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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Biodégradation des herbicides en sols tempérés - Contrôle des communautés bactériennes dégradantes par la bioturbation du sol

Monard, Cécile 30 April 2008 (has links) (PDF)
L'intensification de l'agriculture s'est accompagnée d'une utilisation importante de pesticides qui a généré une pollution généralisée des sols et des eaux, problème environnemental majeur et actuel. Sous la pression de sélection liée à l'usage régulier de pesticides (molécules xénobiotiques) des bactéries du sol se sont adaptées à ces molécules et ont acquis la capacité de les utiliser comme source nutritive et donc de les dégrader. La biodégradation constitue un service écologique majeur fournit par le sol, puisqu'elle est à la base des capacités épuratrices du sol et au-delà, de la résilience des écosystèmes. Le sol étant également un grand réservoir de biodiversité, ces bactéries dégradantes sont sous contrôle de différentes interactions biotiques et notamment celles impliquant les lombriciens, qualifiés d'organismes ingénieurs des sols de par leur action de bioturbation. Grâce à un développement méthodologique important et novateur (RT-qPCR, SIP-ARN), nous avons étudié l'impact de la bioturbation du sol par la macrofaune lombricienne sur les communautés bactériennes du sol intervenant dans la biodégradation de molécules xénobiotiques. L'atrazine a été utilisée comme molécule modèle à double titre : d'un point de vu fondamental, son utilisation pendant plus de 50 ans en France a permis aux bactéries du sol de s'adapter et au titre de l'actualité, bien qu'elle soit interdite en France depuis 2003, il s'agit toujours du principal polluant retrouvé dans les eaux souterraines et de surface. Nous avons analysé par une double approche quantitative et qualitative l'impact de la bioturbation du sol par les lombriciens sur l'abondance, l'activité et la diversité des bactéries indigènes du sol et sur celles dégradant l'atrazine. Nous avons mis en évidence que : (i) la digestion du sol par les lombriciens stimule l'activité d'une partie des bactéries du sol mais qu'une autre fraction ne résiste pas au passage dans le tube digestif des vers, (ii) la bioturbation du sol par les lombriciens génère des ‘hot spot' pour l'activité de dégradation de l'atrazine. Ainsi dans les parois de galeries les bactéries dégradantes sont sélectionnées, la dissipation de l'atrazine est rapide et les premiers acteurs du processus de dégradation ont été identifiés, (iii) la dégradation accélérée de l'atrazine dépend d'espèces bactériennes clés interagissant au sein de consortia dégradants, ainsi la diversité des bactéries dégradantes n'est pas corrélée à la fonction de dégradation. L'ensemble des résultats obtenus nous montre également que l'impact de la bioturbation par la macrofaune lombricienne sur l'activité de dégradation dépend des propriétés physico-chimiques et biologiques initiales du sol. L'ensemble de ces connaissances présente un intérêt dans un contexte de bioremédiation in situ des sols pollués puisque les lombriciens constituent une grande part de la macrofaune dans nos sols tempérés et qu'ils modifient significativement les bactéries dégradant l'atrazine au sein des microsites de sols qu'ils génèrent.

Modélisation et analyse de performances du trafic multimédia dans les réseaux hétérogènes

Hassan, Hassan 18 December 2006 (has links) (PDF)
Ces travaux concernent la modélisation et l'analyse de performances du trafic et des applications multimédia dans les réseaux hétérogènes. Le trafic IP agrégé et les applications audio, vidéo et données sont étudiés. Cette étude nous conduit à proposer un modèle générique et hiérarchique pour la représentation des sources de trafics multimédia qui permet de décrire les applications multimédia d'une façon simple, précise et générique. Le modèle générique est implémenté et constitue le noyau d'un outil de modélisation et simulation des sources de trafics. Une caractérisation du trafic IP issu d'applications multimédia est conduite en utilisant les modèles développés avec cet outil. Particulièrement, la problématique de la modélisation des sources de trafics agrégées est adressée, et des modèles agrégés simples sont déduites pour la superposition des sources de trafics audio, vidéo et données. Le trafic agrégé de type TCP présente des propriétés statistiques variables en fonction du taux de pertes de paquets sur le réseau à cause du contrôle en boucle fermée imposé par TCP. Un nouveau modèle analytique du protocole TCP basé sur la théorie différentielle du trafic est ensuite proposé. Ce modèle permet une représentation fiable du trafic TCP tout en étant très performant sur les réseaux à grande échelle. Finalement, une extension de l'architecture du protocole SIP est présentée afin de permettre une gestion de la qualité d service au niveau session. Les mécanismes proposés reposent sur l'ordonnancement stochastique des sessions et l'allocation de la bande passante par des approches d'évaluation de bande passante équivalente. Cette dernière technique rend possible l'utilisation des formules d'Erlang dans les réseaux à commutation de paquets

