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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Design of polyester and porous scaffolds

Odelius, Karin January 2005 (has links)
<p>The use of synthetic materials for tissue and organ reconstruction, i. e. tissue engineering, has become a promising alternative to current surgical therapies and may overcome the shortcomings of the methods in use today. The challenge is in the design and reproducible fabrication of biocompatible and bioresorbable polymers, with suitable surface chemistry, desirable mechanical properties, and the wanted degradation profile. These material properties can be achieved in various manners, including the synthesis of homo- and copolymers along with linear and star-shaped architectures. In many applications the materials’ three-dimensional structure is almost as important as its composition and porous scaffolds with high porosity and interconnected pores that facilitate the in-growth of cells and transportation of nutrients and metabolic waste is desired.</p><p>In this work linear and star-shaped polymers have been synthesized by ring-opening polymerization using a stannous-based catalyst and a spirocyclic tin initiator. A series of linear copolymers with various combinations of 1,5-dioxepane-2-one (DXO), Llactide (LLA) and ε-caprolactone (CL) have been polymerized using stannous octoate as catalyst. It is shown that the composition of the polymers can be chosen in such a manner that the materials’ mechanical and thermal properties can be predetermined. A solvent-casting and particulate leaching scaffold preparation technique has been developed and used to create three-dimensional structures with interconnected pores. The achieved physical properties of these materials’ should facilitate their use in both soft and hard tissue regeneration.</p><p>Well defined star-shaped polyesters have been synthesized using a spirocyclic tin initiator where L-lactide was chosen as a model system for the investigation of the polymerization kinetics. Neither the temperature nor the solvent affects the molecular weight or the molecular weight distribution of the star-shaped polymers, which all show a molecular weight distribution below 1.19 and a molecular weight determined by the initial monomer-to-initiator concentration.</p>

Untersuchung der Auflösungsgrenzen eines Variablen Formstrahlelektronenschreibers mit Hilfe chemisch verstärkter und nicht verstärkter Negativlacke

Steidel, Katja 01 April 2011 (has links) (PDF)
