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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Democracy, power and the organization of education projects.

Parker, Benjamin Philip. January 1994 (has links)
Abstract available in pdf file.

Die invloed van 'n historiese ontwikkelingspatroon op hedendaagse wetgewing en grondhervorming : die wet op landelike gebiede (Wet 9 van 1987) en sy historiese probleme

Boonzaaier, Igor Quinton 12 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MA)--Stellenbosch University, 2001. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: Nobody can deny the need which prevails among black South Africans of gaining access to land. In South Africa, just like elsewhere, the land issue plays an equally important role to economic and political issues. However, the land issue is much more emotional, and has the potential to unleash forces which could impact negatively on the economy and the political situation. Bearing this in mind, the ANC-government placed the issue of land reform on the national agenda after assuming power in 1994. Within the broad framework of the program provision is made for previously disadvantaged people to be given access to agricultural land. However, the focus on new entrants to the agricultural sector diverts the attention somewhat from the fact that there are people and groupings who were also disadvantaged under apartheid, but who have had a degree of access to land. This study focuses on the 23 so-called Rural Areas which are scattered over four provinces (Western Cape, Northern Cape, Eastern Cape and the Free State) and which are administered in terms of the Rural Areas Act, Act 9 of 1987. Since the study is no more than an overview, a synopsis is given of contributing factors which relate to the origins of each of the areas. Of importance is the role which was played by missionary societies and others in establishing these communities. The mam focus of the study is the manner in which the Rural Areas were administered. Reference is made to relevant legislation since 1909, and specifically to Act 9 of 1987. The importance thereof lies in the fact that the existence and continued application of the Act has particular constitutional implications. Furthermore, the Minster of Land Affairs, who is responsible for the implementation of the land reform program, is the (unwilling) trustee of these areas. Apart from the fact that trusteeship recalls paternalism of years gone by, the South African reality also necessitated reflection on the existence of Act 9. The rest of the study discusses the consultation process undertaken by the department of Land Affairs with the communities concerned, and the writing of legislation to replace Act 9. The Transformation of Certain Rural Areas Act, Act 94 of 1998, will replace Act 9 when certain conditions mentioned therein, have been met. The Act will end trusteeship and ensure that the communities receive ownership of their land. This will be a movement towards the ideal of the land reform process of giving access to land to all inhabitants of the country. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Niemand kan die behoefte aan toegang tot grond ontken wat onder swart Suid- Afrikaners heers nie. Nes elders, speel die grondkwessie in Suid-Afrika 'n ewe belangrike rol as ekonomiese en politieke kwessies. Die grondkwessie is egter baie meer emosioneel, met die potensiaal om kragte los te laat wat nadelig op die ekonomie en politiek kan inwerk. Gedagtig hieraan het die ANC-regering na bewindsaanvaarding in 1994 grondhervorming op die nasionale agenda geplaas deur 'n grondhervormingsprogram van stapel te stuur. Binne die breë raamwerk van die program is onder andere ruimte geskep vir die verlening van toegang tot landbougrond aan voorheen benadeeldes. Dié klem op "nuwe toetreders" tot landbou trek egter 'n mens se aandag af van die feit dat daar ander persone en groeperinge bestaan wat ook deur apartheid benadeel is, maar wat wel 'n mate van toegang tot grond gehad het. Hiedie studie fokus op die 23 sogenaamde Landelike Gebiede wat oor vier provinsies (Wes-Kaap, Noord-Kaap, Oos-Kaap en Vrystaat) van die land versprei is, en wat ingevolge die Wet op Landelike Gebiede, Wet 9 van 1987, geadministreer word. Weens die oorsigtelike aard van die studie word slegs 'n sinopsis gegee van bydraende faktore wat relevant is tot die spesifieke ontstaansgeskiedenis van elk van die gebiede. Veral van belang hier is die rol wat sendinggenootskappe en andere gespeel het in die totstandkoming van gemeenskappe. Daar word in hoofsaak gekyk na die manier waarop die Landelike Gebiede met verloop van tyd geadministreer is. Hier word verwys na die relevante wetgewing sedert 1909, met spesifieke verwysing na Wet 9 van 1987. Die belang hiervan lê in die feit dat die voortbestaan en voortgesette toepassing van die Wet bepaalde grondwetlike implikasies inhou. Daarmee saam die feit dat die Minister van Grondsake, wat verantwoordelik IS vir die implementering van die grondhervormingsprogram, die (onwillige) trustee is van die Landelike Gebiede. Benewens die feit dat trusteeskap sterk herinner aan die paternalisme van die verlede, het die nuwe Suid-Afrikaanse werklikheid vereis dat herbesin word oor die voortbestaan van Wet 9. Die res van die studie bespreek die konsultasieproses van die departement van Grondsake met die betrokke gemeenskappe, en die skryf van wetgewing om Wet 9 te vervang. Die Wet op die Transformasie van Sekere Landelike Gebiede, Wet 94 van 1998 sal Wet 9 vervang wanneer aan sekere vereistes voldoen word. Die Wet het ten doelom trusteeskap te beëindig en te verseker dat die betrokke gemeenskappe seggenskap oor hul grond verkry. Sodoende sal nader beweeg word aan die ideaal van die grondhervormingsproses, naamlik die verskaffing van vrye toegang tot grond aan alle inwoners van die land.

