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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Ranking of Energy Saving Devices for Smart Homes according to their Payback Time

Felderer, Astrid, Brandtweiner, Roman, Hoeltl, Andrea January 2018 (has links) (PDF)
This paper discusses the average energy savings of various smart devices in connection with their average price. By calculating the devices' payback times, a ranking of the tools can be given. The whole study focuses on the average household within the EU-28 in terms of climate as well as in terms of user behaviour. The purpose of the research was to provide a win-win situation for users' wallets and the environment by showing the device which suits both players best. As a result of the research, it was found that the greatest reduction in energy consumption can be reached by an interaction of the smart device and the inhabitants of a smart home. By giving users feedback on their energy consumption through smart meters, average savings of 7.5% are reached. As a smart meter is available for about Euro 80, it has a payback time of only 4.24 months.

Smart connected homes : concepts, risks, and challenges

Bugeja, Joseph January 2018 (has links)
The growth and presence of heterogeneous connected devices inside the home have the potential to provide increased efficiency and quality of life to the residents. Simultaneously, these devices tend to be Internet-connected and continuously monitor, collect, and transmit data about the residents and their daily lifestyle activities. Such data can be of a sensitive nature, such as camera feeds, voice commands, physiological data, and more. This data allows for the implementation of services, personalization support, and benefits offered by smart home technologies. Alas, there has been a rift of security and privacy attacks on connected home devices that compromise the security, safety, and privacy of the occupants. In this thesis, we provide a comprehensive description of the smart connected home ecosystem in terms of its assets, architecture, functionality, and capabilities. Especially, we focus on the data being collected by smart home devices. Such description and organization are necessary as a precursor to perform a rigorous security and privacy analysis of the smart home. Additionally, we seek to identify threat agents, risks, challenges, and propose some mitigation approaches suitable for home environments. Identifying these is core to characterize what is at stake, and to gain insights into what is required to build more robust, resilient, secure, and privacy-preserving smart home systems. Overall, we propose new concepts, models, and methods serving as a foundation for conducting deeper research work in particular linked to smart connected homes. In particular, we propose a taxonomy of devices; classification of data collected by smart connected homes; threat agent model for the smart connected home; and identify challenges, risks, and propose some mitigation approaches. / <p>Note: The papers are not included in the fulltext online.</p>

Soul-Py: better sleep hygiene for students : A study of sleep hygiene among students and how to improve them through a smartphone application

Huynh, Stella January 2024 (has links)
This study is a bachelor thesis in the field of Information Design with a focus on Interaction Design. It aims to develop an interactive application to raise self-awareness on the matter of sleep hygiene for young adults, especially college students.  The study integrates both quantitative methods such as surveys, and qualitative methods including interviews and usability testing, to gather data. This report demonstrates the design thinking behind design solutions based on collected data and several iterative processes. The study involves various experts and the potential target group to create a User-Centered Design application. In total, seven experts in both health and user experience fields, and five college students were involved in the qualitative research. Various psychological theories such as Cognitive Load and Self-Determination were used in the study to create a user-friendly application.  The result of this study is a design proposal for the interactive application called Soul-Py, which combines a sleep tracker, gamification of sleep hygiene topics, a community that involves both experts and other users, and a controller for smart home devices. The application encourages users to self-reflect on their sleep hygiene and practice better sleep hygiene practices. / Denna studie är en kandidatuppsats inom området informationsdesign med fokus på interaktionsdesign. Den syftar till att utveckla en interaktiv applikation för att öka självmedvetenheten om sömnhygien för unga vuxna, särskilt universitetsstudenter.  Studien integrerar både kvantitativa metoder, såsom enkäter, och kvalitativa metoder, inklusive intervjuer och användbarhetstester, för att samla in data. Denna rapport visar designprocessen bakom design lösningarna baserade på insamlade data och flera iterativa processer. Studien involverar olika experter och potentiella målgrupp för att skapa en användarcentrerad designapplikation. Totalt var sju experter inom både hälso- och användarupplevelseområdena, samt fem universitetsstudenter, inblandade i den kvalitativa forskningen. Olika psykologiska teorier såsom kognitiv belastning och självbestämmandeteori användes i studien för att skapa en användarvänlig applikation.  Resultatet av studien är ett designförslag för den interaktiva applikationen, kallad Soul-Py, som kombinerar en sömnspårare, spelifiering för ämnen om sömnhygien, en gemenskap som involverar både experter och andra användare, samt en kontroller för smarta hem-enheter. Applikationen uppmuntrar användarna att reflektera över sin sömnhygien och att praktisera bättre sömnhygienvanor.

