Spelling suggestions: "subject:"solar modules"" "subject:"polar modules""
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Integruotos saulės elektrinės tyrimas / Investigation of Integrated Solar Power PlantŽarin, Vadim 17 June 2014 (has links)
Fotoelektrinių modulių (FEM) efektyvumas paprastai įvertinamas esant standartinėms tyrimo sąlygoms, tačiau jų veikimas esant realioms lauko sąlygoms yra labai svarbus siekiant kuo tiksliau numatyti jų efektyvumą ir pagaminamos elektros energijos kiekį. / The efficiency of photomodules is evaluated at standard test conditions, but in real conditions their operation is very important in order to foreseen the efficiency and generated energy.
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Δομή φωτοβολταϊκού a-Si/μc-Si και πειραματική σύγκριση με φωτοβολταϊκά άλλων τεχνολογιών πυριτίουΚουτσουράκης, Γεώργιος 09 December 2013 (has links)
Η τεχνολογία φωτοβολταϊκών λεπτών φιλμ πυριτίου συνδυάζει χαμηλό κόστος
παραγωγής, μικρό χρόνο ενεργειακής απόσβεσης και χαμηλές απαιτήσεις σε
πρώτες ύλες. Ωστόσο, μειονεκτήματα όπως η χαμηλή απόδοση και η
φωτοεπαγόμενη υποβάθμιση του άμορφου πυριτίου καθιστουν την τεχνολογία
αυτή λιγότερο ανταγωνιστική σε σχέση με τα φωτοβολταϊκά κρυσταλλικού
πυριτίου. Για να αυξηθεί η απόδοση χρησιμοποιούνται περισσσότερα ενεργά
στρώματα οδηγώντας σε φωτοβολταϊκά πολυεπαφών. Συνδυάζοντας άμορφο και
μικροκρυσταλλικό πυρίτιο, με ενεργειακό χάσμα περίπου 1.7eV και 1.1eV
αντίστοιχα προκύπτει η διάταξη a-Si/μc-Si.
Στην παρούσα εργασία παρουσιάζεται εκτενώς το φωτοβολταϊκό a-Si/μc-Si, το
οποίο αναφέρεται και ως micromorph. Μελετώνται τα χαρακτηριστικά των ενεργών
υλικών από τα οποία αποτελείται και οι ιδιότητες εκείνες που απαιτούνται για
υψηλής ποιότητας επιστρώσεις. Παρουσιάζονται τα ιδιαίτερα χαρακτηριστικά της
τεχνολογίας φωτοφολταϊκών λεπτών φιλμ πυριτίου και οι διαφορές της με τις
υπόλοιπες τεχνολογίες. Μελετάται επίσης η δομή της διάταξης a-Si/μc-Si και η
έρευνα που αφορά τις τεχνικές βελτιστοποίησής της και την αύξηση της απόδοσης.
Στη συνέχεια γίνεται πειραματική μελέτη για τις επιδόσεις ενός φωτοβολταϊκού
πλαισίου a-Si/μc-Si σε συνθήκες εξωτερικού χώρου, σε σύγκριση με φωτοβολταϊκά
πλαίσια άλλων τεχνολογιών πυριτίου, ενός μονοκρυσταλλικού και ενός άμορφου.
Το πλαίσιο a-Si/μc-Si της εταιρείας Heliosphera που μελετήθηκε έχει υποστεί την
αναμενόμενη φωτοεπαγόμενη υποβάθμιση και η απόδοσή του σε πρότυπες
συνθήκες βρέθηκε ίση με 8.14% με μια μείωση 8.5% από την αρχική απόδοση.
Μελετήθηκε η εξάρτηση της επίδοσης των φωτοβολταϊκών πλαισίων από την
μεταβολή της γωνίας πρόσπτωσης, τη θερμοκρασία και την ένταση της ηλιακής
ακτινοβολίας. Επιβεβαιώθηκε πειραματικά η μείωση της απόδοσης του πλαισίου a-Si/μc-Si με την αύξηση της αέριας μάζας, κάτι που παρατηρήθηκε και για το πλαίσιο
αμόρφου πυριτίου. Η μελέτη φωτοβολταϊκών πλαισίων σε συνθήκες εξωτερικού
χώρου θα οδηγήσει στην κατανόηση των διαφορών μεταξύ διαφορετικών
τεχνολογιών και στη σημασία των κλιματολογικών συνθηκών ενός τόπου στην
επιλογή των φωτοβολταϊκών πλαισίων για κάποια εγκατάσταση. / Thin film silicon photovoltaic technology combines low production cost, short energy
payback time and low demands of raw materials. However, drawbacks as low
efficiency and light induced degradation make this technology less competitive in
regard to crystalline silicon solar cells. In order to increase the efficiency, more active
layers are used leading to multijuction photo voltaics. Combining amorphous and
microcrystalline silicon with energy bandgap of 1.7eV and 1.1eV correspondingly,
results in the device a-Si/μc-Si..
