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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Mobile and social networking technologies for teaching and learning in South African Universities: A case study of University of Venda and University of Limpopo

Chakuzira, Wellington 05 1900 (has links)
MCom / Department of Business Management / See the attached abstract below

Generational relationships and differences in work-life balance and subjective well-being in a South African sample

Van der Linde, El-Karien 11 1900 (has links)
This study examined the work-life balance (WLB) and subjective well-being (SWB) of Baby Boomers, Generation X and Generation Y in the current world of work. The instruments used in this study for data collection was Work-life Balance Scale, the Trait Emotional Intelligence Questionnaire, and the Work Engagement Questionnaire. The research was conducted from the perspective of a positive psychological paradigm and investigated the interrelationship dynamics between the constructs of generations and work-life balance and work-life balance and subjective well-being, as well as the differences between the levels of work-life balance and subjective well-being across generations in a South African sample. This study calculated Exploratory Factor Analyses (EFA) and Confirmatory Factor Analyses (CFA) to examine the psychometric structure of a proposed SWB construct and to test the hypothesis that SWB is a latent variable comprising of Happiness, Optimism, Self-Esteem, and Engagement. Based on the results of the two EFA and CFA models, there is enough statistical evidence to accept this hypothesis. Correlational analysis and structural equation modelling revealed the relationships between work-life balance and subjective well-being. Regression analysis and tests for significant differences identified the differences in work-life balance and subjective well-being levels across the generations. The results revealed that there were some statistically significant differences between generations. For Baby Boomers and Generation X work-life balance was influenced by SWB factors, whilst Generation Y were mostly influenced by biographical variables. The results showed that hours worked, and hours paid were predictors of work interfering with personal life (WIPL) for both Generation X and Generation Y. Self-esteem was a significant predictor for the Baby Boomers. With regards to personal life interfering with work (PLIW) hours worked and happiness were found to be predictors for Generation X, whereas hours paid was a negative predictor for Generation Y. Furthermore, hours worked, happiness and engagement were found to predict work and personal life enhancement (WPLE) for Generation X. An overall difference was noted for happiness across the generations, with Generation Y employees having significantly lower levels of happiness than Generation X, whilst no significant difference was noted between Generation X and Baby Boomers. The current study linked the emerging constructs of positive psychology in general by investigating the relationships and differences between generations, WLB and SWB. The results could be used as a framework for IOP.The research makes a contribution to the field of Industrial and Organisational Psychology on three levels, namely, on a theoretical, an empirical and a practical level. / Industrial and Organisational Psychology / D. Com. (Industrial and Organisational Psychology)

Social interactions shaping strategy - a case study at two small South African private higher education institutions / Sosiale interaksie wat strategie vorm - 'n gevallestudie by twee klein Suid-Afrikaanse privaathoeronderwysinstansies / Ukusebenzisana kwabantu okubumba isu - isifundo esiwumboniso wokucwainga ngezikhungo ezimbili ezincane zemfundo ephakeme yangasese

