Spelling suggestions: "subject:"shear strength"" "subject:"thear strength""
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Healing Microcracks and Early Warning Composite FracturesGao, Shang-Lin, Liu, Jian-Wen, Zhuang, Rong-Chuang, Plonka, Rosemarie, Mäder, Edith January 2011 (has links)
A functional nanometer-scale hybrid coating layer with multi-walled carbon nanotubes (MWCNTs) and/or nanoclays, as mechanical enhancement to ‘heal’ surface microcracks and environmental barrier layer is applied to alkaliresistant glass (ARG) fibres. The nanostructured and functionalised traditional glass fibres show both significantly improved mechanical properties and environmental corrosion resistance. Early warning material damage can be achieved by carbon nanotubes concentrated interphases in the composites. / Eine funktionale nanometerskalige Hybridbeschichtung mit multi-walled carbon nanotubes (MWCNTs) und/oder Nanoclay wurde als mechanische Verbesserung des „Ausheilens“ von Oberflächen-Mikrorissen und Barriereschicht gegenüber Umwelteinflüssen auf alkaliresistente Glasfasern (ARG) appliziert. Die nanostrukturierten und funktionalisierten traditionellen Glasfasern zeigen signifikant verbesserte mechanische Eigenschaften und Korrosionsbeständigkeit. Die Frühwarnung des Materialversagens kann durch Carbon Nanotubes, konzentriert in der Grenzschicht der Composites, erreicht werden.
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Shear Strength of Reinforced Concrete Beams subjected to Blast Loading : Non-linear Dynamic AnalysisZangeneh Kamali, Abbas January 2012 (has links)
The experimental investigations performed on the behaviour of reinforce concrete elements subjected to blast loading have revealed that the shear mechanisms and ductility play important roles in the overall response and failure mode of such structures. The main aim of this master thesis is to study the possibility of using finite element method as a tool for predicting the dynamic response of blast loaded reinforced concrete beams and evaluation of their shear strength. In this study, the commercial software, ABAQUS/Explicit has been used by implementing appropriate constitutive material models in order to consider the material nonlinearity, stiffness degradation and strain rate effects. The results of some blast loaded tested beams have been used for verification and calibration of the model. As a secondary objective, the calibrated model used to study the influence of some important factors on the shear strength of reinforced concrete beams and investigate their effects on the failure mode. The results used as a reference and compared with the calculations according to some design codes for blast resistance design. The results of the present research show that the implemented nonlinear finite element model successfully simulates the dynamic responses including displacement/reaction force time histories and induced damage patterns of blast tested beams with reasonable accuracy. The results of performed parametric study confirm that the ductility play important role in the failure behaviour of studied beams. The numerical simulations show that dynamic response of a soft element is more ductile than the stiffer one and the shear forces are thereby limited. Thus, although a soft element fails by large deformations in flexure, a stiff element may experience a brittle shear failure mode for the same load intensity. The comparison between the results of numerical analysis and design codes calculation show that the American approach in shear design of reinforced concrete elements subjected to blast loading is relatively conservative, similar to static design approach and do not consider the effect of ductility in the shear design procedure. On the contrary, the procedure that Swedish guideline implemented somehow considers the effect of ductility on the shear strength of reinforced concrete elements subjected to impulsive loads. Further research should involve the using the developed finite element model as a tool in order to theoretically study the dynamic response of blast loaded reinforced concrete elements and their failure modes. The results of numerical simulations can be used as a reference to derive simplified computational methods for practical design purposes.
