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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Learners as problem posers : a focus on task development in grade 11 mathematics and mathematical literacy

Sibanda, James. January 2014 (has links)
M. Tech. Education / The study investigated the extent to which Grade 11 learners were able to formulate Mathematics and Mathematical Literacy problems from a given soccer context and to determine the extent to which the problems formulated by learners reflect the given soccer context. Engaging learners in the activity of task formulation within the context of soccer was an attempt to enable the learners to appreciate the mathematics concepts can be extracted from familiar or everyday situations.

A survey of primary prevention services for adolescents' reproductive health needs

Mataboge, Mamakwa Letlhokwa Sanah 25 August 2009 (has links)
The study comprehensively analysed the impact of primary prevention services for reproductive health in the environment within which the adolescents grow towards life skills ecquisition and positive behavior patterning. The availability, accessibility and the effectiveness of adolescents' accompaniment in Soshanguve Township by certain caregivers were assessed. Unstructured observations, review of documents, questionnaire and semi-structured interviews were used for data collection. The results revealed the least support by parents and churches to accompany the adolescents and the inaccessibility of specialised center to the disadvantaged. The continued lack of knowledge and life-skills perpetuated the onset of reproductive problems. The lack of programmes to equip care providers on how to improve communication during care provision was a major setback. There is a great need for the erection of special care centers for adolescents. / Health Studies / M.A. (Nursing Science)

Die behoefte van verbruikers na kleinhandelsafsetpunte in die Soshanguve-gebied

Potgieter, Marius 11 1900 (has links)
Text in Afrikaans, abstract in Afrikaans and English / Suid-Afrika het ongekende verstedeliking ervaar en agtergeblewe verbruikers het hulle in gebiede in en om stede gevestig. Steeds toenemende verstedeliking veroorsaak enersyds probleme aangesien basiese infrastruktuurvoorsiening (elektrisiteit, water, en riool) ontbreek. Andersyds laat die afwesigheid van formele kleinhandelsfasiliteite in die agtergeblewe gebiede die vraag ontstaan wat hierdie verbruikers se behoefte aan afsetpunte behels. 'n Ewekansige-waarskynlikheidsnavorsingstudie met 'n steekproef van 300 huishoudings, 'n vraelys, en persoonlike onderhoude is onderneem om die agtergeblewe verbruikers in die Soshanguve gebied se behoeftes na kleinhandelsafsetpunte te bepaal. Die bevinding is dat die meeste verbruikers buite hul woongebied werksaam is, 'n gemiddelde inkomste van tot R2 000 per maand verdien, en dat taxi's die hoofvervoermiddel is. Kleinhandelsaankope word hoofsaaklik in Pretoria en Mabopane gedoen. Daar bestaan wel 'n behoefte na formele kleinhandelsafsetpunte, veral vir bederfbare produkte en kruideniersware soos voorsien deur bekende kleinhandelsintellings soos die OK Bazaars. Die ondersoek bevestig dat Soshanguve kleinhandelsbeleggingsgeleenthede bied vir verskeie kleinhandelsfasiliteite. / South-Africa experienced unknown urbanisation and disadvantaged consumers flocked to the cities. Continuous urbanisation causes infrastructural problems such as a lack of electricity, water, and sewerage facilities. The absence of formal retail outlets in these areas poses the question what retailing needs these consumers do have. A simple random probability research study with a sample of 300 households, a questionnaire, and personal interviews was used to determine the disadvantaged consumers' needs for retail outlets in the Soshanguve area. The results indicate that most consumers work outside Soshanguve, earn an average of up to R2 000 per month, and use taxi's as a means of transportation. Retail purchases are made in Pretoria and Mabopane. There is a definite need for formal retail outlets, especially for perishables and groceries as provided by retailers such as OK Bazaars. The research confirms that there are retail investment opportunities in Soshanguve for the establishment of various retail facilities. / Business Management / M. Comm. (Business Management)

An assessment of the comprehension of the preliminary 2007 version of the South African paediatric food-based dietary guidelines for Northern Sotho infants 6–12 months of age in Soshanguve and Ga-Rankuwa

