Spelling suggestions: "subject:"soil emprovement"" "subject:"soil 9improvement""
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Estabilização de um solo dispersivo com adição de cal / Stabilization of dispersive soil with limeQuiñónez Samaniego, Rubén Alejandro January 2015 (has links)
Argilas dispersivas, também conhecidas como solos altamente erosivos, são dispersas na presença de água relativamente pura, tal como a causada por precipitações. Esse fenômeno é gerado pela ação que à água intersticial presente no solo ter uma maior concentração de cátions do que a água pura de chuva. A adição de cal nestes solos, é uma técnica de melhoramento das características físicas nas argilas dispersivas, assim também como suas propriedades mecânicas. A presente pesquisa tem por objetivo quantificar a influência isolada de cada variável; quantidade de cal, porosidade e tempo de cura, sobre a resistência não confinada de um solo dispersivo tratado com cal e permitir avaliação da transformação para um estado não-dispersivo. Esta dissertação visa a compreensão dos parâmetros-chave da mistura de argila dispersiva com adição de cal para o controle das resistências à compressão simples (qu) e de tração (qt). Assim, mostra-se que a relação vazios/cal é um parâmetro adequado para avaliar estas resistências não confinadas. Em consequência, verificou-se uma única relação qt=qu igual a 0,136, sendo independente da relação vazios/cal e o tempo de cura. Além disso, verificou-se que a metodologia para previsão de Envoltórias de Mohr-Coulomb é adequada para a determinação dos parâmetros de resistência. Finalmente, desde um enfoque ambiental através da ferramenta de avaliação do ciclo de vida (ACV) foram avaliadas todas as misturas em função ao custo energético envolvido (energia incorporada). Esta avaliação foi realizada através de um comparativo em Mega Joules por metro cúbico de mistura [MJ=m3]. / Argilas dispersivas, também conhecidas como solos altamente erosivos, são dispersas na presença de água relativamente pura, tal como a causada por precipitações. Esse fenômeno é gerado pela ação que à água intersticial presente no solo ter uma maior concentração de cátions do que a água pura de chuva. A adição de cal nestes solos, é uma técnica de melhoramento das características físicas nas argilas dispersivas, assim também como suas propriedades mecânicas. A presente pesquisa tem por objetivo quantificar a influência isolada de cada variável; quantidade de cal, porosidade e tempo de cura, sobre a resistência não confinada de um solo dispersivo tratado com cal e permitir avaliação da transformação para um estado não-dispersivo. Esta dissertação visa a compreensão dos parâmetros-chave da mistura de argila dispersiva com adição de cal para o controle das resistências à compressão simples (qu) e de tração (qt). Assim, mostra-se que a relação vazios/cal é um parâmetro adequado para avaliar estas resistências não confinadas. Em consequência, verificou-se uma única relação qt=qu igual a 0,136, sendo independente da relação vazios/cal e o tempo de cura. Além disso, verificou-se que a metodologia para previsão de Envoltórias de Mohr-Coulomb é adequada para a determinação dos parâmetros de resistência. Finalmente, desde um enfoque ambiental através da ferramenta de avaliação do ciclo de vida (ACV) foram avaliadas todas as misturas em função ao custo energético envolvido (energia incorporada). Esta avaliação foi realizada através de um comparativo em Mega Joules por metro cúbico de mistura [MJ=m3].
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Análisis del comportamiento mecánico del suelo arcilloso reforzado con PET para obras geotécnicas, proveniente de botellas plásticas recicladas, en el distrito de Ricuricocha -Tarapoto / Analysis of the mechanical behavior of a clay soil reinforced with PET, polyethylene terephthalate, from recycled plastic bottles, in the province of TarapotoAstorayme Salazar, Leo Marini, Ramón Diaz, Franco William 28 January 2021 (has links)
La presente tesis evalúa el comportamiento mecánico de un suelo arcilloso mezclado con PET triturado. El uso potencial de este material plástico en aplicaciones geotécnicas puede reducir el problema de la eliminación inadecuada y mejorar las características de resistencia y deformación del suelo. Se empleó Tereftalato de polietileno, PET, y suelo arcilloso proveniente de la provincia de Tarapoto.
