Spelling suggestions: "subject:"site characterization"" "subject:"lite characterization""
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Análise crítica da viabilidade econômica e ambiental do processo de reciclagem de resíduos de construção civil no âmbito de um município / Critical analysis of feasibility economic and environmental of the waste recycling of civil construction in municipalityAMORIM, ALDO S. de 11 November 2016 (has links)
Submitted by Claudinei Pracidelli (cpracide@ipen.br) on 2016-11-11T11:09:07Z
No. of bitstreams: 0 / Made available in DSpace on 2016-11-11T11:09:07Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 0 / Este trabalho apresenta uma análise da viabilidade econômica e ambiental do processo de reciclagem de Resíduos de Construção Civil em um município. Utilizou-se como base o Município de Guarulhos onde foi efetuado um levantamento das quantidades de resíduos de construção civil produzidos, seu gerenciamento e o processo de reciclagem e reutilização dos agregados reciclados produzidos. O Município de Guarulhos implantou o primeiro Ponto de Entrega Voluntária (PEV) de resíduos em 2003 e, de forma ininterrupta, vem aumentando a disponibilidade desses pontos a população, possuindo 17 pontos em 2014. Inicialmente planejados para receber apenas resíduos provenientes de construção civil, tornaram-se pontos onde a população destina inúmeros resíduos sólidos não orgânicos. A empresa de pública responsável por obras na cidade, PROGUARU, possuiu uma Usina de Reciclagem de Resíduos de Construção Civil (URE) que produz agregados reciclados para uso em manutenções e pavimentação, além de fornecer material para utilização na Fábrica de Pré-Moldados da Prefeitura, fechando um ciclo de captação, processamento e reutilização dos Resíduos de Construção Civil no município. Foram desenvolvidos dois modelos que incluem no cálculo econômico do processo de reciclagem de Resíduos de Construção Civil de um município, a economia obtida com a diminuição do descarte irregular e com a substituição de agregados naturais pelos agregados reciclados produzidos pela PROGUARU. No período de 2003 a 2014, os Pontos de Entrega Voluntária receberam 296.210,11 . 10³ kg de resíduos totais, e enviou 214.910, 57 . 10³ kg de Resíduos de Construção Civil para a URE. O lucro anual do sistema incluindo o custo dos terrenos (PEV e URE) foi de R$ 3,50 por habitante, e desprezando o valor dos terrenos foi de R$ 5,02 por habitante. O trabalho de pesquisa comprova a viabilidade econômica da reciclagem, além dos ganhos ambientais pela diminuição dos descartes irregulares e economia de recursos naturais. / Tese (Doutorado em Tecnologia Nuclear) / IPEN/T / Instituto de Pesquisas Energeticas e Nucleares - IPEN-CNEN/SP
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Caracterização química dos neonicotinóides em águas superficiais via cromatografia liquída de alta eficiência acoplada a espectrometria de massas em tandem (HPLC-MS/MS) / Chemical characterization of neonicotinoids in surface waters by high performance liquid chromatography with tandem mass spectrometry (HPLC MS/MS)AMARAL, PRISCILA O. 09 October 2017 (has links)
Submitted by Pedro Silva Filho (pfsilva@ipen.br) on 2017-10-09T19:00:00Z
No. of bitstreams: 0 / Made available in DSpace on 2017-10-09T19:00:00Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 0 / O presente estudo teve como propósito o desenvolvimento de um método para a determinação e a validação de uma metodologia para a identificação e quantificação de Neonicotinóides em águas superficiais coletadas na região de Bauru, no estado de São Paulo. As técnicas analíticas estudadas para o desenvolvimento deste método foram a cromatografia líquida de alta eficiência acoplada a espectrometria de massas em tandem (HPLC - MS/MS), a cromatografia a gás acoplada a espectrometria de massas (GC/MS) e a cromatografia a gás acoplada ao detector de captura de elétrons (GC/ECD). A classe de pesticidas Neonicotinóides foi escolhida para este trabalho por estar relacionada com um súbito desaparecimento de abelhas em colônias de todo o mundo. Este fenômeno é conhecido como colapso de desordem das colônias (Colony Collapse Disorder CCD) e o mesmo é caracterizado por uma rápida perda na população de abelhas adultas. Os Neonicotinóides utilizados neste estudo foram os compostos Clotianidina, Imidacloprido e Tiametoxam que foram proibidos na sua utilização como pesticidas na Europa pelo regulamento de execução nº 540/2011. As amostras foram concentradas utilizando as técnicas de extração em fase sólida (SPE) e extração líquido líquido (LLE) e injetadas no HPLC MS/MS, GC/MS e GC/ECD. As técnicas de GC/ECD e GC/MS não foram satisfatórias para a determinação na matriz água, pois, o limite de detecção (10 mg L-1), esta acima do valor máximo permitido na legislação da agência de proteção ambiental americana (0,6 μg L-1). A técnica de HPLC MS/MS utilizando o modo de monitoramento de reações múltiplas (MRM) provou se adequada para este estudo por obter limites de quantificação entre 5,89 a 8,06 μg L-1 e uma linearidade entre 0,9963 e 0,9993 para os três compostos. / Dissertação (Mestrado em Tecnologia Nuclear) / IPEN/D / Instituto de Pesquisas Energéticas e Nucleares - IPEN-CNEN/SP
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Caracterização da crotamina e seu efeito sobre a contratilidade da musculatura lisa do ducto deferente de rato / Characterization of crotamine and its effect in the smooth muscle contraction of rat vas deferensEL-CORAB, MARIANA D.M.K. 22 November 2017 (has links)
Submitted by Pedro Silva Filho (pfsilva@ipen.br) on 2017-11-22T17:22:11Z
