Spelling suggestions: "subject:"skeletons"" "subject:"skelettons""
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Accuracy Analysis of Common Adult Aging Methods Applied to Near Adult Human SkeletonsMersch, Leslie N. 15 October 2015 (has links)
No description available.
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Kontinualių struktūrų diskretizavimas vaizdų algebros metodais / Discretization of continuum structures via image algebra methodsPalionytė, Agnė 16 June 2011 (has links)
Baigiamajame magistro darbe nagrinėjami struktūrų modeliavimo, diskretizavimo ir optimizavimo uždaviniai, jų sprendimo būdai ir algoritmai. Pasiūlyta originali strypinių struktūrų optimizavimo ir diskretizavimo technika, kurioje naudojami vaizdų algebros metodai ir baigtinių elementų metodo (toliau – BEM) programiniai paketai. Atlikta BEM programinių paketų apžvalga, parinkti tinkamiausi paketai darbo tikslams realizuoti ir rezultatams verifikuoti. Išanalizuoti skaitmeninių vaizdų skeletų išgavimo metodai. Pasiūlytas originalus vaizdo skeleto apdorojimo algoritmas skerspjūvio charakteristikoms nustatyti. Sudarytas ir programiškai realizuotas strypinių struktūrų optimizavimo-diskretizavimo algoritmas. Realizuota programinė sistema susideda iš vaizdų apdorojimo ir duomenų paruošimo dalies (MATLAB kalba) bei BEM skaičiavimų dalies (ANSYS vidine programavimo kalba APDL). Skaičiavimo rezultatai atvaizduojami ir verifikuojami STAAD.Pro paketu. Diskretizavimo metu strypinės struktūros mazgų vieta randama vaizdo skeleto segmentų sankirtos taškuose, o segmentų skerspjūvių plotai randami atkarpų, jungiančių šiuos mazgus, vidurio taškuose. Kai struktūros mazgų padėtis fiksuota arba mazgai yra per arti vienas kito atliekamas mazgų padėties koregavimas. Darbe atlikti testiniai skaičiavimai, rezultatų analizė ir verifikavimas, suformuluotos išvados. / In the master thesis the problems of structure modeling, discretization-optimization and their solution methods and algorithms are analyzed. The original technique for optimization and discretization of beam structures has been suggested; The packages of image algebra methods and of the finite element methods were employed for that. Several packages of finite element method have been reviewed and the most suitable packages for the current problems were identified. The methods for obtaining skeletons of digital images were explored. The algorithms for optimization and discretization of beam structures has been suggested and coded. The program created consents of the part for image processing and input data preparing, and the part for image the finite element via method. The results obtained are represented and verified by STAAD.Pro package. During the discretization, the positions of structure nodes are obtained in the intersection of skeleton segments. The segments' cross-section areas are obtained in the middle-points between two adjacent nodes. The positions of nodes may be corrected if the nodes close to each other. The test-calculation, analysis of results and verification are presented and conclusions are drawn.
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Perfil antropológico das ossadas analisadas no Centro de Medicina Legal (CEMEL) da Faculdade de Medicina de Ribeirão Preto - USP / Anthropological profile of the skeletons analyzed at the Medico Legal Centre (CEMEL) of the Faculty of Medicine of Ribeirão PretoSoares, Andjara Thiane Cury 11 February 2008 (has links)
SOARES, A.T.C. Perfil antropológico das ossadas analisadas no Centro de Medicina Legal (CEMEL) da Faculdade de Medicina de Ribeirão Preto USP. 2007. 169 p. Dissertação (Mestrado) Faculdade de Medicina de Ribeirão Preto, Ribeirão Preto, 2007. A Antropologia Forense é uma área do conhecimento que aplica os métodos da antropologia física e arqueologia para coleta e análise de evidências legais, buscando estabelecer a identidade de um ser. O Centro de Medicina Legal (CEMEL) da Faculdade de Medicina de Ribeirão Preto da Universidade de São Paulo (FMRP-USP) possui um Laboratório de Antropologia Forense, criado em 2005 durante o desenvolvimento de um projeto em parceria com a University of Sheffield (UK) e financiado pelo British Foreign and Commonwealth Office Global Opportunities Fund. Durante esse projeto, um protocolo para análise de ossadas foi implementado dentro de uma estrutura científica atualizada para aplicação em contextos de importância social. Após dois anos de funcionamento, constatou-se que muitas das ossadas encaminhadas ao CEMEL estavam incompletas, tornando a realização de um perfil biológico difícil e postergando a sua identificação devido à ausência de informações e literatura nacional recente sobre Antropologia Forense. Assim, 42 ossadas humanas examinadas no CEMEL desde sua inauguração em 1999 foram analisadas e revisadas. Os resultados mostraram que a maioria dos casos era de indivíduos do sexo masculino, de ancestralidade caucasiana, com idade entre 32,71 e 46,29 anos, estatura entre 1,64 e 