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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Magneto-Dielectric Wire Antennas Theory and Design

January 2013 (has links)
abstract: There is a pervasive need in the defense industry for conformal, low-profile, efficient and broadband (HF-UHF) antennas. Broadband capabilities enable shared aperture multi-function radiators, while conformal antenna profiles minimize physical damage in army applications, reduce drag and weight penalties in airborne applications and reduce the visual and RF signatures of the communication node. This dissertation is concerned with a new class of antennas called Magneto-Dielectric wire antennas (MDWA) that provide an ideal solution to this ever-present and growing need. Magneto-dielectric structures (μr>1;εr>1) can partially guide electromagnetic waves and radiate them by leaking off the structure or by scattering from any discontinuities, much like a metal antenna of the same shape. They are attractive alternatives to conventional whip and blade antennas because they can be placed conformal to a metallic ground plane without any performance penalty. A two pronged approach is taken to analyze MDWAs. In the first, antenna circuit models are derived for the prototypical dipole and loop elements that include the effects of realistic dispersive magneto-dielectric materials of construction. A material selection law results, showing that: (a) The maximum attainable efficiency is determined by a single magnetic material parameter that we term the hesitivity: Closely related to Snoek's product, it measures the maximum magnetic conductivity of the material. (b) The maximum bandwidth is obtained by placing the highest amount of μ" loss in the frequency range of operation. As a result, high radiation efficiency antennas can be obtained not only from the conventional low loss (low μ") materials but also with highly lossy materials (tan(δm)>>1). The second approach used to analyze MDWAs is through solving the Green function problem of the infinite magneto-dielectric cylinder fed by a current loop. This solution sheds light on the leaky and guided waves supported by the magneto-dielectric structure and leads to useful design rules connecting the permeability of the material to the cross sectional area of the antenna in relation to the desired frequency of operation. The Green function problem of the permeable prolate spheroidal antenna is also solved as a good approximation to a finite cylinder. / Dissertation/Thesis / Ph.D. Electrical Engineering 2013

Miniaturisation des antennes de station de base RFID dans la bande UHF et leur fonctionnement en multibande, par l'utilisation de métamatériaux / Miniaturization of RFID base station antennas in the UHF band and their operation in multiband, by the use of metamaterials

Ramanandraibe, Marosoa Esthelladi 07 October 2016 (has links)
Les dimensions d’une antenne sont inversement proportionnelles à leurs fréquences de fonctionnement. De plus, la miniaturisation d’une antenne entraîne la dégradation de ses performances électriques et de rayonnement. Par conséquent, il est important pour le concepteur de trouver un bon compromis entre le taux de miniaturisation et les performances souhaitées. L’objet de cette thèse est de proposer une antenne miniature possédant les meilleures caractéristiques possibles dans la bande UHF de la RFID (860MHz – 960MHz), facile à réaliser et à moindre coût d’industrialisation. Les travaux de cette thèse ont montré qu’un couplage magnétique d’une cellule de métamatériaux avec une demi-boucle permet d’obtenir des structures antennaires intéressantes de par leurs dimensions de l’ordre de λ0/10, leur efficacité et leur fonctionnement en multibande. Différentes techniques sont appliquées pour améliorer les performances des antennes développées à savoir le gain, la directivité et la polarisation circulaire et/ou elliptique. / Antenna dimensions are inversely proportional to their operating frequencies. Besides, the antenna miniaturization degrades its electrical and radiation performances. Therefore it is important for the antenna designer to find a good compromise between the miniaturization rate and the desired performances. The purpose of this thesis is to obtain a miniature antenna which has good characteristics in the UHF band of RFID (860MHz - 960MHz), easy to implement and with low industrialization cost. The works described in this thesis showed that a magnetic coupling of a metamaterial cell with a half loop provides interesting antennas in terms of dimensions of about λ0/10, efficiency and multiband behavior. Different techniques are applied to improve the performances of realized antennas as gain, directivity and circular and/or elliptical polarization.

Non-Foster Circuit Design and Stability Analysis for Wideband Antenna Applications

Elfrgani, Aseim M. N 19 August 2015 (has links)
No description available.

Non-Foster Impedance Matching and Loading Networks for Electrically Small Antennas

Song, Keum Su 12 September 2011 (has links)
No description available.

