Spelling suggestions: "subject:"dimple network management protocol"" "subject:"5imple network management protocol""
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Uma solução baseada em SNMP para gerenciamento de dispositivos de rede com suporte à virtualizaçãoDaitx, Fábio Fabian January 2011 (has links)
A virtualização de rede surgiu como uma alternativa para contornar as limitações no uso compartilhado da infraestrutura atual da Internet. Com a virtualização, sob uma mesma estrutura física, ou substrato, é possível a construção de múltiplas redes virtuais, cada uma das quais empregando seus próprios protocolos, mecanismos de endereçamento e políticas de forma independente e isolada. Essas redes são formadas por roteadores, interfaces e enlaces virtuais mapeados sobre componentes reais. Por serem desacopláveis, os elementos virtuais trazem uma grande flexibilidade, sendo possível a construção de múltiplas redes sobrepostas para usuários com demandas distintas, por exemplo. Roteadores virtuais podem migrar de um roteador físico para outro, conforme necessidades de manutenção ou balanceamento de carga. Além disso, a possibilidade de se conduzir experimentos de rede em uma estrutura real, sujeita as condições de utilização e de tráfego que normalmente serão encontradas na prática, sem que se precise interromper a operação da rede, traz a possibilidade de se instalar poderosos e sofisticados ambientes de teste (testbeds ). Nesse ambiente, contudo, existem desafios de pesquisa a serem tratados e questões em aberto, em especial com relação ao gerenciamento de dispositivos. Em uma rede com suporte a virtualização, os roteadores físicos precisam ser gerenciados para que roteadores virtuais possam ser criados, modificados, duplicados, destruídos e movimentados. As interfaces de gerenciamento atuais, porém, não suportam tais ações de forma efetiva, obrigando o administrador dos dispositivos a realizar intervenções manuais através de interfaces de linha de comandos (CLIs) não padronizadas. Existe, assim, a necessidade de se definir uma interface de gerenciamento adequada para roteadores físicos que abrigam roteadores virtuais. Tendo como objetivo abordar estas questões, este trabalho consiste na investigação de uma solução para gerenciar roteadores virtuais. Para isto foram levantadas e definidas as principais ações de gerenciamento necessárias aos dispositivos, de forma integrada, visando a definição de uma interface padronizada de gerencia- mento para cenários heterogêneos de utilização. / Network virtualization emerged as an alternative to overcome limitations on use of the shared infrastructure of current Internet. With virtualization, over the same physical structure, or substrate, it is possible to build multiple virtual networks, each of them employing its own protocols, addressing mechanisms and policies, on an isolated and independent way. These networks are formed by virtual routers, interfaces and links mapped to real components. Because they are detachable, the virtual elements bring a great flexibility, being possible constructing many overlaid networks for users with different demands, for example. Virtual routers can migrate from one physical router to another as needed form maintenance or load balancing. Besides, the possibily of running network experiments in a real structure, subject to the conditions of use and traffic that will normally be encountered in practice, without interrupting network operation, make it possible to install powerfull and sofisticated testbeds. In such environment, however, there are research challenges to be managed and open questions, specially related to devices management. In a network with virtu- alization support, physicall routers must be managed so that virtual routers can be created, modified, copied, removed and moved. Nevertheless, current management interfaces do not support such action in an effictive way, compelling the devices manager to make manual interventions through non standardized command line interfaces (CLIs). So, there exist the need to define an adequate management interface for physicall routers that host virtual routers. Having as an objective to address these questions, this work consist in investi- gating a solution to manage virtual routers. For this, were raised and defined the main management actions required for devices, through an integrated way, aiming to define a standardized management interface for heterogeneous use scenarios.
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Implementace simulačního modelu zjednodušené databáze DiffServ-MIB / Implementation of a simulation model for a simplified DiffServ-MIB databaseZeman, Otto January 2008 (has links)
The aim of this work is to propose feasible solution for the simulation of the SNMP (Simple Network Management Protocol) protocol in the OPNET Modeler simulation environment. This work describes in detail individual procedures, which were chosen for this simulation . The work also contains an introduction to the OPNET Modeler simulation environment, the SNMP protocol, the DiffServ model and the DiffServ-MIB database. The main part of this work describes the algorithms programmed to model the functions of the SNMP protocol. Source codes of the algorithms programmed are included as well. The work deals especially with the functions for obtaining values from different levels of a multilevel model attributes, packet creation functions with dynamically changing length of user-data field, for the implementation process of a simplified DiffServ MIB database and with the functions for statistic creation.
