Spelling suggestions: "subject:"shadow"" "subject:"pshadow""
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Feral Information Systems i Vårdverksamheter : En fallstudie om risker som kan uppstå när de inte uppfyller vårdverksamheters krav på IT-system / Feral Information Systems in Health Care : A case study on risks that can arise when they do not meet healthcare requirements for IT systemsBreid, Anders, Mehari, Lemlem January 2017 (has links)
Although healthcare information systems improve healthcare and efficiency they are often complex and provide a limited service. For these and other similar reasons, users often take it upon themselves to create their own solutions. These user created solutions are called feral information systems. It is not always that these feral information systems meet the standard requirements of healthcare information systems and as a result of this they have the potential to create risk that might put the patient, management and the organization at risk. This is an undergraduate thesis that aims to research the risks that can rise when feral information systems fail to meet the standard requirements of healthcare information systems. The report is an interpretive case study that focuses on three different feral information system within a regional healthcare organization. Ten standard requirements of healthcare information systems are described and written from three distinctive divisions – Technique oriented, information oriented and user oriented requirements. Information is gathered using a semi-structured interview with the developer of the three systems, a user of one of the systems and two managers from the maintenance department of the organization. The data gathered about the feral information system is then interpreted and analyzed using the ten requirements of IT system in healthcare from the perspective of the three different divisions. As a result of the research we have come to the conclusion that the failure to meet the user and information and technical oriented requirements have the potential to create certain risk in some aspects but not all. Feral information systems in health care services can pose a risk to patient safety and that there are probably several of these systems that violate the patient data act or personal data law. Failure to handle data integrity and follow the patient data law in feral information systems often results in lacking user traceability. In addition, there is an extra cost to maintain systems that are usually not analyzed by the operations. We see that feral information systems often uses self- defined healthcare terminology which obstructs the ability to integrate with other systems. The lack of documentation obstructs the use of the system without a special training. These trainings take time, resources and are often not free. Making the organization more and more dependent on the experienced users. Furthermore, the lack of documentation also obstructs the possibility of further developing the system. However, the potential of feral information system to cause risk is often neglected and underestimated. This is because feral information systems often fulfill only a small and particular need within a certain division of the organization. / IT-system inom hälso- och sjukvård förbättrar vården och effektiviteten. De är dock ofta komplexa och ger en begränsad service. Av detta och andra liknande skäl skapar ofta användarna egenutvecklade IT-system. Dessa användarskapade IT-system kallas feral information systems. Det är inte alltid så att dessa feral information system uppfyller de krav som ställs på IT-system inom hälso- och sjukvård och som ett resultat av detta har de potential att skapa risker för patienten, förvaltningen och organisationen i helhet. Denna kandidatuppsats syftar till att undersöka de risker som kan uppstå när feral information systems inte uppfyller de krav som ställs på IT-system inom hälso- och sjukvård. Studien är en tolkande fallstudie som fokuserar på tre olika feral information systems inom en regional hälsovårdsorganisation. Vi har tagit fram tio kriterier som vi anser IT-system inom hälso- och sjukvård bör uppfylla. Dessa kriterier beskrivs och uttrycks från tre kategorier: teknikorienterade, informationsorienterade och användarorienterade krav. Vårt empiriska material samlas in med hjälp av semistrukturerade intervjuer med utvecklaren av de tre systemen, en användare av ett av systemen samt två chefer från organisationens förvaltningsorganisation. Insamlade data om dessa feral information systems tolkas och analyseras sedan med hjälp av de tio kriterierna vi tagit fram för IT-system inom hälso- och sjukvård och summeras i de tre kategorierna. Feral information systems i vårdverksamheter kan innebära risk för patientsäkerheten och att det troligen är flera av dessa system som bryter mot patientdatalagen eller personuppgiftslagen. Brister i att hantera dataintegritet och patientdatalagen leder till att feral information systems ofta saknar spårbarhet. Dessutom finns en kostnad för att underhålla systemen som oftast inte är analyserade av verksamheterna. Vi ser att feral information systems ofta följer sina egna definitioner av begrepp vilket försvårar integrationen med andra system. Avsaknaden av dokumentation leder till svårigheter i att använda systemen utan utbildning. Utbildningen tar tid, så denna resurs är oftast inte gratis. Detta gör att verksamheten blir beroende av de mer erfarna användarna. Avsaknaden av dokumentation skapar även svårigheter i övertagandet av existerande feral information systems samt vid behovet av vidareutveckling. Eftersom feral information systems oftast uppfyller små och nischade behov inom en verksamhet, försummas och underskattas systemets potential att skapa risk.