In this work a-Si/μc-Si, which is also referred as micromorph, is thoroughly
presented. The characteristics of its active materials and the properties required for
device quality layers are studied. The specific properties of thin film silicon
photovoltaics are presented along with the differences with other technologies. The
structure of the a-Si/μc-Si device and the research for its optimization techniques
and efficiency increase are also studied.
An experimental study takes place for the performance of an a-Si/μc-Si photovoltaic
module in outdoor conditions, in comparison with other silicon photovoltaic
technologies, as monocrystalline and amorphous silicon. The module a-Si/μc-Si of
the company “Heliosphera” that was studied has undertaken the prospective light
induced degragation and its efficiency in standard conditions was 8.14% with a
reduction of 8.5% from the initial efficiency. The performance of the photovoltaic
modules was studied under the effect of shifts in the angle of incidence,
temperature changes and changes in the solar irradiation intensity. The reduction in
the efficiency of the a-Si/μc-Si module with the increase of the air mass was
experimentally confirmed and was also verified for the amorphous silicon module.
The study of photovoltaic modules in outdoor conditions will lead in better
understanding the differences among various technologies and the effect of the
climate conditions of a location on the choice of the photovoltaic modules for an
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Metodologia para avaliação do dimensionamento de sistemas fotovoltaicos conectados à rede. / Methodology for the evaluation of sizing of grid-connected photovoltaic systems.Rostegui Aguilar, Guido Javier 22 August 2018 (has links)
Este trabalho apresenta a avaliação do dimensionamento de sistemas fotovoltaicos conectados à rede por meio de indicadores de custo de energia; foram feitas diversas simulações de geração de energia para sistemas fotovoltaicos com diferentes configurações e tamanhos com o objetivo de verificar a aplicabilidade do método proposto a qualquer sistema. Com a utilização dos indicadores busca-se determinar uma configuração adequada de módulos fotovoltaicos dentro do sistema, isto é, o espaçamento entre fileiras de módulos, o ângulo de inclinação destes, a quantidade de strings e a quantidade de módulos por string, considerando o impacto que estas variáveis têm na geração de energia do sistema ao longo dos anos de vida do projeto. Para avaliar esse impacto são utilizados três indicadores, a saber, o custo da energia gerada, entendida como o custo de instalação de um sistema fotovoltaico (incluindo custo de equipamentos, estruturas, componentes elétricos, mão de obra, lucro do instalador, etc.) dividido pela quantidade de energia que o sistema é capaz de entregar à rede elétrica, o custo nivelado de energia simples (sLCOE por sua sigla em inglês) e o custo nivelado de energia (LCOE) calculado pelo método da taxa de encargo fixo (FCR por sua sigla em inglês). Os indicadores são apresentados em valores em USD/kWh. As simulações foram realizadas em duas locações utilizando equipamentos comercializados atualmente, para sistemas com e sem rastreador solar. O software utilizado para realizar as simulações foi o System Advisor Model (SAM), software gratuito desenvolvido pelo National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL) para dimensionamento e cálculo de sistemas fotovoltaicos. / This work presents the evaluation of the sizing of grid-connected photovoltaic systems by means of energy costs indicators; several simulations of power generation for photovoltaic systems with different configurations and sizes were carried out to verify the applicability of the proposed method to any system. By using the indicators it is sought to determine a suitable configuration of photovoltaic modules within the system, that is, the spacing between rows of modules, their tilt angle, the number of strings and the number of modules per string, considering the impact that these variables have on system power generation. In order to evaluate this impact, three indicators are used, namely the cost of the generated energy, understood as the cost of installing a photovoltaic system (including cost of equipment, structures, electrical components, labor, profit of the installer, etc.) divided by the amount of energy that the system is able to deliver to the grid in the first year of operation, the Simple Levelized Cost of Energy (sLCOE) and the Levelized Cost of Energy (LCOE) calculated by the Fixed Charge Rate (FCR) method. The indicators are presented in values in USD/kWh. The simulations were carried out in two locations using commercially available equipment, for fixed-tilt and single axis tracker systems. The software used to perform the simulations was the SAM, free software developed by NREL for sizing and calculation of photovoltaic systems.