Bezuidenhout, Gerhard 02 1900 (has links)
Abstracts in English, Afrikaans and Zulu / This study was conducted to address a distinct lack of knowledge regarding strategizing as a function of social interaction. Social researchers like Critchley contend that an organisation should essentially be regarded as an evolving product of people’s continuous interaction resulting in shared meaning. In subscribing to Critchley’s premise, and assuming that strategy inquiry is an empirically informed social science, the current study consequently set out to gain an understanding of how social interaction between practitioners shapes organisational strategizing and subsequent strategic outcomes. The strategy-as-practice perspective served as an integrative lens for the current research. This perspective that subscribes to the practice turn in social research, focuses on the actual practices (praxis) of strategy actors (practitioners) within unique organisational settings with unique strategizing tools, techniques and artefacts (practices). Informed by the philosophical underpinnings of a pragmatic worldview and a qualitatively driven mixed methods approach, a case study design allowed for in-depth analyses of multiple sources of empirical data to facilitate an understanding of the research phenomena. In addition to exploring social interaction during episodes of strategy practice, the current research investigated how practitioners’ motivations to interact shape and are shaped by ongoing interactions and meaning making. The current study also examined how external and internal organisational contexts, including organisational practices, influence and are influenced by ongoing social interactions. Two small private higher education institutions that reflect the typology of most private providers in the South African higher education landscape were selected for the case study. These private providers face numerous challenges in a tough current economic climate. Private providers further fulfil a pivotal role in the demand absorption of a growing need for higher education in South Africa. The main findings of the current research confirmed that strategizing at the two case study organisations is indeed mainly a function of social interaction. Strategizing is mostly shaped by people as emotional beings. Strategizing is the product of sometimes-irrational interactions and subsequent constantly evolving shared meanings and relationships between people. It is the social interaction between strategy actors during episodes of strategy praxis that serves as a social mechanism in transforming strategizing intent into strategy outcomes. Different strategy actors employ a wide array of techniques to get their ideas or views accepted during strategy-related interactions. Findings indicated that the selected strategies at the two case study organisations are mostly not based on objective reasoning linked to a clear plan or vision, but rather on strategy actors’ abilities in getting their ideas to be accepted by the group. Findings further suggested that the owners of the respective case study organisations strongly influence how things are done during episodes of strategy praxis. Strategizing at both companies is informal and comprises mostly of reacting to challenges and dealing with crises. Both organisations follow a differentiation strategy. Safety and security; employment prospects, as well as certain academic issues like small classes for better learning can be regarded as areas of competitive advantage for both. The proliferation of private providers, significant investment in private higher education, as well as private provision’s important demand absorption role suggest that there is a