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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Estudo da evidencia????o do balan??o social : o caso da Associa????o Brasileira de Tecnologia de Luz SINCROTRON (ABTLuS)

Magalh??es, Jos?? Ribeiro 14 May 2003 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2015-12-04T11:45:34Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Jose_Ribeiro_Magalhaes.pdf: 660006 bytes, checksum: ca903df163e02e9dc1d4d638d745966f (MD5) Previous issue date: 2003-05-14 / Great amounts are made available annually by the government to the institutions related to public organizations for the development of operations aiming the benefits for the society. Public resources maintain the institutions and is necessary to keep the society informed about their actions so that the taxpayers can acknowledge what good it has effectively brought. The main objective of this work was to elaborate a Social Balance of a research and development laboratory, maintained by the federal government with several objectives, but mainly to offer a synchrotron light source for the Brazilian researchers. In order to accomplish this objective the method of a study case was used and through which the main social indicators of this institution were analysed to evaluate if the institution is complying with its social mission. The results, besides enhancing its social contribution, will serve as guidelines for the decision makers of the institution based on the collected data. A research was carried out on the main actions of the institution and what the results have brought to the community, mainly for the Brazilian scientific community. The final results of this research work, structured on a social balance proposal, give evidence that the institution is truly achieving its institutional mission and that it has contributed to the advancement of Brazilian scientific research. / Os governantes da administra????o p??blica disponibilizam anualmente vultosas subven????es para organismos p??blicos a fim de que desenvolvam determinadas opera????es visando beneficiar a sociedade. ?? dever das institui????es mantidas com recursos p??blicos prestar contas da sua atua????o, esclarecendo para a sociedade o que faz com os recursos pecuni??rios que a elas s??o repassados, com a finalidade que esta possa tomar conhecimento do que efetivamente estas institui????es t??m destinado aos contribuintes. O objetivo central deste trabalho foi elaborar o Balan??o Social de um laborat??rio de pesquisa e desenvolvimento, dando ??nfase principalmente aos investimentos em pesquisa e desenvolvimento, que ?? mantido especialmente com recursos p??blicos federais, o qual tem entre os in??meros objetivos, dentre os quais disponibilizar um fonte de luz s??ncroton para os pesquisadores brasileiros. Para alcan??ar este objetivo, utilizou-se o m??todo de estudo de caso pelo qual foram avaliados os principais indicadores sociais da institui????o, analisando-se a institui????o em raz??o da sua miss??o social. O resultado destas opera????es p??s em destaque o que a institui????o faz pelo social, propondo-se a servir de par??metro, com base nos dados coletados, aos usu??rios internos, representados tamb??m pelos gestores, bem como aos externos, segundo as medidas de gerenciamento da institui????o. Foi realizado um estudo sobre as principais a????es da institui????o e a contribui????o deste laborat??rio ?? comunidade, em especial para ?? comunidade cient??fica brasileira. A avalia????o final dos trabalhos desenvolvidos, para a elabora????o desta pesquisa, aponta para a oportunidade e a relev??ncia do Balan??o Social, no ajuizamento da institui????o no que concerne ?? sua contribui????o ?? comunidade e, em especial, ?? comunidade cient??fica.

