Spelling suggestions: "subject:"aoa"" "subject:"ooa""
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Properties of secondary organic aerosol in the ambient atmosphere: sources, formation, and partitioningHennigan, Christopher James 14 October 2008 (has links)
This thesis characterizes properties of ambient secondary organic aerosol (SOA), an important and abundant component of particulate matter. The findings presented in this thesis are significant because they represent the results from ambient measurements, which are relatively scarce, and because they report on properties of SOA that, until now, were highly uncertain. The analyses utilized the fraction of particulate organic carbon that was soluble in water (WSOCp) to approximate SOA concentrations in two largely different urban environments, Mexico City and Atlanta. In Mexico City, measurements of atmospheric gases and fine particle chemistry were made at a site ~ 30 km down wind of the city center. Using box model analyses and a comparison to ammonium nitrate aerosol, a species whose thermodynamic properties are generally understood, the morning formation and mid-day evaporation of SOA are investigated. In Atlanta, simultaneous measurements of WSOCp and water-soluble organic carbon in the gas phase (WSOCg) were carried out for an entire summer to investigate the sources and partitioning of WSOC. The results suggest that both WSOCp and WSOCg were secondary and biogenic, except possibly in several strong biomass burning events. The gas/particle partitioning of WSOC in Atlanta was investigated through the parameter, Fp, which represented the fraction of WSOC in the particle phase. Factors that appear to influence WSOC partitioning in Atlanta include ambient relative humidity and the WSOCp mass concentration. There was also a relationship between the NOx concentration and Fp, though this was not likely related to the partitioning process. Temperature did not appear to impact Fp, though this may have been due to positive relationships WSOCp and WSOCg each exhibited with temperature. Neither the total Organic Carbon aerosol mass concentration nor the ozone concentration impacted WSOC partitioning.
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Water uptake of aerosols with a focus on seeded aerosols and instrumentation techniquesMeyer, Nicholas Karl January 2008 (has links)
This thesis focuses on the volatile and hygroscopic properties of mixed aerosol species. In particular, the influence organic species of varying solubility have upon seed aerosols. Aerosol studies were conducted at the Paul Scherrer Institut Laboratory for Atmospheric Chemistry (PSI-LAC, Villigen, Switzerland) and at the Queensland University of Technology International Laboratory for Air Quality and Health (QUT-ILAQH, Brisbane, Australia). The primary measurement tool employed in this program was the Volatilisation and Hygroscopicity Tandem Differential Mobility Analyser (VHTDMA - Johnson et al. 2004). This system was initially developed at QUT within the ILAQH and was completely re-developed as part of this project (see Section 1.4 for a description of this process). The new VHTDMA was deployed to the PSI-LAC where an analysis of the volatile and hygroscopic properties of ammonium sulphate seeds coated with organic species formed from the photo-oxidation of á-pinene was conducted. This investigation was driven by a desire to understand the influence of atmospherically prevalent organics upon water uptake by material with cloud forming capabilities. Of particular note from this campaign were observed influences of partially soluble organic coatings upon inorganic ammonium sulphate seeds above and below their deliquescence relative humidity (DRH). Above the DRH of the seed increasing the volume fraction of the organic component was shown to reduce the water uptake of the mixed particle. Below the DRH the organic was shown to activate the water uptake of the seed. This was the first time this effect had been observed for á-pinene derived SOA. In contrast with the simulated aerosols generated at the PSI-LAC a case study of the volatile and hygroscopic properties of diesel emissions was undertaken. During this stage of the project ternary nucleation was shown, for the first time, to be one of the processes involved in formation of diesel particulate matter. Furthermore, these particles were shown to be coated with a volatile hydrophobic material which prevented the water uptake of the highly hygroscopic material below. This result was a first and indicated that previous studies into the hygroscopicity of diesel emission had erroneously reported the particles to be hydrophobic. Both of these results contradict the previously upheld Zdanovksii-Stokes-Robinson (ZSR) additive rule for water uptake by mixed species. This is an important contribution as it adds to the weight of evidence that limits the validity of this rule.