電信業界之雙網整合趨勢研究 / Study of Fixed-Mobile Convergence in Telecommunication Industry

李玲, Lee,Lillian Unknown Date (has links)
本研究旨在探討固網及行動電話業的雙網整合(Fixed-Mobile Convergence,簡稱FMC),造就此一趨勢的市場背景及促成技術,影響此趨勢未來發展走向的因素,電信業界的實施方式,與手機製造業的機會。 為何要討論固網及行動電話的整合? 因為它是近兩、三年來全世界電信業界最重要的發展趨勢,是電信業與網際網路的碰撞及交融,電信業界的典範轉移,也是固網業與行動電話業的大競合。它會影響電信業版圖勢力的重整,電訊網路的變革,手機功能的調整,服務提供的方式,是整個「未來世代網路」(NGN: Next Generation Network)的核心議題。 什麼是固網及行動電話的整合? 簡單說來,是指在同一支手機或PDA上,既可接打一般行動電話,又可打網路電話(Mobile Voice over IP)。換言之,雙網整合的行動電話同時具備GSM與Wi-Fi兩種網路之接取能力,在Wi-Fi範圍內時打網路電話,不在時就仍用GSM打電話,由於網路電話通常免費或價錢很低,如此既得到良好通話品質,又享受最低通話費用。要做出這種產品與服務,除了需要手機製造端的技術整合外,電信業者也需整合其通訊網路技術,並更新服務模式,牽涉層面十分廣泛。 本研究發現,促成雙網整合的市場因素包括: (1) 有線電話逐漸被行動電話取代,固網業者為奪回市場佔有率,遂以雙網整合模式推出新的服務模式 (2) 行動電話電信業者希望降低客戶轉換率 (3) 電信業者增加收入的壓力 (4) 消費者簡化通訊方式的需求 而雙網整合的促成技術包括: (1) 「網路電話」(VoIP)技術的發展 (2) 無線寬頻技術的發展,固接式寬頻連線的普及 (3) 整合式手持通訊裝置的製造技術日益成熟,市場接受度高 如何實施雙網整合,固網電信業與行動電話電信業各有不同打算。純粹的固網電信業多選擇成為「虛擬行動電話業者」(Mobile Virtual Network Operator),或與行動電話電信業策略聯盟,以取得後者在行動電話網路的接取能力。同時,它們以具備Wi-Fi接取點功能的「家用閘道」(Residential Gateway),與Cellular/Wi-Fi雙網手機,提供家庭用戶雙網整合的服務。在未來電信網路設備的選擇上,多傾向採用符合IMS (IP Multimedia Subsystem)標準的產品。 行動電話電信業者則多選擇UMA (Unlicensed Mobile Access)技術,在其基地台建設中,加入UMA網路控制器,並提供UMA雙網整合手機與服務給用戶。目前有多家行動電話電信業者在測試此技術與服務模式。如果採用UMA技術,未來如何與IMS技術接軌,會是行動電話電信業者需要考量的議題。 未來會影響雙網整合發展的因素則為: (1) 標準的採用: 雙網整合相關的標準包括SIP (Session Initiation Protocal),UMA與IMS等。SIP與UMA目前已有產品問市,IMS則有待未來。 (2) 電信業者的經營模式是否成功,即推出的雙網整合服務的產品與價位,是否足以吸引消費者換機,與學習新的使用模式 (3) Wi-Fi/Cellular雙網手機有耗電量,通話品質,使用方法友善程度等問題,這些是消費者能否接受的關鍵因素 (4) 企業界整合語音通訊與資料通訊的意願及速度,並將辦公室交換機昇級至IP PBX的決心。企業界將會是雙網整合技術最早的採用者,其使用經驗將對一般消費者有很大影響力。 雙網整合的真正主角,是具備雙網整合能力的智慧型手機。手機製造業者在此趨勢中的市場機會包括:UMA雙網手機,SIP Wi-Fi單網手機,SIP Wi-Fi/Cellular雙網手機等。但要製造這些手機,需解決許多技術問題,包括:數位語音壓縮/解壓縮方法,回音消除處理,Wi-Fi耗電問題,Wi-Fi通訊之安全保護機制,使用者介面整合,互通性測試等等。再加上雙網整合的遊戲規則是由電信業者制定,如何使手機與電信業者的服務模式搭配完美,是一大挑戰。 雙網整合目前仍在發展階段,相關的標準、技術、產品、與服務皆未臻成熟,非常值得持續的研究與觀察。 / “Fixed-mobile convergence” (FMC) is the theme of study in this research. This research attempts to find out: 1) the “Pull” forces coming from the market demand for FMC solutions; 2) the “Push” forces of the enabling technologies that make FMC possible; 3) the factors that will impact FMC’s future; 4) how the carriers are deploying FMC; and, 5) FMC-related opportunities for the mobile phone manufacturers. FMC is about the convergence of telecommunication world and the Internet world. It is the former’s endeavor to benefit from Internet’s low cost, and richness in online services. It stems from the business battle for market share between the fixed network operators and the mobile operators, and it will affect the future power span of these operators. FMC trend includes the following aspects: terminal devices, services, business models, and network technologies. It is so crucial in forming the telecommunication industry’s future, which makes it the core subject of Next Generation Network implementation. FMC is the enablement of mobile phones to use fixed network technologies, such as Wi-Fi network, corporate LANs, IP PBXs, and so on. A Wi-Fi/Cellular dual-mode mobile phone has telephony capability on both Wi-Fi network via mobile VoIP (Voice over IP) technology, and on cellular (such as GSM) network. When the end user is within the Wi-Fi hot spot coverage, the voice communication will be on top of IP. When the user is out of Wi-Fi coverage, then the phone calls are running on cellular network. For the consumers, this technology promises “any time, any where” ubiquitous connectivity and mobility, while at the lowest possible price, since VoIP is normally free or has very low cost. To deploy such products & services, the operators have both technical & business issues to deal with. Based on the findings of this research, the market demand which accelerates converging mobile & fixed network include:  Fixed-mobile substitution (FMS), which means people are using mobile phones more often than fixed-line phones. In many Western European countries, about one third of the household do not install fixed phone lines any more. They only use mobile phones as communication vehicle. Under such circumstances, fixed-line operators are forced to fight back for their market share. FMC is one of such strategies for launching new products and services to win back the end customers.  