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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Η μεθοδολογία SCRUM και η εφαρμογή της στην ανάπτυξη πληροφοριακών συστημάτων

Ρηγοπούλου, Μαρία 05 February 2015 (has links)
Είναι γεγονός ότι το οικονομικό περιβάλλον του αιώνα που διανύουμε χαρακτηρίζεται από τον έντονο ανταγωνισμό και την ταχύτητα με την οποία εξελίσσονται, όχι μόνο η τεχνολογία και η επιστημονική γνώση, αλλά και αυτά καθαυτά τα συστήματα παραγωγής, διακίνησης και προώθησης στον πελάτη, ποιοτικών προϊόντων και υπηρεσιών. Άμεση συνέπεια των παραπάνω είναι αφενός η αύξηση της αβεβαιότητας των επιχειρήσεων, ως προς το στρατηγικό τους προσανατολισμό, και αφετέρου η αύξηση της πολυπλοκότητας σε κάθε διάσταση της σύγχρονης επιχείρησης (προϊόν, σύστημα παραγωγής, προγραμματισμός, δίκτυο προμηθευτών κλπ). Οι παραπάνω συνθήκες έχουν δημιουργήσει την ανάγκη για την εφαρμογή συστημάτων διοίκησης που να αναγνωρίζουν τη φύση της επιχείρησης του 21ου αιώνα και να προσεγγίζουν ολιστικά το σύνολο των παραμέτρων που δύναται να επιφέρουν ανταγωνιστικό πλεονέκτημα. / In contemporary software development projects companies are facing challenges, such as constantly changing requirements, pressure to deliver faster, and the need to cut costs due to competition. This leads to the increasing uncertainty in companies and to the increasing complexity in all aspects of modern business (product, production system, programming, network providers, etc.). In an attempt to deal with these challenges new methods evolved, which became known as agile project management and agile software development. The agile approach aims to produce high quality software products faster, to create more value and to satisfy customers’ needs better.

Programinės įrangos defektų, savybių ir reikalavimų valdymo sistema / Software defect, feature and requirements management system

Indriūnas, Paulius 15 January 2006 (has links)
Software development is an iterative process which is based on teamwork and information exchange. In order to keep this process running, proper informational flow control techniques in a software development company have to be applied. As number of employees grows, manual control of this process becomes inaffective and automated solutions takes over this task. The most common informational units in the software development process are defects, new features and requirements. This paper addresses problems that occur during software development process and intents to create techniques and methodologies for software defect, feature and requirement management. Following tasks are performed while automating mentioned process: a) Analysis of software development company workflow; b) Design and documentation of software defect, feature and requirement management method, which would ease information exchange in design, implementation and quality assurance stages of software development process; c) Analysis and comparision of existing similar solutions. Identification of most attaractive and useful features; d) Design and implementation of software defect, feature and requirement management system which covers newly designed information flow control method. Practical task includes designing, programming, installing and testing newly created system. Design and development is based on reusable component approach which results in several layers of reusable code.

Miesto viešo transporto keleivių srautų ir bilietavimo sistemos tyrimo programinė įranga / Passengers streams an ticketing system research software of city public transport

Vaitkus, Mantas 26 May 2005 (has links)
The progress of technologies obliges us to look for the most effective solutions to optimize design and development process of enterprise. Automated process and crucial events handling makes enterprise’s work quality better and reduces management costs. There is no exception in the segment of public transport too. A similar purpose software modification was analyzed during MunLt development process. Main advantages and disadvantages were compared. This thesis is concerned with use of the newest software development technologies ant tools in software development of passengers’ flows and ticketing system research. Tools for software management and planning were analyzed in this work. They let us to reduce risk and guaranty software quality. Development of the system architecture fulfills all requirements for software documenting. Software quality tested using structural and functional test cases. The final product satisfies all users’ requirements. Faster time-to-market, reduced costs for investment or reuse are reason why we use new software development tools.

