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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

A ocupação pré-colonial da região dos Lagos, RJ: sistema de assentamento e relações intersocietais entre grupos sambaquianos e grupos ceramistas Tupinambá e da tradição Una / The precolumbian occupation of "Região dos Lagos, RJ": settlement system and intersocietal relationships between sambaqui groups and Tupinambá and Una tradition

Márcia Barbosa da Costa Guimarães 10 July 2007 (has links)
A pesquisa teve por objetivo compreender o sistema de assentamento dos grupos sambaquianos que ocuparam o Complexo Lagunar de Saquarema entre 6.600-1.500 anos cal BP. Tendo por base o pressuposto de que o estudo da continuidade e da mudança é fundamental para o desenvolvimento de estudos regionais, foi construído um modelo onde dois fatores, mudança ambiental e contato intersocietal, influenciaram o processo de transformação sociocultural verificado entre os grupos sambaquianos. Assim, embora partilhassem traços comuns, o que lhes permitia manter um caráter identitário - podendo esse ser vislumbrado num sistema de assentamento onde as relações sociais se davam em função da laguna de Saquarema - os grupos sambaquianos apresentavam diferenças entre si, resultado de um longo processo adaptativo. A gradual mudança na disponibilidade de recursos malacológicos acabou por resultar no fortalecimento de um grupo sobre outro. Os melhores adaptados, representados pelos ocupantes dos sambaquis de Saquarema e da Pontinha, tiveram contato com grupos ceramistas relacionados à tradição Una, ocupantes do sítio Ilha dos Macacos. Tal contato pôde ser verificado através do aparato tecnológico (predomínio absoluto dos artefatos de lascamento), pela adoção de novas práticas funerárias (cremação, manipulação de ossos humanos) e pela concomitância das ocupações. Assim, por volta de 2.000 anos cal AP, esse contato, somado a um processo que já vinha se desenvolvendo no interior do sistema, marcou o início do colapso da sociedade sambaquiana no Complexo Lagunar de Saquarema. / This research aimed contributing to the understanding of the settlement pattern of sambaqui dwellers who occupied the Saquarema lagoonar system (Rio de Janeiro State, Brazil) between 6600 and 1500 cal years BP. It considers the premise that studies of continuity and change are the base to the development of regional synthesis. The model developed presumes that two factors, environmental change and intersocietary contact, have influenced the processes of sociocultural change in the sambaqui society. From this point of view, it is suggested that, although sambaqui people shared common characteristics that allowed them to keep an identity, sambaqui groups presented differences between each other, which resulted from a long adaptative process. This identitary character may be recognized in their settlement pattern, in which social relationships were established in relation with the Saquarema Lagoon. However, gradual changes in the availability of malacological resources induced the reinforcement of some groups over the others. Better-adapted groups, represented by the occupants of sambaquis Saquarema and Pontinha, have established contacts with ceramists related to Una tradition, who occupied Ilha dos Macacos. This contact is attested by the characteristics of the technological apparatus (absolute predominance of flaked artifacts), by the adoption of new funerary practices (cremation, manipulation of human bones) and by the concomitance of occupations. Around 2000 cal years BP, this contact, associated to a process that had already been developing inside the sambaqui system, marked the beginning of the collapse of the sambaqui society in the Saquarema lagoonar system.

L'interprétation par l'organe d'appel de l'OMC à l'aune de l'objectif de sécurité juridique / Interpretation by the WTO Appellate Body and legal certainty