Mobile operators need to lower the subscriber churn rate, for which they are losing customers. In the United States and some areas in Europe, mobile phone coverage in residential area is unsatisfactory, due to the high cost of building up cellular infrastructure to cover vast space. This is the main reason for the subscribers to switch operators, for the mobile operators, FMC seems a logical solution. Since household penetration rate of high-speed broadband access is high in US, Europe, and many Asian countries, with a Wi-Fi access point and Wi-Fi/cellular dual mode phone, even when the cellular signal strength is weak at home, the user is still able to make phone calls using Mobile VoIP technology on Wi-Fi. This is the origin of UMA (Unlicensed Mobile Access) technology and standard, which mobile operators are pursuing.  All network operators are under constant pressure for growing their revenue, since voice service has quickly become a commodity when flat-rate tariff model is getting prevalent. With FMC solution, mobile operators could earn back the users who are attracted away by the low cost of Internet telephony. For fixed-line operators, FMC is a mechanism for providing packaged deal of broadband access and dual-mode mobile phones. More over, they could provide “quadruple play” services to support IP TV, Video on Demand, and other Internet services to increase their revenue.  “Less is more” mentality of the consumers. Most consumers or working people nowadays have at least three telephone numbers: home phone, office phone, and mobile phone. Each one of them has its own phone bill, voice mail box, and phone book. Some people even have e-mail account, instant message account, and Internet telephony account (such as Skype screen name). The mobility or interchange between these mechanisms of communication, and to manage them is becoming complex. The consumers are asking the mobile operators to integrate their services and phone bills, which again, pulls the operator to FMC solutions. The following are the enabling technologies that facilitate the development of FMC. Without these technologies, FMC can not take root in the telecommunication industry, and generate commercial products in the future.  VoIP (Voice over IP). VoIP service, products, and PC-based software clients have flourished in the past several years along with the exponential growth of the Internet. With the success of Vonage (pure-play VoIP service provider) and Skype (peer-to-peer internet telephony network based on PC), internet telephony has entered the main stream. Network operators that seek to lower the operation cost are turning to this technology as well. Mobile VoIP over EVDO, HSDPA, Wi-Fi, & WiMAX are getting a lot of attention recently since it can help to reduce the tariff, thus attract more users. For Mobile VoIP technologies to secure its market foothold, many issues need to be tackled, such as AEC, voice codec (compression & decompression), jitter buffer handling, SIP (Session Initiation Protocol) stack and RTP (Real-time Protocal) stack handling, power consumption, telephony UI integration, and so on.  High density of wireless broadband network such as Wi-Fi and WiMAX, and wide spread availability of wired broadband access such as xDSL and FTTH in school campus, office buildings, hot spots, transportation hubs, and homes, lay the foundation of FMC. Without such infrastructure, FMC can not thrive. With the combination of both wireless and wired broadband accessibility, Wi-Fi/cellular dual mode phone becomes practical and useful to the general public.  Converged handheld devices with multiple functionalities like push e-mail, PIM (Personal Information Management), Camera, SMS/MMS, internet browsing, phone book, Calendar, and so on, are getting very popular among business professionals in the last two, three years. With the advent of 3G network, data transmission need for email and SMS, more than voice, has increased peoples’ appetite for more powerful devices. Smartphones or PDA Phones that use open operating system such as Windows Mobile, Linux, or Symbian, have become powerful productivity and connectivity tools that cater to consumers’ needs, and have gained great success. The market demand helped to increase the sales volume, and drive down the unit price, which in turns stimulate more buyers. Bluetooth and Wi-Fi