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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

An evaluation of the transformation process in the performing arts councils in South Africa

Seutloadi, Kedibone Dominica 03 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MPhil)--Stellenbosch University, 2003. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: The Performing Arts Councils (PACs) have been the primary recipients of national public funding for the performing arts, accounting for nearly half of the arts and culture budget of the Department of Arts, Culture, Science and Technology (DACST). They had to be restructured in order to free public resources for allocation to other disciplines and areas in need of redress. The four PACs addressed in this study are The Playhouse Company (Durban), Artscape (Cape Town), PACOFS (Bloemfontein), and the Spoornet State Theatre (Pretoria). The purpose of the study was to determine whether or not the PACs had achieved the transformation goals as defined by DACST. The research was approached from a qualitative perspective to ensure that as much nuanced information as possible was collected within a limited timeframe and financial constraints. Where necessary, as in analysis of staff and expenditure, quantitative analyses were undertaken. The study found that the process of converting PACs to playhouses had been inconsistently implemented, although some of the PACs had come a long way in transforming themselves. Funding was obtained from government subsidies, NAC funding for specific projects, sponsorships, and other minor sources of income such as box office sales. Traditional forms of the performing arts, specifically opera and ballet, still accounted for a large portion of the total expenditure. PACs have had considerable difficulty in obtaining provincial and local government support, or adequate business sector support to make them viable as stand-alone entities. None of the PACs has been able to secure sustainable funding on a reliable basis to meet their requirements. DACST regards the implementation of a Community Arts Development (CAD) component and the establishment of the NAC as essential for an equitable arts dispensation in the country. CAD is meant to provide education and empowerment of people from previously disadvantaged communities, access to PAC venues and NAC funding, and awareness and outreach programmes. The CAD component varies substantially from PAC to PAC. The White Paper on Arts, Culture and Heritage recognises that the future of arts and cultural expression lies in the development of new audiences and markets. Audience development and facilitating access to venues has been left to the PACs, with little effect in some cases. The transformation of the staff profile of PACs to reflect the demographics of their provinces has been achieved. As the resultsof the study show each PAC took it upon itself to transform itself in its own way. As a result, transformation by the various PACs was found not always to be in line with the imperatives contained in the White Paper on Arts, Culture and Heritage (DACST, 1996). / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Die Rade vir Uitvoerende Kunste (RUK) was tot op hede die vernaamste ontvangers van nasionale staatsbefondsing vir die uitvoerende kunste, en het bykans vyftig persent van die Departement van Kuns, Kultuur, Wetenskap en Tegnologie (DKKWT) se begroting vir kuns en kultuur verteenwoordig. Hierdie Rade moes herstruktureer word sodat staatshulpbronne wat vir ander dissiplines en gebiede wat regstelling nodig gehad het, aangewend kon word. In hierdie studie is die vier Rade vir Uitvoerende Kunste "The Playhouse" (Durban), "Artseape" (Kaapstad), RUKOVS (Bloemfontein) en die Spoornet-staatsteater (Pretoria) bestudeer. Die doel van die studie was om te bepaal of die Rade vir Uitvoerende Kunste 'n transformasie, soos gedefinieer deur die DKKWT, ondergaan het. Die navorsing is vanuit 'n kwalitatiewe perspektief benader om te verseker dat so veel moontlik genuanseerde inligting binne 'n beperkte tydsbestek en te midde van finansiele beperkinge ingesamel is. Waar nodig, soos in die analise van personeel en uitgawes, is 'n kwantitatiewe benadering gevolg. Daar is bevind dat daar deurgaans uitvoering gegee is aan die omskepping van die Uitvoerende Kunsterade in skouburgteaters, hoewel sommige Rade reeds 'n ver pad met betrekking tot selftransformasie geloop het. Befondsing was afkomstig van staatsubsidies, NUK-befondsing vir spesifieke projekte, borge en ander minder beduidende bronne, byvoorbeeld inkomste uit kaartjieverkope. Tradisionele vorms van die uitvoerende kunste, veralopera en ballet, het steeds 'n beduidende deel van totale uitgawes uitgemaak, en Rade vir Uitvoerende Kunste het groot probleme ondervind om genoegsame steun van provinsiale regerings, plaaslike owerhede en die besigheidsektor te werf om hulle in staat te stelom as lewensvatbare en onafhanklike entiteite te funksioneer. Nie een van die Rade vir Uitvoerende Kunste kon daarin slaag om befondsing van 'n standhoudende aard te bekom waarop hulle kon reken om aan hul vereistes te voldoen nie. Die DKKWT beskou die implementering van 'n Gemeenskapskunsontwikkelingkomponent (GKO) en die stigting van die NUK as onontbeerlik vir 'n regverdige kunste-bedeling in die land. GKO beoog om voorsiening te maak vir die opvoeding en bemagtiging van mense III die voorheen agtergeblewe gemeenskappe, toegang tot plekke waar GKO-optredes gehou word, NUKbefondsing, asook bewustheids- en uitreikprogramme. Die GKO-komponent wissel aansienlik van RUK tot RUK. Die Witskrif oor Kuns, Kultuur en Erfenis erken dat die toekoms van kuns- en kulturele uitdrukking in die ontwikkeling van nuwe gehore en markte opgesluit lê. Die ontwikkeling van gehore en makliker toegang tot plekke waar optredes aangebied word is in die hande van Kunsterade gelaat; in sommige gevalle met weinig effek. Die transformasie van die Rade vir Uitvoerende Kunste se personeelprofiel ten einde die demografiese werklikheid van elke provinsie te weerspieel was suksesvol. Soos duidelik uit die studie blyk, het elke Raad vir Uitvoerende Kunste onderneem om die transformasie op sy eie manier te implementeer. Die gevolg is dat die transformasie in die verskillende Rade vir Uitvoerende Kunste nie altyd tred hou met die bindende opdragte wat in die Witskrif oor Kuns, Kultuur en Erfenis (DKKWT, 1996) vervat is nie.

