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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

The Emotional Intelligence of Successful African American Entrepreneurs

Johnson, Breanna 01 January 2018 (has links)
African American entrepreneurs in Houston, TX, lack the emotional intelligence required to be self-employed and remain in business. The purpose of this qualitative interview study was to gain a robust understanding of what strategies African American entrepreneurs can adopt to increase emotional intelligence, which will aid them in remaining in business beyond the first 5 years. The central research question focused on common understandings of the strategies African-American entrepreneurs in Houston, TX, adopt to increase their emotional intelligence such that it contributes to them remaining in business beyond the initial 5 years. The conceptual framework that grounded the study was the emotional intelligence theory. Data were collected from semi-structured interviews with a purposeful sample consisting of 15 African American entrepreneurs from Houston, TX who have been in business for a minimum of 5 years. The interviews consisted of open-ended questions. A thematic analysis was conducted on 15 interviews. Eight themes were developed from the data analysis: emotional intelligence, leadership styles, emotional reactions, maturity level, training, business sustainability, communication, and flexibility. Consistent emotional intelligence training emerged as useful in African American entrepreneurs' business sustainability. The potential implications for positive social change stem from African American entrepreneurs developing more sustainable organizations. The findings of this study may be used by stakeholders and organizational leaders to provide the opportunity to build more emotionally intelligent organization.

Ledarskap och chefskap i en idrottskontext : En kvalitativ studie om chefer på tre svenska idrottsförbund och deras syn på ledarskap

Alvring, Matilda, Cereus, Olivia January 2022 (has links)
Syftet med denna studie är att skapa förståelse för hur ledarskapet i en chefsroll utövas i specialidrottsförbund och hur chefers arbete på förbunden ser ut för att i slutändan nå sportsliga resultat. Studien baseras på contingency theory och dess tolkning av ledarskap. Idrottens organisering skiljer sig från vinstdrivande organisationer som bygger sin verksamhet kring målet att nå ekonomisk vinst. Idrottens organisationer bygger istället sin verksamhet kring målet att nå idrottsliga resultat. I studien har fyra chefer från tre olika svenska specialidrottsförbund intervjuats, dessa förbund är: Skidförbundet, Simförbundet och Handbollsförbundet. Resultatet i studien visar att specialidrottsförbunden som organisationer är uppbyggda med entydlig hierarki och hög standardisering av uppgifter. Trots att de som intervjuades besitter entydlig chefsroll så framhäver de alla ledarskap som en viktig del i sitt arbete. Studiens resultat visade även på yttre faktorer som påverkar idrottsorganisationernas verksamhet och som de behöver anpassa sig till, idrottsliga resultat var en gemensam faktor som starkt påverkar idrottsorganisationernas arbete. En slutsats som dras i studien är att det inte finns ett bästa sätt att leda på och att det inte finns ett chefskap utan ledarskap. / The purpose of this study is to interpret and understand how the leadership in a managerial role is exercised in special sports federations and what the leadership looks like in order to ultimately achieve sporting results. The study is based on contingency theory and its interpretation of leadership. The organization of sports differs from for-profit organizationsthat base their activities around the goal of achieving financial gain. Instead, sports organizations base their activities on the goal of achieving sporting results. In the study, four managers from three different Swedish sports federations were interviewed, these federationsare: the Ski Federation, the Swimming Federation and the Handball Federation.The results of this study shows that the sports federations as organizations are structured witha clear hierarchy and high standardization of tasks. Despite the fact that those interviewed have a clear managerial role, they emphasize all leadership as an important part of their work. The results of the study also showed external factors that affect the activities of sports organizations and that they need to adapt to, sports results were a common factor that strongly influences the work of sports organizations. One conclusion drawn in the study is that there isno best way to lead and that there is no management without leadership.

Åsidosätts anställdas behov i händelse av en kris? : En fallstudie kring situationsanpassat ledarskap vid kriser inom ett försäkringsbolag och dess påverkan på anställdas motivation. / Are the needs of the staff disregarded in the events of a crisis? : A case study about situational management during a crisis at an insurance company and its effects on employee’s motivation