capabilities are newly added functions that further facilitates mobile VoIP in an economical way. Once the phone makers have taken care of issues like AEC (Acoustic Echo Cancellation), voice codec (compression/decompression), power consumption, integrated user interface for telephony, CPU loading, GSM/Wi-Fi handover, and so on, the Wi-Fi/Cellular dual-mode phone are taking the center stage of FMC. The factors that will impact the future direction of FMC:  Uncertainty of the FMC-related standards, especially for UMA (Unlicensed Mobile Access). UMA was adopted as FMC solution mostly by the mobile operators, however, it was considered as an intermediate solution toward IMS (IP Multimedia Subsystem), which so far was mainly adopted by fixed-line operators. UMA-compliant products are yet to be launched and proved by the market in the later half of year 2006, its fate uncertain at this moment. SIP (Session Initiation Protocol) is now de facto standard for VoIP, yet its implementation has many variations depending on the vendor. As for IMS (IP Multimedia Subsystem), its standardization process is still undergoing, VCC (Voice Call Continuity) specification is not final yet, the commercialization of IMS could take another two to four years. With all these standards evolving, both consumers and businesses could hesitate in their purchase decisions, and this may impose negative effect on FMC.  Business model of the operators. How they are going to launch FMC service, at what price, with which handheld device, will affect the end customers’ willingness to purchase. They need to provide good incentives for the end users to switch to the new dual-mode phone, and the UI needs to be intuitive enough to shorten the learning curve, and at attractive price.  As described above, the quality of the handset itself plays a critical role on the future of FMC, and its user friendliness and benefits will define the development of FMC.  How fast the enterprises will upgrade their PBX and networking facilities to integrate outbound data and voice communication. VoIP, IP PBX/Centrex, office software, and phone vendors are working together now to provide the enterprises “premised-based” FMC solutions. These solutions promise the executives more efficient administration of the phone bills, better productivity of the employees, and better customer relationship, and so on. Enterprises are the early adopters and test beds for FMC. If they find it useful, it will be helpful for the sales and distribution to the home and personal market. FMC deployment strategy varies from one operator to the other. Pure-play wired operators tend to become MVNO (Mobile Virtual Network Operator), or at least to have alliance with the mobile operators, so that they could get access to the mobile network infrastructure. Since wireline operators in most cases are also suppliers of broadband service to the home, they will take advantage of this infrastructure, and provide residential gateway (e.g. Wi-Fi access point) and Cellular/Wi-Fi dual-mode mobile phone as the FMC solution for the home market. In preparing for future, they tend to select IMS-compliant network equipments. Mobile Operators prefer UMA technology as FMC solution. It is comparatively simple in deployment in the network. Quite a few mobile operators are now in trial run of UMA. In the future, how to migrate UMA to IMS will be a challenge for those who adopt the former. For the mobile phone makers, FMC trend indicates the market opportunity of: UMA dual-mode phone, SIP Wi-Fi single-mode phone, and SIP Wi-Fi/Cellular dual-mode phone. Yet, unlike general purpose consumer market, these FMC phones need to be tied hand-in-hand with the operators for better integration of services and tariff plans. If these solutions are targeted at the enterprises, the phone makers need to work with IP PBX vendors as well. How to work with these parties, and come out good, integrated phones, is a great challenge. Fixed-mobile convergence is still evolving in the telecommunication world, with many vendors and parties involved, and each has its unique way of FMC implementation and business model. How it will turn out takes continuous research and observation. Due to its scale and influence for the future, the effort will definitely be worthwhile.