Die geskiedenis van die wingerdkultuur in Suid-Afrika tydens die eerste eeu 1652-1752

Janse van Rensburg, Jacobus Ignatius 03 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MA)--Stellenbosch University, 1930. / VOORWOORD: Gedurende die voltooiing van hierdie ondersoek het dit al hoe meer geblyk dat werke oor die geskiedenis van die Wingerdkultuur in Suit-Afrika maar baie skaar is: enkele artiekels het in verskillende blaaie en boeke hulle verskyning gemaak, maar sulke stukkies is blykbaar bloot bedoel gewees om in die verbeaan 'n bietjie interessante leesstof aan te bied. Van 'n grondige ondersoek vandie saak kan daar op hirdie stadium dus nog geen sprake wees nie. Nogtans is so 'n studie van belang daar die wingerdkultuur - naas die koringbou - sedert die vestiging vandie volksplanting aan die Kaap 'n geensins geringe rol in die landbou-bedrywighede gespeel nie.

The development of the system of individual tenure for Africans: with special reference to the Glen Grey Act, c1894-1922

Ally, Russell Thomas January 1985 (has links)
The Glen Grey Act was promulgated in August 1894. The main provisions of the Act were for the survey into individual allotments of land held tribally and for a system of local self-government. Described by its originator, C.J. Rhodes, as a 'Bill for Africa, it was first applied to the district of Glen Grey and subsequently extended (in a piece-meal fashion) to a number of districts in the Transkei. The Act was introduced at a crucial stage in South Africa's history. During this period the country stood poised on the threshhold of a significant and far-reaching transformation. The South Africa of 'old', predominantly agricultural and rural was giving way to a 'new' South Africa, modern and industrial. At the centre of this development was the mineral discoveries of the 1860s and 1880s. The period of colonial conquest had also virtually been completed. Most of the hitherto independent African chiefdoms had either been broken up or were under European control. The most urgent problem which now faced the new rulers was devising a policy to govern the millions of black people over whom they had assumed responsibility. Of crucial concern was the creation of working class to minister to the needs of the developing economy. This task was made all the more difficult by the divisions which existed among the ruling groups at the time. To all intents and purposes the country was made up of essentially four independent and autonomous regions. Although the economic changes which were taking place would hasten the unification of the country, until that happened it was well-nigh impossible for a uniform 'native policy' to take shape. The inevitable consequence was the emergence of a number of regional responses to what was essentially a country-wide issue. As the unification of South Africa drew closer however these different regional responses began to vie with each other for supremacy at a national level. The Glen Grey policy then was the response of the Cape to the changes which were taking place in the country. As such, it drew much of its inspiration from the traditions which had developed in the Cape Colony. Its initiators did not however view it as only a regional policy. For them it had applicability to the whole country. It was therefore to be expected that they would attempt to 'sell' their policy to the rest of the country. In the end however it won few adherents outside of the Cape Colony and when Union became an established fact it bowed out to a policy favoured largely by the northern provinces. To be sure the Glen Grey system did linger on for a while in those districts where it had first been applied but it would not be long before it was to fall into official disapproval. While the Glen Grey Act was ushered in with much fanfare and vaunted expectations, its demise was silent and ignominous. The grandiose course which it had charted for the taking-in-hand of the 'native question' came to naught, as did the profound and far-reaching changes which it was believed the policy would inaugurate. The origins of this policy, its implementation and actual working, and the reasons why in the end it foundered and was abandoned will be the main themes of this thesis.