Past and present perceptions surrounding mission education : a historical-metabletical overview

Lewis, Andrew 12 1900 (has links)
Thesis (D.Ed.)--University of Stellenbosch, 1999. / 330 Leaves printed single pages, preliminary pages i-vii and numberd pages 1-317.Includes bibliography and figures. Digitized at 600 dpi grayscale to pdf format (OCR), using a Bizhub 250 Konica Minolta Scanner. Digitized, Ivan Jacobs following an inter-library loan request on 1Augustus 2011, Lorenda Boyd / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: Africa, education has both reflected, and has been subjected to numerous perceptions, which inevitably led to various ideas and behaviour on the part of those participating in the educative act. Perceptions of others, objects or situations remain complex. The thoughts and behaviour which emanate from such complexity depend on factors such as personality, motivation, and social context. Culture also plays a cardinal role in the perceptual process. In the Republic of South Africa, as a culturally diverse country, divergent perceptions about education, where multi-culturalism is most evident, will be inevita ble. Mission education has been variedly adjudged, because of varied perceptions. This is understandable, as Black South Africans had been educated pre-dominantly by White missionaries up until the 1950's. Generally, politicians, academics and the media tend to give one-sided viewpoints, negating other interpretations and balanced perspectives. This takes place because of ignorance, bias or self-interest. Two commonly held perceptions about missionaries, are that they were racist and that their education system promoted colonialism. The understanding of racism, colonialism and missionaries' role therein, is in turn determined by numerous factors amongst historians, academics, politicians and journalists. The perceptions of each of these groups are often determined by partisan interests, which inevitably lead to unfair generalisations and stereotypes, since the rnetabletical nature of education is denied.In order to dissertate on past educational events, they need to be read contextually, taking into account both temporal and spatial dimensions of historical reality. When analysing historical perceptions, one needs to critically evaluate diverse interpretations of the past, and attempt to present a balanced perspective, instead of presenting a biased outlook,which tends to favour a specific hypothesis. This research critically analyses the various perceptions (past and present) surrounding mission education in South Africa, according to historical-metabletical guidelines, that they may be presented within a more balanced historical perspective. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Suid-Afrika was onderworpe aan 'n groot verkeidenheid persepsies, wat onvermydelik gelei het tot uiteenlopende idees en gedragsuitinge onder praktisyns van opvoeding. 'n Mens se waarneming van andere, van voorwerpe en situasies, bly 'n komplekse saak. Gedagtes en handelinge wat uit hierdie kompleksiteit voorvloei, hang van faktore af soos, persoonlikheid, motivering en sosiale kontekste. Kultuur speel ook 'n sleutelrol in die waarnemingsprases. In die Republiek van Suid-Afrika, 'n land met 'n veelvoudigheid van kulture, waar multi-kulturalisme aan die orde van die dag is, sal uiteenlopende waarnemings random die opvoeding onvermydelik wees. Sendingonderwys, was verskillend beoordeel, as gevolg van die uiteenlopende waarnemings. Dit is te verstane, aangesien swart Suid-Afrikaners hoofsaaklik deur blanke sendelinge onderrig is, tot en met die vyftigerjare. Oor die algemeen, is politici, akademici en die media geneig om eensydige sieninge te huldig en weer te gee. Hierdeur word ander sienswyses of meer gebalanseerde sienswyses soms negeer. Dit gebeur as gevolg van onkunde, vooraordeel of eie-belang. Twee algemene sienswyses aangaande sendelinge, is dat hulle rassiste was, en dat hulle opvoeding kolonialisme gepropageer het. Die verstaan van rassisme, kolonialisme en die rol van sendelinge hierin, word medebepaal deur verskeie faktore onder historici, akademici, politici en joemaliste. Die waarneminge van hierdie graepe word dikwels bepaal deur graepbelange, wat onvermydelik lei tot onregverdige veralgemenings en stereotipering, omdat die metabletiese aard van opvoeding ontken word.Om oar opvoedingsgebeure van die verlede te kan redeneer, behoort dit kontekstueel gelees te word; terwyl beide die tyd-, sowel as die ruimtelike dimensies van die historiese werklikheid in ag geneem word. Die ontleding van historiese waarneming vereis kritiese interpretasie van 'n verskeidenheidinterpretasies uit die verlede. Daar moet oak gepoog word am 'n gebalanseerde eerder as 'n bevooroordeelde waameming, wat slegs een bepaalde hipotese onderskryf, daar te stel. Hierdie navorsing analiseer krities - volgens histories-metabletiese riglyne - verskeie waarneminge (verlede en teenswoordige), aangaande sendingonderwys in Suid-Afrika, am hierdeur tot 'n meer gebalanseerde historiese perspektief te geraak.

