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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Galectins and glycosphingolipids in clathrin-independent endocytosis and cell migration / Galectines et glycosphingolipides dans l'endocytose indépendante de la clathrine et lamigration cellulaire

Lakshminarayan, Ramya 12 June 2012 (has links)
Les voies d’endocytose qui régissent l’internalisation d’éléments extracellulaires peuvent être classées selon que la protéine de manteau, la clathrine, est impliquée ou non dans le processus. Les voies indépendantes de la clathrine sont utilisées par de nombreuses toxines, des virus et des protéines endogènes. Les mécanismes permettant d’induire le recrutement des protéines cargoes et la déformation de la membrane plasmique dans le contexte de l'endocytose clathrine-indépendant restent encore mal compris. Cette étude montre que la galectine 3, une protéine humaine qui se lie aux glucides, induit la formation d’invaginations de la membrane plasmique de manière indépendante de la clathrine. Les glycosphingolipides (molécules jouant un rôle majeur dans la physiologie de la cellule) sont essentielles pour permettre à la galectine 3 d’induire ces invaginations et d’être internalisée dans la cellule. Les structures tubulaires induites par la galectine 3 présentent une morphologie étonnamment similaire à celle de compartiments intermédiaires de transport décrits dans la littérature pour l’endocytose indépendante de la clathrine. Des cargos utilisant la voie indépendante de la clathrine, tels que CD44 et les intégrines α5 et β1, sont retrouvés dans les tubules induits par la galectine 3. De plus, cette dernière est nécessaire à l’internalisation de CD44. Cela indique donc que la galectine 3 pourrait relier des protéines cargos glycosylés à des glycosphyngolipides de la membrane plasmique et ainsi induire une déformation de la membrane et leur internalisation dans les cellules. Ce mécanisme diffère de celui utilisé par la toxine pentamérique de Shiga et par la toxine cholérique, qui sont leur protéines cargos propores et interagissant directement avec le glycosphyngolipide leur servant de récepteur. Les tubules induits par la galectine 3 sont distincts de ceux induit par les autres lectines. Celles-ci présentent des spécificités différentes de liaison aux glucides, montrant ainsi la l'importance des interactions entre les lectines et les sucres dans ce processus. De plus, nous avons constaté que la galectine 3 module l’équilibre à l’état basal de l’intégrine β1 à la surface de la cellule. Cette protéine étant capitale pour les phénomènes d’adhésion et de migration cellulaires, nous avons donc exploré le rôle conjoint de la galectine 3 et des glycosphingolipides dans la migration cellulaire. La galectine 3 inhibe la migration des cellules humaines de carcinomes mammaires alors qu’elle stimule au contraire celle de cellules de tumeurs mammaires murines. Or, nous avons montré que la régulation par la galactine 3 de la migration de différentes lignées cellulaires est dépendante des glycosphingolipides. Il ressort donc de cette étude que la galectine 3 et les glycosphingolipides contribuent de manière synergique au processus d’induction de déformation de la membrane, à l’endocytose de protéines cargos et à la migration cellulaire. / Endocytic processes which govern the uptake of extracellular material into the cell can be classified based on their dependence on the coat protein, clathrin. Clathrin-independent mechanisms are used by many toxins, viruses and endogenous proteins. How cargo is recruited and membranes are bent is not well understood in these cases. Here, we discovered that galectin 3, a human carbohydrate binding protein induced the clathrin-independent formation of endocytic plasma membrane invaginations. Glycosphingolipids, which have established functions in key physiological processes, were found to be essential for the formation of galectin 3-induced invaginations and for the efficient uptake of the protein into the cell. Galectin 3-induced tubular structures were found to have a strikingly similar morphology to that of the clathrin-independent carriers described in literature. Clathrin-independent endocytic cargoes such as CD44, α5 and β1 integrin were present in galectin 3-induced tubules, and galectin activity and glycosphingolipids were required for the uptake of CD44. This indicated that galectin 3 could link glycosylated cargoes with glycosphingolipids for cargo recruitment and membrane bending. In contrast, the pentameric Shiga and cholera toxins are their own cargoes and drive membrane deformations by directly binding to their respective glycosphingolipid receptors. Galectin 3-induced tubules were distinct from those induced by lectins with different carbohydrate binding specificities, which revealed the importance of lectin-glycan interaction in this process. Further, we observed that galectin 3 modulated the steady state surface dynamics of β1 integrin, a protein which like CD44 is critical for cell adhesion and migration. Subsequently, we explored the interplay of galectins and glycosphingolipids in cell migration. Galectin 3 inhibited cell migration in human breast carcinoma cells, and stimulated migration in a mouse mammary tumor cell line. However, the regulation of migration by galectin 3 was in both cases found to be dependent on glycosphingolipids. In conclusion, galectin 3 and glycosphingolipids synergistically contribute to the clathrin-independent curvature generation process, cargo endocytosis and cell migration.

