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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Educators' conceptualisation of implementation of Curriculum and assessment policy statement at grade nine in Kwazulu-Natal, South Africa

Zulu, Muzonjani Zacharia 01 1900 (has links)
This study sought to investigate how teachers in Grade 9 conceptualize and implement the Natural Science Curriculum and Assessment Policy Statement (CAPS) in KwaZulu Natal. In South Africa, there have been major curriculum changes since the dawn of democracy in 1994. These changes have been criticized by various stakeholders in the education sector, including unions, parents and teachers. Since 1994, the curriculum has been revised constantly to address the concerns raised by the society. This study therefore sought to develop an understanding of what influences educators in their endeavors to implement Natural Science CAPS in Grade 9 classrooms. The study further aimed at understanding, from the educators’ perspectives, how policy implementation challenges their traditional ways of teaching and learning. This study adopted a qualitative research design. Focus groups interviews, observations and documentary analysis were used as method of data collection to answer the research questions. Purposive sampling was used to select 9 teachers from six different schools in three districts in the Province of KwaZulu Natal (KZN), namely Zululand, uThungulu and uMzinyathi to participate in the study. The findings reveal that the participants are knowledgeable about the CAPS principles and they all use prescribed principles in their planning, albeit in different ways.The study reveals that workshops and in-service training organized by the Department of Basic Education were useful in preparing teachers to implement CAPS even though the period of training was insufficient. / Curriculum and Instructional Studies / D. Ed. (Curriculum Studies)

Vegetation ecology of Drakensberg foothill moist grassland on Hlogoma Mountain, Underberg, KwaZulu-Natal

Berruti, Sharron Marion 11 1900 (has links)
Hlogoma Mountain is a small inselberg surrounded by farms and commercial forestry in the Underberg district (KwaZulu-Natal) within the Gs10 Drakensberg Foothill Moist Grassland. As little is known about the vegetation on Hlogoma, a survey was undertaken to classify, map and describe the plant communities occurring on the inselberg. A total of 100 (16 m2) randomly stratified sample plots were placed in homogeneous vegetation units within the 117 ha study area. A TWINSPAN classification, refined by Braun-Blanquet procedures, resulted in the identification of two major communities, five communities, 12 sub-communities and four variants. All communities were described and a vegetation map constructed. Ordinations identified key environmental variables that have an impact on the vegetation at the study site. A plant species checklist was created and analysed for floristic composition; rarity and threatened species; medicinal plants; endemism; phenology; flower colour and elevation range; species richness and plant community biodiversity. A total of 467 species were identified, represented by 271 genera and 87 families. Four Red Data species and a new Aspidoglossum species were discovered. Two near-endemic genera, two endemic species and 88 near-endemic species belonging to the Drakensberg Alpine Centre were found on Hlogoma. This study showed that Hlogoma Mountain is an inselberg with high plant species richness and endemism, and is a refuge of conservation importance for biodiversity. / Environmental Sciences / M. Sc.(Environmental Science)

Conceptual and procedural difficulties experienced by National Certificate vocational level 4 students in solving factorisation problems at a Kwazulu-Natal technology centre

Naicker, Ashley Soobramoney 04 1900 (has links)
The purpose of this interpretive qualitative study was to determine the extent of conceptual and procedural difficulties that NCV Level 4 students encountered when factorising and solving problems involving factorisation. This study is based on Kilpatrick, Swafford and Findel’s (2001) ideas on mathematical proficiency, focusing on conceptual knowledge, procedural knowledge and the flexibility of integrating both appropriately to solve algebra problems involving factorisation. This study also explored reasons why NCV Level 4 students demonstrated such difficulties and suggested possible ways that could assist them to understand and flexibly use factorisation to solve problems. A purposive sample consisting of 30 NCV Level 4 students and 5 Subject Matter Experts participated in this study, which adopted a phenomenological case study research design. Triangulation of method was adopted for consistent gathering of information. Data was collected through a written assessment on factorisation under controlled test conditions, and semi-structured interviews. The researcher reduced and analysed data by utilising an integration of constant comparison analysis and classical content analysis. The findings and relevant recommendations concluded this research. / Mathematics Education / M. Ed. (Mathematical Education)

The combating of unauthorised electrical connections in Kwazulu-Natal, South Africa