1,73m, destros, sem achados patológicos, com elementos odontológicos informativos, mas sem roupas ou outros pertences. Observou-se que 61,90% das ossadas possuíam menos de 50% dos ossos, com média de 79,64±52,40 ossos por caso. Os ossos mais encaminhados foram occipital, parietal esquerdo, temporal esquerdo, parietal direito, temporal direito, fêmur direito e vértebras torácicas de um a 12. Os ossos menos encaminhados foram hióide, piramidal esquerdo, falange distal superior um direita, falanges distais superiores dois a cinco direitas e falanges médias superiores dois a cinco esquerdas. Os dentes mais encaminhados foram o 2º molar superior direito e o 1º molar superior direito, enquanto que os dentes menos encaminhados foram o incisivo central superior direito, os incisivos centrais inferiores direito e esquerdo. Roupas e outros pertences estavam presentes em 20 casos, totalizando 66 itens. Trinta e um casos têm potencial para identificação somente através de técnicas de Antropologia Forense. Para os demais 11 casos provavelmente será necessário utilizar DNA para identificação. Diante dos resultados observados, discute-se a necessidade de melhorias na capacitação técnica e infra-estrutura, assim como a forma de coleta e o transporte, de forma a aumentar o número de elementos ósseos coletados e, conseqüentemente, de informações úteis para identificação. Dois crânios apresentaram evidência de craniotomia realizada durante necropsia e um apresentou resíduos de vela, o que sugere que podem ter sido retirados indevidamente do local de sepultamento, ou até mesmo vendidos, além da sua utilização em rituais religiosos. Conclui-se que campanhas de conscientização e melhorias na fiscalização dos cemitérios podem reduzir os casos de roubos e comércio de elementos ósseos. / SOARES, A.T.C. Anthropological profile of the skeletons analyzed at the Medico Legal Centre (CEMEL) of the Faculty of Medicine of Ribeirão Preto USP. 2007. 169 p. Dissertation (Masters Degree) Faculty of Medicine of Ribeirão Preto, Ribeirão Preto, 2007. Forensic Anthropology is an area of knowledge that applies the methods of physical anthropology and archeology to the collection and analysis of legal evidence, including the search for individual identity. The Medico Legal Centre (CEMEL) of the Faculty of Medicine of Ribeirão Preto of University of São Paulo (FMRP-USP) has a Laboratory of Forensic Anthropology, created in 2005 during a development project in partnership with the University of Sheffield (UK) and financed by the British Foreign and Commonwealth Office Global Opportunities Fund. During this project, a protocol for skeletal analysis was implemented within an upgraded scientific infrastructure for application in a socially important context. After two years of work, it was noticed that many skeletons forwarded to CEMEL were incomplete, making completion of a biological profile difficult and postponing identification due to the lack of information and recent national literature about Forensic Anthropology. Therefore, 42 human skeletons examined at CEMEL since its inauguration in 1999 were analyzed and reviewed. The results showed most cases to be of male individuals, of Caucasian ethnic origin, aged between 32.71 and 46.29 y.o., of height between 1.64 and 1.73 m, right handed, without any pathological findings, with informative odontological findings, but with no clothes or other belongings. It was observed that 61.90% of the skeletons were less than 50% complete, with a mean of 79.64±52.40 bones per case. The most frequently found bones were the occipital, left parietal, left temporal, right parietal, right temporal, right femur and one to 12 thoracic vertebrae. The least frequent bones were the hyoid, left triquetral, 1st right superior distal phalanx, two to five right superior distal phalanges and two to five left superior intermediate phalanges. The most frequently found teeth were the right superior 2nd molar and right superior 1st molar, while the least frequent teeth were the right superior central incisor, and right and left inferior central incisors. Clothes or other belongings were present in 20 cases, totaling 66 items. Thirty one cases have potential to be identified only via forensic anthropological analysis. For the remaining 11 cases it will be probably necessary to use DNA for identification. In view of these observations the necessity for improvements in technical qualifications and infrastructure are discussed, as well as recovery and transport, in order to maximize the number of skeletal elements recovered andas a consequenceof information useful in identification. Two skulls presented evidence of a craniotomy conducted during autopsy and one of candle residue, suggesting that it may have been taken improperly from the place of burial, or even sold, for its use in religious rituals. It is concluded that public awareness campaigns and better inspection of cemeteries may reduce cases of robbery and trade in skeletal remains.