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Vulvodyni och rädsla för brott : En kvantitativ studie om kvinnors underlivssmärta och rädsla för brottBoije, Michelle January 2020 (has links)
Enligt forskning har kvinnor en högre rädsla för brott än män. En förklaring är att kvinnors rädsla för sexuella brott ökar rädslan för alla typer av brott. Andra faktorer som har visat sig påverka rädsla för brott är fysisk och psykisk ohälsa. Dessa faktorer och teorin om att kvinnors rädsla för brott påverkas av rädsla för sexuella brott kan innebära att smärtsjukdomar som vulvodyni och vaginism som innebär svår smärta vid penetration och / eller beröring av slidan gör att kvinnor som lider av det kan uppleva en högre rädsla av brottslighet än andra kvinnor. Studiens syfte var att undersöka om vulvodyni har en inverkan på kvinnors rädsla för brott. Deltagarna bestod av 243 kvinnor (medelålder= 24,58, SD= 5,15) med (n=129) och utan (n=114) vulvodyni. Resultaten av studien indikerar att vulvodyni påverkar rädsla för brott och gör kvinnor som lider av den mer rädda för brott än de utan vulvodyni. Kvinnor med vulvodyni har också en högre rädsla för sexualbrott som våldtäkt och sexuella trakasserier. Vulvodyni visar på en unik association till rädsla för brott vid kontroll över andra variabler som tidigare forskning visat samband med rädsla för brott. Rädsla för sexualbrott visar också associationer med rädsla för andra brott hos kvinnor med och utan vulvodyni. Mer forskning om ämnet behövs för att se hur kvinnor med vulvodyni resonerar om sin rädsla för brott. / According to research, women have a higher fear of crime than men. one explanation is that women's fear of sexual offenses increases the fear of all types of crime. Other factors that have been shown to affect fear of crime are physical and mental health. The factors and the theory that women's fear of crime is affected by fear of sexual offenses could mean that pain diseases such as vulvodynia and vaginism that involve severe pain when penetrating and/or touching the vagina make women who suffer from it to have a higher fear of crime than other women. The purpose of the study was to investigate if vulvodynia has an impact on women's fear of crime. The study sample consisted of 243 women (mean age=24,58, SD= 5,15) with (n= 129) and without (n=114) vulvodynia. The results of the study indicate that vulvodynia affects fear of crime and makes women who suffer from it more afraid of crime than those without. Women with vulvodynia also have a higher fear of sexual offenses such as rape and sexual harassment. Vulvodynia also demonstrates having a unique compound to fear of crime proud control for other variables. Fear of sexual crime also shows associates of fear to other types of crimes for women with and without vulvodynia. More research on the subject is needed to see how women with vulvodynia reason about their fear of crime.
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Akcelerace výpočtu stínů a osvětlení / Shadowing and Lighting AccelerationMilet, Tomáš January 2021 (has links)
Cílem této práce je prezentovat metody pro akceleraci výpočtů stínů a osvětlení. Práce se zabývá akcelerací na vzorek přesných stínů pomocí stínových těles na různých platformách. Obsahem práce je také zvýšení přesnosti stínových map a zvýšení přesnosti osvětlování scény s mnoha světly.
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Geolokace stacionární kamery z obrazu / Visual Geolocation of a Stationary CameraŠimurda, Pavel January 2014 (has links)
Tato práce se zabývá a analyzuje možnosti, kterými je možno zjistit geografickou polohu ze snímků nebo videa pouze za použití vizuální informace z obrazu. Výsledkem práce jsou dvě rozdílné metody geo-lokalizace. První z nich pracuje na principu hledání časů východu a západu Slunce. Hlavní výhodou této metody je její univerzálnost. Funguje s jakoukoliv kamerou umístěnou v externích prostorech a nevyžaduje přítomnost žádných specifických objektů ve scéně. Pro správný výsledek je třeba alespoň celodenní záznam z kamery. Výsledky jsou uspokojivé za každého počasí. Druhá metoda pracuje na základě analýzy stínů ve scéně. Správnou pozici je možno určit, s poměrně velkou přesností, pouze na základě dvou snímků pořízených v různém čase. Tato metoda vyžaduje přítomnost dvou objektů v obraze, které vrhají stín. Přesnosti výsledků navržených metod jsou vyhodnoceny a porovnány. Z výsledků vyplývá, že obě metody lze úspěšně použít pro odhad geografické polohy. Dále byla v rámci práce pořízena rozsáhlá datová sada obrazových sekvencí z volně přístupných webových kamer.