Programinės įrangos kūrimo priemonių mobiliosioms platformoms tyrimas / Software development for mobile platforms research

Mičiulis, Audrius 21 August 2013 (has links)
Šiuo metu viena iš labiausiai bei sparčiausiai besivystančių technologijos krypčių yra mobiliesiems telefonams, planšetiniams kompiuteriams bei multimedijos įrenginiams skirta programinė įranga. Vartotojų susidomėjimas šia sritimi bei mobiliųjų įrenginių techninės įrangos tobulėjimas skatina vis daugiau IT kompanijų plėtoti savo veiklą šioje srityje. Viena iš didžiausių klaidų, kurias yra sunkiausia ištaisyti, yra pirminėje projekto stadijoje neteisingai pasirinktos technologijos. Šiame darbe apžvelgiamos ir palyginamos trijų populiariausių, į mobiliuosius įrenginius diegiamų operacinių sistemų: Android, iOS bei Windows Phone programų kūrimo sąsajos ir nustatomi jų privalumai bei trūkumai. Vertinimai yra atliekami atsižvelgiant į operacinės sistemos architektūrą, programų kūrimo įrankius, suderinamumą su technine įranga, programų derinimo galimybėmis, saugumo užtikrinimu, grafinės vartotojo sąsajos kūrimu, daugiakalbystės palaikymu, animacijos, garsų bei video medžiagos pateikimu, HTML turinio atvaizdavimu, integracija su žemėlapiais, vartotojo buvimo vietos nustatymu, sensorių bei tinklų pasiekiamumu, foninių procesų kūrimu, duomenų išsaugojimo bei apsikeitimo su kitomis programomis galimybėmis. Tyrimo metu nustatyta, kad Android turi geriausias sąsajas kurti foninius procesus bei integruotis su kitomis programomis. iOS turi geriausius įrankius bei grafinės vartotojo sąsajos kūrimo priemones, o Windows Phone turi patogiausia karkasą darbui su multimedija, žemėlapiais bei... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / At a present time, one of the most developing area of technology is software for mobile phones, tablets and multimedia devices. Growing numbers of users and improved hardware makes more and more companies to expand their activity in this market. One of the biggest mistakes, that is very hard to solve, is badly chosen technologies in a beginning stage of the projects. The main objective of this project is to compare three of the most popular operating systems Android, iOS and Windows Phone software development kits and to determinate their advantages and disadvantages. Analysis is made based on operating system architecture, tools, compatibility with hardware, debugging, security, graphical user interface, multilanguage support, animation, sounds, video, HTML preview, interaction with maps and user location, sensors, networks, background processes, data persistence and integration with another software. In this research was identified that Android has best interfaces to create background processes and share data between programs. iOS has best tools and components for graphical user interface and Windows Phone has best framework to work with multimedia, maps and user location services.

Une méthode basée sur le raffinement pour la modélisation de processus

GOLRA, Fahad Rafique 08 January 2014 (has links) (PDF)
There is an increasing trend to consider the processes of an organization as one of its highly valuable assets. Processes are the reusable assets of an organization which define the procedures of routine working for accomplishing its goals. The software industry has the potential to become one of the most internationally dispersed high-tech industry. With growing importance of software and services sector, standardization of processes is also becoming crucial to maintain credibility in the market. Software development processes follow a lifecycle that is very similar to the software development lifecycle. Similarly, multiple phases of a process development lifecycle follow an iterative/incremental approach that leads to continuous process improvement. This incremental approach calls for a refinement based strategy to develop, execute and maintain software development processes. This thesis develops a conceptual foundation for refinement based development of software processes keeping in view the precise requirements for each individual phase of process development lifecycle. It exploits model driven engineering to present a multi-metamodel framework for the development of software processes, where each metamodel corresponds to a different phase of a process. A process undergoes a series of refinements till it is enriched with execution capabilities. Keeping in view the need to comply with the adopted standards, the architecture of process modeling approach exploits the concept of abstraction. This mechanism also caters for special circumstances where a software enterprise needs to follow multiple process standards for the same project. On the basis of the insights gained from the examination of contemporary offerings in this domain, the proposed process modeling framework tends to foster an architecture that is developed around the concepts of ''design by contract" and ''design for reuse". This allows to develop a process model that is modular in structure and guarantees the correctness of interactions between the constituent activities. Separation of concerns being the motivation, data-flow within a process is handled at a different abstraction level than the control-flow. Conformance between these levels allows to offer a bi-layered architecture that handles the flow of data through an underlying event management system. An assessment of the capabilities of the proposed approach is provided through a comprehensive patterns-based analysis, which allows a direct comparison of its functionality with other process modeling approaches.