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Service Oriented Architecture Maturity Models - A guide to SOA adoptionMeier, Fabian January 2006 (has links)
<p>To support the difficult process of SOA adoption, SOA maturity models are published.</p><p>In this thesis a literature analysis introduces the area of SOA maturity models and highlights benefits and criticism.</p><p>As a result, the combined SOA maturity model (CSOAMM), a model to facilitate the interpretation and comparison of SOA maturity models, is proposed.</p><p>CSOAMM is a model with 10 levels that describes SOA maturity by combining level characteristics of two recently published maturity models: SIMM and SOAMM.</p><p>CSOAMM was created by a comparative analysis in combination with a relational content analysis.</p><p>The model can be used for collaboration between companies and points out that a common understanding of SOA adoption exists.</p>
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optical engineerdavoudzadeh mahboub sedigh, Nima 01 August 2014 (has links)
In this research an approach to all optical delta sigma modulator (ADSM) has been elaborated. Two important components of ADSM; "leaky integrator" and "inverted bi-stable quantizer" were modeled, on the basis of cross gain modulation of the Semiconductor Optical Amplifier (SOA). The simulations (via VPI photonics) were all in micrometer scale (suitable for chip fabrication). By simulating each element of ADSM the whole circuit was simulated and results have been showed and analyzed. By investigating the ADSM, the limiting factor for reaching higher frequencies (THz) was recognized to be the quantization device. Thus a new optical switch was introduced, for the first time so called "proteresis." By applying proteretic bi-stable device in the delta sigma modulator, the resonance frequency was improved minimum two fold from 295MHz to 575MHz without making any change in hysteretic bi-stable switch. The broad impact of this research is on the digital technologies that can be utilized in high-speed signal processing. The prime examples are the RF technologies used in military and civilian applications. Furthermore introduction of proteresis opens a new research gate for compensating delay in almost every system.
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Diseño del sistema de control de asistencia en la Agencia Mercado de la Caja Huancayo aplicando tarjetas de proximidad de tecnología RFIDMartinez Verand, Rodolfo Steven 30 May 2018 (has links)
El presente informe final de tesis muestra el diseño de un sistema de control de asistencia en la agencia mercado de la Caja Huancayo aplicando Tarjetas de proximidad de Tecnología RFID específicamente para mejorar el control de los registros de asistencia del personal de la Caja Huancayo con la finalidad de agilizar este proceso que actualmente se conlleva con malas prácticas de los colaboradores, el diseño planteado como solución se basó en la metodología de descomposición funcional que conllevó a el análisis e identificación de requerimientos y funcionalidades del sistema propuesto tanto a nivel de hardware y software así como al diseño de la solución en los diferentes niveles y/o aspectos, se llegaron a elegir y proponer los componentes del sistema luego de una comparativa: El Tipo de Tag, El Lector, etc., también se determinaron los tipos y niveles de accesos de los usuarios, el modelo de la base de datos así como los módulos de la aplicación: configuración del sistema, control de acceso, administración de usuarios, registro de visitantes, reportes y hasta una solución web basada en web services soportada por SOA, este diseño se sustenta con la flexibilidad y compatibilidad de los componentes a nivel de hardware así como la funcionalidad multiplataforma propuesta para el acceso y gestión de los datos que genere el sistema, finalmente se concluye que la implementación del sistema que propone el presente diseño permitirá un adecuado control de registros de asistencia del personal de la agencia mercado de la Caja Huancayo.
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Software Architectural Metrics for the Scania Internet of Things Platform : From a Microservice PerspectivUlander, David January 2017 (has links)
There are limited tools to evaluate a microservice architecture and no common definition of how the architecture should be designed. Moreover, developing systems with microservices introduces additional complexity to the software architecture. That, together with the fact the systems are becoming more complex has led to a desire for architecture evaluation methods. In this thesis a set of quality attributes measured by structural metrics are used to evaluate Scania's IoT Offboard platform. By implementing a metrics evaluation program the quality of the software architecture can be improved. Also, metrics can assist developers and architects while they are becoming more efficient since they better understand how performance is measured, i.e. which quality attributes are the most important and how these are measured. For Scania's IoT Offboard platform the studied quality attributes are listed in decreasing importance: flexibility, reusability and understandability. All the microservices are loosely coupled in the platform, which results in a loosely coupled architecture. This indicates a flexible, reusable and understandable system, in terms of coupling. Furthermore, the architecture is decentralized, i.e. the system is unflexible and difficult to change. The other metrics were lacking a reference scale, hence they will act as a point of reference for future measurements as the architecture evolves. To improve the flexibility, reusability and understandability of the architecture the large microservices should be divided into several smaller microservices. Also aggregators should be utilized more to make the system more flexible.
