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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Reproducerbarhet i öga-nacke/skuldra besvär hos yrkesverksamma mikroskoparbetare : Självskattade besvär inom och mellan måndagar och fredagar under två separata arbetsveckor / Reproducibility of eye-neck/shoulder symptoms amongst working microscopists : Self-assessed complaints within and between Mondays and Fridays during two different weeks at work

Carlsson, Amelie January 2016 (has links)
Background: Microscopy at work involves a combination of external exposures that pose an increased risk for eye-neck/shoulder symptoms such as; visually demanding near work, eye-hand coordination, static work postures and repetitive work. Objectives: To explore the pattern of fluctuations in eye-neck/shoulder symptoms and the reproducibility of these fluctuations during separate workdays and workweeks, for individuals who regularly perform microscopic duties at work. Method: Data was collected at 8 different times for all participants (n=16); Monday morning and afternoon and Friday morning and afternoon, during 2 different weeks at work. Results: Musculoskeletal complaints in the neck/shoulders and symptoms of eye strain increased significantly (∆Musculoskeletal complaints; p<0,01, ∆Symptoms of eye stain; p<0,05)  during the workweek.  The highest levels of self-reported symptoms did not correlate with the self-reported time in microscopy during the workweek (p>0.05).  The same tendency for the increments in symptoms was observed during both work weeks. Only for musculoskeletal complaints did the increments of symptoms correlated with one another (p<0.05).  Conclusion: The results indicate that microscopy at work is a risk factor, primarily for increased musculoskeletal complaints in the neck/shoulders. More studies are needed to assess the relationship between microscopy at work and the onset and development of eye-neck/shoulder complaints. / Bakgrund: Mikroskopering som arbetsuppgift medför en kombination flera aspekter av extern exponering som innebär ökad risk för muskuloskeletala besvär och besvär från ögonen; synkrävande närarbete med krav på öga-hand koordination, låsta arbetsställningar som medför långvarigt lågintensivt muskelarbete i nacke och axel/skuldra, samt repetitiva arbetsmönster. Trots det har mycket få studier publicerats inom området sedan början av 1980-talet. Syfte: Att undersöka variationer av muskuloskeletala besvär i nacke-axel/skuldra och besvär från ögonen under arbetsdagen och arbetsveckan, samt att undersöka upprepbarheten av variationer under arbetsdagen och arbetsveckan för personer som mikroskoperar i arbetet. Metod: Studien genomfördes med en webbaserad enkät. Datainsamling skedde vid 8 tillfällen; måndag förmiddag och eftermiddag samt fredag förmiddag och eftermiddag, under två separata arbetsveckor. Studiedeltagarna kom från en elektronisk industri (n=11) och en laboratoriemedicinsk enhet (n=6). Studien hade ett bortfall (n=1). Resultat: Muskuloskeletala besvär i nacke-axel/skuldra och värk/överansträngning i ögon ökade signifikant (∆Muskuloskeletala besvär; p<0,01, ∆Värk/överansträngning i ögon p<0,05) under arbetsveckan. De högsta nivåerna av besvär kunde inte relateras till deltagarnas skattade tid i mikroskopering under arbetsveckan. Samma trend av ökning i besvär kunde ses för både arbetsvecka 1 och 2. Enbart för muskuloskeletala besvär i nacke-axel/skuldra så korrelerade ökningar under arbetsvecka 1 signifikant med ökningar under arbetsvecka 2 (p<0,05). Slutsats: Resultaten indikerar att mikroskoparbete är en riskfaktor, primärt för ökade muskuloskeletala besvär i nacke-axel/skuldra. Fler studier behövs inom området, bl.a. för att undersöka förekomst av kausalitet mellan mikroskopering som arbetsuppgift och utvecklandet av muskuloskeletala besvär i nacke-axel/skuldra samt besvär i ögon.