Chetty, Vanisha Gonasagaree 07 1900 (has links)
Text in English, with English, Afrikaans and Zulu summaries / This study was conducted owing to the protracted problem and challenges that unauthorised electrical connections pose to electricity utilities. This study sought to contribute to the combating of unauthorised electrical connections in KwaZulu-Natal, South Africa, which has never before been studied in this manner. Considerable revenue is stolen from utilities because of unauthorised electrical connections, by-passing of electrical meters and tampering with electricity networks. This contributes to public safety risks, fatalities, property damage and overloading of electrical networks. This in turn causes transformer and electricity network overload and power supply failure, prolonged unplanned power cuts, loss of jobs, food security risk, serious poor economic development, damaged electrical infrastructure, loss of revenue, electricity disruptions, electric shock, and the burning of dwellings. This leads to the interruption of supply to legal and compliant customers, all with disastrous effects. It is therefore difficult to manage the supply and demand of electricity under these circumstances, more especially in this period when South Africa faces a tight electricity supply. In this dissertation, the international and national perspectives reveal the nature and extent of unauthorised electrical connections. It was explored how unauthorised electrical connections are presently being combated and what specific security measures may be implemented to enhance the combating of unauthorised electrical connections. A case study design was used to investigate in greater detail the opinions, views, perceptions and experiences of the targeted interviewees using interviewing, site observation and case docket analysis. This design guided the use of specific sample groups, procedures and techniques used for data collection and analysis. The design and development of the different data collection instruments and the piloting of the instruments were implemented to ensure validity, reliability, accuracy and trustworthiness of the collected information. The study produced findings to assist electricity utilities to better manage this phenomenon. Recommendations were formulated to assist stakeholders to improve their roles in the combating of unauthorised electrical connections. / Hierdie studie is uitgevoer na aanleiding van die uitgerekte probleem en uitdagings van onwettige elektrisiteitsverbindings vir elektrisiteitsvoorsieners. Hierdie studie poog om by te dra om onwettige elektrisiteitsverbindings in KwaZulu-Natal, Suid-Afrika te beveg; dit is nog nooit tevore op hierdie wyse ondersoek nie. Beduidende inkomste word van diensmaatskappye gesteel as gevolg van onwettige elektrisiteitsverbindings, die wat elektriese meters omseil en met elektrisiteitsnetwerke peuter. Dit dra tot openbare veiligheidsrisiko's, fataliteite, skade aan eiendom, en oorlading van elektrisiteitsnetwerke by. Dit lei weer tot oorlading van transformators en elektrisiteitsnetwerke, gebrek aan kragvoorsiening, verlengde onbeplande kragonderbrekings, werksverlies, voedselsekuriteitrisiko, ernstige swak ekonomiese ontwikkeling, skade aan elektrisiteitinfrastruktuur, verlies aan inkomste, elektriese skok, en huise wat afbrand. Dit lei tot die onderbreking van voorsiening aan wetlike en inskiklike klante met rampspoedige gevolge. Dit is dus moeilik om voorsiening en vraag na elektrisiteit in hierdie omstandighede te bestuur, veral in hierdie tyd wat Suid-Afrika drukkende elektrisiteitvoorsiening beleef. In hierdie verhandeling onthul die internasionale en nasionale perspektiewe die aard en mate van onwettige elektrisiteitsverbindings. Dit was ondersoek hoe onwettige elektrisiteitsverbindings tans beveg word en watter spesifieke veiligheidsmaatreëls geïmplementeer kan word om die bevegting van onwettige elektrisiteitsverbindings te bevorder. Die gevallestudie-ontwerp is gebruik om die onderhoudgewers se menings, sienings, perspektiewe