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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

A Statistical Analysis of Thirty-Three Sociometrically Measured Groups

Christal, Raymond Edward 08 1900 (has links)
If the classroom teacher is to help her pupils in the cultivation of social abilities, she must have tools at her command. She must have not only instruments of measurement, but also proven methods of training and therapy. It is with the former that this thesis is concerned.

Edinburgh Social Cognition Test (ESCoT) : a new test of theory of mind and social norm understanding

Baksh, Rehman Asaad January 2018 (has links)
Social cognitive abilities are needed to process and understand social information in order to respond appropriately in everyday social interactions. While there are a number of tests that have been developed to measure social cognition in the literature, many have important limitations such as only assessing one ability, performance being predicted by measures of intelligence and exhibiting low ecological validity. To address some of these limitations, I developed a new test called the Edinburgh Social Cognition Test (ESCoT). The ESCoT is an animated test that assesses four domains of social cognition: cognitive Theory of Mind (ToM) (What is X thinking?); affective ToM (How does X feel at the end of the animation?); interpersonal understanding of social norms (Did X behave as other people should behave?); and intrapersonal understanding of social norms (Would you have acted the same as X in the animation?). The aims of this thesis were to examine the validity of the ESCoT as a test of social cognition and to further investigate social cognitive processes in healthy and neurological populations. The ESCoT was firstly administered to a healthy population of older, middle-aged and younger adults to examine the effects of ageing on social abilities. This study found that the ESCoT was sensitive to age; poorer performances on cognitive and affective ToM and also interpersonal but not intrapersonal understanding of social norms were predicted by older age. Furthermore unlike traditional tests used in the study, performance was not predicted by measures of intelligence. Instead, the sex of participants and autistic-like traits, in addition to age were found to be important for performance. The ESCoT was then validated in a sample of adults with Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD), and performance was compared to performance on established social cognition tests. Convergent validity was demonstrated in the study and the ESCoT was sensitive to social cognitive difficulties found in ASD. This study also showed that the ESCoT was more effective than existing tests at differentiating ASD adults and neurotypical controls. The interplay of social anxiety and empathy on ESCoT performance in addition to further exploring sex and autistic-like traits were then examined in a younger adult population. Social anxiety and empathy were not significant predictors of performance on the ESCoT. Similar to the results of the ageing study, this study found that women were better than men on affective ToM. However, unlike the ageing study, better cognitive ToM performance was predicted by older age. Better performance on interpersonal understanding of social norms and ESCoT total scores were predicted by more years of education. The subsequent chapter then examined the clinical efficacy of the ESCoT in a patient population (Alzheimer's disease, behavioural-variant Frontotemporal dementia and amnestic mild cognitive impairment). Here performance on the ESCoT was compared between the patients and neurotypical controls. It was found that patients performed poorer than neurotypical controls on ESCoT total scores, affective ToM, inter-and intrapersonal understanding of social norms. The final chapter returned to healthy ageing to more closely investigate the consequences of healthy ageing on social cognitive processes, by examining the positivity bias (preference for positive over negative stimuli) found in older adults using an attention paradigm. There was no evidence of the positivity bias in older, middle-aged and younger adults in regards to reaction time or accuracy. However, older and middle-aged adults differed in accuracy across stimuli type compared to younger adults. This thesis offers novel insights into the social cognitive abilities of various populations. The ESCoT presents a new, informative and validated test of social cognition for researchers and clinicians to use, which has many advantages over established tests of social cognition.

A Probe Into The Influence Of The Social Ability And Cognitive Ability Learning In The Service Of Preschool Coach Tutoring To A Retarded Child In Ordinary Class.