No. of bitstreams: 0 / Made available in DSpace on 2017-11-22T17:22:11Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 0 / A crotamina, um peptídeo catiônico que possui 42 aminoácidos e 4,88 kDa, é proveniente do veneno de Crotalus durissus terrificus. Ela apresenta características que permitem sua forte interação com alvos moleculares e membranas biológicas e assim foi o primeiro peptídeo de veneno a ser classificado como um CPP (cell penetrating peptide), justificando seus importantes efeitos biológicos e suas diversas atividades farmacológicas. A crotamina é descrita por sua atividade miotóxica, tendo como efeito a paralisia e espasmos das patas traseiras de ratos e camundongos. Esse fenômeno é descrito por ações em canais de Na+ e/ou K+ e consequente aumento do influxo intracelular dos níveis do íon Ca2+. Estudos a descrevem como um agente despolarizante utilizando a musculatura esquelética como modelo experimental. Outra atividade descrita da crotamina é um aumento na liberação basal de acetilcolina (ACh) e dopamina no sistema nervoso central de ratos. Até o momento, pouco ou nenhum estudo foi realizado em musculatura lisa. A junção neuromuscular autônoma difere em vários aspectos importantes da já conhecida junção neuromuscular esquelética. O ducto deferente de rato (DDR), um órgão par e tubular pertencente à genitália acessória masculina, foi utilizado como modelo experimental por ser um dos órgãos periféricos mais densamente inervados pelo sistema nervoso autônomo simpático. Esse fato, o torna uma importante ferramenta para estudos que envolvam a neurotransmissão e a ação de drogas adrenérgicas. O objetivo do presente trabalho é investigar o efeito da crotamina na contração da musculatura lisa. A crotamina foi isolada a partir do veneno de C. d. terrificus por cromatografia de exclusão molecular seguida de troca iônica. Os estudos em modelos animais foram realizados utilizando o DD (porção prostática) de ratos Wistar com 5 meses de idade entre 350 g (protocolo CEUA 1261/14). O estudo de neurotransmissão foi feito em sistema de órgão isolado (n=6) por estimulação elétrica transmural com tensão de 70V, 3ms de duração em frequências de 0,05 (30 min) e 1; 5 10 e 20Hz (30 seg). A contração isométrica foi registrada em gramas de tensão. Em todos os experimentos a crotamina (0,1;0,5 e 1g/ml) incubada 30 min antes da estimulação. O efeito máximo de contração (Emax) do componente fásico e tônico foi usado como medida. O componente pós-sináptico foi avaliado por meio de curvas dose-resposta de noradrenalina e dose única de ATP (10-3M) na presença ou ausência da crotamina. A diferença estatística foi avaliada pelo teste-t de student (P0,05). Os ensaios de estimulação elétrica de baixa frequência (0,05Hz) revelaram que a crotamina (0,1 e 0,5g/ml) promoveu uma diminuição da contração do DDR (95,7±4,6% e 85,4±5,9%, respectivamente) enquanto que na dose de 1 g/mL de crotamina este efeito não foi significativo. Na curva de freqüência observamos também com as mesmas concentrações de crotamina uma tendência à diminuição da contração fásica e tônica enquanto que a dose de 1 g/mL promoveu um aumento na contração fásica na freqüência de 20,0Hz ((3,2±0,3) em relação ao controle (2,2±0,2). O componente pós-sináptico não foi alterado pela crotamina conforme evidenciado pela curva concentração-resposta de noradrenalina e concentração única de ATP. Com base nos resultados obtidos, concluímos que a crotamina atua apenas no componente pré-sináptico da contração do DDR, provavelmente interferindo na neuroliberação de ATP e noradrenalina. Ela apresenta um efeito bifásico, dependendo da dose utilizada, inibindo ou potencializando a resposta, efeito semelhante ao da -defensinas, uma proteína cuja estrutura se assemelha bastante com a da crotamina. / Dissertação (Mestrado em Tecnologia Nuclear) / IPEN/D / Instituto de Pesquisas Energéticas e Nucleares - IPEN-CNEN/SP
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[pt] A atual situação de inconformidade de grande parte do Brasil em relação às diretrizes ambientais estabelecidas através da Resolução CONAMA número 420/2009 deixa claro os muitos desafios ainda existentes no âmbito do gerenciamento de áreas contaminadas. A análise de um caso real de remediação de uma planta industrial localizada no estado do Rio de Janeiro mostra como técnicas tradicionais de investigação ambiental, hoje consideradas ferramentas limitadas, foram e ainda são a principal base utilizada para a coleta de dados e subsequente tomada de decisões acerca do gerenciamento da área. O site em questão teve sua investigação ambiental iniciada ao final dos anos 90, realizada principalmente através de múltiplas campanhas de amostragem de solo e instalação de poços de monitoramento, identificando NAPLs (Non-aqueous phase liquids) como contaminantes de interesse. A planta industrial permanece sob intervenção há mais de dez anos sem aplicação de novas ferramentas de caracterização ambiental para aprimoração do modelo conceitual da área (CSM). A recente perda de eficiência do sistema de extração bifásica utilizado no local levou à implementação de técnicas de biorremediação estimulada in situ. Relatórios de desempenho mostram eficácia mais lenta do que o previsto, o que pode indicar um CSM deficiente em informações essenciais sobre as características físicas do meio e distribuição dos contaminantes neste. Dessa forma, sugere-se a caracterização em alta-resolução das porções mais impactadas da área de estudo, permitindo um aprimoramento do modelo conceitual da área e a otimização dos processos de remediação utilizados. / [en] Contaminated sites are those in which chemical substances that are potentially harmful to humans or the environment are present in higher concentrations than human established limits or their naturally occurring amounts (Resolução CONAMA number 420, 2009).