Estudo dinâmico da expressão gênica global durante a interação STEC-enterócito utilizando séries temporais / Dinamic study of global gene expression along STEC-enterocyte interaction using time series

Priscila Iamashita 27 November 2017 (has links)
As Escherichia coli produtoras da toxina Shiga (STEC) são importantes patógenos humanos, causando desde diarréias até a síndrome hemolítica urêmica (SHU). Há diversos sorotipos associados a SHU, tais como O157:H7 e O113:H21. No Brasil o sorotipo O113:H21 ainda não aparece associado a SHU, embora seja frequentemente isolado de carcaças e fezes bovinas. Nosso grupo já investigou comparativamente as redes de coexpressão gênica (RCG) de STEC EH41 (associado à SHU) e Ec472/01 (isolado de fezes bovinas). A análise comparativa do perfil transcricional de EH41 e Ec472/01 revelou que somente EH41 expressa um conjunto de genes que inclui o regulador transcricional dicA. A maioria destes genes está situada em um único módulo transcricional e podem estar associados a fatores de virulência. Assim, este trabalho centrou-se numa abordagem de biologia de sistemas, integrando análises genômica e fenotípica da resposta de enterócitos Caco-2 à EH41 e Ec472/01. A análise genômica baseou-se no estudo temporal de RCG para compreender os mecanismos moleculares envolvidos na patogenicidade desses dois isolados. As alterações fenotípicas ocorridas nas células Caco-2 ao longo da exposição a cada um dos isolados de STEC foram visualizadas através de MEV. A análise genômica mostrou que o mecanismo molecular da resposta de Caco-2 durante a interação com EH41 ou Ec472/01 é claramente distinto. Nas redes do grupo Caco-2/EH41 as alterações topológicas incluíram a perda do status scale free e a sua recuperação, com o estabelecimento de uma nova hierarquia de genes na rede. Esses resultados se enquadram no modelo de redes para transição saúde-doença: a nova rede representa a resposta adaptativa da célula ao patógeno, o que não significa um retorno à normalidade. Já no grupo Caco-2/Ec472 as redes, após a perda do status scale free, não recuperam esse status até o final do período estudado, o que sugere um estado de transição mais prolongado para reorganização da hierarquia da rede. Mais ainda, através da caracterização dos módulos transcricionais, foi possível compreender dinamicamente os mecanismos moleculares envolvidos na resposta diferencial de Caco-2 aos dois isolados aqui estudados. STEC EH41 induz rapidamente a resposta inflamatória e apoptótica a partir da primeira hora de interação enterócito-bactéria. Por outro lado, células Caco-2 em contato com Ec472/01 ativam, a partir de uma hora, a fagocitose e, a partir da segunda hora, expressam moduladores da homeostase imune. A análise fenotípica das células Caco-2 mostrou, de forma nítida, uma maior destruição dos microvilos dos enterócitos em contato com EH41 do que com Ec472/01. Integrando os resultados genômicos e fenotípicos pode-se concluir que EH41 induz em Caco-2 - em comparação com Ec472/01 - maiores e mais rápidas alterações na expressão gênica global, além de uma resposta inflamatória e apoptótica excessiva, levando assim a alterações morfológicas mais pronunciadas nas células Caco-2. Em seu conjunto, esses resultados contribuem para uma melhor compreensão dos mecanismos moleculares envolvidos na patogenicidade das STECs associadas à SHU. Assim, as perspectivas de desenvolvimento deste trabalho deverão incluir a investigação de fatores de virulência e vias moleculares envolvidas na indução das