highest return to both large-scale and smallholder producers. Maize also yielded the highest returns for consumers in Zambia. In order of priority, maize is followed by soya bean, groundnuts, cotton, millet, sunflower and sorghum. In spite of this, the order of priority in terms of financial expenditure on crop research is maize, cotton, sorghum, soya bean, groundnuts, sunflower and millet. Therefore, the allocation of financial resources towards crop research is not efficient for all crops except maize since some crops such as sorghum receiving high financial expenditure in research did not necessarily generate high returns. This is because the Government still conducts the bulk of research in Zambia, and as such, other social objectives such as equity and food security considerations play a major role in determining investment patterns. The study further establishes that the choice of crop research expenditure influences the distribution of welfare benefits on different producer groups; and that smallholder farmers in Central, Eastern and Southern province are among the group that received the highest proportion of benefits even for crops such as maize for which financial resources were efficiently allocated. Therefore, the efficiency objective may not necessarily leave smallholder farmers worse off as long as they have access to complementary infrastructure and institutions for agriculture production and marketing. As such the study recommends that the Government, private sector and other development partners must focus on raising agriculture productivity by expanding investments in crop science-based technologies; and also recommends re-allocation of financial resources between crops in favour of crops with high returns because this benefits both large scale and smallholder farmers. This must be accompanied by further investment in complementary infrastructure and good governance. Copyright / Dissertation (MScAgric)--University of Pretoria, 2010. / Agricultural Economics, Extension and Rural Development / unrestricted

An ideological conflict: the information about refugees in the European mass media versus the UNHCR communication campaign "Dilemmas"

Alaminos-Fernández, Antonio January 2018 (has links)
The purpose of this research is to compare how the European mass media have presented the arrival of refugees to Europe, with an awareness campaign on this issue (Dilemmas). From this comparison several conclusions are obtained regarding the validity of the information provided by the mass media. In addition, I identify the key concepts to understand the logic followed by both the mass media and the communication for development campaign. In fact, the contradictions detected between the information of the mass media and the Dilemmas campaign seem to show an underlying ideological conflict, expressed in contradictory discourses.This research starts with the qualitative systematic review of several research reports that analyse the information that the European mass media offered about the arrival of refugees. The analysis of this information is carried out applying the concepts of Agenda setting and Frames. The two approaches have established the criteria used to systematize the comparison of the different research reports. After the analysis of the mass media, I analyze the UNHCR campaign on refugees, called "Dilemma". This communication campaign sought to raise awareness in Western societies about the refugee reality. The main objective is to know what concepts, elements and design are specific to this communication campaign, in contrast with the information about refugees that were reported by the media in the European Union. The structure of this research is as follows. After the introduction, the theories, models and methodologies used in this research are briefly presented: The Agenda Setting, Framing, as well as the methodology of Critical Discourse Analysis and Systematic review. The Systematic review will be used to integrate the research reports analyzing the information of the refugee crisis in the mass media. Second, the empirical part of the research is developed in four phases. In a first phase, the Systematic review methodology is used to integrate the research reports made in several European countries, analyzing the information on the refugee in the mass media. The Agenda Setting and Framing approaches are used in the Systematic review to systematize the findings of the research reports on the mass media. The conclusions of this first phase are used in a second phase to analyze the UNHCR campaign applying the Critical Discourse Analysis. To really understand the transcendence of the mass media information it is very important to compare its approach and its contents with those used by UNHCR. The contrast between the two allows greater ability to identify their specific characteristics. Finally, in the third and four phases some conclusions and reflections on the research outcomes are presented.