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Metodologia para avaliação do dimensionamento de sistemas fotovoltaicos conectados à rede. / Methodology for the evaluation of sizing of grid-connected photovoltaic systems.Guido Javier Rostegui Aguilar 22 August 2018 (has links)
Este trabalho apresenta a avaliação do dimensionamento de sistemas fotovoltaicos conectados à rede por meio de indicadores de custo de energia; foram feitas diversas simulações de geração de energia para sistemas fotovoltaicos com diferentes configurações e tamanhos com o objetivo de verificar a aplicabilidade do método proposto a qualquer sistema. Com a utilização dos indicadores busca-se determinar uma configuração adequada de módulos fotovoltaicos dentro do sistema, isto é, o espaçamento entre fileiras de módulos, o ângulo de inclinação destes, a quantidade de strings e a quantidade de módulos por string, considerando o impacto que estas variáveis têm na geração de energia do sistema ao longo dos anos de vida do projeto. Para avaliar esse impacto são utilizados três indicadores, a saber, o custo da energia gerada, entendida como o custo de instalação de um sistema fotovoltaico (incluindo custo de equipamentos, estruturas, componentes elétricos, mão de obra, lucro do instalador, etc.) dividido pela quantidade de energia que o sistema é capaz de entregar à rede elétrica, o custo nivelado de energia simples (sLCOE por sua sigla em inglês) e o custo nivelado de energia (LCOE) calculado pelo método da taxa de encargo fixo (FCR por sua sigla em inglês). Os indicadores são apresentados em valores em USD/kWh. As simulações foram realizadas em duas locações utilizando equipamentos comercializados atualmente, para sistemas com e sem rastreador solar. O software utilizado para realizar as simulações foi o System Advisor Model (SAM), software gratuito desenvolvido pelo National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL) para dimensionamento e cálculo de sistemas fotovoltaicos. / This work presents the evaluation of the sizing of grid-connected photovoltaic systems by means of energy costs indicators; several simulations of power generation for photovoltaic systems with different configurations and sizes were carried out to verify the applicability of the proposed method to any system. By using the indicators it is sought to determine a suitable configuration of photovoltaic modules within the system, that is, the spacing between rows of modules, their tilt angle, the number of strings and the number of modules per string, considering the impact that these variables have on system power generation. In order to evaluate this impact, three indicators are used, namely the cost of the generated energy, understood as the cost of installing a photovoltaic system (including cost of equipment, structures, electrical components, labor, profit of the installer, etc.) divided by the amount of energy that the system is able to deliver to the grid in the first year of operation, the Simple Levelized Cost of Energy (sLCOE) and the Levelized Cost of Energy (LCOE) calculated by the Fixed Charge Rate (FCR) method. The indicators are presented in values in USD/kWh. The simulations were carried out in two locations using commercially available equipment, for fixed-tilt and single axis tracker systems. The software used to perform the simulations was the SAM, free software developed by NREL for sizing and calculation of photovoltaic systems.
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Lamination of Organic Solar ModulesKalldin, Sofie January 2014 (has links)
As the Worlds energy demand is increasing we need more of our energy to be generated from resources that affect the climate as little as possible. Solar power could be the solution if there were solar panels with a less energy demanding production than the established silicon based solar modules. Printable organic solar cells will enable a cheap production process, thus they are mainly made out of polymers in solution. However, to be able to decrease the total cost of the solar modules the commonly used indium tin oxide (ITO) for the transparent electrode needs to be replaced by a less expensive material. If the cheap, high conductive and transparent polymer poly(3,4-ethylenedioxythiophene)-poly(styrenesulfonate) (PEDOT:PSS) could replace ITO the cost of organic solar modules would significantly decrease. For PEDOT:PSS to be able to replace ITO there are requirements that have to be met. The transparent electrode needs to be apart from transparent, highly conductive, have a low contact resistance to the other materials in the organic solar cell and be printable. In this study it has been shown that the PEDOT:PSS film with Zonyl and Diethylene Glycol (DEG) as an secondary dopant, is capable of laminating to thin films made out of PEDOT:PSS, metal or a polymer fullerene blend. The contact resistances between two PEDOT:PSS films and PEDOT:PSS film and a metal film proved to be low. When laminating to a metal film an interlayer of Silver Nano Wires (AgNW) was needed to achieve a low contact resistance.
