Spelling suggestions: "subject:"aoa"" "subject:"ooa""
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The sources, formation and properties of soluble organic aerosols: results from ambient measurements in the southeastern united states and the los angeles basinZhang, Xiaolu 03 July 2012 (has links)
900 archived FRM filters from 15 sites over the southeast during 2007 were analyzed for PM2.5 chemical composition and physical properties. Secondary components (i.e. sulfate aerosol and SOA) were the major contributors to the PM2.5 mass over the southeast, whereas the contribution from biomass burning varied with season and was negligible (2%) during summer. Excluding biomass burning influence, FRM WSOC was spatially homogeneous throughout the region, similar to sulfate, yet WSOC was moderately enhanced in locations of greater predicted isoprene emissions in summer. On smaller spatial scale, a substantial urban/rural gradient of WSOC was found through comparisons of online WSOC measurements at one urban/rural pair (Atlanta/Yorkville) in August 2008, indicating important contribution from anthropogenic emissions.
A comparative study between Atlanta and LA reveals a number of contrasting features between two cities. WSOC gas-particle partitioning, investigated through the fraction of total WSOC in the particle phase, Fp, exhibited differing relationships with ambient RH and organic aerosols. In Atlanta, both particle water and organic aerosol (OA) can serve as an absorbing phase. In contrast, in LA the aerosol water was not an important absorbing phase, instead, Fp was correlated with OA mass. Fresh LA WSOC had a consistent brown color and a bulk absorption per soluble carbon mass at 365 nm that was 4 to 6 times higher than freshly-formed Atlanta soluble organic carbon. Interpreting soluble brown carbon as a property of freshly-formed anthropogenic SOA, the difference in absorption per carbon mass between the two cities suggests most WSOC formed within Atlanta is not from an anthropogenic process similar to LA.
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Orders From the Cloud : Business Integration as a ServiceHammar, Karl January 2009 (has links)
<p>This thesis describes the development of a SOA-based architecture for integrating large EDI-using manufacturing companies purchasing processes with smaller non-EDI capable manufacturing companies, using online services.</p><p>The underlying need for this project lies with the fact that these small manufacturing companies risk to miss out on business, due to their inability to communicate via the industry standard EDI format. At the same time, getting EDI-capable involves significant investments in software licenses, connectivity services and consulting or training that these small companies may not be ready to make. The mentor company of this thesis project, System Andersson, produces resource planning software for this type of companies and would like to be able to provide them with an easy to use way of “jacking in” EDI support into their businesses, without having to make such significant investments. Ideally this feature would be developed as a standalone subscription based service that could be provided to users in such a way that their existing System Andersson software could connect to it and no further hard- or software would be needed on site. This EDI-enabling should be as easy as to be entirely transparent for the end-user companies. The task handed to the author was thus to develop an architecture for how such a subscription based service could be developed. Furthermore, in order to promote re-use and simplify development, the architecture was to be based on SOA concepts.</p><p>As a result of the project, such an architecture has been developed. The architecture details two services for translating and storing for later delivery a number of EDI message types of the EDIFACT variety. The architecture also specifies communications protocols (SOAP over HTTPS and AS2 over HTTPS) and APIs (web services) for how to communicate with these services. These specifications can be used to implement a system that performs the necessary integration, so that the smaller companies may indeed communicate via EDI.</p><p>The fitness of the developed architecture has been tested by implementing a prototype version of such a system based on it. It has also been validated by way of comparing to how well it adheres to SOA design principles. All in all, this design appears to be quite sound and presents a working solution to the studied problem.</p>
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Tjänsteorienterad arkitektur med AJAX : Service oriented architecture with AJAXEkman, Nils January 2008 (has links)
<p>Through the entry of web 2.0 the technologies behind web development has changed dramatically. Asynchronous JavaScript and XML (AJAX) is the umbrella term for different techniques that make it possible to build rich and interactive user interfaces in today’s web browsers. Service Oriented Architecture (SOA) describes how common services can be bundled and published so they can be consumed by different systems.</p><p>The company SYSteam Evolution AB, which has requested this project, wanted a web application that shows a graphical activity chart in order to easier view ongoing projects. The goal for this project is to develop a demo platform that shows how AJAX and SOA can be used to create flexible and reusable applications. To reach the goals, many different frameworks and technologies need to cooperate and work together.</p><p>This report will describe the different technologies that have been used and explain the different steps in the development job.</p><p>The result of the work has lead to a demo platform that uses many different technologies to show a graphical activity chart. The job requestor and the author are very pleased with the result of the work.</p> / <p>Genom intåget av web 2.0 har teknologierna bakom webbutveckling ändrats drastiskt. Asynchronous JavaScript and XML (AJAX) är samlingsnamnet på ett antal tekniker som gör det möjligt att bygga rika och interaktiva applikationer i dagens webbläsare. Tjänsteorienterad arkitektur, ”Service Oriented Architecture” (SOA) talar om hur gemensamma tjänster paketeras och publiceras så att de kan konsumeras av olika system.</p><p>Uppdragsgivaren till detta examensarbete är företaget SYSteam Evolution AB. Företaget vill ha en webbapplikation som visar en grafisk aktivitetskarta för att enklare kunna överblicka pågående projekt. Målet med arbetet är att ta fram en demoplattform som visar hur AJAX och SOA kan användas för att skapa flexibla och återanvändbara applikationer. För att lyckas med uppdraget måste olika ramverk och teknologier kombineras och fungera tillsammans.</p><p>Denna rapport kommer att förklara de olika teknikerna som använts, samt även förklara de olika stegen i utvecklingsarbetet.</p><p>Resultatet av arbetet har utfallit i en demoplattform som använder många olika teknologier för att visa grafisk aktivitetskarta. Uppdragsgivare och uppdragstagare är mycket nöjda med resultatet av arbetet.</p>