Υλοποίηση ενός SIP user agent στον δικτυακό επεξεργαστή Intel IXP 425

Καρποδίνης, Πολυχρόνης 26 February 2009 (has links)
Θα περιγράψουμε τις βασικές λειτουργίες ενός VoIP δικτύου, τα συστατικά του μέρη, καθώς και τα πρωτόκολλα που είναι υπεύθυνα για την εγκατάσταση, τον έλεγχο και τον τερματισμό μιας VoIP υπηρεσίας-συνομιλίας. Τα πρωτόκολλα αυτά ονομάζονται πρωτόκολλα σηματοδοσίας. Τα πρωτόκολλα σηματοδοσίας για VoIP εφαρμογές και ιδιαίτερα το πρωτόκολλο SIP (Session Initiation Protocol) είναι το βασικό θέμα της παρούσας εργασίας. Συγκεκριμένα, έγινε ανάπτυξη ενός SIP User Agent, το λογισμικό του οποίου θα εκτελείται στο δικτυακό επεξεργαστή IXP425 της Intel, μαζί με τα απαραίτητα πρωτόκολλα για την κωδικοποίηση-αποκωδικοποίηση και μετάδοση δειγμάτων φωνής σε μορφή πακέτων δεδομένων. Το αποτέλεσμα αναμένεται να είναι ένα ολοκληρωμένο προϊόν (VoIP phone) για την πραγματοποίηση VoIP κλήσεων. / -

Conception et analyse de la gestion distribuée de mobilité dans les réseaux mobiles IPv6