respostas imunes que podem conduzir à SHU / Shiga toxin-producing Escherichia coli (STEC) O113:H21 strains are associated with human diarrhea and some of these strains may cause hemolytic uremic syndrome (HUS). In Brazil O113:H21 strains are commonly found in cattle but, so far, were not isolated from HUS patients. Previously, our group conducted comparative gene co-expression network (GCN) analyses of two O113:H21 STEC strains: EH41, isolated from a HUS patient in Australia, and Ec472/01, isolated from bovine feces in Brazil. Differential transcriptome profiles for EH41 and Ec472/01 revealed a gene set exclusively expressed in EH41, which includes the dicA putative virulence factor regulator. GCN analysis showed that this set of genes constitutes an EH41 specific transcriptional module which may be associated to virulence factors. Therefore, in the present work a system biology approach was conducted to investigate the differential Caco-2 response - genomic and phenotypic - to EH41 (Caco-2/EH41) or to Ec472/01 (Caco- 2/Ec472) along enterocyte-bacteria interaction. The genomic analysis was based on temporal GCN data in order to gain a better understanding on the molecular mechanisms underlying the capacity to cause HUS. The phenotypic alterations in Caco-2 during enterocyte-bacteria interaction were assessed by scanning electronic microscopy (SEM). The genomic analysis showed that the molecular mechanism of Caco-2 response to EH41 or to Ec472/01 during enterocyte-bacteria interaction is clearly different. The GCN topological analyses for Caco-2/EH41 group revealed loss of the scale-free status after one hour of interaction, persistence of this condition along the second hour and establishment of a new gene hierarchy thereafter. These events resemble the network mechanism of health-disease transition. The new established network represents an adaptive cell response to the pathogen and not the return to a \"normal\" state. Conversely, the networks for Caco-2/Ec472 group showed a slow and progressive loss of the scale-free status without its restoration at the end of the time interval here studied. Through transcriptional module characterization it was possible to reveal the dynamic of the molecular mechanism involved in the Caco-2 differential responses to the STEC isolates. EH41 induces a rapid inflammatory and apoptotic response just after the first hour of enterocyte-bacteria interaction. Instead, the Caco-2 response to Ec472/01 is characterized by phagocytosis activation at the first hour, followed by the expression of immune response modulators after the second hour. SEM phenotypic analysis of Caco-2 cells along enterocyte-bacteria interaction showed more intense microvilli destruction in cells exposed to EH41, when compared to cells exposed to Ec472/01. The integration of genomic and phenotypic data allowed us to conclude that EH41, comparatively to Ec472/01, induces greater and precocious global gene expression alterations in Caco-2, what is related to excessive inflammatory and apoptotic responses. These responses are associated with the pronounced morphological alterations observed by SEM in Caco-2 cells exposed to EH41. Altogether, these results contribute for a better understanding of the molecular mechanism involved in STEC pathogenicity associated to HUS. Therefore, the future perspectives for the development of the present work should include the investigation of virulence factors and molecular pathways involved in the induction of immune responses leading to HUS