Los parámetros de resistencia al corte que definen las características mecánicas del suelo son el ángulo de fricción y la cohesión. En la ejecución de una obra civil, estos parámetros generalmente no se ajustan a los requerimientos del proyecto, por tal razón se debe buscar una solución para la estabilidad del suelo implicado en cualquier construcción.
Esta tesis se realizó en tres etapas, la primera fue la recolección de información, la segunda la fase de laboratorio, llevándose a cabo ensayos de Proctor estándar (densidad – humedad), corte directo (ángulo de fricción y cohesión), limite líquido, limite plástico y granulometría; y por último el análisis de los resultados. El suelo arcilloso utilizado fue mezclado con 5%, 10% y 20% de PET triturado en peso seco. Los porcentajes de PET aumentaron la capacidad de soporte del suelo. / This thesis evaluates the mechanical behavior of a clay soil mixed with crushed PET. The potential use of this waste material in geotechnical applications may ultimately reduce the problem of improper disposal and improve the strength and deformation characteristics of the soil. Polyethylene terephthalate, PET, and clayey soil from the province of Tarapoto were used.
The shear strength parameters that define the mechanical properties of soil are the internal friction angle and cohesion. While constructing any civil engineering structure, those parameters usually do not adjust to the requirements of the Project, therefore, there must be a solution for the soil stability in any civil work.
This thesis was carried out in three stages, the first was the collection of information, the second the laboratory phase, carrying out standard Proctor tests (density - humidity), direct cutting (angle of friction and cohesion), liquid limit, limit plastic and granulometry; and finally the analysis of the results. The clayey soil used was mixed with 5%, 10% and 20% of crushed PET by dry weight. The percentages of PET increased the soil support capacity. / Tesis
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Soil Improvement Using Microbial Induced Calcite Precipitation and Surfactant Induced Soil StrengtheningDavies, Matthew P. 01 January 2018 (has links)
Microbially induced calcite precipitation (MICP) has been used for a number of years as a technique for the improvement of various geological materials. MICP has been used in a limited capacity in organic rich soils with varying degrees of success. Investigators hypothesized that microbially-induced cementation could be improved in organic soils by using a surfactant. Varying amounts of Sodium Dodecyl Sulfate (SDS) were added to soils of varying organic content and a mixing procedure was used to treat these soils via MICP. Treated specimens were tested for unconfined compressive strength (UCS). Results appeared to show direct relationships between SDS content and treated specimen strength although significant variability was present in the data. In addition, results also indicated that while addition of SDS during MICP treatment strengthens soil, the strengthening is likely from the formation of a calcium dodecyl sulfate (CDS) complex in which the CDS surrounds the soil in a matrix, and formation of MICP-induced calcite has very little to do with overall soil performance. As such, a new method for stabilizing loose soils dubbed ‘Surfactant-induced soil stabilization’ (SISS) was further explored by treating additional soil specimens. Samples treated using this technique showed increases in strength when compared to untreated specimens. In addition, preliminary data indicated that SISS treated specimens were insoluble. The SISS technique presents a number of advantages when compared to traditional soil stabilization techniques. In particular it should be relatively low-cost and simple to administer since its only components are SDS and calcium chloride. Additionally, these constituents are relatively more sustainable than chemicals associated with more-traditional loose soil stabilization techniques.
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Columnas de grava para reducir los asentamientos de una estructura hospitalaria cimentada sobre arcilla de alta plasticidad en San Ignacio, CajamarcaMendoza Acosta, Diego Fernando, Paitan Perez, Andrea Stefania 01 November 2020 (has links)
Los suelos blandos son los más comunes en necesitar algún tipo de mejoramiento o refuerzo, y la elección de la técnica dependerá de las características del suelo, costo, tiempo y otros factores importantes. Entre estos métodos, se encuentra la técnica de la columna de grava, la cual permite acelerar la consolidación de los suelos blandos, mejorar la capacidad portante, reducir los asentamientos, y por tanto las características geotécnicas del suelo.