ALI AHMAD, Hassan 28 January 2014 (has links) (PDF)
Current network architectures, as well as mobility management protocols, are generally deployed in a centralized manner. Moreover, these protocols are designed to be always activated, even when not needed. As the number of mobile users and the volume of their traffic increase, such centralized architectures are expected to encounter scalability issues as well as performance issues. Recently, mobile network operators are experiencing a rapid increase in mobile data traffic. In order to cope with this, a new trend is to flatten networks architectures and hence IP mobility management protocols need to be adapted for such evolution. Therefore, there is a need to define novel mobility management mechanisms that are both distributed and offered dynamically. In order to cope with this context, the thesis concerns designing, analyzing, and evaluating novel IPv6 network architectures and mobility protocols that are distributed and dynamic, and in particular Distributed Mobility Management (DMM). Before proposing any extension, we categorize the existing mobility schemes and carry out a comparative analysis on each category. Then, we propose a new distributed dynamic mobility management scheme based on the Mobile IPv6 (MIPv6) protocol, with an optional extension for the joint use with the Session Initiation Protocol (SIP). After, we carry out a performance analysis in terms of mobility costs, handover, and quality-of-service. Finally, we study the impacts on other aspects such as security considerations and location management.

Réponse des communautés microbiennes du sol à l'apport de résidus de culture : influence des pratiques agricoles et lien avec le fonctionnement biologique du sol

Pascault, Noémie 13 July 2010 (has links) (PDF)
A l'échelle de l'agro-écosystème, la productivité primaire est sous la dépendance du recyclage des matières organiques du sol (MOS) par l'action des organismes indigènes décomposeurs, qui minéralisent les composés organiques libérant ainsi les nutriments nécessaires à la croissance végétale. A une échelle plus globale, le recyclage des MOS détermine les flux de carbone entre le sol et l'atmosphère, avec des conséquences majeures sur la qualité de l'environnement et les changements globaux. Malgré le rôle central des microorganismes indigènes dans ces processus, la composante microbienne est encore mal connue et souvent considérée comme une boîte noire en termes de diversité et de fonctionnalité. Par conséquent, pour mieux comprendre et prédire l'évolution des MOS et donc les flux de carbone (C) dans les agro-écosystèmes, il est nécessaire de mieux connaitre les populations et les mécanismes microbiens impliqués dans leur dégradation et transformation. Dans ce contexte, l'objectif de cette thèse était de progresser dans la connaissance de la réponse des communautés microbiennes telluriques à l'apport de résidus de culture. Cette réponse des communautés microbiennes a été abordée en termes de (i) succession des populations impliquées dans les processus de dégradation de ces MOF (matières organiques fraîches), (ii) lien avec leur fonction de dégradation et répercussion sur la dynamique des matières organiques, et (iii) rôle dans les processus de stockage/déstockage du carbone via les processus de " priming effect ". Différents paramètres pouvant moduler la dégradation des résidus et la dynamique des communautés ont été pris en compte : modalité d'apport des résidus (pratiques culturales), qualité biochimique des résidus (différentes espèces végétales), et température. La stratégie globale de recherche développée repose sur des expérimentations de terrain et au laboratoire impliquant différentes échelles spatiales (du microcosme de sol à la parcelle agronomique) et temporelles (du temps de génération microbien aux cycles culturaux). La réponse des communautés microbiennes à l'apport de résidus a été évaluée par l'utilisation de méthodes moléculaires permettant de caractériser sans a priori la diversité des microorganismes du sol (empreintes moléculaires, clonage/séquençage, séquençage haut débit). En parallèle, un suivi quantitatif et qualitatif de la matière organique du sol, par des méthodes de biochimie ou de spectroscopie, a été réalisé afin d'établir le lien entre la dynamique des communautés microbiennes et le devenir de la matière organique dans le sol. Les deux premiers chapitres du manuscrit portent sur des expérimentations réalisées au terrain (conditions naturelles) afin d'évaluer l'influence de la localisation des résidus (résidus de blé incorporés vs. laissés en surface ; site expérimentale INRA Mons) d'une part et d'autre part de la qualité biochimique des résidus (résidus de blé, colza et luzerne incorporés, site expérimentale INRA Epoisses) sur la dynamique des communautés microbiennes du sol. Les résultats obtenus mettent en évidence une forte influence de la localisation comme de la qualité biochimique des résidus sur les successions de populations microbiennes induites suite à l'apport. Des populations/groupes microbiens stimulés spécifiquement dans chaque modalité ont été identifiés. Les résultats de diversité ont été mis en regard des dynamiques de décomposition des résidus, afin de faire le lien entre les successions de populations et l'évolution des ressources trophiques. La troisième partie du travail correspond à une expérimentation en conditions contrôlées (microcosmes de sol) nous permettant de coupler des outils moléculaires et isotopiques (ADN-SIP) pour cibler spécifiquement les populations microbiennes activement impliquées dans la dégradation des résidus de culture - etc