Ziele wie eine hohe Auflösung und ein hoher Durchsatz sind bisher in der Elektronenstrahllithografie nicht gleichzeitig erreichbar; es existieren daher die Belichtungskonzepte Gaussian-Beam und Variable-Shaped-Beam (VSB), die auf Hochauflösung respektive Durchsatz optimiert sind. In dieser Arbeit wird der experimentelle Kreuzvergleich beider Belichtungskonzepte mit Hilfe chemisch verstärkter und nicht verstärkter Lacksysteme präsentiert. Als quantitativer Parameter wurde die Gesamtunschärfe eingeführt, die sich durch quadratische Addition der auflösungslimitierenden Fehlerquellen, also Coulomb-Wechselwirkungen (Strahlunschärfe), Lackprozess (Prozessunschärfe) und Proximity-Effekt (Streuunschärfe), ergibt. Für den Vergleich wurden wohldefinierte Prozesse auf 300 mm Wafern entwickelt und umfassend charakterisiert. Weitere Grundlage ist die Anpassung oder Neuentwicklung spezieller Methoden wie Kontrast- und Basedosebestimmung, Doughnut-Test, Isofokal-Dosis-Methode für Linienbreiten und Linienrauheit sowie die Bestimmung der Gesamtunschärfe unter Variation des Fokus. Es wird demonstriert, dass sich mit einer kleineren Gesamtunschärfe die Auflösung dichter Linien verbessert. Der direkte Vergleich der Gesamtunschärfen beider Belichtungskonzepte wird durch die variable Strahlunschärfe bei VSB-Schreibern erschwert. Da für die Bestimmung der Gesamtunschärfe keine Hochauflösung nötig ist, wird das Testpattern mit größeren Shots belichtet und induziert somit eine größere Gesamtunschärfe. Es wird gezeigt, dass die Prozessunschärfe den größten Anteil der Gesamtunschärfe stellt. Außerdem spielt die Streuunschärfe bei Lackdicken kleiner 100 nm und Beschleunigungsspannungen von 50 kV oder größer keine Rolle. / Up to now, targets like high resolution and high throughput can not be achieved at the same time in electron beam lithography; therefore, the exposure concepts Gaussian-Beam and Variable-Shaped-Beam (VSB) exist, which are optimized for high resolution and throughput, respectively. In this work, the experimental cross-comparison of both exposure concepts is presented using chemically amplified and non-chemically amplified resist systems. For quantification the total blur parameter has been introduced, which is the result of the quadratic addition of the resolution limiting error sources, like Coulomb interactions (beam blur), resist process (process blur) and proximity-effect (scatter blur). For the comparison, well-defined processes have been developed on 300 mm wafers and were fully characterized. Further basis is the adaption or the new development of special methods like the determination of contrast and basedose, the doughnut-test, the isofocal-dose-method for line widths and line roughness as well as the determination of the total blur with variation of the focus. It is demonstrated, that the resolution of dense lines is improved with a smaller total blur. The direct comparison of the total blur values of both exposure concepts is complicated by the variable beam blur of VSB writers. Since high resolution is not needed for the determination of the total blur, the test pattern is exposed with larger shots on the VSB writer, which induces a larger total blur. It is shown that the process blur makes the largest fraction of the total blur. The scatter blur is irrelevant using resist thicknesses smaller than 100 nm and acceleration voltages of 50 kV or larger.