Pretorius, Adeline 04 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MNutr--Stellenbosch University, 2015. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: Introduction Malnutrition, in both adults and children, is a problem worldwide with negative health consequences. The World Health Organization (WHO) and Food and Agricultural Organization (FAO) of the United Nations (UN) therefore initiated the implementation of country-specific food-based dietary guidelines (FBDGs) to be used as an educational tool to address nutrition-related health issues. They further suggested consumer testing to evaluate the comprehension and cultural acceptability thereof prior to the release of country-specific FBDGs. Focus group discussions (FGDs) were recommended for consumer testing. Aim The aim of this study was to assess the comprehension and applicability of the 2007 version of the preliminary South African paediatric food-based dietary guidelines (PFBDGs) for healthy infants aged 6–12 months in Soshanguve and Ga-Rankuwa. Specific objectives included qualitative evaluation of exposure to preliminary PFBDGs, participants’ interpretation thereof, cultural acceptability and practical application of the guidelines. Socio-demographic information was collected to determine whether these factors could potentially exert an influence on the comprehension and applicability of the FBDGs. This study could further inform emerging efforts to update public health initiatives to educate mothers/caregivers of infants. Methodology An observational, cross-sectional study design was followed, incorporating both qualitative and quantitative research methods. FGDs were utilised to assess comprehension of the PFBDGs and gather insight into perceptions, attitudes and appropriateness of the PFBDGs. Quantitative data were collected by means of a questionnaire regarding the socio-demographic profiles of participants. Setting This study focused on two small, densely populated towns, Soshanguve and Ga-Rankuwa, in the north western district of Tshwane in the Gauteng province of South Africa. The areas represent relatively low socio-economic communities that include a mix of formal and informal urban setting. Participants Twenty-seven Northern Sotho-speaking mothers and caregivers of infants aged 6–12 months participated in a total of six FGDs. Each FGD was attended by between three and six participants. Results None of the participants had previous exposure to the PFBDGs, although they were familiar with most of the concepts. Guidelines were generally well received and understood, but a few were misinterpreted; particularly those pertaining to “enjoy time with your baby”, “increase your baby’s meals to five times per day” and “teach your baby to drink from a cup”. These needed further explanation and rephrasing by the investigator to improve their comprehensibility. The guideline pertaining to breastfeeding was the most familiar, well accepted and most generally applied. Quantitative results indicated no significant difference between the socio-demographic profiles of participants in Soshanguve and Ga-Rankuwa. Participants’ education level, employment status and housing conditions were considered a good representation of the population. It appears that socio-demographic circumstances may affect exposure to, and interpretation and application of the PFBDGs. Conclusion Many of the adjustments recommended from this research is consistent with the changes incorporated in the recently published revised PFBDGs. Supportive documentation, educational material and health campaigns tailored to specific socio-demographic groups may further enhance the interpretation of the revised guidelines and their exposure to the public, once tested and adopted. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Inleiding Wanvoeding onder kinders en volwassenes, is ʼn wêreldwye probleem wat, as dit nie aangespreek word nie, ernstige gesondheidsgevolge kan inhou. Die Wêreldgesondheidsorganisasie (WGO) en die Voedsel-en-landbou-organisasie (VLO) het die implementering van voedselgebaseerde dieetriglyne (VGDR) spesifiek aan elke land geïnisieer sodat dit as opleidingshulpmiddel kan dien om voedselverwante gesondheidsprobleme op te los. Daar is voorgestel dat verbruikers die riglyne in fokusgroepbesprekings (FGBs) evalueer om begrip en die kulturele toepaslikheid van bevolking-spesifieke riglyne te toets voordat dit bekendgestel word. Doel Die doel van die studie was om begrip en die toepassing van die 2007 weergawe van die voorlopige Suid-Afrikaanse pediatriese voedselgebaseerde dieetriglyne (PVGDR) vir gesonde kinders van 6–12 maande te bepaal. Spesifieke doelwitte het kwalitatiewe evaluering ten opsigte van blootstelling, deelnemers se interpretasie, kulturele aanvaarbaarheid en praktiese toepassing van die riglyne ingesluit. Sosiodemografiese inligting is ingesamel om te bepaal of daar ʼn verband bestaan tussen hierdie omstandighede en die begrip en toepassing van PVGDR’s. Hierdie studie kan toekomstige pogings ondersteun om openbare-gesondheidsprogramme by te werk en om moeders en versorgers oor babas in te lig. Ontwerp Die studieontwerp was ’n waarnemende deursnit met kwalitatiewe en kwantitatiewe navorsingsmetodes. FGBs was gebruik om die begrip van die PVGDR’s te bepaal en insigte oor die persepsies, houdings en geskiktheid van die PVGDR’s in te samel. Kwantitatiewe data is ingesamel met ʼn vraelys oor die sosiodemografiese profiele van deelnemers. Omgewing Die studie het gefokus op twee klein, digbevolkte stedelike gebiede, Soshanguve en Ga-Rankuwa in Tshwane, die noord-westelike distrik van die provinsie Gauteng in Suid-Afrika. Die areas verteenwoordig relatief lae sosio-ekonomiese gemeenskappe met ʼn mengsel van formele en informele stedelike nedersettings. Deelnemers Die studiegroep het 27 Noord-Sotho-sprekende moeders en versorgers ingesluit wat aan altesaam 6 FGB’s deelgeneem het. Tussen drie en ses deelnemers het elke FGB bygewoon. Resultate Geen deelnemers was voorheen aan PVGDR’s blootgestel nie, hoewel die meerderheid met meeste van die begrippe bekend was. Die riglyne was oor die algemeen goed aanvaar en verstaanbaar, maar ʼn paar was verkeerd geïnterpreteer; veral “geniet tyd saam met jou baba”, “vermeerder jou baba se maaltye na vyf kere per dag” en “leer jou baba om uit ʼn koppie te drink”. Verduideliking en herformulering was nodig om begrip te verbeter. Die riglyne oor borsvoeding was die bekendste, was die beste aanvaar en was in die algemeen toegepas. Kwantitatiewe resultate het aangedui dat die sosiodemografiese profiel van deelnemers uit Soshanguve en dié uit Ga-Rankuwa nie beduidend verskil nie. Deelnemers se opleidingsvlak, werkloosheidstatus en huislike omstandighede het die populasie goed verteenwoordig. Daar is bevind dat sosiodemografiese omstandighede blootstelling aan en begrip en toepassing van PVGDR’s kan beïnvloed. Gevolgtrekking Baie van die wysigings wat voorgestel is deur hierdie studie, stem ooreen met die verandering wat aangebring is in die onlangs gepubliseerde hersiene PVGDR’s. Ondersteunende dokumente, opvoedkundige materiaal en gesondheidsveldtogte vir spesifieke sosiodemografiese groepe sal die korrekte interpretasie van riglyne asook openbare bewusmaking bevorder. Die riglyne kan, met minimale aanpassings, suksesvol as ʼn voedingsverwante opvoedkundige hulpmiddel in die gemeenskap gebruik word. Baie van hierdie aanpassings is reeds aangebring tydens die ontwikkeling van die veranderde PVGDR’s. Die bevindinge van die studie kan ʼn kernbydrae tot die voorstelle lewer, en aanduidings vir voorstelle vir verdere ontwikkeling en evaluering oplewer.