Legendre Le Cloarec, Mathilde 07 December 2013 (has links)
L’interprétation des dispositions des accords de l’OMC constitue l’enjeu principal de la phase d’appel du système de règlement des différends. Ce processus intellectuel vise à établir le sens des normes. La compétence d’interprétation procure donc un pouvoir normatif important que l’Organe d’appel est, en pratique, le seul à détenir en dernier ressort à l’OMC. Cependant, elle est encadrée par l’obligation, imposée par le Mémorandum d’accord sur les règles et procédures régissant le règlement des différends, d’assurer la sécurité et la prévisibilité du système commercial multilatéral. Or, l’interprétation est une opération, par nature, quasi discrétionnaire. Elle ne peut donc théoriquement pas répondre à l’objectif de sécurité. Cette thèse montre que l’Organe d’appel parvient pourtant à faire face à ce double défi : procurer, par le biais de l’interprétation, un sentiment de sécurité juridique aux membres, et assurer un minimum de sécurité juridique au système. L’Organe d’appel a conscience que l’interprétation est avant tout perçue comme une opération technique et soigne sa mise en œuvre. Sa technique interprétative rationnelle, sans être en mesure de garantir la prévisibilité, lui permet néanmoins de procurer aux membres de l’OMC un sentiment de sécurité juridique. Sa politique interprétative, basée sur l’intégration du droit de l’OMC dans le système juridique international et sur le développement et le maintien de l’unité du système OMC, lui permet, quant à elle, d’instaurer de facto une situation de relative sécurité juridique. L’Organe d’appel parvient ainsi à faire de la sécurité juridique un principe d’interprétation. / The interpretation of WTO rules is the main stake of the appeal stage of the Dispute Settlement System. This intellectual process aims at establishing the meaning of the rules. The Appellate Body has thus a strong normative power. Moreover it is de facto the only one to exercise this competence without appeal. However, this competence is limited by the Understanding on Rules and Procedures Governing the Settlement of Disputes which requires the Appellate Body to provide security and predictability to the multilateral trading system. Yet, interpretation is a near discretionary operation by nature and cannot, in theory, meet the security goal. This study demonstrates that the Appellate Body, though, manages to face this double challenge. It has to bring, thanks to interpretation, a security feeling to the WTO Members and to provide security to the system. The Appellate Body is careful about the implementation of interpretation because it is aware that interpretation is above all understood as a technical operation. Its interpretative technique is rational and, even if it is not able to ensure predictability, it brings the Members a security feeling. Its interpretative policy is based on the integration of WTO law in the international legal system and on the development and preservation of unity of the WTO system. It establishes a situation of relative legal certainty. In this way, the Appellate Body manages to use legal certainty as an interpretative principle.

Território e estratégia de assentamento Guarani na planície sudoeste da Laguna dos Patos e Serra do Sudeste-RS / Guarani settlement strategy and territory on the Southwest plain of Laguna dos Patos and Southeast Mountain Range - RS

Rafael Guedes Milheira 13 June 2008 (has links)
A dissertação Território e Estratégia de Assentamento Guarani na Planície Sudoeste da Laguna dos Patos e Serra do Sudeste - RS teve como objetivo central realizar um estudo de arqueologia regional, em que se buscou compreender as relações sistêmicas de ocupação Guarani no espaço que engloba as terras baixas da margem sudoeste da Laguna dos Patos e as terras altas da Serra do Sudeste. A partir de uma abordagem regional, buscou-se identificar e analisar sítios arqueológicos, mapear e compreender suas situações de conservação, bem como estudar as estruturas arqueológicas e os conjuntos artefatuais, para então pensar a ocupação Guarani nas suas relações de distribuição territorial e seus significados funcionais, econômicos e simbólicos. Neste sentido, a articulação dos dados da distribuição espacial dos sítios arqueológicos, da sistematização das análises tecnotipológicas, da composição dos sítios arqueológicos e das informações etnográficas e etnohistóricas, permitiram constituir um panorama histórico de longa duração, em que se constatou que os grupos Guarani empreenderam estratégias de manutenção de redes sociais e contatos inter-culturais, constituindo um domínio de território que se articula entre os distintos estratos ambientais da região. / The dissertation Guarani Settlement Strategy and Territory on the Southwest Plain of Laguna dos Patos and Southeast Mountain Range - RS has had as the central aim to make a study of regional archaeology, which it has been searched to comprehend the systemic relations of Guarani occupation on a space that takes the low land from Laguna dos Patos southwest border and the high land from southeast mountain range (Serra do Sudeste). From a regional approach, it has searched to identify and to analyze archeological sites, to survey and to comprehend their conservative situation, as well as it has aimed to study the archeological structures and artifact ensemble, so then we can realize the Guarani occupation on its territorial distribution and their functional, economical, and symbolical meanings. On this way, the association of the archeological settlement spatial data distribution, of the techno-tipological analyses systematization, of the archeological sites composition and of the ethnografic and ethnohistorical information, it has allowed to build up a long duration historic view, in which was realized the Guarani groups undertook social web maintenance strategies and intercultural contacts, constituting a territory dominion that articulates itself between the distinct environmental stratum of the region.

