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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Stakning på snö och stakergometer : En jämförelse av testresultat / Double poling and poling ergometer – a comparison of test results

Wennberg, Johan, Bengtsson, Linda January 2021 (has links)
Längdskidåkningen är en av de mest krävande uthållighetsidrotterna. Idrotten har utvecklats mycket de senaste decennierna vilket har lett till att kravprofilen för en längdskidåkare förändrats. Deltekniken stakning används betydligt mer, vilket ställer högre krav på åkarens överkroppkapacitet och teknik. För att följa åkarens utveckling används fysiologiska tester i fält- och labbmiljö som måste vara relevanta och standardiserade. Ett labbtest som används frekvent av längdskidåkare är tester på stakergometer. Med en kvantitativ metod har två fysiska tester som mäter överkroppskapacitet utförts av 37 skidåkare på ett idrottsgymnasium. Stakning utomhus på snö och på stakergometer har jämförts, och resultaten pekar på att tester på stakergometer är en relevant mätmetod eftersom samma personer presterar likartat i båda testerna. / Cross-country skiing is one of the most demanding endurance sports. The sport has developed a lot during the last couple of decades, and so has the physical requirements for the athlete. Double Poling is used more frequently and the power and capacity of the upper body and the technique has become more important than before. Physiological tests that are relevant and standardized are used to track the skier's development. A double-poling ergometer test is often used by athletes. In this study, with a quantitativ method, two different tests have been compared. 37 students between the age of 17 and 20 have completed two different tests, one on a double-poling ergometer and one outdoors on snow. The results indicate that the double poling ergometer test is a relevant measurement method, because the same athletes are at a similar level of performance in both of the tests.

Konceptutveckling av SkiErg-handtag : Ett utstakat konceptförslag i samarbete med Concept2 Sverige

Andersson, Frida January 2023 (has links)
Concept2 är en ledande leverantör av konditionsutrustning, inklusive roddmaskiner, stakmaskiner och träningscyklar. Deras produkter möjliggör konditionsträning oavsett väderförhållanden. SkiErg är en stakergometer som används för att träna kondition och styrka i armar, bål och ben. Användare inkluderar längdskidåkare, allmänna träningsentusiaster och Crossfit-utövare. Redskapet levereras med ett remlöst handtag som kan bytas ut mot ett skidhandtag. Den stora utmaningen var att byta handtag då dagens montering klassas som halvpermanent. Projektets syfte var att skapa en förbättrad användarupplevelse av Concept2 SkiErg handtag samt främja social hållbarhet genom att sätta individens behov i fokus. Projektet avser också att ge studenten en inblick i hur det är att leda och genomföra en hel produktutvecklingsprocess, från planeringsfas till färdig prototyp. Målet var att presentera ett färdigt koncept med en eller flera fysiska prototyper som består av ett anpassningsbart handtag med tekniska lösningar för olika typer av användare. Arbetet följde en produktutvecklingsprocess som omfattade flera steg inklusive en marknadsanalys för att undersöka konkurrenter och användarbehov, konceptgenerering, prototypframtagning och användartester. Projektet resulterade i två genomförbara koncept: SkiErg Grip Adapter och SkiErg ErgoGrip. Koncepten presenterades genom fysiska prototyper och renderingar. Projektet uppnådde sitt syfte genom att skapa en förbättrad användarupplevelse som bekräftades genom användartester. Projektet gav en värdefull inblick i produktutvecklingsprocessen och de utmaningar som kan uppstå. / Concept2 is a leading supplier of fitness equipment, including rowing machines, ski machines and exercise bikes. Their products enable fitness training regardless of weather conditions. SkiErg is a ski ergometer used for cardio and strength training for arms, core, and legs. Users include cross-country skiers, general fitness enthusiasts, and CrossFit practitioners. SkiErg comes with a strapless handle that can be replaced with a ski handle. The main challenge is handle-replacement as the current assembly is classed as semi-permanent. The purpose of the project was to create an improved user experience of the Concept2 SkiErg handle and promote social sustainability by focusing on individual needs. The goal was to present a finished concept with one or more physical prototypes consisting of an adaptable handle with technical solutions for different types of users. The work follows a product development process that includes several steps, including market analysis to explore competitors and user needs, concept development, prototype development and user testing. The project resulted in two feasible concepts: SkiErg Grip Adapter and SkiErg ErgoGrip. The concepts were presented through physical prototypes and renderings. The project achieved its purpose by creating an enhanced user experience validated through user testing. The project provides valuable insights into the product development process and the challenges that may arise. / <p>Betygsdatum 2023-06-07</p>