Lin, Tzu-Ling 26 August 2008 (has links)
Abstract This paper is based on the study of a special education teacher who tutoring a particular child in a kindergarten, evaluating the effects of the case of its social abilities and cognitive abilities learning after a tutoring service. The study object is a heavy degree of retarded child with the age of five years and five months old. This paper is to apply the method of quality case study, starting from the evaluation of the basic ability of the case to involve in a four times of social abilities learning program and tutoring, for one year of period. It is to make an essential record in detail of the social abilities in the process of the cognitive abilities learning and performance, and to re-evaluate the result and its effects of the case situation after the itinerant teaching service. This study found : (A) A good improvement in the social abilities of the case, by means of the tutoring and a four-times social teaching program, especially of the interaction with its peer group , and also with a good progress in the adaptability to the environment, but not showing the eminent result in the interaction with adults. (B) A good improvement in the cognitive abilities learning, with the increasing of the time length in the concentration about the aspects of seeing, listening, and playing, a good progress in the cognition of self-conception, and basic skills of learning in writing, reading. The case has gradually developed a reading habit. As to the numeric conception and memory shows little progress, but not found in the improvement of the logic thinking.

Habilidades sociais de pais e mães de crianças do Rio de Janeiro: estudo preliminar sobre sua relação com as práticas e estilos parentais / Parental social abilities: preliminar study corelating with parental style

Priscila Tenenbaum Tyszler 24 November 2010 (has links)
O estilo parental tem influência no desenvolvimento humano e pode ser definido como um padrão de comportamentos identificáveis nos pais quando se relacionam com seus filhos. A literatura tem utilizado alguns parâmetros para compreender os estilos parentais. Um deles se caracteriza pelo binômio: limites-afeto ou responsividade e exigência, delimitando três estilos parentais: Autoritário, Permissivo e Autoritativo. O estilo autoritário caracteriza-se por pais que dão muitos limites e pouco afeto. Estes pais procuram manter a ordem e o controle da família, devendo a obediência ser alcançada ainda que sob padrões punitivos. O estilo permissivo caracteriza-se por pais que dão pouco limite e muito afeto. Nesse caso, há uma crença naturalista segundo a qual a criança deve expressar livremente suas necessidades e aprender por si só. Estes pais não se vêem como responsáveis por ensinar ou modificar comportamentos infantis. O estilo autoritativo caracteriza-se por pais que dão muito limite e muito afeto. O cuidador apresenta condutas intermediárias entre as permissivas e autoritárias, estimulando verbalizações emocionais, permitindo que os filhos participem das decisões, estimulando argumentações, autonomia e disciplina. A empatia é considerada uma habilidade essencial para a manutenção dos laços sociais, que propicia a percepção da necessidade do outro e ao mesmo tempo favorece a sensação de ser compreendido. A assertividade é a habilidade de expressar e defender sua opinião com firmeza e segurança, sem, contudo desrespeitar o outro. Esta pesquisa tem como hipótese a idéia de que pais autoritativos seriam mais empáticos e assertivos do que pais autoritários. O objetivo deste estudo foi correlacionar os Estilos Parentais s Habilidades Sociais: Assertividade e Empatia. Participaram da pesquisa 64 pais, 21 homens e 43 mulheres. Os instrumentos utilizados foram: o Inventário de Habilidades Sociais (IHS-Del Prette), ao Inventario de Empatia (IE FALCONE) e ao Parental Autority Questionary (PAQ). A Análise dos dados foi feita através do SPSS. Foram efetuadas correlações r de Person entre os fatores do PAQ e os fatores do IHS e do IE. Os resultados apontaram para uma correlação positiva (r = 0,30 ; p < 0,05) entre o fator Enfrentamento e Auto-afirmação do IHS e o estilo Autoritativo. Uma