Системи насеља у Срему / Sistemi naselja u Sremu / Settlement systems in Srem

Đerčan Bojan 02 February 2015 (has links)
<p>Предмет истраживања докторске дисертације под називом Системи насеља у&nbsp;<br />Срему јесте детерминисање просторне и функцијске&nbsp; организације Срема на&nbsp;<br />основу степена развијености просторно-функцијских веза и односа у мрежи&nbsp;<br />насеља Срема. Циљ истраживања је да се идентификују, сагледају и научно&nbsp;<br />објасне проблеми развоја просторно-функцијских односа и веза, односно&nbsp;<br />просторне и функцијске организације система насеља у Срему. Задатак&nbsp;<br />истраживања је да се истражи утицај природне основе на настанак, распоред и&nbsp;<br />развој насеља у мрежи, сагледа развој, размештај и динамика становништва,<br />утврде законитости развоја система насеља, утврде карактеристике система<br />насеља и типологије насеља, одреди хијерархија насеља у мрежи, утврди стање,&nbsp;односи и процеси у мрежи насеља, истраже ставови становништва о просторно-функционалним карактеристикама и квалитету живота у Срему, утврде&nbsp;потенцијали као основа&nbsp; развоја и предвиди скуп мера и инструмената којима ће&nbsp;се у будућности утицати на уравнотежен развој насеља у систему.</p><p>Методолошки поступци примењени у овом раду базирани су на научном<br />објашњењу фактора настанка и развоја урбане мреже, феномена урбано-руралних веза и односа између насеља, утврђивању њихове хијерархије и<br />квалитативне оцене задовољства животом у тим насељима. Методолошки<br />инструменти који су примењени у овом истраживању базирали су се најпре на<br />општим научним методама са посебним освртом апликације комплексног<br />географског метода и ГИС методологије. Поред дескриптивних статистичких<br />метода у раду су коришћени и Пирсонов коефицијент корелације, &chi;2&nbsp; &ndash;&nbsp; тест, Ман<br />&ndash;&nbsp; Витнијев тест и Тест хомогености. За приказивање мултиваријантних података<br />примењена је метода Чернофових лица.</p><p>Разултати анализе су показали да је систем насеља Срема подсистем мреже<br />насеља Војводине, који има сложену и динамичну просторно-функцијску<br />структуру, а чија је организација израз интеракције бројних унутрашњих и<br />спољашњих фактора произашлих из природно-географских, урбано-историјских,<br />насељских, демографских и социоекономских специфичности територије, те<br />ближег и даљег окружења. Физичкогеографске детерминанте су имале незнатан<br />утицај на савремени развој система насеља у Срему, док су друштвеногеографски фактори били одлучујући у формирању савремене мреже насеља. Мрежа насеља је хијерархијског типа без изражене урбане примарности једног града. У систему насеља је изражена хијерархијска доминација централих насеља видљива на основу дневне покретљивости становништва. Теренска истраживања и спровођење упитника су показала да становништво Срема није задовољно својим животним стандардом, а као главни проблеми наводе се незапосленост и ниски приходи.</p><p>Приказане анализе објашњавају ток социјалногеографских процеса и<br />структурних промена у систему насеља, подразумевајући при том временску и<br />просторну димензију. С тим у вези, концепт примењен у овој докторској<br />дисертацији, који се зазнива на демографско-социјалним и просторно-функционалним односима, а поготово због укључивања мишљења локалног<br />становништва, омогућава комплексно сагледавање, планирање и усмеравање<br />укупних развојних процеса у датом простору и времену.</p> / <p>Predmet istraživanja doktorske disertacije pod nazivom Sistemi naselja u&nbsp;<br />Sremu jeste determinisanje prostorne i funkcijske&nbsp; organizacije Srema na&nbsp;<br />osnovu stepena razvijenosti prostorno-funkcijskih veza i odnosa u mreži&nbsp;<br />naselja Srema. Cilj istraživanja je da se identifikuju, sagledaju i naučno&nbsp;<br />objasne problemi razvoja prostorno-funkcijskih odnosa i veza, odnosno&nbsp;<br />prostorne i funkcijske organizacije sistema naselja u Sremu. Zadatak&nbsp;<br />istraživanja je da se istraži uticaj prirodne osnove na nastanak, raspored i&nbsp;<br />razvoj naselja u mreži, sagleda razvoj, razmeštaj i dinamika stanovništva,<br />utvrde zakonitosti razvoja sistema naselja, utvrde karakteristike sistema<br />naselja i tipologije naselja, odredi hijerarhija naselja u mreži, utvrdi stanje,&nbsp;odnosi i procesi u mreži naselja, istraže stavovi stanovništva o prostorno-funkcionalnim karakteristikama i kvalitetu života u Sremu, utvrde&nbsp;potencijali kao osnova&nbsp; razvoja i predvidi skup mera i instrumenata kojima će&nbsp;se u budućnosti uticati na uravnotežen razvoj naselja u sistemu.</p><p>Metodološki postupci primenjeni u ovom radu bazirani su na naučnom<br />objašnjenju faktora nastanka i razvoja urbane mreže, fenomena urbano-ruralnih veza i odnosa između naselja, utvrđivanju njihove hijerarhije i<br />kvalitativne ocene zadovoljstva životom u tim naseljima. Metodološki<br />instrumenti koji su primenjeni u ovom istraživanju bazirali su se najpre na<br />opštim naučnim metodama sa posebnim osvrtom aplikacije kompleksnog<br />geografskog metoda i GIS metodologije. Pored deskriptivnih statističkih<br />metoda u radu su korišćeni i Pirsonov koeficijent korelacije, &chi;2&nbsp; &ndash;&nbsp; test, Man<br />&ndash;&nbsp; Vitnijev test i Test homogenosti. Za prikazivanje multivarijantnih podataka<br />primenjena je metoda Černofovih lica.