Social redovisning i kooperativa företag : Jämförelse mellan COOP och HSB

Irimescu, Monika January 2009 (has links)
<p><strong>Syfte:</strong> kooperativa företag arbetar för en hållbar utveckling av sina lokalsamhällen. Samtidigt är social ekonomi bäst på socialt ansvar med en hög tillväxt inom Europa. Hållbarhetsredovisning har införts som lag för statliga företag from den 1 januari 2008. Därför undersöker jag hur olika konsumentkooperativ arbetar med den sociala redovisningsprocessen. Syftet med studien är alltså att undersöka och jämföra den sociala redovisningsprocessen hos de kooperativa företagen HSB och Coop, dvs vilka metoder, processer och mått för att mäta de sociala målen används och vilka fördelar och nackdelar har dessa.</p><p><strong>Metod:</strong> Ett kvalitativt tillvägagångssätt (och en induktiv ansats) har använts för att utföra studien. Data har samlats in genom intervjuer som kompletterats med annan relevant information. En kvalitativ analys och jämförelse av resultaten har gjorts mellan de två kooperativen.</p><p><strong>Resultat & slutsats:</strong> Coop och HSB har hållbarhetsredovisningar där de ekonomiska målen integreras i de sociala. HSB har en egen metod medan Coop har utgått från GRIs riktlinjer. HSB fokuserar på några frågor medan Coop har fångat de flesta frågor med social betydelse. Både den sociala redovisningsprocessen och dess resultat, det sociala bokslutet, anses vara nästan lika viktiga för båda kooperativen, lite större vikt läggs på processen hos HSB. Processen hos båda kooperativ liknar mycket varandra och är i princip samma. För mätningen av de sociala målen använder Coop både kvantitativa och kvalitativa mått medan HSB använder, än så länge, främst kvantitativa mått. För datainsamling används enkäter/webbenkäter av båda kooperativen och är den vanligaste metoden hos Coop. Orsaken till detta kan vara att via dessa kan man få både kvalitativa och kvantitativa svar. HSB använder dessutom medlemstidningen och gemensamma datakällor, medan hos Coop erhålls synpunkter genom medlems- och butiksråden och Medlemspunkten, en särskild plats i butiker där medlemmarna enkelt kan ge förslag på förbättringar eller lämna synpunkter (Coops hållbarhetsredovisning 2007, pdf, s. 38).</p><p>Bland fördelarna anges av Coop trovärdighet genom en transparent redovisning och av HSB att den underlättar samsyn och utveckling vilket bidrar till en effektiv verksamhet samt att den underlättar kommunikationen. Den sociala redovisningens nackdelar enligt HSB är att koppla indikatorer till aktiviteter medan Coop anser att icke-finansiell information kan uppfattas som svårtolkad och lättmanipulerad. Icke-finansiell information kan således vara svårt att tolka och mäta. Andra nackdelar är avsaknad av etablerade redovisningsregler (Coop) och kostnaderna ifall man skulle misslyckas (HSB).</p><p><strong>Förslag till fortsatt forskning:</strong> Eftersom studien har begränsats på två kooperativ skulle det vara intressant att undersöka flera andra kooperativ och jämföra dem med varandra. Dessutom kunde man även undersöka de två andra områdena inom socialt ansvar som inte behandlats i studien nämligen mänskliga rättigheter och produktansvar. En annan aspekt som kunde undersökas är hur utvecklingsarbetet för social redovisning utförs inom kooperativ.</p><p><strong>Studiens bidrag:</strong> Studien har bidragit till ny kunskap om den sociala redovisningsprocessen hos kooperativa företag, om metoder, processer och mått som används. Den kan vara värdefull för studenter eller andra som är intresserade av hur olika kooperativ arbetar med social redovisning.</p><p><strong>Nyckelord:</strong> social redovisning, metoder, mått, sociala mål, intressenter, kooperativ, HSB, Coop.</p> / <p><strong>Aim:</strong> Co-operatives work for the sustainable development of their communities. At the same time, social economy is best in social responsibility with a high growth in Europe. Sustainability accounting has been introduced as law for state companies from 1 January 2008. For these reasons, I investigate how different consumer co-operatives work with the social accounting process. Thus, the aim of the study is to examine and compare the social accounting process in the co-operatives HSB and Coop, i.e. what methods, processes and measurements to measure the social goals are used, and what are its benefits and drawbacks.</p><p><strong>Method:</strong> A qualitative approach (and an inductive) was used for the study. Data was collected through interviews completed with other relevant information. A qualitativ analysis and comparison of the results between the two co-operatives has been done.</p><p><strong>Result & Conclusions:</strong> Coop and HSB has sustainability reports with the economical objectives integrated into the social goals. HSB has its own method while Coop has started from GRIs guidelines. HSB focuses on a few issues whereas Coop has captured most of the issues with a social importance. Both the social accounting process and its result, the social account/report, is considered to be almost equally important for both co-operatives, but a little more weight is attached to the process by HSB. The processes by both co-operatives are very similar and, in principle, the same. For the measuring of the social targets, Coop uses both quantitative and qualitative measurements whereas HSB uses mainly quantitative measurements. For the collection of data questionnaires/web questionnaires are used by both co-operatives and are most frequently used by Coop. The reason to this could be that through these both quantitative and qualitative answers can be obtained. In addition, HSB uses the member paper and common data sources while Coop obtains viewpoints through the member- and shop council and the Memberpoint i.e. a special place in the shops, where members can give proposals for improvements or their point of view (Coops sustainability report 2007, pdf, p. 38) Among the advantages indicated by Coop is reliability through a tranparent accounting. HSB indicates that it facilitates a common view and development that contributes to an effective business and it facilitates communication. The disadvantages of social accounting according to HSB are to connect indicators to activities whereas Coop deems non-financial information possible to be seen as hard to interpret and easy to be manipulated. Non-financial information can thus be hard to interpret and measure. Other disadvantages are the lack of established accounting rules (Coop) and the costs in case of a failure (HSB).</p><p><strong>Suggestions for future research:</strong> As the study has been limited to two co-operatives it would be interesting to investigate several other co-operatives and compare them. Besides, the two other areas of social responsibility that were not discussed in the study, i.e. human rights and product responsibility could be examined. An other aspect that could be looked into is how the work for the development of social accounting is carried out within co-operatives.</p><p><strong>Contribution of the study:</strong> the study has contributed to new knowledge about the social accounting process in co-operatives, about methods, processes and measurements that are used. This can be valuable for students or others who are interested in how co-operatives are working with social accounting.</p><p><strong>Key words:</strong> Social accounting, methods, measures, social objectives, stakeholders, co-operatives, HSB, Coop.</p>