A symbolic-based passive testing approach to detect vulnerabilities in networking systems

Mouttappa, Pramila 16 December 2013 (has links) (PDF)
Due to the increasing complexity of reactive systems, testing has become an important part in the process of the development of such systems. Conformance testing with formal methods refers to checking functional correctness, by means of testing, of a black-box system under test with respect to a formal system specification, i.e., a specification given in a language with a formal semantics. In this aspect, passive testing techniques are used when the implementation under test cannot be disturbed or the system interface is not provided. Passive testing techniques are based on the observation and verification of properties on the behavior of a system without interfering with its normal operation, it also helps to observe abnormal behavior in the implementation under test on the basis of observing any deviation from the predefined behavior. The main objective of this thesis is to present a new approach to perform passive testing based on the analysis of the control and data part of the system under test. During the last decades, many theories and tools have been developed to perform conformance testing. However, in these theories, the specifications or properties of reactive systems are often modeled by different variants of Labeled Transition Systems (LTS). However, these methodologies do not explicitly take into account the system's data, since the underlying model of LTS are not able to do that. Hence, it is mandatory to enumerate the values of the data before modeling the system. This often results in the state-space explosion problem. To overcome this limitation, we have studied a model called Input-Output Symbolic Transition Systems (IOSTS) which explicitly includes all the data of a reactive system. Many passive testing techniques consider only the control part of the system and neglect data, or are confronted with an overwhelming amount of data values to process. In our approach, we consider control and data parts by integrating the concepts of symbolic execution and we improve trace analysis by introducing trace slicing techniques. Properties are described using Input Output Symbolic Transition Systems (IOSTSs) and we illustrate in our approach how they can be tested on real execution traces optimizing the trace analysis. These properties can be designed to test the functional conformance of a protocol as well as security properties. In addition to the theoretical approach, we have developed a software tool that implements the algorithms presented in this paper. Finally, as a proof of concept of our approach and tool we have applied the techniques to two real-life case studies: the SIP and Bluetooth protocol

企業經營模式與專利授權策略之探究─以矽智財供應商為例 / Relationship between Business Model and IP Licensing Strategy of SIP Providers