Preparation, characterization, and rheological properties of star-shaped poly(ethylene glycol) with a cholane core and study of its effect on red blood cell aggregation

Janvier, Florence January 2009 (has links)
Mémoire numérisé par la Division de la gestion de documents et des archives de l'Université de Montréal

Dielectric Resonator Antennas (DRA) for satellite and body area network applications

Alam, Muhammad Faiz, Alam, Muhammad Faiz 02 July 2012 (has links) (PDF)
Technologies such as direct broad cast satellite system (DBSS), Geosynchronous Earth Orbit (GEO) and Low Earth Orbit (LEO) satellite communications , global positioning system (GPS), high accuracy airborne navigation system and a large variety of radar systems demand for high level of antenna performance. Similar is the requirement for upcoming land based wireless systems such as cellular and indoor communication systems that is needed some more specific and additional features added to the antenna to compensate for the deficiencies encountered in system's performance. Though metallic antennas are capable enough to fulfil all the operational requirements, however at very high frequencies and under hostile temperature conditions they are constrained to face certain limitations. To avoid these constraints the performance of Dielectric Resonator Antennas (DRAs) is evaluated and their new applications are proposed. In the thesis, two types of antenna applications are sought :-First is for tracking and satellite applications that needs a larger aperture coverage in elevation plane. This coverage is realized with a good CP purity by proposing two ports dual linearly polarized DRA working at X-band. The DRA is excited by two orthogonal H-shaped aperture slots yielding two orthogonal polarizations in the broadside direction. A common impedance bandwidth of 5.9% and input port isolation of -35 dB are obtained. The broadside radiation patterns are found to be highly symmetric and stable with cross polarization levels -15dB or better over the entire matching frequency band. The maximum measured gain is found to be 2.5dBi at 8.4 GHz.- The 2nd type of antenna is a dual pattern diversity antenna to be used in the Body Area Network (BAN) context. This antenna combines a slot loop and DRA yielding broadside and end-fire radiation patterns respectively. Based upon the feeding techniques, the DG antenna is further divided into two categories one with planar feeds and the other with non-planar feeds (slot loop excited by planar CPW but DRA excited by vertical monopole) .Both types are successfully designed and measured upon body when configured into different propagation scenarios. The non-planar feeds antenna allows wider common impedance bandwidths than the planar feeds (4.95% vs 1.5%).In both cases, a maximum value of DG=9.5dB was achieved when diversity performance tests were carried out in rich fading environments. This value is close to the one (10 dB) theoretically reached in a pure Rayleigh environment and was obtained with efficiencies of 70% and 85% for the slot loop and the DRA respectively. Therefore, we conclude that these antennas could be used on the shoulders or the chest of professional clothes (firemen, policemen, soldier) where full planar integration is not a key issue but where the communication must be efficient in harsh environments and for various gestures, positions and scenarios

