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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Ocenění firmy / The business valuation

Zákravská, Anna January 2012 (has links)
This thesis deals with the business valuation. The main goal of this diploma thesis is to estimate the market value of a company with the purpose of a sale to a potential buyer. The thesis is structured into two parts: theoretical a practical part. The theoretical part describes the methods and process of company valuation. The goal of the practical part is to apply theoretical findings on the specific company and make an estimate of its value. The practical part includes description of the chosen company, strategic and financial analysis and prediction of the business plan. There are three methods used for the company valuation - discounted cash flow in the form of FCFF, the method of accounting value and method of similar transactions.

Détection de ruptures et identification des causes ou des symptômes dans le fonctionnement des turboréacteurs durant les vols et les essais / Change-point detection and identification of the causes in aircraft enging during flights and test benches

Faure, Cynthia 21 September 2018 (has links)
L'analyse de séries temporelles multivariées, créées par des capteurs présents sur le moteur d'avion durant un vol ou un essai, représente un nouveau challenge pour les experts métier en aéronautique. Chaque série temporelle peut être décomposée de manière univariée en une succession de phases transitoires, très connues par les experts, et de phases stabilisées qui sont moins explorées bien qu'elles apportent beaucoup d'informations sur le fonctionnement d'un moteur. Notre projet a pour but de convertir ces séries temporelles en une succession de labels, désignant des phases transitoires et stabilisées dans un contexte bivarié. Cette transformation des données donne lieu à plusieurs perspectives : repérer dans un contexte univarié ou bivarié les patterns similaires durant un vol, trouver des tronçons de courbes similaires à une courbe donnée, identifier les phases atypiques, détecter ses séquences de labels fréquents et rares durant un vol, trouver le vol le plus représentatif et déterminer les vols «volages». Ce manuscrit propose une méthodologie pour automatiquement identifier les phases transitoires et stabilisées, classer les phases transitoires, labelliser des séries temporelles et les analyser. Tous les algorithmes sont appliqués à des données de vols et les résultats sont validés par les experts. / Analysing multivariate time series created by sensors during a flight or a bench test represents a new challenge for aircraft engineers. Each time series can be decomposed univariately into a series of stabilised phases, well known by the expert, and transient phases that are merely explored but very informative when the engine is running. Our project aims at converting these time series into a succession of labels, designing transient and stabilised phases in a bivariate context. This transformation of the data will allow several perspectives: tracking similar behaviours or bivariate patterns seen during a flight, finding similar curves from a given curve, identifying the atypical curves, detecting frequent or rare sequences of labels during a flight, discovering hidden multivariate structures, modelling a representative flight, and spotting unusual flights. This manuscript proposes : methodology to automatically identify transient and stabilized phases, cluster all engine transient phases, label multivariate time series and analyse them. All algorithms are applied on real flight measurements with a validation of the results from expert knowledge.

Author Profiling en Social Media: Identificación de Edad, Sexo y Variedad del Lenguaje