戴劭芩, Dai, Shao Chin Unknown Date (has links)
近年來,智慧財產議題在西方國家受到極大的重視,然而現在亞洲國家,如日本、韓國以及台灣也開始關注智慧財產權。智慧財產權對於創作人或發明人而言,能夠給予他們一段時間的壟斷或保護,使其取得一定的報酬;對於企業而言,智慧財產權訴訟能夠讓企業擁有持續性的競爭優勢,並保障其在某個市場區段的獲利。因此,小至個人、大至企業、國家,都會因為智慧財產權制度的發達而受益。 除此之外,智慧財產也開始以交易標之姿展現其價值,企業或是獨立專利權人授權其專利或是各項智慧財產以獲取利潤。即使智慧財產之交易日益興盛,但公開透明的交易市場卻遲遲未出現。顯然在智慧財產之商業環境的建構上我們依舊有所闕漏。為了活化無形資產之交易市場,我們必須要發展出一套關於授權策略之理論,才能更有效率地管理各式無形資產。 然而,在多數的文獻當中都將授權行為視為法律議題,而非商業考量。但事實上契約雖然是以法律形式存在,但背後之動機卻是出於企業之商業考量。若單純就法律觀點來探討此議題,恐會造成對於企業授權策略之研究之不足,因此本研究將從管理的觀點出發探討授權策略並釐清其與企業經營模式間之關係。 植基於此,本研究選擇了IC產業中11家績效良好的矽智財供應商作為研究標的,在該領域中授權交易已經行之有年且市場建構完備。並透過訪談相關實務界人士以及蒐集研究標的公司之年報、報章雜誌以及網站資訊等次級資料進行分析,得出目前矽智財供應商主要的經營模式共可分為四類,並逐一解析各種經營模式有何異同。除此之外,更擷取出授權策略之組成亦可分為四個元素,以及分析企業之經營考量如何影響到在各項元素上選擇。 / In decades, intellectual property has got a lot of attention in the Western world. Now Asian countries such as Japan, Korea and Taiwan start to pay attention to this issue. Intellectual property rights grant patentee the exclusive rights for a period to perform his innovations, which can reward himself. For enterprises, intellectual property litigation has become a tool to sustain competitive advantages, and protect the profitability. In this case, the whole society will gain benefit from the intellectual property. In addition, intellectual property has proved itself as an exchange object , firms or individual patentees licensed their patents or other intellectual property to get revenue. Although the transactions has been carries out more and more frequently, the open , transparent exchange market of intangible asset is still not rising. Obviously , we still have to make much effort on improving business environment. In order to active the intangible property market, we must develop the theory of licensing strategy to manage the intangible assets orderly. However, in most of literature, license has been considered as a legal issue, instead of a business one. Contract itself is legal terms, but in fact, licensing strategy origin from firm’s business consideration. So we need to research this issue form managerial perspective to gain more understanding about licensing strategy. On the basis, this study will discuss the issue from managerial perspective, and clarify the between patent licensing strategy and business model. This study selects 11 leading SIP providers as research object, which had built a well-developed licensing market. By interviewing practisers and collecting, analyzing targeted firm’s annual reports, newspapers, website information etc. , the consequence reveals that the business model of SIP providers can be divided into four categories, and figure out the difference between the four ones. In addition, this study extracts four elements that comprise licensing strategy, analyzing how business model affects licensing strategy.

Uma arquitetura para autenticação de dispositivos móveis através de uma infra-estrutura de chave pública. / An architecture for authentication of mobile devices through a public key infrastructure.

CAMINHA, Jean. 20 August 2018 (has links)
Submitted by Johnny Rodrigues (johnnyrodrigues@ufcg.edu.br) on 2018-08-20T20:19:30Z No. of bitstreams: 1 JEAN CAMINHA - DISSERTAÇÃO PPGEE 2006..pdf: 1518338 bytes, checksum: e7ba2faff350c19009f55c5eec73fc4a (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2018-08-20T20:19:30Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 JEAN CAMINHA - DISSERTAÇÃO PPGEE 2006..pdf: 1518338 bytes, checksum: e7ba2faff350c19009f55c5eec73fc4a (MD5) Previous issue date: 2006-12-22 / A identificação de objetos que participam de uma arquitetura de processamento de dados é uma preocupação relevante para a segurança das informações e fator decisivo para a utilização de serviços que utilizam dados sensíveis. Este trabalho propõe uma arquitetura para a autenticação de dispositivos móveis utilizando a Infra-estrutura de Chave Pública (PKI) e o Protocolo de Iniciação de Sessões (SIP) de modo a minimizar as limitações de armazenamento e processamento destes aparelhos. / The identification of objects that participates of architecture of data processing is a concern for information security and decisive factor for services that need manipulate sensible data. This work considers architecture for mobile devices authentication through in a Public Key Infrastructure and the Session Initiation Protocol (SIP) as a way to minimize storage and processing limitations of those devices.

Security in VoIP-Current Situation and Necessary Development

Gao, Li Li January 2006 (has links)
Nowadays, VoIP is getting more and more popular. It helps company to reduce cost, extends service to remote area, produce more service opportunities, etc. Besides these advantages, VoIP also put forward security problems. In this paper, we introduce the popular protocols in VoIP and their security mechanisms, by introducing threats to VoIP, we point out the vulnerabilities with the security mechanisms of each VoIP protocol, and give recommendation for each VoIP protocol. In the conclusion part, we evaluate the vulnerabilities of each protocol, and point out in the future, with better protocol architecture, enhanced security policies, VoIP will has a brighter future.

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