Spelling suggestions: "subject:"smart ervices"" "subject:"smart dervices""
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Innovationen durch Smart Services als Chance und AufgabeMeyer, Kyrill, Härtwig, Jörg 03 February 2020 (has links)
Das Smartphone informiert Sie, dass zu einer bestimmten Zeit ein Paket eintrifft? Die Türklingel sendet Ihnen ein Bild des Besuchers und den Aufenthaltsort der Freunde im Park teilt man per GPS und Direktnachricht. Digitalisierung macht all dies möglich. Solche und ähnliche Dienste werden als Smart Services bezeichnet.
Neben den technologischen Möglichkeiten einzelner digitaler Dienstleistungen liegen die Chancen für Unternehmen in einem neuen Grundverständnis ganzer Serviceketten. Smart Service Engineering steht für eine leistungsfähige Vernetzung von Unternehmen, Produkten und Dienstleistungen – eng verknüpft mit einer klaren Fokussierung auf den Mehrwert für den Kunden. Was einleuchtend und zukunftsweisend erscheint, erweist sich in der Praxis häufig als schwierige Aufgabe.
In diese Thematik führt das Whitepaper des LESSIE – Netzwerkes zu Chancen und Aufgaben für Innovationen durch Smart Services ein.:Einführung
Smart Services: Aus virtueller Realität wird reale Virtualisierung
Digitale Herausforderung und serviceorientierte Leistungserstellung
LESSIE als Methode und Kompetenznetzwerk
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Modellbasierte Entwicklungsmethoden als Enabler von Smart Services im Kontext von Industrie 4.0Kampfmann, Rüdiger, Menager, Nils 29 May 2018 (has links) (PDF)
Ständig steigende Anforderungen an industrielle Anlagen, wie zum Beispiel ein höherer Durchsatz oder mehr Flexibilität, führen zu einer gesteigerten Komplexität dieser Systeme. Zusätzlich verlagert sich immer mehr Funktionalität aus dem Hardware- in den Softwarebereich, so dass dessen Bedeutung stetig zunimmt. Diesem Wandel mit wettbewerbsfähiger Entwicklungszeit zu begegnen, ist eine der wichtigsten Herausforderungen im Automatisierungssektor. Einen Ansatz hierzu stellt die Verwendung modellbasierter Entwicklungsmethoden dar. Während in den frühen Phasen des Entwicklungsprozesses modellbasierte Methoden zunehmend häufiger eingesetzt werden, besteht vor allem in den späteren Entwicklungsphasen sowie in der Phase des Betriebs erheblicher Nachholbedarf. In diesem Beitrag werden zunächst die bereits heute in der Praxis verwendeten Methoden am Beispiel einer komplexen Roboterkinematik vorgestellt. Anschließend wird im Wesentlichen die Phase des Betriebs betrachtet und dargestellt, welche Mehrwerte sich durch die Verwendung so genannter Smart Services auf Basis der bereits vorhandenen physikalischen Simulationsmodelle ergeben.
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Modellbasierte Entwicklungsmethoden als Enabler von Smart Services im Kontext von Industrie 4.0Kampfmann, Rüdiger, Menager, Nils 29 May 2018 (has links)
Ständig steigende Anforderungen an industrielle Anlagen, wie zum Beispiel ein höherer Durchsatz oder mehr Flexibilität, führen zu einer gesteigerten Komplexität dieser Systeme. Zusätzlich verlagert sich immer mehr Funktionalität aus dem Hardware- in den Softwarebereich, so dass dessen Bedeutung stetig zunimmt. Diesem Wandel mit wettbewerbsfähiger Entwicklungszeit zu begegnen, ist eine der wichtigsten Herausforderungen im Automatisierungssektor. Einen Ansatz hierzu stellt die Verwendung modellbasierter Entwicklungsmethoden dar. Während in den frühen Phasen des Entwicklungsprozesses modellbasierte Methoden zunehmend häufiger eingesetzt werden, besteht vor allem in den späteren Entwicklungsphasen sowie in der Phase des Betriebs erheblicher Nachholbedarf. In diesem Beitrag werden zunächst die bereits heute in der Praxis verwendeten Methoden am Beispiel einer komplexen Roboterkinematik vorgestellt. Anschließend wird im Wesentlichen die Phase des Betriebs betrachtet und dargestellt, welche Mehrwerte sich durch die Verwendung so genannter Smart Services auf Basis der bereits vorhandenen physikalischen Simulationsmodelle ergeben.