relação negativa (r = -0,24 ; p < 0,05) foi observada entre este mesmo fator e o estilo Autoritário. Em relação a empatia, os fatores Tomada de Perspectiva (r = 0,33 ; p < 0,01), Sensibilidade Afetiva (r = 0,25 ; p < 0,05) e Autruismo (r = 0,25 ; p < 0,05) correlacionaram-se positivamente ao estilos Autoritativo, Em relação ao fator Autoritário, foi verificada uma correlação negativa ( r = -0,24 ; p < 0,05) com o fator Altruísmo do IE. A partir deste resultado, foram realizadas três análises de regressão linear múltipla (stepwise) considerando cada um dos fatores do PAQ como variáveis dependentes dos fatores do IHS e do IE. Os Fatores Enfrentamento e Auto-afirmação do IHS e o fator Autruísmo do IE junto explicam 15% da variância do Fator autoritativo. Os resultados apresentados são discutidos a luz da psicologia do desenvolvimento, psicologia social e neuropsicologia. / The human behavior is not determined by a single factor. The relation between environment, heredity and temperament enables us to understanding what we are and what we become, from childhood to adulthood. Human Development has been influenced by Parental Styles, wich can be defined as a pattern of parents behaviors in their relationship with their children. The Literature has used some parameters to parental style. One of them is the bidimensional relation between limits-affect or responsiveness and demandingness, delimiting three parenting styles: Authoritarian, Permissive and Authoritative. The authoritarian style is characterized by parents who give limits and dont give much affection. These parents goals are to maintain family order and control, been obedience a virtue to be achieved even under punitive standards. The permissive style is characterized by parents who give very little limit and affection. In this case, there is a naturalistic belief that the child should freely express their needs and guide his/herselves. These parents do not see themselves as responsible for teaching or modifying child behavior. The authoritative style is characterized by parents who give limit and affection. The caregiver is in-between permissive and authoritarian, encouraging emotional free expression, allowing the children to participate in decisions, stimulating arguments, autonomy and discipline, with warmth and control. Empathy is considered to be an essential skill for maintaining social bonds, with which is possible to perceive others needs and thus, promotes a feeling of being understood. Assertiveness is the ability to express and defend your on opinion, firmly and securely, without disregarding others. Having as background the evolutionary perspective, this research has hypothesized the idea that authoritative parents are more empathetic and assertive than authoritarian parents. The aim of this study was to correlate the Parenting Styles Social Skills: Empathy and Assertiveness. 64 parents participated in the survey, 21 men and 43 women. The instruments used were: Inventário de Habilidades Sociais (IHS-Del Prette), the Inventário de Empatia (IE - FALCONE) and the Parental Autority Questionnaire (PAQ). The data analysis was performed using SPSS. R of Pearson correlation between PAQ factors and IHS and IE were done. Results sHOWEd a positive correlation (r = 0.30, p <0.05) between Coping and Self-affirmation factor of the IHS and style Autoritartivo. A negative relationship (-0.24, p <0.05) was observed between this factor and the authoritarian style. Regarding empathy, the factors Perspective Taking (r = 0.33, p <0.01), Affective Sensitivity (r = 0.25, p <0.05) and Altruism (r = 0.25, p <0.05) have been correlated positively to Authoritative Style. Regarding the Authoritarian factor, there was a negative correlation of -0.24 (p <0.05) with the Altruism factor of IE. After this result, three multiple linear regression analysis (stepwise) within each of the factors PAQ factors as dependent variables of the IHS and IE were done. The Coping and Self-affirmation factor of the IHS and Altruism IE factor together explain 15% of variance of Factor authoritative. The results are discussed in the light of developmental psychology, social psychology and neuropsychology.