La presente tesis consistirá en analizar y estudiar la metodología de columnas de grava como una técnica de mejora para un suelo de tipo arcilloso. Para ello, se aplicará la técnica en un caso de estudio para una obra ubicada en Cajamarca y se analizarán los asentamientos con y sin columna de grava. Se utilizarán los ensayos de laboratorio necesarios para la obtención de los parámetros geotécnicos del suelo en estudio. A partir de estos datos y utilizando el método de Priebe, se determinarán las dimensiones de las columnas de grava y posteriormente se calculará el asentamiento por consolidación primaria. El resultado obtenido permite ver favorablemente la reducción de los asentamientos. / Soft soils are the most common in needing some type of improvement or reinforcement, and the choice of technique will depend on the characteristics of the soil, cost, time and other important factors. Among these methods is the gravel column technique, which allows to accelerate the consolidation of soft soils, reduce settlements, improve bearing capacity and therefore the geotechnical characteristics of the soil.
This thesis will consist of analyzing and studying the gravel column methodology as an improvement technique for a clay-type soil. For this, the technique will be applied in a case study for a work located in Cajamarca and settlements with and without a gravel column will be analyzed. The necessary laboratory tests will be used to obtain the geotechnical parameters of the soil under study. From these data and using the Priebe method, the dimensions of the gravel columns will be determined and then the settlement by primary consolidation will be calculated. The result obtained allows a favorable view of the reduction of settlements. / Tesis
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Strukturelle Merkmale N-modifizierter Braunkohlen unter besonderer Berücksichtigung der Huminstoffe / Structural properties of N-modified brown coals with emphasis on humic substancesNinnemann, Horst 14 January 2008 (has links) (PDF)
Motiviert durch die Zunahme der weltweiten Nachfrage nach hochwertigen Humusstoffen wurde am Institut für Holz- und Pflanzenchemie ein neuartiger Humusersatzstoff entwickelt. Dieses N-modifizierte Produkt wird auf Basis eines patentierten Normaldruckverfahrens der oxidativen Ammonolyse (OA) aus ligninhaltigen Ausgangssubstanzen, im vorliegenden Fall Lausitzer Braunkohle, hergestellt. Ziel war, die bisher vorliegenden Erkenntnisse der strukturellen Eigenschaften solcher Humusstoffe zu erweitern. Im Fokus standen die Gehalte und Charakteristik der Huminstofffraktionen (Humine, Humin- und Fulvosäuren). Der Stickstoff und die Art seines Einbaus in die organische Substanz spielt hierbei eine besondere Rolle. Für die Huminstoffisolierung kam die hinsichtlich der Ausbeuten und des Zeitaufwandes optimierte IHSS-Methode zum Einsatz. Wesentliche Merkmale N-modifizierter Substanzen sind erhöhte Huminsäurengehalte, zeitlich differenziert wirksame N-Bindungsformen und damit eine Diversifizierung der Funktionalität. Zusätzlich mit dem geringen Aschegehalt unterscheidet dies N-modifizierte Lausitzer Braunkohle von anderen auf Braunkohlebasis erzeugten Bodenverbesserungsmitteln des Marktes. Es konnte gezeigt werden, dass Huminsäuren hinsichtlich der Bereitstellung von Stickstoff und Funktionalität (z.B. Austauscherplätze) eine Schlüsselrolle einnehmen. Die Veränderungen durch die OA basieren stofflich auf der Bildung regenerierter Huminsäuren und chemisch u.a. auf der oxidativen Ringspaltung von Aromaten an nicht veretherten phenolischer OH-Gruppen von Methoxyphenolstrukturen. Dabei ist diese Reaktion entgegen früherer Annahmen nicht an eine Demethoxylierung gebunden und erfordert auch keine verschärften Reaktionsbedingungen (z.B. erhöhter Druck). Diese und weitere Reaktionsmechanismen führen zu ammoniumartig, amidartig und fest organisch gebundenen N-Bindungsformen. 