Issues related to contaminated areas are deeply related to the fast-growing population on urban centers and the historical expansion of industrial and commercial activities near those (Sánchez, 2004). The importance of managing contaminated sites became clear after events such as the Love Canal disaster exposed how damaging they could be if left unattended, causing huge, permanent impacts both on human health and the environment (IPT, 2004).
The vast array of chemicals used in the many existing industrial, commercial and agricultural activities include many potential contaminants of different physical and chemical nature. One distinct group of contaminants of particular interest are the NAPL (non-aqueous phase liquids), which include substances that when in direct contact with water form a distinct, immiscible phase. Two NAPL subcategories also exist based on their density relatively to water s: LNAPLs (light non-aqueous phase liquids), for those whose density is lower than water s, and DNAPLs (dense non-aqueous phase liquids), for those whose density is higher than water s. Since contaminants are mostly released near surface levels and migrate downwards due to gravity, their density is of great importance since it dictates their behavior when in contact with groundwater. NAPLs can be present in the environment in different physical forms, called phases (Huling and Weaver, 1991). These substances can dynamically change between phases depending on chemical and physical conditions, making them
potential sources of long-term contamination if not correctly addressed (ITRC, 2009a). DNAPLs demand particular attention since they are capable of penetrating further downward after contacting capillary zones and the water table, and will only stop vertical movement when it encounters a material with low enough permeability to block it or it reaches residual saturation levels. This behavior often generates really complex contaminant distribution patterns that are exceptionally hard to map or predict, making targeting them with investigation or remedial actions a difficult task.
Identifying and analyzing a potentially contaminated area usually relies on three main investigation steps: the preliminary, confirmatory and detailed investigations. Each step focuses on obtaining information from distinct sources and of different detail levels. The preliminary investigation focuses on gathering all existing information about a given area, including historical data about previous activities developed on or near it. The confirmatory step takes place if the preliminary analysis suggests that contamination may have happened, and focuses on obtaining more specific signs of it, such as altered fauna or flora, unusual smells and leakage of liquids or gases. This step may already employ basic investigation and analytical tools to gather and analyze samples. Then, if contamination is confirmed, the detailed investigation takes place in order to obtain specific data about physical properties of the affected area and chemical profiles of the contaminants. This step usually employs a variety of tools and techniques to allow collection of samples on the subsurface, as well as modelling the results in maps and 3D schemes.
All the information obtained throughout the investigation steps is used to construct what is called a conceptual site model (CSM). The CSM is a collection of data about a given site, organized in ways that help responsible parties to identify meaningful information about present contaminants and their distribution, the lateral and vertical extent of the affected area, possible pathways to human or animal exposure, underground water flow rates, and many other parameters and pieces of information that may be valuable when it comes to making decisions about the site. The CSM is the primary tool used by decision makers to support their actions.
Building a CSM relies heavily on data collected by different investigation techniques, the most traditional ones being soil sampling and the installation of aquifer monitoring wells. A wide array of high-resolution site characterization (HRSC) techniques has been developed throughout the years in order to allow a more precise definition of parameters, thus helping the CSM be as representative as possible of the actual conditions of a site. It is known that traditional techniques do not offer the necessary means to obtain high levels of detail when gathering data. This, paired with the acknowledgment that contaminated media are mostly heterogeneous by nature, made it even clearer that multiple techniques should be employed and their data used collaboratively for successfully approaching contaminated sites (Ryis, 2012; Suthersan, 2015; Derrite, 2017; Milani, 2017).
In many countries, high-resolution techniques have been used widely in many projects for years now, with proven ability to provide higher levels of detail that is essential to complement traditional techniques. The increased usage of these tools is seen as a cooperative effort between private contractors and public entities and agencies (EPA, 2003b). The development of clear guidelines and legal frameworks are necessary when it comes to shifting from traditional investigation methods to newer, higher-resolution ones. Even whole methodologies such as the Triad have emerged as a much more efficient way of addressing contaminated sites, given that responsible parties have the adequate training and tools available. Triad requires an extensive planning phase in order to identify key decision-making points and possible setbacks during the whole project. It also relies on the usage of HRSC techniques that allow real-time data managing in order to make investigation campaigns as efficient as possible, both cost- and time-wise.
In Brazil, there is still a lot of ground to cover in this matter. Only by 2009 the federal government issued a resolution including basic guidelines and goals for regional agencies for dealing with contaminated areas. Some local agencies, though, such as the Companhia Ambiental do Estado de São Paulo (CETESB), have been developing technical guidelines and legal framework for contaminated areas since the 1990s. A survey undertaken in 2015 with data gathered from local
environmental agencies of each one of the 26 brazilian states showed that most of them were still non-compliant to basic steps such as the creation of contaminated site registries. By 2017, only São Paulo state officially recognized and suggested the use of HRSC in cases with complexities related to the contaminants or physical media. Low levels of demand from local environmental agencies together with scarce technical guidelines and scientific publications ends up limiting the rate at which HRSC is implemented throughout the country. The result is that many complex sites are still mainly addressed by traditional investigation and remediation techniques, leading to long and costly remediation projects that often struggle or fail to meet their goals (IPT, 2014).
This study s goal is to present an overview of the management process of a contaminated site in Resende, a small city in Rio de Janeiro state, Brazil, which has been under intervention for over 10 years now and is still facing difficulties to meet its cleanup goals. The site has complexities associated with both the porous media and contaminants present, and yet hasn t employed any HRSC technique to help refine its original conceptual model. Questions are raised about whether the struggle to meet the established goals is possibly related to a poorly detailed CSM that may need further refinement.