Social redovisning i kooperativ och ideella organisationer

Schedin, Isabelle, Asmar-Shamoon, Randa January 2010 (has links)
<p><strong>Syfte:</strong> Syftet med denna uppsats är att ta reda på i vilken omfattning kooperativ och ideella organisationer använder sig av social redovisning. Vi vill undersöka <em>hur</em> och <em>varför</em> de redovisar det sociala ansvarstagandet och om de använder sig av riktlinjer, rekommendationer eller andra verktyg i arbetet med den sociala redovisningen.</p><p> </p><p><strong>Metod: </strong>Studien har utförts med hjälp av en kvalitativ metod då vi ansåg detta vara en lämplig ansats med tanke på de många ”mjuka” variabler som finns i den sociala redovisningen. Två personliga intervjuer har genomförts med respondenter från Basta respektive Barncancerfonden. Informationen vi erhållit har sammanställts och jämförts för att sedan kopplas till teoristudierna. Utifrån detta har vi gjort våra slutsatser.</p><p> </p><p><strong>Resultat & slutsats: </strong>Basta och Barncancerfonden använder sig inte av några hållbarhetsrapporter eller sociala redovisningar, men skriver om sitt arbete ur sociala aspekter i separata dokument eller i förvaltningsberättelser/verksamhetsberättelser. Båda arbetar med en blandning av hård och mjuk data i det som räknas till den sociala redovisningen. I vår slutsats har vi kommit fram till att Basta och Barncancerfonden redovisar mer än vad de själva är medvetna om, vilket vi anser bero på att den sociala redovisningen för dem innebär redovisning av verksamheten i sig.</p><p> </p><p><strong>Förslag till fortsatt forskning: </strong>Det skulle vara intressant att göra en jämförelse mellan ett aktiebolag och en ideell organisations sociala redovisning. Detta främst då syftet med verksamheten skiljer sig åt och det blir en jämförelse mellan ett vinstdrivande och ett icke-vinstdrivande företag/organisation. En annan möjlighet skulle vara att gå längre på djupet med denna uppsats och avgränsa sig till enbart bidragsgivande organisationer alternativt kooperativ.</p><p> </p><p><strong>Uppsatsens bidrag: </strong>Denna uppsats har bidragit till en ökad förståelse för hur den sociala redovisningen används inom kooperativ och ideella organisationer. Studien har gett upphov till ny kunskap om hur dessa organisationer ser på redovisningen av det sociala ansvarstagandet och kan vara värdefull för studenter och andra intressenter som är intresserade av denna form av redovisning.</p> / <p> <strong>Aim:</strong> The aim of this study is to analyse in which extent co-operatives and non-profit organizations use social accounting. We want to examine how and why they report the social responsibility and if they are using guidelines, recommendations or other tools when working with social accounting.</p><p> </p><p><strong>Method: </strong>The study has been carried out with a qualitative method because we felt this to be an appropriate approach with the many soft variables in mind that exists in the social accounting. Two personal interviews have been conducted with respondents from Basta and the Children’s Cancer Foundation. The information we were given were put together, analyzed, compared and finally connected to the theoretical reference frame. We have drawn our conclusions due to that result.</p><p> </p><p><strong>Result & Conclusions: </strong>Basta and Children’s Cancer Foundation do not use any separate sustainability reports or social accountings, but they are writing about their work from the social aspects in separate documents or in annual reports. Both Basta and Children’s Cancer Foundation are working with a mix of hard and soft data in the set of social accounting. In our conclusion, we have found that they account for more than what they themselves are aware of. We believe this to be due to the fact that social accounting in these associations is the same as accounting of the organization’s activity itself.</p><p> </p><p><strong>Suggestions for future research</strong>: It would be interesting to make a comparison between a corporations' and a nonprofit organizations' social accounting. Primarily because the purpose of the organization’s activities are different and there will be a comparison between a profit and a non-profit organization. Another possibility would be to go further with this study and only look into donor organizations or co-operatives.</p><p><strong> </strong></p><p><strong>Contribution of the thesis:</strong> This study has contributed to a better understanding of how social accounting is used in co-operatives and non-profit organizations. The study has given rise to new knowledge about these organizations’s view of reporting of the social responsibility. It can be valuable for students and other stakeholders who are interested in this form of accounting.</p>