15N-NMR-Spektroskopische Untersuchungen an einem 15N-angereicherten Produkt, Py-GC/MS-Untersuchungen und nasschemische Experimente zeigen, dass in der Vergangenheit die Bedeutung heterocyclischer, insbesondere heteroaromatischer N-Bindungsformen überschätzt wurde. Amidartiger Stickstoff präsentiert sich dabei als außerordentlich heterogen hinsichtlich seiner Hydrolysestabilität bzw. Pflanzenverfügbarkeit. Für die effektive Beurteilung möglicher Ausgangssubstanzen hinsichtlich ihrer Eignung für die Herstellung von Humusdüngestoffen nach dem Prinzip der OA kann der Huminsäurengehalt herangezogen werden. Er wird mit Hilfe eines degradativen Verfahrens ermittelt. Die mit dem Huminsäurengehalt in Verbindung stehenden Stoffeigenschaften von Kohlen korrelieren gut mit dem N-Einbau. Aus Sicht der Verfahrensführung hängt die Intensität des N-Einbaus eng mit dem Oxidationsregime zusammen. Durch Anwendung von reinem Sauerstoff anstelle von Luft als sehr einfach und günstig zu realisierende Maßnahme kann die Reaktionszeit halbiert werden. / The development of a novel artificial humus material at the Institute of Wood- and Plant Chemistry was accounted by the increasing demand for high grade humic matter. This N-modified product base on a patented ambient pressure technology of the oxidative ammonolysis. of lignin containing substances, in particular Lusitian lignite. Objective of the work was to broadening the current knowledge of structural properties with focus on the contents and characteristics of humic substances fractions (humins, humic acids, fulvic acids). Especially attention was given to nitrogen and its way of incorporation into organic matter. For isolating humic substances the IHSS method was used. The procedure was adapted in order to increase the yield of humic acids and decrease time needed. Main characteristics of N-modified substances are higher contents of humic acids and subtly differenciateted effective N-binding forms with leads to higher diversity of the chemical functionality. This and the low ash content makes the differences to other brown coal based soil improving agents available on the marked. It has been shown that humic acids give the main part providing nitrogen and functionality (e.g. cation exchange capacity). The oxidative ammonolysis leads to regenerated humic acids as well as e.g. the clevage of aromatic structures by reactions of free phenolic groups. In contrast to former assumptions the cleavage is not strongly related to demethoxylation or strong reaction conditions like high pressure. This and other reactions lead to short, middle, and long lasting N-binding forms. 15N-NMR-spectroscopic investigations on a 15N-enriched product, Py-GC/MS-investigations and conventional investigations show an overestimation of heterocyclic, in particular heteroaromatic N-binding forms up to now. Consequently amide like nitrogen reveals as extraordinary according to its persistent behaviour to hydrolysis and plant availability respectively. Corresponding the correlation of the N-incorporation and humic acid content of raw materials the latter can be used for evaluating possible raw material for its usage for N-modification. It can be easy obtained in a degratadive way. From the process engineering point of view the success of N-incorporating is strongly correlated to the oxidation conditions during processing. Using pure oxygen instead of air shorts the needed reaction at 50%.
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Strukturelle Merkmale N-modifizierter Braunkohlen unter besonderer Berücksichtigung der HuminstoffeNinnemann, Horst 20 November 2007 (has links)
Motiviert durch die Zunahme der weltweiten Nachfrage nach hochwertigen Humusstoffen wurde am Institut für Holz- und Pflanzenchemie ein neuartiger Humusersatzstoff entwickelt. Dieses N-modifizierte Produkt wird auf Basis eines patentierten Normaldruckverfahrens der oxidativen Ammonolyse (OA) aus ligninhaltigen Ausgangssubstanzen, im vorliegenden Fall Lausitzer Braunkohle, hergestellt. Ziel war, die bisher vorliegenden Erkenntnisse der strukturellen Eigenschaften solcher Humusstoffe zu erweitern. Im Fokus standen die Gehalte und Charakteristik der Huminstofffraktionen (Humine, Humin- und Fulvosäuren). Der Stickstoff und die Art seines Einbaus in die organische Substanz spielt hierbei eine besondere Rolle. Für die Huminstoffisolierung kam die hinsichtlich der Ausbeuten und des Zeitaufwandes optimierte IHSS-Methode zum Einsatz. Wesentliche Merkmale N-modifizierter Substanzen sind erhöhte Huminsäurengehalte, zeitlich differenziert wirksame N-Bindungsformen und damit eine Diversifizierung der Funktionalität. Zusätzlich