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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

La migration des silences (Bulgarie-France) : de la mise en récit du non-dit de l’histoire communiste à son impossible transmission familiale / The migration of silences (Bulgaria-France) : storytelling of the unspoken from the communist history to its impossible family transmission

Salabaschew, Sophia 30 November 2017 (has links)
Cette recherche se propose d'examiner, grâce aux outils et aux méthodes de l'anthropologie de la parole et de l'analyse discursive des récits de vie, la transmission des silences et des non-dits au sein de familles dont un membre est issu de la migration de la Bulgarie communiste. À partir d'un ensemble de récits de vie qui se composent de conversations avec les membres de douze familles dans lesquelles un des parents a émigré en France avant 1989, et d'une observation participante de trois années dans une classe de licence de bulgare à l'Inalco, les analyses s'organisent autour de trois axes de réflexion : les liens entre l'histoire socio-politique traversée et les histoires particulières vécues ; ceux entre la transmission et la réception d'une parole marquée par le silence ; ceux entre l'intégration d'un héritage oral et silencieux et l'extériorisation d'une performativité singulière. Outre les histoires familiales, des silences et des non-dits sont transmis par une génération élevée dans la censure et l'autocensure du régime totalitaire. Ce père ou cette mère ayant grandi dans un silence forcé, renvoie à ses enfants, à travers les récits de vie, bien plus que des mots et des paroles. Dans la première partie, une contextualisation historique de l'étude retrace la stratégie du silence dans l'idéologie communiste comme étant à l'origine de la difficulté à inscrire une histoire individuelle dans la grande Histoire. La seconde partie fait état de l'impact de l'expérience subjective du communisme bulgare sur le vécu du silence des parents dans leurs énonciations. Dans la troisième partie, l'étude se concentre sur les effets de ce silence parental sur la seconde génération qui perçoit des failles et des dissimulations dans les histoires reproduites elles-mêmes comme une épopée mythique familiale. Ce constat amène à la dernière partie qui démontre que pour répondre à ce silence, certains enfants vont agir dans leurs discours mais aussi au-delà de la parole, dans leur vie quotidienne. Certains tentent ainsi de performer ces silences pour transformer, par l'art et la création notamment, le poids d'un héritage oral et silencieux en richesse personnelle. Ce travail a pour but d'éclairer la façon dont les événements historiques vécus subjectivement conditionnent les récits de vie familiaux mais plus encore déterminent bien des manières de faire et de dire des enfants, constituant une seconde génération du silence qui n'a rien à perdre à le mettre en mots, et même à le crier haut et fort. / Using the tools and methods of anthropology of speech and discursive analysis of life stories, this research aims to examine the transmission of silences and the unspoken (non-dit) within families in which a member migrated from Communist Bulgaria. Based on several life stories stemming from conversations with members of twelve families in which one parent emigrated to France before 1989, and on three years of participant observation in an undergraduate Bulgarian class at the National institute for oriental languages and civilizations (INALCO), analyses are carried out around three foci: the study of links between socio-political history as it is crossed by particular life stories; those between the transmission and the reception of discourses marked by silence; those between the integration of an oral and silent heritage and the acting out of singular performativity. Besides family history, silences and the unspoken are transmitted by a generation raised under censorship and self-censorship within that particular totalitarian regime. Through these life stories a father or a mother raised in a context of forced silence indeed sends back much more than just words and talk to their children. The first part of this study will be a historical contextualization tracing back a strategy of silence within the Communist ideology as the origin of the difficulty to inscribe individual stories in larger History. The second part demonstrates the impact of the subjective experience of Bulgarian communism on the apprehension of silence by the parents in their discourse/narrations. In the third part, the study focuses on the effects of parental silence on the second generation, who necessarily perceive cracks and concealment in stories reproduced as a mythical family saga. This observation opens to the final part that argues that to answer this silence, some children act through discourse, but also beyond speech, in their daily lives. Some thus try to perform these silences to transform, through art and creation in particular, the weight of an oral but silent heritage into personal resources. This thesis aims to shed light on the way subjectively experienced historical events condition family life stories or even how they determine the way children do things and say things, thereby constituting a second generation that has nothing to lose in talking about this silence, or even to shout it loud and clear.