Erstellung von Referenzwerten für das isokinetische Training im Rahmen der Rehabilitation nach Schulteroperationen und Bestimmung der körperlichen Leistungsfähigkeit und der kardiopulmonalen Belastung während der Schulterrehabilitation

Standtke, Susanne 21 April 2015 (has links)
Nach Operationen am Schultergelenk ist die Rehabilitation von entscheidender Bedeutung, um das operative Ergebnis zu sichern und die Schulterfunktion wiederherzustellen. Die dafür erforderliche funktionelle Kraft, Mobilität, Stabilität und Schmerzfreiheit soll mittels adäquater Maßnahmen im Therapieprozess entwickelt werden. Einen Untersuchungsschwerpunkt dieser Arbeit stellte die Erhebung von indikationsspezifischen isokinetischen Referenzwerten dar, die als schädigungsfrei erreichbare Steigerungsraten der Kraft innerhalb eines definierten Rehabilitationsprogrammes anzusehen sind. Dafür wurden jeweils 30 Patienten mit ventraler Schulterstabilisierung, arthroskopisch subakromialer Dekompression und Rekonstruktion der Rotatorenmanschette unter Verwendung des Seilzugisokinetikgerätes „Moflex®“ für die Bewegungen Adduktion, Innen- und Außenrotation untersucht. Zusätzlich galten die tägliche Schmerzquantifizierung, die Erfassung der aktiven Beweglichkeit und die subjektive Einschätzung mittels Fragebögen zum Gesundheitszustand (SF-36-Health-Survey) und zur Schulterfunktion (DASH-Score) zu definierten Zeitpunkten der Rehabilitation als obligate Bestandteile der Untersuchung. Auf der Grundlage der ermittelten Referenzwerte werden Empfehlungen für die praktische Anwendung eines therapeutischen Aufbautrainings mit dem Therapieband und dem Seilzugsystem abgeleitet. Einen weiteren Schwerpunkt der Arbeit bildete die Leistungsdiagnostik mit der Überprüfung der körperlichen Leistungsfähigkeit und der kardiopulmonalen Belastung während einer orthopädisch ausgerichteten Rehabilitation. Dafür absolvierten 20 männliche Patienten nach einer Operation am Schultergelenk zu Beginn und zum Abschluss der Rehabilitation einen Spiroergometrietest auf dem Fahrradergometer und eine Spirometrieuntersuchung mit dem „K4b2“ während der Krankengymnastik und der Medizinischen Trainingstherapie. Mit den Resultaten ist erstmalig eine Beurteilung der kardiopulmonalen Belastung von Patienten bei differenten Therapiemaßnahmen möglich. Die Ergebnisse können als Handlungsanleitung für die Belastungsgestaltung im Rahmen der postoperativen Rehabilitation von Schulterpatienten betrachtet werden.

Korigovaný vis jako kompenzační prvek ve fyzioterapii / Corrected hanging up as compensation mode in physiotherapy

Waldmann, Tadeáš January 2017 (has links)
Title: Corrected arm hang as a compensatory element in physioterapy Objective: The main objective of this master thesis is to measure and compare the level of engagement of muscles stabilizing the scapula during arm hang and supported exercise. Methods: Our study included nine probands whose measurement results were evaluated quantitatively. The age of probands at the time of measurement was from 18 to 25 years. A condition for inclusion in the investigated group was absence of subjective symptoms, functional impairment, traumatic injury, orthopedic defects or diseases of the upper limb. All probands were active athletes. Biomonitor ME 6000 manufacturer Mega Electronics Ltd. was used for recording the electrical activity of the muscles. The obtained data were processed by the Megawin software. All measurements for the purposes of the study took place in the laboratory of biomechanics FTVS UK. The resulting data were compared intraindividual and interindividual. Results: The results demonstrated that middle and lower portions of m. Trapezius is more active in the corrected arm hang. In contrast, the supported exercise leads to greater activity of m. Serratus anterior and lower activity of upper portion of m. Trapezius. Keywords: arm hang, supported exercise, surface electromyography, stabilization...