Development as transformation : the local church in Lavender Hill as agent of change in a post-Carnegie II context

Bowers, Nadine Francis, August, Karel Th., Swart, Ignatius 12 1900 (has links)
Thesis (DTh)--University of Stellenbosch, 2005. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: The aim of the study is to explore whether the local church is acting as an agent of change in addressing the socio-economic needs of an impoverished grassroots community. This study falls within the area of missiology as it takes as point of departure the need for the church to appropriate a missional framework for development. However, this study considers the church in relation to its context, it draws on related sub-fields of theology and various development and social sciences to compose a picture of the current challenges the church faces in engaging poverty. The study focuses on the community of Lavender Hill situated on the Cape Flats of the Western Cape. Due to the interdisciplinary nature of this study, both theoretical and methodological triangulation have been employed. Chapter 1 introduces the study and provides a theological conceptualisation. Chapter 2 argues for a framework of Development as Transformation and presents a distinctive motivation, goal and ecclesial identity, which has to be taken into account when the church 'does development'. It is concluded that, while this framework is distinctive, it does not replace existing development theory, but rather engages it as a dialogical conceptual framework. Chapters 3 to 5 present the Second Carnegie Inquiry into Poverty and Development in South Africa (1984) as a useful theoretical tool. This study allows for a comparative historical analysis, particularly as Carnegie II poses a challenge to the church regarding poverty. Despite the prominent role accorded the church by history, Carnegie inquiries, government and broader civil society, it is concluded that the church continues to face many of the same challenges in a post-Carnegie II context. Both Chapters 3 and 4 conclude that, among the key challenges identified, there is a need for the church to evidence holistic theology and sustainable action with regard to social responsibility. Action remains, for the most part, in a dominant charity mode. Partnership, in its various forms, is identified as a necessary and more sustainable strategy in a context of inequality. Chapters 5 and 6 focus more specifically on the context of Lavender Hill and utilise the theoretical frameworks in order to analyse data. Methodological triangulation is employed and various methods of data collection are therefore used. Chapter 5 discusses the interlinked dimensions of poverty in Lavender Hill with reference to both Carnegie II and recent scholarship. Chapter 6 utilises the theoretical frameworks to focus more specifically on whether the local church in Lavender Hill is acting as an agent of change. The involvement of the church is described and explored with reference to the challenges (both contextual and missional) presented in Chapters 1 to 5. Findings indicate that the local church faces many of the challenges identified by Chapters 3 and 4 and that theology in particular is closely linked to praxis. Particular attention is, therefore, given to the role played by theology in determining action, and Development as Transformation is applied as a framework which addresses a lack of holistic theology. Recommendations for action are proposed in order to guide the local church in areas such as Lavender Hill to become more meaningful role players in their communities. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Die doel van hierdie studie is om ondersoek in te stel na die vraagstuk of die plaaslike kerk wel optree as 'n agent van verandering deur die sosio-ekonomiese behoeftes van 'n arm grondvlakgemeenskap onder die loep te neem. Hierdie studie kan in die gebied van missiologie geplaas word, deurdat dit die noodsaaklikheid vir die kerk om 'n missionere raamwerk vir ontwikkeling te gebruik as uitgangspunt het. Hierdie studie beskou die kerk egter in verhouding tot die kerk se konteks, dit maak gebruik van verwante subvelde van teologie en verskeie ontwikkelings- en sosiale wetenskappe om 'n oorsig saam te stel van die huidige uitdagings waarvoor die kerk te staan kom in die stryd teen armoede. Die studie fokus op die gemeenskap van Lavender Hill wat op die Kaapse Vlakte in die Wes-Kaap gelee is. Weens die interdissiplinere aard van hierdie studie is teoretiese sowel as metodologiese triangulasie aangewend. Hoofstuk 1 lei die studie in en verskaf teologiese konseptualisering. In hoofstuk 2 word 'n raamwerk van Ontwikkeling as Transformasie bepleit wat 'n eiesoortige motivering, doel en kerklike identiteit aanbied wat in ag geneem moet word wanneer die kerk 'ontwikkelingswerk doen'. Die gevolgtrekking word gemaak dat alhoewel die raamwerk kenmerkend van aard is, dit nie huidige ontwikkelingsteorie vervang nie, maar dit eerder as 'n dialogiese konsepsuele raamwerk ter taak stel. In hoofstukke 3 tot 5 word die Second Carnegie Inquiry into Poverty and Development in South Africa (1984) as 'n nuttige teoretiese werktuig aangebied. Hierdie studie neem 'n vergelykende historiese ontleding in aanmerking, veral aangesien Carnegie II 'n uitdaging aan die kerk stel met betrekking tot armoede. Ten spyte van die prominente rol wat aan die kerk deur die geskiedenis, Carnegie-ondersoeke, die regering en bree burgerlike samelewing gegee is, word die gevolgtrekking gemaak dat die kerk steeds na Carnegie II voor dieselfde uitdagings te staan kom. In hoofstuk 3 sowel as 4 word verskeie sleuteluitdagings geidentifiseer en die gevolgtrekking word gemaak dat dit vir die kerk noodsaaklik is om bewyse te lewer van 'n holistiese teologie en onderhoubare optrede met betrekking tot sosiale verantwoordelikheid. Optrede word steeds grotendeels op 'n liefdadigheidswyse uitgevoer. Vennootskap, in al sy verskeie vorme, word as 'n noodsaaklike en meer onderhoubare strategie in 'n konteks van ongelykheid geidentifiseer. In hoofstukke 5 en 6 word meer spesifiek op die konteks van Lavender Hill gefokus en word die teoretiese raamwerke gebruik om die data te analiseer. Metodologiese triangulasie is aangewend en daarom is verskeie metodes van dataversameling gebruik. In hoofstuk 5 word die verweefde dimensies van armoede in Lavender Hill bespreek, met verwysing na Carnegie II sowel as onlangse vakkundigheid. In hoofstuk 6 word die teoretiese raamwerke gebruik om meer spesifiek te ondersoek of die plaaslike kerk in Lavender Hill wel as agent van verandering optree. Die betrokkenheid van die kerk is beskryf en word verken met verwysing na die uitdagings (kontekstueel sowel as missioner) soos in hoofstukke 1 tot 5 uiteengesit. Bevindinge dui daarop dat die plaaslike kerk te staan kom voor baie van die uitdagings wat in hoofstukke 3 en 4 geidentifiseer word, en dat die teologie in besonder ten nouste verbind is aan die praktyk. Besondere aandag word daarom gegee aan die rol wat deur teologie gespeel word om optrede te bepaal, en Ontwikkeling as Transformasie word toegepas as 'n raamwerk wat 'n gebrek aan holistiese teologie ondersoek. Aanbevelings vir optrede word voorgestel sodat plaaslike kerke in areas soos Lavender Hill gelei kan word om meer betekenisvolle rolspelers in hul gemeenskappe te word.