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Triaxial testing of lime/cement stabilized clay : A comparison with unconfined compression testsAmin, Diyar January 2015 (has links)
Detta examensarbete presenterar resultat från en laboratoriestudie på en lera från Enköping stabiliserad med kalk och cement. I laboratoriet har isotropiskt konsoliderade odränerade aktiva triaxialförsök utförts på provkroppar och jämförts med enaxliga tryckförsök som utförts på provkroppar från samma inblandningstillfälle. De två metoderna har visat sig ge likvärdiga värden på utvärderad odränerad skjuvhållfasthet. Elasticitetsmodulen har däremot visat sig vara mycket högre för triaxialförsöken än enaxliga tryckförsök. För triaxialförsöken har förhållandet mellan sekantmodulen och den odränerade skjuvhållfastheten legat mellan 112-333. För de enaxliga tryckförsöken ligger förhållandet mellan sekantmodulen och den odränerade skjuvhållfastheten inom intervallet 44-146. Inget mönster har dock kunnat urskiljas då förhållandet mellan de två olika försöken har varierat mellan 1,0-3,5. Ett lägre och högre back pressure användes under triaxialförsöken. Till skillnad från tidigare studier har dock båda dessa back pressures vattenmättat provkroppen. Resultaten visar på att back pressure inte påverkar testresultaten, förutsatt att provet blivit fullt vattenmättat. Utöver denna jämförelse har ytterligare passiva triaxialförsök utförts. De passiva triaxialförsöken har utförts som isotropiskt konsoliderade odränerade försök.. Däremot har två olika metoder använts under skjuvningsfasen. I första typen av försök har den axiella spänningen minskats medan den radiella spänningen har hållits konstant. I den andra typen av försök har i stället den radiella spänningen ökats samtidigt som den axiella spänningen har hållits konstant. Skjuvhållfastheter har jämförts med resultat från kalkpelarsondering i fält och visar på att skjuvhållfastheten genomgående varit högre i fält än i laboratoriet. Dessutom har skjuvhållfastheter och elasticitetsmoduler testats efter olika lagringstider genom enaxliga tryckförsök. / This master thesis presents results from a laboratory study on a clay from Enköping which was stabilized with lime and clay. Isotropic consolidated undrained compressive tests were performed on samples and compared to unconfined compressive testing. The two methods have shown no difference in the evaluation of undrained shear strength. However the modulus of elasticity was shown to be much higher for the triaxial tests. For the unconfined compressive tests the relation between the undrained shear strength and secant modulus was within the range of 44-146. The equivalent for the triaxial tests was in the interval of 112-333. However no pattern was extinguishable between the two tests as this relation has varied between 1,0 to 3,5. A lower and higher back pressure was used during the triaxial testing. However, both back pressures have succeeded in saturating the sample. Results show that the back pressure has little effect on the results, as long as the sample has been fully saturated. In addition to this extension tests were performed on samples as well. The tests performed were isotropic consolidated undrained. However two different shearing methods were used. The first test was strain rate dependant while the second test was stress rate dependant. In the first test the vertical stress decreased while the radial stresses were kept constant, while in the other test the radial stresses increased while the vertical stress were kept constant. The undrained shear strength was compared to lime/cement column penetration tests in field. Results showed that tests in field show a much higher undrained shear strength than laboratory testing.
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Quality of CPTU : Analyses and comparison of data from commercial actors in Stockholm/MälardalenKardan, Caesar January 2015 (has links)
CPTU is one of the most sophisticated geotechnical investigation methods. However, there is a large amount of uncertainties related to this method. The uncertainties depend on different types of factors, for instance lack of accuracy in performance and equipment. The objective of this master thesis is to compare the CPTU-results from a number of commercial actors in Stockholm/Mälardalen in order to analyze these results with respect to the current standards and guidelines. The comparison was made in order to highlight the difference in results which may appear due to different equipment, performance of the operator and evaluation method. Based on this, an invite was sent to the commercial actors in Stockholm/Mälardalen, resulting in the participation of five different commercial actors in this investigation. Execution in the field was conducted over a six week period. During this time 26 CPTU were performed in total in a small area in Hagby, Stockholm, by these different actors. Once the data was collected from all of the actors, the results were evaluated with the aid of the computer softwares Conrad and Excel. The main conclusions from this study are: Not one of the performed CPTU in this master thesis fulfills the requirements for CPT class 1 according to the European standards. The quality of the education of operators should be improved and geotechnical engineers and the clients need to be more familiar with CPTU. The evaluated results from different commercial actors differ, and this can depend on the choice of equipment and performance of the operator during penetration, but it can also depend on systematic errors in the cone penetrometers / CPTU-sonderingar är en av de mest sofistikerade undersökningsmetoderna för geoteknisk analys och bedömning. Det finns emellertid en hög grad av osäkerhet i denna metod. Osäkerheten beror på olika typer av faktorer, bland annat brist på noggrannhet i handhavande och utrustning. Syftet med detta examensarbete är att jämföra CPTU-resultat från de kommersiella aktörerna i Stockholm/Mälardalen för att senare analysera dessa resultat i förhållande till gällande ramverk och riktlinjer. Jämförelsen gjordes med avsikt att lyfta fram skillnaderna i resultat som kan uppstå på grund av olika utrustning, handhavande och utvärderingsmetod. Baserat på detta skickades en inbjudan till de kommersiella aktörerna i Stockholm/Mälardalen, vilket ledde till att fem olika kommersiella aktörer deltog i undersökningen. Utförande i fält genomfördes under en period på sex veckor. Under denna tid utfördes totalt 26 sonderingar i ett avgränsat område i Hagby, Stockholm, av dessa olika aktörer. När all data samlats in från alla aktörer utvärderades resultaten med hjälp av mjukvarorna Conrad och Excel. De viktigaste slutsatserna i denna studie är: Ingen utav de utförda CPTU-sonderingarna uppfyller kraven för CPT klass 1 enligt den europeiska standarden. Kvaliteten på utbildning av fältgeotekniker bör förbättras och geotekniska ingenjörer och även beställare bör bli mer bekanta med CPT. De utvärderade resultaten från de olika aktörerna skiljer sig åt, och detta kan bero på valet av utrustning och fältgeoteknikerns prestation vid sondering men det kan också bero på systematiska fel i de använda sonderna.
