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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Investigation of NoGap : SIMD Datapath Implementation

Chan, Chun-Jung January 2011 (has links)
Nowadays, many ASIP systems with high computational capabilities are designed in order to fulfill the increasing demands of technical applications. However, the design of ASIP system usually takes many man hours. Therefore, a number of EDA tools are developed to ease the design effort, but they limit the design freedom due to their predefined design templates. Consequently, designers are forced to use lower level HDLs which offer high design flexibility but require substantial design hours. A novel design automation tool called NoGap was proposed to balance such issues. The NoGap system, which is especially used in ASIPs and accelerator design, effectively provides high design flexibility and saves design effort for designers. The efficiency and design ability of NoGap were investigated in this thesis work. NoGap was used to implement an eight-way SIMD datapath of an ASIP called Sleipnir, which was devised by the Division of Computer Engineering at Linköping University. For contrast, the manually crafted HDL implementation of the Sleipnir was taken. The critical path implementations, done by both design approaches, were synthesized to the Altera Strtix IV FPGA. The synthesize results showed that the NoGap design although used 1.358 times as many hardware units as the original HDL design. Their timing performance is comparable (HDL/NoGap-60.042/58.156Mhz). In this thesis, based on the design experience of SIMD datapath, valuable aspects were suggested to benefit the future users who will use NoGap to implement SIMD structures. In addition, the hidden bugs and insufficient features of NoGap were discovered, and the referable suggestions were provided in order to help the developers to improve the NoGap system.

Implementation of LTE Baseband Algorithms for a Highly Parallel DSP Platform

Keller, Markus January 2016 (has links)
The division of computer engineering at Linköping’s university is currentlydeveloping an innovative parallel DSP processor architecture called ePUMA. Onepossible future purpose of the ePUMA that has been thought of is to implement itin base stations for mobile communication. In order to investigate the performanceand potential of the ePUMA as a processing unit in base stations, a model of theLTE physical layer uplink receiving chain has been simulated in Matlab and thenpartially mapped onto the ePUMA processor.The project work included research and understanding of the LTE standard andsimulating the uplink processing chain in Matlab for a transmission bandwidth of5 MHz. Major tasks of the DSP implementation included the development of a300-point FFT algorithm and a channel equalization algorithm for the SIMD unitsof the ePUMA platform. This thesis provides the reader with an introduction tothe LTE standard as well as an introduction to the ePUMA processor. Furthermore,it can serve as a guidance to develop mixed point radix FFTs in general orthe 300 point FFT in specific and can help with a basic understanding of channelequalization. The work of the thesis included the whole developing chain from understandingthe algorithms, simplifying and mapping them onto a DSP platform,and testing and verification of the results.

Benchmarking of Sleipnir DSP Processor, ePUMA Platform

Murugesan, Somasekar January 2011 (has links)
Choosing a right processor for an embedded application, or designing a new pro-cessor requires us to know how it stacks up against the competition, or sellinga processor requires a credible communication about its performance to the cus-tomers, which means benchmarking of a processor is very important. They arerecognized world wide by processor vendors and customers alike as the fact-basedway to evaluate and communicate embedded processor performance. In this the-sis, the benchmarking of ePUMA multiprocessor developed by the Division ofComputer Engineering, ISY, Linköping University, Sweden will be described indetails. A number of typical digital signal processing algorithms are chosen asbenchmarks. These benchmarks have been implemented in assembly code withtheir performance measured in terms of clock cycles and root mean square errorwhen compared with result computed using double precision. The ePUMA multi-processor platform which comprises of the Sleipnir DSP processor and Senior DSPprocessor was used to implement the DSP algorithms. Matlab inbuilt models wereused as reference to compare with the assembly implementation to derive the rootmean square error values of different algorithms. The execution time for differentDSP algorithms ranged from 51 to 6148 clock cycles and the root mean squareerror values varies between 0.0003 to 0.11.

Döden och de gotländska bildstenarna : En jämförande studie mellan hinsidesföreställningar i skriftliga källor till fornskandinavisk religion och gotländskt bildstensmaterial.

Grobosch Thorsell, Rosemarie January 2011 (has links)
Detta är en jämförande undersökning mellan hinsidesföreställningar i de skriftliga källorna till fornskandinavisk religion och bildscener på de sena (700 – 1100-talet) gotländska bildstenarna. Den tidigare forskningen kring hinsidesföreställningarna har ofta fokuserat på Valhall vilket enligt mig kan ha lett till att andra centrala föreställningar kan ha kommit i skymundan. Jag visar med min genomgång av föreställningarna i de skriftliga källorna att de olika platserna som den döde kunde komma till bär på gemensamma aspekter i form av kvinnan som möter den döde, kvinnan som härskar över den döde samt hallen där man åt och drack. Samma tema återkommer på de sena gotländska bildstenarna . De visar dessutom en liknande variation av föreställningarna som de skriftliga källorna. Valhall är alltså inte nödvändigtvist den enda tolkningen av dessa bildscener. / This is a comparative study between afterlife beliefs in written sources to the Norse religion and visual scenes in the late Gotland picture stones. The previous research on afterlife beliefs has often focused on the Valhallamotif, which in my opinion, could have led to the problem that other essential ideas of afterlife may have been overlooked. I show in my review that the afterlife beliefs in the written sources share common aspects: the woman who meets the deceased, the women who rule over the dead and the hall where the dead eat and drinks. The same aspects return on the late Gotland picture stones. They also show a similar variation in the notions of afterlife as the written sources. Valhalla is not necessarily the only interpretation of the image scenes.

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