Rangel Pardo, Francisco Manuel 07 July 2016 (has links)
[EN] The possibility of knowing people traits on the basis of what they write is a field of growing interest named author profiling. To infer a user's gender, age, native language or personality traits, simply by analysing her texts, opens a wide range of possibilities from the point of view of forensics, security and marketing. Furthermore, social media proliferation, which allows for new communication models and human relations, strengthens this wide range of possibilities to bounds never seen before. Idiosyncrasy inherent to social media makes them a special environment of communication, where freedom of expression, informality and spontaneous generation of topics and trends, enhances the knowledge of the daily reality of people in their use of language. However, the same idiosyncrasy makes difficult, or extremely costly, the application of linguistic techniques. In this work we have proposed EmoGraph, a graph-based approach with the aim at modelling the way that users express their emotions, and the way they include them in their discourse, bearing in mind not only their frequency of occurrence, but also their position and relationship with other elements in the discourse. Our starting hypothesis is that users express themselves and their emotions differently depending on their age and gender, and besides, we think that this is independent on their language and social media where they write. We have collaborated in the creation of a common framework of evaluation at the PAN Lab of CLEF, generating resources that allowed us to verify our hypothesis achieving comparable and competitive results with the best ones obtained by other researchers on the field. In addition, we have investigated whether the expression of emotions would help to differentiate among users of different varieties of the same language, for example, Spanish from Spain, Mexican and Argentinian, or Portuguese from Portugal and Brazil. Our hypothesis is that the variation among languages is based more on lexical aspects, and we have corroborated it after comparing EmoGraph with representations based on word patterns, distributed representations and a representation that uses the whole vocabulary, but reducing its dimensionality to only 6 features per class, what is suitable for its application to big data environments such as social media. / [ES] La posibilidad de conocer rasgos de una persona a partir únicamente de los textos que escribe se ha convertido en un área de gran interés denominada author profiling. Ser capaz de inferir de un usuario su sexo, edad, idioma nativo o los rasgos de su personalidad, simplemente analizando sus textos, abre todo un abanico de posibilidades desde el punto de vista forense, de la seguridad o del marketing. Además, la proliferación de los medios sociales, que favorece nuevos modelos de comunicación y relación humana, potencia este abanico de posibilidades hasta cotas nunca antes vistas. La idiosincrasia inherente a estos medios sociales hace de ellos un entorno de comunicación especial, donde la libertad de expresión, la informalidad y la generación espontánea de temáticas y tendencias propician el acercamiento a la realidad diaria de las personas en su uso de la lengua. Sin embargo, esa misma idiosincrasia hace que en muchas ocasiones la aplicación de técnicas lingüísticas de análisis no sea posible, o sea extremadamente costoso. En este trabajo hemos propuesto EmoGraph, una representación basada en grafos con el objetivo de modelar el modo en que los usuarios expresan sus emociones, y el modo en que las articulan en el marco de su discurso, teniendo en consideración no sólo su frecuencia, sino también su posición y relación con y respecto a los elementos del mismo. Nuestra hipótesis de partida es que los usuarios se expresan y expresan sus emociones de manera diferente dependiendo de su edad y sexo, y además, pensamos que esto es así independientemente de su idioma y del medio donde escriban. Hemos colaborado en la creación de un marco común de evaluación en el laboratorio PAN del CLEF, generando recursos que nos han permitido verificar nuestra hipótesis y conseguir resultados comparables y competitivos con los mejores resultados obtenidos por los investigadores del área. Además, hemos querido investigar si la expresión de emociones permitiría diferenciar entre hablantes de diferentes variedades de una misma lengua, por ejemplo españoles, mexicanos o argentinos, o portugueses y brasileños. Nuestra hipótesis es que la variación entre lenguas se basa más en aspectos léxicos, y así lo hemos corroborado tras comparar EmoGraph con representaciones basadas en patrones, representaciones distribuidas y una representación que toma en consideración el vocabulario completo, pero reduciendo su dimensionalidad a únicamente 6 características por clase y que se erige idónea para su aplicación en entornos big data como los medios sociales. / [CAT] La possibilitat de conèixer trets d'una persona únicament a partir dels textos que escriu s'ha convertit en una àrea de gran interès anomenada author profiling. Ser capaç d'inferir d'un usuari el sexe, l'edat, l'idioma nadiu o els trets de la seua personalitat tan sols analitzant els seus textos, obre tot un ventall de possibilitats des del punt de vista forense, de la seguretat o del màrketing. A més, la proliferació dels mitjans socials, que afavoreix nous models de comunicació i de relació humana, potencia aquest ventall de possibilitats fins a cotes que no s'han vist fins ara. La idiosincràsia inherent a aquests mitjans socials en fa d'ells un entorn de comunicació especial, on la llibertat d'expressió, la informalitat i la generació espontània de temàtiques i tendències propicien l'aproximació a la realitat diària de les persones en l'ús que fan de la llengua. Tanmateix, aquesta idiosincràsia fa que en moltes ocasions no es puguin aplicar tècniques lingüístiques d'anàlisi, o que fer-ho resulti extremadament costós. En aquest treball hem proposat EmoGraph, una representació basada en grafs que té l'objectiu de modelar la manera en què els usaris expressen les seves emocions, i la manera com les articulen en el marc de llur discurs, considerant-ne no només la freqüència sinó també la posició i la relació amb i respecte als elements del discurs. La nostra hipòtesi de partida és que els usuaris s'expressen i expressen llurs emocions de manera diferent depenent de l'edat i el sexe, i a més, pensem que això és així independentment de l'idioma i del mitjà en què escriguin. Hem col·laborat en la creació d'un marc comú d'avaluació al laboratori PAN del CLEF, generant recursos que ens han permès verificar la nostra hipòtesi i aconseguir resultats comparables i competitius amb els millors resultats obtinguts pels investigadors de l'àrea. A més, hem volgut investigar si l'expressió d'emocions permetria establir diferències enre parlants de diferents varietats d'una mateixa llengua, per exemple espanyols, mexicans o argentins, o portuguesos i brasilers. La nostra hipòtesi és que la variació entre llengües es basa més en aspectes lèxics, i així ho hem corroborat després de comparar EmoGraph amb representacions basades en patrons, representacions distribuïdes i una representació que considera el vocabulari complet, però reduint-ne la dimensionalitat només a 6 característiques per classe i que s'erigeix de manera idònia per a aplicar-la en entorns big data com els mitjans socials. / Rangel Pardo, FM. (2016). Author Profiling en Social Media: Identificación de Edad, Sexo y Variedad del Lenguaje [Tesis doctoral no publicada]. Universitat Politècnica de València. https://doi.org/10.4995/Thesis/10251/67270 / TESIS