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Implementation and Analysis of VoIP CPE Management System using TR-069Darwis, Darwis January 2008 (has links)
Customer Premises Equipment (CPE) management is underestimated by the CPE vendors and services providers while it is in fact one of the most important aspects to ensure the high quality of service. Many people still think CPE management is the same as network management. Thus, they use the Simple Network Management Protocol (SNMP) to manage their CPEs. However, SNMP alone was thought not to scale nor to support the provisioning of the types of services which internet services providers must support today. This thesis highlights the importance of CPE management, how it is implemented using the TR-069; a CPE management protocol defined by the DSL Forum, and how a management system can be used for VoIP service management, and whether a CPE should implement TR-069 or SNMP as the management system to support. In the addition, the TR-069 will be compared against the SNMP to determine which one is more suitable for CPE management. An interesting conclusion is that while TR-069 does have some advantages over SNMP for managing services rather than simply managing the device, these advantages are not a large as initially believed nor has TR-069 avoided the problem of proprietary management information which SNMP has demonstrated. / Customer Premises Equipment (CPE) skötseln är undervärderad av CPE försäljarna och tjänste leverantörerna meddans det faktiskt är en av de mest viktiga aspekterna för att tillförsäkra hög quality of service. Många personer tror fortfarande att CPE skötseln är det samma som att sköta ett nätverk. Så, de använder Simple Network Management Protocol (SNMP) för att sköta deras CPE:er. Emellertid, SNMP ensamt var inte tänkt att skala eller att ge stöd vid försörjning av typer av tjänster som internet tjänst leverantörer måste stödja idag. Den här avhandlingen framhäver det väsentliga med CPE skötsel, hur det implementeras vid användande av TR-069; ett CPE skötsel protocol definerat av DSL forum, och hur detta administrations system kan användas för att sköta VoIP tjänster. Tilläggande så kommer avhandligen att jämföra TR-069 och SNMP för att bestämma vilken av dem som är mer lämplig för CPE administration. En intressant sammanfattning är att meddans TR-069 har några fördelar över SNMP för att sköta tjänster hellre än att enkelt sköta enheten, dessa fördelar är inte så stora som man trott från början. Dessutom, TR-069 ser inte ut att kunna övervinna problemet med privatägd (användande av privat MIB) information som SNMP har demonstrerat.
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Das MTA-Protokoll: Ein transaktionsorientiertes Managementprotokoll auf Basis von SNMPMandl, Peter 30 January 2013 (has links) (PDF)
Die sich in den letzten Jahren abzeichnende Verteilung von Anwendungssystemen auf viele Rechner in Netzwerken, die sich in der Praxis unter dem Begriff Client/Server-Computing etabliert hat, brachte zwangsläufig eine Lücke im Management dieser Systeme mit sich. Es wurde schnell deutlich, daß die Verteilung der Systeme wesentlich kompliziertere Techniken benötigt, um sie zu administrieren, als man dies von zentralistischen Systemen her kannte. Anstrengungen von Standardisierungsgremien und Herstellervereinigungen führten zwar zu einer gewissen Administrierbarkeit, diese beschränkt sich aber derzeit noch weitgehend auf die beteiligten Knoten und auf die Netzkomponenten. Anwendungen, für die ja letztendlich die Rechner eingesetzt werden, sind bisher nur rudimentär in die heute vorliegenden und in der Praxis eingesetzten Managementstandards integriert. Die Anzahl der zu managenden Objekte innerhalb der Anwendungen wird aber immer größer und die Komplexität der Beziehungen unter den Objekten steigt immer mehr an. Diese Komplexität erfordert fehlertolerante Mechanismen in den Managementsystemen, über die Anwendungen administriert werden.
Dieser Beitrag befaßt sich mit Mechanismen zum transaktionsgesicherten Management, wobei das Anwendungsmanagement im Vordergrund steht. Transaktionskonzepte, die vorwiegend im Datenbankbereich entwickelt wurden, werden auf die Verwendbarkeit im Management verteilter Anwendungen hin untersucht. Es wird ein neues Protokoll (Management-Transaktions-Protokoll, kurz MTAProtokoll) als Erweiterung zu SNMP vorgestellt, das die Abwicklung von verteilten Transaktionen auf Managementobjekte ermöglicht.