Social redovisning i kooperativ och ideella organisationer

Schedin, Isabelle, Asmar-Shamoon, Randa January 2010 (has links)
Syfte: Syftet med denna uppsats är att ta reda på i vilken omfattning kooperativ och ideella organisationer använder sig av social redovisning. Vi vill undersöka hur och varför de redovisar det sociala ansvarstagandet och om de använder sig av riktlinjer, rekommendationer eller andra verktyg i arbetet med den sociala redovisningen.   Metod: Studien har utförts med hjälp av en kvalitativ metod då vi ansåg detta vara en lämplig ansats med tanke på de många ”mjuka” variabler som finns i den sociala redovisningen. Två personliga intervjuer har genomförts med respondenter från Basta respektive Barncancerfonden. Informationen vi erhållit har sammanställts och jämförts för att sedan kopplas till teoristudierna. Utifrån detta har vi gjort våra slutsatser.   Resultat &amp; slutsats: Basta och Barncancerfonden använder sig inte av några hållbarhetsrapporter eller sociala redovisningar, men skriver om sitt arbete ur sociala aspekter i separata dokument eller i förvaltningsberättelser/verksamhetsberättelser. Båda arbetar med en blandning av hård och mjuk data i det som räknas till den sociala redovisningen. I vår slutsats har vi kommit fram till att Basta och Barncancerfonden redovisar mer än vad de själva är medvetna om, vilket vi anser bero på att den sociala redovisningen för dem innebär redovisning av verksamheten i sig.   Förslag till fortsatt forskning: Det skulle vara intressant att göra en jämförelse mellan ett aktiebolag och en ideell organisations sociala redovisning. Detta främst då syftet med verksamheten skiljer sig åt och det blir en jämförelse mellan ett vinstdrivande och ett icke-vinstdrivande företag/organisation. En annan möjlighet skulle vara att gå längre på djupet med denna uppsats och avgränsa sig till enbart bidragsgivande organisationer alternativt kooperativ.   Uppsatsens bidrag: Denna uppsats har bidragit till en ökad förståelse för hur den sociala redovisningen används inom kooperativ och ideella organisationer. Studien har gett upphov till ny kunskap om hur dessa organisationer ser på redovisningen av det sociala ansvarstagandet och kan vara värdefull för studenter och andra intressenter som är intresserade av denna form av redovisning. / Aim: The aim of this study is to analyse in which extent co-operatives and non-profit organizations use social accounting. We want to examine how and why they report the social responsibility and if they are using guidelines, recommendations or other tools when working with social accounting.   Method: The study has been carried out with a qualitative method because we felt this to be an appropriate approach with the many soft variables in mind that exists in the social accounting. Two personal interviews have been conducted with respondents from Basta and the Children’s Cancer Foundation. The information we were given were put together, analyzed, compared and finally connected to the theoretical reference frame. We have drawn our conclusions due to that result.   Result &amp; Conclusions: Basta and Children’s Cancer Foundation do not use any separate sustainability reports or social accountings, but they are writing about their work from the social aspects in separate documents or in annual reports. Both Basta and Children’s Cancer Foundation are working with a mix of hard and soft data in the set of social accounting. In our conclusion, we have found that they account for more than what they themselves are aware of. We believe this to be due to the fact that social accounting in these associations is the same as accounting of the organization’s activity itself.   Suggestions for future research: It would be interesting to make a comparison between a corporations' and a nonprofit organizations' social accounting. Primarily because the purpose of the organization’s activities are different and there will be a comparison between a profit and a non-profit organization. Another possibility would be to go further with this study and only look into donor organizations or co-operatives.   Contribution of the thesis: This study has contributed to a better understanding of how social accounting is used in co-operatives and non-profit organizations. The study has given rise to new knowledge about these organizations’s view of reporting of the social responsibility. It can be valuable for students and other stakeholders who are interested in this form of accounting.