</p><p>Razultati analize su pokazali da je sistem naselja Srema podsistem mreže<br />naselja Vojvodine, koji ima složenu i dinamičnu prostorno-funkcijsku<br />strukturu, a čija je organizacija izraz interakcije brojnih unutrašnjih i<br />spoljašnjih faktora proizašlih iz prirodno-geografskih, urbano-istorijskih,<br />naseljskih, demografskih i socioekonomskih specifičnosti teritorije, te<br />bližeg i daljeg okruženja. Fizičkogeografske determinante su imale neznatan<br />uticaj na savremeni razvoj sistema naselja u Sremu, dok su društvenogeografski faktori bili odlučujući u formiranju savremene mreže naselja. Mreža naselja je hijerarhijskog tipa bez izražene urbane primarnosti jednog grada. U sistemu naselja je izražena hijerarhijska dominacija centralih naselja vidljiva na osnovu dnevne pokretljivosti stanovništva. Terenska istraživanja i sprovođenje upitnika su pokazala da stanovništvo Srema nije zadovoljno svojim životnim standardom, a kao glavni problemi navode se nezaposlenost i niski prihodi.</p><p>Prikazane analize objašnjavaju tok socijalnogeografskih procesa i<br />strukturnih promena u sistemu naselja, podrazumevajući pri tom vremensku i<br />prostornu dimenziju. S tim u vezi, koncept primenjen u ovoj doktorskoj<br />disertaciji, koji se zazniva na demografsko-socijalnim i prostorno-funkcionalnim odnosima, a pogotovo zbog uključivanja mišljenja lokalnog<br />stanovništva, omogućava kompleksno sagledavanje, planiranje i usmeravanje<br />ukupnih razvojnih procesa u datom prostoru i vremenu.</p> / <p>The research subject of the doctoral dissertation entitled Settlement systems Srem is&nbsp;spatial and functional organization determination of Srem based on the development&nbsp;degree of spatial and functional relations and connections within the &nbsp;Srem region&nbsp;settlement network. The aim of&nbsp; the research is to identify, consider and &nbsp;explain the&nbsp;development problems of spatial and functional relationships and connections, ie the&nbsp;spatial and functional organization of the settlement system in Srem. The task of&nbsp;research is to investigate the influence of the natural base of the formation,&nbsp;development and arrangement of settlements in the network, to examine the&nbsp;development, deployment and dynamics of the population, to determine the legality of&nbsp;the development of the settlements system, to identif y the features of the settlements&nbsp;system and settlements typology, to determine the hierarchy of settlements in the&nbsp;network, to determine the condition, relationships and processes in the settlements&nbsp;network, to explore the attitudes of the population on spatial-functional &nbsp;characteristics&nbsp;and quality of life in Srem, to identify resources as a basis for further development and&nbsp;to provide a set of measures and instruments that will influence the balanced&nbsp;development of settlements in the system in the future.</p><p>The methodological procedures applied in this research are based on the scientific&nbsp;explanation of the factors of origin and development of urban networks, the&nbsp;phenomenon of urban-rural relations, determining their hierarchy and a qualitative&nbsp;assessment of life satisfaction in these settlements. Methodological tools &nbsp;applied in this research are based primarily on general scientific methods with special &nbsp;eference to applications of complex geographical methods and GIS &nbsp;methodology. In addition to&nbsp;descriptive statistical methods, the Pearson correlation coefficient, &chi;2&nbsp; -&nbsp; test, Man&nbsp; -Whitney test and the Test of homogeneity were used. &nbsp;Chernoff faces method was&nbsp;applied to display multivariate data.</p><p>The results of the analysis indicated that the settlement system of Srem presents &nbsp;ojvodina‟s subsystem settlements, which has a complex and dynamic spatial and &nbsp;functional structure, where organization is a consequence of the interactions of many &nbsp;internal and external factors arising from natural-geographic, urban and historical, &nbsp;demographic and socioeconomic specifics of the territory, as well as closer and &nbsp;further environment. Physical determinants had little impact on the modern &nbsp;development of the settlement system of Srem, while the socio-geographical factors &nbsp;were crucial in the formation of the modern settlement network. Settlement network &nbsp;has a hierarchical type without expressed urban primacy of one city. In the settlement &nbsp;system is expressed the hierarchical dominance of the central settlements visible on the basis of daily commuting. Field research and conduction of the questionnaire &nbsp;have come to the conclusion that the population of Srem is not satisfied with their living standards, and the main issues are unemployment and low income.</p><p>The presented analysis explains the course of socio-geographic processes and&nbsp;structural changes in the settlement system, assuming at the same time temporal and&nbsp;spatial dimensions. In this regard, the concept applied in this doctoral thesis, which is&nbsp;based on the demographic and social and spatial-functional relationships, especially&nbsp;due to the inclusion of opinions of the local population, provides a complex&nbsp;understanding, planning and directing the overall development process in a &nbsp;given space and time.&nbsp;</p>

