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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Upscaling of Flow, Transport, and Stress-effects in Fractured Rock / Uppskalning av flöde och ämnestransport i sprickigt berg samt bergspänningens inverkan

Öhman, Johan January 2005 (has links)
<p>One of many applications of geohydraulic modelling is assessing the suitability of a site to host a nuclear waste repository. This modelling task is complicated by scale-dependent heterogeneity and coupled thermo-hydro-mechanical (THM) processes. The objective here was to develop methods for (i) upscaling flow and transport in fractured media from detailed-scale data and (ii) accounting for THM-induced effects on regional-scale transport. An example field data set was used for demonstration.</p><p>A systematic framework was developed where equivalent properties of flow, transport, and stress-effects were estimated with discrete fracture network (DFN) modelling, at some block scale, and then transferred to a regional-scale stochastic continuum (SC) model. The selected block scale allowed a continuum approximation of flow, but not of transport. Instead, block-scale transport was quantified by transit time distributions and modelled with a particle random walk method at the regional scale.</p><p>An enhanced SC-upscaling approach was developed to reproduce the DFN flow results more simply. This required: (i) weighting of the input well-test data by their conductivity-dependent test volumes and (ii) conductivity-dependent correlation structure. Interestingly, the best-fitting correlation structure resembled the density function of DFN transmissivities. </p><p>Channelized transport, over distances exceeding the block scale, was modelled with a transport persistence length. A linear relationship was found between this persistence length and the macroscale dispersion coefficient, with a slope equal to a representative mean block-scale dispersion coefficient.</p><p>A method was also developed to combine well-test data and rock-mechanical data in estimating fracture transmissivities, and its application was demonstrated.</p><p>Finally, an overall sequential THM analysis was introduced allowing the estimation of the significance of waste-related thermo-mechanical (TM) effects on regional transport; here TM effects are calculated separately and their impact on fracture transmissivities were incorporated into the hybrid framework. For the particular case, their effects on regional-scale transport were small.</p>

Integrierte Modellierung von Durchflussdynamik und salinarer Stofftransportprozesse unter Berücksichtigung anthropogener Steuerungen am Beispiel der Unstrut / Integrated modelling of flow discharge and saline solute transport processes under consideration of anthropogenic management strategies in the Unstrut river basin