Zapojení vybraných svalů horní části těla při oboustranném bruslení jednodobém, soupažném běhu prostém a při napodobivém cvičení na běžkařském trenažeru Concept 2 / Involvement of the muscles of the upper body collected at time of cross-country skiing and during simulating exercises

Horyna, Roman January 2018 (has links)
Title: Upper body muscles activity in V2 skating technique, double poling and on a skiing machine Concept 2 Objectives: Comparison of involvement upper body muscles during V2 skating technique, double poling and on a skiing machine Concept 2. Methods: Comparative analysis: the dates were measured by surface electromyography and 2-D video-analysis. Results: We found statistically significant coordination similarity by comparisons muscle preactivation and activation during V2 skating technique and double poling. Trunk flexors musculus obliquus abdominis externus and musculus rectus abdominis showed unlike the main propulsion muscles, musculus pectoralis major, musculus triceps brachii and musculus latissimus dorsi, significantly higher preactivation during V2 skating technique and double poling in comparison to skiing machine Concept 2. Activation of the main propulsion muscles on a skiing machine Concept 2 is significantly higher than during V2 skating technique and double poling. Skiing machine Concept 2 cannot be considered as a specific training method for cross-country skiing. Long-term application may cause disruption of double poling technique. Key words: Cross country skiing, V2 skating technique, double poling, skiing machine Concept 2 (SkiErg), kinesiology, surface electromyography

Zapojení vybraných svalů horní části těla při oboustranném bruslení jednodobém, soupažném běhu prostém a při napodobivém cvičení na běžkařském trenažeru Concept 2 / Involvement of the muscles of the upper body collected at time of cross-country skiing and during simulating exercises

Horyna, Roman January 2018 (has links)
Title: Upper body muscles activity in V2 skating technique, double poling and on a skiing machine Concept 2 Objectives: Comparison of involvement upper body muscles during V2 skating technique, double poling and on a skiing machine Concept 2. Methods: Comparative analysis: the dates were measured by surface electromyography and 2-D video-analysis. Results: We found statistically significant coordination similarity by comparisons muscle preactivation and activation during V2 skating technique and double poling. Trunk flexors musculus obliquus abdominis externus and musculus rectus abdominis showed unlike the main propulsion muscles, musculus pectoralis major, musculus triceps brachii and musculus latissimus dorsi, significantly higher preactivation during V2 skating technique and double poling in comparison to skiing machine Concept 2. Activation of the main propulsion muscles on a skiing machine Concept 2 is significantly higher than during V2 skating technique and double poling. Skiing machine Concept 2 cannot be considered as a specific training method for cross-country skiing. Long-term application may cause disruption of double poling technique. Key words: Cross country skiing, V2 skating technique, double poling, skiing machine Concept 2 (SkiErg), kinesiology, surface electromyography

Ověření vlivu hyperoxie na výkon v team sprintu modifikovaném pro SkiErg / Verification of hyperoxia influence on performance in the team sprint modified for SkiErg

Schützová, Sandra January 2020 (has links)
Title: Verification of the effects of hyperoxia on the result in a test simulating performance in a team sprint on SkiErg skiing simulator. Objectives: The work aims to verify the effect of hyperoxia on the result in a test simulating performance in a team sprint on SkiErg skiing simulator. Methods: This is a qualitative research conducted by comparing hart rate, power in watts and lactate in ten probands. Values measured after inhalation of concentrated oxygen and placebo were compared. Results: There was no positive effect from meansurements of the heart rate, power in watts and lactate after concentration of inhaled oxygen and placebo on the SkiErg simulator. We concluded that the effect of inhalated concentrated oxygen Was in our test statistically insignificant. Keywords: Cross-country skiing, strengh, hyperoxia, heart rate, lactate

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