Centrální depozitář cenných papírů / Central securities depository

Skalný, Jan January 2021 (has links)
Central securities depository Abstract The topic of this diploma thesis is the person of a central securities depository, with a specific focus on its legal regulation. In relation to this topic, two main areas are accentuated - on the one hand, the authorisation procedure of a central securities depository and, on the other hand, its subsequent functioning. The aim of the paper is to comprehensively cover all relevant aspects of the legislation, to reflect on its suitability, assess its necessity, analyse its current issues, and also present its potential future direction. The thesis contains an introduction, five systematically segmented chapters and a conclusion. The first chapter serves as an obligatory introduction to the subject and at first deals with the definition of the financial and capital market. In the second subchapter of this chapter, a brief introduction to the central securities depository and a description of its position within the latter mentioned market takes place. This chapter is then concluded by a segment concerning supervision and its genesis in the Czech Republic. The second chapter tackles the procedure for the authorisation to operate a central securities depository, analysing both the already repealed domestic legislation and the regulation coming from the representatives of...

The World Trade Organization (WTO) Appellate Body crisis: A critical analysis

Dhlamini, Phumelele Tracy 05 August 2021 (has links)
The World Trade Organization (WTO) dispute settlement system is facing unprecedented challenges, following the United States (US) decision to block the appointment of all Appellate Body members. The US has justified its blocking tactic, already implemented since 2017 by raising several procedural and substantive concerns with the Appellate Body's failure to follow WTO rules. On 10 December 2019, the Appellate Body was forced to suspend its activities after the second terms of two of the remaining three members expired. While the WTO dispute settlement system continues to function at the panel stage, the Appellate Body is currently unable to review appeals because it lacks the minimum number of three members required to establish a division. In addition, the collapse of the Appellate Body means that any party to a dispute can block the adoption of a panel report by filing a notice to appeal which is likely to remain in limbo for an indefinite period. Numerous studies have discussed the Appellate Body crisis and its implications for the WTO dispute settlement system. Few, however, have critically analysed the validity of the concerns that the US has raised about the Appellate Body's work over the past few years. Therefore, the purpose of this research is to discuss and critically analyse these concerns to determine whether the Appellate Body has indeed strayed from its limited mandate. In addition, the research will provide recommendations on how to save the appellate stage and ensure that appeals are resolved while WTO members attempt to find permanent solutions to this unprecedented crisis.