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Crescendo Online: en programsvit för kollaborativ musikproduktionPuu, Magnus January 2009 (has links)
Collaborative music making on the Internet is not a new phenomenon, but no applications have yet caught on with the vast number of laptop and bedroom studio musicians active today. This is strange considering the inherent social and interactive nature of music, especially amongst trends like Web 2.0 where collaboration and user-generated data is key. In this paper I study the problems these applications face, and why they do not have a greater appeal to musicians. With the results I develop and evaluate my own framework, known as Crescendo Online: a multi-user sequencing and modular synthesis environment, intended to pave the way for a new type of online music creation platform.
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Tjänstebaserat informationssystem på en flygplats : - en undersökning kring säkerheten hos olika mellanprogram samt en implementation av en Web ServiceSwedberg, Karolina January 2008 (has links)
Arbetet har gjorts åt Saab Security Systems i Växjö. Syftet med arbetet har varit att ta fram ett generellt distribuerat informationssystem som ska användas för informationsspridning på en flygplats. Från Saabs sida är målet med att införa ett nytt informationssystem att få en generell standard för hur informationsspridning ska gå till. På det nya informationssystemet ställs krav på flexibilitet, att det ska vara utbyggningsbart, att det ska finnas möjlighet att ansluta nya aktörer samt att det ska vara en tjänstebaserad arkitektur. Den övergripande frågställningen för arbetet har varit som följer. Kan tjänstabaserad arkitektur vara en lösning för hur information kan överföras på ett säkert sätt mellan flygklubbarna och flygledartornet? Under arbetets gång har en teoretisk studie gjorts där fem olika mellanprogram jämförts utifrån transport av information, tjänstebeskrivning, tjänsteregistrering och upptäckt samt säkerhet. Jämförelsen hade fokus på flexibilitet och visade att Jini, CORBA och Web Services var de bästa lösningarna. Dessa tre mellanprogram jämfördes sedan ur ett säkerhetsperspektiv. Det som studerades var vilka lösningar som finns för integritet, attestering och verifiering. Dessutom testades hur kommunikation med de tre olika mellanprogrammen fungerar genom en brandvägg. Efter den teoretiska genomgången samt testerna med brandväggen så valdes Web Services för den implementation som skulle utföras. Jag valde Web Services eftersom det var det mellanprogram som fungerade bäst vid kommunikation genom en brandvägg. Implementationen som utförts inom ramarna för examensarbetet är en applikation för att möjliggöra för flygklubbar att boka tid för start vid Göteborg City Airport och skulle visa på konceptet för informationssystemet och den säkerhet som behövs. Arbetet med olika tjänstebaserade lösningar visar att detta sätt att bygga ett informationssystem för flygplatsen lämpar sig väl. Flexibilitet vad gäller möjligheten att koppla upp sig mot systemet från olika plattformar krävs då det finns många aktörer och detta är SOA en lösning på. Det är även en viktig aspekt att det finns möjlighet för de säkerhetslösningar som anses nödvändiga. Testningen av systemet visade att dessa säkerhetslösningar fungerade för implementationen av tidsbokningstjänsten.
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Jini kontra Web services, med intention att göra Web services pålitligt.Böök, Klas, Strand, Christian January 2005 (has links)
Detta examensarbete behandlar Service Oriented Architecture (SOA) och dess implementeringar Jini och Web services. SOA beskriver hur applikationsintegration mellan olika plattformar skall ske och innebär att applikationer designas som tjänster för att enkelt integreras med andra applikationer. Dynamisk lokalisering av tjänster via en registertjänst används för att applikationer skall finna andra applikationer. Vi designar och implementerar en mekanism i Web services som gör det möjligt att byta en tjänst under exekvering. Ett sådant byte kan vara intressant av två skäl, tjänster kan registreras utan att vara tillgängliga, eller att det uppstår ett fel under exekvering som gör att tjänsten blir otillgänglig. / This degree project is about Service Oriented Architecture (SOA) and its implementations Jini and Web services. SOA is a description of how application integration between different platforms can be carried out by designing applications as services, which implies an easier integration with other applications. Dynamic location of services is carried out by consultation with a register service so that applications can find other applications. We design and implement a mechanism in Web services that makes it possible to change service during execution. A change of service can be interesting for two reasons, the service might be registered but not available or there might be some sort of fault during execution that makes the service unavailable.