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Tape solution in photovoltaic mini modules : A study into how the optical and electrical properties are affected by a novel method of assembling photovoltaic modules / Tejp lösning i fotovoltaiska minimoduler : En studie i hur de optiska och elektriska egenskaperna påverkas av en ny produktionsmetod i framställandet av fotovoltaiska modulerPotter, Alexander January 2020 (has links)
The goal of this thesis is to, on behalf of JB Eco Tech, investigate a novel method of interconnecting photovoltaic (PV) modules. The principle is to stick the interconnecting strings on the cells with a transparent tape instead of soldering. As a part of the assembly process, the module is laminated under heat which makes the strings stick to the PV cell. The method is going to reduce one step in the production process, replacing the soldering procedure with the lamination of the strings onto the cells. Also, the replacement of lead and silver will spare costs and the environment. To analyse the effects of the novel method on the performance of the cell, the optical properties of the module were investigated by mathematical models and Light Beam Induced Current (LBIC). Also, the electrical properties were compared to the conventional method of soldering by analysing the I-V characteristics. The experiments were done on mini modules. Although the mini module displayed a reflectance of about 5.7 – 6.0% the contribution of the tape only accounted for a maximum of 0.5%. Since the tape only covers a fraction of the cell, this reflectance is negligible. Only 3 modules were successfully analysed, and the electrical properties of the novel method did not differ from the conventional method. To solidify the later a claim a more extensive rapport has to be made. The thesis opens up a new research area where improvements to the novel method can be done. / Det här examensarbetet är gjort på uppdrag av JB Eco Tech. De har utvecklat en ny metod i produktionen av solcells moduler. Syftet med studien är att undersöka metoden som baseras på att fästa transparant tejp med en belagd koppartråd på solcellerna istället för den konventionella metoden som använder sig av lödning. Metoden kommer att reducera ett steg i produktionskedjan genom att utesluta lödningsprocessen. Processen kommer också bidra till en minskning i användandet av silver och bly vilket bidrar till en reducerad kostnad och en minskad miljöpåverkan. För att analysera effekterna av prestandan till följd av den nya metoden så analyserades de optiska egenskaperna med hjälp av matematiska modeller och Light Beam Induced Current (LBIC). De elektriska egenskaperna hos solcells modulerna jämfördes med den konventionella metoden som involverar lödning genom att analysera I-V karakteristiken för de båda metoderna. De ovannämnda experimenten utfördes på miniatyr moduler. Resultaten som erhållits visade på att modulerna hade en reflektans av 5.7 – 6.0% och att tejpen endast stod för max 0.5%. Tejpen täcker endast en bråkdel av cellen därför går det att konstatera att reflektansen som härstammar från tejpen är försumbar. Det innebar att de optiska egenskaperna inte bidrog till en signifikant påverkan på prestandan av modulerna. De elektriska egenskaperna av modulerna påvisade ingen signifikant skillnad mellan de två olika metoderna. För att säkerställa det senare antagandet krävs en utökad studie inom området. Studien har öppnat upp för nya rön som grundas på den nya metoden där det finns utrymme för förbättringar av tejpen.