Assessing the diffusion and use of mobile payment solutions : a case of the South African townships

Mhlongo, Kulani Morgan 11 1900 (has links)
With mobile phones almost being ubiquitous in most communities, the electronic payment industry has realised the potential of using mobile phones as devices that can be used to conduct electronic payments. This realisation has led to an increase in the number of mobile payment solutions, which are being deployed for use by the public. However, these mobile payment solutions have not been widely adopted, especially by the citizens who are residing in the townships. Thus, this study investigates the factors that inhibit township residents from adopting mobile payments. The study was done at the Soshanguve township on the outskirts of Pretoria in Gauteng, South Africa. The study adopted a mixed method approach to collect data. Phase 1 relied on the interviews from a few selected individuals to collect the initial data, once this process was complete; a questionnaire (Phase 2) was developed and distributed to the general community of Soshanguve for data collection, which was qualitatively and quantitatively analysed.the diffusion and use of mobile payments in the townships. Some of the factors are as follows: mobile payments are not easy to use; lack of products to purchase using mobile payments; high costs associated with using mobile payment solutions; lack of trialability of mobile payment solutions; and lack of awareness of mobile payment providers in the townships. The study proposes several guidelines that could help developers and operators of mobile payment solutions to design and deploy their solutions in such a way that they are suitable for consumption by the users in township communities. Proposed guidelines are as follows: (1) when a mobile payment solution is launched, effort should be made to market it to the target market; (2) potential adopters of mobile payments should be able to try it without incurring any financial penalties; (3) mobile payments should be easier to use; (4) mobile payment security features should be apparent to the potential adopters in order to alleviate their fears; (5) mobile payment solutions should be designed according to the needs of the target market as one size fits all does not work; (6) mobile payment solutions should fulfill a need which is not met by the current alternatives or it should offer more value than the existing alternatives; (7) the cost of conducting mobile payments should be affordable; and (8) the regulator should develop legislation that stimulates innovation and competition while ensuring the security of mobile payments. / Computing / M. Sc. (Computing)

