Spelling suggestions: "subject:"settlement devevelopment"" "subject:"settlement agentdevelopment""
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Holding the borders of Mount Carmel : A study of management and land issues in a UNESCO Biosphere ReserveJansson, Annie January 2014 (has links)
The establishment of a UNESCO Biosphere indicates a shift from traditional conservation of individual areas towards a more regional approach and an inclusive planning and management regime. This study sets out to investigate the effects of the Biosphere Reserve designation in Mount Carmel, Israel, with special regard to settlement development and stakeholder management. The implications of the Biosphere Reserve designation have been explored through GIS analysis, using LANDSAT satellite data, and through interviews, observations and participatory checking. The empirical findings were analysed in relation to the Biosphere Reserve Statutory Framework, and to theories on territorialisation, space production and participatory planning. The findings suggest that the Biosphere Reserve designation have had very limited effects in the case of Mount Carmel. Settlements have continued to expand into protected areas, and there is no organised structure for stakeholder participation. This study underlines the value of considering context and history in the establishment of protected areas, and the importance of establishing the Biosphere Reserve concept among the different stakeholders. / GLEAN - A Global Survey of Learning, Participation and Ecosystem Management in Biosphere Reserves
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Mountain and sea : settlement and economy in late antique Lycia, Isauria and north central AnatoliaTerpoy, Kristina January 2018 (has links)
This thesis is an interdisciplinary comparative analysis of the socio-economic developments of three regions in Anatolia: Lycia, Isauria and north central Anatolia in the late antique period (c. AD 330-600s). I present the most up-to-date picture of late antique settlement in these regions by collating recent evidence, particularly amphorae and settlement remains, derived from research conducted in these regions over the past few decades. From this picture, I analyse what the location of settlement and archeological remains within sites may reveal concerning the ways in which settlements participated in local, region and interregional exchange networks. As these three regions share the common geographic features of bordering major maritime areas and encompassing mountainous interiors, I examine how geography may have impacted the location of settlement and the movement of goods and people. By integrating areas located on opposite Anatolian coastlines, I examine how differing maritime networks may have impacted settlement development. This tripartite comparison attempts to establish northern Anatolia alongside its southern counterpart in the discourse of late antique economy and settlement development. Alongside this regional analysis, I discuss methodological considerations, such as the ways in which the current state of research and various research methods impact our analysis and interpretation of late antique settlement development. This study reveals that sub-regions within Lycia, Isauria and north central Anatolia developed in diverse ways and that the ways in which each region participated in wider exchange differed. I argue that overarching narratives of development, such as 'prosperity' and 'decline' do not accurately reflect the development of these regions. In sum, this thesis contributes an up-to-date analysis of the settlement development of Lycia, Isauria and north central Anatolia to the wider discourse of late antique regional development, which engages and challenges discourse surrounding the economic development of these regions in Late Antiquity.
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This thesis inquires into the transformative potentials and possibilities of attending specifically to matters of occupation, settlement and development for rearticulating discourses and knowledge relations on homelessness to undermine the projects of separation of land from body. Through an historiographical analysis applied to the National Housing Strategy (NHS), Reaching Home (RH), and Housing First (HF), as contemporary Canadian iterations of housing and homelessness policy and practice, this work critically examines representations, attentions, and omissions to understand, engage, and intervene on considerations of the common projects that constitute discourses on homelessness. This analysis found that contemporary understandings communicate and define the homeless body as an identity of lack, novel to the neoliberal