Social redovisning i kooperativa företag : Jämförelse mellan COOP och HSB

Irimescu, Monika January 2009 (has links)
Syfte: kooperativa företag arbetar för en hållbar utveckling av sina lokalsamhällen. Samtidigt är social ekonomi bäst på socialt ansvar med en hög tillväxt inom Europa. Hållbarhetsredovisning har införts som lag för statliga företag from den 1 januari 2008. Därför undersöker jag hur olika konsumentkooperativ arbetar med den sociala redovisningsprocessen. Syftet med studien är alltså att undersöka och jämföra den sociala redovisningsprocessen hos de kooperativa företagen HSB och Coop, dvs vilka metoder, processer och mått för att mäta de sociala målen används och vilka fördelar och nackdelar har dessa. Metod: Ett kvalitativt tillvägagångssätt (och en induktiv ansats) har använts för att utföra studien. Data har samlats in genom intervjuer som kompletterats med annan relevant information. En kvalitativ analys och jämförelse av resultaten har gjorts mellan de två kooperativen. Resultat &amp; slutsats: Coop och HSB har hållbarhetsredovisningar där de ekonomiska målen integreras i de sociala. HSB har en egen metod medan Coop har utgått från GRIs riktlinjer. HSB fokuserar på några frågor medan Coop har fångat de flesta frågor med social betydelse. Både den sociala redovisningsprocessen och dess resultat, det sociala bokslutet, anses vara nästan lika viktiga för båda kooperativen, lite större vikt läggs på processen hos HSB. Processen hos båda kooperativ liknar mycket varandra och är i princip samma. För mätningen av de sociala målen använder Coop både kvantitativa och kvalitativa mått medan HSB använder, än så länge, främst kvantitativa mått. För datainsamling används enkäter/webbenkäter av båda kooperativen och är den vanligaste metoden hos Coop. Orsaken till detta kan vara att via dessa kan man få både kvalitativa och kvantitativa svar. HSB använder dessutom medlemstidningen och gemensamma datakällor, medan hos Coop erhålls synpunkter genom medlems- och butiksråden och Medlemspunkten, en särskild plats i butiker där medlemmarna enkelt kan ge förslag på förbättringar eller lämna synpunkter (Coops hållbarhetsredovisning 2007, pdf, s. 38). Bland fördelarna anges av Coop trovärdighet genom en transparent redovisning och av HSB att den underlättar samsyn och utveckling vilket bidrar till en effektiv verksamhet samt att den underlättar kommunikationen. Den sociala redovisningens nackdelar enligt HSB är att koppla indikatorer till aktiviteter medan Coop anser att icke-finansiell information kan uppfattas som svårtolkad och lättmanipulerad. Icke-finansiell information kan således vara svårt att tolka och mäta. Andra nackdelar är avsaknad av etablerade redovisningsregler (Coop) och kostnaderna ifall man skulle misslyckas (HSB). Förslag till fortsatt forskning: Eftersom studien har begränsats på två kooperativ skulle det vara intressant att undersöka flera andra kooperativ och jämföra dem med varandra. Dessutom kunde man även undersöka de två andra områdena inom socialt ansvar som inte behandlats i studien nämligen mänskliga rättigheter och produktansvar. En annan aspekt som kunde undersökas är hur utvecklingsarbetet för social redovisning utförs inom kooperativ. Studiens bidrag: Studien har bidragit till ny kunskap om den sociala redovisningsprocessen hos kooperativa företag, om metoder, processer och mått som används. Den kan vara värdefull för studenter eller andra som är intresserade av hur olika kooperativ arbetar med social redovisning. Nyckelord: social redovisning, metoder, mått, sociala mål, intressenter, kooperativ, HSB, Coop. / Aim: Co-operatives work for the sustainable development of their communities. At the same time, social economy is best in social responsibility with a high growth in Europe. Sustainability accounting has been introduced as law for state companies from 1 January 2008. For these reasons, I investigate how different consumer co-operatives work with the social accounting process. Thus, the aim of the study is to examine and compare the social accounting process in the co-operatives HSB and Coop, i.e. what methods, processes and measurements to measure the social goals are used, and what are its benefits and drawbacks. Method: A qualitative approach (and an inductive) was used for the study. Data was collected through interviews completed with other relevant information. A qualitativ analysis and comparison of the results between the two co-operatives has been done. Result &amp; Conclusions: Coop and HSB has sustainability reports with the economical objectives integrated into the social goals. HSB has its own method while Coop has started from GRIs guidelines. HSB focuses on a few issues whereas Coop has captured most of the issues with a social importance. Both the social accounting process and its result, the social account/report, is considered to be almost equally important for both co-operatives, but a little more weight is attached to the process by HSB. The processes by both co-operatives are very similar and, in principle, the same. For the measuring of the social targets, Coop uses both quantitative and qualitative measurements whereas HSB uses mainly quantitative measurements. For the collection of data questionnaires/web questionnaires are used by both co-operatives and are most frequently used by Coop. The reason to this could be that through these both quantitative and qualitative answers can be obtained. In addition, HSB uses the member paper and common data sources while Coop obtains viewpoints through the member- and shop council and the Memberpoint i.e. a special place in the shops, where members can give proposals for improvements or their point of view (Coops sustainability report 2007, pdf, p. 38) Among the advantages indicated by Coop is reliability through a tranparent accounting. HSB indicates that it facilitates a common view and development that contributes to an effective business and it facilitates communication. The disadvantages of social accounting according to HSB are to connect indicators to activities whereas Coop deems non-financial information possible to be seen as hard to interpret and easy to be manipulated. Non-financial information can thus be hard to interpret and measure. Other disadvantages are the lack of established accounting rules (Coop) and the costs in case of a failure (HSB). Suggestions for future research: As the study has been limited to two co-operatives it would be interesting to investigate several other co-operatives and compare them. Besides, the two other areas of social responsibility that were not discussed in the study, i.e. human rights and product responsibility could be examined. An other aspect that could be looked into is how the work for the development of social accounting is carried out within co-operatives. Contribution of the study: the study has contributed to new knowledge about the social accounting process in co-operatives, about methods, processes and measurements that are used. This can be valuable for students or others who are interested in how co-operatives are working with social accounting. Key words: Social accounting, methods, measures, social objectives, stakeholders, co-operatives, HSB, Coop.