Den utsatta psykiatrisjuksköterskan : - en empirisk studie om sjuksköterskors upplevelse av stöd i samband med hot- och våldssituationer inom psykiatrisk vård / The exposed psychiatric nurse : - An empirical study of nurse’s experiences of support in connection with situations of threat and violence in psychiatric care

Jonas, Ruteskog January 2018 (has links)
Bakgrund: Inom psykiatrisk vård är hot- och våld mot personal vanligt förekommande. Studier visar också att sjuksköterskor är särskilt utsatta eftersom sjuksköterskan handhar läkemedel och också oftast är den person som leder arbetet i tvångsåtgärder. Socialt stöd på arbetsplatsen samt adekvat stöd från chefer lyfts fram för att kunna bearbeta dessa situationer. Tidigare studier antyder att de negativa följderna av hot- och våldssituationer kan reduceras genom adekvat stöd men det finns ett behov av ytterligare kunskap om hur detta stöd ska utformas för sjuksköterskor. Syfte: I föreliggande studie har syftet varit att beskriva sjuksköterskors upplevelser av stöd i samband med hot- och våldssituationer. Vilka situationer föranleder behovet av stöd? Vilket stöd har de fått? Påverkar stödet kring hot- och våldssituationer sjuksköterskans arbete? Metod: Föreliggande studie har genomförts som en intervjustudie med sex informanter, varav två är specialistsjuksköterskor inom psykiatrisk vård och åldersspannet är 34år till 50år gamla. Innan studien genomfördes godkändes den av Forskningsetikkommittén vid Institutionen för vårdvetenskap, Ersta Sköndal Bräcke högskola. Resultat: Hot och våld från patienter med neuropsykiatriska diagnoser samt personlighetsstörningsdiagnoser ansåg informanterna vara extra allvarligt och föranleda behovet av stöd. Kollegor gav bäst stöd i form av kamratskap, samtal och humor. Stöd från chefer i form av att bli tagen på allvar och att erhålla uppföljning koncentrerad kring arbetstagarens känslor saknas. Att kunna möta människor med svåra psykiska problem kräver att du själv är psykiskt stabil och välmående vilket är en effekt av att erhålla adekvat stöd. Diskussion: Föreliggande studies resultat diskuteras mot Aron Antonovskys teori Känsla av sammanhang. Förhoppningsvis kan föreliggande studie ligga till grund för att identifiera förbättringsområden i klinisk verksamhet samt upprätthålla en medvetenhet om ämnet. Framledes vore det intressant att utvidga studiens omfattning till att inkludera fler sjuksköterskor och även sjuksköterskor i psykiatrisk öppenvård. / Background: In psychiatric care, threats and violence against personnel are commonplace. Studies also show that nurses are particularly vulnerable because the nurse handles drugs and also usually the person who leads the work in coercive measures. Social support at the workplace and adequate support from managers are emphasized in order to be able to process these situations. Previous studies suggest that the negative consequences of threat and violence situations can be reduced by adequate support, but there is a need for additional knowledge about how this support should be designed for nurses.Aim: In the present study, the aim has been to describe nurses' experiences of support in connection with threat and violence situations. What situations require the need for support? What support have they received? Does the support for threat and violence situations affect the nurse's work? Method: The present study has been conducted as an interview study with six informants, of which two are specialist nurses in psychiatric care and the age range is 34 years to 50 years old. Prior to the study The Department of Health Care Sciences at Ersta Sköndal Bräcke University College approved it. Results: Threats and violence from patients with neuropsychiatric diagnoses as well as personality disorder diagnoses considered the informants to be particularly serious and the need for support. Colleagues gave the best support in the form of companionship, conversation and humor. Support from managers in the form of being taken seriously and receiving follow-up focused on the employee's feelings is lacking. Being able to meet people with severe psychological problems requires that you yourself be mentally stable and well-off, which is an effect of obtaining adequate support. Discussions: The results of the present study are discussed against Aaron Antonovsky's theory Sence of coherence. Hopefully, the present study can form the basis for identifying areas of improvement in clinical activities and maintaining an awareness of the subject. In the future, it would be interesting to extend the scope of the study to include more nurses and also nurses in psychiatric outpatient care.