contemporary that omit attentions to homelessness as a colonial capitalist process implicated in ongoing, relational, and severed histories of violence. This work also revealed that NHS, RH, and HF operationalize solutions to ending homelessness through abstracted/eugenic ‘expert’ medicalized, liberalized, and market-based systems/taxonomies of worth that reify/silo/silence/erase knowledges through and by embodied projects and discourses of ‘rights’, justice, care, and help. While NHS, RH, and HF claim ‘housing as a right’ and advocate deinstitutionalization via a discourse of ‘choice’ in a market system, this work revealed these discourses to be part of a redeveloped economic institutionalized politics severed, rearticulated, and managed in the social sphere. These findings are considered as a violence of Land/Body bifurcation possible through and by the imposition of claims on body and land in the creation and maintenance of ideal citizen subjects as settlement subjectivities becoming self-determined rights holders, consumers, tenants, and citizen placeholders in a commodified market for home. Overall, this project aims to contribute to a resistance of the severing violence of occupation, settlement, and development through an ontology of Land/Body simultaneity offering possibilities for transformational intervention into the context from which the ideas of homeless bodies and landscapes emerge. / Thesis / Master of Social Work (MSW)
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Vývoj osídlení ve zvolených lokalitách v příhraničním regionuMICHÁLKOVÁ, Tereza January 2019 (has links)
The topic of the thesis is the development of settlement in the borderland, especially in Prachatice region. The thesis is divided into literary and practical part. The literary part is divided into five chapters. In the first two chapters, the reader is familiarized with the concept of the borderland, then with the term Sudetenland. Furthermore, the literary part deals with the history of settlement in our country, beginning with prehistoric times, through the arrival of the Slavs, great colonization, the Hussite war, the Thirty Years' War, the abolition of serfdom and also it focuses on historical evolution of the 20th century. Furthermore, the history of settlements focuses on the settlement in the Bohemian forest (well-known as Šumava in czech language), where the reader is primarily informed about the period of occupation and post-war events. At the end of the literary part there is an overview of factors that influenced rural development until now. The main part of the thesis is mainly practical. It is based on the family tree of the author and focuses on the villages where the family lived or still has been living. Some villages have been saved and preserved after the World War II., some villages were destroyed and disappeared from the maps after the Germans moved away. The practical part maps each of these villages, describes their development and records how the villages looked on the maps of land and cadestral register and how they have changed into today's form during history.
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Neue Entwicklungen und Analyseergebnisse des Monitors der Siedlungs- und Freiraumentwicklung sowie Schlussfolgerungen für das FlächenmonitoringMeinel, Gotthard, Krüger, Tobias, Schumacher, Ulrich, Hennersdorf, Jörg, Förster, Jochen 02 February 2015 (has links) (PDF)
Der Beitrag stellt aktuelle Entwicklungen und Ergebnisse im Monitor der Siedlungs- und Freiraumentwicklung (IÖR-Monitor) vor. Da die Umstellung des ATKIS Basis-DLM als wichtigste Datengrundlage des Monitors auf das neue AAA-Modell inzwischen weit fortgeschritten ist, wurde das Flächenschema des Monitors angepasst, sodass nun ein weitestgehend konsistenter räumlicher und zeitlicher Vergleich alter und neuer ATKIS-Modelldaten möglich ist. Der neue Indikator „Bebauter Siedlungs- und Verkehrsflächenanteil“ ermöglicht eine Abschätzung der urbanen Entwicklung unabhängig von Sport-, Freizeit- und Erholungsflächen, wie es u. a. die Ministerkonferenz für Raumordnung (MKRO) fordert. Inzwischen werden die Indikatoren im IÖR-Monitor zusätzlich kleinräumig als Rasterkarten dargestellt und ermöglichen damit auch innergemeindliche Aussagen zur Flächennutzungsstruktur und ihrer Entwicklung. Es deutet sich an, dass die Flächennutzungsentwicklung mithilfe der Monitor-Indikatoren verlässlicher als mit den Daten der amtlichen Flächenerhebung bewertet werden kann. Das amtliche Liegenschaftsbuch (in Zukunft ALKIS) als deren Datengrundlage weist beim Flächennutzungseintrag und seiner Aktualisierung deutliche Schwächen gegenüber den zyklisch aktualisierten geotopographischen Basisdaten (ATKIS Basis-DLM) des IÖR-Monitors auf.
