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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Quantitative microbial risk assessment: a catchment management tool to delineate buffer distances for on-site sewage treatment and disposal systems in Sydney??s drinking water catchments

Charles, Katrina, Civil & Environmental Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, UNSW January 2009 (has links)
On-site sewage systems, such as septic tank-absorption trenches, are used by approximately 20 000 people who live within the catchments that supply Sydney??s drinking water. These systems discharge sewage, treated to varying degrees depending on the system type and level of maintenance, to the environment. This can result in contamination of drinking water supplies if systems are not designed or managed appropriately. The aim of the project was to develop a methodology to define appropriate buffer distances between on-site sewage systems and waterways in Sydney??s drinking water catchments, to ensure the protection of drinking water quality. Specific objectives included: identifying the current status of on-site sewage management; assessing the effluent quality and treatment performance of septic tanks, aerated wastewater treatment systems (AWTS) with disinfection and an amended material sand mound; and development of an appropriate methodology for delineating buffer distances and assessing development applications. Viruses were used as a focus for delineating the buffer distances due to their mobility and robustness in the environment, and the potential health consequences of their presence in drinking water. A Quantitative Microbial Risk Assessment (QMRA) model was developed to calculate the cumulative impact of the on-site sewage systems in the Warragamba catchment based on data from literature and experiments, with consideration of virus loads from sewage treatment plants within the catchments. The model enabled consideration of what was a tolerable impact in terms of the resulting infections within the community. The QMRA the tolerable loads of viruses from the Warragamba catchment were 108 viruses per year in raw water and 104 viruses per year in treated water. A log reduction method was developed to facilitate individual site development assessments. This method was compared to other management approaches to development assessment: fixed minimum buffer distances of 100m, reducing failure rates to zero, and the use of a preferred system. Each of these methods had a limit for how much they could reduce virus loads to the catchment due to either failure or short buffer distances at some sites. While the log reduction method is limited by the failure rates, the method provides a quantitative measure of risk by which maintenance inspections can be prioritised.

Quantitative microbial risk assessment: a catchment management tool to delineate buffer distances for on-site sewage treatment and disposal systems in Sydney??s drinking water catchments

Charles, Katrina, Civil & Environmental Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, UNSW January 2009 (has links)
On-site sewage systems, such as septic tank-absorption trenches, are used by approximately 20 000 people who live within the catchments that supply Sydney??s drinking water. These systems discharge sewage, treated to varying degrees depending on the system type and level of maintenance, to the environment. This can result in contamination of drinking water supplies if systems are not designed or managed appropriately. The aim of the project was to develop a methodology to define appropriate buffer distances between on-site sewage systems and waterways in Sydney??s drinking water catchments, to ensure the protection of drinking water quality. Specific objectives included: identifying the current status of on-site sewage management; assessing the effluent quality and treatment performance of septic tanks, aerated wastewater treatment systems (AWTS) with disinfection and an amended material sand mound; and development of an appropriate methodology for delineating buffer distances and assessing development applications. Viruses were used as a focus for delineating the buffer distances due to their mobility and robustness in the environment, and the potential health consequences of their presence in drinking water. A Quantitative Microbial Risk Assessment (QMRA) model was developed to calculate the cumulative impact of the on-site sewage systems in the Warragamba catchment based on data from literature and experiments, with consideration of virus loads from sewage treatment plants within the catchments. The model enabled consideration of what was a tolerable impact in terms of the resulting infections within the community. The QMRA the tolerable loads of viruses from the Warragamba catchment were 108 viruses per year in raw water and 104 viruses per year in treated water. A log reduction method was developed to facilitate individual site development assessments. This method was compared to other management approaches to development assessment: fixed minimum buffer distances of 100m, reducing failure rates to zero, and the use of a preferred system. Each of these methods had a limit for how much they could reduce virus loads to the catchment due to either failure or short buffer distances at some sites. While the log reduction method is limited by the failure rates, the method provides a quantitative measure of risk by which maintenance inspections can be prioritised.