The federation of South African women and aspects of urban women's resistance to the policies of racial segregation, 1950-1970

Zwane, Mirriam Jeanette 07 September 2012 (has links)
M.A. / The study purports to trace and analyse how African women used local structures in the 1950's and 1960's to seek redress against the policies of racial segregation. This study intends showing how African women have piloted local organisations during the period under review, how they resisted all attempts by the local municipal council to have women removed from the location and how women rejected the authority of the local boards. Protest movements and organisations, and the type of political activity women engaged in before the 1950's, have been largely ignored by the few writers who have considered the matter at all. This has resulted in the assumption that there were no women's activities prior to 1950. C. Kros wrote: "...(that) there is a general assumption that until the 1950's women were passive and took a back seat in all spheres except forone or two outbursts of activity, like for instance the resistance against the passes in the Free State in 1913." 3 The study purports to dispel the myth that African women were inactive prior to 1950: This study shows that the emergence of the squatter settlement in the late 1940's was spearheaded by African women who had nowhere to settle, except by pitching up shacks. By early 1940 urban workers found it increasingly difficult to obtain suitably priced residential accommodation as no new houses were built. The study will analyse how Sofasonke Mpanza, a member of the Orlando Advisory Board and the leader of the Sofasonke Mpanza Party, was able to win adherents to his party, the majority of whom were women and why African women in Orlando defied the Municipal Council's regulations and pitched up "shelters" which came to be known as the "Shanty Town".

Klavierwerke deur Suid-Afrikaanse komponiste, voorgeskryf vir Unisa-musiekeksamens tot 1990 :