A customization framework for the SVG Graph Visualization Engine

Zou, Feng 30 December 2008 (has links)
The Rigi research group has built an SVG (Scalable Vector Graphics) Graph Visualization Engine to visualize, interactively explore and annotate software structures. The biggest difficulty we experienced during the customization of this engine for different domains is that we need to create idiosyncratic generators every time. Each generator is created by different developers using different approaches. If the subject information model does not contain layout information, developers of the generator are also responsible for writing algorithms to calculate layout. In this thesis, we present a customization framework for our SVG Graph Visualization Engine to provide flexible customization using third party libraries to construct specific SVG Graph Generators. The customization framework consists of documentation for the existing graph engine and a componentized abstract generator that can be extended for a variety of information domains. We also created two reference implementations for the abstract generator and included them in the template solution project to exemplify the usage of the customization framework. We also validated the template solution with an end user to build a generator for a new domain. Our customization framework greatly eases the process of building SVG Editor Generators for domain-specific visualization engine.

The study of socio-technical coordination using a socio-technical congruence model

Kwan, Irwin Hin-Bong 15 August 2011 (has links)
Coordination in software development, especially in global software development, is important because a team cannot perform well unless its team members communicate and maintain awareness of each other's activities. In order to improve socio-technical coordination, which is coordination among team members who work on interdependent technical entities, it must be conceptualized and measured. One measurement of coordination is socio-technical congruence, which calculates the alignment between technical relationships and social relationships. The problem is that there are a large number of social and technical factors to consider when using socio-technical congruence to study coordination. Current limitations with socio-technical congruence include the inability to represent the size of gaps in coordination between people, the sparse understanding of the role of awareness in conjunction with other coordination mechanisms, and the lack of a technique with which to model people who are involved in certain communication patterns, but not assigned to technical tasks. To address these limitations, this dissertation describes a socio-technical congruence model to study socio-technical coordination. The model focuses on refining conceptualizations of technical and social relationships between people, on describing an improved gap technique for calculating socio-technical alignment, and on providing guidelines on how to study coordination in teams using the socio-technical congruence model. I first develop the model theoretically from related work. I then conduct two empirical investigations to address limitations of the model. The first study examines awareness in a small global team using observational studies. The second study examines important communicators and people who emerge in coordination} despite having no technical relationships by examining email archives from the same team. I conduct a third empirical investigation of a large global team to apply the model to study the relationship between socio-technical congruence and team performance using the project's repository. Finally, I revisit the model and improve it based on the empirical findings. The model refines conceptualizations of relationships, classifies emergent people who are suddenly involved with a task or a team during the project, and represents multi-variable relationships. It includes a template and an accompanying process for applying socio-technical congruence to study socio-technical coordination. This model enables researchers to study socio-technical coordination and analyze its effect on software engineering outcomes such as performance and quality. / Graduate