Nilsson, Filip, Attersand, William January 2022 (has links)
Title: Are the needs of the staff disregarded in the events of a crisis? Subtitle: A case study about situational management during a crisis at an insurance company and its effects on employee’s motivation Background: After reviewing previous research in the field, we have found in this paper that situational leadership promotes good crisis management, but how motivation is treated follows as a secondary priority. In crisis management within organizations, strategies are created by those who have a leading role, with the goal of going back to a "normal" business, as it was before the crisis, with a focus on adaptability and flexibility to how the transition is to be implemented. Communication is one of the most important tools for creating an effective group and in the case of remote work, high demands are placed on the leader's adaptation and the leader's way of communicating for work to be carried out. The purpose of crisis management from a leadership perspective is to create strategies with the end goal of going back to "normal" through flexibility instead of making drastic changes to resolve a difficult situation after an unforeseen event, such as the Covid-19 pandemic. The lack of including the motivational aspect of the employees in a crisis leads us to the knowledge gap that we intend to analyze in this study. Purpose: The purpose of the present study is to gain an in-depth understanding of situational leadership with a focus on communication and motivation in a crisis. Methods: The research method we chose to use is designed as a qualitative method to provide a deeper understanding of the subject. As a research strategy, we have used a case study that involves investigating a specific case or an individual organization. We chose to conduct semi- structured interviews, which meant that we created a list of relatively specific themes that are relevant to the intended purpose in the form of an interview guide. Conclusion: The study has shown that the lack of social interactions in remote work, negatively affects motivation and that the motivation aspect is not a priority in crisis management. Furthermore, the study can conclude that the motivation aspect is neglected in a crisis with the background that the focus of the organization instead shifts to be able to continue, despite crisis, conduct its core business. There is still uncertainty as to how communication should be designed when teleworking to reduce the risk of fragmentation in the working group. Divisions in the working group can be stated to have occurred in the investigated company, which can be a topic for further research. / Bakgrund: Efter genomgång av tidigare forskning på området har vi i förevarande uppsats funnit att situationsanpassat ledarskap gynnar en god krishantering men hur motivation behandlas följer som en sekundär prioritet. Inom krishantering i organisationer skapas strategier av de som har en ledande roll, med målet att gå tillbaka till en ”normal” verksamhet, så som den var innan krisen, med fokus på anpassningsbarhet och flexibilitet till hur omställningen ska genomföras. Kommunikation är ett av de viktigaste verktygen för att skapa en effektiv grupp och vid distansarbete ställs det höga krav på ledarens anpassning och ledarens sätt att kommunicera för att arbete ska genomföras. Syftet med krishantering utifrån ett ledarskapsperspektiv är att skapa strategier med slutmålet att gå tillbaka till det ”normala” genom flexibilitet i stället för att göra drastiska förändringar för att lösa en svår situation efter att en oförutsedd händelse, likt Covid-19 pandemin, har uppstått. Bristen av att inkludera motivationsaspekten för de anställda i en krissituation leder oss till den kunskapslucka som vi ämnar att i denna studie analysera. Syfte: Syftet med förevarande studie är att få en fördjupad förståelse i situationsanpassat ledarskap med fokus på kommunikation och motivation i en krissituation.  Metod: Den forskningsmetod vi valde att använda oss av är utformad som en kvalitativ metod för att ge en djupare förståelse inom ämnet. Som forskningsstrategi har vi använt oss av en fallstudie som handlar om att undersöka ett specifikt fall eller en enskild organisation. Vi valde att genomföra semistrukturerade intervjuer som innebar att vi skapade en lista över förhållandevis specifika teman som är relevanta för det ämnade syftet i form av en intervjuguide.  Slutsats: Studien har visat på att bristen av sociala interaktioner och det sociala samspelet mellan individer i distansarbete påverkar motivation negativt och att motivationsaspekten inte är en prioritet i krishantering. Vidare kan studien konstatera att motivationsaspekten är åsidosatt vid en krissituation med bakgrund av att fokus för organisationen i stället skiftar till att kunna fortsatt, trots kris, bedriva sin kärnverksamhet. Det råder fortfarande oklarheter i hur kommunikationen bör utformas vid distansarbete för att reducera risk för splittring i arbetsgruppen. Splittring i arbetsgrupp kan konstateras har skett i det undersökta bolaget, vilket vidare kan vara ett ämne för vidare forskning.