definite future for private higher education in South Africa. The intended main contribution of the current research is to facilitate an understanding of how social interaction as social mechanism shapes strategizing and resultant strategic outcomes. The understanding of the social world supposedly increases as the collection of the compatible causal mechanisms grows – where mechanisms reveal how the observed relationships between phenomena are created and are explained. The findings of the current research could thus serve as a building block in accumulating social science theory regarding this unexplored avenue of interaction-driven strategy research. To this end, a conceptual framework is proffered to guide similar future studies. The current study provided a glimpse into the strategy-workings of two small private higher education providers and ultimately contributes towards the growing body of knowledge regarding private provision within the South African higher education landscape / Hierdie studie is uitgevoer om die kennelike gebrek aan kennis oor strategie as ʼn funksie van sosiale interaksie aan te spreek. Sosiale navorsers soos Critchley beweer dat ʼn organisasie in wese beskou moet word as ʼn ontwikkelende produk van mense se deurlopende interaksie wat aanleiding gee tot gedeelde betekenis. In ooreenstemming met Critchley se veronderstelling dat strategiese ondersoek ʼn sosiale wetenskap is wat empiries ingelig is, was die uitgangspunt van die bepaalde studie gevolglik om te begryp hoe sosiale interaksie tussen praktisyns organisasiestrategie en gevolglike strategiese uitkomste bepaal. Die strategie-as-praktyk-perspektief het as ʼn integrerende lens vir die bepaalde navorsing gedien. Hierdie perspektief wat ooreenstem met die praktykomwenteling in sosiale navorsing, fokus op die werklike praktyke van strategierolspelers (-praktisyns) in unieke organisasie-omgewings met unieke strategie-instrumente, -tegnieke en -artefakte (praktyke). Ingelig deur die filosofiese ondersteuning van ʼn pragmatiese wêreldbeskouing en ʼn gemengde metodiek van kwalitatiewe benadering, het ʼn gevallestudieontwerp voorsiening gemaak vir indringende ontleding van verskeie bronne empiriese data om ʼn begrip van die navorsingsfenomene te fasiliteer. Bykomend tot die ondersoek van sosiale interaksie tydens episodes van strategiepraktyk, het die bepaalde navorsing ondersoek hoe praktisyns se motivering om in interaksie te wees deurlopende interaksie en betekenisgewing vorm en daardeur gevorm word. Die bepaalde studie het ook ondersoek hoe eksterne en interne organisasiekontekste, insluitend organisasiepraktyke, deurlopende sosiale interaksie beïnvloed en daardeur beïnvloed word. Twee klein privaathoëronderwysinstansies wat die tipologie van die meeste privaatverskaffers in die Suid-Afrikaanse hoëronderwysomgewing weerspieël, is vir die gevallestudie geselekteer. Hierdie privaatverskaffers het te make met verskeie uitdagings in die bepaalde moeilike ekonomiese klimaat. Privaatverskaffers vervul ʼn kernrol in die vraagabsorpsie van ʼn toenemende behoefte aan hoër onderwys in Suid-Afrika. Die hoofbevindings van die bepaalde navorsing het bevestig dat strategie by die twee organisasies in die gevallestudie wel hoofsaaklik ʼn funksie van sosiale interaksie is. Strategie word meestal gevorm deur mense as emosionele wesens. Strategie is die produk van interaksie wat soms irrasioneel is asook gevolglike gedeelde betekenis en verhoudings tussen mense wat konstant ontwikkel. Dit is die sosiale interaksie tussen strategierolspelers tydens periodes van strategiepraktyk wat dien as ʼn sosiale meganisme wat strategievoorneme in strategiese uitkomste transformeer. Verskillende strategierolspelers gebruik