Investigating the Impact of User Behavior in the Security of Smart Home IoT Devices

Ghunaim, Maha January 2023 (has links)
As technology is growing at a fast pace, IoT-based smart home services are increasingly adopted by people. IoT-based smart homes offer numerous unimaginable benefits, including efficiency, safety, effectiveness, scalability of services, devices, and data, among many others. However, there is another side to this technology: security threats. As IoT-based technology is distributed in nature, implementing security measures and policies to protect the infrastructure becomes very difficult. The infrastructure faces threats such as information theft, eavesdropping, distortion, and more. Ensuring the security of smart home IoT devices is a critical concern, and user behavior plays a major role in achieving it. Furthermore, Theory of Planned Behavior (TPB) was utilized throughout the study. This study employed a qualitative research methodology and content analysis technique to investigate the impact of user behavior on the security of smart home IoT devices. The findings revealed several themes, such as the significance of comprehending and resolving security issues, the implementation of security measures, and the impact of user education and awareness. The study offered fresh perspectives on IoT device security and will aid in developing security best practices / I takt med att tekniken växer i snabb takt, anammas IoT-baserade smarta hemtjänster alltmer av människor. IoT-baserade smarta hem erbjuder många ofattbara fördelar, inklusive effektivitet, säkerhet, effektivitet, skalbarhet för tjänster, enheter och data, bland många andra. Däremot är en annan sida av denna teknik: säkerhetshot. Som IoT-baserad teknik distribueras i natur, att implementera säkerhetsåtgärder och policyer för att skydda infrastrukturen blir mycketsvår. Infrastrukturen står inför hot som informationsstöld, avlyssning, förvrängning och Mer. Att säkerställa säkerheten för smarta hem IoT-enheter är en kritisk fråga, och användarnas beteende spelar en stor roll för att uppnå det. Dessutom användes Theory of Planned Behavior (TPB).under hela studien. Denna studie använde en kvalitativ forskningsmetodik och innehållanalysteknik för att undersöka hur användarbeteendet påverkar säkerheten för IoT för smarta hemenheter. Fynden avslöjade flera teman, såsom betydelsen av att förstå och lösa säkerhetsfrågor, implementering av säkerhetsåtgärder och användarens inverkanutbildning och medvetenhet. Studien erbjöd nya perspektiv på IoT-enhetssäkerhet och kommer att hjälpa att utveckla bästa praxis för säkerhet / نظرًا لأن التكنولوجيا تنمو بوتيرة سريعة ، يتم اعتماد خدمات المنزل الذكي القائمة على إنترنت الأشياء بشكل متزايد من قبل الناس. توفر المنازل الذكية القائمة على إنترنت الأشياء العديد من المزايا التي لا يمكن تصورها ، بما في ذلك الكفاءة والأمان والفعالية وقابلية التوسع في الخدمات والأجهزة والبيانات ، من بين أشياء أخرى كثيرة. ومع ذلك ، هناك جانب آخر لهذه التكنولوجيا: التهديدات الأمنية. نظرًا لتوزيع التكنولوجيا القائمة على إنترنت الأشياء بطبيعتها ، يصبح تنفيذ التدابير والسياسات الأمنية لحماية البنية التحتية أمرًا صعبًا للغاية. تواجه البنية التحتية تهديدات مثل سرقة المعلومات والتنصت والتشويه والمزيد. يعد ضمان أمان أجهزة إنترنت الأشياء المنزلية الذكية مصدر قلق بالغ ، ويلعب سلوك المستخدم دورًا رئيسيًا في تحقيق ذلك. علاوة على ذلك ، تم استخدام نظرية السلوك المخطط (TPB) طوال الدراسة. استخدمت هذه الدراسة منهجية البحث النوعي وتقنية تحليل المحتوى للتحقيق في تأثير سلوك المستخدم على أمن أجهزة إنترنت الأشياء المنزلية الذكية. كشفت النتائج عن عدة محاور ، مثل أهمية فهم وحل المشكلات الأمنية ، وتنفيذ التدابير الأمنية ، وتأثير تثقيف المستخدمين وتوعيتهم. قدمت الدراسة وجهات نظر جديدة حول أمن أجهزة إنترنت الأشياء وستساعد في تطوير أفضل الممارسات الأمنية

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