Kvinnor och män på ledande positioner / Women and men in leading positions

Siggers, Chanelle, Vahebi, Negin January 2016 (has links)
I denna studie undersöks hur ledarskap bland män och kvinnor ser ut i den privata sektorn, därvi valt ett specifikt företag att studera. Frågeställningen är om det finns skillnader i hur enman respektive kvinna antar sin ledarroll och hur denna speglas i organisationen samt vad dentillför den organisatoriska framgången. Frågeställningen studeras utifrån olika ledarskapsstilardär vissa framhävs mer än andra.Fördelningen av studiens population har syftet att företräda ett kvinnligt och ett manligtledarskap för att sedan utföra en analys av hur de olika speglas i organisationen. Intervjueroch observationer utfördes i syfte av att skapa en kontakt med deras ledarroller för att få enverklig uppfattning. Med observationer menas att vi fick chansen att betrakta respektive chefunder en viss tidsperiod för att upptäcka beteendemönster.Resultatet vi fick fram var att egenskaperna inte är könsbaserade utan snarareindividorienterade. Vi kom fram till slutsatsen att en man och en kvinna speglar olika normeri samhället och förväntas ha vissa egenskaper men att det i själva verket handlar om vilkenorientering individen har. Med andra ord vad personen lägger sin allra största fokus på. / This study examines leadership among men and women in the private sector where we havechosen a specific company to study. The question is if there are differences in how a man anda woman assume its leadership role and how this is reflected in the organization. Further morewhat it may add to organizational processes. The study is examined by different leadershipstyles where some emphasized more than others.The choice of the population in this study are supposed to reflect and represent the female andmale leadership where we got an opportunity to make an analysis of how the differences arereflected in the organization. Interviews and observations were carried out with the aim ofcreating a bigger understanding of how their leadership reflects on the staff and theenvironment in general. By observing the leaders, we were able the see different patterns ofbehavior in how they talked, reacted and thinked regarding their staff and the organization. Inother words, we got to see how they really work.The results we got was that there are no differences that are based on the gender, wediscovered that the differences are individualoriented.We came to the conclusion that manand a woman reflects the different standards in society and are expected to have certaincharacteristics, but that it is in fact an individualorientedmatter and difference. In otherwords, it depends on what the person put their greatest focus on.This thesis is written in Swedish.

"Om man sprang tidigare så får man springa snabbare nu" : En kvalitativ studie om chefers erfarenheter av att leda medarbetare som tillhör generation Y

Embe Kåberg, Louise, Elin, Elin Hallström January 2019 (has links)
En ny generation har etablerat sig på arbetsmarknaden med andra egenskaper och förväntningar på ledarskap än generationerna innan. Studiens syfte blev därmed att undersöka chefers erfarenheter av att leda medarbetare som tillhör generation Y, i förhållande till andra generationer. Frågeställningarna berörde vad chefer anser kännetecknar generation Y som medarbetare samt hur chefer upplever sitt ledarskap i förhållande till generation Y. Studiens resultat analyserades i relation till teori om situationsanpassat ledarskap samt efterföljarskap. Metoden bestod av kvalitativa intervjuer tillsammans med chefer på organisationer inom olika branscher i en större stad i Sverige. Resultatet visar att generation Y som medarbetare upplevs vara självcentrerade och flexibla samt ha krav på utveckling, ett personligt ledarskap och att bli tilldelade meningsfulla arbetsuppgifter. De beskrivs också ha egenskaper som passar organisationen de arbetar för och en osäkerhet ifall deras egenskaper beror på deras ålder eller generation uttrycks. Chefer beskriver sitt ledarskap i relation till generation Y som att det fokuserar på individens och kontextens behov genom att bygga upp en relation till generation Y som medarbetare. / A new generation has established itself on the labor market with other characteristics and expectations of leadership than the generations before. Therefore, the aim of this study was to investigate managers’ experiences of leading employees who belong to Generation Y, i relation to other generations. The research questions covered what managers consider represents Generation Y as employees and how managers experience their leadership in relation to Generation Y. The study's results were analyzed in relation to theory about situational leadership in relation to theory about leaders’ followers. The method consisted of qualitative interviews of managers at organizations within different line of business in a larger city in Sweden. The results show that Generation Y as employees are considered to be self-centered and flexible, also to have demands on development, a personal leadership and to be assigned meaningful tasks. They are also described to have qualities that are suitable for the organization they work for and an uncertainty about whether their characteristics is because of their age or generation is expressed. Managers describe their leadership in relation to Generation Y as that it focuses on the needs of the individual and the context by building up a relationship with Generation Y as an employee.