ʼn wye verskeidenheid tegnieke om hulle idees of beskouings tydens strategieverwante interaksie aanvaarbaar te maak. Die bevindings het aangedui dat die geselekteerde strategieë by die twee gevallestudie-instansies meestal nie op objektiewe beredenering wat inskakel by ʼn duidelike plan of visie gebaseer word nie, maar eerder op strategierolspelers se vermoë om hulle idees vir die groep aanvaarbaar te maak. Bevindings het verder bevestig dat die eienaars van die onderskeidelike gevallestudie-instansies ʼn groot invloed het hoe dinge tydens episodes van strategiepraktyk gedoen word. Strategie by albei maatskappye is informeel en bestaan meestal uit reaksie op uitdagings en hantering van krisisse. Albei organisasies volg ʼn differensiëringstrategie. Veiligheid en sekuriteit, werkverskaffingsvooruitsigte asook bepaalde akademiese aangeleenthede soos kleiner klasse vir beter leer, kan beskou word as gebiede van mededingingsvoordeel vir albei. Die proliferasie van privaatverskaffers, beduidende investering in hoër onderwys, asook die belangrike vraagabsorpsierol van privaatverskaffers dui daarop dat daar beslis ʼn toekoms vir privaathoëronderwys in Suid-Afrika is. Die beplande hoofbydrae van die bepaalde navorsing is om ʼn begrip te fasiliteer van hoe sosiale interaksie as sosiale meganisme strategie en gevolglike strategiese uitkomste vorm. Begrip van die sosiale wêreld neem waarskynlik toe soos die versameling van die versoenbare kousale meganismes groei – waar meganismes openbaar hoe die waargenome verhoudings tussen fenomene geskep en verduidelik word. Die bevindings van die bepaalde navorsing kan dus dien as ʼn boublok om sosialewetenskapsteorie te akkumuleer oor hierdie onverkende baan van interaksiegedrewe strategienavorsing. Om hierdie rede, word ʼn konseptuele raamwerk aangebied as riglyn vir soortgelyke toekomstige studies. Die bepaalde studie het ʼn blik gebied op die strategiese werking van twee klein privaathoëronderwysverskaffers en uiteindelik bygedra tot die toenemende kennisgeheel van privaatverskaffing in die Suid-Afrikaanse hoëronderwysomgewing. / Ucwaningo lwenzelwe ukubhekana nokusweleka kolwazi maqondana nokwenza isu njengomsebenzi wokusebenzisana kwabantu. Abacwaningi ngabantu, abanjengoCritchley, babeka ukuthi inhlangano kumele ithathwe njengento eguqukayo nenqubo yabantu yokusebenzisana kwabantu okunomphumela wokwabelwana ngencazelo Ngokulandela inqubo kaCritchley, kanye nokuthatha ngokuthi ukuphenyisisa isu yinto esekelwe ubufakazi obusekelwe yisayense ngabantu, ucwaningo lwamanje, ngakho-ke lufuna ukuthola ngokusebenzisana kwabantu phakathi kwemifanekiso yama-practitioner, ukwenza isu lenhlangano kanye nemiphumela ebalulekile elandelayo. Isu njengenqubo eyenziwayo nombono lisebenze njengesibuko esihlangane kucwaningo lwamanje. Umbono ohambisana nenqubo yokwenza kucwaningo ngabantu ugxila kwinqubo yokwenza yangempela (praxis) ngalabo abasebenza ngesu (practitioners) kwisimo esingavamile senhlangano enamathuluzi angavamile okwenza isu, amathekniki kanye nezinto ezenziwa ngezandla zama-artefact (practices). Ngokusekelwa kwisisekelo sefilosofi ngombono womhlaba wokwenza ngokubambekayo kanye nendlela exubene yokwenza ye-qualitative, idizayini yesifundo ngesibonelo, kuvumele ukuthi kwenziwe uhlaziyo olunzulu ngemithombo ehlukene yolwazi olutholakale ngobufakazi bophenyisiso, kusize ukuqondisisa ngento okwenziwa ngayo ucwaningo. Nangaphezu kwalokho, ukuphenya ngokusebenzisana kwabantu ngesikhathi sezikhawu zokwenzeka kwezinto, ucwaningo lwamanje luhenyisisa ngokuthi ngabe ama-practitioner agqugquzelwa yini ukwenza umumo wobunjalo kanye nokuthi lowo mumo nawu ube nomphumela kubo ngokuqhubekela phambili kanye nokuthi kube nencazelo. Ucwaningo lwamanje, lubuye