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Recycling Waste Solar Panels (c-Si & CdTe) in SwedenNekouaslazadeh, Alireza January 2021 (has links)
Solar energy industries are one of the fastest-growing industries in the global energy market. Between 2018 and 2019, installed capacity in Sweden increased by 70%. This is due to a combination of declining PV module and inverter costs, as well as increased conversion to fossil-free energy production to mitigate greenhouse gas emissions. In fact, solar PVs have a 25-year life span, and soon many deployed PVs would soon reach their end of life (EoL), it is, therefore, important to organize for the EoL of PVs in order to recover precious resources and recycle PV modules in a sustainable manner. Currently, less than 10% of global solar cell waste is recycled, due to the lack of incentives for recycling in most countries. In the European Union, used-up modules are governed by the WEEE (Waste Electrical and Electronic Equipment) Directive, which requires the collection of 85% of solar cell waste, with at least 80% of the waste being prepared for reuse or recycling. Solar cell waste has not amounted to significant volumes in Sweden, due to the lack of no known systems for recycling. Used-up modules are currently collected and managed as electronic waste in one of two approved collection systems in Sweden. The aim of this thesis is to analyze and assess methods of recycling waste solar panels in Sweden and is it economically viable to set up a solar waste recycling center before it reaches the right amount of waste. Moreover, the main focus is on the analysis and comparison of the environmental impacts of various recycling methods for crystalline silicon (c-Si) and cadmium telluride (CdTe) panels. To recycle solar panel waste, the elements of these panels must be assessed from both an economic point of view as well as environmental impacts. Today, the most common PV panels in the global market and also Sweden are c-Si and CdTe types. The results showed except for the pyrolysis method, the environmental impacts of both c-Si and CdTe PV panels from the thermal-based recycling methods, are lower than chemical methods. Furthermore, the extraction of Al, Si, and glass from c-Si and the extraction of glass from CdTe has a less environmental impact than the current techniques used in the recycling of PV panels. Finally, in this study, we revealed which materials can be prioritized for maximum economic and environmental advantages from recycling. In c-Si modules, these are Ag, Al, Si, and glass and in CdTe modules, these are Te, Cu, and glass. Currently, investing in a new solar module recycling center in Sweden is not economically viable. Because the possibility of such an investment requires economic and political incentives. Given that by 2042 the volume of Swedish solar waste will not reach the minimum level of profitability to build a new specialized center for the recycling of solar modules, the best decision is to modify the existing plants in Sweden to recover expensive and vital materials.
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Fabrication and study of solar cell modules based on silicon nanowire based radial junction solar cells / Fabrication et l'étude des modules de cellules solaires à base de nanofils de siliciumAl ghzaiwat, Mutaz 17 December 2018 (has links)
Dans cette thèse, nous avons utilisé un réacteur de dépôt chimique en phase vapeur assisté par plasma (PECVD) à basse température afin de fabriquer des minimodules à base de cellules solaires à jonction radiale (RJ SiNWs) sur des substrats de verre de 5x5 cm² en employant la gravure laser pour la mise en série des cellules.Nous avons utilisé une couche de 600 nm d’épaisseur de dioxyde d’étain dopée au fluor (FTO) déposée sur du verre sodocalcique (SLG). La couche de FTO sert à la fois de contact arrière pour le module et de source de catalyseur Sn une fois la couche de FTO réduite par un plasma de H2. Ensuite, on fait croître des SiNW dopés p par le procédé Vapor-Liquid-Solid (VLS) assisté par plasma, suivi d’un dépôt d’une couche de Si intrinsèque a-Si:H et d’une couche de Si dopée n µc-SiOx:H, afin d’obtenir une cellule solaire à jonction radiale PIN. Nous avons obtenu une efficacité énergétique de 6.3 % avec une surface active de 0.126 cm². C’est à notre connaissance l’efficacité la plus élevée obtenue en utilisant une couche de FTO comme source de catalyseur Sn.La gravure laser a été utilisée pour retirer localement des couches minces dans l’objectif de fabriquer des minimodules solaires. Grâce à la gravure laser, une connexion monolithique en série entre les cellules solaires à jonction radiale adjacentes a pu être accomplie. Dans cette thèse, la gravure laser a servi à retirer localement la couche de FTO ainsi que les RJ SiNWs, étapes appelées respectivement P1 et P2. On dépose ensuite une couche transparente d’oxyde d’indium-étain (ITO), servant de contact avant, par pulvérisation cathodique (étape P3), et on procède à la séparation en bandes par la technique « lift-off ». Nous avons mené une étude détaillée de l’étape P2 de gravure obtenue par un laser vert (532 nm) et IR (1064nm). La puissance du laser a un impact direct sur l’ablation des RJ SiNWs, et peut aussi endommager le contact arrière de la cellule. Nous avons déterminé que le