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Perfil antropológico das ossadas analisadas no Centro de Medicina Legal (CEMEL) da Faculdade de Medicina de Ribeirão Preto - USP / Anthropological profile of the skeletons analyzed at the Medico Legal Centre (CEMEL) of the Faculty of Medicine of Ribeirão PretoAndjara Thiane Cury Soares 11 February 2008 (has links)
SOARES, A.T.C. Perfil antropológico das ossadas analisadas no Centro de Medicina Legal (CEMEL) da Faculdade de Medicina de Ribeirão Preto USP. 2007. 169 p. Dissertação (Mestrado) Faculdade de Medicina de Ribeirão Preto, Ribeirão Preto, 2007. A Antropologia Forense é uma área do conhecimento que aplica os métodos da antropologia física e arqueologia para coleta e análise de evidências legais, buscando estabelecer a identidade de um ser. O Centro de Medicina Legal (CEMEL) da Faculdade de Medicina de Ribeirão Preto da Universidade de São Paulo (FMRP-USP) possui um Laboratório de Antropologia Forense, criado em 2005 durante o desenvolvimento de um projeto em parceria com a University of Sheffield (UK) e financiado pelo British Foreign and Commonwealth Office Global Opportunities Fund. Durante esse projeto, um protocolo para análise de ossadas foi implementado dentro de uma estrutura científica atualizada para aplicação em contextos de importância social. Após dois anos de funcionamento, constatou-se que muitas das ossadas encaminhadas ao CEMEL estavam incompletas, tornando a realização de um perfil biológico difícil e postergando a sua identificação devido à ausência de informações e literatura nacional recente sobre Antropologia Forense. Assim, 42 ossadas humanas examinadas no CEMEL desde sua inauguração em 1999 foram analisadas e revisadas. Os resultados mostraram que a maioria dos casos era de indivíduos do sexo masculino, de ancestralidade caucasiana, com idade entre 32,71 e 46,29 anos, estatura entre 1,64 e 1,73m, destros, sem achados patológicos, com elementos odontológicos informativos, mas sem roupas ou outros pertences. Observou-se que 61,90% das ossadas possuíam menos de 50% dos ossos, com média de 79,64±52,40 ossos por caso. Os ossos mais encaminhados foram occipital, parietal esquerdo, temporal esquerdo, parietal direito, temporal direito, fêmur direito e vértebras torácicas de um a 12. Os ossos menos encaminhados foram hióide, piramidal esquerdo, falange distal superior um direita, falanges distais superiores dois a cinco direitas e falanges médias superiores dois a cinco esquerdas. Os dentes mais encaminhados foram o 2º molar superior direito e o 1º molar superior direito, enquanto que os dentes menos encaminhados foram o incisivo central superior direito, os incisivos centrais inferiores direito e esquerdo. Roupas e outros pertences estavam presentes em 20 casos, totalizando 66 itens. Trinta e um casos têm potencial para identificação somente através de técnicas de Antropologia Forense. Para os demais 11 casos provavelmente será necessário utilizar DNA para identificação. Diante dos resultados observados, discute-se a necessidade de melhorias na capacitação técnica e infra-estrutura, assim como a forma de coleta e o transporte, de forma a aumentar o número de elementos ósseos coletados e, conseqüentemente, de informações úteis para identificação. Dois crânios apresentaram evidência de craniotomia realizada durante necropsia e um apresentou resíduos de vela, o que sugere que podem ter sido retirados indevidamente do local de sepultamento, ou até mesmo vendidos, além da sua utilização em rituais religiosos. Conclui-se que campanhas de conscientização e melhorias na fiscalização dos cemitérios podem reduzir os casos de roubos e comércio de elementos ósseos. / SOARES, A.T.C. Anthropological profile of the skeletons analyzed at the Medico Legal Centre (CEMEL) of the Faculty of Medicine of Ribeirão Preto USP. 2007. 169 p. Dissertation (Masters Degree) Faculty of Medicine of Ribeirão Preto, Ribeirão Preto, 2007. Forensic Anthropology is an area of knowledge that applies the methods of physical anthropology and archeology to the collection and analysis of legal evidence, including the search for individual identity. The Medico Legal Centre (CEMEL) of the Faculty of Medicine of Ribeirão Preto of University of São Paulo (FMRP-USP) has a Laboratory of Forensic Anthropology, created in 2005 during a development project in partnership with the University of Sheffield (UK) and financed by the British Foreign and Commonwealth Office Global Opportunities Fund. During this project, a protocol for skeletal analysis was implemented within an upgraded scientific infrastructure for application in a socially important context. After two years of work, it was noticed that many skeletons forwarded to CEMEL