區塊鏈應用:台灣股票結算交割系統 / Blockchain application:Taiwan stock clearing and settlement system

王肇遷 Unknown Date (has links)
區塊鏈技術藉著比特幣而發揚光大,經過將近十年的考驗,區塊鏈被視為足 以改變全球經濟模式的火紅科技,各種應用的想法如雨後春筍般出現,本文趁勢 提出台灣股票結算交割的區塊鏈應用。本文從最原始的區塊鏈系統——比特幣介 紹起,深入討論區塊鏈運作的機制,包括共識的形成與交易的驗證方式。比特幣 的區塊鏈系統中的某些設定對於股票結算交割來說是缺陷,本文提出改良的方式, 包括許可制的區塊鏈、引入特殊功能節點及採用實名制等,試圖讓區塊鏈技術能 夠完美的應用於結算交割系統。最後分析應用區塊鏈之後所能夠達到的經濟與社 會效益。 / After nearly ten-year challenge, blockchain was known because of Bitcoin, and regarded as the most famous technology that could change the way how the whole world works. Lots of application ideas appear at this moment, this paper tries to follow the trend and discuss about the Taiwan stock clearing and settlement system. Begin with the original blockchain system, Bitcoin, reveal how actually blockchain works including the formation of consensus and the way of transactions verification. There are some defects when implementing the application by using Bitcoin system directly. This thesis proposes the way to improve the blockchain system which includes permission blockchain system, special functional nodes and implementation of real name blockchain system, and try to make modified blockchian system applicable to clearing and settlement system. Last but not least, this thesis analyzes the benefit of economy and society when the application is employed.

Medidas antidumping: devido processo legal à luz das regras da OMC / Antidumping duties: due process of law according to WTO rules