laser vert entraîne une fonte partielle de matériau sur les bords de la zone gravée, contrairement au laser IR qui produit des gravures de meilleure qualité. La cartographie Raman des zones gravées permet une analyse des matériaux dans la zone étudiée, et a donné des indications sur la composition des résidus laissés par les impulsions laser. Nous avons démontré que l’utilisation du laser IR pour l’étape P2 de gravure est préférable. Elle permet d’avoir des connexions en série de haute qualité entre les cellules.Enfin, le mini-module optimisé de 10 cm² à base de RJ SiNWs a atteint un rendement de conversion énergétique de 4.37 % avec une puissance générée de 44 mW, grâce à l’amélioration de l’étape P2 et de l’impression par jet d’encre d’une grille dense d’Ag. À notre connaissance, cette puissance générée est la plus élevée rapportée pour des modules solaires à base de cellules à jonction radiale. / In this thesis, we have used a low-temperature plasma-enhanced chemical vapor deposition (PECVD) reactor to fabricate Si nanowire radial junction solar mini-modules on 5x5 cm2 glass substrates with the assistance of the laser scribing technique for the series connection of the cells.We have used fluorine-doped tin oxide (FTO) deposited on soda-lime glass substrates (SLG) as a back contact as well as the source of the Sn catalyst which was formed by a direct reduction of FTO using a H2 plasma. Subsequently, p-type SiNWs were grown using plasma-assisted vapor liquid solid (VLS) process, followed by the deposition of intrinsic a-Si:H and n-type µc-SiOx:H layers to achieve pin radial junction solar cells. We have obtained an energy conversion efficiency of 6.3 % with an active area of solar cells of 0.126 cm2, which is to our knowledge, the highest efficiency obtained based on FTO layers as a source of Sn catalyst.Laser scribing was used to perform a selective removal of thin-film materials in order to fabricate minimodules. With laser scribing, a monolithic series connection between adjacent RJ SiNW solar cells on the same glass substrate was achieved. In particular, the laser scribing system has been used to perform selective removal of FTO thin-film and RJ SiNWs, which are commonly known as step P1 and P2, respectively, and to perform a final scribe to isolate the active region from the rest of the substrate. The transparent top ITO contact was sputtered and cell stripes were defined using the lift-off technique (step P3).We have carried out a detailed study of the P2 laser scribe obtained with either green (532 nm) or IR (1064 nm) laser setups. The power of the laser has to be controlled as it has a direct impact on the removal of SiNW RJs and it can damage the underneath FTO contact. We have found that the scribing using a green laser produces a partial melting outside the scribed spots, unlike the IR laser which provides a cleaner scribing and less crystallized material at the edges of scribed spots. Mapping of the scribed spots using Raman spectroscopy allowed analyzing the material composition within the scanned area inside the craters left by the laser pulses. We have demonstrated that the use of the IR laser is preferable for P2 scribing because it can provide a high-quality series connection between cells.Finally, the optimized 10 cm2 SiNW RJ mini-module has reached an energy conversion efficiency of 4.37 % with power generation of 44 mW, thanks to the improved P2 laser scribing and the dense Ag grid printed using the ink-jet method. This performance represents, to the best of our knowledge, the highest reported power generation for silicon nanowire-based solar modules on glass substrates.
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Undersökning av solcellspotentialen för golfverksamheter i SverigeLarsson, Jonas January 2015 (has links)
Photovoltaic Systems in Sweden has longbeen heavily dependent on subsidies and grants to bring in a profit for the investor. Production of excess electricity is a major reason for this as the compensation for excess electricity today is low. However, there are businesses that have an electricityneed that are particularly suitable for solar electricity. These businesses have an electricity demand when the sun shines the brightest and if the Photovoltaic System is properly scaled, the excess electricity can be minimized. A golf club is that kind of a business and this thesis aims to examinate the solar power potential for golf businesses in Sweden. Nine golf clubs was selected from different locations in Sweden. The load profiles from these golf clubs was simulated in the software HOMER against solar radiation data from each site. The system sizes that produces 5% excess electricity was calculated for each club. Finally the profitability for these systems was evaluated. The result shows that the golf clubs in Sweden can make profitable investments in PV systems without subsidies and grants. When the excess production is allowed to be 5% of the total production, solar electricity covers about 20 % of the yearly electricity need. For many of the clubs, the netpresent value is greater than the investment after 40 years. This means that the investment has more than doubled its value. Production price will be about 80 Swedish cents per kWh and the payback time is estimated to be 18 years. / Sveriges energisystem står inför en