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Tjänstebaserat informationssystem på en flygplats : - en undersökning kring säkerheten hos olika mellanprogram samt en implementation av en Web ServiceSwedberg, Karolina January 2008 (has links)
<p>Arbetet har gjorts åt Saab Security Systems i Växjö. Syftet med arbetet har varit att ta fram ett generellt distribuerat informationssystem som ska användas för informationsspridning på en flygplats. Från Saabs sida är målet med att införa ett nytt informationssystem att få en generell standard för hur informationsspridning ska gå till. På det nya informationssystemet ställs krav på flexibilitet, att det ska vara utbyggningsbart, att det ska finnas möjlighet att ansluta nya aktörer samt att det ska vara en tjänstebaserad arkitektur. Den övergripande frågställningen för arbetet har varit som följer.</p><p>Kan tjänstabaserad arkitektur vara en lösning för hur information kan överföras på ett säkert sätt mellan flygklubbarna och flygledartornet?</p><p>Under arbetets gång har en teoretisk studie gjorts där fem olika mellanprogram jämförts utifrån transport av information, tjänstebeskrivning, tjänsteregistrering och upptäckt samt säkerhet. Jämförelsen hade fokus på flexibilitet och visade att Jini, CORBA och Web Services var de bästa lösningarna. Dessa tre mellanprogram jämfördes sedan ur ett säkerhetsperspektiv.</p><p>Det som studerades var vilka lösningar som finns för integritet, attestering och verifiering. Dessutom testades hur kommunikation med de tre olika mellanprogrammen fungerar genom en brandvägg.</p><p>Efter den teoretiska genomgången samt testerna med brandväggen så valdes Web Services för den implementation som skulle utföras. Jag valde Web Services eftersom det var det mellanprogram som fungerade bäst vid kommunikation genom en brandvägg.</p><p>Implementationen som utförts inom ramarna för examensarbetet är en applikation för att möjliggöra för flygklubbar att boka tid för start vid Göteborg City Airport och skulle visa på konceptet för informationssystemet och den säkerhet som behövs.</p><p>Arbetet med olika tjänstebaserade lösningar visar att detta sätt att bygga ett informationssystem för flygplatsen lämpar sig väl. Flexibilitet vad gäller möjligheten att koppla upp sig mot systemet från olika plattformar krävs då det finns många aktörer och detta är SOA en lösning på. Det är även en viktig aspekt att det finns möjlighet för de säkerhetslösningar som anses nödvändiga.</p><p>Testningen av systemet visade att dessa säkerhetslösningar fungerade för implementationen av tidsbokningstjänsten.</p>
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Architectures dynamiques dans le contexte des applications à base de composants et orientées serviceGuennoun, Mohammed Karim 11 December 2006 (has links) (PDF)
L'adaptabilité des applications logicielles peut être séparée en deux catégories. La première concerne l'adaptation comportementale appelée aussi adaptation algorithmique. Cette adaptation traite la redéfinition du comportement de l'application et de ses composants et implique, par exemple, l'introduction d'une nouvelle méthode dans l'interface d'un composant ou le changement du protocole d'orchestration qui coordonne un ensemble de services. Nos travaux, que nous classons dans une deuxième catégorie, traitent l'adaptation structurelle et considèrent une reconfiguration au niveau architectural. Ce type de reconfiguration traite l'organisation de l'architecture et consiste, par exemple, à remplacer un composant défaillant par un autre composant qui possède les mêmes fonctionnalités ou rediriger un client d'un service qui ne respecte pas le contrat de QdS vers un service susceptible d'offrir de meilleures garanties. Dans ce mémoire, nous définissons un méta-modèle relatif à la description et la gestion automatique des architectures dynamiques. Les instances des architectures sont décrites par des graphes étendus où les composants (ou les services) sont représentés par des n\oe uds, et les interdépendances (e.g. les connexions, les relations de contrôle ...etc) sont décrites par des arcs. Les styles architecturaux sont spécifiés par des grammaires de graphes étendues. Le méta-modèle admet des descriptions en considérant différents niveaux d'abstraction et offre des mécanismes pour raffiner ou abstraire les descriptions selon des points de vues spécifiques. Il permet, aussi, de décrire le protocole de gestion de l'architecture et de caractériser les propriétés architecturales à préserver pour chaque niveau architectural considéré. Nous avons développé un algorithme de recherche d'homomorphismes de graphes et un algorithme de transformation de graphes pour les grammaires de graphes étendus définis pour notre méta-modèle. L'analyse de complexité des algorithmes ains i que les résultats expérimentaux obtenus ont permis de conclure à leur efficacité. Une deuxième version des deux algorithmes a été définie profitant de la spécificité du contexte de la transformation de graphes. L'analyse de complexité de ces nouvelles versions donne des résultats encore plus performants pour le passage à l'échelle. Notre approche a été éprouvée en l'appliquant à un cas d'étude dans le contexte des activités d'opération d'intervention d'urgence. L'application implique des groupes structurés de robots ou de personnel militaire qui disposent de ressources inégales en capacités de communication, en CPU et en énergie. Les besoins d'adaptabilité découlent des changements du contexte d'exécution, de l'occurrence de pannes et du provisionnement de la QdS.