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Spatial analysis, quantification and evaluation of developments in settlement structure based on topographic geodataSchorcht, Martin 25 October 2023 (has links)
As the global population continues to grow, urbanization is one of the most significant anthropogenic processes linked to ecological change. But even in countries where the overall population is stagnating, migratory movements toward urban centres will continue to place pressure on the finite resource of land. Therefore, it is particularly important to determine and describe the development of settlement areas as precisely as possible in order to inform spatial planning decisions. For this reason, this dissertation presents vector-based methods to analyse, quantify and evaluate small-scale changes in settlement area. In this work, which constitutes a cumulative dissertation, novel methods are described that can be used to determine not only areal change in settlement and traffic areas (SuV), but also the type of building change and urban densification. This is of particular interest for the spatial planning of expanding metropolitan areas, where the question arises: Where, how and to which extent can built-up areas be further densified in order to reduce the consumption of land for new settlement areas? The methods presented here can facilitate spatially detailed analyses and already form the basis for a nationwide monitoring of settlement and open space development.
This work shows how geometric deviations and changes in the underlying data model can be taken into account when determining SuV growth from data of the Authoritative Topographic-Cartographic Information System (ATKIS). In this context, positional inaccuracies of linearly and arealy modelled geometries are each treated in a special way so that minor positional offsets no longer affect the SuV increase. In addition, changes in the data model are accommodated by disregarding specific object reallocations when determining the SuV increase. To test these methods, the SuV increase was determined and analysed for Germany using national ATKIS data sets that feature geometric positional inaccuracies and data model changes. It could be shown that a considerable share of the calculated SuV increase is not due to real-world changes but to modelling issues.
Furthermore, a novel method for the detection of building changes is presented, which focuses on the differentiation between modified and replaced buildings. It could be shown that this new approach is more accurate than other investigated methods. Furthermore, an algorithm was developed in this work to generate defined location deviations. This could be used to show how position deviations affect the accuracy of the examined procedures. The threshold values determined in this work can form the basis for similar investigations.
In addition, an indicator was developed to track changes in building density. This indicator not only reflects the extent of building change but also the size of the existing building stock. Moreover, the indicator was designed in such a way as to allow comparison of the densification of developed and undeveloped areas, and thus also inner and outer urban areas. Furthermore, the indicator can be used to symmetrically calculate a decrease in the building stock, enabling a comparison of densification and de-densification processes.:1. Introduction
1.1 Motivation
1.2 Problem description
1.3 Aims
1.4 Structure
2. Dissertation main articles
2.1 Measuring land take in Germany
2.2 Detecting building change
2.3 Indicator for building densification
3. Methods for measuring settlement changes
3.1 Measuring changes through land use data
3.2 Detection of building changes
3.3 Measuring changes in building density
4. Main findings
4.1 Effects of non-real changes on land take
4.2 Distinguishing building modification and replacement
4.3 Impact of building changes on building density
4.4 How the articles are connected
4.5 Additional relevant publications
5. Conclusion and Outlook
List of figures
List of author’s publications
Conference Papers
Appendix with publications
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Östra Aros : bebyggelsen i Uppsala och dess utveckling fram till 1270 i arkeologisk belysning / Östra Aros : an archaeological review of the settlement in Uppsala and its development until 1270 ADKjellberg, Joakim January 2010 (has links)
<p>This thesis rewievs present day research on the settlement of Östra Aros in central Sweden. The thesis deals with the period from late Iron age to about 1270 AD, when the Swedish archdiocese moved to the already existing early-medieval settlement of Östra Aros, thus becoming the medieval town of Uppsala. The basis of the thesis is the study of a variety of source materials, such as artefact studies, runestones, topography and the prehistoric and early medieval hinterland. The thesis centers on archaeological excavation data and dating of settlement structures, particularly focusing on the settlements establishment. Through a critical review of primarily the written record and the archaeological data, the settlements characteristics and functions are discussed, emphasising when and if the settlement could be described as a town, central- or trading place.</p>