en ervarings in meer besonderhede te ondersoek deur onderhoude, waarnemings en saakdossierontledings te gebruik. Die ontwerp het die gebruik van spesifieke steekproefgroepe, prosedures en tegnieke wat vir dataversamelings en -ontleding gebruik is, gerig Die ontwerp en ontwikkeling van die verskillende dataversamelinginstrumente en die bestuur van die instrumente is geïmplementeer om geldigheid, betroubaarheid, akkuraatheid en geloofwaardigheid van die versamelde inligting te verseker. Die studie se bevindings help elektrisiteitsdienste om hierdie verskynsel beter te bestuur. Aanbevelings is geformuleer om belanghebbers te help om hul rolle te bevorder in die stryd om onwettige elektrisiteitsverbindings te beveg. / Ucwaningo lwenziwa ngenxa yokubona inkinga egxilile neqhubekela phambili kanye nezinselele ezibangelwa ukuzixhumela ama-connection kagesi (i-elektrisithi) maqondana nezinkampani zikagesi. Ucwaningo belufuna ukufaka esivivaneni kudaba lokuvimbela ukuzixhumela kogesi ngendlela engekho emthethweni eKwaZulu-Natali, eNingizimu Afrika, yona okungakaze kwenziwe ucwaningo ngayo ngale ndlela. Kunengeniso eliningi lemali entshontshwa ngale ndlela kwizinkampani noma izinhlangano zikagesi ngoba kunokuzixhomela ugesi okungekho emthethweni, ukungasetshenziswa kwamamitha ogesi, kanye nokuphazamisa ama-network kagesi. Lokhu kubangela izingozi nokungavikeleki kubantu bonke, ukulimala, ukulinyazwa nokonakala kwempahla noma iprophathi kanye nokuthi ama-network kagesi agxisheleke nokucindezeleka ngokweqile. Kanti futhi lokhu kubanga ukuthi ama-transformer kanye nama-network kagesi acindezeleke ngokweqile nokwenza ukuthi isaplayi kagesi ihluleke nokufeyila, lokhu okubangela ukuthi kube nama-power cuts noma ukucishwa kukagesi okungahleliwe, ukulahleka kwemisebenzi, ingozi yokuphazamiseka kokuvikeleka kokudla, ukuthi ukuthuthuka komnotho kuphazamiseke kakhulu, ukulahleka kwengeniso lemali, ukuphazamiseka kokuphakelwa kukagesi, ukulinyazwa kwabantu ngokubanjwa ugesi, kanye nokusha kwemizi eshiswa ugesi. Lokhu kuholela ekutheni kuphazamiseke isaplayi kagesi kumakhastama akhokha kahle nenza izinto ngokulandela umthetho, lokhu okubanga imiphumela yezinhlekelele ezimbi. Ngakho-ke kuba nzima ukubhekana kanye nezinto zesaplayi kanye nokudingeka kukagesi ngaphansi kwalezi simo, ikakhulukazi lapho iNingizimu Afrika ibhekene nokuncipha noma izinga eliphansi lesaplayi kagesi. Kule dissertation isimo sikazwelonke kanye nesamazwe omhlaba, siveze inhlobo kanye nezinga lokuxhunyelwa kukagesi okungekho emthethweni. Kubuye kwabheka nokuthi ukuxhunyelwa kukagesi okungekho emthethweni kubhekwana kanye nokuvinjelwa kanjani, nokuthi yiziphi izindlela eziqondene ezisetshenziswayo zokuvikeleka ezingasetshenziswa ukuthuthukisa izinqubo zokuvimbela ukuxhunyelwa kukagesi nama-connection angekho emthethweni angavinjelwa kanjani . Kusetshenziswe idizayini ye-case study ukuphenyisisa ngokujulile imininingwane, imibono, izinqubo zokubheka isimo kanye nezipiliyoni zalabo obekuqondiswe kubo ama-interview ngesikhathi kwenziwa ama-interview, ukuyobheka ngamehlo esimo ezindaweni, kanye nokuhlaziya amadokhethi amacala ngokwenzekayo. Le dizayini yiyona eholele ekusetshenzisweni kwamasampuli amaqembu athize, izinqubo noma amaprosija athize kanye namathekniki athize asetshenzisiwe ekuqoqeni kwe-data kanye nohlaziyo lwayo. Idizayini nokwenziwa kwama-instrumenti okuqoqwa kwe-data ehlukene, kanye nokwenza ama-instrumenti okulinga noma e-piloting, kusetshenzisiwe ukuqinisekisa i-validity, ukuthembeka (reliability), ukuqondana ncamashi kwama-instrumenti (accuracy) kanye nokuqiniseka okubizwa ngokuthi yi-trustworthiness yolwazi noma i-infomeshini eqoqiwe. Ucwaningo, lukhiphe imiphumela yokusiza izinkampani noma izinhlangano zikagesi ekuphatheni kangcono le nkinga noma ifenominoni (phenomenon) yenkinga. Kwenziwe izincomo zokusiza ababambe iqhaza (stakeholders) ukuthuthukisa indima yabo ekulwiseni ukuxhunyelwa kanye nama-connection kagesi angekho emthethweni. / Criminology and Security Science / M. Tech. (Security Management)