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Smart Services and Service Science13 September 2012 (has links) (PDF)
Services Science is a new research discipline that has received, over the last years, a growing attention from academia and practice. It combines research from various fields which have evolved more or less independently and is concerned with the development and management of service products. Whereas theories from organizational and marketing science usually capture the nature of
these products, engineering disciplines focus on shaping and developing these information goods, and the information systems field on integrating services as encapsulated application functionalities
by using standardized (XML) interfaces. All these research streams converge in the new interdisciplinary area of Services Science which integrates the principles, design, and management of economic and technical services.
For the fourth time, the \\\\\\\"International Symposium on Services Science (ISSS)\\\\\\\" offered an outstanding platform for the advancement and discussion of research in Service Science. In 2012, the ISSS focused on knowledge-intensive business services, also known as Smart Services, and their application in theory and practice. The ISSS was part of the Multi-Conference SABRE (Software, Agents and Services for Business, Research and E-Sciences, 24th-25th September 2012) and was held in Leipzig, Germany as a one-day event on the 25th September, 2012.
The symposium was organized by the Information Systems Institute and the Department of Computer Science at the University of Leipzig as well as the Institute for Applied Informatics (InfAI), Fraunhofer MOEZ and the Leipziger Informatik-Verbund (LIV). As reflected in the conference proceedings, the sessions included in the agenda dealt with Smart Services from different perspectives: Smart Services in Theory and Practice, Smart Services in Management and Application,
and Smart Services in High-Tech-Sectors. Although the official language of the conference is English, the authors had the opportunity to write their research contributions in English or German.
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High-Tech-Services, Clustermanagement und Dienstleistungsengineering: Potentiale, Trends und Perspektiven13 September 2012 (has links) (PDF)
Das Buch widmet sich dem Potential von Dienstleistungen in Hochtechnologiefeldern und versucht, Potentiale für eine Verknüpfung von Forschung im Bereich von Dienstleistungen und Hochtechnologie aufzuzeigen. Einen Ansatzpunkt hierfür bilden Clusterstrukturen. Eine stärkere „Servifizierung“ in den Strukturen dieser High-Tech-Cluster bietet hohe Potentiale zur Generierung von integrierten Smart-Services, die adaptiv, wissensintensiv, verteilt, unter Kundeneinbeziehung und mit Einsatz von entsprechender Hochtechnologie Lösungen in Märkte tragen. Dazu sind Strategien zu suchen, wie unter Nutzung existierender Erkenntnisse der Dienstleistungsforschung High-Tech-Cluster Smart Services gezielt entwickeln und in den Markt tragen können.
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Bausteine der Digitalisierung: Cloudspeicher für die Services von Unternehmen nutzenMeyer, Kyrill, Härtwig, Jörg, Hahn, Steffen 06 July 2020 (has links)
Kollaboration ist bei modernen Dienstleistungsangeboten von Unternehmen ein wichtiger Faktor. Die Zusammenarbeit mit Lieferanten, Dienstleistern, Kunden und Mitarbeitenden benötigt Mittel und Wege für den Austausch sowie Synchronisation über die verschiedensten Informationskanäle hinweg.
Hilfreich sind dabei Cloudspeicher mit ihren unterschiedlichen Funktionen. Überlegungen und Möglichkeiten für die Einrichtung und Nutzung im Unternehmenskontext werden anhand eines Unternehmensbeispiels der LIPSIA Automation GmbH in Brandis nachfolgend vorgestellt.:Cloudspeicher im Unternehmenskontext
Sicherheit und Datenschutz in der Cloud
Praxisbeispiel: Erarbeitung und Umsetzung eines Cloudspeicherkonzeptes
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Smart Services and Service Science: Proceedings of the 4th Internaional Symposium on Services Science, Leipzig (Germany), September 25, 2012Meyer, Kyrill, Abdelkafi, Nizar 13 September 2012 (has links)
Services Science is a new research discipline that has received, over the last years, a growing attention from academia and practice. It combines research from various fields which have evolved more or less independently and is concerned with the development and management of service products. Whereas theories from organizational and marketing science usually capture the nature of
these products, engineering disciplines focus on shaping and developing these information goods, and the information systems field on integrating services as encapsulated application functionalities
by using standardized (XML) interfaces. All these research streams converge in the new interdisciplinary area of Services Science which integrates the principles, design, and management of economic and technical services.
For the fourth time, the \\\\\\\'International Symposium on Services Science (ISSS)\\\\\\\' offered an outstanding platform for the advancement and discussion of research in Service Science. In 2012, the ISSS focused on knowledge-intensive business services, also known as Smart Services, and their application in theory and practice. The ISSS was part of the Multi-Conference SABRE (Software, Agents and Services for Business, Research and E-Sciences, 24th-25th September 2012) and was held in Leipzig, Germany as a one-day event on the 25th September, 2012.