De vuxna barnen

Nyman, Caroline January 2019 (has links)
Denna studie undersöker hur svensk dagspress återger debatten om medicinsk ål-dersbedömning av ensamkommande barn. Studien sträcker sig från januari 2010 till mars 2017. Studiens syfte är att undersöka vilka argument som varit framträ-dande i debatten som förts och studera huruvida det skett en förändring i debat-ten över tid. För att uppnå detta har jag utfört en kvalitativ textanalys av artiklar som är publicerade av tre stora svenska dagstidningar. För att analysera huvudar-gumenten i debatten har jag därefter använt mig av mitt teoretiska ramverk som består av tidigare forskning relaterat till ämnet samt av teorin, agenda-setting the-ory. Agenda-setting theory påvisar att media har betydelse för vilka frågor som blir av politiskt intresse men även vad allmänheten kommer att betrakta som ett socialt problem. Dessutom visar teorin att detta i sin tur kan påverka hur allmän-heten förhåller sig till den retorik som är dominerande. Det teoretiska ramverket bidrar till studiens tillförlitlighet och tjänar som ett analytiskt verktyg i enlighet med studiens syfte. Resultatet av denna studie antyder att rapporteringen av me-dicinsk åldersbedömning av ensamkommande barn har förändrats under den granskande perioden, i slutet av studien dominerade kravet på att utföra medi-cinska åldersbedömningar av ensamkommande barn. Dessutom framställs ensam-kommande barn som strategiska migranter som ljuger om deras ålder och utgör ett hot mot viktiga svenska normer och värderingar. / This study examine how Swedish daily newspapers are reporting on the issue of medical age estimation of unaccompanied children. The time-period for this study is January 2010 to March 2017. The purpose of this study is to analyze which ar-guments that have been predominate in the debate and if the debate changed in its nature during the time-period for this study. To answer the research questions, I have performed a qualitative text analysis of articles published in three major newspapers in Sweden. I identified the main arguments in the articles, correlating to the issue of medical age estimation and later applied the theoretical framework to analyze the content and bearing of the different arguments. My theoretical framework consists of previous research relevant to this study and the agenda-setting theory. Agenda-setting theory states that the media has an impact on which issues that become of political interest but also on what the public will re-gard as a social problem. Furthermore, it shows how this could influence how the public view problems and act according to the dominant rhetoric. The framework ensure that the research is credible and guides the analysis in a systematic way ac-cording the purpose of the study. The result of this study implies that the reporting of medical age estimation of unaccompanied children has changed over the years following a rhetoric that call for a changed practice, in other words, the use of more medical age estimations. Furthermore, unaccompanied minors, are presented as calculating adults, whom are lying about their age, and oppose as a threat to important Swedish values.

Evaluating the Content and Tone of Mental Health News Coverage in Market 40: a Content Analysis of Selected Internet Stories From Las Vegas Broadcasting News Outlets

Conroy, Ashley 12 1900 (has links)
The purpose of this research study is to analyze mental health related content on the three network affiliated stations in Las Vegas, Nevada. Online web stories from broadcast stations are analyzed in terms of the content and tone. These areas of analysis relate directly to the mass communication theories agenda setting and framing. Historically, mental health news reports have included content and tone that together can potentially create and further stigmatizing sentiments about those with mental illnesses. This study utilizes a chi square test to determine if a relationship exists between the three network affiliated stations, four a priori coded mental health content categories, and a rating of the overall tone using a value dimensions scale. Supplemental analyses include frequency evaluations of what has been called “people-first” versus “non-people first” language. By analyzing mental health related content at these three stations in the Las Vegas market this study aims to add heuristic value to the study of mental health reporting in broadcast news. This study will allow for additional research to further test relationships between stations, content, and tone in the Las Vegas and other news markets. Ultimately, this study provides analysis and discussion of the important role of agenda setting and framing in the news industry as it relates to the coverage of mental health related content.

To what extent did South Africa pursue the African Agenda in the UN Security Council between 2011 and 2012?