Bandwidth enhanced antennas for mobile terminals and multilayer ceramic packages

Komulainen, M. (Mikko) 12 June 2009 (has links)
Abstract In this thesis, bandwidth (BW) enhanced antennas for mobile terminals and multilayer ceramic packages are presented. The thesis is divided into two parts. In the first part, electrically frequency-tunable mobile terminal antennas have been studied. The first three antennas presented were of a dual-band planar inverted-F type (PIFA) and were tuned to operate in frequency bands appropriate to the GSM850 (824–894 MHz), GSM900 (880–960 MHz), GSM1800 (1710–1880 MHz), GSM1900 (1850–1990 MHz) and UMTS (1920–2170 MHz) cellular telecommunication standards with RF PIN diode switches. The first antenna utilized a frequency-tuning method developed in this thesis. The method was based on an integration of the tuning circuitry into the antenna. The tuning of the second antenna was based on a switchable parasitic antenna element. By combining the two frequency-tuning approaches, a third PIFA could be switched to operate in eight frequency bands. The planar monopole antennas researched were varactor-tunable for digital television signal reception (470–702 MHz) and RF PIN diode switchable dual-band antenna for operation at four cellular bands. The key advantage of the former antenna was a compact size (0.7 cm3), while for the latter one, a tuning circuit was implemented without using separate DC wiring for controlling the switch component. The second part of the thesis is devoted to multilayer ceramic package integrated microwave antennas. In the beginning, the use of a laser micro-machined embedded air cavity was proposed to enable antenna size to impedance bandwidth (BW) trade-off for a microwave microstrip in a multilayer monolithic ceramic media. It was shown that the BW of a 10 GHz antenna fabricated on a low temperature co-fired ceramic (LTCC) substrate could be doubled with this technique. Next, the implementation of a compact surface mountable LTCC antenna package operating near 10 GHz was described. The package was composed of a BW optimized stacked patch microstrip antenna and a wide-band vertical ball grid array (BGA)-via interconnection. Along with the electrical performance optimization, an accurate circuit model describing the antenna structure was presented. Finally, the use of low-sintering temperature non-linear dielectric Barium Strontium Titanate (BST) thick films was demonstrated in a folded slot antenna operating at 3 GHz and frequency-tuned with an integrated BST varactor.

Novel Metamaterial Blueprints and Elements for Electromagnetic Applications

Odabasi, Hayrettin 08 August 2013 (has links)
No description available.