Utveckling av verktyg för jämförelse av kundanpassade och platsspecifika enskilda avloppssystem : Development of a comparative tool for custom-made and site-specific on-site sewage systems

Uggla, Annika January 2012 (has links)
REFERAT Övergödning är ett högst reellt hot mot många av Sveriges sjöar och vattendrag och inte minst mot Östersjön. Utsläpp av ej tillräckligt renat avloppsvatten och läckage av näringsämnen från jordbruksmarker är problem som länderna kring Östersjön måste lösa. Sverige arbetar både nationellt och internationellt med att förbättra Östersjöns ekologiska status. Riksdagen har satt upp flera miljökvalitetsmål som bland annat tydliggör att Sverige måste minska tillförseln av näringsämnen till sjöar och vattendrag. Orsaken är att dessa föroreningar är en bidragande orsak till övergödning. Det här har resulterat i en ökad ansträngning från kommunerna att åtgärda diffusa utsläpp som enskilda avlopp. Ett enskilt avlopp antas vara en avloppsanläggning med en lokal hantering av hushållsavloppsvatten och är inte kopplat till ett regionalt ledningsnät och reningsverk. Avloppsvatten från hushåll består av BDT-vatten, vatten från bad, disk och tvätt, samt vatten från toalett. Avloppsvatten innehåller näringsämnen såsom fosfor och kväve samt organiskt material och bakterier. Om utloppsvattnet når recipienter utan att tillräcklig rening finns risk för övergödning och smittspridning. För att skydda grund- och ytvatten föreslår Naturvårdsverket att krav ställs på reduktion av näringsämnen och organiskt material för att det enskilda avloppet ska bli godkänt av kommunen. Sverige har uppskattningsvis en miljon enskilda avlopp varav nästan hälften bedöms vara undermåliga och i behov av att göras om. Det kan vara svårt för fastighetsägare att överblicka de krav som ställs och de många olika alternativ som finns för att anlägga eller göra om en avloppsanläggning. Ett verktyg som hanterar produkter och typlösningar för enskilda avlopp har tagits fram. Verktyget benämns LEA vilket står för Lösningar för Enskilda Avlopp och har utvecklats i Microsoft Excel®. LEA genererar och presenterar lösningsförslag utifrån plats- och kundspecifika parametrar vilka matas in i verktyget. Jämförelse kan göras mellan de föreslagna lösningsalternativen med avseende på olika parametrar, som exempelvis reduktionsgrad, utsläpp av näringsämnen och organiskt material, möjlighet till lokalt kretslopp och kostnad. LEA förväntas användas av sakkunnig och syftar till att effektivisera utredningar av enskilda avloppsanläggningar. Att användaren kontinuerligt uppdaterar och kompletterar databasen är centralt för verktygets fortsatta funktion och tillförlitlighet. / ABSTRACT Eutrophication is a serious threat to many of Sweden's lakes and streams, and in particular to the Baltic Sea. Discharge of inadequately treated waste water and leaching of nutrients from agricultural lands are problems that the countries surrounding the Baltic Sea have to find a solution to. Sweden strives both nationally and internationally towards improving the ecological status of the Baltic Sea. The government has decided upon several Environmental Quality Objectives that sets out that Sweden must reduce the emissions of nutrients to the sea, lakes and streams. This is of great importance as these are contributing factors to eutrophication. This has initiated the Swedish municipalities to investigate diffuse discharges such as small scale on-site sewage systems. An on-site sewage system is assumed to locally treat domestic waste water and is not connected to a waste water treatment plant. Domestic waste water includes greywater, which is the effluent from kitchen and bathroom, and most often also water from toilet use. The waste water contains nutrients such as phosphorus and nitrogen as well as organic matter and bacteria. If the waste water reaches the receiving waters without adequate treatment this is associated with a risk of eutrophication and contamination. The Swedish EPA has recommended reduction levels to be reached for organic matter, nitrogen and phosphorus. The municipalities are recommended to require these levels to be met for the on-site sewage system to be approved. Sweden has approximately one million on-site sewage systems of which nearly 50% is considered substandard and in need of upgrading. It may be difficult for property owners to overview the requirements as well as the large number of products and options available to construct or modify an on-site sewage system. A program, LEA, which handles products for household sewage systems, has been developed in Microsoft Excel®. The tool generates suggestions of different sewage systems depending on customer and site-specific parameters. Comparisons are made between the proposed solutions with respect to various parameters which include reduction efficiency, effluent emissions, on-site recycling and cost. The user of LEA can update and supplement the database, which is central to the tool's continued function and reliability. LEA is expected to be used by experts and aims to enhance investigations in the choice of on-site sewage systems.