The symposium was organized by the Information Systems Institute and the Department of Computer Science at the University of Leipzig as well as the Institute for Applied Informatics (InfAI), Fraunhofer MOEZ and the Leipziger Informatik-Verbund (LIV). As reflected in the conference proceedings, the sessions included in the agenda dealt with Smart Services from different perspectives: Smart Services in Theory and Practice, Smart Services in Management and Application,
and Smart Services in High-Tech-Sectors. Although the official language of the conference is English, the authors had the opportunity to write their research contributions in English or German.
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Linguistic Racism in the MarketplaceMalik, Aaminah Zaman 07 1900 (has links)
Linguistic racism is faced by non-native customers due to their different language style when they go through the service exchange process. Despite its prevalence and importance, there is a dearth of research about linguistic racism in the marketing literature, especially from consumers' perspectives. This dissertation thus aims to address this gap by focusing on consumers' cognitive and affective responses as a result to their linguistic racism experiences when they interact with service employees (native speakers) from the host country. Toward this goal, first (Essay 1), a qualitative study is performed to anchor the dissertation in the customers' real-life experiences and to help identify key associated themes which are further empirically examined (Essay 2 & 3) in this three-essay format dissertation. Essay 2 empirically investigates if the identity assignment through ones' language style makes customers feel stigmatized and influence their psychological well-being. In addition, how these experiences subsequently influence their inclination to use technology-mediated interfaces. Similarly, the main objective of Essay 3 was to employ a sociological perspective to examine the impact of language-based chronic social exclusion on non-native customers' psychological and behavioral responses in the marketplace. Moreover, their intention to pay higher tip as a refocusing strategy when these customers experience language-based chronic social exclusion. Together these three essays extend our understanding of how language varieties and the associated stigma influence non-native customer's affective and cognitive responses and shape their consumer buying behavior.
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Smarta tjänsters påverkan på anställdas arbetsformer inom detaljhandeln : En kvalitativ studie om anställdas uppfattningar om användandet av smarta tjänster / The impact of smart services on employees working methods in retail : A qualitative study on employees’ perceptions of the use of smart servicesBroman, Malin, Brännlund, Emmy January 2023 (has links)
The increased spread of digital technology and smart services has changed the way employees work in retail in a variety of ways. It has therefore changed the collaboration of actors, which has brought opportunities and challenges for employees and businesses. Varying needs of actors influence the business's decision to apply smart services in physical stores. The purpose of this qualitative study is to study IT-dependent work systems in the retail trade, which examines employees’ varied perceptions of the impact of smart services on work forms. There are complexities in collaboration between actors as well as resources and systems that can affect employees’. Method choices have been made in the form of in-depth interviews to collect deeper insights and perspectives on employees’ perceptions of how work forms are affected by smart services. A selection of respondents has been made in consideration of the socio-technical perspective, which includes work roles where employees’ interact with digital technology. In-depth interviews have been conducted with six respondents from varied operations within the retail trade. The data collection has been based on in-depth interviews where a deductive conceptual framework has been created to increase understanding and gain deeper insights into the subject. The conclusion of the study shows that smart services change the way employees’ work through increased efficiency and reduced workload. The impact of smart services also shows that the availability of information and customer interactions is changing. It also includes adaptations by employees’ when applying smart services that require increased knowledge as it affects the performance of work methods. A further part of the conclusion shows that smart services have a positive and negative effect on employees’ working methods in the retail trade
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Optimization of a Household Battery Storage : The Value of Load ShiftBoström, Christoffer January 2016 (has links)
Sweden’s energy system is facing major changes in the near future in order to reducecarbon emissions and to switch to sustainable energy sources. PV systems havebecome a sensible alternative for homeowners that want to be a part of this changeand at the same time reduce the cost of their electricity bill. To further improve theutilization of their PV system and to handle the intermittent nature of solar power,battery storages have become an interesting system complement. This thesisinvestigates how batteries can provide smart services; load shift and peak price energyutilization to a household. This is done by developing an optimized battery algorithmmodel that can provide these smart services which is compared to a simple batteryalgorithm. The results show that the developed battery optimization model works asintended. It performs both load shift and peak price energy utilization. The economicanalysis shows that the most profitable PV system and battery configuration is a 20kW PV system with a 5 kWh battery. The system has an internal rate of return, IRR,of 2.3% which does not reach Vattenfall’s weighted average cost of capital, WACC, at7%. The results also show that the battery cost is an important factors for a system'sprofitability. A larger battery system is more expensive and the increased yield doesnot cover the increased cost. Further research is needed to implement the optimizedbattery as a functional application since the model has access to a perfect forecast andthus a method for forecasting PV production and load profile of the household arecrucial to get similar results.
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