Die behoefte van verbruikers na kleinhandelsafsetpunte in die Soshanguve-gebied

Potgieter, Marius 11 1900 (has links)
Text in Afrikaans, abstract in Afrikaans and English / Suid-Afrika het ongekende verstedeliking ervaar en agtergeblewe verbruikers het hulle in gebiede in en om stede gevestig. Steeds toenemende verstedeliking veroorsaak enersyds probleme aangesien basiese infrastruktuurvoorsiening (elektrisiteit, water, en riool) ontbreek. Andersyds laat die afwesigheid van formele kleinhandelsfasiliteite in die agtergeblewe gebiede die vraag ontstaan wat hierdie verbruikers se behoefte aan afsetpunte behels. 'n Ewekansige-waarskynlikheidsnavorsingstudie met 'n steekproef van 300 huishoudings, 'n vraelys, en persoonlike onderhoude is onderneem om die agtergeblewe verbruikers in die Soshanguve gebied se behoeftes na kleinhandelsafsetpunte te bepaal. Die bevinding is dat die meeste verbruikers buite hul woongebied werksaam is, 'n gemiddelde inkomste van tot R2 000 per maand verdien, en dat taxi's die hoofvervoermiddel is. Kleinhandelsaankope word hoofsaaklik in Pretoria en Mabopane gedoen. Daar bestaan wel 'n behoefte na formele kleinhandelsafsetpunte, veral vir bederfbare produkte en kruideniersware soos voorsien deur bekende kleinhandelsintellings soos die OK Bazaars. Die ondersoek bevestig dat Soshanguve kleinhandelsbeleggingsgeleenthede bied vir verskeie kleinhandelsfasiliteite. / South-Africa experienced unknown urbanisation and disadvantaged consumers flocked to the cities. Continuous urbanisation causes infrastructural problems such as a lack of electricity, water, and sewerage facilities. The absence of formal retail outlets in these areas poses the question what retailing needs these consumers do have. A simple random probability research study with a sample of 300 households, a questionnaire, and personal interviews was used to determine the disadvantaged consumers' needs for retail outlets in the Soshanguve area. The results indicate that most consumers work outside Soshanguve, earn an average of up to R2 000 per month, and use taxi's as a means of transportation. Retail purchases are made in Pretoria and Mabopane. There is a definite need for formal retail outlets, especially for perishables and groceries as provided by retailers such as OK Bazaars. The research confirms that there are retail investment opportunities in Soshanguve for the establishment of various retail facilities. / Business Management / M. Comm. (Business Management)

Teaching of mathematics in Soshanguve schools : a situation analysis

Rampa, Seake Harry 31 July 2014 (has links)
M.Ed. (Subject Didactics) / Research shows that "the aims of secondary school's teaching of mathematics are often not realized with many pupils leaving the school with passive knowledge of mathematics" (H.S.R.C. 1981:8). This means that knowledge of mathematical facts are reproduced on demand, instead of active mathematical knowledge " which is congruent with the aims of teaching secondary mathematics" (Crooks, 1988 : 6/7). Active knowledge of mathematics implies and characterised by the understanding of concepts, principles that underlie facts and ideas and principles and concepts that are connected to each other" (Entwistle & Entwistle, 1992 : 2). Active knowledge also enables pupils to act intellectually independently. One reason for the previously mentioned predicament is that "teaching often encourage passive knowledge because the teaching practice of mathematics teachers are often not in accordance with their educational aims" (Gravett, 1994 :6). Thus, a discrepancy exists between teacher's intentions of teaching mathematics and their conduct during teaching. It can be argued also that teachers teach mathematics in the classroom but that the pupils not always effectively learn. It is from the perception above that a constructivistic view of learning as a conceptual change underlies the idea that teaching "as the creation of a classroom context conducive to learning" (Strike & Posner, 1985:117). Biggs (1993 : 74) thus argues that "if knowledge is constructed, rather than recorded as received, it does not make sense to think of teaching as imparting knowledge, but rather as creating learning environments that enhance the process of mathematical knowledge construction". Russell (1969: 14) mentions that "mathematics is a subject in which we never know what we are talking about, nor whether what we are saying is true". The views, amongst others Oosthuizen, Swart and Gildenhuys (1992:2) see mathematics as "an essential language of a creative but deductive process which has its origins in the problems of the physical world", In the light of this, the origin of mathematics in the real world, it can be argued that from a "constructivistic perspective, mathematical learning is an active process by which pupils construct their own mathematical knowledge in the light of their existing knowledge and through interaction with the world around them" (Gravett, 1994 : 6/7). "Construction, not absorption or unfocused discovery, enables learning" (Leder, 1993 : 13). Mathematics is not something discovered by mankind, mathematics is a creation of mankind and is transmitted and changed from one generation to the next.