Silent slips, trips and broken hips : the recovery experiences of young adults following an isolated fracture of the proximal femur

Janes, Gillian January 2016 (has links)
Isolated hip fracture following a minor fall is a serious injury, normally requiring urgent surgical treatment and a complex recovery journey. Although commonly associated with the elderly, incidence and impact in adults under 60 years of age may be underestimated. The extensive literature almost exclusively focuses on the elderly, surgical interventions and relatively short-term outcomes. Young adults are also missing from the dominant societal discourse and healthcare policy on fragility hip fracture. They therefore represent a silent sub-subset of the fragility hip fracture population, whose recovery experiences and needs, particularly in the longer term, remain largely unknown. A critical interpretivist approach and The Silences Framework (Serrant-Green, 2011), were used to ‘give voice’ to young adults with isolated hip fracture. Thirty participants, between one and ten years post injury, completed an in-depth, minimally structured interview in which they told their story of recovery. An inductive, thematic analysis was undertaken integrating Braun and Clarke (2006) and the four phase cyclical analysis of The Silences Framework (Serrant-Green, 2011). One cross-cutting theme: Communication emerged, together with four other main themes: Experience of care, Impact on self, Impact on others and Moving forward. 11 The findings indicated wide variation in the quality of care, often influenced by social and professional norms regarding hip fracture patient characteristics such as age and mode of injury. Multi-faceted, often long term, physical, social and psychological impact on participants, their family and wider social networks was also found. This included Post Traumatic Stress Disorder type symptoms and impact on work, finances and relationships. The study highlighted some limitations of the current hip fracture care pathway for supporting the specific recovery needs of young adults. It also identified some limited effectiveness of commonly used patient reported outcome measures for hip fracture in this young client group. Exploring the recovery experiences of this under-represented group confirmed, but also altered the silences initially identified. Furthermore, it uncovered new silences which informed recommendations for future research; healthcare practice and policy. This study offers the first long term exploration of the impact of isolated hip fracture following a minor fall in young adults from their perspective. In doing so, it has also demonstrated the appropriateness of The Silences Framework (Serrant-Green, 2011) for guiding a person-centred, experience-based, acute orthopaedic/rehabilitation study undertaken by a student researcher.

The enactment of power within strategic interactions : a Saudi Arabian case study

Shoaib, Haneen Mohammed January 2012 (has links)
This thesis contributes to the field of strategy-as-practice by developing understanding of the enacted performance of power within strategic interactions, an area that is underdeveloped. This is addressed by voicing the silences within the field of strategy-as-practice using an organisational studies lens. The study investigates the macro-influences of power, gender, body, culture, and Westernisation on micro-strategising activities and is based on an empirical cross-cultural study of a Saudi Arabian business college. The strategy-as-practice approach faces the challenge of balancing a focus on the specified actions of individuals and remaining aware of the social influences that govern them. This study complements linguistic approaches to understanding strategy with an embodied socially enacted dramaturgical approach to strategy analysis. Dramaturgy is the theoretical and methodological framework used to focus on micro-face-to-face interactions of strategists, complemented by frame analysis which enables invistigation of macro-level aspects of analysis at the meso-organisational level. The analysis focuses on two main areas: first it explores the embodied gendered aspects of strategising, which have previously been marginalised within the field. This analysis shows how the doing and undoing of gender on a managerial level in mixed-gender strategic interactions reflects the values that govern the family context, maintaining traditional values and often constraining women from assuming active roles as participants in strategising. Second, it analyses the tensions that arise between the clash of modernity and tradition by the adoption of international/Western management practices. These institutional influences create conflicts within strategists’ scripts when tradition encounters modernity in confronting a significant aspect of the Arab struggle. This analysis focuses on the importance of adopting a multi-level of analysis that aknowledges both structure and agency within strategising contexts. It also considers the importance of adopting a different type of ethics that is more sensitive to the particularities of caring for the ‘other’.