Voß, Frank January 2005 (has links)
Durch die Stilllegung der Kali-Gewinnung und -Produktion zwischen 1990 und 1993 sowie die begonnene Rekultivierung der Kali-Rückstandshalden haben sich die Salzfrachteintragsbedingungen für die Fließgwewässer im "Südharz-Kalirevier" in Thüringen zum Teil deutlich verändert. Aufgrund erheblich geringerer Salzeinträge in die Vorfluter Wipper und Bode ist es möglich geworden, zu einer ökologisch verträglichen Salzfrachtsteuerung überzugehen. Die Komplexität der zugrunde liegenden Stofftransportprozesse im Einzugsgebiet der Wipper macht es jedoch unumgänglich, den Steuerungsvorgang nicht nur durch reine Bilanzierungsvorgänge auf der betrachteten Steuerstrecke zu erfassen (so wie bisher praktiziert), sondern auch die Abflussdynamik im Fließgewässer und den Wasserhaushalt im Gebiet mit einzubeziehen. <br><br> Die Ergebnisse dieser Arbeit dienen zum einen einer Vertiefung der Prozessverständnisse und der Interaktion von Wasserhaushalt, Abflussbildung sowie Stofftransport in bergbaubeeinflussten Einzugsgebieten am Beispiel der Unstrut bzw. ihrer relevanten Nebenflüsse. Zum anderen sollen sie zur Analyse und Bewertung eines Bewirtschaftungsplanes für die genannten Fließgewässer herangezogen werden können. Ziel dieser Arbeit ist die Erstellung eines prognosetauglichen Steuerungsinstrumentes, das für die Bewirtschaftung von Flusseinzugsgebieten unterschiedlicher Größe genutzt und unter den Rahmenbedingungen der bergbaubedingten salinaren Einträge effektiv zur Steuerung der anthropogenen Frachten eingesetzt werden kann. <br><br> Die Quellen der anthropogen eingeleiteten Salzfracht sind vor allem die Rückstandshalden der stillgelegten Kaliwerke. Durch Niederschläge entstehen salzhaltige Haldenabwässer, die zum Teil ungesteuert über oberflächennahe Ausbreitungsvorgänge direkt in die Vorfluter gelangen, ein anderer Teil wird über die Speichereinrichtungen gefasst und gezielt abgestoßen. Durch Undichtigkeiten des Laugenstapelbeckens in Wipperdorf gelangen ebenfalls ungesteuerte Frachteinträge in die Wipper. Ein weiterer Eintragspfad ist zudem die geogene Belastung. <br><br> Mit Hilfe detaillierter Angaben zu den oben genannten Eintragspfaden konnten Modellrechnungen im Zeitraum von 1992 bis 2003 durchgeführt werden. Durch die Ausarbeitung eines neuartigen Steuerungskonzeptes für das Laugenstapelbecken Wipperdorf, war es nun möglich, die gefasste Haldenlauge entsprechend der aktuellen Abflusssituation gezielt abstoßen zu können. Neben der modelltechnischen Erfassung der aktuellen hydrologischen Situation und der Vorgabe eines Chlorid-Konzentrationssteuerzieles für den Pegel Hachelbich, mussten dabei weitere Randbedingungen (Beckenkapazität, Beckenfüllstand, Mindestfüllstand, Kapazität des Ableitungskanals, usw.) berücksichtigt werden. <br><br> Es zeigte sich, dass unter Anwendung des Steuerungskonzeptes die Schwankungsbreite der Chloridkonzentration insgesamt gesehen deutlich verringert werden konnte. Die Überschreitungshäufigkeiten bezüglich eines Grenzwertes von 2 g Chlorid/l am Pegel Hachelbich fielen deutlich, und auch die maximale Dauer einer solchen Periode konnte stark verkürzt werden. Kritische Situationen bei der modelltechnischen Frachtzusteuerung traten nur dann auf, wenn Niedrigwasserverhältnisse durch die Simulationsberechnungen noch unterschätzt wurden. Dies hatte deutliche Überschreitungen der Zielvorgaben für den Pegel Hachelbich zur Folge. <br><br> Mit Hilfe des Steuerungsalgorithmus konnten desweiteren auch Szenarienberechnungen durchgeführt werden, um die Auswirkungen zukünftig zu erwartender Salzfrachten näher spezifizieren zu können. Dabei konnte festgestellt werden, dass Abdichtungsmaßnahmen der Haldenkörper sich direkt positiv auf die Entwicklung der Konzentration in Hachelbich auswirkten. Durch zusätzlich durchgeführte Langzeitszenarien konnte darüber hinaus nachgewiesen werden, dass langfristig eine Grenzwertfestlegung auf 1,5 g Chlorid/l in Hachelbich möglich ist, und die Stapelkapazitäten dazu ausreichend bemessen sind. / As a consequence of general closure and conversion of potash-industries between the years 1990 and 1993 and due to the beginning of recultivation activities on the potash stockpiles the load of dissolved potassium salt of rivers in the "Südharz-Kalirevier" in the German federal state of Thuringia has considerably changed. The extremely decreased salt inputs into the tributaries of Wipper and Bode were accompanied by a change in salt load management towards a system controlled with respect to river ecology. Due to the high complexity of salt transport processes in the Wipper catchment, the existing operation rules cannot comply with the present requirements, so that a comprehensive knowledge of water balance processes and river flow dynamics have to be included in management strategies. <br><br> On the one hand this investigation aims to analyse the processes and the interaction of water balance, runoff generation and solute transport in catchment areas influenced by salt mining activities such as the case in the river Unstrut and its relevant tributaries. On the other hand the results of this study can help to analyse and assess sustainable management plans for the above mentioned river basins. Thus the main objective of this study is to develop an integrated, predictive management tool, that can be applied for catchment areas of different spatial scales and for the effective use of controlled discharge of anthropogenic salt solution taking into account the basic input conditions from salt mining activities. <br><br> The most important sources of anthropogenic salt inputs into the river stream are the salt loads from the potash stockpiles near the disused mines. Due to usual precipitation salt solution leaches from the stockpiles, which partly reaches the river streams uncontrolled by lateral interflow processes. Another part is being gathered in reservoirs and than discharged according to special system operation rules. As well dissolved salt loads comes into the Wipper by leakage processes out of the reservoir in Wipperdorf. Furthermore geogenic input is another important emission pathway. <br><br> With detailed information about these different emission pathways, model simulations were performed within the period from 1992 to 2003. After the technical implementation of a new management strategy for the reservoir in Wipperdorf, now it was possible to push off the stored lye according to the actual runoff situation in the river stream. Beside a fully modell aided description of the whole actual hydrological situtation and provided control values for chloride concentration at the gauging station in Hachelbich, also other boundary conditions had to be considered for this purpose (such as reservoir capacity, actual fill level, minimum fill level, drain capacity etc.). <br><br> It turned out, that the application of the new management strategy led to a clear decreased range in chloride concentration. Frequencies of exceeding a critical value of 2 g chloride/l at gauging station in Hachelbich enormously declined and the maximum duration of such periods could rigorously be shortened. Particluar critical situations in calculating potential lye discharge only occured when measured flow discharge was underestimated through model simulations. In this case control values for the gauging station in Hachelbich could not be achieved. <br><br> With this new management tool scenario simulations were executed to analyse the effects of expected amounts of lye in future. These theoretical studies showed the decreasing trend in chloride concentration if restorations measures at the stockpiles would be continued. Longterm scenario runs also showed, that a threshold value of 1,5 g chloride/l in Hachelbich could be achieved and existing storage capacities therefor will be sufficiently dimensioned.