Aktivt Pansar : Att nå verkan med dagens vapensystem i morgondagens pansar

Johansson, Arvid January 2014 (has links)
Då dagens vapensystem blir allt effektivare med högre penetration och större verkan är det inte längre möjligt att endast lägga på mer pansar för att få tillräckligt skydd. Fordonen blir för tunga och rörligheten påverkas negativt i allt för stor grad, därför börjar nu system för aktivt skydd slå sig in på marknaden. Dessa system söker aktivt av fordonets omgivning och skjuter ner inkommande hot såsom raketer och robotar och finns redan implementerade i en rad länder i vårt närområde. Infanteriets huvudbeväpning, som mot bepansrade hot traditionellt sett varit just robotar, raketer och granater, är i många fall verkanslös i mötet med aktivt pansar. Uppsatsen undersöker vilka möjligheter som finns att med den utrustning som dagens svenska försvarsmakt är utrustad med nå verkan i mål som är skyddade av aktivt pansar. De befintliga systemen för aktivt pansar Trophy, Iron Curtain och Arena har valts som exempelsystem. De vapensystem som granskas är STRIX, Rb56, Pskott m/86, Grg m/86 samt fordonsmina 14. En slutsats är att de granskade systemen alla saknar förmåga att skydda fordonet från hot som kommer rakt ovanifrån, detta medför att STRIX är fullt fungerande mot ett fordon skyddat av aktivt pansar. / Since today's weapons systems are becoming more efficient with higher penetration and greater efficacy, it is no longer possible to only put on more armor to get adequate protection. The vehicles become too heavy and mobility is adversely affected to an excessive degree, because of this systems for active protection are now breaking into the market. These systems are actively scanning the vehicle's surroundings and shoot down incoming threats such as rockets and robots and are already implemented in a number of countries in our region. The infantry's main armament against armored units, which traditionally have been just missiles, rockets and grenades are in many cases useless meeting with active protection systems. The paper examines the possibilities of reaching effect in targets equipped with active armor using the equipment available to the Swedish armed forces today. The existing active protection systems Trophy, Iron Curtain and Arena have been chosen as example systems. The weapons systems examined are STRIX , Rb56 , Pskott m/86 , Grg m/86 and Fordonsmina 14. One conclusion is that the audited systems all lack the ability to protect the vehicle from threats that come from directly above; this means that STRIX is fully functional to a vehicle protected by an active protection system.

Interfacial assembly of star-shaped polymers for organized ultrathin films

Choi, Ikjun 13 January 2014 (has links)
Surface-assisted directed assembly allows ultrasoft and replusive functional polymeric “colloids” to assemble into the organized supramolecular ultrathin films on a monomolecular level. This study aims at achieving a fundamental understanding of molecular morphology and responsive behavior of major classes of branched star-shaped polymers (star amphiphilic block copolymers and star polyelectrolytes) and their aggregation into precisely engineered functional ultrathin nanofilms. Thus, we focus on elucidating the role of molecular architecture, chemical composition, and intra/intermolecular interactions on the assembly behavior of highly-branched entities under variable environmental and confined interfacial conditions. The inherent molecular complexity of branched architectures facilitates rich molecular conformations and phase states from the combination of responsive dynamics of flexible polymer chains (amphiphilic, ionizable arms, multiple segments, and free chain ends) and extened molecular design parameters (number of arms, arm length, and segment composition/sequence). These marcromolecular building components can be affected by external conditions (pH, salinity, solvent polarity, concentration, surface pressure, and substrate nature) and transformed into a variety of complex nanostructures, such as two-dimensional circular micelles, core/shell unimicelles, nanogel particles, pancake & brush micelles, Janus-like nanoparticles, and highly nanoporous fractal networks. The fine balance between repulsive mulitarm interactions and surface energetic effects in the various confined surfaces and interfaces enables the ability to fabricate and tailor well-organized ultrathin nanofilms. The most critical findings in this study include: (1) densely packed circular unimicelle monolayers from amphiphilic and amphoteric multiblock stars controlled by arm number, end blocks, and pH/pressure induced aggregation, (2) monolayer polymer-metal nanocomposites by in-situ nanoparticle growth at confined interfaces, (3) on-demand control of exponentially or linearly grown heterogeneous stratified multilayers from self-diffusive pH-sensitive star polyelectrolyte nanogels, (4) core/shell umimicelle based microcapsules with a fractal nanoporous multidomain shell morphology, and (5) preferential binding and ordering of Janus-like unimicelles on chemically heterogeneous graphene oxide surfaces for biphasic hybrid assembly. The advanced branched molecular design coupled with stimuli responsive conformational and compositional behavior presents an opportunity to control the lateral diffusion and phase segregation of branched compact supermolecules on the surface resulting in the generation of well-controllable monolayers with tunable ordering and complex morphology, as well as to tailor their stratified layered nanostructures with switchable morphological heterogeneity and multicompartmental architectures. These surface-driven star polymer supramolecular assemblies and interfaces will enable the design of multifunctional nanofilms as hierarchical responsive polymer materials.