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Die Bestimmung der undrainierten Scherfestigkeit in TagebaukippenUhlig, Markus 11 February 2022 (has links)
Braunkohle ist aktuell immer noch ein wichtiger Rohstoff für die Energieversorgung in Deutschland. Ein großes Abbaugebiet befindet sich in Nordrhein-Westfalen. Im sogenannten rheinischen Braunkohlenrevier liegen mächtige Braunkohleflöze, welche seit einigen Jahrzehnten im Tagebaubetrieb abgebaut werden. Allerdings fallen auch große Mengen an Abraum (die Deckschichten über der Braunkohle) an, welche meist auf der, dem Abbauort, gegenüberliegenden Seite, wieder verkippt werden. Dort bilden die verkippten Massen eine Böschung, die im Fall des Tagebaus Hambach ein Böschungssystem mit über 400m Höhe erreicht hat. Diese sich ständig verändernden Böschungen müssen, wie alle hohen Böschungen, durch Fachpersonal auf ihre Standsicherheit überprüft werden. Für diese Standsicherheitsberechnungen bedarf es Kennwerte, u. a. die undrainierte Scherfestigkeit für die Nachweise der kurzfristigen Standsicherheit, für die vorliegenden verkippten Böden. Diese liegen nach der Verkippung meist heterogen vor und verändern durch eine fortschreitende Konsolidation ihren Zustand.
Diese Arbeit beschäftigt sich mit der Bestimmung des Kennwertes der undrainierten Scherfestigkeit in fein- und gemischtkörnigen Böden. Dazu werden zunächst die Klassifikations- und Zustandseigenschaften während der Verkippung der Böden für die in den Tagebauen Inden und Hambach verwendeten Materialklassen vorgestellt. Dabei wird auch auf die Besonderheiten der Böden im Tagebau, wie z.B. die Zustandsänderung während des Transportes oder die vorliegende Heterogenität, eingegangen. Es werden analytische und numerische Prognosemodelle zur Bestimmung der undrainierten Scherfestigkeit vorgestellt. Die Grundlage dieser Modelle bilden die Konsolidationstheorien, mit welchen sich die Zustandsvariablen, wie die Porenzahl oder die effektive Spannungen, berechnen lassen. Über verfügbare Stoffmodelle, wie z.B. das hypoplastische Modell nach Mašín können anhand der Zustandsvariablen die undrainierten Scherfestigkeiten abgeleitet werden.
Mit den in dieser Arbeit verwendeten Modellen lassen sich undrainierte Scherfestigkeitskennwerte zu verschiedenen Zeitpunkten prognostizieren, mit denen wiederum z.B. Standsicherheitsberechnungen von Böschungen durchgeführt werden können. Die statistischen Auswertungen der Klassifikationseigenschaften und Zustände erlauben eine Beurteilung von im Tagebaubetrieb häufig verwendeten Kennwerten (z.B. Fließgrenze oder Wassergehalt) und deren Streubreiten innerhalb der Materialklassen. / Lignite was and still is an essential source for producing energy in Germany. One huge extraction site is located in North-Rhine-Westphalia (in between Mönchengladbach, Cologne and Aachen). The so called Rhenish lignite district contains very thick lignite deposits, which are mined in open pit mines since a few decades. There are huge overburdens (on top on the lignite) which are transported and dumped on the opposite to the excavation side. The dumped soil masses create slope systems, that can amount to 400m of height (in open pit mine Hambach). These large slopes undergo permanent changes and have to be assessed considering their safety and stability by specialists. Characteristic properties regarding shear strength of the heterogeneous fine- and mixed grained soils are required for such calculations. The main challenge is the description of the state of the soil, as it is permanently changing due to consolidation. One essential characteristic is the undrained shear strength.