Características psicológicas e suas possíveis influências em habilidades sociais em adolescentes / Psychological characteristics and its possible influences in social abilities in adolescents

Ana Cristina Gonçalves Dantas de Araújo 30 March 2006 (has links)
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior / A dimensão introversão extroversão, os estilos de atribuição e o lócus de controle foram aqui examinados para detectar uma possível interação com as habilidades sociais em adolescentes. A amostra foi restrita a adolescentes que recebem assistência de uma Obra Social que atende a uma comunidade constituída de aproximadamente 800 famílias do Estado do Rio de Janeiro. Participaram da pesquisa 20 adolescentes do sexo masculino e 40 adolescentes do sexo feminino, cuja idade variava de 16 a 19 anos e a educação formal do ensino fundamental ao fim do ensino médio. Quatro instrumentos foram usados: Escala de Personalidade Comrey (1970), adaptada por Rodrigues (1973) e revisada por Costa (2003) O Teste Raven das Bases de Poder (1993), utilizado por DAmorim & Assmar (1997), para a Atribuição e o Inventário de Habilidades Sociais desenvolvido por Del Prette & Del Prette (2001). Os resultados mostraram um equilíbrio entre a introversão extroversão, no caso das adolescentes do sexo feminino houve discreta predominância da introversão e para os adolescentes do sexo masculino houve uma predominância mais acentuada deste fator. A atribuição de causalidade foi pontuada principalmente através de suas bases de poder que funcionaram como variáveis experimentais. O lócus de controle foi pontuado em suas dimensões de externalidade (acaso e outros poderosos). A habilidade social que mais obteve explicação das variáveis independentes e seletivas, foi a conversação. Conclui-se que o adolescente tem uma tendência a atribuir a fatores externos e a ter uma orientação externa, principalmente no que se refere à origem dos acontecimentos. Estes representam seu meio de ascensão através do acaso e pela influência de outros poderosos. Deste modo, é possível compreender a ênfase dada à comunicação e a desenvoltura social. / The psychological dimension of Introversion- Extroversion, the six Attribution Styles as related to Power, and the three types of Locus of Control, were studied to verify their possible influence on the use of Social Abilities by low income adolescents. Participants received psychological assistance from a Private Institution dedicated to Social Care that attends a community of nearly 800 families living in greater Rio de Janeiro. Twenty boys and forty girls took part in the study. Their age varied from 16 to 19 years, and their formal education from elementary school to completed secondary school. Four instruments were used to measure the variables described above: Comreys Personality Scale (1970), adapted by Rorigues (1973) and validated by Costa (2003) for introversion extroversion, Ravens Power Basis (1993) as used by DAmorin, & Assmar (1997), for Attribution, Leversons Locus of Control Scale (1974), adapted and validated by Dela Coleta (1987), and Del Prete & Del Prete (2001) Inventory of Social Abilities. Results showed for the girls a very slight difference between introversion and extroversion favoring the first dimension; this difference was more accentuated for the boys. Power Basis, was used only as an experimental variable, to influence the attribution variable results. Locus of Control influence on Social Abilities was limited to the external dimensions of Chance and Powerful Others. Social Abilitie of Conversation got the highest levels of variance explanation. It can be suggested that adolescent tend to attribute live events to external factors and this tendency is especially strong in connection with the origin of these events. They perceive their chances of life improvement as possible only through chance or the influence of powerful others. This disposition will lead them to emphasize the value of communication and social skills.

Habilidades sociais de pais e mães de crianças do Rio de Janeiro: estudo preliminar sobre sua relação com as práticas e estilos parentais / Parental social abilities: preliminar study corelating with parental style