Dödsfärd och livsrum : skeppssättningar och hussymbolik på den yngre bronsålderns gravfält i Sydskandinavien

Söderström, Ulrika January 2008 (has links)
<p>Many archaeologists have been intrigued by how often symbolic houses of varying forms are used on the burialgrounds of the Scandinavian Bronze Age. Some scholars even claim that to deal with the dead did not mean to set them apart from the world of the living during this period. Since several examples show that there seem to be an active connection between the ship-setting and different types of symbolic houses, this study seek to demonstrate and interpret how the ideology behind these symbols vary between three regionally different Swedish areas: Halland, Småland and Gotland. The purpose is to show that the way chosen to shape the symbols materially not only had fundamental impact on the organization of the burialground itself, but also on how the surrounding world came to comprenhend and use them. This study suggests that even though the special shapes of the graves and the gravefield itself can carry meaning, the materialization of the monuments can be interpreted as incorporated in a practice of remembrance in where the individual shaping of the grave most probably formed part of a greater story.</p>

Ενίσχυση πλακοδοκών οπλισμένου σκυροδέματος σε τέμνουσα με μανδύες ινοπλισμένων πολυμερών και αγκύρια ινών / Shear strengthening of T-shaped RC beams with FRP U-jackets and FRP anchors

Κούτας, Λάμπρος 28 September 2010 (has links)
Στην παρούσα διατριβή διερευνήθηκε πειραματικά, η συμπεριφορά διατάξεων ενίσχυσης πλακοδοκών Οπλισμένου Σκυροδέματος, σε τέμνουσα, που αποτελούνται από το συνδυασμό τρίπλευρων μανδυών από Ινοπλισμένα Πολυμερή και αγκυρίων ινών. Πρόκειται για διατάξεις ενίσχυσης που λόγω της παρουσίας των αγκυρίων, καλούνται να υπερκεράσουν τις αδυναμίες της τεχνικής των «ανοικτών» μανδυών, δηλαδή της συνήθους τεχνικής ενίσχυσης πλακοδοκών σε τέμνουσα. Οι αδυναμίες της εν λόγω τεχνικής, οφείλονται στην ανεπαρκή αγκύρωση των άκρων του μανδύα. Η πειραματική διερεύνηση της συμπεριφοράς τέτοιων διατάξεων ενίσχυσης, έγινε με εφαρμογή τους σε τέσσερα δοκίμια πλακοδοκών Οπλισμένου Σκυροδέματος, και συγκρίθηκε με τη συμπεριφορά ενός δοκιμίου αναφοράς που δεν έφερε καμία διάταξη ενίσχυσης, καθώς και με τη συμπεριφορά ενός δοκιμίου ενισχυμένου μόνο με τρίπλευρο «ανοικτό» μανδύα ΙΟΠ, απουσία αγκυρίων. Όλα τα δοκίμια, υποβλήθηκαν σε μονοτονική φόρτιση μέσω συγκεντρωμένου φορτίου με φορά ώστε να προκαλείται θλίψη στο άνω πέλμα της δοκού, δηλαδή στην πλάκα, και οι συνθήκες στήριξης ήταν τέτοιες που να προσομοιώνουν αμφιέρειστη δοκό. Τα πρώτα Κεφάλαια της διατριβής αποτελούνται από την εισαγωγή, τη βιβλιογραφική ανασκόπηση και την περιγραφή της πειραματικής διαδικασίας. Στα επόμενα Κεφάλαια, πέραν της παρουσίασης των πειραματικών αποτελεσμάτων, επιχειρείται ο προσδιορισμός της αποδοτικότητας με παράλληλη προσέγγιση της συμπεριφοράς των διατάξεων ενίσχυσης με έμφαση στον τρόπο με τον οποίον τα αγκύρια την επηρεάζουν. Στο τελευταίο Κεφάλαιο παρουσιάζεται ο κεντρικός άξονας της διατριβής περιλαμβάνοντας και τη σύνοψη των συμπερασμάτων. / In the present thesis, the effectiveness of shear strengthening schemes for T-Shaped RC beams, consisting of FRP U-Jackets and FRP anchors, was experimentally investigated. For this purpose, six full-scale of T-Shaped RC beams were produced. One specimen served as reference (unstrengthened) beam, whereas the remaining five received FRP U-jackets; out of the latter FRP anchors were used in four beams in order to enhance the effectiveness of the strengthening schemes, whereas no anchoring system was applied to the fifth beam. All specimens were tested under monotonic loading causing compression to the wide part of the section. The first chapter of this dissertation discusses the necessity of strengthening beams in shear and introduce the objective of the study. A relatively extended literature overview about shear strengthening with externally bonded reinforcement is included in the second chapter. The purpose of the third chapter is to describe the way the specimens were designed and constructed. The strengthening procedure, the experimental setup and the materials’ properties are also included in this chapter. The test results are presented and discussed in the fourth chapter. In the fifth chapter calculations regarding the effectiveness of the strengthening schemes are presented, along with an attempt to understand their general behavior while emphasizing on the way the FRP anchors affect it. The final chapter includes the general conclusions of the present study.

Instabilités dans les moteurs à propergol solide : influence de la géométrie étoilée et étude numérique de la transition laminaire-turbulent / Instabilities inside solid rocket motors : influence of the star-shaped geometry and numerical study of the laminar-turbulent transition