The main focus of this thesis is the determination of the undrained shear strength. Therefore, the soil properties are determined with classification tests and the state of the soils at the time of dumping is assessed. The results are categorised using the material classes of the open pit mines Inden and Hambach. The particularities of dumped soils in open pit mines are shown, for instance the change of state during transport or the heterogeneity. Moreover, analytical and numerical models are employed to predict the undrained shear strength. The basis of all these models are consolidation theories, which are applied to determine the state variables such as void ratio and effective stresses. The undrained shear strength can then be predicted by using constitutive models such as the hypoplastic model for clays according Mašín.
Using the approach presented in this thesis the undrained shear strength can be predicted and employed for example for slope stability analyses. The statistic evaluation of the soil properties allows a review of the soil characteristics that are typically employed in open pit mining. Furthermore, the scattering of properties of the material classes in the open pit mines can be assessed.
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The Design, Construction, and Testing of Scaled Post-Tensioned Concrete Bridge Girders with Bonded and Unbonded TendonsDavid S Derks (12190748) 18 April 2022 (has links)
<p>If designed and constructed properly, post-tensioned construction can provide improved durability and offers the ability to construct longer span bridges and curved girders. Furthermore, this method of construction has become economically competitive with traditional, pretensioned concrete and steel plate girder bridges. A critical issue, however, has been corrosion of the steel strand. While grouting has been the primary corrosion protection method for the strand, experience has shown that grouting presents its own problems and limitations that compromised the durability and service-life of bridges. As a result, unbonded post-tensioning has gained interest as it eliminates issues with grouting and allows for inspection as well as future strand replacement. The behavior and strength of structures constructed with unbonded post-tensioning, however, is not well understood, especially shear strength. Therefore, the objective of this research investigation is to evaluate the structural performance of prestressed girders containing unbonded tendons with a primary focus on shear strength. The scope of this phase of the research was to develop the means and methods to construct and test girder specimens with multiple design criteria and allow evaluation of multiple test variables. The research developed the materials and procedures to enable the large scale testing program to be developed. Finally, the procedures developed were verified through the construction of the initial set of test specimens and testing of the first shear specimen.</p>
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Experimental and analytical study of the reinforcement of pavements by glass fibre grids / Étude du renforcement des infrastructures routières par des grilles en fibre de verreSagnol, Loba 15 December 2017 (has links)
Cette thèse traite de l’effet des grilles en fibre de verre, utilisées pour renforcer les structures routières, sur la liaison entre deux couches d’enrobés bitumineux, la durée de vie en fatigue et le module de rigidité des ´éprouvettes cylindriques renforcées, ainsi que sur les déflexions mesurées sur une section de route renforcée in situ. Des essais de cisaillement (LEUTNER) ainsi que de module et de fatigue (ITT) ont été conduit sur des éprouvettes renforcées et non renforcées en utilisant différentes grilles, différentes émulsion ainsi que différentes quantités d’émulsion. Pour ces essais, une surface de test a été construite in-situ, de laquelle les ´éprouvettes ont ´été extraites. Une section de route in-situ a ´également été construite, renforcée avec 3 différentes grilles et avec deux sections de références. Les déflexions de la chaussée ont été déterminées avant et après les travaux. Une modélisation de la structure a été faites basée sur les résultats des mesures de déflexion. / This PhD-study evaluates the impact of glass fibre grids, used to reinforced asphalt structures, on the bonding between two asphalt layers, the fatigue life and the stiffness modulus of reinforced cylindrical specimens as well as on the deflections measured on a reinforced in-situ road section. Shear tests (LEUTNER) as well as modulus-tests and fatigue-tests (ITT) were conducted on reinforced and unreinforced specimens, using different grids, different emulsions and different emulsion quantities. For this tests, an outdoor test-surface was constructed, from which the specimens were extracted. A in-situ road test section was also constructed, reinforced with 3 different grids and having two reference sections. The deflections of the road were determined before and after the construction works. A modelisation of the structure, based on the deflection measurements, was made.