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Policy based network management of legacy network elements in next generation networks for voice servicesNaidoo, Vaughn January 2002 (has links)
Magister Scientiae - MSc / Telecommunication companies, service providers and large companies are now
adapting converged multi-service Next Generation Networks (NGNs). Network
management is shifting from managing Network Elements (NE) to managing services. This paradigm shift coincides with the rapid development of Quality of Service (QoS) protocols for IP networks. NEs and services are managed with Policy Based Network Management (PBNM) which is most concerned with managing services that require QoS using the Common Open Policy Service (COPS) Protocol. These services include Voice over IP (VoIP), video conferencing and video streaming. It follows that legacy NEs without support for QoS need to be replaced and/or excluded from the network. However, since most of these services run over IP, and legacy NEs easily supports IP,
it may be unnecessary to throw away legacy NEs if it can be made to fit within a PBNM approach. Our approach enables an existing PBNM system to include legacy NEs in its management paradigm. The Proxy-Policy Enforcement Point (P-PEP) and Queuing Policy Enforcement Point (Q-PEP) can enforce some degree of traffic shaping on a gateway to the legacy portion of the network. The P-PEP utilises firewall techniques using the common legacy and contemporary NE management protocol Simple Network Management Protocol (SNMP) while the Q-PEP uses queuing techniques in the form Class Based Queuing (CBQ) and Random Early Discard (RED) for traffic control. / South Africa
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Das MTA-Protokoll: Ein transaktionsorientiertes Managementprotokoll auf Basis von SNMPMandl, Peter 30 January 2013 (has links)
Die sich in den letzten Jahren abzeichnende Verteilung von Anwendungssystemen auf viele Rechner in Netzwerken, die sich in der Praxis unter dem Begriff Client/Server-Computing etabliert hat, brachte zwangsläufig eine Lücke im Management dieser Systeme mit sich. Es wurde schnell deutlich, daß die Verteilung der Systeme wesentlich kompliziertere Techniken benötigt, um sie zu administrieren, als man dies von zentralistischen Systemen her kannte. Anstrengungen von Standardisierungsgremien und Herstellervereinigungen führten zwar zu einer gewissen Administrierbarkeit, diese beschränkt sich aber derzeit noch weitgehend auf die beteiligten Knoten und auf die Netzkomponenten. Anwendungen, für die ja letztendlich die Rechner eingesetzt werden, sind bisher nur rudimentär in die heute vorliegenden und in der Praxis eingesetzten Managementstandards integriert. Die Anzahl der zu managenden Objekte innerhalb der Anwendungen wird aber immer größer und die Komplexität der Beziehungen unter den Objekten steigt immer mehr an. Diese Komplexität erfordert fehlertolerante Mechanismen in den Managementsystemen, über die Anwendungen administriert werden.
Dieser Beitrag befaßt sich mit Mechanismen zum transaktionsgesicherten Management, wobei das Anwendungsmanagement im Vordergrund steht. Transaktionskonzepte, die vorwiegend im Datenbankbereich entwickelt wurden, werden auf die Verwendbarkeit im Management verteilter Anwendungen hin untersucht. Es wird ein neues Protokoll (Management-Transaktions-Protokoll, kurz MTAProtokoll) als Erweiterung zu SNMP vorgestellt, das die Abwicklung von verteilten Transaktionen auf Managementobjekte ermöglicht.:1 Einleitung und Motivation S. 4
2 Anwendungsmanagement S. 6
2.1 Begriffsbestimmung S. 6
2.2 Anwendungsmanagement im SNMP-Modell S. 7
3 Allgemeine Transaktionskonzepte S. 8
3.1 ACID-Transaktionen S. 8
3.2 Concurrency Control S. 9
3.3 Logging und Recovery S. 11
4 ACID-Eigenschaften von Managementtransaktionen S. 14
5 MTA-Protokoll S. 17
5.1 Modell S. 17
5.2 Dienste und Protokolle S. 18
5.3 Concurrency Control S. 21
5.4 Logging und Recovery S. 21
5.5 Prinzipieller Protokollablauf S. 22
5.6 Nachrichteneinheiten S. 27
5.7 Protokoll-Timer S. 28
5.8 MTA-Zustandsautomaten S. 29
5.9 Logginginformation S. 32
5.10 Fehlersituationen und Wiederanlauf S. 34
5.10.1 Ausfall eines Managers S. 34
5.10.2 Ausfall eines Objektservers S. 36
5.10.3 Ausfall einer MTA-Instanz S. 38
5.10.4 Knotenausfall und Kommunikationsunterbrechung S.40
5.11 Recovery-Algorithmus S. 42
5.12 SDL-Spezifikation S. 44
6 Verwandte Arbeiten S. 46
7 Zusammenfassung und Ausblick S. 47
8 Anhang S. 50
8.1 SDL-Diagramm für Monitorprozeß S. 50
8.2 SDL-Diagramme für MTA-Koordinatorprozeß S. 51
8.2.1 SDL-Diagramm für Zustand Wait S. 51
8.2.2 SDL-Diagramm für Zustand Initiated S.52
8.2.3 SDL-Diagramm für Zustand WaitResp S. 53
8.2.4 SDL-Diagramm für Zustand Active S. 54
8.2.5 SDL-Diagramm für Zustand Preparing S. 55
8.2.6 SDL-Diagramm für Zustand Committing S. 57
8.2.7 SDL-Diagramm für Rollback S. 58
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Performance analysis of management techniques for SONET/SDH telecommunications networksNg, Hwee Ping. 03 1900 (has links)