mit dem geringen Aschegehalt unterscheidet dies N-modifizierte Lausitzer Braunkohle von anderen auf Braunkohlebasis erzeugten Bodenverbesserungsmitteln des Marktes. Es konnte gezeigt werden, dass Huminsäuren hinsichtlich der Bereitstellung von Stickstoff und Funktionalität (z.B. Austauscherplätze) eine Schlüsselrolle einnehmen. Die Veränderungen durch die OA basieren stofflich auf der Bildung regenerierter Huminsäuren und chemisch u.a. auf der oxidativen Ringspaltung von Aromaten an nicht veretherten phenolischer OH-Gruppen von Methoxyphenolstrukturen. Dabei ist diese Reaktion entgegen früherer Annahmen nicht an eine Demethoxylierung gebunden und erfordert auch keine verschärften Reaktionsbedingungen (z.B. erhöhter Druck). Diese und weitere Reaktionsmechanismen führen zu ammoniumartig, amidartig und fest organisch gebundenen N-Bindungsformen. 15N-NMR-Spektroskopische Untersuchungen an einem 15N-angereicherten Produkt, Py-GC/MS-Untersuchungen und nasschemische Experimente zeigen, dass in der Vergangenheit die Bedeutung heterocyclischer, insbesondere heteroaromatischer N-Bindungsformen überschätzt wurde. Amidartiger Stickstoff präsentiert sich dabei als außerordentlich heterogen hinsichtlich seiner Hydrolysestabilität bzw. Pflanzenverfügbarkeit. Für die effektive Beurteilung möglicher Ausgangssubstanzen hinsichtlich ihrer Eignung für die Herstellung von Humusdüngestoffen nach dem Prinzip der OA kann der Huminsäurengehalt herangezogen werden. Er wird mit Hilfe eines degradativen Verfahrens ermittelt. Die mit dem Huminsäurengehalt in Verbindung stehenden Stoffeigenschaften von Kohlen korrelieren gut mit dem N-Einbau. Aus Sicht der Verfahrensführung hängt die Intensität des N-Einbaus eng mit dem Oxidationsregime zusammen. Durch Anwendung von reinem Sauerstoff anstelle von Luft als sehr einfach und günstig zu realisierende Maßnahme kann die Reaktionszeit halbiert werden. / The development of a novel artificial humus material at the Institute of Wood- and Plant Chemistry was accounted by the increasing demand for high grade humic matter. This N-modified product base on a patented ambient pressure technology of the oxidative ammonolysis. of lignin containing substances, in particular Lusitian lignite. Objective of the work was to broadening the current knowledge of structural properties with focus on the contents and characteristics of humic substances fractions (humins, humic acids, fulvic acids). Especially attention was given to nitrogen and its way of incorporation into organic matter. For isolating humic substances the IHSS method was used. The procedure was adapted in order to increase the yield of humic acids and decrease time needed. Main characteristics of N-modified substances are higher contents of humic acids and subtly differenciateted effective N-binding forms with leads to higher diversity of the chemical functionality. This and the low ash content makes the differences to other brown coal based soil improving agents available on the marked. It has been shown that humic acids give the main part providing nitrogen and functionality (e.g. cation exchange capacity). The oxidative ammonolysis leads to regenerated humic acids as well as e.g. the clevage of aromatic structures by reactions of free phenolic groups. In contrast to former assumptions the cleavage is not strongly related to demethoxylation or strong reaction conditions like high pressure. This and other reactions lead to short, middle, and long lasting N-binding forms. 15N-NMR-spectroscopic investigations on a 15N-enriched product, Py-GC/MS-investigations and conventional investigations show an overestimation of heterocyclic, in particular heteroaromatic N-binding forms up to now. Consequently amide like nitrogen reveals as extraordinary according to its persistent behaviour to hydrolysis and plant availability respectively. Corresponding the correlation of the N-incorporation and humic acid content of raw materials the latter can be used for evaluating possible raw material for its usage for N-modification. It can be easy obtained in a degratadive way. From the process engineering point of view the success of N-incorporating is strongly correlated to the oxidation conditions during processing. Using pure oxygen instead of air shorts the needed reaction at 50%.