Critical assessment of economic impact analyses at selected national festivals / Lukas Johannes Meyer van Wyk

Van Wyk, Lukas Johannes Meyer January 2011 (has links)
Festivals have become a global phenomenon and now serve as a platform to promote the leisure and tourism industry within a nation. These events have an undisputed economic effect – not only on the hosting community – but also on the global community. Despite the encouraging community support and the socio-economic impact and spin-offs that are generated by means of such events, the financing of art festivals remains an intricate issue. The fact remains that not all festivals are financially self-sustainable and so require extensive sponsorship in order to ensure the continuation of the event. Limited government funding available due to budget constraints curbs the financial support forthcoming from municipalities and so forces event organisers to seek alternative funding to ensure the survival and feasibility of events. This responsibility places an additional burden on event organisers and so necessitates the use of assessment tools in order to convince private and public institutions or individuals to invest in such events through sponsorships. During an extensive literature study, it became apparent that the need exists to re-assess fully the economic impact analysis of events. The literature revealed that varying models are used to conduct economic impact analyses. In order to establish a concise framework within which to conduct an economic assessment, it was decided to select only the most-used models – Computable General Equilibrium (CGE), Input-Output (I-O) and Social Accounting Matrix (SAM). The dilemma facing tourism economists is to determine which economic assessment approach is most effective as every methodology has its own advantages and disadvantages. In addition, the type and size of an event also plays a fundamental role when selecting an appropriate measuring tool. This research was further motivated because of the existing gap that exists in the South African context for no study has yet been conducted where the various models that assess economic impact have been applied to the collated data of the same event. This study thus aims to provide an overview and a comparison of competing and supplementing methodologies for modelling the regional economic dynamics and the impacts of events. It further investigates the manner in which regional CGE, I-O and SAM based (multiplier) models operate towards capturing the region-specific, inter-regional and multi-regional production, consumption and factor market patterns as result of expenditures incurred during events. An analysis of the virtues and the limitations of these economic assessment methodologies suggests that it may be the considerations such as the data collection/compilation, expected output, research objectives and costs involved that ultimately determine the choice of a specific modelling framework. While addressing the problem stated above, this study produced the following three articles that are now embodied in the work: * Article 1 - “Critical assessment of economic impact analyses of the ABSA Klein Karoo National Arts Festival”, and * Article 2 - “Critical assessment of economic impact analyses of the Aardklop National Arts Festival”. Article 2 investigated and compared the economic assessment results when applying specific constructed models, being the Social Accounting Matrix (SAM) and Computable General Equilibrium (CGE) for the appropriate provinces, to the available data obtained from previous surveys conducted at the 2010 ABSA Klein Karoo National Arts Festival and from the Aardklop National Arts Festival. The two articles indicated that when different models of assessment are applied to the same data set of an event, the economic impact results might differ significantly. This may serve as a warning to economic assessors, academics and researchers that economic impact results can be misleading and therefore the application thereof should be handled with the utmost care in order to avoid misinterpretations and misconceptions. * Article 3, “Assessing the economic impact of the Aardklop National Arts Festival: a feast of models to opt for – or not?” In this article, data from a visitor and business survey conducted at the 2010 Aardklop National Arts Festival was used in the analyses made by applying SAM, CGE and I-O regional models constructed for South Africa’s Northwest Province. Results from these analyses were then compared in order to give researchers and practitioners a better insight and clarity regarding which approach works best for the economic assessment of an arts festival. This article highlighted the fact that the measured economic impact results differ when various models that are applied to the same event. It also became evident that the most conservative economic impact was measured by an I-O model, followed with a higher SAM measurement, while CGE revealed the highest economic assessment. The most significant contribution of this study is embedded in the fact that within the South African context – and even globally – it is the first study of its kind that aimed to determine the economic impact by means of applying more than one assessment model to the data set of a single event. Further, this study provides guidelines for event organisers, academics and economic advisors to follow in conjunction with the existing body of knowledge and practical implementation structures when assessing the economic impact of events. / Thesis (PhD (Tourism Management))--North-West University, Potchefstroom Campus, 2012

Critical assessment of economic impact analyses at selected national festivals / Lukas Johannes Meyer van Wyk