Association between scapulo-vertebral distance and shoulder pain in athletes from a private university in Lima: preliminary study / Asociación entre la distancia escápulo-vertebral y el dolor de hombro en deportistas de una universidad privada de Lima: estudio preliminar

Ospinal Muedas, Evelyn Susan, Sánchez Sánchez, Kathya Elizabeth 15 April 2021 (has links)
Introduction: Shoulder pain cases represents about 7% to 50% in the population and its prevalence in athletes between 15 and 19 years old is about 43.5%. Additionally, another pathology in the upper limb is scapular dyskinesia, caused by the scapular´s movements and position alteration. Objective: To determine association between scapula-vertebral distance and shoulder pain in athletes from a private university in Lima. Materials and Methods: Cross-sectional analytical study - preliminary. The study population were athletes from a private university in Lima. The shoulder pain variables were measured by four orthopedic tests Jobe, Patte, Gerber, and Hawkins Kennedy, where shoulder pain (YES) is considered when at least one of the tests is positive and no shoulder pain (NO) when all tests are negative. And the scapular-vertebral distance variables were evaluated in three positions, by the lateral scapular sliding test (LSST); measured in (cm). Results: 51 athletes from climbing, rugby, volleyball, and basketball sports were evaluated in this study. The age ranged was 19 to 21 years. The scapula-vertebral distance of the right side was mayor than the left. 17.65% had shoulder pain. The frequency of training and sex associated with shoulder pain (p<0.05). The scapula-vertebral distance from athletes who had shoulder pain was higher than those without it (p<0.05). Conclusion: Was found association between scapula-vertebral and shoulder pain in athletes from a private university in Lima. Its recommended doing more researches with a considerable sample to reach an adequate statistical power. / Introducción: El dolor de hombro representa casos de 7% al 50% en la población, su prevalencia en deportistas entre 15 y 19 años es de 43,5%. Adicionalmente, otra patología en la extremidad superior es la disquinesia escapular, generada por la alteración de la posición y el movimiento de la escápula. Objetivo: Determinar si existe asociación entre la distancia escápulo-vertebral y el dolor de hombro en deportistas de una universidad privada de Lima. Materiales y métodos: Estudio transversal analítico - preliminar. La población fueron deportistas de una universidad privada de Lima. Las variables fueron, dolor de hombro medido por cuatro test ortopédicos Jobe, Patte, Gerber y Hawkins Kennedy, donde se considera dolor de hombro (SI) cuando al menos de unos de los test da positivo y no dolor de hombro (NO) cuando todos los tests dan negativo, respecto a la variable distancia escápulo-vertebral evaluada en tres posiciones, por la prueba de deslizamiento escapular lateral (LSST) medido en (cm). Resultado: Se evaluaron 51 deportistas de escalada, rugby, vóley y básquetbol. La edad tuvo un rango de 19 a 21 años. La distancia escápulo-vertebral del lado derecho fue mayor que el izquierdo. El 17.65% de la población si tuvo dolor de hombro. La frecuencia de entrenamiento y el sexo estuvieron asociados con el dolor de hombro (p<0.05). La distancia escápulo-vertebral de los que tenían dolor de hombro era mayor que en los que no tenían dolor (p<0.05). Conclusiones: Si se encontró asociación entre la distancia escápulo vertebral y el dolor de hombro en los deportistas de una universidad privada de Lima. Se recomienda realizar estudios con mayor tamaño de muestra para alcanzar un adecuado poder estadístico. / Tesis

Amélioration de la partie supérieure du robot HYDROïD pour les tâches bi-manuelles et la manipulation / Improvement of the upper body of HYDROïD robot for bi-manual tasks and manipulation