A study of the challenges of adult learning facilitation in a diverse setting with special reference to Soshanguve

Rivombo, Alfred Mashau 06 1900 (has links)
A critical cross-field outcome of Curriculum 2005 as introduced in South Africa is to work effectively with others as members of a team, group, organization, and community. This research aims at investigating challenges that impede adult learners from diverse backgrounds to work effectively as members of a team, group, organization and community. Informed by models of education in lifelong learning (intercultural, multicultural and anti-racist models of education which supplement andragogy), a qualitative inquiry which followed an active research approach was undertaken in selected adult learning centres in Soshanguve in Gauteng Province to explore the challenges of diversity during adult learning facilitation. Data was gathered from sixteen adult education facilitators from four adult education centres by means of in-depth interviews, follow-up interviews and observational fieldwork. Findings indicated that facilitators require additional knowledge and skills to achieve the objectives of the intercultural, multicultural and anti-racist models of education effectively; senior adult learners require particular attention from facilitators to prevent learner attrition in this age group; linguistic diversity problematises effective intercultural communication, especially where the facilitator is not proficient in learners‟ home languages; and awareness should be raised of the negative impact of inflexible attitudes towards certain aspects of diversity such as religion and sexual orientation on effective teaching and learning. However, positive adult education facilitation practices were also observed. Based on the findings of the literature review and the empirical inquiry recommendations for the improvement of practice were made. / ABET and Youth Development / M. Ed. (Adult and Continuing Education)

A study of the challenges of adult learning facilitation in a diverse setting with special reference to Soshanguve

Rivombo, Alfred Mashau 06 1900 (has links)
A critical cross-field outcome of Curriculum 2005 as introduced in South Africa is to work effectively with others as members of a team, group, organization, and community. This research aims at investigating challenges that impede adult learners from diverse backgrounds to work effectively as members of a team, group, organization and community. Informed by models of education in lifelong learning (intercultural, multicultural and anti-racist models of education which supplement andragogy), a qualitative inquiry which followed an active research approach was undertaken in selected adult learning centres in Soshanguve in Gauteng Province to explore the challenges of diversity during adult learning facilitation. Data was gathered from sixteen adult education facilitators from four adult education centres by means of in-depth interviews, follow-up interviews and observational fieldwork. Findings indicated that facilitators require additional knowledge and skills to achieve the objectives of the intercultural, multicultural and anti-racist models of education effectively; senior adult learners require particular attention from facilitators to prevent learner attrition in this age group; linguistic diversity problematises effective intercultural communication, especially where the facilitator is not proficient in learners‟ home languages; and awareness should be raised of the negative impact of inflexible attitudes towards certain aspects of diversity such as religion and sexual orientation on effective teaching and learning. However, positive adult education facilitation practices were also observed. Based on the findings of the literature review and the empirical inquiry recommendations for the improvement of practice were made. / ABET and Youth Development / M. Ed. (Adult and Continuing Education)

The possible effects of text messaging on the written work of grade 11 English first additional language learners at a public high school in Pretoria.

Thubakgale, Katlego Ngaletsane Success. January 2016 (has links)
M. Tech. Language Practice / Mobile technology has advanced to a point whereby mobile phones are no longer devices anyone can live without. Text messaging has become so popular that now there are more text messages sent by mobile phones than calls made on mobile phones. This study set out to investigate the possible effects of text messaging language on the written school work (learners' ability to properly compose and formulate) of grade 11 English first additional language learners (EFAL) at a public high school in Soshanguve, Pretoria. To this end, the two objectives of the study were to: identify if there were any instances or uses of text messaging in the written school work of grade 11 English first additional language learners at a public school in Pretoria; and establish the possible effects (positive or negative) of text messaging on grade 11 English first additional language learners' written school work.

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