Wideband and multi-element antennas for mobile applications

Sonkki, M. (Marko) 07 May 2013 (has links)
Abstract This dissertation presents wideband and multi-element antennas for mobile applications. It is divided into the following main parts: modal theory, wideband antennas, multi-element antennas, and wideband multi-element antennas. The radiating fields are first studied in terms of spherical scalar and vector modes, and it is shown how these modes correlate with the characteristic current modes on a planar mobile ground plane. The theory part shows how it is possible to excite the same modes on a conventional sphere and a rectangular planar mobile ground plane. The theory refers to the novel wideband antenna structures presented in this dissertation, in terms of current and radiating modes. After studying the modes, the dissertation shows how to excite a radiating antenna mode within a wide frequency bandwidth. To gain this, two main approaches are taken. First, a quasi-complementary antenna (QCA) structure with an electric conductor and magnetic slot is presented, and its characteristics are studied. A QCA UWB antenna, and a QCA element excited with a monopole or a dipole, is presented. The QCA structure compensates for the imaginary part of the input impedance on wide frequency bandwidth, when, at the same time, the fundamental mode is excited to ensure good radiating properties. The second approach uses a symmetrical feeding with two antenna elements to gain a wide frequency bandwidth, the relative -6 dB impedance bandwidth between 37.5–80%. When a field is symmetrically coupled to the conducting ground plane, the excitation avoids the awakening of higher order modes which might disturb the performance of the antenna. It is also shown, by using multiple feeding elements, that the excitation of orthogonal higher order modes on a small radiating ground plane is possible. As the modes are orthogonal to each other, they present a very low correlation. By using this kind of approach, radiation pattern diversity can be obtained in mobile applications within a small volume. On the other hand, when combining two QCA elements to a one multi-element antenna structure, a wideband diversity antenna with an 87.5% relative -6 dB impedance bandwidth, and a wideband MIMO antenna with a 95.0% relative -6 dB impedance bandwidth, are presented with excellent radiation and correlation properties. Also mutual coupling is need to be counted when multi-element antennas are designed. When designing an efficient radiator, it is important to consider an antenna feeding in terms of wideband impedance matching and wideband baluns, not to spoil the antenna performance. The efficient antenna structures and feeding mechanisms are obtained by using commercial 3D electromagnetic simulators to find the desired wideband antenna characteristics. Prototype antennas are measured in most of the presented structures to show their functionality in real. In general, the dissertation presents wideband antenna structures with radiating antenna modes excited on a planar conducting ground plane. The idea is to find structures and feeding mechanisms to excite the fundamental mode, or a certain radiating antenna mode, at a wide frequency bandwidth, by avoiding the excitation of higher order modes which might disturb the antenna performance. It is also shown that, by using multiple feeding elements, it is possible to excite higher order modes on a small antenna. / Tiivistelmä Väitöskirjassa esitetään uusia laajakaistaisia ja monielementtiantenneja matkaviestimiin. Väitöskirja koostuu neljästä pääalueesta: pintavirtojen muototeoria, laajakaistaiset antennit, monielementtiantennit sekä laajakaistaiset monielementtiantennit. Teoriaosassa säteilykenttiä on aluksi tutkittu pallon pinnalla sekä skalaaripotentiaaleina että pintavirtavektoreina, jonka jälkeen niitä on verrattu mobiilin laitteen maatason ominaispintavirtojen synnyttämiin säteilykenttiin. Teoriaosassa osoitetaan, että pallon pinnalla sekä tasomaisella suorakaiteen muotoisella pinnalla on mahdollista herättää samat säteilykentät. Myöhemmin väitöskirjassa esitettävien uudenlaisten antennirakenteiden ominaisuuksia verrataan teoriaosassa esitettyihin pintavirtoihin ja säteilykenttiin. Teoriaosuuden jälkeen osoitetaan miten säteilevä sähkömagneettinen kenttä saadaan herätettyä laajalla taajuusalueella. Tähän on otettu kaksi eri lähestymistapaa, joista ensimmäisessä esitellään ja tutkitaan kvasikomplementaarista antennirakennetta (QCA). Kvasikomplementaarisessa antennirakenteessa sisääntuloimpedanssin imaginaariosa kompensoidaan yhdistämällä sähköinen johde ja magneettinen rako samaan antenniin. Samanaikaisesti perusmuoto herätetään laajalla taajuusalueella, jolla varmistetaan antennin hyvät säteilyominaisuudet koko toimintataajuusalueella. Toisessa lähestymistavassa käytetään kahta symmetrisesti asetettua antennielementtiä, joita syötetään symmetrisesti samalla amplitudilla ja vaiheella. Kun sähkömagneettinen kenttä herätetään symmetrisesti, korkeamman kertaluvun muotojen herättäminen voidaan välttää laajalla taajuusalueella. Symmetrisesti syötetyillä antennirakenteilla saavutettu -6 dB suhteellinen impedanssikaistanleveys on 37.5–80 %. Useita syöttöelementtejä käytettäessä voidaan mobiilin laitteen maatasossa herättää yhdellä pistetaajuudella monta toisistaan riippumatonta säteilykenttää. Koska herätetyt kentät ovat toisistaan riippumattomia, on niiden välinen korrelaatio myös pieni. Kyseisellä rakenteella on mahdollista toteuttaa säteilykuviodiversiteetti erittäin pienessä tilassa, kuten matkapuhelimessa. Toisaalta, kun yhdistetään kaksi QCA-elementtiä yhdeksi monielementtiratkaisuksi, voidaan toteuttaa laajakaistainen diversiteettiantenni, jonka suhteellinen -6 dB impedanssikaistanleveys on 87.5 %. Vastaavasti kahdella laajakaistaisella QCA-elementillä toteutetulla MIMO-ratkaisulla päästään 95 % suhteelliseen -6 dB impedanssikaistanleveyteen. Molemmilla ratkaisuilla on erittäin hyvät säteilyominaisuudet sekä alhainen korrelaatio ja pieni keskinäiskytkentä antennielementtien välillä. Suunniteltaessa toimivaa laajakaistaista antennirakennetta, on tärkeää ottaa huomioon antennisyötön impedanssisovitus, jotta antennin suorituskyky ei heikkenisi. Lisäksi balansoidussa rakenteissa tulee olla laajakaistainen baluni, jolla vältetään säteilykuvion vääristyminen. Väitöskirjan syöttöratkaisuissa on käytetty kaupallisia sähkömagneettisia simulaattoreita, joilla antennirakenne voidaan mallintaa kolmiulotteisesti, ja joilla laajakaistainen syöttö saadaan optimoitua haluttuun antenniin. Suurin osa esitellyistä antennirakenteista on simulointien lisäksi myös mitattu, jolloin niiden toimivuus käytännössä pystytään todentamaan rakentamalla prototyyppiantenni. Yleisesti väitöskirjassa esitellään tasomaisia antenniratkaisuja johtavassa maatasossa, joissa säteilevät pintavirrat herätetään mahdollisimman laajalla taajuusalueella. Ideana on löytää laajakaistaisia antenni- ja syöttörakenteita, joilla saadaan herätettyä perusmuoto tai jokin muu haluttu muoto. Ajatuksena on välttää korkeamman kertaluvun muotojen herättäminen, jotka voivat pilata antennin suorituskyvyn. Väitöskirjassa osoitetaan myös, että pienikokoisella antennilla on mahdollista herättää korkeamman kertaluvun muotoja pistetaajuudella käyttämällä useita heräte-elementtejä.

Novel Closed-Loop Matching Network Topology for Reconfigurable Antenna Applications

Smith, Nathanael J. 21 May 2014 (has links)
No description available.


Elghannai, Ezdeen Ahmed January 2016 (has links)
No description available.

Design Methodology for Wideband Electrically Small Antennas (ESA) Based on the Theory of Characteristic Modes (CM)

Obeidat, Khaled Ahmad 26 August 2010 (has links)
No description available.

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