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Influence of surface treatment on veneering porcelain shear bond strength to zirconia after cyclic loadingNishigori, Atsushi January 2013 (has links)
Indiana University-Purdue University Indianapolis (IUPUI) / Statement of problem: Yttria-partially stabilized tetragonal zirconia polycrystal (Y-TZP) all-ceramic restorations have been reported to suffer from chipping or cracking of the veneering porcelain (VP) as the most common complication. There is little information in the literature regarding the influence of surface treatment on VP shear bond strength to Y-TZP after cyclic loading. Purpose of this study: The goals of this study were (1) to investigate the influence of zirconia surface treatments on veneering porcelain shear bond strength and (2) to investigate the influence of cyclic loading on the shear bond strength between VP and Y-TZP. Materials and Methods: 48 cylinder–shaped specimens (6mm in diameter and 4mm in height) were divided into 4 groups containing 12 specimens each according to the surface treatment. As a control group (C), no further treatment was applied to the specimens after grinding. Group H was heat-treated as a pretreatment according to the manufacturer’s recommendations. Group S was airborne-particle abraded with 50 µm alumina (Al2O3) particles under a pressure of 0.4 MPa for 10 seconds. In the group SH, the heat-treatment was performed after the airborne-particle abrasion. A VP cylinder (2.4 mm in diameter and 2 mm in height) was applied and fired on the prepared Y-TZP specimens. The shear bond strength was tested using a universal testing machine. Six specimens from each group were subjected to fatigue (10,000cycles, 1.5Hz, 10N load) before testing. Results: The 3-way ANOVA showed no statistically significant effect of surface treatment and cyclic loading on shear bond strength. The highest mean shear bond strength was recorded for the air-particle abrasion group without cyclic loading (34.1 + 10 MPa). The lowest mean shear bond strength was the air-particle abrasion group with cyclic loading (10.7 ± 15.4 MPa). Sidak multiple comparisons procedure demonstrated cyclic loading specimens had significantly lower shear bond strength than non-cyclic loading specimens after air-particle abrasion without heat treatment (p=0.0126) Conclusion: Within the limitations of this study, (1) Shear bond strength between Y-TZP and VP is not affected statistically by surface treatment using heat treatment, airborne-particle abrasion, and heat treatment after airborne-particle abrasion. (2) There is significant difference in shear bond strength with air-particle abrasion between with and without cyclic loading groups. This difference suggested that air-particle abrasion should be avoided in clinical situations as a surface treatment without heat treatment.
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Effect of halloysite aluminosilicate clay nanotube incorporation into bonding agents on shear bond strength to human dentinAlkatheeri, Mohammed Saeed January 2013 (has links)
Indiana University-Purdue University Indianapolis (IUPUI) / In adhesive dentistry, obtaining a good bond is a fundamental goal. It has been suggested that filler addition to the adhesives would increase the bonding strength of the adhesive layer. Halloysite aluminosilicate nanotubes (HNTs) are biocompatible, hydrophilic, durable, and have high mechanical strength. These advantages make them good candidates to be used as reinforcing agents for improving the properties of dental adhesives.
The objective of this study was to evaluate the effect of incorporating HNTs into a commercial two-step etch-and-rinse adhesive system or one-step self-etch adhesive system on dentin shear bond strength.
HNTs were incorporated into the two commercial adhesive systems in 0 wt%, 5 wt%, 10 wt%, and 20 wt%. The commercial control adhesives and the experimental adhesives were used to bond occlusal dentin of 120 extracted human molar teeth and then tested for shear bond strength by a universal testing machine with a semi-circular edge at a crosshead speed of 1.0 mm/min. Debonded specimens were examined under light microscopy to evaluate the fracture pattern. Resin-dentin interface were evaluated under scanning electron microscopy (SEM) after bonding dentin slabs using commercial control adhesives and experimental adhesive that showed numerically highest shear bond strength from each adhesive system. Two-way ANOVA was used to evaluate the effects of adhesive system and nanofiller content on shear bond strength. Pair-wise comparisons between groups were made using Fisher's (LSD) (p < 0.05).
For the self-etch adhesive system, only incorporation of 5 wt% showed a significant increase in shear bond strength to dentin compared with the commercial control group. For the etch-and-rinse adhesive system, there was no significant difference in shear bond strength between HNTs filled adhesives groups and the commercial control group. Resin-dentin interface SEM evaluation showed nanotubes infiltrated into dentinal tubules.
In conclusion, incorporating the self-etch adhesive system with 5 wt% HNTs increased the bond strength to dentin. Incorporation of up to 10 wt% filler concentration into both the self-etch and the etch-and-rinse adhesive systems did not adversely affect the bond strength to dentin or the handling properties. HNTs can penetrate along with resin tags into dentinal tubules, which could expand the use of their unique properties.
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Numerické modely pro posuzování stability zemního svahu / Numerical Patterns for Evaluation of the Stability SlopeEkr, Jan January 2012 (has links)
The master’s thesis deals with numerical patterns for evaluation of the stability slopes. Solutions have been made with finite element method for different design situations with using programme system ANSYS. The results were compared with conventional approaches determining of the slope safety factor.
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