Approved for public release, distribution is unlimited / The performance of network management tools for SONET/SDH networks subject to the load conditions is studied and discussed in this thesis. Specifically, a SONET network which consists of four CISCO ONS 15454s, managed by a CISCO Transport Manager, is set up in the Advanced Network Laboratory of the Naval Postgraduate School. To simulate a realistic data transfer environment for the analysis, Smartbits Avalanche software is deployed to simulate multiple client-server scenarios in the SONET network. Traffic from the management channel is then captured using a packet sniffer. Queuing analysis on the captured data is performed with particular emphasis on properties of self-similarity. In particular, the Hurst parameter which determines the captured traffic's degree of self-similarity is estimated using the Variance-Index plot technique. Link utilization is also derived from the computation of first-order statistics of the captured traffic distribution. The study shows that less management data was exchanged when the SONET network was fully loaded. In addition, it is recommended that CTM 4.6 be used to manage not more than 1552 NEs for safe operation. The results presented in this thesis will aid network planners to optimize the management of their SONET/SDH networks. / Civilian, Ministry of Defense, Singapore
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Vulnerabilities in SNMPv3Lawrence, Nigel Rhea 10 July 2012 (has links)
Network monitoring is a necessity for both reducing downtime and ensuring
rapid response in the case of software or hardware failure. Unfortunately, one of the
most widely used protocols for monitoring networks, the Simple Network Management
Protocol (SNMPv3), does not offer an acceptable level of confidentiality or integrity
for these services. In this paper, we demonstrate two attacks against the most current
and secure version of the protocol with authentication and encryption enabled. In
particular, we demonstrate that under reasonable conditions, we can read encrypted
requests and forge messages between the network monitor and the hosts it observes.
Such attacks are made possible by an insecure discovery mechanism, which allows
an adversary capable of compromising a single network host to set the keys used by
the security functions. Our attacks show that SNMPv3 places too much trust on the
underlying network, and that this misplaced trust introduces vulnerabilities that can
be exploited.
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An Efficient Network Management System using Agents for MANETsChannappagoudar, Mallikarjun B January 2017 (has links) (PDF)
Network management plays a vital role to keep a network and its application work e ciently. The network management in MANETs is a crucial and the challenging task, as these networks are characterized by dynamic environment and the scarcity of resources. There are various existing approaches for network management in MANETs.
The Ad hoc Network Management Protocol (ANMP) has been one of the rst e orts and introduced an SNMP-based solution for MANETs. An alternative SNMP-based solu-tion is proposed by GUERRILLA Management Architecture (GMA). Due to self-organizing characteristic feature of MANETs, the management task has to be distributed. Policy-based network management relatively o ers this feature, by executing and applying policies pre-viously de ned by network manager. Otherwise, the complexity of realization and control becomes di cult
Most of the works address the current status of the MANET to take the network man-agement decisions. Currently, MANETs addresses the dynamic and intelligent decisions by considering the present situation and all related history information of nodes into consid-eration. In this connection we have proposed a network management system using agents (NMSA) for MANETs, resolving major issues like, node monitoring, location management, resource management and QoS management. Solutions to these issues are discussed as inde-pendent protocols, and are nally combined into a single network management system, i.e., NMSA.
Agents are autonomous, problem-solving computational entities capable of performing e ective operation in dynamic environments. Agents have cooperation, intelligence, and mobility characteristics as advantages. The agent platforms provide the di erent services to agents, like execution, mobility, communication, security, tracking, persistence and directory etc. The platform execution environment allows the agents to run, and mobility service allows them to travel among the di erent execution environments. The entire management task will be delegated to agents, which then executes the management logic in a distributed and autonomous fashion. In our work we used the static and mobile agents to nd some solutions to the management issues in a MANET.