were incomplete, making completion of a biological profile difficult and postponing identification due to the lack of information and recent national literature about Forensic Anthropology. Therefore, 42 human skeletons examined at CEMEL since its inauguration in 1999 were analyzed and reviewed. The results showed most cases to be of male individuals, of Caucasian ethnic origin, aged between 32.71 and 46.29 y.o., of height between 1.64 and 1.73 m, right handed, without any pathological findings, with informative odontological findings, but with no clothes or other belongings. It was observed that 61.90% of the skeletons were less than 50% complete, with a mean of 79.64±52.40 bones per case. The most frequently found bones were the occipital, left parietal, left temporal, right parietal, right temporal, right femur and one to 12 thoracic vertebrae. The least frequent bones were the hyoid, left triquetral, 1st right superior distal phalanx, two to five right superior distal phalanges and two to five left superior intermediate phalanges. The most frequently found teeth were the right superior 2nd molar and right superior 1st molar, while the least frequent teeth were the right superior central incisor, and right and left inferior central incisors. Clothes or other belongings were present in 20 cases, totaling 66 items. Thirty one cases have potential to be identified only via forensic anthropological analysis. For the remaining 11 cases it will be probably necessary to use DNA for identification. In view of these observations the necessity for improvements in technical qualifications and infrastructure are discussed, as well as recovery and transport, in order to maximize the number of skeletal elements recovered andas a consequenceof information useful in identification. Two skulls presented evidence of a craniotomy conducted during autopsy and one of candle residue, suggesting that it may have been taken improperly from the place of burial, or even sold, for its use in religious rituals. It is concluded that public awareness campaigns and better inspection of cemeteries may reduce cases of robbery and trade in skeletal remains.
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Global SkeletonGenctav, Murat 01 January 2011 (has links) (PDF)
A novel and unconventional shape description scheme is proposed which captures the hierarchy of parts and medial descriptors. Both the parts and the medial descriptors are extracted simultaneously, in a complementary fashion, using a real valued function defined over the shape domain. The function arises out of both global and local interactions within the shape domain and it is related to an extension of a linear elliptic PDE with an integral term. The part hierarchies, extracted via level sets and watersheds of the function, are organized into proper binary trees, and the medial descriptors, extracted via ridges and watersheds of the function, are organized as rooted depth-1 trees. The medial descriptors (we named global skeleton) consist of two distinct medial abstractions. The limbs and prominent boundary features are
captured in the form of conventional skeletons. Secondly, the coarse structure of the shape is captured in the form of a watershed region, which is a powerful tool in respect to both stability and representation of prominent shape properties. Additionally, as an important technical contribution that addresses part matching, the randomized hierarchy tree is introduced that endows the part hierarchy tree with a probabilistic structure.
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Fundamental Transversals on the Complexes of PolyhedraD'Andrea, Joy 01 January 2011 (has links)
We present a formal description of `Face Fundamental Transversals' on the faces of the Complexes of polyhedra (meaning threedimensional polytopes). A Complex of a polyhedron is the collection of the vertex points of the polyhedron, line segment edges and polygonal faces of the polyhedron. We will prove that for the faces of any 3-dimensional complex of a polyhedron under face adjacency relations, that a `Face Fundamental Transversal' exists, and it is a union of the connected orbits of faces that are intersected exactly once. While exploring the problem of finding a face fundamental transversal, we have found a partial result for edges that are incident to faces in a face fundamental transversal. Therefore we will present this partial result, as The Edge Transversal Proposition 1. We will also discuss a few conjectures that arose out this proposition. In order to reach our approaches we will first discuss some history of polyhedra, group theory, and incorporate a little crystallography, as this will appeal to various audiences.