Tayba, Ahmad 05 December 2017 (has links)
Ma thèse vise à contribuer au développement et l’amélioration de la cinématique de la partie supérieure du robot HYDROïD pour des tâches bi-manuelles, tout en basant sur une étude biomécanique de cette partie chez l’être humain.Pour atteindre notre objectif majeur, ce travail adopte dans un premier temps une nouvelle structure hybride de 4 degrés de liberté (ddl) pour le torse du robot, distribués en 3 ddl au niveau lombaire et un ddl au niveau thoracique. Cette structure était identifiée après une analyse de l’espace de travail d’un modèle multi-corps simulant la colonne vertébrale d’un être humain, et une étude d’optimisation de ce modèle permettant la synthèse de la structure envisagée.Dans un second temps, une amélioration de la cinématique du bras du robot a été mise en place, en introduisant la notion de l’épaule complexe au présente structure. Le choix de ce nouveau degré de liberté était le fruit d’une approche systématique pour augmenter l’anthropomorphisme géométrie du bras souhaité vers un bras humain de la même taille.Les 2 structures proposées ont passé par la suite par la phase de conception mécanique tout en respectant les contraintes géométriques et en se basant sur l’énergie hydraulique comme étant l’énergie d’ actionnement de ces systèmes. Enfin, le Modèle Géometrique Inverse (MGI) pour la solution générique du torse a été établi et son adaptation à notre cas particulier a été identifiée. Une solution optimisée pour ce mécanisme basée sur 2 différents critères a ensuite été donnée. / My thesis aims at contributing to the development and improvement of the upper body of HYDROïD robot for bi-manual tasks, while basing on a bio-mechanical study of this part of the human being. To reach our major goal, this work adopts, at first, a novel hybrid structure of 4 degrees of freedom (DOF) for the trunk of the robot, distributed in three DOF at the lumbar level and one DOF at the thoracic level. This structure was identified after an analysis of the work-space of a multi-body model feigning the vertebral column of a human being, and an optimization study of that model allowing the synthesis of the envisaged structure. Secondly, an improvement of the kinematics of the robor arm was organized, by introducing the notion of the shoulder complex in the present structure. The choice of this new degree of freedom was the fruit of a systematic approach to increase the anthropomorphism geometry of the arm wished towards a humanitarian arm of the same size.The two proposed structures crossed afterward by the mechanical design phase while respecting all the geometrical constraints and by using the hydraulic energy as being the type of actuation of these systems. Finally, the Inverse Geometrical Model (IGM) for the generic solution of the trunk was established and its adaptation to our particular case was identified. An optimized solution for this mechanism based on 2 various criteria was then given.

Shoulder-Specific Patient Reported Outcome Measures for Use in Patients with Head and Neck Cancer:An Assessment of Reliability, Construct Validity, and Overall Appropriateness of Test Score Interpretation Using Rasch Analysis

Eden, Melissa Michelle 01 December 2018 (has links)
Context: Medical management for head and neck cancer (HNC) often includes neck dissection surgery, a side effect of which is shoulder dysfunction. There is no consensus for which patient-reported outcome measure (PRO) is most appropriate to quantify shoulder dysfunction in this population. Objective: The aims of this research study were to: (1) use Rasch methodologies to assess construct validity and overall appropriateness of test score interpretation of Disability of the Arm, Shoulder and Hand (DASH), QuickDASH, Shoulder Pain and Disability Index (SPADI) and Neck Dissection Impairment Index (NDII) in the HNC population; (2) determine appropriateness of use of University of Washington Quality of Life (UW-QoL) shoulder subscale as a screening tool for shoulder impairment; (3) recommend a new PRO, or combination of PROs, that more accurately portrays the construct of shoulder dysfunction in the HNC population. Design: One hundred and eight-two individuals who had received a neck dissection procedure within the past 2 weeks to 18 months completed the PROs. Rasch methodologies were utilized to address the primary aim of the study through consideration of scale dimensionality [principal components analysis, item and person fit, differential item functioning (DIF)], scale hierarchy (gaps/redundancies, floor/ceiling effects, coverage of ability levels), response scale structure, and reliability (person and item reliability and separation statistics). The secondary aim was addressed through correlational analysis of the UW-QoL (shoulder subscale), DASH, QuickDASH, SPADI and NDII. Results: The DASH did not meet criteria for unidimensionality, and was deemed inappropriate for utilization in this sample. The QuickDASH, SPADI and NDII were all determined to be unidimensional. All scales had varying issues with person and item misfit, DIF, coverage of ability levels, gaps/redundancies, and optimal rating scale requirements. The NDII meets most requirements. All measures were found to meet thresholds for person and item separation and reliability statistics. The third aim of this study was not addressed because the NDII was determined to be appropriate for this population. Conclusions: Rasch analysis indicates the NDII is the most appropriate measure studied for this population. The QuickDASH and SPADI are recommended with reservation. The DASH and the UW-QoL (shoulder subscale) are not recommended.