Funding Allocations Strategies for Improving Nonprofit Organizations' Effectiveness and Sustainability

Friedel, Jaime L. 01 January 2018 (has links)
Nonprofit organizational leaders (NOLs) face laws that require increased transparency and more oversight on funding allocations. Grounded by a conceptual framework of Hersey and Blanchard's situational leadership theory, Burns's transformational leadership theory, and Greenleaf's servant leadership theory, this multiple case study was developed to explore the leadership strategies of NOLs who implemented requirements of New York's Non-Profit Revitalization Act to increase funding allocations to support fulfillment of the organizational mission and achieve sustainability. The study population comprised NOLs from the Northeastern United States, who implemented requirements of the Non-Profit Revitalization Act requirements. Face-to-face semistructured interviews with 5 NOLs, a review of organizational documents, and member-checking were used to collect data for the study. Data were analyzed using a framework method to determine themes, visualization to code the data, and methodological triangulation to validate themes. Three main themes emerged from the data analysis: strategies for building and maintaining relationships increased funding allocations and sustainability, trust and accountability strategies improved organizational mission achievement and funding allocations, and strategies for higher standards and expectations improved sustainability. The findings from this study may contribute to positive social change by providing insight to NOLs about the need to create leadership strategies to build relationships and trust with stakeholders while operating a more responsible nonprofit organization, thereby creating a better connection between organizational systems and increasing service effectiveness.

Advantages and Barriers to Transformational Leadership Implementation in a Scientific Laboratory

Smith, Rachelle 01 January 2015 (has links)
Empirical evidence suggests that transformational leadership is positively correlated with job satisfaction, job performance, organizational commitment, and survivability. Although transformational leadership has been implemented in various organizations, little research has examined the issues in implementing transformational leadership concepts within a scientific laboratory. The purpose of this exploratory, qualitative case study was to examine (a) the current leadership style of the president of a scientific laboratory from the scientists', analysts', and technicians' perspective and their preferred leadership style; (b) the president's self-perceived leadership style and perceived subordinate style preference; and (c) the employees' perceptions of advantages and challenges to applying and implementing a transformational style of leadership. The laissez-faire, transactional, and transformational leadership models of Avolio, Bass, Burns, and Kouzes and Posner provided the theoretical basis for the case study. Data were collected from the president and subordinates and responses were coded and classified according to patterns and emerging themes. Results indicated that the president's current leadership style was transactional, whereas the subordinates' preference was transformational. The president's self-assessment of current style and perceived subordinate preference was found to be transformational. Subordinates expressed ideal and effective leadership qualities and shared advantages and barriers to transformational leadership. Leaders in scientific laboratories who apply these findings and implement more effective leadership may impact social change through increased subordinate job satisfaction and performance, thereby enhancing organizational survivability and improving the status quo.

Ett ord, många ansikten? : En studie av ledares arbete över nationsgränser

Melikon, Vane, Persson, Sandra January 2010 (has links)
<p>Syfte: Syftet med denna studie är att undersöka om, och i så fall hur, svenska ledare anpassar sitt ledarskap i mötet med andra kulturer. Tyngdpunkten ligger på att undersöka ledares reflektioner omkring kultur och ledarskap samt ta reda på hur interkulturella erfarenheter påverkar arbetsrollen och ledaren som person.</p><p>Metod: Uppsatsen arbetar med en kvalitativ undersökningsmetod, tre intervjuer ligger till grund för det empiriska materialet. Litteratur och artiklar inom områdena ledarskap, kultur och kommunikation har studerats för att samla information till den teoretiska referensramen.</p><p>Resultat och slutsats: Vi har kommit fram till att man som ledare verksam över nationsgränser blir tvungen att anpassa sig i mötet med andra kulturer. Ett situationsanpassat ledarskap är därmed nödvändigt. Interaktionen skiljer sig från kultur till kultur, därför bör man känna till de skillnader som råder. Vi menar vidare att affärsvärldens gränser tenderar att suddas ut.</p><p>Förslag till vidare forskning: Det skulle vara intressant att genomföra en observation för att på så sätt öka insynen i själva samspelet. Vidare vore det intressant att studera hur ledarens självbild påverkas av mötet med andra kulturer, tar han med sig jobbet hem?</p><p>Uppsatsens bidrag: Vi vill med denna uppsats bidra med fördjupad kunskap om begrepp som ledarskap, kultur och interkulturell kommunikation. Vår förhoppning är att ledare verksamma över nationsgränser ska finna denna studie givande.</p><p>Nyckelord: Ledarskap, kultur, kommunikation, interkulturell kommunikation, modernt, situationsanpassat ledarskap.</p> / <p>Aim: The purpose of this thesis is to determine if, and how, the Swedish leader adapts its leadership skills when confronted by other cultures. The interest is to examine the leader’s opinions and reflections about other cultures, and how their intercultural experience influences their job performance and them as human beings.</p><p>Method: The approach of this thesis is from a qualitative analytical point of view, three interviews helped to lay the foundation of the empirical material. Literature and articles have been collected and reviewed within the areas of leadership, culture, and communication in order to gather the facts needed for the theoretical references.</p><p>Result & Conclusion: Our discoveries have led us to conclude that a leader across borders requires adaptation and embracement of other cultures. The interaction within cultures differ greatly in certain areas, therefore it is of importance to be educated about the differences. This justifies how the borders within the world of business tend to evaporate.</p><p>Suggestion for future research: It would be interesting to conclude this study through an observational approach to highlight the area of interaction within cultures. Another interesting factor to analyze is to examine how the leader distinguishes between home and personal life with these influences.</p><p>Contribution of the thesis: Our goal with this study has been to contribute a deeper knowledge about terms such as leadership, culture, and intercultural communication. We believe that leaders across borders will find this study extremely rewarding.</p><p>Key words: Leadership, culture, communication, intercultural communication, modern,</p>