Priscila Tenenbaum Tyszler 24 November 2010 (has links)
O estilo parental tem influência no desenvolvimento humano e pode ser definido como um padrão de comportamentos identificáveis nos pais quando se relacionam com seus filhos. A literatura tem utilizado alguns parâmetros para compreender os estilos parentais. Um deles se caracteriza pelo binômio: limites-afeto ou responsividade e exigência, delimitando três estilos parentais: Autoritário, Permissivo e Autoritativo. O estilo autoritário caracteriza-se por pais que dão muitos limites e pouco afeto. Estes pais procuram manter a ordem e o controle da família, devendo a obediência ser alcançada ainda que sob padrões punitivos. O estilo permissivo caracteriza-se por pais que dão pouco limite e muito afeto. Nesse caso, há uma crença naturalista segundo a qual a criança deve expressar livremente suas necessidades e aprender por si só. Estes pais não se vêem como responsáveis por ensinar ou modificar comportamentos infantis. O estilo autoritativo caracteriza-se por pais que dão muito limite e muito afeto. O cuidador apresenta condutas intermediárias entre as permissivas e autoritárias, estimulando verbalizações emocionais, permitindo que os filhos participem das decisões, estimulando argumentações, autonomia e disciplina. A empatia é considerada uma habilidade essencial para a manutenção dos laços sociais, que propicia a percepção da necessidade do outro e ao mesmo tempo favorece a sensação de ser compreendido. A assertividade é a habilidade de expressar e defender sua opinião com firmeza e segurança, sem, contudo desrespeitar o outro. Esta pesquisa tem como hipótese a idéia de que pais autoritativos seriam mais empáticos e assertivos do que pais autoritários. O objetivo deste estudo foi correlacionar os Estilos Parentais s Habilidades Sociais: Assertividade e Empatia. Participaram da pesquisa 64 pais, 21 homens e 43 mulheres. Os instrumentos utilizados foram: o Inventário de Habilidades Sociais (IHS-Del Prette), ao Inventario de Empatia (IE FALCONE) e ao Parental Autority Questionary (PAQ). A Análise dos dados foi feita através do SPSS. Foram efetuadas correlações r de Person entre os fatores do PAQ e os fatores do IHS e do IE. Os resultados apontaram para uma correlação positiva (r = 0,30 ; p < 0,05) entre o fator Enfrentamento e Auto-afirmação do IHS e o estilo Autoritativo. Uma relação negativa (r = -0,24 ; p < 0,05) foi observada entre este mesmo fator e o estilo Autoritário. Em relação a empatia, os fatores Tomada de Perspectiva (r = 0,33 ; p < 0,01), Sensibilidade Afetiva (r = 0,25 ; p < 0,05) e Autruismo (r = 0,25 ; p < 0,05) correlacionaram-se positivamente ao estilos Autoritativo, Em relação ao fator Autoritário, foi verificada uma correlação negativa ( r = -0,24 ; p < 0,05) com o fator Altruísmo do IE. A partir deste resultado, foram realizadas três análises de regressão linear múltipla (stepwise) considerando cada um dos fatores do PAQ como variáveis dependentes dos fatores do IHS e do IE. Os Fatores Enfrentamento e Auto-afirmação do IHS e o fator Autruísmo do IE junto explicam 15% da variância do Fator autoritativo. Os resultados apresentados são discutidos a luz da psicologia do desenvolvimento, psicologia social e neuropsicologia. / The human behavior is not determined by a single factor. The relation between environment, heredity and temperament enables us to understanding what we are and what we become, from childhood to adulthood. Human Development has been influenced by Parental Styles, wich can be defined as a pattern of parents behaviors in their relationship with their children. The Literature has used some parameters to parental style. One of them is the bidimensional relation between limits-affect or responsiveness and demandingness, delimiting three parenting styles: Authoritarian, Permissive and Authoritative. The authoritarian style is characterized by parents who give limits and dont give much affection. These parents goals are to maintain family order and control, been obedience a virtue to be achieved even under punitive standards. The permissive style is characterized by parents who give very little limit and affection. In this case, there is a naturalistic belief that the child should freely express their needs and guide his/herselves. These parents do not see themselves as responsible for teaching or modifying child behavior. The authoritative style is characterized by parents who give limit and affection. The caregiver is in-between permissive and authoritarian, encouraging emotional free expression, allowing the children to participate in decisions, stimulating arguments, autonomy and discipline, with warmth and control. Empathy is considered to be an essential skill for maintaining social bonds, with which is possible to perceive others needs and thus, promotes a feeling of being understood. Assertiveness is the ability to express and defend your on opinion, firmly and securely, without disregarding others. Having as background the evolutionary perspective, this research has hypothesized the idea that authoritative parents are more empathetic and assertive than authoritarian parents. The aim of this study was to correlate the Parenting Styles Social Skills: Empathy and Assertiveness. 64 parents participated in the survey, 21 men and 43 women. The instruments used were: Inventário de Habilidades Sociais (IHS-Del Prette), the Inventário de Empatia (IE - FALCONE) and the Parental Autority Questionnaire (PAQ). The data analysis was performed using SPSS. R of Pearson correlation between PAQ factors and IHS and IE were done. Results sHOWEd a positive correlation (r = 0.30, p <0.05) between Coping and Self-affirmation factor of the IHS and style Autoritartivo. A negative relationship (-0.24, p <0.05) was observed between this factor and the authoritarian style. Regarding empathy, the factors Perspective Taking (r = 0.33, p <0.01), Affective Sensitivity (r = 0.25, p <0.05) and Altruism (r = 0.25, p <0.05) have been correlated positively to Authoritative Style. Regarding the Authoritarian factor, there was a negative correlation of -0.24 (p <0.05) with the Altruism factor of IE. After this result, three multiple linear regression analysis (stepwise) within each of the factors PAQ factors as dependent variables of the IHS and IE were done. The Coping and Self-affirmation factor of the IHS and Altruism IE factor together explain 15% of variance of Factor authoritative. The results are discussed in the light of developmental psychology, social psychology and neuropsychology.