The Role of social media artifacts in collaborative software development

Treude, Christoph 13 August 2012 (has links)
Social media mechanisms, such as wikis, blogs, tags and feeds, have transformed the way we communicate, work and play online. Many of these technologies have made their way into collaborative software engineering processes and modern software development platforms, either as an adjunct or integrated into a wide range of tools ranging from code editors and issue trackers to IDEs and web-based portals. Based on the results of several large scale empirical studies, this thesis presents findings on how social media artifacts, such as tags, feeds and dashboards, bridge lightweight and heavyweight task management in software development. Furthermore, this work shows how blogs, developer wikis and Q&A websites are changing the way software is documented. Based on these findings, the thesis describes a model that characterizes social media artifacts along several dimensions, such as content type, intended audience, and review mechanisms. The role of social media artifacts in collaborative software development lies in the timely dissemination of scenarios and concerns to a diverse audience through a process of implicit and informal collaboration, triggered by questions from users or articulation work. These findings lead to tool and process recommendations as well as the implementation of tools that leverage social media artifacts, and they indicate that tool support inspired by social media may play an important role in improving collaborative software development practices. / Graduate

Internet Based Seismic Vulnerability Assessment Software Development For R/c Buildings

Yalim, Baris 01 December 2004 (has links) (PDF)
Structural evaluation and seismic vulnerability assessment of Reinforced Concrete (R/C) buildings have especially become the focus of many researches in Turkey and abroad especially after the August 17, 1999 earthquake causing major life and property losses. A devastating earthquake being expected in Istanbul-Marmara region raises many questions on how well the existing buildings are constructed and whether they can stand a major earthquake. Evaluation of existing buildings for seismic vulnerability requires time consuming input preparation (pre-processing), modelling, and post processing of analysis results. The objective of the study is to perform automated seismic vulnerability assessment of existing R/C buildings automatically over the internet by asking internet users to enter their building related data, and streamlining the modelling-analysis-reporting phases by intelligent programming. The internet based assessment tool is prepared for two levels of complexity: (a) the detailed level targets to carry out seismic evaluation of the buildings using a linear structural analysis software developed for this study / (b) the simplified level produces seismic evaluation index for buildings, based on simple and easy to enter general building information which can be entered by any person capable of using an internet browser. Detailed level evaluation program includes a user friendly interface between the internet user and analysis software, which will enable data entry, database management, and online evaluation/reporting of R/C buildings. Building data entered by numerous users over the internet will also enable formation of an extensive database of buildings located all around Turkey. 36 buildings from D&uuml / zce damage database, generated by the cooperation of Scientific and Research Council of Turkey (T&Uuml / BiTAK) and Structural Engineering Research Unit (SERU) after the 17 August 1999 Kocaeli and the 12 November 1999 D&uuml / zce earthquakes, are used in the analyses to identify relationship between calculated indices and observed damage levels of buildings, which will enable prediction of building damage levels for future earthquakes. The research is funded by Science Research Program (BAP 2003-03-03-03), NATO-SfP 977231, and TUBITAK ICTAG-I574 projects. The contribution of the research is composed of a) online building index -performance analysis/evaluation software which might be used by any average internet user, b) an ever-growing R/C building database entered by various internet users.

Tool Support For Distributed Agile Software Development

Usta, Ahsen Serkan 01 May 2006 (has links) (PDF)
Agile Software Development has gained popularity with their people centric view and their common practices for developing software in today&rsquo / s volatile business world where change on requirements is unavoidable. However / the efficiency of the project depends on the communication and the collaboration of the team, which are supported by the co-location of the team. But in some cases colocation of the team cannot be realized, thus agile processes should also support distributed teams. This point was observed by Kircher, Jain, Corsaro, and Levine [31] and they suggested Distributed eXtreme Programming (DXP) after they prepared a study using offthe- shelf software products in order to replace the effect of face-toface communication on the efficiency of the application of agile processes with the aid gathered from tool support. In this study some available tool support for distributed agile software development is investigated and a tool is developed and presented in order to support software configuration management as well as increasing collaboration and communication of the team. The tool is then evaluated from a user&rsquo / s perspective and it is compared with some available software configuration management tools.

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