Despalavras de efeito: os silêncios na obra de Manoel de Barros / The meanings of the silences in the works of Manoel de Barros

Galharte, Julio Augusto Xavier 28 August 2007 (has links)
Esta pesquisa busca os significados dos silêncios na obra de Manoel de Barros. Eles são observados, basicamente, a partir dos sentidos da visão e da escuta. Os mutismos do autor são analisados dentro da palavra e fora dela: nas entrelinhas, nas relações com outros autores, como Anton Tchékhov, Clarice Lispector e Samuel Beckett, por exemplo. Diálogos entre os silêncios de Barros e dos cineastas Luis Buñuel, Akira Kurosawa e Federico Fellini são, também, observados. / This research seeks the meanings of the silences in the works of Manoel de Barros. They are observed, basically, from the senses of the vision and of the listening. The mutisms of the author are analysed inside the word and outside it: in the implied senses and in the relations with other writers, such as Anton Tchekhov and James Joyce, for example. Dialogues between the silences of Barros and of the filmmakers Luis Bunuel, Akira Kurosawa and Federico Fellini are observed too.

Black and minority ethnic young people : exploring the silences in the Scottish Highlands

Cacho, Patricia January 2016 (has links)
In this thesis I analyse the dynamics of youth, race and rurality by considering the life experiences of young people in relation to race and racism through a small –scale study I have conducted over eight months. The study also investigates the aspirations of eight black and minority ethnic young people living in the Scottish Highlands. The study found that young people’s experiences of racism and racial microaggressions were exacerbated by a ‘conspiracy of silence’ in which institutional actors such as service providers, who are there to support and encourage young people, have knowingly, or inadvertently, contributed to undermining, marginalising and excluding black and minority ethnic young people through misunderstanding or misrecognition of experiences of racialisation in rural areas. I observed how these minority young people engaged in strategies of resistance and resilience as a prevalent response when negotiating racist experiences and racial microaggressions. It was further evident that the deficient practices of institutional actors, such as teachers, youth workers and most service providers play a tangible role in perpetuating racism and racial discrimination in the Highlands. The study recommends that to reduce bias and discrimination against black and minority ethnic pupils requires a range of strategies ranging from enhancing teacher confidence in teaching and addressing different forms of racism, a need for teachers to have training on anti-racist education and pedagogical approaches, recruitment of black and minority ethnic practitioners for different service provision, recognition and promotion of the benefits of multilingualism and opportunities for white majority pupils to have greater exposure to diversity in rural Scotland.

Holocaust Remembrance in Australia: Gender, Memory and Identity between the Local and the Transnational