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Flächennutzungsmonitoring - aktuelle Ergebnisse und Entwicklungen im IÖR-MonitorMeinel, Gotthard, Krüger, Tobias, Schumacher, Ulrich, Hennersdorf, Jörg, Förster, Jochen, Köhler, Christiane, Walz, Ulrich, Stein, Christian 10 February 2015 (has links) (PDF)
Nach Darstellung der Anforderungen an ein zeitgemäßes Flächennutzungsmonitoring werden aktuelle Ergebnisse des Monitors der Siedlungs- und Freiraumentwicklung (IÖR-Monitor) vorgestellt. Diese beruhen insbesondere auf der Analyse topographischen Geobasisdaten von 2012 (mittlere Grundaktualität 2010). Die Siedlungs- und Verkehrsfläche steigt danach weiter ungemindert, sodass keine Entwarnung bzgl. des Erreichens der Flächensparziele gegeben werden kann. Da sich der IÖR-Monitor insbesondere auf die Auswertung des ATKIS Basis-DLM stützt, werden dessen jüngste Entwicklungen mit den Aspekten Aktualität und AAA-Migration vorgestellt. Erstmals werden die Ergebnisse des IÖR-Monitors durch Migrationseffekte geringfügig beeinflusst, die im Detail dargestellt werden. Anschließend werden neue Indikatoren der Kategorie Siedlung (Bodenversiegelungsgrad), Gebäude (Gebäudedichte und -überbauungsgrad) sowie Landschaftsqualität (Anteil naturbetonter Flächen und Hemerobieindex) erläutert. Inzwischen ist auch die kleinräumige Indikatordarstellung in Form von Rasterkarten bis 100-m-Rasterweite in einem integrierten Detailviewer mit GIS-Funktionalität möglich. Die technische Realisierung und die verfügbaren Indikatorkarten werden kurz vorgestellt. Der Beitrag schließt mit einem Ausblick auf die nächsten Arbeiten im IÖR-Monitor ab.
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Östra Aros : bebyggelsen i Uppsala och dess utveckling fram till 1270 i arkeologisk belysning / Östra Aros : an archaeological review of the settlement in Uppsala and its development until 1270 ADKjellberg, Joakim January 2010 (has links)
This thesis rewievs present day research on the settlement of Östra Aros in central Sweden. The thesis deals with the period from late Iron age to about 1270 AD, when the Swedish archdiocese moved to the already existing early-medieval settlement of Östra Aros, thus becoming the medieval town of Uppsala. The basis of the thesis is the study of a variety of source materials, such as artefact studies, runestones, topography and the prehistoric and early medieval hinterland. The thesis centers on archaeological excavation data and dating of settlement structures, particularly focusing on the settlements establishment. Through a critical review of primarily the written record and the archaeological data, the settlements characteristics and functions are discussed, emphasising when and if the settlement could be described as a town, central- or trading place.
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Neue Entwicklungen und Analyseergebnisse des Monitors der Siedlungs- und Freiraumentwicklung sowie Schlussfolgerungen für das FlächenmonitoringMeinel, Gotthard, Krüger, Tobias, Schumacher, Ulrich, Hennersdorf, Jörg, Förster, Jochen January 2012 (has links)
Der Beitrag stellt aktuelle Entwicklungen und Ergebnisse im Monitor der Siedlungs- und Freiraumentwicklung (IÖR-Monitor) vor. Da die Umstellung des ATKIS Basis-DLM als wichtigste Datengrundlage des Monitors auf das neue AAA-Modell inzwischen weit fortgeschritten ist, wurde das Flächenschema des Monitors angepasst, sodass nun ein weitestgehend konsistenter räumlicher und zeitlicher Vergleich alter und neuer ATKIS-Modelldaten möglich ist. Der neue Indikator „Bebauter Siedlungs- und Verkehrsflächenanteil“ ermöglicht eine Abschätzung der urbanen Entwicklung unabhängig von Sport-, Freizeit- und Erholungsflächen, wie es u. a. die Ministerkonferenz für Raumordnung (MKRO) fordert. Inzwischen werden die Indikatoren im IÖR-Monitor zusätzlich kleinräumig als Rasterkarten dargestellt und ermöglichen damit auch innergemeindliche Aussagen zur Flächennutzungsstruktur und ihrer Entwicklung. Es deutet sich an, dass die Flächennutzungsentwicklung mithilfe der Monitor-Indikatoren verlässlicher als mit den Daten der amtlichen Flächenerhebung bewertet werden kann. Das amtliche Liegenschaftsbuch (in Zukunft ALKIS) als deren Datengrundlage weist beim Flächennutzungseintrag und seiner Aktualisierung deutliche Schwächen gegenüber den zyklisch aktualisierten geotopographischen Basisdaten (ATKIS Basis-DLM) des IÖR-Monitors auf.
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