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Squelettes algorithmiques méta-programmés : implantations, performances et sémantique / Metaprogrammed algorithmic skeletons : implementations, performances and semanticsJaved, Noman 21 October 2011 (has links)
Les approches de parallélisme structuré sont un compromis entre la parallélisation automatique et la programmation concurrentes et réparties telle qu'offerte par MPI ou les Pthreads. Le parallélisme à squelettes est l'une de ces approches. Un squelette algorithmique peut être vu comme une fonction d'ordre supérieur qui capture un algorithme parallèle classique tel qu'un pipeline ou une réduction parallèle. Souvent la sémantique des squelettes est simple et correspondant à celle de fonctions d'ordre supérieur similaire dans les langages de programmation fonctionnels. L'utilisation combine les squelettes disponibles pour construire son application parallèle. Lorsqu'un programme parallèle est conçu, les performances sont bien sûr importantes. Il est ainsi très intéressant pour le programmeur de disposer d'un modèle de performance, simple mais réaliste. Le parallélisme quasi-synchrone (BSP) offre un tel modèle. Le parallélisme étant présent maintenant dans toutes les machines, du téléphone au super-calculateur, il est important que les modèles de programmation s'appuient sur des sémantiques formelles pour permettre la vérification de programmes. Les travaux menés on conduit à la conception et au développement de la bibliothèque Orléans Skeleton Library ou OSL. OSL fournit un ensemble de squelettes algorithmiques data-parallèles quasi-synchrones. OSL est une bibliothèque pour le langage C++ et utilise des techniques de programmation avancées pour atteindre une bonne efficacité. Les communications se basent sur la bibliothèque MPI. OSL étant basée sur le modèle BSP, il est possible non seulement de prévoir les performances des programmes OSL mais également de fournir une portabilité des performances. Le modèle de programmation d'OSL a été formalisé dans l'assistant de preuve Coq. L'utilisation de cette sémantique pour la preuve de programmes est illustrée par un exemple. / Structured parallelism approaches are a trade-off between automatic parallelisation and concurrent and distributed programming such as Pthreads and MPI. Skeletal parallelism is one of the structured approaches. An algorithmic skeleton can be seen as higher-order function that captures a pattern of a parallel algorithm such as a pipeline, a parallel reduction, etc. Often the sequential semantics of the skeleton is quite simple and corresponds to the usual semantics of similar higher-order functions in functional programming languages. The user constructs a parallel program by combined calls to the available skeletons. When one is designing a parallel program, the parallel performance is of course important. It is thus very interesting for the programmer to rely on a simple yet realistic parallel performance model. Bulk Synchronous Parallelism (BSP) offers such a model. As the parallelism can now be found everywhere from smart-phones to the super computers, it becomes critical for the parallel programming models to support the proof of correctness of the programs developed with them. . The outcome of this work is the Orléans Skeleton Library or OSL. OSL provides a set of data parallel skeletons which follow the BSP model of parallel computation. OSL is a library for C++ currently implemented on top of MPI and using advanced C++ techniques to offer good efficiency. With OSL being based over the BSP performance model, it is possible not only to predict the performances of the application but also provides the portability of performance. The programming model of OSL is formalized using the big-step semantics in the Coq proof assistant. Based on this formal model the correctness of an OSL example is proved.