Alytaus rajono vandentvarkos įrenginių būklės analizė / Alytus district water facilities condition analysis

Dumbrauskas, Karolis 30 May 2012 (has links)
Darbe nagrinėjama Alytaus raj. vandentvarkos statinių būklė, reikalingos investicijos ir priemonės jų būklei gerinti. Bendras Alytaus rajono savivaldybės plotas - 141100 ha, plotas suskirstytas į žemės ūkio naudmenas, kurios užima 58 % viso rajono ploto, tai yra - 81838 ha. vandenys sudaro 5,3 proc., gyvenvietės ir miestai - 2,6 proc. teritorijos, 2 proc. - keliai, 21,8 proc. - miškai, 10,3 proc. - kitos paskirties plotai. Nusausintos žemės plotas – 42642,11 ha, iš jų nusausinta drenažu – 41398,61 ha. Rajone yra 1034 hidrotechniniai statiniai, veikiančios 36 vandenvietės, įmontuota 47 vandens gręžiniai, pastatyta 20 vandens bokštų, vandentiekio tinklų ilgis 96 km. Šiuo metu veikia 16 biologinio valymo nuotekų valyklų ir įrengta 32 km nuotekų tinklų. / The article speaks about water maintenance facilities in Alytus district. The general size of Alytus district has the territory of 141.100 ha (hectares). This area is divided into agricultury usable areas, which takes 58% of the whole area, which is 81.838 ha, then water areas have only 5,3%, settlements and towns 2,6%, roads 2%, woods 21,8% and territories for other purposes takes up 10,3% of the whole territory. The territory of dried lands is 42.642,11 ha and a the biggest part of it is dried drainages, which is 41.398,61 ha out of all. There are 1034 hidrotechnical facilities in the district. There are 36 working water maintenance facilities, in which are implemented 47 water digging drills. The pipeline for providing water has a length of 96 km, there are 20 water towers built in this area. At the moment there are working 16 biological water waste maintenance facilities and there is implemented a 32 km length network of water waste 32.

Studie sanace vybrané stokové sítě / The study of selected rehabilitation of sewer network

Lžičař, Jakub January 2016 (has links)
The diploma thesis deals with sewage systems, evaluation of their technical conditions and various methods of sewage system reconstruction. First chapters provide theoretical background for sewage system reconstruction and contains general information about sewage systems and basic terminology. Next chapters describe the theoretical procedure of elaboration of proposal of existing sewage system remediation including the evaluation of technical conditions of sewage system and the evaluation of individual technical indicators. Then, individual methods of sewage system reconstruction are described. The second part of diploma thesis deals with the case study of sewage system in the village of Mikulovice. The case study is elaborated according to procedure specified in the theoretical part of diploma thesis. The case study includes the passportisation of sewage system and the evaluation of technical conditions of three selected sections. On the grounds of discovered defects, the methods of sewage system reconstruction are designed. Finally, each section of sewage system is evaluated and optimal method for its reconstruction is selected.

Studie obnovy vybrané stokové sítě / The study of rehabilitation of the selected sewer network

Cagášek, Radim January 2017 (has links)
This work deals with the evaluation of the technological state of the sewerage network, as well as the subsequent method of remediation for each failure. The first part contains the accompanying report. This report includes information on the municipality in which the evaluation of the technical condition of the sewerage network took place. Next section includes the actual technical report which has data on the sewage network and its inspection. There are also information about the evaluation of the network‘s technical condition and viable ways of its rehabilitation. At the end of the section there are suggested possible ways of remediation for each of the detected failures. In the next chapter there are calculations for construction technical indicators and the calculation of the capacity of the sewerage network. The last section contains technical data sheet listing the faults of the individual sections and geodetic focus on manholes.