Andrews, Susan, sue.andrews@anu.edu.au January 2008 (has links)
This thesis examines the cultural politics of contemporary Holocaust remembrance in Australia and how meanings about gender, memory and identity and the Holocaust are produced through different representational sites and practices. This study is an intervention in and a contribution to the interdisciplinary field of Holocaust studies. I develop analyses using approaches that draw on feminist cultural theory, gender studies and memory studies. These analyses take account of the local particularities of Holocaust memory in Australia, while showing that at the same time it reproduces and recirculates a dominant transnational Holocaust memory discourse. Silences and the politics of unspeakability are central themes of this thesis. It was my late mother’s silence about her history in Nazi Germany and exile to Australia, and a theoretical silence about gender in Holocaust studies more broadly, that initially engaged me in this study. ¶ I am interested in the relationships between personal and public memory and their interconnections as they contribute to cultural memory of the Holocaust. In my initial case study, the Sydney Jewish Museum, I discuss the museum as a multi-textual discursive space, one which incorporates personal memory of survivors as integral to its memorial project. My second case study involves a close reading of the role of survivor guides as embodied witnesses in the museum space where their gendered performances are framed by, and provide dissonances to, its universalised Holocaust narrative. I present three further cases studies as counterpoints to the Holocaust narrative produced in the Sydney Jewish Museum, where I argue that the universalised Holocaust narrative does not allow for dialogic or discursive spaces where such unsettling stories can be told or heard. First I analyse an Australian documentary film, The Mascot, which represents the story of an Australian man who was a child survivor from Belarus and whose memories were contested when he attempted to reclaim an authentic Jewish identity connected to his Holocaust experiences. ¶ In the final two cases studies I demonstrate the value of subjective, embodied personal approaches to analysing Holocaust memory and its effects. Here I draw on my mother’s story. First in the local context I narrate a necessarily fragmented account of her exile to Australia and I undertake memory work to map out some of her history as a Jewish Australian woman and the social landscapes of her political activism. In the final chapter I reconnect my mother’s story from Australia to her childhood city, Berlin where I undertake a personal reading of one particular Holocaust counter-memorial in Berlin-Schöneberg. ¶ Despite the power of the universalised Holocaust memory discourse, these case studies illustrate the diverse particularities of experiences of the Holocaust in local and transnational contexts. An analysis of the nuances and complexities of Holocaust remembrance that takes account of such particularities, and that is also gendered, can offer valuable insights into the machinations of the genocide and how it is variously remembered in the present through mourning as well as political and historical inquiry.

Despalavras de efeito: os silêncios na obra de Manoel de Barros / The meanings of the silences in the works of Manoel de Barros

Julio Augusto Xavier Galharte 28 August 2007 (has links)
Esta pesquisa busca os significados dos silêncios na obra de Manoel de Barros. Eles são observados, basicamente, a partir dos sentidos da visão e da escuta. Os mutismos do autor são analisados dentro da palavra e fora dela: nas entrelinhas, nas relações com outros autores, como Anton Tchékhov, Clarice Lispector e Samuel Beckett, por exemplo. Diálogos entre os silêncios de Barros e dos cineastas Luis Buñuel, Akira Kurosawa e Federico Fellini são, também, observados. / This research seeks the meanings of the silences in the works of Manoel de Barros. They are observed, basically, from the senses of the vision and of the listening. The mutisms of the author are analysed inside the word and outside it: in the implied senses and in the relations with other writers, such as Anton Tchekhov and James Joyce, for example. Dialogues between the silences of Barros and of the filmmakers Luis Bunuel, Akira Kurosawa and Federico Fellini are observed too.

Challenges and Opportunities for Ex-offender Support Through Community Nursing

Eshareturi, Cyril, Serrant, L. 20 March 2018 (has links)
Yes / This study was a qualitative case study underpinned by “The Silences Framework” aimed at mapping the ex-offender health pathway towards identifying “touch points” in the community for the delivery of a nurse-led intervention. Participants meeting the study inclusion criteria were quantitatively ranked based on poor health. Participants scoring the lowest and endorsing their ranking through a confirmation of a health condition were selected as cases and interviewed over 6 months. Individuals in the professional networks of offenders contextualized emergent themes. The study indicated that pre-release, offenders were not prepared in prison for the continuity in access to healthcare in the community. On release, reintegration preparation did not routinely enquire whether offenders were still registered with a general practitioner or had the agency to register self in the community. Participants identified the site of post-release supervision as the “touch point” where a nurse-led intervention could be delivered.