luhlole nokuthi ngabe izimo zangaphakathi nezangaphandle kwenhlangano, ezibandakanya inqubo yokusebenza kwenhlangano, zinomthelela kanjani futhi nazo zibawumthelela kanjani kwezokuxhumana nokusebenzisana kwabantu. Izikhungo ezimbili ezincane zemfundo ephakeme ezibonisa ithayipholoji yabahlinzeki abaningi bangasese kwindawo yemfundo ephakeme eNIngizimu Afrika ziye zakhethwa. Laba bahlinzeki bangasese babhekene nezinselele ezihlukene kumkhakha onzima wamanje kwezomnotho. Abahlinzeki bangasese babuye badlale indima ebalulekile nokuthi badinga ukuthi banganyelwe kwisidingo esikhulayo semfundo ephakeme eNingizimu Afrika. Okuthokele kakhulu ngocwaningo lwamanje kuqinisa ukuthi ukwenza isu ngeziboniso ezimbili zocwaningo, kwinhlangano, kuyadingeka ikakhulukazi njengomsebenzi wokusebenzisana kwabantu. Ukwenza isu kuvamise ukusekelwa ngabantu njengabantu abanemizwa ngokomoya. Ukwenza isu kungumphumela wokuthi ngezinye izikhathi kuba nokusebenzisana okungenasizathu esibambekayo kanti imiphumela kuvamise ukuba ngeshintshayo nokwabelana ngesizathu sayo kanye nobuhlobo bayo phakathi kwabantu. Ukusebenzisa kwabantu phakathi kwalabo abenza isu ngezikhathi zenqubo yokwenza okusiza njengendlela yabantu ekuguquleni inhloso yesu ukuze libe yisu elinemiphumela. Abantu abenza amasu abehlukene basebenzisa amathekniki ehlukene ukwenza ukuthi imibono yabo kanye nezindlela ababona ngayo izinto kwemukeleke ngesikhathi sokuxhumana mayelana namasu. Imiphumela etholakele ikhombisa ukuthi amasu akhethiwe kwizifundo zezibonelo ezimbili zezinhlangano zisekelwe kwizizathu ezingatshekele ohlangothini oluthize, kodwa esihambisana nohlelo olucacile kanye nombono, kodwa kuncike kumakhono abenzi bamasu ekwenzeni ukuthi imibono yabo yemukeleke eqenjini. Okunye okuthokakele kubuye kwaphakamisa nokuthi abanikazi bezinhlangano okwenziwa ngazo iziboniso zesifundo banomthelela kakhulu ngokuthi izinto zenziwe kanjani ngezikhathi zenqubo ebambekayo yokwenza. Ukwenza amasu kuzo zimbili izinkampani kwenziwa ngendlela engahlelekile kakkhulu, kanti kuquka ekuncikeni ekuphenduleni kwizinselele kanye nokuphendula kwizimo ezisikazayo ezivelayo. Zombili izinhlangano zilandela amasu ehlukahlukene. Ukuphepha nokuvikeleka, amathuba emisebenzi kanye nezinto ezithile zesiakhademiki ezifana namaklasi amancane ukuze kufundeke kangcono nakho nngeminye yemikkhakha esiza kakhulu ekuphumeleleni. Ukubakhona ngobuningi kwabahlinzeki bangasese, ukutshalwa kakhulu kwezimali kwimfundo yangasese ephakeme, kanye nokuhlinzekwa kwmefundo yangasese kanye nesidingo sendima yokumuncwa ngokwenganyelwa, kuphakamisa ukuthi likhona ikusasa langampela lemfundo yangasese ephakeme eNingizimu Afrika. Inhloso eqondiwe ngokuthela esivivaneni kocwaningo lwamanje ukusiza ekutheni kube nokuqondisisa ngokuthi ukusebenzisana kwabantu njengendlela yokubumba amasu kanye nemiphumela kungasiza kanjani. Ukuqondisisa ngomkhakha wabantu kuyenyuka njengoba kukhula ukuqoqana kwezindlela zokwenza – lapho khona izindlela zokwenza ziveza ukuthi ngabe ubudlelwane obubhekiwe nobuqashelwayo bungabanjani uma kuqhathaniswa izinto ezenziwe futhi nokuthi zichazwa kanjani. Okutholakele ngocwaningo lwamanje kungasiza ngokuba yisakhelo ekuqokeleleni itiyori yesayense ngabantu maqondana nalo mkhakha ongakaphenyisiswa ngokwanele kwisu elixhumene ngokusebenzisana locwaningo. Maqondana nalokhu, uhlaka lombono luyahlinzekwa ukuba ngumkhombandlela kucwaningo lwangekusasa. Ucwaningo lwamanje luveze kancane ukusebenza kwesu kwizikhungo ezimbili ezincane zabahlinzeki ngemfundo ephakeme yangasese, kanti futhi luthela esivivaneni ekukhuleni kolwazi ngokuhlinzekwa kwemfundo yangasase emkhakheni wemfundo ephakeme eNingizimu Afrika. / Business Management / D. Com. (Business Management)