Scapulakippung und deren Auswirkung auf die radiologische Beurteilung der Pfannenkomponente bei Schultertotalendoprothesen

Ditzen, Thomas 17 June 2019 (has links)
Die vorliegende Studie befasste sich mit zwei Fragestellungen. Im ersten Teil wurde die Projektionsabhängigkeit von radiologischen Landmarken im konventionellen Röntgenbild der Schulter und damit deren klinische Anwendbarkeit untersucht. Im zweiten Teil wurde das Auftreten von sog. röntgenhellen Linien (RLL) bei Glenoidersatz im konventionellen Röntgen und im CT untersucht. Beide Fragestelllungen sind in der Beurteilung von Landmarken von Glenoidkomponenten in der Endoprothetik der Schulter von Bedeutung. Zur Beantwortung der ersten Frage wurden 6 mit Markierungen versehene humane Scapula-Leichenpräparate in 25 Projektionen geröntgt und der Einfluss der Projektionen auf gängige Landmarken gemessen. Die Landmarken wurden an der Margo lateralis, Margo medialis, knöchernen Glenoid, Coracoidbasis, Fossa supraspinata und oberen Linie der Spina scapulae festgelegt. Zur Beantwortung der zweiten Frage wurden 10 humane Glenoid-Leichenpräparate mit einzementierter Glenoidkomponente im konventionellen Röntgen und im CT untersucht. Alle gewonnenen radiologischen Bilder wurden von zwei Untersuchern vermessen und die Interobserverreliabilität errechnet. Die Ergebnisse des ersten Teiles sowohl der Messwerte der Landmarken als auch der Interobserverreliabilität zeigten, dass die Margo medialis des Schulterblattes die zuverlässigsten Ergebnisse bei der Robustheit gegen Verkippung zur Beurteilung des Kunststoff Glenoids aufwiesen. Im klinischen Alltag ist diese Landmarke jedoch auf vielen Röntgenbildern der Schulter nicht mit abgebildet. Es zeigte sich, dass die am wenigsten projektionsabhängige Landmarke, die regelmässig auf Schulteraufnahmen abgebildet ist, die Margo lateralis scapulae ist. Als Ergebnis des zweiten Teiles zeigte sich, dass im konventionellen Röntgen sichtbare RLL im CT nicht alle zur Darstellung kamen und somit als Artefakte zu werten waren. Aufgrund der klinisch schwierig durchzuführenden Röntgentechnik kann nicht immer eine exakte AP Aufnahme im konventionellen Röntgen gewonnen werden, wodurch auch projektionsbedingt Doppellinien erscheinen können. Diese wurden vermutlich durch die konvexe Form des PE Glenoids und Zementfehlern verursacht. Zur Beurteilung einer Lockerung sollte also eine Computertomografie angefertigt werden. Weiterhin zeigte sich aber auch im CT, dass frisch implantierte Glenoidkomponenten trotz optimaler Bedingungen RLL aufweisen. Dies zeigte deutlich, dass die Zementiertechnik auch in ihrer modernen Form noch nicht voll ausgereift war und deshalb weiterhin nach Verbesserungsmöglichkeiten gesucht werden sollte. / The aim of this study was to evaluate the reliability of different bony landmarks on radiographs after implantation of a total shoulder arthroplasty when the scapula is tilted compared with the ideal ap view. To assess loosening of the glenoid component, serial evaluation of ap radiographs of the scapula has been established as the 'gold standard. This study also verified the incidence of radiolucent lines (RLL) in radiographs and on CTscans to show different measurements of localization and appearance of the RLL. For the first aim of this study glenoid components were implanted into 6 human cadaveric scapulae. Radiographs were taken exactly anterior-posterior in the frontal plane, as well as craniocaudal tilted (±15° and ±30°) and mediolateral tilted (±10° and ±20°). The following landmarks were evaluated: lateral margin of the scapula, medial margin of the scapula, floor of the fossa supraspinatus line, spine of the scapula line, glenoid fossa line, and coracoid base line. In the second part of this study, 10 glenoid components were implanted into human cadaveric glenoids and a CT-scan as well as radiographs were made in an exact anteriorposterior view. The images were compared to evaluate the localization, incidence and form of the RLL. Every X-ray was measured by two different examiners to show the interobserver reliability. Regarding robustness against glenoid tilt, the medial margin of the scapula had the best intraobserver and interobserver reliability, whereas the lateral margin of the scapula had an acceptable intraobserver and interobserver reliability. In measuring medial migration, the glenoid fossa line had a significantly lower intraobserver and interobserver reliability than the coracoid base line. Because conventional radiographs were hardly done in exact ap direction despite the laboratory within, RLL were seen on X-ray although no RLL actually existed. The CT-scans highlighted the existence of artefacts, which looked like RLL on conventional radiography. The curved form of the glenoid component can cause double lines, which look like RLL on X-rays. However, the conventional radiography can still be used to detect an increase of RLL in postoperativ control X-rays. To be absolutely sure whether RLL do exist a CT-scan has to be done. This study shows that, even under best conditions for an implantation of glenoid components RLL can be viewed due to false cementation technique. The results underline that the cement implantation can still be improved to minimize the incidence of RLL.