Onderwyserleer vir die effektiewe implementering van gedifferensieerde onderrig in die grondslagfase

Burger, Corlia 04 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MEd)--Stellenbosch University, 2014. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: Learners enter the classroom with different academic abilities, learning profiles and interests. Inclusive education is therefore seen as a possible answer to accommodate individual diversity in the classroom and to address the needs of every learner. During South Africa’s era of apartheid education, differences and disabilities were seen as learner-centred, and this led to labelling, marginalising and exclusion of specific learners. In the light of the aforementioned, the implementation of inclusion, which sees difference in learners (and between people in general) as a basic part of human life, is seen as challenging in South Africa. Differentiated instruction can be seen as a teaching strategy to promote inclusive education, as its focus is learner-centred and it is based on the philosophy that all learners can learn provided they are supported in the learning process. Although differentiated teaching is not unknown internationally and nationally and is most probably implemented in the classroom, the effective implementation thereof is not understood fully. This research study made use of the participatory action research design, and the main aim was therefore to effectively implement differentiated teaching in the Foundation Phase through collaborative teacher learning. A qualitative methodology was used, with six teachers as the participants in the natural setting of the school where they teach (in the Foundation Phase). The school is located in a less affluent urban community in the Western Cape province, one of the nine provinces in South Africa. During the first action research cycle it was found that not all aspects of differentiated teaching were internalised for effective implementation in the classroom. The evolving nature of the participatory action research design allowed an additional phase for problem definition and therefore the initiation of another action research cycle. The results will be shared with the participants as well as the relevant district’s office and the learning support educator, who will be employed during 2014, in an effort to ensure the sustainability of the process. Individual interviews were conducted with the participating teachers to formulate a problem definition for the next cycle in the participatory action research process. Although it was found after the first cycle that not all aspects of differentiated teaching were internalised for effective implementation, the teachers acknowledged the approach and initiated differences in their classroom. It is hoped that a longer intervention period may result in valuable outcomes. When the next cycle of the teacher learning process commences, whole-school development should be used as a starting point, where collaborative relationships exist in an inclusive school community and in which all role players are involved. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Leerders betree die klaskamer met verskillende akademiese vermoëns, leerprofiele en belangstellings. Inklusiewe onderwys word tans as ’n moontlike antwoord gesien om individuele diversiteit in die klaskamer tegemoet te kom en in elke leerder se behoeftes te voorsien. Tydens Suid-Afrika se era van apartheidsonderwys is verskille en ook gestremdhede as probleme ervaar wat in die leerder gesentreer is, en dit het tot die etikettering, marginalisering en uitsluiting van sodanige leerders gelei. In die lig van voorafgaande word die implementering van inklusiewe onderwys, wat die bestaan van verskille tussen leerders (en tussen mense in die algemeen) as ’n basiese deel van die menslike lewe aanvaar, in Suid-Afrika as uitdagend beleef. Gedifferensieerde onderrig kan as onderrigstrategie gebruik word om inklusiewe onderwys te bevorder, aangesien die fokus van inklusiewe onderwys leerdergesentreerd is en op die filosofie gegrond is dat alle leerders kan leer mits hulle in die leerproses ondersteun word. Alhoewel gedifferensieerde onderrig internasionaal en nasionaal nie onbekend is nie en waarskynlik wel in klaskamers geïmplementeer word, word die effektiewe toepassing daarvan nie altyd ten volle verstaan nie. In hierdie navorsingstudie is van deelnemende aksienavorsing as ontwerp gebruik gemaak met die hoofdoel om deur middel van kollaboratiewe