Prevalência e caracterização de Escherichia coli O157:H7 e outras cepas produtoras de toxina de Shiga (STEC) na linha de abate de carne bovina destinada à exportação / Prevalence and characterization of Escherichia coli O157: H7 and other Shiga toxin (STEC) producing strains in the export slaughter line

Fogo, Verônica Simões 11 December 2009 (has links)
Escherichia coli é um microrganismo presente no trato intestinal do homem e de animais de sangue quente, fazendo parte da microbiota, coexistindo sem causar danos ao hospedeiro. No entanto, algumas linhagens desse microrganismo podem ser patogênicas e causar doenças tanto ao homem como aos animais. E. coli produtoras de toxina de Shiga (STEC), consideradas patógenos de origem alimentar, podem causar desde diarréias brandas até severas e sanguinolentas a complicações graves, como colite hemorrágica (HC), síndrome urêmica hemolítica (HUS) e púrpura trombótica trombocitopênica (TTP). O gado é considerado um importante reservatório deste patógeno e a contaminação de seres humanos ocorre, na maioria das vezes, através do consumo de alimentos ou água contaminados. O presente trabalho teve como objetivos avaliar a ocorrência de E. coli O157:H7 e outras STEC em amostras de couro de animais bovinos e de suas respectivas carcaças, na etapa de pré-evisceração, e meia-carcaças, na etapa de pós-evisceração; identificar os genes que codificam para os fatores de virulência (stx1 , stx2, eaeA e ehxA) dos isolados obtidos; evidenciar cepas de E. coli O157:H7 através da pesquisa do gene uidA; identificar os sorotipos dos isolados; verificar a citotoxicidade dos isolados de STEC em células Vero e avaliar a sensibilidade a diferentes antibióticos. De 198 animais amostrados, sete (3,5%) apresentaram cepas de STEC. Em seis (3%) destes, STEC foi detectada no couro e em um (0,5%) foi isolada de meia-carcaça, não tendo sido detectada em amostras de carcaça. As 23 cepas isoladas do couro apresentaram o perfil stx2, eaeA, uidA e ehxA, podendo ser consideradas E. coli enterohemorrágica (EHEC), e a isolada de meia carcaça apresentou o perfil stx2, uidA e ehxA. Das 24 cepas isoladas, 13 (54,2%) pertenciam ao sorotipo O157:H7. Além deste sorotipo, foram isoladas cepas de outros sorotipos previamente descritos e associados a doenças humanas severas no Brasil e em outros países, como O174:H21, O6:H49, ONT:H7, ONT:H8 e OR:H10. Dos sete animais com cepas positivas para stx2e ehxA, cinco (71,4%) apresentaram cepas com atividade citotóxica em células Vero e um (14,2%) apresentou cepas positivas na avaliação da produção de entero-hemolisina. Com relação ao teste com antibióticos, quatro (16,7%) das 24 cepas testadas apresentaram resistência a um ou mais antibióticos, sendo três (12,5%) a estreptomicina e uma (4,2%) a estreptomicina e ampicilina. Diante destes resultados, pode-se dizer que a produção de entero-hemolisina e a pesquisa dos genes ehxA e uidA não demonstraram ser bons marcadores na pesquisa do sorotipo O157:H7. A presença de cepa de STEC na meia-carcaça alerta para a necessidade de vigilância da presença destes microrganismos, uma vez que eles poderiam contaminar o produto final, colocando em risco a saúde do consumidor. / Escherichia coli is a microorganism present in the intestinal tract of humans and warm-blood animals, being part of the normal microbiota and harmless to the host. However, some strains are able to cause human and animal infections. Shiga toxin-producing E. coli (STEC), regarded as foodborne pathogens, can cause since mild or severe and bloody diarrhea to major complications, such as hemorrhagic colitis (HC), hemolytic-uremic syndrome (HUS) and thrombotic thrombocytopenic purpura (TTP). Cattle are considered the main reservoir of this pathogen and the transmission to humans happens, most of the times, due to the consumption of contaminated food or water. The aim of the present research was to determine the prevalence of E. coli O157:H7 and other STEC on hide samples of beef cattle and on their corresponding carcasses, sampled prior to evisceration, and half-carcasses, sampled after evisceration; identity the genes that code for the virulence factors (stx1, stx2, eaeA e ehxA) of the isolates; detect E. coli O157:H7 strains using the gene uidA as epidemiological marker; identify the serotypes of the STEC isolates; verify the citotoxicity of the isolates in Vero cells and evaluate their resistance to different antibiotics. From 198 animals sampled, seven (3.5%) carried STEC strains. In six (3%) of them, STEC was detected on hide and in one (0.5%) it was isolated from half-carcass. The 23 strains isolated from hide presented the profile stx2, eaeA, uidA e ehxA, and were regarded as enterohemorrhagic Escherichia coli (EHEC), and the one isolated from half-carcass presented the profile stx2, uidA e ehxA. From the 24 isolated strains, 13 (54.2%) belonged to the serotype O157:H7. Besides this serotype, other strains belonging to serotypes that have been previously described and associated with severe human infections in Brazil and other countries, such as O174:H21 , O6:H49, ONT:H7, ONT:H8 and OR:H10, were isolated. From seven animals with strains harboring stx2, and ehxA, five (71.4%) presented verocytotoxigenic strains and one (14.2%) presented enterohemolisin producing strains. Regarding the antibiotics tested, four (16.7%) of the 24 isolated strains were resistant to some antibiotic, being three (12.5%) to streptomycin and one (4.2%) to streptomycin and ampicilin. Faced with these results, the production of enterohemolisin and the search of the genes ehxA and uidA can not be considered good epidemiological markers for the serotype O157:H7. The isolation of STEC strain from the half-carcass alerts for the need of surveillance on the presence of these microorganisms, since they may contaminate the final product, representing a risk to consumers health.

Einfluss des Zellkortex auf die Plasmamembran: Modulation von Mikrodomänen in Modellmembranen / Influence of the Cell Cortex on the Plasma Membrane: Modulation of Microdomains in Model Membranes