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Site Characterization and Assessment of Various Earthquake Hazards for Micro and Micro-Level Seismic Zonations of Regions in the Peninsular IndiaJames, Naveen January 2013 (has links) (PDF)
Past earthquakes have demonstrated that Indian sub-continent is highly vulnerable to earthquake hazards. It has been estimated that about 59 percent of the land area of the Indian subcontinent has potential risk from moderate to severe earthquakes (NDMA, 2010). Major earthquakes in the last 20 years such as Khillari (30th September 1993), Jabalpur (22nd May 1997), Chamoli (29th March 1999) and Bhuj (26th January 2001) earthquakes have resulted in more than 23,000 deaths and extensive damage to infrastructure (NDMA, 2010). Although it is well known that the major earthquake hazard prone areas in India are the Himalayan region (inter-plate zone) and the north-east region, (subduction zone) the seismicity of Peninsular India cannot be underestimated. Many studies (Seeber et al., 1999; Rao, 2000; Gangrade & Arora, 2000) have proved that the seismicity of Peninsular India is significantly high and may lead to earthquakes of sizeable magnitude. This necessitates a seismic zonation for the country, as well as various regions in it. Seismic zonation is the first step towards an effective earthquake risk mitigation study.
Seismic zonation is a process in which a large region is demarcated into small zones based on the levels of earthquake hazard. Seismic zonation is generally carried out at three different levels based on the aerial extent of the region, importance of site and the population. They are micro-level, meso-level and macro-level. The macro-level zonation is generally carried out for large landmass such as a state or a country. The earthquake hazard parameters used for macro-level zoning are generally evaluated with less reliability. The typical example of a macro-level zonation is the seismic zonation map of India prepared by BIS-1893 (2002), where the entire India is demarcated into four seismic zones based on past seismicity and tectonic conditions. Generally the macro-level seismic zonation is carried out based on peak horizontal acceleration (PHA) estimated at bedrock level without giving emphasis on the local soil conditions. Seismic zonation at the meso-level is carried out for cities and urban centers with a population greater than 5,00,000. The earthquake hazard parameters, for the meso-level zonation are evaluated with greater degree of reliability, compared to the macro-level zoning. The micro-level zonation is carried out for sites which host critical installations such as nuclear power plants (NPPs). As the NPPs are considered as very sensitive structures, the earthquake parameters, for the micro-level zonation of the NPP sites are estimated with a highest degree of reliability. The local soil conditions and site effects are properly counted for carrying out the micro as well as the meso-level zonation. Several researchers have carried out meso-level zonation considering effects of all major earthquake hazards such as PHA, site amplification, liquefaction (Mohanty et al., 2007; Nath et al., 2008; Sitharam & Anbazhagan, 2008 etc.)
Even though the above definitions and descriptions are available for various levels of zonation, the key issue lies in the adoption of the suitable one for a given region. There are only a few guidelines available regarding the use of a particular level of zonation for a given study area. Based on the recommendation of the disaster management authority, the government of India has initiated the seismic zonation of all major cities in India. As it is evident that large resources are required in order to carry out seismic site characterization and site effect estimation, both the micro and meso-level zonations cannot be carried out for all these cities. Hence there is a need to propose appropriate guidelines to define the suitability of each level zonation for various re-gions in the country. Moreover there are many methodologies available for site characterization and estimation of site effects such as site amplification and liquefaction. The appropriateness of these methodologies for various levels of seismic zonations also needs to be assessed in order to optimize use of resources for seismic zonation. Hence in the present study, appropriate techniques for site characterization and earthquake hazard estimation for regions at different scale levels were determined. Using the appropriate techniques, the seismic zonation was carried out both at the micro and macro-level, incorporating all major earthquake hazards. The state of Karnataka and the Kalpakkam NPP site were chosen for the macro and micro−level seismic zonation in this study. Kalpakkam NPP site is situated in Tamil Nadu, India, 70 kilometres south of Chennai city. The NPP site covers an area of 3000 acres. The site is situated along the Eastern coastal belt of India known as Coromandel coast with Bay of Bengal on the east side. The NPP site host major facilities such as Indira Gandhi Centre for Atomic Research (IGCAR), Madras Atomic Power Station (MAPS), Fast Reactor Fuel Reprocessing (FRFC) Plant, Fast Breeder Test Reactor (FBTR), Prototype Fast Breeder Reactor (PFBR) etc. The state Karnataka lies in the southern part of India, covering an area of 1,91,791 km2, thus approximately constituting 5.83% of the total geographical area of India. Both the study areas lie in the Indian Peninsular which is identified as one of the most prominent and largest Precambrian shield region of the world.
The first and foremost step towards the seismic zonation is to prepare a homogenised earthquake catalogue. All the earthquake events within 300 km radius from the boundary of two study areas were collected from various national and international agencies. The earthquake events thus obtained were found to be in different magnitude scales and hence all these events were converted to the moment magnitude scale. A declustering procedure was applied to the earthquake catalogue of the two study area in order to remove aftershocks, foreshocks and dependent events. The completeness analysis was carried out and the seismicity parameters for the two study areas were evaluated based on the complete part of earthquake catalogues.
The next major step toward the estimation of earthquake hazard and seismic zonation is the identification and mapping of the earthquake sources. Three source models, mainly; 1) linear source model, 2) point source model and 3) areal source model were used in the present study for characterizing earthquake sources in the two study areas. All the linear sources (faults and lineaments) within 300 km radius from the boundary of two study areas were identified and mapped from SEISAT (2000). In addition to SEISAT (2000), some lineaments were also mapped from the works of Ganesha Raj & Nijagunappa (2004). These lineaments and faults were mapped and georeferenced in a GIS platform on which earthquake events were then super-imposed to give seismotectonic atlas. Seismotectonic atlas was prepared for both the study areas. The point source model (Costa et al. 1993; Panza et al. 1999) and areal source model (Frankel, 1995) were also adopted in this work.