onderwyserleer die effektiewe implementering van gedifferensieerde onderrig in die Grondslagfase te bevorder. Daar is van ’n kwalitatiewe metodologie gebruik gemaak, met ses onderwysers as die deelnemers en die skool waarin hulle onderrig (in die Grondslagfase) die natuurlike omgewing. Die skool is in ’n minder welvarende stedelike gemeenskap in die Wes-Kaap-provinsie, een van die nege provinsies in Suid-Afrika, geleë. Ná afloop van die eerste aksienavorsingsiklus is bevind dat nie alle aspekte van gedifferensieerde onderrig genoegsaam geïnternaliseer is om effektiewe toepassing in die klaskamer te verseker nie. Die ontwikkelende aard van deelnemende aksienavorsing as navorsingsontwerp het egter ruimte gelaat vir ’n addisionele fase van probleemafbakening om ’n verdere aksienavorsingsiklus in die navorsingskool te inisieer. Die resultate van hierdie fase sal met die deelnemers gedeel word en ook aan die betrokke distrikskantoor en die leerondersteuner, wat die posisie gedurende 2014 sal beklee, bekend gemaak word in ’n poging om die volhoubaarheid van die proses te verseker. Individuele onderhoude is met elke deelnemende onderwyser gevoer ten einde ’n probleemstelling vir die volgende siklus in die deelnemende aksienavorsingproses te formuleer. Alhoewel daar ná afloop van die eerste siklus bevind is dat nie alle aspekte van gedifferensieerde onderrig genoegsaam geïnternaliseer is om effektiewe toepassing te verseker nie, het die onderwysers wel van die benadering tot onderrig kennis geneem en reeds veranderinge in hul klaskamers begin inisieer. Die hoop bestaan dus dat ’n langer intervensieperiode waardevolle uitkomste kan meebring Wanneer hierdie studie se volgende siklus van die onderwyserleerproses in aanvang neem, moet geheelskoolontwikkeling, waar daar ’n kollaboratiewe verhouding in die skool as ’n inklusiewe gemeenskap bestaan en waarby alle rolspelers betrek word, as vertrekpunt dien.

Ideology and agency in protest politics : service delivery struggles in post-apartheid South Africa.

Ngwane, Trevor. January 2011 (has links)
My aim in this dissertation is to explore the manner in which protest leaders in the post-apartheid context understand themselves and their actions against the backdrop of the socio-historical, political and economic conditions within which protests take place. The aim is to contribute to the debate around the nature of the challenge posed by protest action to the post-apartheid neoliberal order. The study uses an actor-oriented ethnographic methodology to examine at close range the nature of the protest movement in working class South African townships focusing on the so-called service delivery protests. In the quest to understand the action, forms of organisation and ideologies characteristic of the protests, and their significance for post-apartheid society, I use concepts and insights from the literature on social movements, discourse theory and, in particular, Gramsci's ideas on hegemony. The latter helps me to define and assess the threat posed by the protests to the dominant order which I characterise as neoliberalism or neoliberal capitalism. The conclusion that I come to is that the protests are best understood in the context of the transition from apartheid to democracy: its dynamics and its unmet expectations. They represent a fragmented and inchoate challenge to the post apartheid neoliberal order. Their weakness, I argue, partly derives from the effects of the demobilisation of the working class movement during the transition to democracy. It will take broader societal developments, including the emergence of a particular kind of leadership and organisation, for the protests to pose a serious challenge to the present order. The experience of the struggle against apartheid suggests the necessity of a vision of alternatives to inspire, shape and cohere struggles around everyday issues and concerns into struggles for radical society-wide alternatives. Protest action was linked to imagination of a different way of doing things and organising society. Without this link, it is likely that the protest movement will be increasingly isolated and contained with some of its energy used negatively, for example, in populist chauvinism, xenophobic attacks, mob justice, and other forms of anti-social behavior that are becoming a worrisome feature of post-apartheid society. Nonetheless, it provides hope and the foundation for a different future. / Thesis (M.A.)-University of KwaZulu-Natal, Durban, 2011.