Van Wyk, Lukas Johannes Meyer January 2011 (has links)
Festivals have become a global phenomenon and now serve as a platform to promote the leisure and tourism industry within a nation. These events have an undisputed economic effect – not only on the hosting community – but also on the global community. Despite the encouraging community support and the socio-economic impact and spin-offs that are generated by means of such events, the financing of art festivals remains an intricate issue. The fact remains that not all festivals are financially self-sustainable and so require extensive sponsorship in order to ensure the continuation of the event. Limited government funding available due to budget constraints curbs the financial support forthcoming from municipalities and so forces event organisers to seek alternative funding to ensure the survival and feasibility of events. This responsibility places an additional burden on event organisers and so necessitates the use of assessment tools in order to convince private and public institutions or individuals to invest in such events through sponsorships. During an extensive literature study, it became apparent that the need exists to re-assess fully the economic impact analysis of events. The literature revealed that varying models are used to conduct economic impact analyses. In order to establish a concise framework within which to conduct an economic assessment, it was decided to select only the most-used models – Computable General Equilibrium (CGE), Input-Output (I-O) and Social Accounting Matrix (SAM). The dilemma facing tourism economists is to determine which economic assessment approach is most effective as every methodology has its own advantages and disadvantages. In addition, the type and size of an event also plays a fundamental role when selecting an appropriate measuring tool. This research was further motivated because of the existing gap that exists in the South African context for no study has yet been conducted where the various models that assess economic impact have been applied to the collated data of the same event. This study thus aims to provide an overview and a comparison of competing and supplementing methodologies for modelling the regional economic dynamics and the impacts of events. It further investigates the manner in which regional CGE, I-O and SAM based (multiplier) models operate towards capturing the region-specific, inter-regional and multi-regional production, consumption and factor market patterns as result of expenditures incurred during events. An analysis of the virtues and the limitations of these economic assessment methodologies suggests that it may be the considerations such as the data collection/compilation, expected output, research objectives and costs involved that ultimately determine the choice of a specific modelling framework. While addressing the problem stated above, this study produced the following three articles that are now embodied in the work: * Article 1 - “Critical assessment of economic impact analyses of the ABSA Klein Karoo National Arts Festival”, and * Article 2 - “Critical assessment of economic impact analyses of the Aardklop National Arts Festival”. Article 2 investigated and compared the economic assessment results when applying specific constructed models, being the Social Accounting Matrix (SAM) and Computable General Equilibrium (CGE) for the appropriate provinces, to the available data obtained from previous surveys conducted at the 2010 ABSA Klein Karoo National Arts Festival and from the Aardklop National Arts Festival. The two articles indicated that when different models of assessment are applied to the same data set of an event, the economic impact results might differ significantly. This may serve as a warning to economic assessors, academics and researchers that economic impact results can be misleading and therefore the application thereof should be handled with the utmost care in order to avoid misinterpretations and misconceptions. * Article 3, “Assessing the economic impact of the Aardklop National Arts Festival: a feast of models to opt for – or not?” In this article, data from a visitor and business survey conducted at the 2010 Aardklop National Arts Festival was used in the analyses made by applying SAM, CGE and I-O regional models constructed for South Africa’s Northwest Province. Results from these analyses were then compared in order to give researchers and practitioners a better insight and clarity regarding which approach works best for the economic assessment of an arts festival. This article highlighted the fact that the measured economic impact results differ when various models that are applied to the same event. It also became evident that the most conservative economic impact was measured by an I-O model, followed with a higher SAM measurement, while CGE revealed the highest economic assessment. The most significant contribution of this study is embedded in the fact that within the South African context – and even globally – it is the first study of its kind that aimed to determine the economic impact by means of applying more than one assessment model to the data set of a single event. Further, this study provides guidelines for event organisers, academics and economic advisors to follow in conjunction with the existing body of knowledge and practical implementation structures when assessing the economic impact of events. / Thesis (PhD (Tourism Management))--North-West University, Potchefstroom Campus, 2012


MARTA, STEFANO 19 February 2014 (has links)
Lo scopo della tesi di dottorato è quello di indagare, analizzare e costruire evidenza empirica sulla rilevanza degli approcci territoriali per affrontare il problema dell'insicurezza alimentare, sulla base del presupposto che l'inefficacia degli approcci tradizionali alla sicurezza alimentare e nutrizionale (FNS) sottolinea la necessità di passare da approcci “one-size-fits-all”, interamente top-down e settoriali ad approcci integrati, contesto-specifici e territoriali. La prima parte definisce un quadro concettuale e di policy per l'approccio territoriale alle politiche di FNS, intervistando anche i principali esperti sui temi della FNS e dello sviluppo regionale. La seconda parte si propone colmare il gap in termini di informazione e di metodi di analisi per la FNS tramite lo sviluppo di strumenti e approcci per misurare e valutare le determinanti strutturali territoriali della FNS. In particolare, nel lavoro si propongono due diversi strumenti: il Territorial Capital Index (TCI) e la matrice di contabilità sociale (SAM). Il lavoro di ricerca conclude che la FNS è un problema complesso e multisettoriale di sviluppo socio-economico caratterizzata da una forte dimensione territoriale che va ben oltre la produzione alimentare ed è il risultato di interazioni dinamiche e complesse tra politiche sociali, economiche, istituzionali e ambientali. L'approccio TCI-SAM proposto fornisce ai decisori politici un sistema di informazioni e di analisi territoriali esaustivo per indirizzare le strategie e le politiche di FNS e per una più efficiente allocazione delle risorse. / The aim of the PhD thesis is to investigate, analyze and build empirical evidence on the relevance of territorial approaches for addressing the issue of food insecurity, based on the assumption that the ineffectiveness of traditional approaches to food and nutrition security (FNS) stresses the need to shift from one-size-fits-all, entirely top-down and sectoral-based approaches to integrated, context-specific and place-based approaches. The first part defines a conceptual and policy framework for the territorial approach to FNS policies also by interviewing the main experts on the issues of FNS and regional development. The second part aims at filling the FNS gap in terms of information and analytical methods by developing tools and approaches to measure and assess the territorial structural determinants of FNS. In particular, it proposes two different tools: the Territorial Capital Index (TCI) and the Social Accounting Matrix (SAM). The research concluded that FNS is a multi-sectoral and complex socio-economic development issue characterized by a strong territorial dimension which goes far beyond food production and it is the result of dynamic and complex interactions between economic, social, institutional and environmental policies. The combined TCI-SAM approach provides policy makers with comprehensive territorial information to target FNS strategies and policies and to better allocate resources.