Deterministic and probabilistic seismic hazard analysis was found to be appropriated for micro, meso and macro-level zonations. Hence in the present study, the seismic hazard at bedrock level, both at the micro and macro-level were evaluated using the deterministic as well as the probabilistic methodologies. In order to address the epistemic uncertainties in source models and attenuation relations, a logic tree methodology was incorporated with the deterministic and probabilistic approaches. As the deterministic seismic hazard analysis (DSHA) considers only the critical scenario, knowing the maximum magnitude that can occur at a source and the shortest distance between that source and the site and the peak horizontal acceleration (PHA) at that site is estimated using the frequency dependent attenuation relation. Both for the micro as well as the macro-level, the DSHA was carried out, considering grid sizes of 0.001◦ × 0.001◦ and 0.05◦ × 0.05◦respectively. A MATLAB program was developed to evaluate PHA at the center of each of these grid points. The epistemic uncertainties in source models and attenuation relations have been addressed using a logic tree approach (Bommer et al., 2005). A typical logic tree consists of a series of nodes to which several models with different weightages are assigned. Allotment of these weightages to different branch depends upon the degree of uncertainties in the model, and its accuracy. However the sum of all weightages of different branches at a particular node must be unity. Two types of seismic sources are employed in DSHA and they are linear and smoothed point sources. Since both the types of sources were of equal importance, equal weightages were assigned to each of them. The focal depth in the present study was taken as 15 km. The attenuation properties of the region were modelled using three attenuation relations, Viz. Campbell & Bozorgnia (2003), Atkinson & Boore (2006) and Raghu Kanth & Iyengar (2007). The attenuation relation proposed by Raghu Kanth & Iyengar (2007) was given higher weightage of 0.4 since it was devel-oped for the Indian peninsular region. The attenuation relations by Atkinson & Boore (2006) and Campbell & Bozorgnia (2003) which were developed for Eastern North American shield region, shared equal weightages of 0.3. Maps showing spatial variation of PHA value at bedrock level, for both micro and macro-level are presented. Response spectra at the rock level for important location in the two study areas were evaluated for 8 different periods of oscillations, and the results are presented in this thesis.
Probabilistic seismic hazard analysis (PSHA) incorporating logic tree approach was per-formed for both micro as well as macro-level considering similar grid sizes as in DSHA. Two types of seismic sources considered in the PSHA are linear sources and smoothed gridded areal sources (Frankel, 1995) with equal weightage distribution in the logic tree structure. Smoothed gridded areal sources can also account the scattered earthquake events. The hypocentral distance was calculated by considering a focal depth of 15 km, as in the case of DSHA method. A MAT-LAB program was developed for PSHA. The same attenuation relations employed in DSHA were used in PSHA as well with the same weightage allotment in logic tree structure. Considering all major uncertainties, a uniform hazard response spectrum (UHRS), showing the variation of PHA values with the mean annual rate of exceedance (MARE), was evaluated for each grid point. From the uniform hazard response spectrum, the PHA corresponding to any return period can be evaluated. Maps showing the spatial variation of PHA value at bedrock level, corresponding to 475 year and 2500 year return periods for both micro and macro-level are presented. Response spectra at the rock level for important location in two study areas were evaluated for eight different periods of oscillations, and the results are presented in this thesis.
In order to assess various earthquake hazards like ground motion amplification and soil liquefaction, a thorough understanding of geotechnical properties of the top overburden soil mass is essential. As these earthquake hazards strongly depend on the geotechnical properties of the soil, site characterization based on these properties will provide a better picture of these hazards. In the present study, seismic site characterization was carried both at the micro and macro-level using average shear wave velocity for top 30 m overburden (Vs30). At the micro-level, the shear wave velocity profile at major locations was evaluated using multichannel analysis of surface waves (MASW) tests. MASW is an indirect geophysical method used in geotechnical investigations and near surface soil characterization based on the dispersion characteristics of surface waves (Park et al., 1999). The MASW test setup consists of 24-channel geophones of 4.5 Hz capacity. A 40 kg propelled energy generator (PEG) was used for generating surface wave. Based on the recordings of geophones, the dispersion characteristics of surface waves were evaluated in terms of a dispersion curve. The shear wave velocity (Vs) profile at a particular location was determined by performing inversion analysis (Xia et al., 1999). After the evaluation of V s profile at all major locations, the site characterization at the micro-level was carried out as per NEHRP (BSSC, 2003) and IBC (2009) recommendations. Maps showing the spatial distribution of various site classes at the micro-level are presented in this thesis. Standard penetration tests were also carried out in the site as part of subsurface investigation and in this study a new correlation between V s and corrected SPT-N values was also developed. Apart from carrying out site characterization, low strain soil stiffness profile was evaluated based on SPT and MASW data.
In this work, seismic site characterization at the macro-level was also carried out. As it is not physically and economically viable to carry out geotechnical and geophysical testing for such a large area, like the Karnataka state, the seismic site characterization was carried out based on topographic slope maps. Wald & Allen (2007) has reported that the topographic slope is a perfect indicator of site conditions. Based on the correlation studies carried out for different regions, Wald & Allen (2007) has proposed slope ranges corresponding to each site class. In this study, the topographic map for the entire state of Karnataka was derived from ASTER Global Digital Elevation Model GDEM. This thesis also presents a comparison study between the Vs30map generated from topographic slope data and Vs30map developed using geophysical field tests, for Bangalore and Chennai. Based on this study, it is concluded that topographic slopes can be used for developing Vs30maps for meso and macro-level with reasonable accuracy. The topographic map for macro-level was generated at a grid size of 0.05◦ × 0.05◦. Based on the value of slope at a particular grid point, the Vs30for that grid point was assigned as per Wald & Allen (2007). A similar procedure was repeated for all the grid points. Spatial variation of various seismic site classes for the macro-level has been presented in this work.