Kramer, Cynthia 03 September 2012 (has links)
Apesar de o fluxo de comércio afetado por medidas antidumping não chegar nem a 1% do comércio global, aproximadamente 20% das disputas na OMC são sobre antidumping. A OMC é um órgão intergovernamental e seu sistema de solução de controvérsias tem por objetivo analisar se as medidas adotadas por seus Membros estão em conformidade com os compromissos assumidos nos acordos abrangidos. O Acordo Antidumping da OMC (ADA) estabelece os procedimentos investigatórios a serem seguidos por seus Membros para combater o dumping que comprovadamente causa dano à indústria doméstica. O objetivo é evitar que sejam adotadas medidas em circunstâncias descabidas, com o mero intuito protecionista de criar barreiras ao comércio. O dumping é uma prática do setor privado e não dos governos. Portanto, não é o dumping que é questionado perante a OMC, e sim a obediência pela autoridade investigadora dos procedimentos investigatórios estabelecidos no ADA. Tanto os órgãos da Administração Pública como a OMC exercem uma função fundamental para que o devido processo legal seja observado em matéria antidumping. A função legislativa é criar as normas que regularão o procedimento, a função executiva é aplicar/monitorar o procedimento, e a função judiciária é verificar se o procedimento tem sido aplicado corretamente. À luz dessas considerações, a tese a ser defendida é que: (i) diante das limitações trazidas aos painéis e ao Órgão de Apelação pelo Artigo 17.6 do ADA, a função do sistema de solução de controvérsias da OMC e dos judiciários nacionais, em matéria antidumping, muito se assemelham: ambos buscam controlar a discricionariedade da autoridade investigadora; (ii) mais efetivo para os importadores e/ou exportadores que pretendem questionar uma medida antidumping seria buscar inicialmente uma solução mediante recurso ao judiciário do país importador. O recurso ao sistema da OMC, além de depender do interesse do governo e ser oneroso, apresenta dificuldades no momento de implementação das recomendações; (iii) entretanto, tendo em vista o despreparo do Judiciário Brasileiro, sugerimos a criação de cortes especializadas; (iv) o recurso ao Judiciário, mesmo perante cortes especializadas, não resolveria os problemas do processo antidumping apontados ao longo da tese. Para sanar, fazemos algumas outras sugestões de mudanças estruturais para aplicação: (a) no âmbito da OMC, com vistas a delimitar a atuação do Órgão de Apelação e garantir segurança jurídica aos Membros; e (b) no âmbito brasileiro, com vistas a modificar a dinâmica das investigações antidumping conduzidas pela autoridade administrativa e assegurar o cumprimento de sua real finalidade. / Despite the fact that the flow of trade affected by anti-dumping measures does not reach 1% of global trade, approximately 20% of the disputes at the WTO are about these measures. The WTO is an intergovernmental organization and its dispute settlement system has the objective of analyzing if the measures adopted by its Members are in accordance with the commitments accepted in the covered agreements. The WTOs Anti-Dumping Agreement (ADA) sets forth the investigation proceedings to be followed by its Members in order to deal with dumping proven to have caused damage to domestic industry. The aim is to avoid that measures are taken under inappropriate circumstances, with the mere protectionist purpose of creating trade barriers. Dumping is a private practice, and not a governmental one. Thus, it is not the practice of dumping itself that is questioned before the WTO, but the obedience by the investigating authority of the proceedings established in the ADA. The Public Administration organs and the WTO are equally responsible by a fundamental role of guaranteeing that the due process of law is respected in the matter of anti-dumping measures. The legislative duty is to create rules that will govern the proceedings, the executive duty is to apply/monitor the proceedings and the judiciary duty is to verify if the proceedings have been applied correctly. In light of these aspects, the thesis to be defended is: (i) considering the limitations to panels and the Appellate Body by Article 17.6 of the ADA, the duties of the WTOs dispute settlement system and the national judiciaries, in terms of anti-dumping, are similar: both try to control the discretion of the investigating authority; (ii) it would be more effective to importers and/or exporters who want to challenge an anti-dumping measure to resort initially to the judiciary system of the importer country. The resort to the WTO system, besides depending on the government`s political interest and being expensive, has difficulties when it comes to implement the recommendations; (iii) in spite of that, considering the lack of preparation of the Brazilian Judiciary, it is suggested the creation of specialized courts; (iv) the resort to the Judiciary, even before specialized courts, would not solve the problems of the anti-dumping process pointed out throughout this thesis. To tackle these problems, we make some other suggestions of structural nature: (a) in what concerns the WTO, aiming at limiting the Appellate Body`s role and guaranteeing legal security to its Members; (b) in what concerns Brazil, aiming at changing the dynamics of the anti-dumping investigations conducted by the administrative authority and securing the fulfillment of its real purpose.

Juridicização das relações internacionais e solução de controvérsias: análise do sistema multilateral de comércio / Juridicization of international relations and dispute settlement : analysis of the multilateral trade system

Silva, Elaini Cristina Gonzaga da 09 May 2007 (has links)
Este trabalho teve por objetivo analisar o processo de juridicização do sistema multilateral de comércio, por meio da aplicação do modelo teórico de K. W. Abbott et aI (2000) e contraposição dos resultados obtidos à análise do recurso a elementos normativos para justificação das decisões emanadas do sistema em procedimentos de solução de controvérsias em que foi suscitado o artigo XX(g) do GATT para defesa da medida questionada. Observou-se que, apesar do nível de juridicidade tenha permanecido praticamente o mesmo da passagem do GATT-1947 para a OMC, o recurso a elementos normativos para motivação das decisões foi incrementado. A hipótese demonstrada pelos resultados desta pesquisa é que o enfoque restrito no processo de institucionalização por meio de tratados não permite que sejam refletidas, no processo de juridicização, as alterações ocasionadas por outros elementos, como foi o caso, na presente pesquisa, das regras relativas à conformação dos órgãos auxiliares, à interpretação e à tomada de decisão - sejam elas originadas em tratados, costumes ou princípios. / This research aims at analyzing the legalization of the multilateral trade system, applying the theory developed by K. W. ABBOTT et al (2000) and confronting the results with the leveI of recourse to normative elements to justify the decisions issued on disputes where Article XX(g) of GA TT was used in defense of the challenged measure. Notwithstanding the fact that the legalization of the system did not alter from the GATT-1947 to WTO, more normative elements are used for motivation of the decisions taken by WTO. The research shows that excessive focus on the process institutionalization by treaties does not reflected the changes brought about by other elements, such as the configuration of the auxiliary organs - panels and Appellate Body - and the rules related to interpretation and decision making - be them customary international law or principIes.