Effect of Hyporheic Exchange on Conservative and Reactive Solute Transport in Streams : Model Assessments Based on Tracer Tests

Jonsson, Karin January 2003 (has links)
Understanding of the processes affecting solute transport in flowing water is important for the possibility to predict the evolution with time of polluted stream systems. This thesis presents tracer experiment methodology and model developments for solute transport in streams, with special focus on retention processes and their effect on solute stream transport. Results are presented from a tracer experiment in the Säva Stream, Uppland County, Sweden, where both a conservative (3H as tritiated water) and a reactive (51Cr as trivalent chromium ion) tracer were injected simultaneously. The time and length scales of the experiment were prolonged compared to previous studies, which allowed for new critical tests of different model concepts. It was found that the hyporheic exchange greatly affected the solute transport of both tracers. However, the retention of chromium was significantly more pronounced. About 76% of the injected chromium was lost from the stream water phase directly after the passage of the pulse 30 km downstream of the injection point. The inventory of chromium in the sediments indicated that the main part was retrieved in the hyporheic zone. Both a diffusive and an advective hyporheic exchange model were developed and evaluated versus independent observations in the stream water and hyporheic zone. Analytical expressions for the central temporal moments of the breakthrough curve and semi-analytical solutions for the solute concentration in the Laplace domain were derived. Both models were found useful in representing the observations. For the transport of the reactive solute, it was found essential to consider a kinetic sorption on to particulate matter in the hyporheic zone. The time needed for a wash-out of 75% of the maximum uptake in the hyporheic zone was found to be ~85 times longer for the reactive solute, compared to the conservative solute. Neglecting the sorption kinetics in the transport model yielded significant errors in the central temporal moments, which implied an incorrect description of the wash-out process from the hyporheic zone. Independent observations in the stream water and hyporheic zone as well as choice of evaluation method are essential for a correct interpretation of the processes. A first attempt was also made to link model parameters such as the residence time in the hyporheic zone with measurable parameters of the stream. Such a relationship offers the possibility to generalize results for other streams and stream conditions. A generic study of the transport of an inert solute in the Lule River, Sweden, using this kind of relationship, indicated that the hyporheic exchange can have a large practical implication.

Upscaling of Flow, Transport, and Stress-effects in Fractured Rock / Uppskalning av flöde och ämnestransport i sprickigt berg samt bergspänningens inverkan