The site amplification hazard was estimated for both micro and the macro-level. The assessment of site amplification is very important for shallow founded structures and other geotechnical structures like retaining walls and dams, floating piles and underground structures as the possible earthquake damages are mostly due to extensive shaking. The site amplification hazard at the micro-level was estimated using 1D equivalent linear ground response analyses. The earthquake motion required for carrying out ground response analysis was simulated from a target response spectrum. 1D equivalent linear analyses were performed using SHAKE 2000 software. Spatial variations of surface level PHA values, site amplification, predominant frequency throughout the study area are presented in this work. As it is not physically viable to assess site amplification hazard at the macro-level using the 1D ground response analysis, the surface level PHA value for the entire state of Karnataka was estimated using a non-linear site amplification technique pro-posed by Raghu Kanth & Iyengar (2007). Based on the site class in which particular grid belongs and bedrock level PHA value, the amplification for that grid point was evaluated using regression equations developed by Raghu Kanth & Iyengar (2007).
The liquefaction hazard both at the micro and macro-level was evaluated and included in this thesis. The micro-level liquefaction hazard was estimated in terms of liquefaction potential index (LPI) based on SPTN values (Iwasaki et al., 1982). As the LPI was evaluated by integrating the factor of safety against liquefaction (FSL) at all depths, it can effectively represent the liquefaction susceptibility of the soil column. LPI at the micro-level was evaluated by both deterministic as well as the probabilistic approaches. In the deterministic approach, the FSLat a particular depth was evaluated as the ratio of the cyclic resistance of the soil layer to the cyclic stress induced by earth-quake motion. The cyclic stress was estimated as per Seed & Idriss (1971), while the cyclic soil resistance was characterised from the corrected SPT-N values as proposed by Idriss & Boulanger (2006). However in the probabilistic method, the mean annual rate of exceedance (MARE) of factor of safety against liquefaction at different depth was estimated using SPT field test data by considering all uncertainties. From the MARE curve, the FS L for 475 year and 2500 year return period were evaluated. Once FS L at different depth were evaluated, the LPI for the borehole is calculated by integrating FS L for all depths. The liquefaction hazard at the macro-level was estimated in terms of SPT and CPT values required to prevent liquefaction at 3 m depth, using a probabilistic approach. The probabilistic approach accounts the contribution of several magnitudes acceleration scenarios on the liquefaction potential at a given site. Based on the methodology proposed by Kramer & Mayfield (2007), SPT and CPT values required to resist liquefaction corresponding to return periods of 475 years and 2500 years were evaluated at the macro-level.
It has been observed that the spatial distribution of intensity of each these hazard in a region is distinct from the other due to the predominant influence of local geological conditions rather than the source characteristics of the earthquake. Hence it’ll be difficult to assess risk and vulnerability of a region when these hazards are treated separately. Thus, all major earthquake hazards are to be integrated to an index number, which effectively represents the combined effect of all hazards. In the present study, all major earthquake hazards were integrated to a hazard index value, both at the micro as well as macro-level using the Analytical Hierarchy Process (AHP) proposed by Saaty (1980). Both micro and macro-level seismic zonation was performed based on the spatial distribution of hazard index value.
This thesis also presents the assessment of earthquake induced landslides at the macro-level in the appendix. Landslide hazards are a major natural disaster that affects most of the hilly regions around the world. This is a first attempt of it kind to evaluate seismically induced landslide hazard at the macro-level in a quantitative manner. Landslide hazard was assessed based on Newmark’s method (Newmark, 1965). The Newmark’s model considers the slope at the verge of failure and is modelled as a rigid block sliding along an incline plane under the influence of a threshold acceleration. The value of threshold acceleration depends upon the static factor of safety and slope angle. At the macro-level, the slope map for the entire state of Karnataka was derived from ASTER GDEM, considering a grid size of 50 m × 50 m. The earthquake motion which induces driving force on the slope to destabilize it was evaluated for each grid point with slope value 10 degree and above using DSHA. Knowing the slope value and peak horizontal acceleration (PHA) at a grid point, the seismic landslide hazard in terms of static factor of safety required to resist landslide was evaluated using Newmark’s method. This procedure is repeated for all grid points, having slope value 10 degree and above.