Metodik för beräkning av anslutna hårdgjorda ytor till spillvattennätet / Techniques for calculation of impervious surfaces connected to the sewer system

Larsson, Johan January 2010 (has links)
<p>Sveriges avloppsledningsnät förnyas och utvidgas kontinuerligt. Idag finns ett flertal datorprogram för hydraulisk modellering av flöden och uppdämningsnivåer i spill- och dagvattennät. Modellerna kan även användas som planeringsverktyg för att bedöma effekter av planerade åtgärder samt för uppföljning av utförda åtgärder. Vid uppbyggnaden av en modell krävs beräkningsresultat från en hydrologisk avrinningsmodell som indata. Det största arbetet vid modelluppbyggandet ligger just i beskrivningen av hydrologin. För att kunna simulera avrinningsförlopp i samband med nederbörd på ett verklighetsliknande sätt är kännedom om storleken på och fördelningen av anslutna hårdgjorda ytor till ledningsnätet med snabb nederbördsavrinning väsentligt. </p><p> </p><p>Till kalibreringen och valideringen av avloppsmodellen krävs mätdata. Flödesmätningar är dyra att genomföra vilket har skapat ett intresse att hitta metoder som säkert beräknar de anslutna hårdgjorda ytorna redan från de uppgifter som finns på kartor och i databaser. Svenska riktlinjer för beräkning av hårdgjorda ytor tillhandahålls av branschorganisationen Svenskt Vatten som företräder VA-verken och VA-bolagen i Sverige. Beräkningar med dessa riktlinjer ger dock inte alltid den korrekta storleken på de hårdgjorda ytorna. Syftet med examensarbetet har varit att undersöka olika metoder att beräkna anslutna hårdgjorda ytor till spillvattennätet samt att undersöka huruvida det finns ett samband mellan de avrinningsområden där beräkningarna av de hårdgjorda ytorna inte stämmer. Nio befintliga modeller framtagna i modelleringsverktyget MIKE URBAN användes vid undersökningen. Sex av dessa modeller användes till kalibrering och tre modeller användes till validering.</p><p> </p><p>Undersökningen visade inget samband mellan ytavrinning (reduktionsfaktor) och lutning. Fördelningen av mätpunkter mellan olika jordartskategorier var väldigt ojämn vilket gjorde det svårt att studera huruvida det finns ett samband mellan avrinning och jordart. Resultatet från undersökningen visar att avrinningskoefficienter bör delas upp efter typ av ledningsnät i avrinningsområdet. Metoden med olika avrinningskoefficienter för olika typer av ytor visar på bra resultat för tätbebyggda områden. Metoden med sammanvägda avrinningskoefficienter för olika bebyggelsetyper visar relativt bra resultat med tanke på att det är en överslagsberäkningsmetod.</p><p> </p><p>För tätbebyggda områden bedöms metoden med avrinningskoefficienter för olika typer av ytor fungera bra. Vid mindre tätbebyggda områden ökar osäkerheten. Metoden med sammanvägda avrinningskoefficienter för olika bebyggelsetyper bedöms fungera väl för överslagsberäkningar då den är mindre tidskrävande än den andra metoden. Ingen av de undersökta metoderna bedöms kunna ersätta flödesmätningar. </p> / <p>Sweden’s sewage systems are continuously being maintained and expanded. Several computer programs are today available for hydraulic modeling in sewage and storm water systems. The models can also be used as a planning tool to evaluate effects of planned interventions and to follow up performed interventions. Input data from a runoff model is required at the model build-up. Most of the work in model build-up lies at the description of the hydrology. In order to simulate runoff processes in connection with precipitation, understanding of the size and distribution of impervious surfaces with fast response runoff are essential.</p><p> </p><p>Measurements are required for the calibration and validity check of the model. Unfortunately, flow measurements are expensive to perform. This has created an interest to find methods that safely calculate the connected impervious surfaces already from the information that can be found in maps and in databases. The Swedish guidelines for calculation of impervious surfaces are provided by the Swedish Water and Wastewater Association. Calculations with these guidelines do not always give the true size of the impervious surfaces. The aim of this master thesis was to examine various methods to calculate impervious surfaces connected to the sewage system and whether there is a correlation between drainage areas where the calculations do not agree. Nine existing models developed in the computer program MIKE URBAN were used in this study. Six of these models were used in the calibration and three models were used in the validity check of the methods.</p><p> </p><p>The study did not show any correlation between runoff (reduction factor) and slope. The distribution of datum points between different soil types varied so much that it made it difficult to study whether there was correlation between runoff and soil type. The result from the study showed that the runoff coefficients should be divided after type of sewage system in the drainage area. The method with runoff coefficients for different types of surfaces showed fairly good results for highly urbanized areas. The method with weighted runoff coefficients for different types of habitations showed relatively good results considering that it is a method for rough calculations.</p><p> </p><p>The method with runoff coefficients for different types of surfaces is considered well-functioning for highly urbanized areas. In less urbanized areas, this method showed shorter results. The method with weighted runoff coefficients for different types of habitations is considered well for rough calculations when it is less time consuming than the other method. None of the examined methods are considered able to replace flow measurements.</p>