Gaerdes, Johanna Marié Athena 11 1900 (has links)
Text in Afrikaans / Die doel van hierdie verhandeling is om die opvoedkundige en artistieke waarde van klavierwerke, wat vir die Universiteit van Suid-Afrika (hiema UNISA) se musiekeksamens voorgeskryf is, uit te lig. Die eerste hoofstuk gee 'n beknopte oors1g van die geskiedenis van UNISAmusiekeksamens. In die tweede hoofstuk word geselekteerde werke ontleed en geevalueer. Daarna volg drie bylaes wat die volgende inligting bevat: Bylae 1 'n V olledige lys van alle werke wat tot 1990 gekomponeer is vlf UNISA se klaviereksamens, volgens komponiste gerangskik. W erke word alfabeties ingedeel volgens die komponis en datums word voorsien van wanneer die werk gekomponeer en voorgeskryf is. Werke wat nie in hierdie verhandeling ontleed is nie, word met 'n asterisk aangedui. Bylae 2 'n Volledige lys van alle werke wat tot 1990 gekomponeer is Vlf UNISA se klaviereksamens, volgens grade ingedeel. Komponiste word graadsgewys alfabeties gerangskik. Bylae 3 Kort biografiese sketse van die komponiste gedek in hierdie verhandeling ter inligting van leerlinge en onderwysers. Komponiste word alfabeties gerangskik. In hierdie verhandeling is slegs navorsing gedoen met betrekking tot die klavierwerke. W erke van ander instrumente is nie nagevors nie. Veertig komponiste se werke word gedek. Meer as eenhonderd en dertig stukke is versamel. Die ontleding van al hierdie werke sou te veel wees vir die omvang van hierdie verhandeling en is daar dus geselekteer. Seleksie het plaasgevind op grond van: Eksamengraad Daar word op laer grade gekonsentreer (V oorgraad 1 tot graad 5) omrede dit juis gedurende hierdie aanvangsonderrig is waar die liefde en belangstelling vasgele word vir die aanleer van werke uit eie bodem. Twee vorige verhandelings oor Suid-Afrikaanse klavierwerke ontleed oorwegend werke van hoer grade. Die navorser verwys hier na verhandelings van Rosemary YA Maritz en CL Venter (volledige verwysing in bibliografie). Moeilikheidsgraad Stukke wat makliker hanteerbaar is vir die leerling, het voorkeur geniet. Geen werke van graad 8 en die Onderwyslisensiaat of Voordraerslisensiaat word ontleed nie. Enkele werke van grade 6 en 7 word egter ook ontleed. Die ontleding en evaluering van die werke word alfabeties, volgens komponiste, ingedeel. In die ontleding word daar gelet op aspekte wat van opvoedkundige en artistieke waarde vir die jong leerling sal wees. Dit word ook bedoel as aansporing vir die onderwyser om van die werke aan die leerling te leer. Al die werke (voorgraad 1 tot graad 7) is bekombaar van die Argief in die biblioteek van die Universiteit van Suid-Afrika. Sommige onderwysers mag nog van die ou eksamenbundels in hul privaat versameling he. Dit sou egter 'n groot aanwins wees indien al hierdie musiek beskikbaar sou wees in een bundel. Onderwysers sou dan meer gereeld van die werke in die jong leerling se repertorium kon insluit. Die navorser vertrou dat die benadering van hierdie verhandeling, wat konsentreer op interessante opvoedkundige aspekte, die leerkrag sal voorsien van voldoende motivering om van die ryke erfenis uit eie bodem gebruik te maak, sodat dit nooit verlore mag gaan nie. / Art History, Visual Arts and Musicology / M. Mus.

South African trade unionism in an era of racial exclusion

Lever, Jeffrey Thomas 11 1900 (has links)
This thesis is an examination of the main tendencies in the trade union movement in South Africa during the currency of the Industrial Cenci 1 iation Act from 1924 to 1979, and of state labour policy of direct relevance to worker organisation. It considers in particular the reasons for the predominance of protectionist strategies, frequently amounting to racial monopolies and exclusion, among the unions catering for white artisan and production workers. Attention is given to the deployment of legislative and other policy instruments by the South African state intent on providing support for the prevailing protectionist demands and the exclusionary stance of large sections of the trade union movement. In analysing these developments, reference is made to the history of the trade union federations reflecting the divergent interests of different sections of the South African labour movement during this period. The evolution of trade unions for the workers occupying a subordinate role in the South African "racial order" is also traced. Consideration is given to the barriers to the full development of such trade unions, and to the incipient decline of the era of racial exclusion which the 1970s witnessed. / Sociology / D. Litt. et Phil. (Sociology)

Namakwaland :'n sosiologiese studie van 'n geisoleerde gemeenskap

Kotze, P. W. De Villiers 06 1900 (has links)
AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Die doel van hierdie studie was hoofsaaklik om 'n volledige opname te maak van alle fases van die gemeenskaslewe in die verafgeleë en geïsoleerde distrik van Namakwaland. Gegewens oor die gemeenskap is sover moontlik kwantitatief ingesamel en dit is aangevul deur objektiewe waarnemings en ondervindinge van die skrywer en van ou inwoners in die distrik wat geod bekend is met die Namakwalandse samelewing. Dit is deurgaans gevind dat die gebore Namakwalander 'n besonder goeie verteller is, veral as hy toegelaat word om oor homself en sy eie moeilikhede en lewensgebruike te gesels. Deur hierdie vertellinge kon waardevolle data saamgestel word. Die vernaamste bron waaruit gegewens oor die samelewing verkry is, was die familie in die gemeenskap self en besonderhede oor die familielewe is ingesamel deur middel van 'n opmetingskedule. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: Not available