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Blue Growth : Applications and properties of biochar made out of reed / Blå Tillväxt : Tillämpning och egenskaper hos biokol gjort på vassKarlsson, Axel, Fagerström, Pinthira January 2021 (has links)
The climate on earth keeps getting warmer where heat waves, eutrophication, rising sea levels, extreme weather like flooding, droughts and wildfires are an expanding problem. The focus of this bachelor thesis is to determine the potential of mitigating eutrophication and while contributing to blue growth by harvesting and make use of reeds like Phragmites australis and Arundo donax. Reeds have the ability to quickly absorb nutrients from aquatic environments and there are opportunities to use them as a feedstock for producing biochar to be potentially used in areas such as soil improvement, fodder additive and carbon sequestration. Additionally, optimal biochar properties for the observed applications gets analysed. The thesis is based on a systematic literature review and an interview with Niclas Anvret at the non-profit organisation “Race for the Baltic”. Results show that biochar produced according to parameters such as heating rate, biomass species and especially, different temperatures, results in varied characteristics that change the biochar's adsorption abilities, nutrient retention, alkalinity, stability, surface area and porosity volume. The different applications of biochar are, however, not easily determined. This is because of the fact that certain biochar properties, that are prominent in entirely different pyrolysis conditions, could both be beneficial for the same application. Additionally, the different attributes sometimes influence each other which gives rise to unclear patterns affecting use potential. To overcome these issues, more research is needed to clarify the correlations between attributes of the biochar and to determine which characteristics of biochar are best suited for each application. In terms of how large-scale harvesting of reed could affect the ecosystem is also unclear, there is not enough research regarding the question to be able to draw clear conclusions. The reasoning behind this is that there are knowledge gaps, geographical differences, different unit measuring and methodology. The potential for biochar in the coal market is high and the demand in Sweden has risen over the past couple of years. There is also interest in using biochar as a soil amendment, to make use of nutrient content as well as applying organic matter to soils to potentially achieve long-term carbon sequestration. However, the production cost of biochar out of reed is relatively expensive, and it cannot compete with coal or other fertilisers/soil amendments on the market, with feedstock management usually being the most expensive part of production. Lastly, there is currently no harvesting method that can measure the amount of reed that needs to be harvested to be able to produce biochar on a large scale. / Klimatet på jorden blir allt varmare och värmeböljor, övergödning, stigande havsnivåer, extrema väder som översvämningar, torka och bränder är ett stigande problem. Syftet med denna kandidatuppsats är att undersöka potentialen att mildra eutrofiering och samtidigt bidra till blå tillväxt genom att skörda - och använda sig av vass som Phragmites australis och Arundo donax. Vass har en framträdande förmåga att absorbera näringsämnen. Det finns därför möjligheter att använda dem som råvara för att producera biokol som potentiellt kan användas i områden såsom jordförbättring, fodertillsatser och kolbindning. Utöver detta undersöks optimala egenskaper för biokol enligt de observerade applikationerna. Kandidatuppsatsen bygger på en systematisk litteraturstudie och en intervju med Niclas Anvret på den ideella organisationen ”Race for the Baltic”. Resultaten indikerar att biokol, producerad i pyrolys enligt parametrar som uppvärmningshastighet, biomassa och i synnerhet olika temperaturer, resulterar i varierande egenskaper som förändrar biokolets absorptionsförmåga, bibehållande av näring, alkalinitet, stabilitet, ytarea och porositetsvolym. De olika tillämpningarna av biokol är emellertid svåra att avgöra på grund av vissa biokolegenskaper. Dessa egenskaper är framträdande under helt olika pyrolysförhållanden men kan samtidigt vara fördelaktiga för samma typ av applikation. Dessutom påverkar de olika attributen ibland varandra vilket ger upphov till komplexa trender som påverkar användningspotentialen. För att kunna dra tydliga slutsatser behövs mer forskning för att klargöra sambandet mellan biokolens attribut och för att bestämma vilken samling egenskaper hos biokol som passar bäst för varje applikation. Hur storskalig skörd av vass kan påverka ekosystemet är fortfarande oklart. Det finns inte tillräckligt med forskning kring frågan för att kunna dra tydliga slutsatser. Detta beror på att det finns kunskapsluckor, geografiska skillnader, olika måttenheter och metoder för de studier som gjorts inom detta område. Potentialen för biokol på kolmarknaden är hög och efterfrågan i Sverige har ökat de senaste åren. Det finns också intresse för att använda biokol för jordförbättring, dels för att använda näringsinnehållet men också för att applicera biokol i jorden för att potentiellt uppnå långvarig kolbindning. Dock är produktionskostnaden för biokol gjort på vass mycket kostsam och kan därför inte konkurrera med fossilt kol eller andra gödselmedel jordförändringar på marknaden. Detta beror främst på råvaruhanteringen som är den dyraste delen av produktionen. Slutligen finns det för närvarande ingen skördemetod som kan mäta den mängd vass som behöver skördas för att kunna producera biokol i stor skala.
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