Measuring Shoulder Abduction in a Healthy and Young Population: A Feasibility Study / Mätning av axelabduktion i en frisk och ung befolkning: En genomförbarhetsstudie

Rodríguez, Cristina January 2019 (has links)
The ability to maintain an independent living at higher age is closely linked to the physical function of an individual. The evaluation of the upper limbs, including the muscular strength of the shoulder, elbow or wrist has received little attention, yet arms are used in most daily tasks. The upper extremity physical performancecan be measured in several ways but none of them has the recognition to be theprimary method. The aim of this experimental study is to test the new devicedeveloped by Erik Almgren and assess whether this can be a valid tool to reliablyassess abduction shoulder strength. Fourteen healthy young subjects participated in this study. After placing in the left wrist the new device, they performed three types of tests: Full Range of Motion, Static measurements and Dynamic measurements. Three trials were done in each test with a recovery of 30 seconds. The results of the study showed that the Static measurements were similar to the ones obtained in previous studies in the past for both angles and force. For the first time, the study includes dynamic measurements of the moment of the shoulderjoint. Peak dynamic moments were found to be on average 6.43 N·m ± 1.00 N·mfor the females and 7.90 N·m ±2.33 N·m. This value is 6% lower than the test population’s average maximum static moments- result which in accordance withthe inverse relationship between force and velocity. The feasibility of this new device to be used outside a biomechanics lab has been proved, however, further research needs to be done in order to validate angles and measurements of the subjects. / Förmågan att uppehålla ett självständigt levnadssätt vid en högre ålder är näralänkat till den fysiska funktionen hos en individ. Utvärderingen av de övre armarna, däribland muskelstyrkan hos axlarna, armbågarna eller handlederna,har fått lite uppmärksamhet, trots att armarna används i många dagliga aktiviteter. Den övre extremitetens fysiska prestanda kan mätas på flera sätt men inget av dem har erkänts som det primära verktyget för underlag att kunna återvända till normal fysisk aktivitet. Målet med den här experimentella studien är att testa det nya verktyget utvecklat av Erik Almgren och at tvärdera om det kan bli ett gällande verktyg för att tillförlitligt kunna bedöma rörlig axel styrka. Fjorton friska och unga testpersoner deltog i den här studien. Efter att ha satt fast det nya verktyget på den vänstra handleden utfördes tre olika test: Fullt rörelseområde, statiska mätningar och dynamiska mätningar. Tre försök gjordes av varje test med återhämtningspauser på 30 sekunder. Resultatet av studien visade att de Statiska mätningarna liknade de som erhållitsi föregående studier för både vinklar och kraft. För första gången inkluderade studien Dynamiska mätningar av moment i axelleden.  Största dynamiska momentet var i genomsnitt 6,43 N·m ± 1.00 N·m för kvinnorna och 7.90N·m ±2.33 N·m för männen.  Detta värde är 6% lägre än populationens genomsnittliga maximala resultat för statiskt moment vilket överensstämmer med det inverterade förhållandet mellan kraft och hastighet. Möjligheten att kunna använda detta nya verktyg utanför ett biomekanisk tlaboratorium har bevisats, men ytterligare forskning måste göras för att validera vinklar och mätningar av försökspersoner.