We have proposed a node monitoring protocol for MANETs, which uses both static agent (SA) and mobile agents (MA), to monitor the nodes status in the network. It monitors the gradational energy loss, bu er, bandwidth, and the mobility of nodes running with low to high load of mobile applications. Protocol assumes the MANET is divided into zones and sectors. The functioning of the protocol is divided into two segments, The NMP main segment, which runs at the chosen resource rich node (RRN) at the center of a MANET, makes use of SA which resides at same RRN, and the NMP subsegment which runs in the migrated MAs at the other nodes. Initially SA creates MAs and dispatches one MA to each zone, in order to monitor health conditions and mobility of nodes of the network. MAs carrying NMP subsegment migrates into the sector of a respective zone, and monitors the resources such as bandwidth, bu er, energy level and mobility of nodes. After collecting the nodes information and before moving to next sector they transfer collected information to SA respectively. SA in turn coordinates with other modules to analyze the nodes status information.
We have validated the protocol by performing the conformance testing of the proposed node monitoring protocol (NMP) for MANETs. We used SDL to obtain MSCs, that repre-sents the scenario descriptions by sequence diagrams, which in turn generate test cases and test sequences. Then TTCN-3 is used to execute the test cases with respect to generated test sequences to know the conformance of protocol against the given speci cation.
We have proposed a location management protocol for locating the nodes of a MANET, to maintain uninterrupted high-quality service for distributed applications by intelligently anticipating the change of location of its nodes by chosen neighborhood nodes. The LMP main segment of the protocol, which runs at the chosen RRN located at the center of a MANET, uses SA to coordinate with other modules and MA to predict the nodes with abrupt movement, and does the replacement with the chosen nodes nearby which have less mobility.
We have proposed a resource management protocol for MANETs, The protocol makes use of SA and MA for fair allocation of resources among the nodes of a MANET. The RMP main segment of the protocol, which runs at the chosen RRN located at the center of a MANET, uses SA to coordinate with other modules and MA to allocate the resources among the nodes running di erent applications based on priority. The protocol does the distribution and parallelism of message propagation (mobile agent with information) in an e cient way in order to minimize the number of message passing with reduction in usage of network resources and improving the scalability of the network.
We have proposed a QoS management protocol for MANETs, The QMP main segment of the protocol, which runs at the chosen RRN located at the center of a MANET, uses SA to coordinate with other modules and MA to allocate the resources among the nodes running di erent applications based on priority over QoS. Later, to reallocate the resources among the priority applications based on negotiation and renegotiation for varying QoS requirements. The performance testing of the protocol is carried out using TTCN-3. The generated test cases for the de ned QoS requirements are executed with TTCN-3, for testing of the associated QoS parameters, which leads to performance testing of proposed QoS management protocol for MANETs.
We have combined the developed independent protocols for node monitoring, location management, resource management, and QoS management, into one single network management system called Network Management System using Agents (NMSA) for MANETs and tested in di erent environments. We have implemented NMSA on Java Agent development environment (JADE) Platform.
Our developed network management system is a distributed system. It is basically divided into two parts, the Network Management Main Segment and other is Network Management Subsegment. A resource rich node (RRN) which is chosen at the center of a MANET where the Main segment of NMSA is located, and it controls the management activities. The other mobile nodes in the network will run MA which has the subsegments of NMSA. The network management system, i.e., the developed NMSA, has Network manage-ment main (NMSA main), Zones and sector segregation scheme, NMP, LMP, RMP, QMP main segments at the RRN along with SA deployed. The migrated MA at mobile node has subsegments of NMP, LMP, RMP, and QMP respectively. NMSA uses two databases, namely, Zones and sectors database and Node history database.
Implementation of the proposed work is carried out in a con ned environment with, JDK and JADE installed on network nodes. The launched platform will have AMS and DF automatically generated along with MTP for exchange of message over the channel. Since only one JVM, which is installed, will executes on many hosts in order to provide the containers for agents on those hosts. It is the environment which o ered, for execution of agents. Many agents can be executed in parallel. The main container, is the one which has AMS and DF, and RMI registry are part of JADE environment which o ers complete run time environment for execution of agents. The distribution of the platform on many containers of nodes is shown in Fig. 1.
The NMSA is based on Linux platform which provides distributed environment, and the container of JADE could run on various platforms. JAVA is the language used for code development. A middle layer, i.e., JDBC (java database connection) with SQL provides connectivity to the database and the application.
The results of experiments suggest that the proposed protocols are e ective and will bring, dynamism and adaptiveness to the applied system and also reduction in terms network overhead (less bandwidth consumption) and response time.
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