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Processos de obtenção e caracterização físico-química de quitinas e quitosanas extraídas dos rejeitos da indústria pesqueira da região de Cananéia – SP / Obtaining processes and physicochemical characterization of chitin and chitosan extracted of the fishing industry waste of Cananeia-SP regionFONSECA, ANA C.M. 11 November 2016 (has links)
Submitted by Claudinei Pracidelli (cpracide@ipen.br) on 2016-11-11T09:14:09Z
No. of bitstreams: 0 / Made available in DSpace on 2016-11-11T09:14:09Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 0 / A quitina é o principal produto obtido do processamento das cascas de crustáceos. Esse biopolímero e o seu derivado, quitosana, têm despertado grande interesse comercial em virtude das possibilidades de aplicações que possuem. O gerenciamento desses resíduos e dos subprodutos gerados nas etapas no processo de obtenção pode ser considerado um modelo de biorrefinaria. A implementação de plantas para extração de quitina e quitosana é um desafio, uma vez que a demanda produtiva deve ser atendida sem causar danos ao meio ambiente. Uma grande variedade de quitosanas com diferentes propriedades físicoquímicas podem ser obtidas variando-se as condições de reação. Essas propriedades dependem da origem da matéria-prima, do seu grau médio de desacetilação, distribuição média dos grupos acetil ao longo da cadeia principal e da sua massa molecular média. Os fornecedores de quitosana comercial geralmente não mencionam a procedência da matéria-prima e pouca ou nenhuma informação é fornecida acerca do seu processamento. Sendo assim, as características e a reatividade do produto final podem variar gerando resultados não reprodutíveis. No presente estudo, foi utilizada a biomassa oriunda de rejeitos da indústria pesqueira de camarão da região de Cananéia SP. As amostras de - quitina foram obtidas por dois procedimentos diferentes: no primeiro, P1, as cascas de camarão após passar pelo pré-tratamento (lavagem, secagem e moagem) foram desproteinizadas para retirada das proteínas em hidróxido de sódio (NaOH) diluído nas concentrações 2%, 5% e 10% e desmineralizadas em ácido clorídrico (HCl) a 20% (v/v) para retirada dos carbonatos; no segundo procedimento, P2, essas etapas foram invertidas. A biomassa resultante foi desacetilada com hidróxido de sódio concentrado a 30%, 40% e 50% em tempos que variaram de 2 a 6 horas. As principais propriedades físico-químicas das amostras de quitosanas obtidas foram determinadas utilizando a espectroscopia na região do infravermelho com transformada de Fourier (FT-IR) para a determinação do grau médio de acetilação, GA, e a técnica de titulação ácido-base mensurada por condutimetria foi utilizada para comparar os resultados; a viscosimetria capilar para a determinação da massa molar média viscosimétrica, Mv , e a difração de raios X (DRX) para avaliar o grau médio de cristalinidade, X. Além disso, foram empregadas as técnicas de microscopia eletrônica de varredura (MEV) para análises morfológicas dos materiais obtidos e a espectrometria de fluorescência de raios X por dispersão de comprimento de onda (WDXRF) para análise química das quitosanas. O GA e o X das amostras diminuíram à medida em que o tratamento se tornou mais vigoroso, enquanto a Mv aumentou. O procedimento 2 foi o mais viável por eliminar a etapa de despigmentação, pois originou amostras com tonalidade mais clara e fáceis de pulverizar. / Dissertação (Mestrado em Tecnologia Nuclear) / IPEN/D / Instituto de Pesquisas Energeticas e Nucleares - IPEN-CNEN/SP
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Desenvolvimento e validação de metodologia para a determinação de monocloroacetato de sódio e dicloroacetato de sódio em cocoamido,N-[(3-dimetilamino)propil],betaína via cromatografia a gás: GC/FID, GC/ECD e GC/MS / Development and validation of method for determination of sodium monochloroacetate and sodium dichloroacetate in cocoamide,N-[(3-dimethylamine)propyl],betaine by gas chromatography: GC/FID, GC/ECD e GC/MSLEÃO, CLÁUDIO 11 November 2016 (has links)
Submitted by Claudinei Pracidelli (cpracide@ipen.br) on 2016-11-11T09:28:13Z
No. of bitstreams: 0 / Made available in DSpace on 2016-11-11T09:28:13Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 0 / O monocloroacetato de sódio (MCAS) e o dicloroacetato de sódio (DCAS) são compostos tóxicos e irritantes ao ser humano e nocivos ao meio ambiente, sendo impurezas indesejáveis na cocoamido propil betaína (CAPB), que é um surfactante anfótero utilizado em produtos de consumo dos segmentos cosmético e domiciliar. Diante dos requisitos de concentração em nível de mg/kg exigidos pelos órgãos reguladores de saúde do governo, tornou-se mandatório o emprego de metodologia com limite de quantificação, precisão e exatidão adequados aos rígidos controles de processo pelos fabricantes da CAPB, bem como, dispor de técnicas convencionais com poder de resolução e proficiência pelo controle de qualidade e neste contexto inseriu-se a cromatografia a gás. Neste estudo foram estabelecidos os procedimentos analíticos que definiram as melhores condições para identificar e quantificar as impurezas MCAS e DCAS na matriz CAPB por meio da cromatografia a gás. A preparação das amostras consistiu da derivação das impurezas MCAS e DCAS a ésteres etílicos e a extração líquido-líquido em hexano para separar dos demais constituintes da matriz. Os modos de detecção acoplados à cromatografia a gás foram a ionização pela chama (GC/FID), a captura de elétrons (GC/ECD) e a espectrometria de massas (GC/MS). A validação comprovou que as metodologias são lineares entre 4 e 50 mg/kg com recuperação de 70 a 120%, apresentam limites de quantificação inferiores a 10 mg/kg e produziram médias e incertezas similares na amostra examinada, constituindo-se alternativas para a determinação de cloroacetatos em betaínas. / Dissertação (Mestrado em Tecnologia Nuclear) / IPEN/D / Instituto de Pesquisas Energeticas e Nucleares - IPEN-CNEN/SP
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Caracterizações microestruturais e avaliações das propriedades mecânicas das juntas em aço inoxidável AISI 301 L soldadas por MIG e submetidas ao reparo pelo processo TIG / Microstructural characterization and evaluation of mechanical properties of joints in steel AISI 301 L welded by MIG and submitted to repair by TIG processSOUZA, EDVALDO R. de 11 November 2016 (has links)
Submitted by Claudinei Pracidelli (cpracide@ipen.br) on 2016-11-11T09:40:30Z