Die laat-Victoriaanse Mosselbaai 1870-1902

Scheffler, Helena Maria 03 1900 (has links)
Thesis (PhD) -- Stellenbosch University, 1990. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: The development of Mossel Bay was subject to the opening of passes accross the two mountain ranges between the coast and the interior of the country. As the harbour gradually became more accessible to its hinterland, the Karoo, imports and exports increased. The granting of municipal status in 1852 precipitated a period of growth and by 1871, the town even had its own newspaper. Until the mid eighties, Mossel Bay was an arid town with little vegetation and scarcely enough water for domestic use. The serious shortage of water hindered the inhabitants in almost every way. With the completion of a water scheme in 1886 whereby water was received from the Outeniqua mountains, not only was the town embellished by the planting of trees but the drains could be cleaned and the fires successfully extinguished. The Town Council had to deal with squatters, roaming dogs and other stray animals. The general hygienic conditions left much to be desired. The drains were dirty, sanitation poor, dumping sites unfavourably situated and until 1891, animals were slaughtered in town. Typhus and Bubonic Plague broke out in the late nineties. The town had its own doctor and pharmacist, while a dentist made sporadic visits. A Cottage Hospital was established. The crime rate was low and the judge of the Circuit Court often had no criminal cases to hear. Commercially a market was established and an unusually high number of wholesalers began trading in the bay. Three large hotels accommodated the many visitors. Travelling ph.o tographers visited regularly and at one stage Mossel Bay even had its own resident photographer. The Mossel Bay Advertiser made an important contribution in influencing public opinion and in participating in the struggle for obtaining a rail link. This struggle was the major issue of the time. The link was frequently promised but it was only the last assurance in 1895 that was ultimately honoured. Major development took place in Shipping: Steam cranes and steam tugs were acquired and large oceanliners called, first fortnightly and then weekly. In so doing, regular contact was established with England. However the Coode Report found that the bay was becoming shallower and for this reason harbour development was rejected. Immense dissatisfaction prevailed after steam ships began calling in on Sundays, thereby forcing the inhabitants to work on the Sabbath. With the completion of the railway lines linking Port Elizabeth and Cape Town to the diamond fields, these ports gradually took over the trade generated by the Karoo. The services of the steamship companies were curtailed in the nineties resulting in diminished trade. At the end of the decade, it was announced that the harbour would receive a new breakwater and wharf. The number of shipwrecks were relatively small in comparison with other places. After the completion of the Kleinbosch Water Scheme in 1886, the town was marketed as a watering place and health resort. Many holiday makers flocked to the bay to swim in the natural bathing place at the Point. Farmers from the interior began to camp near the beach at Diepkloof. After the introduction of a halfday holiday on Saturdays, sporting activities became popular and sports clubs were established. Societies enabled participants to spend their leisure time in a constructive manner. The contribution of the church was large. A few ministers held their posts for lengthy periods and left their stamp on the community. Education was characterised by the struggle between the state supported schools and those run by the church. Although small, the schools produced outstanding students. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Mosselbaai was aanvanklik moeilik van sy natuurlike hinterland, die Karoo, bereikbaar aangesien dit deur twee bergreekse van die binneland geskei word. Met die oopstelling van passe het die hawe algaande meer toeganklik geword en het die nedersetting, soos die in- en uitvoer toegeneem het, gegroei. Die Munisipaliteit is in 1852 gestig en daarna het die dorp in so 'n mate ontwikkel dat dit in 1871 'n koerant gehad het. Mosselbaai was tot in die middel tagtigerjare 'n droe, boomlose dorpie met skaars genoeg water vir huishoudelike gebruik. Die ernstige gebrek aan water het stremmend op bykans elke gebied ingewerk. Nadat water in 1886 van die Outeniekwaberge aangel~ is, kon die dorp nie slags verfraai word nie, maar kon afvoerslote gewas en brande met sukses geblus word. Die Dorpsraad het te kampe gehad met plakkers, loslopende diere. Die algemene higiene het veel rondloperhonde en ander te wense gelaat. Die afvoerslote was vuil, sanit~re geriewe swak, stortingsterreine ongunstig gelee en daar is tot in 1891 midde-in die dorp geslag. Tifus en builepes het in die negentigerjare uitgebreek. Die dorp het oor 'n geneesheer en apteker beskik en tandartse het sporadies op besoek gekom. 'n ·"cottage Hospital" is gestig. Die misdaadsyfer was laag en die regter van die Rondgaande Hof het dikwels geen strafsake gehad om te verhoor nie. Op sakegebied was daar 'n mark, 'n ongewoon hoe aantal groothandelaars en verskeie ander sakeondernemings. Drie groot hotelle het huisvesting aan besoekers verskaf. Reisende fotograwe het die dorp gereeld besoek en 'n dekade lank was daar ook 'n residensiele fotograaf. Die Mossel Bay Advertiser het 'n belangrike bydrae gelewer deur die openbare mening te be1nvloed. Die blad het eweneens 'n groot rol gespeel van die stryd om spoorverbinding, wat die grootste deel van Victoriaanse Tydperk gekenmerk het. Alhoewel 'n spoorlyn meermale is dit eers in 1895 toegestaan. ten opsigte die Laatbeloof is, Op maritieme gebied was daar groot ontwikkeling: stoomhyskrane en · -sleepbote is bekom en groot oseaanskepe het Mosselbaai tweeweekliks en later weekliks aangedoen en sodoende gereelde verbinding met Engeland bewerkstellig. Die Coode-verslag het egter bevind dat die baai besig was om vlakker te word en haweontwikkeling is afgekeur. Stoomskepe het op Sondae begin aandoen en het sodoende Sondagwerk op die inwoners afgedwing. Nadat die spoorweg tussen die Diamantveld en die hawestede Kaapstad en Port Elizabeth voltooi is, is Mosselbaai stadig as hawe vir die Groot Karoo verdring. In die negentigerjare is die diens van die stoomskiprederye ingekort, wat 'n geweldige slag vir die handel was. Aan die einde van die dekade is aangekondig dat die hawe 'n golfbreker en nuwe kaai sou kry. Alhoewel verskeie skepe deur die jare vergaan het , was dit min in vergelyking met die skipbreuke elders. Na die voltooiing van die Kleinbosch-waterskema in 1886 is die dorp as badplaas en gesondheidsoord bemark en het groot getalle vakansiegangers na die Baai gestroom om veral in die natuurlike swemsloep by die Punt te baai. Boere van die binneland het ook naby die strand by Diepkloof begin kampeer. Na die installing van 'n halfdagvakansie op Saterdae het sport groot aftrek geniet en is verskillende klubs gestig. Inwoners het ook by verskillende verenigings aangesluit om hul vryetyd op 'n opbouende wyse te verwyl. Op kerklike gebied het 'n paar leraars besonder lank op Mosselbaai gearbei en het veel tot die ontwikkeling van die gemeenskap bygedra. Die onderwys is gekenmerk deur 'n stryd tussen die staatsondersteunde skole en die van die kerke. Alhoewel klein, het die plaaslike skole goeie uitslae behaal en uitstekende studente opgelewer.

The historical productions of Cecil John Rhodes in 20th century Cape Town

Mdudumane, Khayalethu January 2005 (has links)
This thesis analysed the historical productions of Rhodes in 20th century Cape Town. The critique of this study was that Cape Town embodies the history of imperialism in maintaining the memory of Rhodes. The thesis examined the following sites: Rhodes Cottage Museum, Rhodes Groote Schuur minor house, Rhodes Memorial and two statues, one in the Company Gardens at Cape Town and the other at the University of Cape Town.

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