Core competencies of radiographers working in rural areas of South Africa

Mungomba, Bernard 02 1900 (has links)
Text in English / The contribution of general diagnostic imaging in the diagnosis and clinical management of patients in rural hospitals of South Africa is enormous. To provide high quality diagnostic imaging services for specific contexts requires radiographers who have up-to-date skills and expertise. Thus, rural radiographers require, over and above traditional radiographic expertise, additional competencies which are unique to rural practice. To date, however, little is known about additional core competencies and skills needed by radiographers working in rural areas. Previous studies have focused more attention primarily on other rural health professionals such as doctors and nurses. The aim of this mixed methods study was to investigate and identify additional core competencies required by radiographers working in rural district hospitals of KZN in order to propose a CPD strategy aimed at rural radiographers. An exploratory sequential design was utilised. There were seven participants in the qualitative phase of the study. In the quantitative phase a convenient sample of 109 respondents was surveyed using a structured questionnaire. Three major themes and seven categories emerged from Phase I of the study. These themes and categories were then used to develop a data collection instrument for Phase II of the study. Collectively, the findings of this mixed methods research revealed that there were a number of additional core competencies such as, but not limited to, teamwork, ability to do basic obstetric ultrasound scans, leadership, management, attitude and behaviours, and reporting on plain x-ray films, all of which are required by rural radiographers. Supporting evidence from the study indicated that the majority of these competencies were either partially or not at all covered in the audited curriculum. The study further revealed that the audited curriculum and the scope of radiography in its current form appear to focus attention on minimum competencies that do not promote the expansion and extension of the role of radiographers in rural areas. The study results also revealed a number of challenges faced by rural radiographers. / Health Studies / D. Litt. et Phil. (Health Studies)

Techno-economic analysis of an off-grid micro-hydrokinetic river system as a remote rural electrification option

Koko, Sandile Phillip January 2014 (has links)
Thesis (M. Tech. (Electrical Engineering )) - Central University of Technology, Free State, 2014 / Remote rural electrification via grid-extension is a challenging solution due to high connection costs and low electricity consumption rate. As a result, it is difficult to recover the initial investment costs. Therefore, electrification is made possible by means of the commonly used off-grid approaches such as solar, wind, diesel generator and conventional micro-hydro. However, owing to non-continuous availability of sunlight and wind, high cost of diesel fuel, and requirements for construction of diversion weirs, these off-grid approaches might not offer a cost-effective and reliable solution to low income rural residents. There are many rural communities throughout the world without access to grid electricity and with access to flowing water. An off-grid micro-hydrokinetic river (MHR) system is one of the promising technologies to be used in remote rural areas with flowing water. It can bring sustainable improvement to their quality of life due to its high energy density and minimal environmental impact. This technology is still in the development stage and there is a lack of application, especially in rural areas. Hence, this study investigates the current status of MHR technology in rural applications. To demonstrate the economic feasibility of an off-grid MHR system, a rural site with multiple energy sources within South Africa has been used. The economic benefit offered by this proposed system at the selected site is compared to the economic benefits offered by other commonly used standalone systems such a solar, wind and diesel generator (DG). This economic comparison has been performed by making use of a Hybrid Optimization Model for Electric Renewable (HOMER) simulation tool. Grid extension has also been used as a comparison method for obtaining an economical distance between grid lines and the remote rural site. The results highlighted the acceptable economic performance of the MHR system. Finally, most of the available modelling and simulation tools for mechanical and electrical systems are not equipped with hydrokinetic modules. Hence, an MHR system model has been developed in MATLAB/Simulink in order to study its dynamic performance as submitted to variable water resource. Its performance has then been compared to the performance of a wind system counterpart for generating the same amount of electrical power. This proved/verified that the proposed system can generate electricity markedly cheaper than a wind system even in areas with adequate wind resource within South Africa.

Techno-economic analysis of an off-grid micro-hydrokinetic river system as a remote rural electrification option

Koko, Sandile Phillip January 2014 (has links)
Thesis (M. Tech. (Electrical Engineering )) - Central University of Technology, Free State, 2014 / Remote rural electrification via grid-extension is a challenging solution due to high connection costs and low electricity consumption rate. As a result, it is difficult to recover the initial investment costs. Therefore, electrification is made possible by means of the commonly used off-grid approaches such as solar, wind, diesel generator and conventional micro-hydro. However, owing to non-continuous availability of sunlight and wind, high cost of diesel fuel, and requirements for construction of diversion weirs, these off-grid approaches might not offer a cost-effective and reliable solution to low income rural residents. There are many rural communities throughout the world without access to grid electricity and with access to flowing water. An off-grid micro-hydrokinetic river (MHR) system is one of the promising technologies to be used in remote rural areas with flowing water. It can bring sustainable improvement to their quality of life due to its high energy density and minimal environmental impact. This technology is still in the development stage and there is a lack of application, especially in rural areas. Hence, this study investigates the current status of MHR technology in rural applications. To demonstrate the economic feasibility of an off-grid MHR system, a rural site with multiple energy sources within South Africa has been used. The economic benefit offered by this proposed system at the selected site is compared to the economic benefits offered by other commonly used standalone systems such a solar, wind and diesel generator (DG). This economic comparison has been performed by making use of a Hybrid Optimization Model for Electric Renewable (HOMER) simulation tool. Grid extension has also been used as a comparison method for obtaining an economical distance between grid lines and the remote rural site. The results highlighted the acceptable economic performance of the MHR system. v Finally, most of the available modelling and simulation tools for mechanical and electrical systems are not equipped with hydrokinetic modules. Hence, an MHR system model has been developed in MATLAB/Simulink in order to study its dynamic performance as submitted to variable water resource. Its performance has then been compared to the performance of a wind system counterpart for generating the same amount of electrical power. This proved/verified that the proposed system can generate electricity markedly cheaper than a wind system even in areas with adequate wind resource within South Africa.