förändring. Enligt dagens miljöpolitik ska förnybara energikällor som vindkraft, bioenergi och solenergi på sikt ersätta kärnkraft och fossila energikällor. Solel står idag för en nästan obefintlig del av den svenska elmixen vilket främst beror på att priserna på solcellssystem tidigare har varit för höga. Höga subventioner har varit nödvändiga för att en investering inte ska innebära en förlust. Idag har systempriserna sjunkit till en nivå där en ekonomisk vinst är möjlig även utan subventioner. En förutsättning för en ekonomisk vinst är att solcellerna integreras på rätt sätt i verksamheten. För att en investering i ett solcellssystem ska vara ekonomiskt lönsam utan subventioner krävs det att producenten själv konsumerar den producerade elen. Det beror på att ersättningen för överproducerad el, så kallad överskottsel, i dagsläget inte motsvarar lönsamheten som uppstår då elen konsumeras av verksamheten själv. För att kunna få en låg andel överskottsel i produktionen krävs det att verksamheten i fråga har ett elbehov vid den tid då solcellerna producerar el, alltså då solen skiner som starkast. Examensarbetet är inriktat mot att studera verksamheter som, till skillnad från en normal villa, har ett elbehov under dagtid och under sommarhalvåret. En golfverksamhet har ett sådant elbehov och dessutom finns det stora markytor och flera byggnader i verksamheten, vilket är ett stort plus vid installation av solceller. Det fördelaktiga elbehovet medför att relativt stora solcellsanläggningar kan integreras i golfverksamheterna utan att det produceras för mycket överskottsel. För att bestämma golfverksamheters lämplighet för solelsproduktion i Sverige har 9 golfklubbars elbehov analyserats mot solinstrålningsdata från respektive plats. De nio klubbarna är valda från olika delar av landet för att påvisa skillnader i produktion och lönsamhet beroende på lokalisation. För varje golfklubb framtogs systemstorlekar som producerar omkring 5 % respektive 10 % överskottsel per år. I rapporten presenteras huvudsakligen resultaten för systemstorlekar med 5 % överskottsel eftersom en sådan mängd anses vara försumbar. Ekonomin för de framtagna systemen analyserades och presenteras i form av nettonuvärde vid livslängdens slut, produktionspris samt återbetalningstid. Resultaten från undersökningen visar att golfverksamheter i Sverige kan göra lönsamma investeringar i solcellssystem även utan subventioner eller bidrag. För många klubbar är nettonuvärdet större än investeringen efter 40 år, vilket innebär att investeringen har mer än dubblerat sitt värde. Produktionspriset hamnar på runt 80 öre per kWh och återbetalningstiden blir omkring 18 år. Med investeringsstöd är nettonuvärdet större än investeringen redan efter 25 år. Produktionspriset blir runt 60 öre per kWh och återbetalningstiden sjunker till omkring 10 år. Att göra en investering i solceller innebär inte bara en ekonomisk lönsamhet för investeraren. En investering medför också positiva fördelar för miljön då solceller producerar förnybar el. Stora delar av världen arbetar idag aktivt för att få in mer förnybar el i energisystemet. Sverige har som mål att 50 % av energianvändningen i Sverige ska försörjas av förnybara energikällor år 2020. Idag är drygt 40 % av energiförsörjningen förnybar, vilket innebär att det återstår en del arbete tills målet är uppfyllt. Om golfklubbar i Sverige utnyttjar sitt fördelaktiga elbehov och investerar i solceller kan de bidra till att målet uppnås samtidigt som de gör en god ekonomisk affär. Därför rekommenderas det att Sveriges golfklubbar ser över sina möjligheter att integrera solcellsystem i sina verksamheter.
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Enviromentální vědeckotechnický park v Zábřehu / Enviromental Science & Technology Park in ZábřehKratochvílová, Šárka January 2009 (has links)
Diploma project develops the intention to build up an ecological project based on renewable resources utilization of energy and materials recycling in Zábřeh. The study is engaged in possible area extension and tries to divide it into functional zones, when zone of main production remains the same (already elaborated project) and the zone of extension where there is settled production storages, alt.production hall extension. Third zone, so-called green zone, is developed in more detail. The green zone is a belt of plot separating the production area from second-class road nr.315, and also creates entrance gateway and lungz of the whole area. The green belt is conceived as a sojourn park with water elements(biotopes, lake, water basin), which is intersected by wooden footbridge, that connects object of multifunction pavilion and office building and ends at articifial island, or more precisely as a torso in the lake waters, symbolizing the science, which´s end is far away for human beings. The footbridge is also an axis between planned science-technological centres for the direct processing of waste materials. Administration building and pavilion are conceived as a „second nature“, purely human artifact, whih is also clearly expressed in „non-natural“ materials used. Their concept tries to saturate client´s requests and use the renewable resources of energy with observance of building biology principles (author´s request) at the same time.
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