Die Erika Theron-Kommissie, 1973-1976 : n historiese studie

Barnard, J. M. M. (Jolene) 12 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MA)--Stellenbosch University, 2000. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: In the early 1970s the National Party government under B.l Vorster experienced serious problems due to its policy on the Coloured population. Issues concerning the mutual relations between the population groups came strongly to the fore and the government's policy of separate development was subject to widespread and severe criticism. The period 1970-1974 is generally regarded as a time of change in South Afiica due to international and foreign pressures. South Afiica's position in the international community deteriorated dramatically and attitudes towards the Republic became increasingly hostile in the rest of the world. Furthermore, the Vorster government was confronted with two opposing schools of thought within the party itself, the so-called verligtes and the verkramptes. During the 1970s the political decision-making processes became entangled in a continuous struggle between the enlightened wing of the National Party, the so-called Cape Liberals, and a more conservative element, the verkramptes of the Transvaal. Race relations issues and the government's Coloured policy in particular were often the source of contention. In March 1973 Vorster appointed a Commission of Enquiry into Matters Relating to the Coloured Population Group. It was chaired by prof Erika Theron, formerly professor in Social Work at the University of Stellenbosch. The Theron Commission, as it became known generally, consisted of twenty members, six of whom were Coloureds. The Commission had to investigate the following: the progress made by the Coloured population group since 1960 in the social, economic and constitutional spheres as well as in the fields of local management, culture and sport; constraining factors in the various fields that could be identified as sources of contention; and any other related matters. The Theron Commission's report was tabled in parliament three years later on 18 June 1976. The Soweto riots that broke out two days before, however, forced news of the report out of the newspapers and caused its influence to be largely dissipated. The Theron report contained a number of recommendations that were directly in conflict with the government's apartheid policy and were hence not acceptable to the government. Consequently, the government - by way of an interim memorandum and a later white paper - rejected those recommendations that affected the core of its apartheid policy. The recommendations included the repeal of the Mixed Marriages Act (Act 55 of 1949) and Section 16 of the Immorality Act (Act 23 of 1957), two of the cornerstones of the policy of apartheid. Recommendation No. 178, in which the commission recommended direct representation for Coloureds at the various levels of government, was also rejected by the government. The potential influence of the Theron Commission's report to influence change was thus firmly nipped in the bud. The government's reaction caused bitter disappointment among the Coloured population as well as enlightened Whites and at the same time fuelled the conflict between the verligtes and the verkramptes. It also ensured intensified criticism from the opposition parties, especially the United Party. Yet the recommendations of the Theron Commision's report played a prominent role in the late 1970s and early 1980s, when the wheels of political change began to tum, and let to the tricameral parliamentary system of 1984 in which the Coloured population group was also represented. The Arbeidersparty of South Africa (APSA) - Ministers' Council, which was in control of the House of Representatives from 1984 to 1992, consistently endeavoured to negotiate a better social, economic and constitutional position for the Coloured population on the basis of the Theron Commission's report. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: In die vroeë sewentigerjare van die twintigste eeu het die Nasionale Party-regering, onder die bewind van BJ. Vorster, ernstige probleme ten opsigte van sy Kleurlingbeleid ondervind. Probleme rondom die bevolkingsverhoudingsvraagstuk het sterk op die voorgrond getree en die regering se beleid van afsonderlike ontwikkeling aan wydverspreide en hewige kritiek onderwerp. Die tydperk 1970-1974 word allerweë deur kritici beskou as 'n tydperk van verandering in Suid-Afrika vanweë toenemende binne- en buitelandse druk. Suid-Afrika se posisie binne die internasionale gemeenskap het drasties verswak en die buiteland het 'n vyandige gesindheid jeens die Republiek geopenbaar. Daarbenewens het die Vorster-regering gebuk gegaan onder twee botsende denkrigtings binne die partygeledere, die sogenaamde verligtes en die verkramptes. Die politieke besluitnemingsprosesse van die sewentigerjare was vasgevang tussen die verligte vleuel van die Nasionale Party, die sogenaamde Cape Liberals, en 'n meer konserwatiewe element, die verkramptes van Transvaal tussen wie daar 'n voortdurende stryd gewoed het. Die bevolkingsverhoudingsvraagstuk en die regering se Kleurlingbeleid was gereeld in die spervuur. In Maart 1973 het Vorster 'n Kommissie van Ondersoek na Aangeleenthede rakende die Kleurlingbevolkingsgroep aangestel. Die voorsitter was prof Erika Theron, voormalige hoogleraar in Maatskaplike Werk aan die Universiteit van Stellenbosch. Die Theronkommissie, soos dit algemeen bekend sou staan, is saamgestel uit twintig lede waaronder ses Kleurlinge. Die kommissie moes ondersoek instel na die volgende: die vordering van die Kleurlingbevolkingsgroep sedert 1960 op maatskaplike, ekonomiese en staatkundige gebied asook op die terreine van plaaslike bestuur, kultuur en sport; stremmende faktore op die verskillende terreine wat as knelpunte geïdentifiseer kon word; en enige verdere verwante sake. Die Theron-verslag is drie jaar later op 18 Junie 1976 in die parlement ter tafel gelê. Die Soweto-onluste wat twee dae tevore uitgebreek het, het egter die verslag van die persblaaie verdring en die invloed daarvan grootliks verlore laat gaan. Die Theron-verslag het aanbevelings bevat wat lynreg in stryd was met die apartheidsbeleid en wat nie vir die regering aanneemlik was nie. Gevolglik het die regering by wyse van 'n tussentydse memorandum en 'n latere witskrif daardie aanbevelings wat die kern van sy apartheidsbeleid aangetas het, afgekeur. Onder die aanbevelings was die herroeping van die Wet op die Verbod van Gemengde Huwelike (Wet No. 55 van 1949) en Artikel 16 van die Ontugwet (Wet No. 23 van 1957), twee van die hoekstene van die apartheidsbeleid. Aanbeveling No. 178, waarin die kommissie regstreekse verteenwoordiging vir die Kleurlinge op die verskillende owerheidsvlakke en in besluitnemingsprosesse aanbeveel het, is ook deur die regering afgekeur. Sodoende is die Theron-verslag se potensiële invloed tot verandering in die kiem gesmoor. Die regering se reaksie het bittere teleurstelling onder die Kleurlinge en die verligte blankes veroorsaak en terselfdertyd die fel stryd tussen die verligtes en die verkramptes aangewakker. Dit het ook toenemende kritiek komende van die opposisiepartye, veral die Verenigde Party, op die regering verseker. Die aanbevelings van die Theron-verslag het nietemin 'n prominente rol gespeel in die laat sewentigerjare en vroeë tagtigerjare toe die wiel van politieke veranderinge begin draai het en uitgeloop het op die Driekamerparlementstelsel van 1984 waarbinne die Kleurlinge ook verteenwoordig was. Die Arbeidersparty van Suid-Afrika (APSA) - Ministersraad wat sedert 1984 tot 1992 in beheer van die Raad van Verteenwoordigers binne die Driekamerparlement was, het hom voortdurend beywer om aan die hand van die Theronverslag, 'n beter sosiale, ekonomiese en staatkundige posisie vir die Kleurlinge te beding.