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Environnement pour le développement et la preuve de correction systèmatiques de programmes parallèles fonctionnels / Environment for the systematic development and proof of correction of functional parallel programsTesson, Julien 08 November 2011 (has links)
Concevoir et implanter des programmes parallèles est une tâche complexe, sujette aux erreurs. La vérification des programmes parallèles est également plus difficile que celle des programmes séquentiels. Pour permettre le développement et la preuve de correction de programmes parallèles, nous proposons de combiner le langage parallèle fonctionnel quasi-synchrone BSML, les squelettes algorithmiques - qui sont des fonctions d’ordre supérieur sur des structures de données réparties offrant une abstraction du parallélisme – et l’assistant de preuve Coq, dont le langage de spécification est suffisamment riche pour écrire des programmes fonctionnels purs et leurs propriétés. Nous proposons un plongement des primitives BSML dans la logique de Coq sous une forme modulaire adaptée à l’extraction de programmes. Ainsi, nous pouvons écrire dans Coq des programmes BSML, raisonner dessus, puis les extraire et les exécuter en parallèle. Pour faciliter le raisonnement sur ceux-ci, nous formalisons le lien entre programmes parallèles, manipulant des structures de données distribuées, et les spécifications, manipulant des structures séquentielles. Nous prouvons ainsi la correction d’une implantation du squelette algorithmique BH, un squelette adapté au traitement de listes réparties dans le modèle de parallélisme quasi synchrone. Pour un ensemble d’applications partant d’une spécification d’un problème sous forme d’un programme séquentiel simple, nous dérivons une instance de nos squelettes, puis nous extrayons un programme BSML avant de l’exécuter sur des machines parallèles. / Parallel program design and implementation is a complex, error prone task. Verifying parallel programs is also harder than verifying sequential ones. To ease the development and the proof of correction of parallel programs, we propose to combine the functional bulk synchronous parallel language BSML; the algorithmic skeleton, that are higher order function on distributed data structures which offer an abstraction of the parallelism ; and the Coq proof assistant, who’s specification language is rich enough to write purely functional programs together with their properties. We propose an embedding of BSML primitives in the Coq logic in a modular form, adapted to program extraction. So we can write BSML programs in Coq, reason on them, extract them and then execute them in parallel. To ease the specification of these programs, we formalise the relation between parallel programs using distributed data structures and specification using sequential data structure. We prove the correctness of an implementation of the BH skeleton. This skeleton is devoted to the treatment of distributed lists in the BSP model. For a set of application, starting from a sequential specification of a problem, we derive an instance of our skeletons, then extract a BSML program which is executed on parallel machines.
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Optimización y paralelización de un algoritmo de generación de Skeletons a partir de mallas geométricas aplicado a estructuras biológicasRojas Hernández, Iván Yerko January 2014 (has links)
Ingeniero Civil en Computación / El estudio cuantitativo de estructuras microscópicas 3D requiere de herramientas computacionales, tanto para realizar mediciones como para su visualización, dada su complejidad y gran volumen. Una de las herramientas para medir y visualizar estas estructuras es el skeleton. Un skeleton es la representacion simplificada de la estructura en forma de grafo, compuesta por nodos y segmentos. Si bien existen múltiples algoritmos para su generación, estos buscan generalmente mantener propiedades topológicas y geométricas del objeto de estudio.
Actualmente se cuenta con la implementación de un algoritmo de generación de skeletons [2], basado en el algoritmo propuesto por Au et al [3]. Esta implementación, si bien entrega resultados satisfactorios, presenta tiempos de cálculo muy extensos. Dado lo anterior, es que esta memoriam tiene como objetivo analizar y optimizar el tiempo de ejecución de esta implementación.
En este trabajo se realizaron optimizaciones seriales y la paralelización del cálculo. La optimización serial incluyó: (1) implementación del algoritmo con una nueva estructura de datos: Halfedge, (2) optimización en la actualización de costos de arcos, (3) optimización en el uso de la cola de costos y (4) optimización de estructuras de datos. La paralelización fue realizada sobre una de las etapas más demandantes del algoritmo usando la unidad de procesamiento gráfico (GPU).
Para validar las optimizaciones y paralelización, se realizaron pruebas de la correctitud y speed-up alcanzado en: (1) modelos 3D creados simples, (2) modelos sintéticos de estructuras biológicas y (3) modelos de estructuras biológicas obtenidas de imágenes de microscopía.
Con las optimizaciones y paralelización implementados, se logró una mejora sustancial en el tiempo, pasando de días a minutos o incluso segundos. Además, se verificó que estas mejoras mantienen los skeletons resultantes bien definidos, vale decir, mantienen las propiedades que deben cumplir.
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Preparace a montáže koster obratlovců / Taxidermy and skeletal mounts in the vertebratesZámečníková, Nikola January 2017 (has links)
This final thesis represents a complete guide to making didactic aids which can be used in teaching Biology in primary and secondary schools. It completes my bachelor thesis on the topic of the Taxidermy of selected species of birds with detailed photographs of individual steps made throughout the creation process of a dermoplastic mount. It also compares the creation of bird mounts to those of mammal mounts, and it deals with making skeletons of vertebrates. This final thesis acquaints the reader with the taxidermic species, and includes research of foreign literature focussing on interesting facts about mounts. The final output of this thesis is a series of mounts and assembled skeletons of different species of vertebrates, which can all be used as didactic aids at the Department of Biology and Environmental Studies, Faculty of Education, Charles University. KEY WORDS taxidermy, skeletons, vertebrates, didactic aids, dermoplastic mount
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