さまざまな肩関節運動に対応可能な肩甲骨姿勢の新しい推定方法の開発 : 肩甲骨エクササイズが投球動作中の肩甲骨運動に与える即時効果の検証への応用 / サマザマナ カタカンセツ ウンドウ ニ タイオウ カノウナ ケンコウコツ シセイ ノ アタラシイ スイテイ ホウホウ ノ カイハツ : ケンコウコツ エクササイズ ガ トウキュウ ドウサチュウ ノ ケンコウコツ ウンドウ ニ アタエル ソクジ コウカ ノ ケンショウ エノ オウヨウ

松村 葵, Aoi Matsumura 22 March 2019 (has links)
本論文の目的は,体表から無侵襲に肩甲骨運動を推定する方法を確立すること,肩甲骨運動を拡大する運動介入としての肩甲骨エクササイズを明らかにすること,そのエクササイズが投球動作中の肩甲骨運動に与える即時的な効果を検討することとした.その結果,本研究で考案した推定方法によって肩甲骨姿勢の推定精度は向上した.また体幹運動をともなった肩甲骨エクササイズによって投球動作中の肩甲骨後傾運動が増加した. / 博士(スポーツ健康科学) / Doctor of Philosophy in Health and Sports Science / 同志社大学 / Doshisha University

Mobilité en fauteuil roulant : simulateur musculo-squelettique de l’épaule pour la compréhension des pathomécanismes associés