O imaginário e as manifestações do silêncio / The imaginary and the manifestations of silence

Rivera, Edna Alencar da Silva 11 April 2019 (has links)
O silêncio integra as experiências humanas, compõe o pensamento, tece a linguagem e configura a conduta e as manifestações artísticas. O imaginário e as manifestações do silêncio representam o anseio pela busca de faces do silêncio presentes no imaginário, nas experiências humanas e nas linguagens artísticas. Faces que, ao potencializarem o movimento de introspecção, podem contribuir para a abertura de portais e para a reorganização das vivências do ser. Para desenvolver o estudo, realizamos uma pesquisa bibliográfica e uma leitura analítica de obras artísticas de dois campos narrativos diferentes: fílmico e literário. As obras selecionadas para exame têm em comum a vigorosa presença do silêncio. Pela sua riqueza poética, os filmes Padre, padrone (1977) e Mutum (2007) e as produções literárias O Espelho (2001) e Manuelzão e Miguilim (2001) além de outros textos inesquecíveis colaboraram no desenvolvimento das análises. Para ampliar o entendimento sobre o imaginário, foram imprescindíveis os autores: Castoriadis (1982), Durand (2001), Maffesoli (2012) e Ruiz (2003). Também, como referência, Orlandi (2005; 2007), dada sua expressiva pesquisa a respeito do silêncio, além de outras teses que, ao tratarem do tema, trouxeram relevantes contribuições. / Silence integrates human experiences, composes thought, weaves language and shapes conduct and artistic manifestations. The imaginary and the manifestations of silence represent the yearning for the search for faces of silence present in the imaginary, in human experiences and in artistic languages. Faces that, by potentializing the movement of introspection, can contribute to the opening of portals and to the reorganization of the experiences of being. To develop the study, we perform a bibliographical research and an analytical reading of artistic works from two different narrative fields: filmic and literary. The works selected for examination have in common the vigorous presence of silence. For his poetic wealth, the films Padre, padrone (1977) and Mutum (2007) and the literary productions O Espelho (2001) and Manuelzão e Miguilim (2001) - as well as other unforgettable texts - collaborated in the development of the analyzes. In order to broaden the understanding of the imaginary, the following authors were indispensable: Castoriadis (1982), Durand (2001), Maffesoli (2012) and Ruiz (2003). Also, as a reference, Orlandi (2005; 2007), given his expressive research on silence, in addition to other theses that, in dealing with the topic, brought relevant contributions.

Educação, história e memória: silêncios e reinvenções pomeranas na Serra dos Tapes

Thum, Carmo 15 January 2009 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2015-03-04T21:16:01Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 0 Previous issue date: 15 / Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior / A presente tese analisa silêncios e reinvenções pomeranas na Serra do Tapes, Rio Grande do Sul, em relação à opressão das instituições formativas. As grandes linhas teóricas que se entrecruzam são: Educação, História e Memória. Trata-se de uma pesquisa qualitativa, de cunho exploratório, cuja orientação principal, em termos metodológicos, é a etnografia. Nesse sentido, a coleta de dados foi constituída de forma complexa e plural, passando pelas técnicas: levantamento bibliográfico, análise documental, participação pesquisante, entrevistas, conversas informais, rodas de diálogos, produção e análise de fotografias e inventários. A imigração pomerana no sul do Rio Grande do Sul diferencia-se de modo singular, em relação à dos outros grupos imigrantes (alemães), em função das conjunturas históricas, constitutivas dos pomeranos e do processo de isolamento e silenciamentos, vividos no sul do Brasil. Além disso, o silêncio da cultura pomerana, no bojo da cultura local, se dá sob as abas do poder: religioso, escolar, / The purpose of this thesis is to examine Pomeranian silences and reinventions in the area known as Serra do Tapes, Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil, regarding oppression by educational institutions. The major theoretical lines are Education, History and Memory. This is a qualitative, exploratory study whose core methodological orientation is ethnography. Therefore, data were collected in a plural and complex fashion, using the following techniques: bibliographical review, document analysis, research-based participation, interviews, informal conversations, dialog rounds, production and analysis of photographs and inventories. Pomeranian immigration to southern Rio Grande do Sul is uniquely different from that by the other immigrant groups (Germans) due to the historical circumstances constitutive of Pomeranians and the process of isolation and silence they experienced in the area. Furthermore, the silence of Pomeranian culture within local culture takes place under the veil of power, whether it is related to religion

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