Networks, NGOs and public health : responses to HIV/AIDS in the Cape Winelands

Ward, Vivienne 03 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MPhil)--University of Stellenbosch, 2007. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: This reflexive study of responses to the HIV/AIDS pandemic was set in Stellenbosch, a town in the Cape Winelands that, with its diverse but disjointed population, in many ways is a microcosm of South African society. My question was what happens when the experience of HIV/AIDS, with its personal impacts and global connections, reaches a particular locality in South Africa. I worked on the assumption that the reach of the disease in this specific locality reflects the disconnectedness of people through historical, political, social and economic processes, and that responses to the disease attempt to repair ruptures through integrating people into caring systems of support. By tracking and interrogating responses at public health and service organisation levels as a participant observer, I noted recurrent references to the importance of engaging patients in the treatment process. My observations revealed a transformation in the dyadic relationship between doctor and patient, as well as an embracing reach of networked service organisations, both initiatives striving to render more effective services. In the process relationships developed between patients and service providers at health and social levels, and between providers themselves. Much of the impetus for these local developments was derived from global inputs as local players draw down packaged practices and funds from the global assemblage that Nguyen refers to as the “AIDS industry” (2005a). Thus, I suggest that HIV/AIDS becomes a catalyst for local innovation within globally standardised structures, such innovation being driven principally by building social relationships. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Hierdie reflektiewe studie aangaande die response tot die MIV/VIGS pandemie is in Stellenbosch, ‘n dorp in die Kaapse Wynlande, gedoen. Stellenbosch se diverse, maar tog onsamehangende, populasie is in verskeie maniere ‘n mikrokosmos van die Suid- Afrikaanse samelewing. My vraag het gevra wat gebeur as die ondervinding van MIV/VIGS, wat persoonlike impakte en globale konneksies insluit, ‘n spesifieke lokaliteit in Suid-Afrika bereik. Ek het gewerk volgens die aanname dat die omvang van die siekte in dié spesifieke lokaliteit die uitskakeling van mense deur historiese, politieke, sosiale en ekonomiese prosesse reflekteer, en dat response tot die siekte poog om ontwrigtings te herstel deur die integrasie van mense in versorgende ondersteunings sisteme. Deur response, op publieke gesondheid en dienslewerings organisasie vlak, as deelnemende waarnemer op te volg en te ondersoek, het ek herhaaldelike verwysings gekry na die noodsaaklikheid om pasiente te betrek in die behandelings proses. My observasies het ’n transformasie in die wederkerige verhouding tussen dokters en pasiente ontbloot, sowel as ’n omvattende omvang van netwerke van dienslewerings organisasies. Beide inisiatiewe streef daarna om meer effektiewe dienste te lewer. In die proses ontwikkel verhoudings tussen pasiente en diensverskaffers op gesondheids and sosiale vlakke, asook tussen diensverskaffers. ’n Groot gedeelte van die dryfkrag agter hierdie plaaslike ontwikkelings spruit uit globale insette namate plaaslike spelers verpakte praktyke en fondse ontvang/trek van die globale groep, wat Nguyen na verwys as die ’VIGS industrie’ (2005a). Daarvoor, stel ek voor dat HIV/VIGS ’n katalisator vir plaaslike innovasie binne globaal gestandardiseerde strukture word, en dat inovasies van die aard hoofsaaklik deur die bou van sosiale verhoudings gedryf word.

Empowering young people through narrative

Steyn, Lynette 06 1900 (has links)
Dominant discourses on power, childhood and gender lead to power inequalities in social relationships in families and schools, allowing abuses of power (the subjugation and marginalisation of women and young people). These dominant structures of belief are often disrespectful of young people's experiences, stories and knowledges. This research attempted to respond to dilemmas in child relationships, to challenge belief structures that construct relationships between adults/young people, and to empower young people to stand up for their beliefs and make their voices heard. The research was guided by a post-modern, narrative pastoral approach. To deconstruct discourses that restrict young people within social institutions, social construction discourse, feminist post-structuralism, narrative theology and feminist theology were used. Narrative practices were used to look at depression, guilt, trouble and anger. Re-authoring conversations were used to construct preferred stories about young people's identities and to explore alternative stories and the not-yet-said on drugs. / Philosophy, Practical & Systematic Theology / M. Th. (Practical Theology (Pastoral Therapy))

Empowering young people through narrative

Steyn, Lynette 06 1900 (has links)
Dominant discourses on power, childhood and gender lead to power inequalities in social relationships in families and schools, allowing abuses of power (the subjugation and marginalisation of women and young people). These dominant structures of belief are often disrespectful of young people's experiences, stories and knowledges. This research attempted to respond to dilemmas in child relationships, to challenge belief structures that construct relationships between adults/young people, and to empower young people to stand up for their beliefs and make their voices heard. The research was guided by a post-modern, narrative pastoral approach. To deconstruct discourses that restrict young people within social institutions, social construction discourse, feminist post-structuralism, narrative theology and feminist theology were used. Narrative practices were used to look at depression, guilt, trouble and anger. Re-authoring conversations were used to construct preferred stories about young people's identities and to explore alternative stories and the not-yet-said on drugs. / Philosophy, Practical and Systematic Theology / M. Th. (Practical Theology (Pastoral Therapy))

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