The role of the nurse educator in supporting pupil nurses

Mkhwanazi, Idah Sihle 31 March 2007 (has links)
The aim of this study was to determine the role of the nurse educator in supporting pupil nurses. A quantitative, descriptive survey design was used with a questionnaire as data collection instrument. The sample included pupil nurses following the two year programme for enrolment as a nurse at one of the sub-campuses in Kwa-Zulu Natal. The results revealed that support was offered in the classroom and in the clinical field, though some of the pupil nurses were not happy with the clinical allocations. It was revealed that they were sometimes used as part of the workforce. There was a significant difference between means for the four aspects of support (classroom teaching, clinical teaching, assessment and motivation). The mean ranking for classroom and clinical teaching, were significantly higher than for assessment and motivation. Recommendations with reference to nursing education and further research regarding specific aspects of pupil nurse support were made. / Health Studies / M.A. (Health studies)

The role of life orientation in addressing HIV/AIDS in Kwa-zulu Natal secondary schools

Vethe, Calson Bhekithemba 02 1900 (has links)
The Department of Education is promoting HIV/AIDS education programmes in the public schools of South Africa, particularly through the subject Life Orientation. Therefore, this study investigates the role of Life Orientation in addressing HIV/AIDS in KwaZulu-Natal secondary schools. Different role-players were evaluated to ascertain their attitudes and beliefs about Life Orientation and HIV/AIDS. The examination of different role-players was undertaken to establish the significance of their attitudes and beliefs on the success or failure of the Life Orientation based sex and HIV education programmes in the schools. An attempt was also made to find a relevant definition of the subject Life Orientation that contains the meaning and the purpose of the subject. Teachers were found to be uncertain about an appropriate definition that carries the meaning of Life Orientation; hence they tend to define it by its components such as Life skills, physical education, decision-making, HIV education and others. The study also sought to establish the impact of sex education embedded in Life Orientation on the fight against HIV/AIDS. Sex education was examined to determine whether it encourages or reduces youth sexual activities. In order for teachers to be able to use Life Orientation content to drive sex and HIV education programmes, it had to be ascertained if they were informed or not about HIV/AIDS. The questionnaire carried out an extensive assessment of teachers’ knowledge, attitudes and their personal stance on HIV/AIDS. This study established that training of teachers in both Life Orientation and HIV/AIDS provides them with knowledge which enables them to positively handle sex and HIV education programmes in the classroom. It was for this reason that the study made recommendations with regard to training and support programmes to ensure that teachers are adequately equipped for effective implementation of the subject Life Orientation in the National Curriculum Statement. / Educational Studies / D. Ed. (Curriculum Studies)

The challenges experienced by non- governmental organisations with regard to the roll-out of antiretroviral drugs in KwaZulu-Natal

Michel, Janet 02 1900 (has links)
The purpose of this study is to explore and describe the challenges experienced by non-governmental organisations with regards to the roll-out of ART, with an aim to facilitate strategy development to overcome the challenges and enhance the success of ART rollout by the NGOs. A qualitative, exploratory and descriptive study was conducted. Data collection was done using in-depth semi-structured interviews. Three groups of respondents participated in the study; programme coordinators who directed and supervised ART programmes; doctors who were responsible for prescribing, monitoring and dealing with ART complications; and registered nurses who were responsible for monitoring, referring and providing nursing care to patients on ART. The findings revealed five broad areas of challenges namely; challenges related to sustainability, challenges related to adherence, challenges related to health systems, challenges related to stigma and challenges related to behavior. Of interest were the surge of whoonga and the infiltration of ART roll-out by crime and violence. / Health Studies / MA (Public Health)

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