Öhman, Johan January 2005 (has links)
One of many applications of geohydraulic modelling is assessing the suitability of a site to host a nuclear waste repository. This modelling task is complicated by scale-dependent heterogeneity and coupled thermo-hydro-mechanical (THM) processes. The objective here was to develop methods for (i) upscaling flow and transport in fractured media from detailed-scale data and (ii) accounting for THM-induced effects on regional-scale transport. An example field data set was used for demonstration. A systematic framework was developed where equivalent properties of flow, transport, and stress-effects were estimated with discrete fracture network (DFN) modelling, at some block scale, and then transferred to a regional-scale stochastic continuum (SC) model. The selected block scale allowed a continuum approximation of flow, but not of transport. Instead, block-scale transport was quantified by transit time distributions and modelled with a particle random walk method at the regional scale. An enhanced SC-upscaling approach was developed to reproduce the DFN flow results more simply. This required: (i) weighting of the input well-test data by their conductivity-dependent test volumes and (ii) conductivity-dependent correlation structure. Interestingly, the best-fitting correlation structure resembled the density function of DFN transmissivities. Channelized transport, over distances exceeding the block scale, was modelled with a transport persistence length. A linear relationship was found between this persistence length and the macroscale dispersion coefficient, with a slope equal to a representative mean block-scale dispersion coefficient. A method was also developed to combine well-test data and rock-mechanical data in estimating fracture transmissivities, and its application was demonstrated. Finally, an overall sequential THM analysis was introduced allowing the estimation of the significance of waste-related thermo-mechanical (TM) effects on regional transport; here TM effects are calculated separately and their impact on fracture transmissivities were incorporated into the hybrid framework. For the particular case, their effects on regional-scale transport were small.

In vivo Pharmacokinetics of Two New Thrombin Inhibitor Prodrugs : Emphasis on Intestinal and Hepatobiliary Disposition and the Influence of Interacting Drugs

Matsson, Elin January 2010 (has links)
Biliary excretion is an important elimination route for many drugs and metabolites. For such compounds, it is important to know the extent of excretion and drug exposure in the bile, e.g., for the risk assessment of drug interactions, liver toxicity and the effects of genetic variants. In this thesis, duodenal aspiration of bile was performed in healthy volunteers and complemented with experiments in an in vivo model in pigs to increase the understanding of the intestinal and hepatobiliary disposition of two direct thrombin inhibitors. The compounds investigated, ximelagatran and AZD0837, are both prodrugs that require bioactivation to exert their pharmacological effect. Upon co-administration with erythromycin and ketoconazole, respectively, altered plasma exposure to ximelagatran and AZD0837 and their respective metabolites has been observed. The main objective of this thesis was to characterize the biliary excretion of the compounds, and investigate whether this elimination route explains the observed drug-drug interactions. High plasma-to-bile AUC ratios were observed, in particular for ximelagatran, its active metabolite melagatran, and AR-H067637, the active metabolite of AZD0837. These high ratios indicate the involvement of active transporters in the biliary excretion of the compounds, which is important since transporters constitute possible sites for drug interactions. The effects of erythromycin and ketoconazole on the plasma exposure of the prodrugs and metabolites were confirmed in both the pig and the clinical studies. The changes seen in plasma for ximelagatran and its metabolites were partly explained by reduced biliary clearance. Inhibited CYP3A4 metabolism likely caused the elevated plasma levels of AZD0837, whereas reduced biliary clearance was seen for AR-H067637 suggesting an effect on its excretion into bile. In summary, the studies led to mechanistic insights in the hepatobiliary disposition of ximelagatran and AZD0837, and demonstrate the value of combined clinical and animal studies for the investigation of the biliary drug excretion.

Phase-field modeling of surface-energy driven processes

Asp Grönhagen, Klara January 2009 (has links)
Surface energy plays a major role in many phenomena that are important in technological and industrial processes, for example in wetting, grain growth and sintering. In this thesis, such surface-energy driven processes are studied by means of the phase-field method. The phase-field method is often used to model mesoscale microstructural evolution in materials. It is a diffuse interface method, i.e., it considers the surface or phase boundary between two bulk phases to have a non-zero width with a gradual variation in physical properties such as energy density, composition and crystalline structure. Neck formation and coarsening are two important diffusion-controlled features in solid-state sintering and are studied using our multiphase phase-field method. Inclusion of Navier-Stokes equation with surface-tension forces and convective phase-field equations into the model, enables simulation of reactive wetting and liquid-phase sintering. Analysis of a spreading liquid on a surface is investigated and is shown to follow the dynamics of a known hydrodynamic theory. Analysis of important capillary phenomena with wetting and motion of two particles connected by a liquid bridge are studied in view of important parameters such as contact angles and volume ratios between the liquid and solid particles. The interaction between solute atoms and migrating grain boundaries affects the rate of recrystallization and grain growth. The phenomena is studied using a phase-field method with a concentration dependent double-well potential over the phase boundary. We will show that with a simple phase-field model it is possible to model the dynamics of grain-boundary segregation to a stationary boundary as well as solute drag on a moving boundary. Another important issue in phase-field modeling has been to develop an effective coupling of the phase-field and CALPHAD methods. Such coulping makes use of CALPHAD's thermodynamic information with Gibbs energy function in the phase-field method. With the appropriate thermodynamic and kinetic information from CALPHAD databases, the phase-field method can predict mictrostructural evolution in multicomponent multiphase alloys. A phase-field model coupled with a TQ-interface available from Thermo-Calc is developed to study spinodal decomposition in FeCr, FeCrNi and TiC-ZrC alloys. / QC 20100622