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AvaliaÃÃo de Desempenho de Web Services Orquestrados com BPEL4People / Performance Evaluation of Web Services orchestrated with BPEL4PeopleHenrique Jorge Amorim Holanda 01 March 2012 (has links)
FundaÃÃo de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado do Cearà / Web Services (WS) sÃo pilares para a construÃÃo de
aplicaÃÃes orientadas a serviÃos. Uma sÃrie de linguagens para a composiÃÃo de serviÃos web tÃm sido propostas, sendo formado um consenso em torno da linguagem de execuÃÃo de processos de negÃcio (BPEL). BPEL centra-se em
processos de negÃcio que orquestram interaÃÃes de WS. No entanto, em geral, processos de negÃcio sÃo compostos por um amplo espectro de atividades que exigem muitas vezes a
participaÃÃo humana para executar tarefas, rever ou aprovar medidas e inserir dados. Essas interaÃÃes humanas sÃo abordadas em uma nova especificaÃÃo do BPEL denominada de
BPEL4People. BPEL4People introduz a atividade humana para BPEL. Com o uso do BPEL4People, modelos formais (como as redes de Petri) de BPEL4People tÃm sido propostos.
Com base em modelos formais à possÃvel a realizaÃÃo de anÃlises formais, tais como anÃlise de desempenho de modelos para descobrir possÃveis problemas em WS orquestrados com o BPEL4People. Hà duas dimensÃes importantes para o desempenho de WS: tempo de resposta e escalabilidade. O
tempo de resposta à a capacidade de um sistema de prover tempos aceitÃveis para suas atividades e a escalabilidade à a capacidade de um sistema de continuar a cumprir seus objetivos de tempo de resposta quando a demanda pelo mesmo aumenta. Alguns trabalhos tÃm sido propostos
acerca da anÃlise do desempenho de WS orquestrados com o BPEL. Nesta tese, à proposta uma arquitetura denominada ``SOASPE' (SOA + SPE) para a transformaÃÃo de cÃdigos BPEL4People em redes de Petri estocÃsticas generalizadas - Generalized Stochastic Petri Nets (GSPN) e redes de Petri coloridas - Coloured Petri Net (CPN). AtravÃs dos modelos GSPN e CPN de BPEL4People à possÃvel avaliar o desempenho dos WS orquestrados com o BPEL4People atravÃs da comparaÃÃo dos seus tempos de resposta reais quando submetidos a uma quantidade de requisiÃÃes e dos tempos de resposta dos modelos GSPN e CPN dos WS gerados pela arquitetura ``SOASPE' quando realizadas simulaÃÃes com a mesma quantidade de requisiÃÃes. Durante a transformaÃÃo de cÃdigos BPEL4People, as redes de Petri sÃo usadas para modelar atividades BPEL e as atividades humanas. EntÃo, pela
simulaÃÃo dos modelos gerados, problemas potenciais com o desempenho de WS orquestrados com o BPEL4People podem ser detectados. / Web Services (WS) are pillars for the construction of
service-oriented applications. A number of languages for web service composition have been proposed, formed a consensus on the language of business process execution (BPEL). BPEL focuses on business processes that orchestrate WS interactions. However, in general, business processes are composed of a broad spectrum of activities that often require human involvement to perform tasks, review or approve steps and enter data. These human interactions are discussed in a new specification of BPEL called BPEL4People. BPEL4People introduces human activity to BPEL. With the use of BPEL4People, formal models (such as Petri nets) of BPEL4People have been proposed. Based on formal models is possible to perform formal analysis, such as performance analysis of models to discover potential problems with the WS orchestrated with BPEL4People. There are two dimensions important to the performance of WS: response time and scalability. The response time is the ability of a system to provide an acceptable time for their activities and scalability is the ability of a system to continue to fulfill its goals of response time when demand for it increases. Some works have been proposed
about the performance analysis of WS orchestrated with BPEL. In this thesi, it is proposed an architecture called ``SOASPE' (SOA + SPE) for the transformation of the BPEL4People code in generalized stochastic Petri nets (GSPN) and colored Petri nets (CPN). Through the GSPN and CPN models of BPEL4People is possible to evaluate the performance of WS orchestrated with BPEL4People by comparing their real response times when subjected to a number of requests and response times of the GSPN and CPN models generated by the architecture ``SOASPE' when simulations with the same amount of requests. During the transformation of BPEL4People code, Petri nets are used to model BPEL activities and human activities. Then, by simulation of generated models, potential problems with the performance of WS orchestrated with BPEL4People can be detected.
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