Metodik för beräkning av anslutna hårdgjorda ytor till spillvattennätet / Techniques for calculation of impervious surfaces connected to the sewer system

Larsson, Johan January 2010 (has links)
Sveriges avloppsledningsnät förnyas och utvidgas kontinuerligt. Idag finns ett flertal datorprogram för hydraulisk modellering av flöden och uppdämningsnivåer i spill- och dagvattennät. Modellerna kan även användas som planeringsverktyg för att bedöma effekter av planerade åtgärder samt för uppföljning av utförda åtgärder. Vid uppbyggnaden av en modell krävs beräkningsresultat från en hydrologisk avrinningsmodell som indata. Det största arbetet vid modelluppbyggandet ligger just i beskrivningen av hydrologin. För att kunna simulera avrinningsförlopp i samband med nederbörd på ett verklighetsliknande sätt är kännedom om storleken på och fördelningen av anslutna hårdgjorda ytor till ledningsnätet med snabb nederbördsavrinning väsentligt.    Till kalibreringen och valideringen av avloppsmodellen krävs mätdata. Flödesmätningar är dyra att genomföra vilket har skapat ett intresse att hitta metoder som säkert beräknar de anslutna hårdgjorda ytorna redan från de uppgifter som finns på kartor och i databaser. Svenska riktlinjer för beräkning av hårdgjorda ytor tillhandahålls av branschorganisationen Svenskt Vatten som företräder VA-verken och VA-bolagen i Sverige. Beräkningar med dessa riktlinjer ger dock inte alltid den korrekta storleken på de hårdgjorda ytorna. Syftet med examensarbetet har varit att undersöka olika metoder att beräkna anslutna hårdgjorda ytor till spillvattennätet samt att undersöka huruvida det finns ett samband mellan de avrinningsområden där beräkningarna av de hårdgjorda ytorna inte stämmer. Nio befintliga modeller framtagna i modelleringsverktyget MIKE URBAN användes vid undersökningen. Sex av dessa modeller användes till kalibrering och tre modeller användes till validering.   Undersökningen visade inget samband mellan ytavrinning (reduktionsfaktor) och lutning. Fördelningen av mätpunkter mellan olika jordartskategorier var väldigt ojämn vilket gjorde det svårt att studera huruvida det finns ett samband mellan avrinning och jordart. Resultatet från undersökningen visar att avrinningskoefficienter bör delas upp efter typ av ledningsnät i avrinningsområdet. Metoden med olika avrinningskoefficienter för olika typer av ytor visar på bra resultat för tätbebyggda områden. Metoden med sammanvägda avrinningskoefficienter för olika bebyggelsetyper visar relativt bra resultat med tanke på att det är en överslagsberäkningsmetod.   För tätbebyggda områden bedöms metoden med avrinningskoefficienter för olika typer av ytor fungera bra. Vid mindre tätbebyggda områden ökar osäkerheten. Metoden med sammanvägda avrinningskoefficienter för olika bebyggelsetyper bedöms fungera väl för överslagsberäkningar då den är mindre tidskrävande än den andra metoden. Ingen av de undersökta metoderna bedöms kunna ersätta flödesmätningar. / Sweden’s sewage systems are continuously being maintained and expanded. Several computer programs are today available for hydraulic modeling in sewage and storm water systems. The models can also be used as a planning tool to evaluate effects of planned interventions and to follow up performed interventions. Input data from a runoff model is required at the model build-up. Most of the work in model build-up lies at the description of the hydrology. In order to simulate runoff processes in connection with precipitation, understanding of the size and distribution of impervious surfaces with fast response runoff are essential.   Measurements are required for the calibration and validity check of the model. Unfortunately, flow measurements are expensive to perform. This has created an interest to find methods that safely calculate the connected impervious surfaces already from the information that can be found in maps and in databases. The Swedish guidelines for calculation of impervious surfaces are provided by the Swedish Water and Wastewater Association. Calculations with these guidelines do not always give the true size of the impervious surfaces. The aim of this master thesis was to examine various methods to calculate impervious surfaces connected to the sewage system and whether there is a correlation between drainage areas where the calculations do not agree. Nine existing models developed in the computer program MIKE URBAN were used in this study. Six of these models were used in the calibration and three models were used in the validity check of the methods.   The study did not show any correlation between runoff (reduction factor) and slope. The distribution of datum points between different soil types varied so much that it made it difficult to study whether there was correlation between runoff and soil type. The result from the study showed that the runoff coefficients should be divided after type of sewage system in the drainage area. The method with runoff coefficients for different types of surfaces showed fairly good results for highly urbanized areas. The method with weighted runoff coefficients for different types of habitations showed relatively good results considering that it is a method for rough calculations.   The method with runoff coefficients for different types of surfaces is considered well-functioning for highly urbanized areas. In less urbanized areas, this method showed shorter results. The method with weighted runoff coefficients for different types of habitations is considered well for rough calculations when it is less time consuming than the other method. None of the examined methods are considered able to replace flow measurements.