Förstudie till våtmark i Rimbo : Design för optimal hydrologi och kväverening

Jaremalm, Maria January 2005 (has links)
The euthropthication of the Baltic Sea is a threat that is beginning to be taken seriously by the governments concerned. In Sweden, regulations concerning the allowed nitrogen (N) concentration in the effluent water from wastewater treatment plants are being tightened up. The Rimbo wastewater treatment plant has been imposed to reduce the annual mean concentration of total N in the effluent water to levels below 15 mg l-1. A more and more common way to reduce the nitrogen level in wastewater is to let the water pass through a wetland. This study investigates the possibility to build this kind of wetland at the outlet of the Rimbo wastewater treatment plant. A prestudy of the topography, soil characteristics and groundwater flow indicates that the land area in question is well suited for the construction of a wetland. A proposal for the design has been made by using a physically based computer model developed in the PRIMROSE project (PRocess based Integrated Management of constructed and Riverine wetlands for Optimal control of wastewater at catchment ScalE), which is financed by the EU. Analysis of the residence time distribution (RTD) is a tool for understanding wetland design characteristics and can be used for wetland engineering such as optimizing design for best possibleefficiency in nitrogen removal. In order to characterize the performance of a wetland, it is useful to translate the RTD to a key figure representing the treatment efficiency. In this work, two types of such key figures have been used. Key figure 1 gives the hydraulic efficiency and Key figure 2 gives an estimation of the nitrogen retention by an integration of hydraulic characteristics and the chemical transformation of nitrogen. The results of this study show that constructing a wetland in Rimbo probably would be an efficient way to reduce the nitrogen level at the effluent of the wastewater plant below the limits of the regulations. In addition, a wetland would form a nice place of recreation for the people in Rimbo and also make a good habitat for birds. / Övergödningen i Östersjön är ett problem som uppmärksammas alltmer. Ett led i att minska kvävebelastningen på Östersjön är ökade krav på rening i de svenska kommunala reningsverken. Rimbo avloppsreningsanläggning har blivit ålagd ett riktvärde för totalkväve på 15 mg l-1 i utgående vatten, vilket motsvarar en reningsgrad som inte uppnås idag. Ett alltmer vanligt sätt att minska föroreningshalterna är att anlägga våtmarker i anslutning till reningsverken för att efterpolera spillvattnet. Det här arbetet är en del av en förstudie till en sådan våtmark i Rimbo. En förundersökning av topografi, jordart och grundvattenflöden indikerar att det område som föreslagits i anslutning till reningsverket i Rimbo lämpar sig väl för ett våtmarksbygge. Förslag till utformning har tagits fram med hjälp av en fysikaliskt baserad modell över vattenströmning, utvecklad inom det EU-finansierade projektet PRIMROSE (PRocess based Integrated Management of constructed and Riverine wetlands for Optimal control of wastewater at catchment ScalE). Analys av vattnets uppehållstidsfördelning ger förståelse för våtmarkens egenskaper och kan därför användas vid t ex optimering av våtmarksdesign med avseende på kväverening. För att på ett enkelt sätt kunna jämföra olika våtmarkers effektivitet är det praktiskt att översätta uppehållstidsfördelningen till ett nyckeltal för reningseffekten. I det här arbetet har två olika sådana nyckeltal beräknats. Det första ger den hydrauliska effektiviteten och det andra bygger på en metod där våtmarkens interna hydraulik integreras med den kemiska omvandlingen av kväve. Nyckeltal 1 ger ett mått på hur stor del av volymen i våtmarken som används för kväverening, medan Nyckeltal 2 ger ett mått på den procentuella kväveavskiljningen. Den här förstudien visar att en våtmark sannolikt skulle vara ett utmärkt sätt att klara riktvärdet för kvävehalten vid reningsverket i Rimbo. Därutöver skulle en våtmark kunna utgöra ett positivt inslag i landskapet och öka den biologiska mångfalden, inte minst vad gäller fågelliv.