Bouyges, Maxime 28 November 2017 (has links)
Les moteurs à propergol solide de certains lanceurs spatiaux peuvent présenter des oscillations de poussée provoquées par des oscillations de la pression interne du moteur. Il est désormais connu qu'une instabilité hydrodynamique propre à l'écoulement et mise en évidence par une approche de stabilité linéaire, appelée Vortex Shedding Parietal, est le phénomène à l'origine de ces oscillations. Cependant plusieurs questions subsistent quant à l'apparition de ces oscillations. En particulier, on constate que ces oscillations ne sont observées que dans la seconde moitié du tir. On suppose que la transition laminaire-turbulent de l'écoulement joue un rôle dans ce phénomène. Par ailleurs, l'utilisation possible de la géométrie étoilée pour les blocs de propergol de géométrie étoilée oblige à reprendre l'étude de stabilité linéaire pour l'étude de ces oscillations. Cette thèse porte ainsi à la fois sur l'étude de la stabilité linéaire de l'écoulement induit par une géométrie étoilée et sur la transition laminaire-turbulent d'une configuration circulaire. Une solution analytique de l'écoulement au sein d'un conduit à paroi débitante de géométrie étoilée est d'abord obtenue. Le profil de vitesse associé peut présenter des points d'inflexion en fonction de la déformation radiale ou du nombre de Reynolds de l'écoulement. Ensuite les approches de stabilité linéaire locale et biglobale sont appliquées à cette solution. Par rapport au cas circulaire, cette étude de stabilité linéaire met en évidence la possible existence d'un ou plusieurs modes amplifiés. Enfin, une simulation numérique LES de la transition laminaire-turbulent de la configuration du montage VALDO est effectuée. / Solid rocket motors may exhibit thrust oscillations induced by pressure oscillations inside the engine. In the scientific literature, the so-called vortex shedding parietal, a hydrodynamic instability specific to the internal flow, has been proven to be the triggering mechanism through linear stability analyses. However, some questions still remain. These oscillations are observed during the second half of Ariane 5 launches only, the laminar-turbulent transition of the intern flow being expected to play a significant role in that behavior. Additionally, non-circular grain shapes used in some engines may impact the stability study. The present PhD work extends the base flow linear stability studies to star-shaped geometries and investigate transition mechanisms in a circular configuration. Firstly, an analytical expression of the base flow in a duct with a star-shaped cross-section is determined. Wall-normal injection is assumed, which is representative of solid rocket engines. The velocity profile may exhibit an inflection point depending on both the Reynolds number and wall radial deformation. Secondly, both local and biglobal stability analyses are applied to this flow. In contrast to the circular case, the flow may exhibit one or several unstable modes. Lastly, a large eddy simulation of the VALDO experimental test bench is performed. The influence of the acoustic impedance of the outflow boundary condition on the amplitude of pressure oscillations is highlighted.

Estudo de máquina elétrica de fluxo axial aplicada a sistema de tração automotiva com acoplamento direto e frenagem regenerativa

Goltz, Evandro Claiton January 2012 (has links)
Este trabalho descreve o desenvolvimento e caracterização de uma máquina elétrica para aplicação em sistemas de tração automotiva. Compreende o estudo e a análise do perfil de carga e das grandezas eletromagnéticas e eletromecânicas através da construção de modelos analíticos, numéricos e experimentais. Através destes, são propostos critérios para o dimensionamento geométrico e para a escolha dos materiais. A topologia da máquina elétrica possui fluxo axial no entreferro, duplo rotor com ímãs permanentes setoriais, núcleo estator toroidal sem ranhuras e enrolamentos setoriais. Os modelos analíticos tridimensionais para a geometria e o volume dos enrolamentos são uma contribuição relevante em termos científicos. Experimentalmente, a máquina é acionada como gerador síncrono, com um rendimento interno de até 91,75%. Como gerador em regime de frenagem regenerativa obteve-se um rendimento interno de 78,61% no barramento CC. Ao final, utilizando o modelo automotivo de perdas, é feita uma análise em regime permanente do sistema acoplado, visando à caracterização da eficiência energética global do sistema. Os resultados obtidos permitem uma avaliação adequada da máquina no modo de operação proposto. / Este trabalho descreve o desenvolvimento e caracterização de uma máquina elétrica para aplicação em sistemas de tração automotiva. Compreende o estudo e a análise do perfil de carga e das grandezas eletromagnéticas e eletromecânicas através da construção de modelos analíticos, numéricos e experimentais. Através destes, são propostos critérios para o dimensionamento geométrico e para a escolha dos materiais. A topologia da máquina elétrica possui fluxo axial no entreferro, duplo rotor com ímãs permanentes setoriais, núcleo estator toroidal sem ranhuras e enrolamentos setoriais. Os modelos analíticos tridimensionais para a geometria e o volume dos enrolamentos são uma contribuição relevante em termos científicos. Experimentalmente, a máquina é acionada como gerador síncrono, com um rendimento interno de até 91,75%. Como gerador em regime de frenagem regenerativa obteve-se um rendimento interno de 78,61% no barramento CC. Ao final, utilizando o modelo automotivo de perdas, é feita uma análise em regime permanente do sistema acoplado, visando à caracterização da eficiência energética global do sistema. Os resultados obtidos permitem uma avaliação adequada da máquina no modo de operação proposto.

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