Ondersoekende joernalistiek en sosiale verandering : 'n ontleding en evaluering van die agendastellingsrol van Vrye Weekblad (1988-1993)

Faure, Cornelia 11 1900 (has links)
Text in Afrikaans / Die navorsingsonderwerp van hierdie proefskrif is ondersoekende joernalistiek en die moontlike of waarskynlike invloed wat die spesifieke joernalistieke praktyk op die proses van sosiale verandering kan uitoefen. Daar word van die aanname uitgegaan dat koerantberigte weens ondersoekende joernalistiek in sommige gevalle kan lei tot die bewusmaking van ongeregtighede en/of onregmatige dade in die samelewing en dat die joernalistieke praktyk 'n bydraende faktor of soms 'n katalisator tot optredes van owerhede en uiteindelik sosiale verandering kan wees. Om die aanname toe te lig, word eerstens gekyk na die betekenis van sosiale verandering. Antwoorde word onder meer gesoek op vrae soos: (i) Wat is sosiale verandering? en (ii) Wat is die invloed van die media op sosiale verandering? Tweedens word daar gekyk na wat ondersoekende joernalistiek behels en hoe dit verskil van veral die konvensionele joernalistieke praktyk. Derdens word 'n profiel van Vrye Weekblad gegee ten einde die koerant as gevallestudie te regverdig. Vierdens word 'n model vir die kwalitatiewe inhoudsontleding van voorbeelde van ondersoekende joernalistiek geformuleer. Vyfdens word die model empiries getoets op ondersoeke wat deur Vrye Weekblad gedoen is. Laastens word gepoog om die teoretiese perspektiewe oor sosiale verandering en die invloed van die media te versoen met die empiriese ontledings van die voorbeelde van ondersoekende joernalistiek in Vrye Weekblad. / The research topic of this thesis is investigative journalism and the possible or probable influence that this specific journalistic practice may have on the process of social change. The study proceeds from the assumption that investigative newspaper reports can in some instances lead to an awareness of injustices and/or illegal actions in society. This form of journalistic practice could therefore be a contributing factor, and in some cases, a catalyst for government action and ultimately social change. To elaborate on this assumption, attention is firstly given to the meaning of social change. In this respect answers to the following questions are sought: (i) What is social change? and (ii) What is the influence of the media on social change? Secondly, attention is given to the characteristics of investigative journalism and how this practice differs from conventional journalism. Thirdly a profile of Vrye Weekblad is offered in order to justify the case study. Fourthly a model for the qualitative content analysis of instances of investigative journalism is formulated. Fifthly this model is tested empirically on investigations undertaken by Vrye Weekblad. Finally an attempt is made to reconcile the theoretical perspectives on social change and the influence of the media with the empirical analyses of investigative journalism in Vrye Weekblad. / Communication Science / D. Litt et Phil. (Kommunikasiekunde)