Assila, Najoua 09 1900 (has links)
Cotutelle entre l'Université de Montréal et l'Université Claude Bernard Lyon 1 / Le fauteuil roulant manuel (FRM) est nécessaire à la participation de ses usagers lors de la vie active. Cependant, le geste répétitif de propulsion est contraignant pour l’épaule, ce qui mène à l’apparition de lésions au niveau des tendons de la coiffe des rotateurs, impactant négativement la mobilité, l’autonomie et la qualité de vie de l’usager. Bien que plusieurs études aient essayé de caractériser la propulsion pour identifier des prédicteurs de douleurs, la complexité technique de la propulsion associée à celle anatomique de l’épaule entravent la compréhension des pathomécanismes associés à l’usage du FRM. Aussi, la variabilité des contextes de propulsion en milieu urbain (trottoirs, pentes, etc.) nécessite d’identifier les adaptations de l’usager pour mieux représenter son quotidien. L’objectif principal de cette thèse était d’approfondir notre compréhension des pathomécanismes de l’épaule associés à la propulsion en FRM. À cet égard, il était important de comprendre l’effet de la charge imposée par le FRM sur l’épaule à différentes échelles allant de la cinématique à la contrainte au sein des tissus mous, en passant par les forces articulaires. Nos objectifs spécifiques étaient de (1) Identifier les adaptations de la technique de propulsion à la présence d’un dévers, habileté représentative de la propulsion le long des trottoirs ; (2) Prédire des forces musculaires physiologiquement plausibles qui expriment le rôle des muscles dans la stabilité articulaire ; (3) Prédire le champ de déformations au niveau de la coiffe des rotateurs en utilisant un simulateur hybride de l’épaule, c’est-à-dire un modèle éléments-finis piloté par les excitations musculaires et la cinématique articulaire prédite par un modèle multi-corps rigides. (1) À partir des données cinématiques, cinétiques et électromyographiques de neuf utilisateurs de FRM, nous avons analysé l’adaptation de leurs techniques de propulsion sur un dévers. Si tous les participants ont réussi à se propulser, leurs techniques d’adaptation variaient en termes d’efficacité et de risque de blessures. Ce qui souligne l’importance de l’enseignement des habiletés en FRM. (2) Nous avons adapté une boite à outils de calibration de modèle neuro-musculo-squelettique pour exprimer les contraintes de stabilité gléno-humérale. Le modèle calibré a été ensuite implémenté pour prédire les forces musculaires et de réaction gléno-humérale. Cette approche nous a permis d’exprimer le rôle de la co-contraction musculaire dans la stabilité articulaire. Les forces de réaction prédites indiquaient que la propulsion est une tâche déstabilisante pour l’articulation gléno-humérale. Enfin, la comparaison des modèles calibrés de participants avec des capacités fonctionnelles variées a mis en en évidence les limites de la calibration numérique. (3) Un modèle éléments-finis de l’épaule avec muscles tridimensionnels a été développé pour simuler un cycle de propulsion. Les muscles ont été activés à partir des données électromyographiques expérimentales. La scapula et l’humérus ont été pilotés par la cinématique articulaire extraite d’un modèle multi-corps rigides. L’analyse des déformations de l’unité musculo-tendineuse du supra-épineux nous a permis de proposer des explications potentielles pour la prévalence des déchirures tendineuses chez les utilisateurs de FRM, particulièrement au niveau de la zone antérieure et interstitielle de ce tendon. Notre analyse semble rejoindre la littérature, soulignant que la répétitivité de la propulsion pourrait être plus contraignante que sa charge. Cette thèse a permis de développer des outils numériques de modélisation biomécanique, qui pourraient être implémentés pour l’étude d’autres pathologies qui touchent les muscles de la coiffe. Elle a aussi permis d’identifier des pathomécanismes potentiels de l’épaule associés à la propulsion en FRM. Plus d’études restent nécessaires pour valider nos résultats pour des populations plus larges et plus hétérogènes. / Manual wheelchairs (MWC) are essential for their users’ participation in active life. However, the repetitive propulsion motion is straining on the shoulder, leading to the injury of the rotor cuff tendons, which negatively impacts the mobility, autonomy, and life quality of the users. While numerous studies tried to characterise propulsion to identify pain predictors, the technical and anatomical complexities of the propulsion and shoulder, respectively, hinder the understanding of the pathomecanisms associated with the MWC use. Additionally, the variability of the propulsion conditions within an urban environment (sidewalks, slopes, etc.) entails assessing users’ adaptations to better represent their daily life. The main objective of this thesis was to further our understanding of the shoulder pathomecanisms associated with MWC propulsion. For this purpose, it was important to understand the effect of the load imposed by MWC propulsion on the shoulder at different scales ranging from the kinematics to soft tissue stress through joint forces. Our specific objectives were to (1) Identify adaptations of the propulsion technique across a cross-slope, as this skill is representative of propulsion along sidewalks; (2) Predict physiologically plausible muscle forces that express the role of muscles in joint stability; (3) Predict the deformation field at the rotator cuff using a hybrid shoulder simulator, i.e., a finite element model driven by muscle excitations and joint kinematics predicted by a rigid multi-body model. (1) Using kinematic, kinetic and electromyographic data from nine MWC users, we analysed the adaption of their propulsion techniques across a cross-slope. While all participants propelled themselves, their adaptation techniques varied in terms of efficiency and injury risk. This highlighted the importance of training of MWC skills. (2) We adapted a neuromusculoskeletal calibration toolbox to express glenohumeral stability constraints. The calibrated models were then implemented to predict muscle and glenohumeral joint reaction forces. This approach allowed us to express the role of co-contraction in joint stability. The predicted joint reaction forces indicated that propulsion is a destabilizing task for the glenohumeral joint. Finally, the comparison of models calibrated to participants with varying functional abilities highlighted the limitations of numerical calibration. (3) A finite element model of the shoulder with three-dimensional muscles was developed to simulate a propulsion cycle. The muscles were activated using experimental electromyographic data. The scapula and humerus were driven by joint kinematics extracted from a rigid multi-body model. The analysis of the deformations of the supraspinatus muscle-tendon unit suggested potential explanations for the prevalence of tendon tears in MWC users, particularly in the anterior and interstitial zone of this tendon. Our analysis seems to agree with the literature, emphasizing that the high repetition of the propulsion cycle might be more taxing than its load. Through this thesis, we developed numeric tools for biomechanical modelling, which could be implemented for the study of other pathologies that affect the rotator cuff. We were also able to identify potential pathomecanisms of the shoulder that are associated with MWC propulsion. Mores studies are still needed to validate our results for larger and more heterogeneous populations.

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