Outcrop-constrained flow and transport models of reflux dolomitization

Garcia-Fresca, Beatriz, 1973- 23 March 2011 (has links)
Two hydrogeologic models explore reflux dolomitization using two outcrop datasets at different scales to constrain transient boundary conditions and heterogeneous petrophysical properties. A platform-scale petrophysical model of the Permian San Andres Formation was built from outcrop and subsurface data following a reservoir modeling approach that preserves outcrop heterogeneity and incorporates a sequence stratigraphic framework. This model was used as input for hydrogeological simulations of hypersaline fluid flow and solute transport during the accumulation and compaction of the platform. Boundary conditions change over time, as relative sealevel fluctuations drive sedimentation, depositional environment migration, topographic gradients, and location, size and salinity of the brine source. The potential volume and distribution of dolomite formed is inferred by a magnesium mass-balance. The composite result of reflux events at various orders of stratigraphic hierarchy is a complex dolomite pattern that resembles that observed on San Andres outcrops. Dolostone bodies across the platform may be generated by different combinations of favorable conditions, including proximity to the brine source, zones of higher permeability, permeability contrasts, and latent reflux. A meter-scale reactive transport model of the Albian Upper Glen Rose Formation simulates deposition of three high-frequency cycles punctuated by three brine reflux events. The simulator determines flow, solute and reactive transport along the flow paths, revealing the spatial and temporal distribution of calcite dissolution, and precipitation of dolomite and sulfate. The model recreates fully and partially dolomitized cycles within the time and lithological constrains on Glen Rose outcrops. Our results show that the distribution of dolomite within a high-frequency cycle may be the net result of intercycle processes, whereby dolomitizing fluids sourced from younger cycles flow across stratigraphically significant boundaries. We also show that variations in dolomite abundance and the unfulfilled dolomitization potential control the contemporaneous propagation of multiple dolomite fronts and the coalescence of discrete dolomite bodies. Results show that reflux is an effective and efficient mechanism to dolomitize carbonate formations that progresses simultaneously with sediment accumulation. Dolomitization is the cumulative result of many short-lived reflux events, sourced in different locations and times, and amalgamation of successive dolostone bodies. This model contrasts with previous studies that approached dolomitization of a carbonate platform as a discrete reflux event and current interpretations that relate dolomite bodies to their most immediate stratigraphic surfaces. / text

Functional characterization of urate handling by hSLC2A9 (hGLUT9) splice variants in a heterologous expression system

Witkowska, Katarzyna Unknown Date
No description available.

Numerical Modeling Of Seawater-fresh Groundwater Relationships In The Selcuk Sub-basin, Izmir-turkey

Hassan, Abubakr Hussein 01 January 2004 (has links) (PDF)
Seawater-fresh groundwater natural equilibrium conditions in the aquifers of the Sel&ccedil / uk sub-basin may be disturbed by the discharge occurred during the past 30 years in order to supply water for irrigation and domestic purpose usage. Two dimensional density dependent cross sectional saturated flow and solute transport simulations were carried out to determine whether seawater intrusion has occurred in the Sel&ccedil / uk sub-basin due to the imposed discharge or the determined salt-water in the western section of the aquifers represents natural interface equilibrium conditions. The numerical simulation model was calibrated using field measurements. The results of the simulations suggest that the seawater intrusion has occurred in the study area since the pumping activity increased in the region. Five scenarios were simulated for future predictions: (1) Present recharge and discharge conditions are maintained, (2) Discharge increases at a rate of the municipality need as a result of increasing population, (3) Discharge decreases by 12% from the present value, (4) Discharge decreases by 25% from the present value, and (5) No discharge occurs or recharge amount equals to the present discharge amount condition supplied to the aquifer. These scenario results suggest that seawater intrusion in the Sel&ccedil / uk sub-basin would progress in the following years unless proper management measures are taken into consideration. KEYWORDS: seawater intrusion, density dependent groundwater flow, solute transport, contamination, Sel&ccedil / uk sub-basin.

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