Orth, Alexander 10 April 2012 (has links)
Die Struktur der Plasmamembran ist von deren Lipid- und Proteinzusammensetzung abhängig und wird durch die Anbindung an das unterliegende Zytoskelett beeinflusst. Das Ziel der vorliegenden Arbeit war die Untersuchung eines neuen Modellsystems basierend auf po­ren­über­span­nen­den Membranen, welches sowohl die heterogene Lipidzusammensetzung als auch den Einfluss eines unterliegenden Netzwerks berücksichtigt. Lipidmembranen, zusammengesetzt aus der „raft“-ähnlichen Lipidmischung DOPC/Sphingo­myelin/Cho­les­terin (40:40:20), wurden auf porösen, hochgeordneten Siliziumsubstraten mit Po­ren­durch­messern von 0.8, 1.2 und 2.0 µm durch Spreiten und Fusion von Riesenvesikeln (giant unilamellar vesicles, GUVs) präpariert. Die mikroskopische Phasenseparation in koexistierenden flüssig-geordneten (liquid ordered, lo) und flüssig-ungeordneten (liquid disordered, ld) Domänen wurde stark durch das unterliegende poröse Substrat beeinflusst. Die Größe der lo-Domänen konnte durch die Porengröße des Siliziumsubstrats, die Temperatur und den Cholesteringehalt der Membran, welcher durch Zugabe von Methyl-β-Cyclodextrin moduliert wurde, kontrolliert werden. Die Bindung der Shiga Toxin B-Untereinheit (STxB) an po­ren­überspannende Membranen, dotiert mit 5 mol% des Rezeptorlipids Gb3, führte zu einem Anstieg des Anteils der lo-Phase. Außerdem wurde die Bildung von lo-Domänen in nicht-phasenseparierten Membranen, zusammengesetzt aus DOPC/Sphingomyelin/Cholesterin/Gb3 (65:10:20:5), durch die Shiga Toxin-Bindung induziert. Ein Anstieg des Anteils der lo-Phase konnte ebenfalls bei der Bindung der pentameren Cholera Toxin B-Untereinheit (CTxB) an po­ren­überspannende Membranen, dotiert mit 1 mol% des Rezeptorlipids GM1, beobachtet werden. Des Weiteren wurde der Einfluss der chemischen Struktur des Gb3-Moleküls auf die Shiga Toxin-Bindung und die Reorganisation von festkörperunterstützten Membranen (solid supported membranes, SSMs) untersucht. Die STxB-Bindung an α-hydroxyliertes Gb3 erhöhte signifikant den Anteil der lo-Phase, während eine cis-Doppelbindung zur Bildung einer weiteren lo-Phase führte, die vermutlich ungesättigte (Glyko-)Sphingolipide und Cholesterin enthält. Im Falles des ungesättigten Gb3 konnte außerdem eine Kondensation zu größeren Domänen nach der STxB-Bindung beobachtet werden. Die genaue Phasenzuordnung der eingesetzten Glykospingolipide vor der Proteinbindung ist bisher unbekannt. Daher wurde das Phasenverhalten eines fluoreszierenden Polyen-Ga­lac­to­ce­re­bro­sids untersucht, welches bevorzugt in der lo-Phase von GUVs angereichert war. Dieser neue, intrinsische Fluorophor vermag als Grundlage für weitere Studien zum Phasenverhalten von Glykosphingolipiden dienen.

Prevalência e caracterização de Escherichia coli O157:H7 e outras cepas produtoras de toxina de Shiga (STEC) na linha de abate de carne bovina destinada à exportação / Prevalence and characterization of Escherichia coli O157: H7 and other Shiga toxin (STEC) producing strains in the export slaughter line