You don't love your mother just because she feeds you : amaXhosa and woodlands in the Peddie district, Eastern Cape

McAlister, Gareth 24 July 2013 (has links)
This thesis will discuss how the application of place theory might provide insight into how a selection of Xhosa-speaking people in a rural village (Ntloko), in the former Ciskei of the Eastern Cape, interact with and establish relationships with the local indigenous thicket forest (ihlathi). I am concerned with how these influence residents' perceptions and attitudes (relational epistemologies) towards this resource, and how these may (or may not) translate into conservation practices. I am also interested in how socio-political and economic changes have altered these people/place relations (including gender) and their corresponding cultural perceptions. It is argued that the local thicket forest's significance and importance moves beyond the economic and utilitarian value of its natural resources. The thicket plays an important part in local identity construction, due to both its socio-cultural significance and its role in local livelihoods. People form meaningful attachments and relationships (relational epistemologies ) with the thicket as a place, through their interactions with it. While this may or may not result in actions and attitudes in-line with the conservation agenda, it is shown that this relationship is necessary for a local concern and stake in the natural environment. Those who have no or minimal interaction, such as many of the young women of Ntloko, have no opportunity to forge a relationship with it. Ihlathi may be known through narrative, but not personal experience, and as such no significant attachments can be formed, and thus concern for its conservation status is irrelevant. It is clear that if you remove people from an environment, you remove the stake they hold in the environment in question, thereby disrupting the relationship, and alienating people from nature. While a relational epistemology may not equate to conservation practices, it does imply a stake or concern in the environment, and as such, may provide an opportunity for conservationists to work with local communities. Resistance to conservation and development projects that aim to exclude local interaction, and therefore relationships, with the environment, will always be strong when local identities are intricately tied to the places and experiences that form them. Threatening that relationship threatens local identities and the attachments that orient them.

Dominant and non-dominant group's perceptions of the government-led economic transformation process in South Africa: report

Dlamini, Thobile G. K January 2009 (has links)
The enormous social, economic, and political government-led societal transformation South Africans have experienced over the past 15 years have brought about numerous societal and identity changes. The aim of the present study was to explore how dominant (White participants) and non-dominant (Black participants) groups experiencing the government-led societal transformation process deal with perceptions of intergroup differences based on Social Identity Theory (Tajfel & Turner, 1979, 1986) and related field research. Social Identity Theory predicts that in the presence of intergroup differences group members irrespective of their status position will apply identity management strategies to either improve or maintain their status position. The relationships between perceptions of intergroup relations and identity management strategies as proposed by Social Identity Theory were tested studying 170 second year Rhodes University psychology students. Sixty participants indicated themselves as Black South Africans (representing non-dominant group) and 110 participants identified themselves as White South Africans (dominant group). The results revealed that dominant and non-dominant groups differ systematically regarding the functional interaction between beliefs about the intergroup situation and identity management strategies. The results of the study indicate too, that ingroup identification differentiates between individual and collective strategies irrespective of the group’s status position.

Transformational challenges facing contemporary social work : a exploratory study

Cock, Lorraine 11 1900 (has links)
The release of ex-president Nelson Mandela on 10 February 1990, introduced transformation in South Africa. The road to transformation, in a post apartheid era, placed pressure and demands on the social work profession and the professionals. Change was inevitable (Lesnik 1997:164) while the inequities and the disparities of the past had to be eliminated and replaced with transformed services. This study explores the transformational challenges experienced in contemporary social work practice at The Department of Social Development, Johannesburg, South Africa. A non-probability sample was selected (Babbie and Mouton 2004:166). A combination of the qualitative and the quantitative approaches, with more emphasis on the quantitative approach was utilized. Questionnaires were used for data collection and analysis was done according to the framework as described by Tesch in De Vos et al., (1998:343). The transformational challenges were identified and guidelines are drafted to assist in addressing the identified challenges. / Social Work / M.Diac. (Social Work)

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