Munzhedzi, Talifhani Amos January 2018 (has links)
In the aftermath of the South African election, as a non-permanent member of the United Nations Security Council (UNSC) in 2011, the country amongst other things, promised to pursue an African Agenda for Peace and Stability on the continent and in all regions of the world, especially in the Global South. This was coupled with the promise to promote the importance of developing effective partnerships between the United Nations (UN) as well as regional and sub-regional organizations in maintaining international peace and security. These became fundamental foreign policy principles of how South Africa would behave in the Security Council. The UN Charter mandates the primary responsibility for maintaining international peace and security to the Council. Scholars that have analysed the United Nations often argue that the Council’s decision-making process is driven by the interests of the five permanent members who possess veto power. Thus, it is widely believed that, members that have continuous membership and veto power not only affect the passage of resolutions but also prevent certain issues from entering the agenda through the threat of a veto. While veto-wielding member states can use the veto to bargain their positions, non-permanent members of the Council can have limited influence on the agenda due to the unequal distribution of power. The power-politics argument is widely discussed in the literature of the United Nations; however, limited systematic analytical research has been done to understand how countries other than big powers exercise their influence in the UN Security Council, despite lacking the right to veto power. To contribute to the understanding of the power-politics argument, ways in which emerging countries influence the agenda will be identified. This research report analyses whether and how South Africa delivered on the promise to pursue African interests during its tenure in the UNSC in 2011-2012. This study embarks on content analysis of selected South African interventions and reports regarding African issues in the UNSC. / Mini Dissertation (MDIPS)--University of Pretoria, 2018. / Political Sciences / MDIPS / Unrestricted

Hur gestaltas Black Lives Matter i svenska tidningar? : En gestaltningsanalys av Aftonbladet och Dagens Nyheters nyhetsrapportering, delvis baserad på tidigare forskning om hur amerikansk media gestaltat BLM-rörelsen

Aslan, Dilan, Ericsson, Josefine January 2020 (has links)
The aim of this essay is to identify frames found in previous research on US media reporting on Black Lives Matter in two Swedish national newspapers, Aftonbladet and Dagens Nyheter. Other frames not found in US media were also identified. This analysis is essential as it is important to understand how societal challenges and problems are framed by the media, telling the public what the problem is and how it can be solved, shaping norms and opinions. A quantitative and qualitative content analysis is performed to answer the research questions; 1) The frames in US media: anti-black, pro-white, stereotype and episodic, are they found in Aftonbladet and Dagens Nyheter news articles during the period May 25th to June 25th? 2) How are the frames solidarity, anti-racism, violent demonstrations and police brutality used in Aftonbladet and Dagens Nyheter? 3) Are there episodic and thematic frames in Aftonbladet and Dagens Nyheter during the period?  We make use of Shanto Iyengar’s theory on episodic and thematic, Maxwell McCombs and Donald Shaw's agenda-setting theory and Robert Entman's framing theory. The essay concludes that frames used in US media are not used at all or only used in a very limited number of articles. The result also shows that other frames, not previously used in US media, dominated the Swedish reporting. The last result shows that the episodic frame dominates the articles. Our hope is that this essay complements the current research area with a Swedish perspective on how the media frame the Black Lives Matter movement.

Fashion-brand Experiences in Multi-channel Retailing: Impacts of Experience Dimensions and Experience Types on Brand Resonance

Evans, Leslie J. 12 1900 (has links)
The brand behind the garment is what gives the product popularity, relevance to the consumer, and overall profitability. As time passes, markets are becoming flooded with more brands that inherently provide the commodities. As a result, fashion marketers must put more time and investment into stipulating ways for which their brand can reach a select target consumer and enhance repeat purchase intentions with their competitive differentiations. As their efforts engage, an experiential perspective emerges in the fashion industry. By comparing fashion brands and their different distribution channels, the objectives of this study are to identify consumers’ perceptions of fashion brand experience dimensions and experience types, and to investigate the effect of brand experience dimensions and types on brand resonance. Upon extending Schmitt and Brakus, Schmitt, and Zarantonello’s experience dimensions and types, in conjunction with Keller’s brand resonance model, 12 out of 20 hypotheses confirm the significant impact of consumers experiences on brand resonance by analyzing the data (n = 374) from a university in the United States. Sensory and affective experiences are primary factors for establishing fashion brand association, while cognitive and relational driven experiences lead to establishing fashion brand loyalty. Sensory, affective, and relational experiences affect both product and store type experiences, while only product experience affects brand resonance. With the depiction of different brand effects, this study concludes that while Forever 21 may focus on relational experiences with the consumer, Gap utilizes positive cognitive experiences to develop a link to brand loyalty and fashion product reliability.

Performance Improvement in the Clinical Setting

Michael, Gary E. 01 September 2008 (has links)
No description available.

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