No. of bitstreams: 0 / Made available in DSpace on 2016-11-11T09:40:30Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 0 / A soldagem tem grande importância no setor metroferroviário, pois é empregada na fabricação de componentes estruturais e no acabamento de vagões de passageiros, que em sua maior parte são de aço inoxidável. As juntas soldadas podem apresentar descontinuidades que são interrupções que afetam as propriedades mecânicas e metalúrgicas da junta soldada. A presença destas descontinuidades, dependendo do seu tamanho, natureza ou efeito combinado, pode ocasionar a reprovação da junta soldada, quer pela redução de propriedades mecânicas ou pela não aceitação, segundo critérios estabelecidos em normas. Uma estrutura que tenha uma solda reprovada durante sua qualificação ou inspeção, pela presença de descontinuidades pode ser recuperada, por meio de um retrabalho a ser realizado nesta junta. A refusão do cordão de solda por meio do processo TIG (Tungsten Inert Gas), sem a utilização do material de adição, é uma técnica de retrabalho que pode ser empregada, em especial pela viabilidade técnica e econômica do processo. Neste estudo analisou-se a influência que o processo de reparo por soldagem TIG exerceu no comportamento mecânico e microestrutural das juntas soldadas pelo processo MIG, por meio de: ensaios mecânicos (tração, fadiga e microdureza Vickers), ensaios não destrutivos (inspeção visual e líquidos penetrantes) e caracterização microestrutural do cordão de solda. Resultados das amostras de ensaio de tração e fadiga indicaram que o reparo dos cordões de solda não alterou o comportamento mecânico das juntas. As juntas submetidas ao reparo nas quais foram retirados os reforços dos cordões apresentaram modificações nas propriedades mecânicas, mas também apresentaram resultados satisfatórios. / Dissertação (Mestrado em Tecnologia Nuclear) / IPEN/D / Instituto de Pesquisas Energeticas e Nucleares - IPEN-CNEN/SP
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Monitoramento de indicadores-chave do turismo sustentável em unidades de conservação: um estudo de caso no Parque Estadual do Jalapão - Tocantins / Monitoring of key indicators of sustainable tourism in protected áreas: the Parque Estadual do Jalapão/Tocantins - a case studyDUTRA, VERUSKA C. 11 November 2016 (has links)
Submitted by Claudinei Pracidelli (cpracide@ipen.br) on 2016-11-11T13:30:20Z
No. of bitstreams: 0 / Made available in DSpace on 2016-11-11T13:30:20Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 0 / Desde que foi reconhecida a importância de se planejar um turismo sustentável, tem-se buscado ferramentas adequadas para monitorá-lo nas destinações turísticas, tornando esse um dos principais desafios da academia científica de estudos do turismo na atualidade. Diante desse contexto, o desafio apresenta-se ainda maior, quando tratamos de turismo em unidades de conservação, tendo em vista que envolve um ambiente altamente sensível e comunidades em seu entorno que podem ter, no desenvolvimento dessa atividade, sua principal renda econômica. Assim, o que se propõe neste estudo é analisar a aplicabilidade e a eficiência metodológica do monitoramento que visa ao auxílio na construção da sustentabilidade do turismo, em unidades de conservação, através de um estudo de caso no Parque Estadual do Jalapão, localizado no Estado do Tocantins, Brasil. Prioriza-se a investigação de indicadores locais abordados a partir da definição estipulada pela Organização Mundial do Turismo. Os resultados alcançados demonstraram que os indicadores estudados são instrumentos a serem considerados no processo de avaliação e quantificação do turismo em um destino com semelhantes configurações ambientais, o que viabiliza a compreensão e o fortalecimento da noção de sustentabilidade. Este estudo caracteriza-se pela sua vertente interdisciplinar e teve como norteador o método dedutivo. / Tese (Doutorado em Tecnologia Nuclear) / IPEN/T / Instituto de Pesquisas Energeticas e Nucleares - IPEN-CNEN/SP
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Estudos das Propriedades de Termoluminescência (TL), Ressonância Paramagnética (EPR) e Absorção Ótica (AO) para caracterização do mineral Monticelita / Study of the Properties Thermoluminescence (TL), Electron Paramagnetic Resonance (EPR) and Optical Absorption for characterization of mineral MontecilliteQUINA, ANTONIO de J.A. de 22 December 2016 (has links)
Submitted by Marco Antonio Oliveira da Silva (maosilva@ipen.br) on 2016-12-22T12:40:27Z
No. of bitstreams: 0 / Made available in DSpace on 2016-12-22T12:40:27Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 0 / Foram estudados as propriedades de absorção ótica, de termoluminescência e de ressonância paramagnética eletrônica do mineral natural de silicato de nome MONTICELITA do grupo Olivina, para caracterização desse mineral, cuja formula química é CaMgSiO4. A absorção ótica mostrou que há três bandas de absorção em 450 nm, 660 nm e 1050 nm. As duas primeiras bandas, a primeira no azul e a segunda no amarelo-vermelho são responsáveis pela cor verde da Monticelita. Essas duas bandas são consequência do elemento cromo contido no mineral absorver fótons do feixe universal no visível de frequências centradas em 450 nm e 660 nm. A banda em 1050 nm é devido ao Fe2+. As curvas de emissão de uma amostra de Monticelita irradiada com raios gama de doses entre 10 e 1000 Gy apresenta três picos em 150 °C , 270 °C e 370 °C . Pelo método da deconvolução e de várias taxas de aquecimento foram obtidos energia E1=1,35 eV e fator de frequência s1=4,98x1011 s-1 para o pico 270 °C e E2=1,70 eV e s2=1,88x1011 s-1 para pico 370 °C . A irradiação com raios gama de doses entre 5 kGy e 50 kGy produziram pico TL de 380 °C com intensidade TL em função da dose linear e crescente. Este resultado e importante para dosimetria da radiação de altas doses. O espectro EPR de uma amostra natural, mostrou um resultado não esperado e interessante. Além dos sinais típicos de interação hiperfina do Mn2+, um sinal avantajado de g =6,34 indica que o ferro formou moléculas de hematita, Fe2O3. Esse sinal desaparece com aquecimento acima de 800 °C de recozimento, dando origem dipolos magnéticos de Fe3+, que dá origem a um sinal típico em g =2. Esta descrição mostra bem a caracterização do mineral Monticelita. / Dissertação (Mestrado em Tecnologia Nuclear) / IPEN/D / Instituto de Pesquisas Energéticas e Nucleares - IPEN-CNEN/SP
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