Registrace obrazu pomocí metody Optical Flow / Image registration using Optical Flow method

Bistrý, Jan January 2011 (has links)
Registration of medical images is technique, which is developing with new hybrid diagnostic imaging systems. Nowadays is a trend in image registration focused on monomodality and multimodality images registration. The first part of this master’s thesis is intent on present basic information about image registration. Concretely is intending on image transformation, interpolation, criteria function and at optimalization. Further part present realized Optical Flow technique and used “Demon” algorithm for image registration. The next part is focused on presentation of program solution and GUI. In the last section of this master’s thesis is verifying of created program on usual images and real CT images.

Mimésis - imitatio v autentických Pavlových listech / The Mimesis - Imitatio in the autentic Letters of Paul

Mátiková, Anna January 2013 (has links)
Mimesis - Imitatio in the Authentic Letters of the Apostle Paul The first part of the thesis provides the reader with a concise overview of different semantic levels of the term mimesis as found in the ancient literature written in the Greek language. Furthermore, the author focuses her attention on the use of the concept of mimesis in the Old Testament, and the New Testament writings other than Paul's authentic letters. Such a survey prepares the ground for a detailed study of the concept of mimesis in the authentic letters written by the Apostle Paul. The idea of mimesis is present in Paul's authentic letters in five explicit passages (1 Tess 1:6-7; 1 Tess 2:14; 1 Cor 4:16; 1 Cor 11:1 a Phil 3:17). Each of the passages is studied within the whole context of the respective letter, written for a group living its own particular situation. The thesis compares different exegetical solutions from several researchers. Some of the researchers understand Paul's appeal to imitation as a call to be obedient to his teaching. Other experts are more inclined to understand this imitation as an authentic representation of the Cross in the life of Jesus' followers. The thesis tries to prove that the mystery of Christ's kenosis, expressed in a very significant way in the Christological hymn contained in the Letter to the...

Možnosti se stabilními distribucemi / Options under Stable Laws

Karlová, Andrea January 2013 (has links)
Title: Options under Stable Laws. Author: Andrea Karlová Department: Department of Probability and Mathematical Statistics Supervisor: Doc. Petr Volf, CSc. Abstract: Stable laws play a central role in the convergence problems of sums of independent random variables. In general, densities of stable laws are represented by special functions, and expressions via elementary functions are known only for a very few special cases. The convenient tool for investigating the properties of stable laws is provided by integral transformations. In particular, the Fourier transform and Mellin transform are greatly useful methods. We first discuss the Fourier transform and we give overview on the known results. Next we consider the Mellin transform and its applicability on the problem of the product of two independent random variables. We establish the density of the product of two independent stable random variables, discuss the properties of this product den- sity and give its representation in terms of power series and Fox's H-functions. The fourth chapter of this thesis is focused on the application of stable laws into option pricing. In particular, we generalize the model introduced by Louise Bachelier into stable laws. We establish the option pricing formulas under this model, which we refer to as the Lévy Flight...