Ett ord, många ansikten? : En studie av ledares arbete över nationsgränser

Melikon, Vane, Persson, Sandra January 2010 (has links)
Syfte: Syftet med denna studie är att undersöka om, och i så fall hur, svenska ledare anpassar sitt ledarskap i mötet med andra kulturer. Tyngdpunkten ligger på att undersöka ledares reflektioner omkring kultur och ledarskap samt ta reda på hur interkulturella erfarenheter påverkar arbetsrollen och ledaren som person. Metod: Uppsatsen arbetar med en kvalitativ undersökningsmetod, tre intervjuer ligger till grund för det empiriska materialet. Litteratur och artiklar inom områdena ledarskap, kultur och kommunikation har studerats för att samla information till den teoretiska referensramen. Resultat och slutsats: Vi har kommit fram till att man som ledare verksam över nationsgränser blir tvungen att anpassa sig i mötet med andra kulturer. Ett situationsanpassat ledarskap är därmed nödvändigt. Interaktionen skiljer sig från kultur till kultur, därför bör man känna till de skillnader som råder. Vi menar vidare att affärsvärldens gränser tenderar att suddas ut. Förslag till vidare forskning: Det skulle vara intressant att genomföra en observation för att på så sätt öka insynen i själva samspelet. Vidare vore det intressant att studera hur ledarens självbild påverkas av mötet med andra kulturer, tar han med sig jobbet hem? Uppsatsens bidrag: Vi vill med denna uppsats bidra med fördjupad kunskap om begrepp som ledarskap, kultur och interkulturell kommunikation. Vår förhoppning är att ledare verksamma över nationsgränser ska finna denna studie givande. Nyckelord: Ledarskap, kultur, kommunikation, interkulturell kommunikation, modernt, situationsanpassat ledarskap. / Aim: The purpose of this thesis is to determine if, and how, the Swedish leader adapts its leadership skills when confronted by other cultures. The interest is to examine the leader’s opinions and reflections about other cultures, and how their intercultural experience influences their job performance and them as human beings. Method: The approach of this thesis is from a qualitative analytical point of view, three interviews helped to lay the foundation of the empirical material. Literature and articles have been collected and reviewed within the areas of leadership, culture, and communication in order to gather the facts needed for the theoretical references. Result &amp; Conclusion: Our discoveries have led us to conclude that a leader across borders requires adaptation and embracement of other cultures. The interaction within cultures differ greatly in certain areas, therefore it is of importance to be educated about the differences. This justifies how the borders within the world of business tend to evaporate. Suggestion for future research: It would be interesting to conclude this study through an observational approach to highlight the area of interaction within cultures. Another interesting factor to analyze is to examine how the leader distinguishes between home and personal life with these influences. Contribution of the thesis: Our goal with this study has been to contribute a deeper knowledge about terms such as leadership, culture, and intercultural communication. We believe that leaders across borders will find this study extremely rewarding. Key words: Leadership, culture, communication, intercultural communication, modern,

Situationsanpassat ledarskap för byggproduktion

Hellström, Simon January 2013 (has links)
A large cost at the construction sites today is the labour cost of the workers. But unfortunately the worker potential is not used to full. It is not unusual to take into a count with a work-­‐place-­‐additional-­‐time of 50% in some cases. By increasing the workers' motivation and responsibility for their tasks may reduce the time considerably, which also increases the potential for greater gains in construction projects. By using the situational leadership may the workers level of maturity develop entirely. They become broadly self-­‐propelled with high efficiency and the construction leader can after that get more time for his/hers own tasks. The work gets done more efficiently and the potential for greater profits increase. Good leadership at the construction site also improves the working environment for all. More people may be motivated to go to work and such sickness absence may decline.

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