Verônica Simões Fogo 11 December 2009 (has links)
Escherichia coli é um microrganismo presente no trato intestinal do homem e de animais de sangue quente, fazendo parte da microbiota, coexistindo sem causar danos ao hospedeiro. No entanto, algumas linhagens desse microrganismo podem ser patogênicas e causar doenças tanto ao homem como aos animais. E. coli produtoras de toxina de Shiga (STEC), consideradas patógenos de origem alimentar, podem causar desde diarréias brandas até severas e sanguinolentas a complicações graves, como colite hemorrágica (HC), síndrome urêmica hemolítica (HUS) e púrpura trombótica trombocitopênica (TTP). O gado é considerado um importante reservatório deste patógeno e a contaminação de seres humanos ocorre, na maioria das vezes, através do consumo de alimentos ou água contaminados. O presente trabalho teve como objetivos avaliar a ocorrência de E. coli O157:H7 e outras STEC em amostras de couro de animais bovinos e de suas respectivas carcaças, na etapa de pré-evisceração, e meia-carcaças, na etapa de pós-evisceração; identificar os genes que codificam para os fatores de virulência (stx1 , stx2, eaeA e ehxA) dos isolados obtidos; evidenciar cepas de E. coli O157:H7 através da pesquisa do gene uidA; identificar os sorotipos dos isolados; verificar a citotoxicidade dos isolados de STEC em células Vero e avaliar a sensibilidade a diferentes antibióticos. De 198 animais amostrados, sete (3,5%) apresentaram cepas de STEC. Em seis (3%) destes, STEC foi detectada no couro e em um (0,5%) foi isolada de meia-carcaça, não tendo sido detectada em amostras de carcaça. As 23 cepas isoladas do couro apresentaram o perfil stx2, eaeA, uidA e ehxA, podendo ser consideradas E. coli enterohemorrágica (EHEC), e a isolada de meia carcaça apresentou o perfil stx2, uidA e ehxA. Das 24 cepas isoladas, 13 (54,2%) pertenciam ao sorotipo O157:H7. Além deste sorotipo, foram isoladas cepas de outros sorotipos previamente descritos e associados a doenças humanas severas no Brasil e em outros países, como O174:H21, O6:H49, ONT:H7, ONT:H8 e OR:H10. Dos sete animais com cepas positivas para stx2e ehxA, cinco (71,4%) apresentaram cepas com atividade citotóxica em células Vero e um (14,2%) apresentou cepas positivas na avaliação da produção de entero-hemolisina. Com relação ao teste com antibióticos, quatro (16,7%) das 24 cepas testadas apresentaram resistência a um ou mais antibióticos, sendo três (12,5%) a estreptomicina e uma (4,2%) a estreptomicina e ampicilina. Diante destes resultados, pode-se dizer que a produção de entero-hemolisina e a pesquisa dos genes ehxA e uidA não demonstraram ser bons marcadores na pesquisa do sorotipo O157:H7. A presença de cepa de STEC na meia-carcaça alerta para a necessidade de vigilância da presença destes microrganismos, uma vez que eles poderiam contaminar o produto final, colocando em risco a saúde do consumidor. / Escherichia coli is a microorganism present in the intestinal tract of humans and warm-blood animals, being part of the normal microbiota and harmless to the host. However, some strains are able to cause human and animal infections. Shiga toxin-producing E. coli (STEC), regarded as foodborne pathogens, can cause since mild or severe and bloody diarrhea to major complications, such as hemorrhagic colitis (HC), hemolytic-uremic syndrome (HUS) and thrombotic thrombocytopenic purpura (TTP). Cattle are considered the main reservoir of this pathogen and the transmission to humans happens, most of the times, due to the consumption of contaminated food or water. The aim of the present research was to determine the prevalence of E. coli O157:H7 and other STEC on hide samples of beef cattle and on their corresponding carcasses, sampled prior to evisceration, and half-carcasses, sampled after evisceration; identity the genes that code for the virulence factors (stx1, stx2, eaeA e ehxA) of the isolates; detect E. coli O157:H7 strains using the gene uidA as epidemiological marker; identify the serotypes of the STEC isolates; verify the citotoxicity of the isolates in Vero cells and evaluate their resistance to different antibiotics. From 198 animals sampled, seven (3.5%) carried STEC strains. In six (3%) of them, STEC was detected on hide and in one (0.5%) it was isolated from half-carcass. The 23 strains isolated from hide presented the profile stx2, eaeA, uidA e ehxA, and were regarded as enterohemorrhagic Escherichia coli (EHEC), and the one isolated from half-carcass presented the profile stx2, uidA e ehxA. From the 24 isolated strains, 13 (54.2%) belonged to the serotype O157:H7. Besides this serotype, other strains belonging to serotypes that have been previously described and associated with severe human infections in Brazil and other countries, such as O174:H21 , O6:H49, ONT:H7, ONT:H8 and OR:H10, were isolated. From seven animals with strains harboring stx2, and ehxA, five (71.4%) presented verocytotoxigenic strains and one (14.2%) presented enterohemolisin producing strains. Regarding the antibiotics tested, four (16.7%) of the 24 isolated strains were resistant to some antibiotic, being three (12.5%) to streptomycin and one (4.2%) to streptomycin and ampicilin. Faced with these results, the production of enterohemolisin and the search of the genes ehxA and uidA can not be considered good epidemiological markers for the serotype O157:H7. The isolation of STEC strain from the half-carcass alerts for the need of surveillance on the presence of these microorganisms, since they may contaminate the final product, representing a risk to consumers health.

Pesquisa de Escherichia coli produtora de Shiga toxina (STEC) em carcaças de aves comercializadas no município de Xanxerê-SC