Características psicológicas e suas possíveis influências em habilidades sociais em adolescentes / Psychological characteristics and its possible influences in social abilities in adolescents

Ana Cristina Gonçalves Dantas de Araújo 30 March 2006 (has links)
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior / A dimensão introversão extroversão, os estilos de atribuição e o lócus de controle foram aqui examinados para detectar uma possível interação com as habilidades sociais em adolescentes. A amostra foi restrita a adolescentes que recebem assistência de uma Obra Social que atende a uma comunidade constituída de aproximadamente 800 famílias do Estado do Rio de Janeiro. Participaram da pesquisa 20 adolescentes do sexo masculino e 40 adolescentes do sexo feminino, cuja idade variava de 16 a 19 anos e a educação formal do ensino fundamental ao fim do ensino médio. Quatro instrumentos foram usados: Escala de Personalidade Comrey (1970), adaptada por Rodrigues (1973) e revisada por Costa (2003) O Teste Raven das Bases de Poder (1993), utilizado por DAmorim & Assmar (1997), para a Atribuição e o Inventário de Habilidades Sociais desenvolvido por Del Prette & Del Prette (2001). Os resultados mostraram um equilíbrio entre a introversão extroversão, no caso das adolescentes do sexo feminino houve discreta predominância da introversão e para os adolescentes do sexo masculino houve uma predominância mais acentuada deste fator. A atribuição de causalidade foi pontuada principalmente através de suas bases de poder que funcionaram como variáveis experimentais. O lócus de controle foi pontuado em suas dimensões de externalidade (acaso e outros poderosos). A habilidade social que mais obteve explicação das variáveis independentes e seletivas, foi a conversação. Conclui-se que o adolescente tem uma tendência a atribuir a fatores externos e a ter uma orientação externa, principalmente no que se refere à origem dos acontecimentos. Estes representam seu meio de ascensão através do acaso e pela influência de outros poderosos. Deste modo, é possível compreender a ênfase dada à comunicação e a desenvoltura social. / The psychological dimension of Introversion- Extroversion, the six Attribution Styles as related to Power, and the three types of Locus of Control, were studied to verify their possible influence on the use of Social Abilities by low income adolescents. Participants received psychological assistance from a Private Institution dedicated to Social Care that attends a community of nearly 800 families living in greater Rio de Janeiro. Twenty boys and forty girls took part in the study. Their age varied from 16 to 19 years, and their formal education from elementary school to completed secondary school. Four instruments were used to measure the variables described above: Comreys Personality Scale (1970), adapted by Rorigues (1973) and validated by Costa (2003) for introversion extroversion, Ravens Power Basis (1993) as used by DAmorin, & Assmar (1997), for Attribution, Leversons Locus of Control Scale (1974), adapted and validated by Dela Coleta (1987), and Del Prete & Del Prete (2001) Inventory of Social Abilities. Results showed for the girls a very slight difference between introversion and extroversion favoring the first dimension; this difference was more accentuated for the boys. Power Basis, was used only as an experimental variable, to influence the attribution variable results. Locus of Control influence on Social Abilities was limited to the external dimensions of Chance and Powerful Others. Social Abilitie of Conversation got the highest levels of variance explanation. It can be suggested that adolescent tend to attribute live events to external factors and this tendency is especially strong in connection with the origin of these events. They perceive their chances of life improvement as possible only through chance or the influence of powerful others. This disposition will lead them to emphasize the value of communication and social skills.

O perfil docente para a educação inclusiva : uma análise das atitudes, habilidades sociais e o perfil escolar inclusivo /