A World Link CGE Model Applied to the Economic Reform in the Slovak Republic and EU Enlargement

Koronczi, Karol, Ezaki, Mitsuo 03 1900 (has links) (PDF)
No description available.

Estrutura de renda, consumo e sistema produtivo: mudanças na economia brasileira entre 2000 e 2010

Silva, Marcus Vinícius Amaral e 03 July 2018 (has links)
Submitted by Renata Lopes (renatasil82@gmail.com) on 2018-07-20T15:20:49Z No. of bitstreams: 1 marcusviniciusamaralesilva.pdf: 2590619 bytes, checksum: 4fd347134630b770de59aaaa2aa2fd58 (MD5) / Approved for entry into archive by Adriana Oliveira (adriana.oliveira@ufjf.edu.br) on 2018-09-03T16:18:00Z (GMT) No. of bitstreams: 1 marcusviniciusamaralesilva.pdf: 2590619 bytes, checksum: 4fd347134630b770de59aaaa2aa2fd58 (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2018-09-03T16:18:00Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 marcusviniciusamaralesilva.pdf: 2590619 bytes, checksum: 4fd347134630b770de59aaaa2aa2fd58 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2018-07-03 / O objetivo desta tese é analisar as mudanças na estrutura de rendimento, ocorridas na economia brasileira entre 2000 e 2010, e sua relação com as alterações nos padrões de consumo e as transformações na estrutura produtiva do país. Para isso, são elaboradas duas matrizes, por meio de um modelo de Matriz de Contabilidade Social (MCS), desagregada para 10 grupos familiares representativos. A estrutura de interdependência de renda entre as famílias é investigada por meio dos multiplicadores inter-relacionais de renda de Miyazawa. Já as mudanças na estrutura produtiva, entre 2000 e 2010, induzida por cada uma das 10 famílias típicas é investigada por meio de uma Análise de Decomposição Estrutural. Os principais resultados alcançados pela aplicação desses dos dois métodos apontam para uma relevante redução na renda absorvida pela última classe familiar, dado um choque exógeno de renda, ao longo do período de análise. Por outro lado, as famílias que fazem parte dos grupos de menor rendimento, tiveram aumento significativo na absorção de renda entre 2000 e 2010. O que pode ser explicado pelas transformações na estrutura de rendimentos, ocorridas principalmente em favor das classes familiares de menor renda, representadas sobretudo pela redução dos indicadores de desigualdade de renda. Isso implica que, políticas de transferência de renda, como o Bolsa Família, e as mudanças no mercado de trabalho, observada principalmente por meio do aumento do salário mínimo real, passaram a gerar maiores benefícios às camadas mais pobres da população. Já a análise de decomposição estrutural indica que os grupos familiares com menor rendimento médio foram aqueles que mais contribuíram para o aumento da produção observada no período. Esse resultado sugere que o crescimento da renda, associado a novos padrões de consumo, está intimamente ligado aos avanços produtivos entre 2000 e 2010. / The aim of this thesis is to analyze the changes in the structure of income that occurred in the Brazilian economy between 2000 and 2010, and it's relation with the changes in patterns of consumption and the transformations in the productive structure of the country. To achieve this objective, two matrices are elaborated, using a Social Accounting Matrix (SAM) model, disaggregated for 10 representative households groups. The structure of income interdependence among households is investigated through Miyazawa's interrelational income multipliers. The changes in the productive structure, between 2000 and 2010, induced by each one of the 10 typical families are investigated through a Structural Decomposition Analysis (SDA). The main results point to a significant reduction in the income absorbed by the last household, given an exogenous income shock, throughout the period of analysis. On the other hand, the families that are part of the lower income groups had a significant increase in income absorption between 2000 and 2010. This can be explained by the changes in income structure, mainly in favor of lower income households, mainly represented by the reduction of income inequality indicators. This implies that income transfer policies, such as Bolsa Família, and changes in the labor market, observed mainly through the increase of the real minimum wage, generated greater benefits to the poorest sections of the population. On the other hand, the analysis of structural decomposition indicates that the household groups with the lowest average income were the ones that contributed the most to the production increase observed in the period. This result suggests that income growth and the rise of a new middle class, with new patterns of consumption, are closely linked to the productive advances between 2000 and 2010.

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