Cerutti, Marisete Fochesatto January 2018 (has links)
O consumo crescente de carne de aves requer uma contínua atenção na provisão de alimentos seguros para o consumidor. Entre os agentes emergentes de relevância para a Saúde Pública destaca-se a Escherichia coli produtora de Shiga toxina (STEC), causadora de severa colite hemorrágica e síndrome urêmica hemolítica. Apesar da importância deste microrganismo na carne de ruminantes, sua presença em carne de aves tem sido pouco investigada. O presente estudo teve como objetivo avaliar a ocorrência de STEC em carcaças de aves congeladas comercializadas na cidade de Xanxerê/SC. Um total de 246 carcaças adquiridas em oito supermercados da cidade, de acordo com a disponibilidade na gôndola, foi submetido à rinsagem individual com água peptonada tamponada 1% e submetida à enumeração de coliformes totais e Escherichia coli e pesquisa de STEC pelo protocolo descrito na ISO/TS 13136:2012(E). Após 24 horas de incubação de uma alíquota da rinsagem a 36°C, foi realizada a pesquisa de genes de virulência (stx1, stx2 e eae) por PCR multiplex. Das carcaças amostradas, a maioria era frango “in natura” (57%), seguidos de galinha (16%), galeto (15%), frango temperado (11%) e frango caipira (2%). A enumeração de coliformes totais no líquido de rinsagem resultou em mediana de 5,2 UFC.g-1 (variando de 1 a 2.836,1 UFC.g-1) e de Escherichia coli foi 0,6 UFC.g-1 (variando de 1 242 UFC.g-1), demonstrando uma qualidade higiênico-sanitária satisfatória do produto. Todos os líquidos de rinsagem originados das 246 carcaças avaliadas foram negativos para os genes stx1 e stx2, indicando ausência de STEC nas amostras. Em 12 carcaças (4,88%) foi confirmada a presença de E.coli eae+, indicando a presença do patotipo enteropatogênico (EPEC). Conclui-se que as carcaças de aves comercializadas em Xanxerê apresentam um padrão higiênico sanitário adequado e ausência de STEC considerando uma prevalência detectável de 1,5% na amostra analisada. Por outro lado, detectou-se a presença de EPEC, a qual deve ser investigada para caracterizar as cepas encontradas em termos de potencial importância para a saúde do consumidor. / The increasing consumption of poultry meat requires continued attention in the provision of safe food for the consumer. Emerging agents of relevance to Public Health include Shiga toxin-producing Escherichia coli (STEC), which causes severe hemorrhagic colitis and hemolytic uremic syndrome. Despite the importance of this microorganism in beef, its presence in poultry meat has been few investigated. The present study aimed to evaluate the occurrence of STEC in frozen poultry carcasses marketed in the city of Xanxerê/SC. A total of 246 carcasses purchased from eight city supermarkets, according to on-shelf availability, was submitted to individual rinsing with 1% buffered peptone water and submitted to enumeration of total coliforms and Escherichia coli and STEC detection by the protocol described in ISO / TS 13136: 2012 (E). After 24 hours of incubation at 36 ° C an aliquot of the rinsing, virulence gene (stx1, stx2 and eae) were investigated by multiplex PCR. Of the carcasses sampled, the majority were fresh poultry meat (57%), followed by chicken (16%), young chicken (15%), seasoned poultry meat (11%) and “caipira”type chicken (2%). The enumeration of total coliforms in the rinsing liquid resulted in a median of 5.2 CFU.g-1 (ranging from 1 to 2836.1 CFU.g-1). The median of Escherichia coli was 0.6 CFU.g-1 (ranging from 1 to 242 CFU.g-1), demonstrating a good sanitary and hygienic quality of the product. All rinse liquids from the 246 carcasses tested were negative for the stx1 and stx2 genes, indicating absence of STEC in the samples. In 12 carcasses (4.88%) the presence of E.coli eae + was confirmed, indicating the presence of the enteropathogenic pathotype (EPEC). It is concluded that the poultry carcasses marketed in Xanxerê have an good hygienic sanitary standard and absence of STEC considering a detectable prevalence of 1.5% in the sample analyzed. On the other hand, we detected the presence of EPEC, which should be further investigated to characterize the strains in terms of potential importance for consumer health.

Molecular epidemiology of antimicrobial resistance (AMR) and Shiga toxin producing E. coli (STEC) in dairy herds of central Zambia