Silva, Esther Giacomini. January 2008 (has links)
Orientador: Sadao Omote / Banca: Maria Amélia Almeida / Banca: Olga Maria Piazentin Rolim Rodrigues / Banca: Rita de Cássia Tibério Araújo / Banca: Dagoberto Buim Arena / Resumo: A partir da década de 90, vários documentos internacionais, leis e diretrizes nacionais, assim como orientações estaduais passaram a versar sobre a educação inclusiva nas instituições educacionais. Diante desta realidade, esta pesquisa teve como propósitos analisar as atitudes sociais dos professores de escolas comuns, juntamente com suas habilidades sociais frente à inclusão de alunos com necessidades educacionais especiais e verificar, se as diretrizes sobre a inclusão presentes nos documentos oficiais estavam em funcionamento nas escolas pesquisadas. Fizeram parte desta pesquisa oito dirigentes de escolas nas quais as professoras, no total de 55, atuavam no ensino fundamental (séries iniciais) de dois municípios mineiros. Destas escolas, cinco atendiam ao ensino fundamental e médio e, três ao ensino fundamental completo, sendo seis escolas de um município e as outras duas de outro. Das escolas selecionadas, três tinham projeto de inclusão formalizado, sendo uma estadual e uma municipal da mesma cidade e a outra, estadual, de outro município. Os professores responderam a duas escalas, a ELASI - Escala Likert de Atitudes Sociais em relação à Inclusão e o Inventário de Habilidades Sociais (IHS). Os dirigentes responderam um questionário, denominado Perfil Escolar para Inclusão, construído para esta pesquisa. Foram estatisticamente significantes os resultados da ELASI e do IHS nas categorias: especialização; experiência com alunos portadores de necessidades educacionais especiais; escolas municipais. Os resultados da relação de dependência entre a ELASI e o IHS foram significantes nos índices: total e operacional da ELASI com o fator de auto-exposição a desconhecidos e situações novas do IHS e operacional da ELASI com total do IHS. Na análise das escolas, quanto ao Perfil Escolar para Inclusão, destacou-se na comparação das escolas com projeto inclusivo, a escola municipal. / Abstract: From early nineties, many international documents, laws and national guidelines as well as state guidance focused the inclusive education on schools, universities and so, regarding to the inclusion of people who have special educational needs. Therefore, this study aimed to evaluate the acts toward inclusion and the teachers' social abilities and, also, to evaluate the schools based on official indicatives for teaching students with special needs in regular schools, and to verify whether these inclusion guidance presented on official documents were working on the researched schools. Principals (8) from schools where teachers (55) teach elementary school (initial grades) from two municipalities in Minas Gerais, have taken part of this research. From these schools, five offered elementary and high school levels and three offered complete elementary school. Among the selected schools three had official and formalized project of inclusion, being one of then a state school and a metro one, in the same municipality, and the other one, from another city, a state school. The teachers answered to two scales, the Likert Scale for Social Attitudes (ELASI) and, a Social Skills Inventory (IHS). The principals answered a questionnaire called Scholar Profile, built up for this research. The results were significant on the ELASI scale for the following categories: specialization course, experience with students who have special educational needs, metro schools. The results of dependence relation between the ELASI and the IHS were significant for the indexes total and operational of ELASI with the self-exposure to unknowns and new situations of the IHS, and operational of ELASI with total of IHS. The schools analysis regarding to the Inclusive Scholar Profile highlighted in the comparison of schools with inclusive project, the municipal school one. / Doutor

O perfil docente para a educação inclusiva: uma análise das atitudes, habilidades sociais e o perfil escolar inclusivo