Caminhos e Lugares: modelo de mobilidade e sistema de assentamento entre os proto-Jê meridionais na região de Campo Belo do Sul, SC

D'Ávila, Luísa Nunes 15 August 2017 (has links)
Submitted by Kenia Bernini (kenia.bernini@ufpel.edu.br) on 2018-03-05T14:32:15Z No. of bitstreams: 2 license_rdf: 0 bytes, checksum: d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e (MD5) Luísa_Nunes_d'Ávila_Dissertação.pdf: 24694317 bytes, checksum: a7c43973144ae61497e9accb8c55f824 (MD5) / Approved for entry into archive by Aline Batista (alinehb.ufpel@gmail.com) on 2018-03-05T21:45:23Z (GMT) No. of bitstreams: 2 license_rdf: 0 bytes, checksum: d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e (MD5) Luísa_Nunes_d'Ávila_Dissertação.pdf: 24694317 bytes, checksum: a7c43973144ae61497e9accb8c55f824 (MD5) / Approved for entry into archive by Aline Batista (alinehb.ufpel@gmail.com) on 2018-03-05T21:46:46Z (GMT) No. of bitstreams: 2 license_rdf: 0 bytes, checksum: d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e (MD5) Luísa_Nunes_d'Ávila_Dissertação.pdf: 24694317 bytes, checksum: a7c43973144ae61497e9accb8c55f824 (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2018-03-05T21:46:57Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 2 license_rdf: 0 bytes, checksum: d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e (MD5) Luísa_Nunes_d'Ávila_Dissertação.pdf: 24694317 bytes, checksum: a7c43973144ae61497e9accb8c55f824 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2017-08-15 / Sem bolsa / Busquei, ao longo dessa pesquisa, demonstrar o processo de ocupação Proto-Jê meridional na região de Campo Belo do Sul, e como o sistema de assentamento regional poderia ser pensado e estruturado em relação à mobilidade na paisagem. Articulando as informações foi possível demonstrar padrões de comportamento em relação a diferentes espaços, e como a ocupação regional se estendeu orientada pelos padrões de acessibilidade e visibilidade dos assentamentos, em uma paisagem cultural. Dessa forma, ao relacionar lugares, cultura material e mobilidade, por meio da noção de construção social e uso do espaço, cruzei essa paisagem cultural complexa em quatro camadas: ambiente, por meio da observação, reconstrução e comparação de características ambientais aos padrões culturais; sistema, pensando as dinâmicas de ocupação e uso de espaços diferentes; poder, relacionando os padrões de mobilidade ao controle político e econômico do território, bem como a reafirmação de identidades sócio-culturais; e experiência, na forma de integrar aspectos cognitivos na noção de espacialidade, territorialidade e transitabilidade. Destaco que essas relações são múltiplas, e estão intrinsecamente conectadas no processo de ocupação de 600 anos da região. / Throughout this research, I sought to demonstrate the Southern Proto-Jê occupation process in the Campo Belo do Sul region, and how the regional settlement system could be thought of and structured in relation to landscape mobility. By articulating the information it was possible to demonstrate patterns of behavior in relation to different spaces, and how the regional occupation was extended guided by the standards of accessibility and visibility of the settlements, in a cultural landscape. Thus, by relating places, material culture and mobility, through the notion of social construction and use of space, I crossed this complex cultural landscape into four layers: environment, through observation, reconstruction and comparison of environmental characteristics to cultural standards; system, thinking about the dynamics of occupation and use of different spaces; power, relating the patterns of mobility to the political and economic control of the territory, as well as the reaffirmation of socio-cultural identities; and experience, in the form of integrating cognitive aspects into the notion of spatiality, territoriality and transitability. I point out that these relationships are multiple, and are intrinsically connected in the process of occupying 600 years of the region.

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