Mainda, Geoffrey January 2016 (has links)
Antimicrobial resistance (AMR) is a worldwide public health concern. While it is evident that the use of antibiotics creates selection pressure for the evolution of antibiotic resistance genes, there are still considerable knowledge gaps relating to the status quo of antibiotic use, emergence of resistant pathogens in different livestock production systems and spread within human and animal communities. This thesis includes a survey of antibiotic use in the dairy sector within a specific area of Zambia and analysis of AMR and virulence factors in E. coli isolated from dairy cattle and diarrhoea human patients with the following objectives. 1. To investigate the usage of antibiotics in the dairy sector and the drivers for use. 2. To determine the prevalence and patterns of antimicrobial resistance in E. coli isolated from faecal samples of dairy cattle. 3. To use whole genome sequencing (WGS) to investigate the molecular epidemiology of resistance determinants in E. coli strains isolated from both dairy cattle and humans. 4. To assess the zoonotic potential of isolated E. coli focusing on Shiga toxin-producing E. coli (STEC) and relationship to STEC associated with clinical disease in the UK. In view of these objectives, the first part of the work was carried out in Zambia and involved a questionnaire, a field survey, isolation of E. coli from dairy cattle faecal samples and phenotypic testing for AMR. In addition, E. coli isolates were obtained from another study that was focused on human patients presenting with diarrhoea at the University Teaching Hospital in Lusaka. The second part involved whole genome sequencing and molecular analyses of E. coli for resistance and virulence genotypes at the Roslin Institute (UK). For the field study, a stratified random sample of 104 farms was studied, representing approximately 20% of all dairy farms in the region. On each farm, faecal samples were collected from a random sample of animals and a standardised questionnaire on the usage of antibiotics was completed. An E. coli isolate was obtained from 98.67% (371/376) of the sampled animals and tested for resistance against the six types of antibiotics (tetracycline, ampicillin, sulfamethoxazole/trimethoprim, cefpodoxime, gentamicin and ciprofloxacin). These E. coli were then analysed together with those from humans for genotypes in the laboratory and from Illumina short read whole genome sequences using bioinformatics tools. Tetracylines and penicillin were the commonly used antibiotics in dairy herds. This finding was in line with the resistance phenotypes detected in E. coli isolated from the dairy cattle. The most prevalent AMR was to tetracycline (10.61; 95%CI: 7.40-13.82), followed by ampicillin (6.02; 95%CI: 3.31-8.73), sulfamethoxazole/ trimethoprim (4.49; 95%CI: 2.42-6.56), cefpodoxime (1.91; 95%CI: 0.46-3.36), gentamicin (0.89; 95%CI: 0.06-1.84) and ciprofloxacin (0%). The risk analysis indicated that AMR was associated with livestock diseases (lumpy skin disease and foot rot), exotic breeds (Jersey and Friesian), location, farm size and certain management practices. Analysis of whole genome sequences showed that isolates from humans had both higher levels and a greater diversity of resistance alleles than the cattle isolates. Common genotypes in both populations were: tetA (16%), tetB (10%), tetC (2%) for cattle isolates with tetA (32%), tetB (22%) and tetD (1%) in human isolates. Other common genotypes were blaTEM (56%), sul1 (29%), sul2 (66%), strA4 (57%) and strB1 (64%) in isolates of human origin while blaTEM (15%), sul1 (3%), sul2 (17%), strA4 (13%) and strB1 (19%) were in the cattle isolates. Whilst the E. coli isolates from cattle encoded resistance to common antibiotics of limited significance to human clinical medicine, isolates from humans had additional extended spectrum beta-lactamases (blaOXA, blaCMY, blaNDM, and blaDHA, blaOKP and blaCTX-M) that encode for resistance to essential antibiotics such as third generation cephalosporins and carbapenems. This was an evidence that AMR is an ongoing public health subject in Zambia but the exclusivity of certain resistances in the human population points to limited or no exchange of genotypes between E. coli of human origin and those from cattle. AMR in humans was probably independently selected by the use of antibiotics of clinical importance such as cephalosporin and fluoroquinolones. The virulence analysis focused on STEC, 11% (41/371) of E. coli isolates from cattle contained Shiga toxin genes (stx) while none (0/73) of the human isolates were positive. Phylogenetic analysis showed a random distribution of bovine STEC, with no indication of clonal spread. Although 89% (16/18) of the STEC tested had a cytotoxic effect on Vero cells, indicative of Shiga toxin production, only three (O45, O111, O157) belonged to one of the seven serogroups (O26, O157, O111, O103, O121, O145 and O45) associated with life-threatening enterohaemorrhagic E. coli (EHEC) infections in humans. In line with this, only the O157 serotype encoded a type 3 secretion system. This shows that, while Stx-encoding strains are common in these dairy herds of Zambia, they are not strain backgrounds known to pose an immediate threat to human health as they lack colonisation factors that are found in typical human EHEC. However, we must remain vigilant as emergence of EHEC strains in these animals remains an ever-present threat.

Studies of the pathogenesis of hemolytic uremic syndrome and thrombotic thrombocytopenic purpura

Karpman, Diana O. January 1997 (has links)
Thesis (doctoral)--Lund University, 1997. / Added t.p. with thesis statement inserted. Includes bibliographical references.

Renal inflammation in a shiga toxin plus lipopolysaccharide induced murine model of hemolytic uremic syndrome

Keepers, Tiffany Rae. January 2007 (has links)
Thesis (Ph. D.)--University of Virginia, 2007. / Title from title page. Includes bibliographical references. Also available online through Digital Dissertations.

Structure and dynamics of artificial lipid membranes containing the glycosphingolipid Gb3

Schütte, Ole Mathis 16 July 2015 (has links)
No description available.

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