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Portrétní silueta v Českých zemích od 18. do 19. století / Portrait silhouette in the Czech lands from the 18th to the 19th centuryMikulcová, Anežka January 2020 (has links)
Portrait silhouettes, which are the subject of the present work, are a peculiar and now forgotten type of portraits. They represent a specific part of the visual culture of the second half of the 18th and 19th centuries and a number of contemporary social, cultural, artistic and scientific phenomena intertwine in them. Technically, these seemingly simple monochrome profile portraits are very diverse. The range of silhouetted persons and persons creating them is equally diverse. The aim of this work is a comprehensive mapping of the phenomenon of portrait silhouettes in the Czech lands with an overlap to more general levels concerning the philosophical aspects of this type of portraiture. The text is based on knowledge gained from detailed research of domestic collections of silhouettes, which are part of museum, gallery and castle collections. A large amount of pictorial material has been preserved in the Czech Republic, which made it possible to formulate the necessary more general conclusions. The complex approach mixes from a methodological point of view the approaches of art history with its formal analysis and cultural history, some topics overlap with the content of Bild- Anthropology studies. The oldest Czech specimens of silhouettes come from the turn of the 70s and 80s of the 19th century, which is...
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Kvalitní zobrazení stínů pro složité světelné zdroje / High-Quality Shadow Rendering from Complex Light SourcesNavrátil, Jan January 2016 (has links)
V interaktivních aplikacích jsou stíny tradičně zobrazovány s pomocí algoritmu založeným na stínových mapách. Nevýhodou toho algoritmu je, že stínová mapa, reprezentovaná texturou, má pouze omezené rozlišení. To může vést k nepěkným vizuálním artefaktům objevujících se na hranách stínů. Tato práce představuje postup, který je založen na vylepšené deformaci textury. To umožní zobrazit scénu obsahující složité světelné zdroje, zredukovat artefakty na hranicích stínů a také vylepšit kvalitu stínů bez ohledu na typu scény a její konfiguraci.
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Akcelerace výpočtu stínů a osvětlení / Shadowing and Lighting AccelerationMilet, Tomáš January 2021 (has links)
Cílem této práce je prezentovat metody pro akceleraci výpočtů stínů a osvětlení. Práce se zabývá akcelerací na vzorek přesných stínů pomocí stínových těles na různých platformách. Obsahem práce je také zvýšení přesnosti stínových map a zvýšení přesnosti osvětlování scény s mnoha světly.
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Olika former av othering i Shadow and Bone: en adaptions studie / Different forms of othering in Shadow and Bones. An adaptation studyLinderholt, Hanna January 2022 (has links)
This essay explores how different forms of othering are applied in the novel Shadow and Bone compared to the tv-series adaptation. The essay will focus on how differ ent forms of othering are used to characterize the main character Alina Starkov as well as the community called Grisha. In order to compare the changes this essay uti lizes adaptation theory and Gérard Genette’s hypertextuality. To further understand the different forms of othering the essay relies on studies of racism and its connec tion to the fantasy genre. The essay concludes that different forms of othering are used in the novels compared to the tv-series. The novels use othering to characterize Alina based on her Grisha identity. As the tv-series has given Alina a whole new identity as multiracial, it is rather her ethnicity that is the foundation for her other ing. While the tv-series displays a more diverse cast than the novels, it also fails to provide a rich presentation of Grisha culture and history.
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A Dormitory for Architecture Students in Alexandria, VirginiaCerami, Nestor Gabriel 31 July 2006 (has links)
This thesis is an intimate exploration. A personal journey between here and there: what I left behind, what I always kept close to me and all the new things that I learned and experience during the last four years.
I just tried to put myself together as a person as well as an architect; taking from my personal experiences the inspiration and the tools to create a building.
The building is orientated to American and foreign students coming to the metropolitan area of Washington DC to study at the Center and willing to take advantage of the opportunities of the city.
The idea was to create a building for civic adaptation, to educate and inspire students not only in architecture but also in civic life and prepare them to be responsible citizens.
The dormitory was inspired by the friendly spirit of the WAAC with the intention of supporting the Center in its varied goals and enhancing its academic perspectives. / Master of Architecture
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International Housing Markets, Unconventional Monetary Policy and the Zero Lower BoundHuber, Florian, Punzi, Maria Teresa 25 January 2016 (has links) (PDF)
In this paper we propose a time-varying parameter VAR model for the housing market in the United States, the United Kingdom, Japan and the Euro Area. For these four economies, we answer the following research questions: (i) How can we evaluate the stance of monetary policy when the policy rate hits the zero lower bound? (ii) Can developments in the housing market still be explained by policy measures adopted by central banks? (iii) Did central banks succeed in mitigating the detrimental impact of the financial crisis on selected housing variables? We analyze the relationship between unconventional monetary policy and the housing markets by using the shadow interest rate estimated by Krippner (2013b). Our findings suggest that the monetary policy transmission mechanism to the housing market has not changed with the implementation of quantitative easing or forward guidance, and central banks can affect the composition of an investors portfolio through investment in housing. A counterfactual exercise provides some evidence that unconventional monetary policy has been particularly successful in dampening the consequences of the financial crisis on housing markets in the United States, while the effects are more muted in the other countries considered in this study. (authors' abstract) / Series: Department of Economics Working Paper Series
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