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<em>SOA and Quality</em>Peng, Qian, Fan, YangQing January 2008 (has links)
<p>This thesis emphasizes on investigating the relationship between the quality attributes and service oriented architecture (SOA). Due to quality attributes requirements drive the design of software architecture, it is necessary to maintain the positive quality of SOA and improve the negative quality of SOA. This thesis gives an introduction to SOA, Enterprise Service Bus (ESB) and MULE. Then, it covers information on quality of systems and tactics for achieving each quality attribute. Finally, we discuss the quality of SOA in detail, and illustrate how to set up a SOA and how to improve its quality using a case of an order for supermarket.</p> / Order of supermarket
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Interneto paslaugų sistemų projektavimo metodika / Method for development of systems comprised of servicesRimavičiūtė, Laura 25 May 2005 (has links)
Web services are widely used in banking, finance, insurance, tourism, e-business sectors and so on. Web services have emerged only recently, so the issues are typical for new technologies: ideas had arisen on technological level, and methods for modeling and development are coming only later. Existing development processes and notations such as Object-Oriented Analysis and Design (OOAD), Enterprise Architecture (EA) frameworks, and Business Process Modeling (BPM) provide us with capabilities to identify and describe appropriate architectural abstractions, but it’s not enough for realization of Service Oriented Architecture (SOA).
In this work the methodology is proposed for design of stand-alone services and combining them into larger system. Proposed methodology joins main principles of Object-Oriented Analysis and Design, Enterprise Architecture frameworks, and Business Process Modeling. This methodology allows to describe service-oriented models using UML diagrams and to combine them with each other. Stages of designing stand-alone services are: business modeling, requirements analysis, identification of interfaces, analysis of interface interaction, specification of components, service model (WSDL diagram) design. Designing services systems consists of following steps: use case modeling, services identification, choreography modeling, business modeling and composite service modeling.
The examples of proposed methodology for designing stand-alone services and combining... [to full text]
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As the use of Web expands, Web Service is gradually becoming the basic system infrastructure. However, as it matures and a large number of Web Service becomes available, the focus will shift from service development to service management. One key component in management systems is monitoring. The growing complexity of Web Service platforms and their dynamically varying workloads make manually monitoring them a demanding task. Therefore monitoring tools are required to support the management efforts.
Our approach, Web Service Monitoring System (WSMS), utilizes Autonomic Computing technology to monitor Web Service for an automated manager. WSMS correlates lower level events into a meaningful diagnosed symptom which provides higher level information for problem determination. It also gains the ability to take autonomic actions and solve the original problem using corrective actions. In this thesis, a complete design of WSMS is presented along with a practical implementation showing viability and proof of concept of WSMS. / Thesis (Master, Computing) -- Queen's University, 2008-11-12 16:20:13.738
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Combining Legacy Modernization Approaches For OO and SOATahlawi, Lubna 10 January 2012 (has links)
Organizations with older legacy systems face a number of challenges, including
obsolescent technologies, brittle software, integrating with modern applications, and
rarity of properly skilled human resources. An increasingly common strategy for
addressing such challenges is application modernization, which transforms legacy
applications into (a) newer object-oriented programming languages, and (b) modern
Service-Oriented Architecture (SOA). Published approaches to legacy application
modernization focus either on technology transformation or SOA transformation, but not
both. Given that both types of transformation are desirable, it is valuable to explore how
to combine existing approaches to perform both transformations types within a single
project. This thesis proposes principles for combining such approaches, and
demonstrates how these principles can be applied through an example of a combined
approach along with a simulated application of this example. The results of this
simulated application leave us with considerable confidence that both transformations
can be successfully incorporated into a combined project.
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Two Essays on Empirical Tests Related to Capital Structure TheoryMa, Ning 02 December 2014 (has links)
This paper discusses capital structure theories, with special attention to partial-adjustment model. Strategic waiting theory of IPO firms and its relation to market timing theory are also discussed. Two empirical tests related to capital structure theory are included. First one is a test on the relation between a firm’s strategic waiting behavior in IPO market and its stock return. Second one is on the relation of a firm’s strategic waiting behavior in IPO market and its subsequent capital structure decision.
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