Silva, Esther Giacomini [UNESP] 25 February 2008 (has links) (PDF)
Made available in DSpace on 2014-06-11T19:31:45Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 0 Previous issue date: 2008-02-25Bitstream added on 2014-06-13T19:02:17Z : No. of bitstreams: 1 silva_eg_dr_mar.pdf: 624830 bytes, checksum: fa94d4b176fb785548fd7a81bfee2f4a (MD5) / A partir da década de 90, vários documentos internacionais, leis e diretrizes nacionais, assim como orientações estaduais passaram a versar sobre a educação inclusiva nas instituições educacionais. Diante desta realidade, esta pesquisa teve como propósitos analisar as atitudes sociais dos professores de escolas comuns, juntamente com suas habilidades sociais frente à inclusão de alunos com necessidades educacionais especiais e verificar, se as diretrizes sobre a inclusão presentes nos documentos oficiais estavam em funcionamento nas escolas pesquisadas. Fizeram parte desta pesquisa oito dirigentes de escolas nas quais as professoras, no total de 55, atuavam no ensino fundamental (séries iniciais) de dois municípios mineiros. Destas escolas, cinco atendiam ao ensino fundamental e médio e, três ao ensino fundamental completo, sendo seis escolas de um município e as outras duas de outro. Das escolas selecionadas, três tinham projeto de inclusão formalizado, sendo uma estadual e uma municipal da mesma cidade e a outra, estadual, de outro município. Os professores responderam a duas escalas, a ELASI – Escala Likert de Atitudes Sociais em relação à Inclusão e o Inventário de Habilidades Sociais (IHS). Os dirigentes responderam um questionário, denominado Perfil Escolar para Inclusão, construído para esta pesquisa. Foram estatisticamente significantes os resultados da ELASI e do IHS nas categorias: especialização; experiência com alunos portadores de necessidades educacionais especiais; escolas municipais. Os resultados da relação de dependência entre a ELASI e o IHS foram significantes nos índices: total e operacional da ELASI com o fator de auto-exposição a desconhecidos e situações novas do IHS e operacional da ELASI com total do IHS. Na análise das escolas, quanto ao Perfil Escolar para Inclusão, destacou-se na comparação das escolas com projeto inclusivo, a escola municipal. / From early nineties, many international documents, laws and national guidelines as well as state guidance focused the inclusive education on schools, universities and so, regarding to the inclusion of people who have special educational needs. Therefore, this study aimed to evaluate the acts toward inclusion and the teachers’ social abilities and, also, to evaluate the schools based on official indicatives for teaching students with special needs in regular schools, and to verify whether these inclusion guidance presented on official documents were working on the researched schools. Principals (8) from schools where teachers (55) teach elementary school (initial grades) from two municipalities in Minas Gerais, have taken part of this research. From these schools, five offered elementary and high school levels and three offered complete elementary school. Among the selected schools three had official and formalized project of inclusion, being one of then a state school and a metro one, in the same municipality, and the other one, from another city, a state school. The teachers answered to two scales, the Likert Scale for Social Attitudes (ELASI) and, a Social Skills Inventory (IHS). The principals answered a questionnaire called Scholar Profile, built up for this research. The results were significant on the ELASI scale for the following categories: specialization course, experience with students who have special educational needs, metro schools. The results of dependence relation between the ELASI and the IHS were significant for the indexes total and operational of ELASI with the self-exposure to unknowns and new situations of the IHS, and operational of ELASI with total of IHS. The schools analysis regarding to the Inclusive Scholar Profile highlighted in the comparison of schools with inclusive project, the municipal school one.

Social competence, peer victimization, and depression in young adults with high-functioning autism spectrum disorders

Stark, Kate Harris 04 October 2013 (has links)
The goal of this study was to examine the contributing factors to depression in young adult males with high-functioning autism spectrum disorders (HFASD) and controls. Specifically, this study examined the relationship between recalled relational peer victimization, self-perceived social competence, global self-worth, and symptoms of depression in individuals with HFASD compared to normal controls. Depression is one of the most prevalent comorbid conditions in the HFASD population. Individuals with autism are also subjected to high rates of peer victimization. Given that social abilities are impaired in individuals with autism, it was hypothesized that their experiences with victimization by peers, along with their self-perceived social competence and global self-worth, would help explain levels of depression. It was expected that higher levels of peer victimization, lower levels of self-perceived social competence, and lower levels of global self-worth would explain higher levels of depression. Additionally, it was expected that self-perceived social competence would mediate the effect of peer victimization on depression, global self-worth would mediate the effect of peer victimization on depression, and global self-worth would mediate the effect of self-perceived social competence on depression. Variables were measured with self-report questionnaires. Multiple regression and bootstrapping measures of indirect effects were used to examine the presumed effects. Participants included 40 males, ages 18-26; there were 21 control participants and 19 individuals with HFASDs. Individuals with HFASD had significantly higher levels of depressive symptoms, lower levels of self-perceived social competence, lower levels of global self-worth, and a trend towards higher reports of peer victimization. Multiple regression analyses determined that peer victimization, global self-worth, and self-perceived social competence significantly predicted depressive symptoms in the total sample. Also, peer victimization significantly predicted self-perceived social competence and global self-worth. Additionally, self-perceived social competence significantly predicted global self-worth. Tests of indirect effects indicated that global self-worth mediated the effect of peer victimization on depression, self-perceived competence mediated the effect of peer victimization on depression, and global self-worth mediated the effect of self-perceived competence on depression. As a follow-up, this study also examined select HFASD participants' responses about how they defined bullying, as well as their perceived experiences with victimization. / text

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