A Novel Characterization of Friction Stir Welds Created Using Active Temperature Control

Pearl, David Lee 16 April 2021 (has links)
No description available.

Analyse und Konzeption von Messstrategien zur Erfassung der bodenhydraulischen Variabilität

Morgenstern, Yvonne 04 December 2007 (has links)
Die Berücksichtigung der flächenhaften bodenhydraulischen Variabilität gilt bei der Modellierung von Wasser- und Stofftransportprozessen als problematisch. Dies liegt vorrangig an ihrer Erfassung, die kosten- und zeitintensiv ist. Die vorliegende Arbeit untersucht verschiedene Messstrategien, die zur Abbildung der flächenhaften Bodenhydraulik mit wenigen, einfach zu bestimmenden und physikalisch begründeten Bodenparametern führen. Die Vorgehensweise erfolgt mit der Anwendung eines Ähnlichkeitskonzeptes, das die Böden in bodenhydraulisch ähnliche Klassen unterteilt. Innerhalb einer Klasse kann die Variabilität der Retentions- und hydraulischen Leitfähigkeitcharakteristik auf einen freien Parameter (Skalierungsparameter) reduziert werden. Die Analyse der Zusammenhänge zwischen Boden- und Skalierungsparametern führt letztendlich zu den geeigneten Parametern die eine flächenhafte Abbildung möglich machen. Diese Untersuchungen bilden die Grundlage für die weitere Entwicklung eines stochastischen Modellansatzes, der die Variabilität der Bodenhydraulik bei der Modellierung des Bodenwassertransportes im Feldmaßstab berücksichtigen kann. An Hand von drei Datensätzen unterschiedlicher Skalenausbreitung konnte dieses Konzept angewendet werden. Die Ergebnisse zeigen, dass die Beschreibung der hydraulischen Variabilität nur für die vertikale (Profil) nicht aber für die flächenhafte Ausbreitung mit einfachen Bodenparametern möglich ist. Mit einer ersten Modellanwendung konnte gezeigt werden, dass über die Variabilität der Bodenparameter Trockenrohdichte und Tongehalt auch die Variabilität der Bodenhydraulik und damit die Berechnung des Bodenfeuchteverlaufs am Standort darstellbar ist. / The consideration of the spatial variability of the unsaturated soil hydraulic characteristics still remains an unsolved problem in the modelling of the water and matter transport in the vadose zone. This can be mainly explained by the rather cumbersome measurement of this variability, which is both, time-consuming and cost-intensive. The presented thesis analyses various measurement strategies which aim at the description of the soil-hydraulic heterogeneity by a small number of proxy-parameters, which should be easily measurable and still have a soil-physical meaning. The developed approach uses a similarity concept, which groups soils into similar soil hydraulic classes. Within a class, the variability of the retention and hydraulic conductivity curves can be explained by a single parameter (scaling parameter). The analysis of the correlation between the soil parameters and the scaling parameters can eventually indicate which soil parameters can be used for describing the soil hydraulic variability in a given area. This investigation forms the basis for the further development of a stochastic model, which can integrate the soil-hydraulic variability in the modelling of the soil water transport. Three data sets, all covering different scales, were subsequently used in the application of the developed concept. The results show that depth development of the soil-hydraulic variability in a soil profile can be explained by a single soil parameter. Contrarily, the explanation of the horizontal variability of the soil-hydraulic properties was not possible with the given data sets. First model applications for a soil profile showed that including the variability of the soil parameters bulk density and clay fraction in the water transport simulations could describe the variability of the soil-hydraulic variability and thus, the dynamics of the soil water content at the investigated profile.

CLustering of Web Services Based on Semantic Similarity

Konduri, Aparna 12 May 2008 (has links)
No description available.

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