Analýza stárnutí vybraných materiálů stokových sítí / Analysis of ageing of selected materials used in sewage systems

Horák, Marek Unknown Date (has links)
The doctoral thesis deals with analysis of the ageing of concrete and reinforced concrete pipes in sewage systems. The ageing of the sewage system is caused by several reasons, for example material abrasion, chemical and biological corrosion and subsequent static overload sewer construction. One of the common causes of degradation of sewage systems made from materials bonded with cement sealant is biogenic sulphate corrosion. Due to the corrosion the degradation of the pipe walls accelerates, particularly in upper part of the pipe and reduces planned lifetime of the sewage system. There is proposed new ageing analysis monitoring method for observation and evaluation of the loss of thickness of concrete and reinforced concrete pipes, which is caused by biogenic sulphate corrosion. Residual lifetime is calculated from the expected corrosion rate, it`s the loss of wall thickness on the monitored section of the sewer system. There is designed the monitoring system of the loss of wall thickness on the sewage system for practical application of the measurement procedure, which is administrated in cooperation with the BVK, a. s. The thesis uses existing knowledge regarding this subject. We use this information for better understanding of the process of the loss of wall thickness in sewage systems in real time and the posibility to correct and in-time implementation of appropriate operational measures. This should cause the limitation of the degradation process of piping material while extended service life and safe operation in sewage systems within the required time period. Based on the methodology is proposed to determine the residual life of the sewage system and maintenance and rehabilitation can be done more effectively. There is needed to be noted that only long-term monitoring period can bring a better overview of the technical condition of sewage systems in time and thus better and more effective maintenance and rehabilitation, which is related to the effective u

LTA kontra självfall : Ett långsiktigt perspektiv / Pressure sewage systems : A long term perspective

Holmberg, Mattias, Hen, Stefan January 2013 (has links)
Detta arbete syftar till att göra en utvärdering av hur de två skilda spillvattensystemen LTA (Lätt TryckAvlopp) och konventionellt självfallsavlopp står sig mot varandra ur ett långtidsperspektiv. Aspekter så som investering, drift, underhåll, miljöpåverkan, teknik och anläggning har analyserats och sammanställs av denna rapport, samt ett program som beräknar den ekonomiska aspekten mellan respektive system. Programmet, där användaren ges möjligheten att specificera sitt eget område, ger en fingervisning om den lösning som ur ekonomisk aspekt är mest fördelaktig. Detta kombinerat med den kunskap som samlats i rapporten ska leda till ett mer medvetet val hos kommuner och andra VA-huvudmän i Sverige. / The purpose of this report is to make a comparison between the two currently used sewage solutions, PSS (Pressure Sewage System) and the more conventional gravity based sewage-system during a vast period of time. Aspects such as investment, maintenance, upkeep, environmental, technology and terrain have been analyzed. The research has resulted in this report and an Excel-program which calculates an estimated economical difference between the two solutions, in a specific case chosen by the user, to determine which is more economically beneficial. This program, used hand in hand with the report, is suppose to increase the knowledgebase regarding the subject of sewage solutions among officials working with these kinds of matters in Sweden.

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